
You have been brought up amongst the close-knit, familial communities of halflings who live peacefully in-tune with the natural world.

Skill Proficiencies: You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Investigation, Nature, Precision, Resilience, or Stealth.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Halfling.

Community Minded (Major)
Halfling communities are known for their boundless generosity and fellowship. Whenever you use a spell or ability that targets two or more friendly creatures, increase the number of creatures you can target by half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Soil Whisperer (Major)
You have an intrinsic connection with the earth and soil. You ignore difficult terrain caused by any form of earth or soil, such as mud, or mountainous terrain. Additionally, you can attempt to divine the earth’s wisdom by submerging your feet or hands into mud or soil as an action. When you do, you gain the benefits as if you had cast the augury spell. You can’t use this trait again until after you finish a Long Rest.
Halfling Cultural Training (Minor)
You are trained in the tools common to your people. You have proficiency with your choice of any two artisan tools.