Marshal: Strategist
Student of Warfare
3rd-level Strategist feature
You gain proficiency in the two of the following skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion. If you are already proficient in the chosen skills, you gain expertise instead.
Battlefield Strategy
3rd-level Strategist feature
You are adept at observing the shifting tides of the battlefield. When combat begins, you gain a Strategy die, which is a d4. While you have this die, a friendly creature within range of your Commanding Presence can roll the Strategy die and add it to the result of an attack roll or saving throw. Once rolled, the Strategy die is spent. You lose unspent Strategy dice when combat ends.
At the start of your turn, you regain spent Strategy dice as a d4. If no one has rolled a Strategy die since your last turn, you instead upgrade the die to the next larger size. A d4 becomes a d6, a d6 becomes a d8, and so on up to a maximum of d12.
Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo making one attack to allow a friendly creature within range of your Commanding Presence to use its reaction to cast a cantrip as long as it can hear or see you.
Contingency Plan
3rd-level Strategist feature
You always have a backup plan. You have advantage on initiative, and when you use your action to delay your turn, you may delay the rest of your turn to any point in the initiative, and do not need to specify a trigger.
At 15th level, you and friendly creatures who can see or hear you within range of your Commanding Presence cannot be surprised while you are conscious.
Logistical Acumen
7th-level Strategist feature
As a bonus action, you can bolster another friendly creature who can see or hear you within range of your Commanding Presence. The creature regains one of the following:
- A single use of a trait or class feature that would normally be regained by finishing a short rest.
- An amount of mana equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).
- An amount of focus equal to your proficiency bonus.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Leadership ability modifier and you regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Expert Strategist
11th-level Strategist feature
You gain a second Strategy die, which is used, replenished, and upgraded independently from the first. A creature can only add one Strategy dice to a single roll.
Additionally, your Strategy dice start as d6s when combat begins.
Art of War
15th-level Strategist feature
Starting at 15th level, when a creature spends one of your Strategy dice, it gains temporary hit points equal to the result of the die roll. These temporary hit points are lost when combat ends.
Additionally, you can use a bonus action to choose one hostile creature within range of your Commanding Presence. A friendly creature of your choice within reach of the hostile creature provokes an opportunity attack from the hostile creature. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Leadership ability modifier + your proficiency bonus) to avoid taking this opportunity attack. If a hostile creature makes this opportunity attack, all attacks have advantage against that creature until the end of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long or short rest.
Master of Strategy
18th-level Strategist feature
When a creature adds a Strategy die to an attack roll or saving throw, the Strategy die is downgraded one step, instead of being spent. If the Strategy die is a d4, it is instead spent until the start of your next turn.
Additionally, your Strategy dice start as d8s when combat begins.