Heavenly Boon: Half Celestial

Prerequisite(s): 3rd level, Celestial creature type

The influence of the Upper Planes has manifested in noticeable changes which manifest on your person. Choose two of the following traits:

Cantrip1st-Level Spell2nd-Level Spell
blade wardblessalter self
druidcraftburning handsanimal messenger
encode thoughtscharm creaturearcane lock
fire boltcommandblindness/deafness
friendscompelled duelbranding smite
green-flame bladecurewoundscalm emotions
guidancedetect evil and gooddetect thoughts
lightdetect magicenthrall
mendingdisguise selfflame blade
messagedissonant whispershold creature
mind sliverdivine favorinvisibility
minor illusionensnaring strikelevitate
prestidigitationentanglelocate resources
sacred flamefog cloudlocate target
spare the dyingguiding boltmisty step
thaumaturgygust of windphantasmal force
wind bladehellish rebukeprotection from poison
 hunter's markrestoration
 protection from evil and goodsilence
 searing smitezone of truth