Arcane Warrior: Ritualist

The ritualist is an esoteric spellcaster that is considered to be the most studious of the arcane warrior disciplines. Equipped with a ritual spellbook, these versatile warriors are able to draw from ancient rituals outside their own traditions. Masters of esoteric rites that not even an archmage could replicate, the ritualist has learned how to turn the most reliable form of magic into a truly unique tool.

Ritual Casting

3rd-level Ritualist feature
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can cast any arcane warrior spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Tome of Rituals

3rd-level Ritualist feature
Also at 3rd level, you gain a special book in which you record spells that you can cast as rituals. This book starts with three spells of your choice from any class, including this one. The chosen spells must have the ritual tag and must be of a level no higher than half your level in this class, rounded up. As long as you have your tome with you, you can cast the spells within it as if they were arcane warrior spells, but only as rituals.

When you reach 5th level, and again at every odd-numbered arcane warrior level thereafter, choose one additional spell to add to your tome. As before, each spell chosen can be from any class, but must have the ritual tag and must be of a level no higher than half your level in this class, rounded up.

Arcanum Casting

7th-level Ritualist feature
Beginning at 7th level, you can speed up your ritual magic. Whenever you cast a spell as a ritual, you can choose to expend mana equal to half the spell's level (minimum 1) instead of increasing the casting time.

Arming Rite

11th-level Ritualist feature
By 11th level, you have learned to combine your experience with ritual magic and weaponry by developing a unique ritual to enhance your armaments. Performing this ritual takes 10 minutes and enhances one weapon, shield, or suit of armor for 8 hours.

For the duration, the item becomes magical if it wasn't already magical, and confers a +1 bonus for every 1 mana you spend during the ritual (with a maximum of +3) to attack and damage rolls (if a weapon) or to AC (if a shield or suit of armor). If it is a magic item that already has a bonus, the bonuses are additive, to a maximum of +3.

You may use this ability multiple times, and on the equipment of others. However, you may only have a cumulative number of numerical bonuses active at any given time equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).

Ritual Master

15th-level Ritualist feature
Starting at 15th level, you no longer have to concentrate while ritual casting. Additionally, when you cast a ritual spell with a duration other than instantaneous, you can spend mana equal to half the spell's level. If you do, and the duration is less than 24 hours, it becomes 24 hours. Additionally, if the spell requires concentration, it no longer requires concentration.