Duron Coldlight
Magister Duron Coldlight was a member of the Magisters of Silvermoon and had come to the Quel'lithien lodge accompanied by his two students, Kriss Goldenlight and Telina Mirthbrook in order to investigate troll artifacts that had been retrieved by Ranger-Captain Renthar Hawkspear while also administering a final exam to the two. Unfortunately, he met his end in the process.
Coming soon.
Duron was a very harsh mentor and would not censor himself when it came to pointing out flaws in the attempts of his students. He was very much stuck in the old ways of doing things and had a definitive amount of pride given his position. Even so, he was also a very knowledgeable man and seemed more than willing to offer information in his own, admittedly barbed, manner.
Coming soon.
Magister Coldlight had ultimately been murdered by his star-student, Telina Mirthbrook, who had stolen the sacrificial troll dagger that Duron had come to examine in the lodge armory. His body had been seemingly exsanguinated, and it seemed apparent that his death was used to tear open an unstable portal to the Twisting Nether.
Coming soon.