Rogue: Swashbuckler

Original Source: Xanathar's Guide to Everything

Bonus Proficiencies

3rd-level Swashbuckler feature
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Acrobatics, Athletics, or Persuasion.

Fancy Footwork

3rd-level Swashbuckler feature
As in Xanathar's Guide to Everything

Rakish Audacity

3rd-level Swashbuckler feature
As in Xanathar's Guide to Everything


9th-level Swashbuckler feature
Your charm becomes extraordinarily beguiling. When you flourish, you can activate the Threaten flourish in addition to the option you choose. When you do, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) check against the target's passive Wisdom (Insight). On a success, the target is Threatened for 1 minute, or until one of your companions attacks it or affects it with a spell or ability.

Additionally, choose one of the following Roguish Expertise options: Roguish Charm, Veiled Threat, Walk it Back. If you know the chosen option, you can use its ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Cunning Action: Elegant Maneuver

13th-level Swashbuckler feature
You can use a bonus action granted by your Cunning Action on your turn to gain advantage on the next Acrobatics or Athletics check you make during the same turn.

Master Duelist

17th-level Swashbuckler feature
Immediately after you use your Sneak Attack, you can make another attack against the same target, provided you are within 5 feet of it and no other creatures are within 5 feet of you.