Arcane Warrior: Spellblade

The spellblade, sometimes called the magus or the spellsword, is the most iconic of the arcane warrior classes. Often seen with a blade in one hand and a hand flickering with magic in the other, these duelists can dash across the battlefield, delivering strikes and spells in equal measure. Though they are primarily melee combatants, their spellcraft, mobility, and their ability to reflect spells back at their casters, makes the spellblade a terror at any range.

Knowledge Pool

3rd-level Spellblade feature
At 3rd level, your rigorous training expands your mind as well as your body. You have advantage on ability checks to identify or master spells, and you can master an additional number of spells equal to your proficiency bonus.

Prescient Riposte

3rd-level Spellblade feature
Additionally at 3rd level, you can magically enhance your reflexes to retaliate against your foes. Whenever you activate your Arcane Defection feature, if it causes the triggering attack to miss and you are wielding a melee weapon, you can retaliate as part of the same reaction by spending 1 mana.

If the triggering attack was a melee attack and the attacker is within reach, you can make one melee weapon attack against them. If the triggering attack was a ranged attack, you can make a ranged spell attack against the attacker, deflecting their spell or projectile back at them on a hit, using your spell attack modifier.


7th-level Spellblade feature
Beginning at 7th level, you can weave swordplay and spellcraft together in dizzying combinations. Whenever you make a melee spell attack or a ranged spell attack, you may spend 1 extra mana to make a melee weapon attack with a weapon instead, provided the target is within range of your weapon. If the melee weapon attack hits, the spell hits as well.

Battlemage's Speed

11th-level Spellblade feature
Starting at 11th level, you can cast haste on yourself by spending 3 mana. When cast in this manner, the duration is 5 rounds, but does not require concentration.

Improved Battle Magic

15th-level Spellblade feature
Beginning at 15th level, your blend of spell and steel is more potent than most. You gain the following benefits: