Fighter Talents: Soldiering Knacks

Amphibious Combatant

You gain a swimming speed equal to your Speed, and may spend 1 focus to reroll a failed Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check related to aquatic activity (such as Athletics checks to swim, Acrobatics checks to keep balance on a ship’s deck, or Constitution checks to hold your breath). You may choose whether to use the new roll or the original. In addition, you add your proficiency bonus to the number of minutes you can hold your breath before suffocating, and can spend 1 focus to hold your breath for an additional minutes equal to your proficiency bonus

Burst of Strength

Prerequisites: Combat Maneuvers feature
You may spend 1 focus to add your proficiency bonus to a Strength check, even if you already add your proficiency bonus to the check.


You double your Strength score when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can lift, push, or drag. You may also add your proficiency modifier to the number of hours you can march before you risk fatigue from a forced march.

Clearsight Sentinel

You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from another source, its range increases by 30 feet. In addition, you do not suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks in lightly obscured areas, except for areas of darkness.

Extreme Leap

Prerequisites: Combat Maneuvers feature
When you take the Dash action, your jump distance is doubled for the turn. You may spend 1 focus to triple your jump distance for the turn instead, and may move the full distance of your jump even if it exceeds your Speed.


You gain a climbing speed equal to your Speed, and may spend 1 focus to reroll a failed Athletics check to climb, choosing whether to use the new roll or the original. In addition, moving through rocks, debris, and similar nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement.


When taking a long rest, add your proficiency bonus to the number of hours you can spend in light activity. In addition, an additional hour of that time can be spent in strenuous activity near the rest site (such as patrolling, fighting, or other adventuring activities) without interrupting your rest.

Weather Beaten

You gain advantage on saving throws against cold and hot weather, as well as any adverse effects from wind or precipitation.

Requires 2nd Level

Adamantine Attitude

Prerequisites: 2nd level, Steely Mien feature
Choose a second option from the Steely Mien class feature. You gain the benefits from it.

Requires 5th Level

Stable Footing

Prerequisite: 5th level
You have advantage on any check or saving throw to avoid falling prone or handle difficult ground (such as against a grease spell or slippery ice). When you take falling damage, you take 1d6 damage for every 20 feet you fall, rather than for every 10 feet, and you only fall prone if you take an amount of damage greater than or equal to 5 x your proficiency bonus.

Requires 6th Level

Martial Loremaster

Prerequisites: 6th level, Martial Lore feature
Choose a second option from the Martial Lore class feature. You gain the benefits from it.

Requires 14th Level

Coping Mechanisms

Prerequisites: 14th level, War's Toll feature
Choose a second option from the War's Toll class feature. You gain the benefits from it.