Kargath Bladefist

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- Status
- Alive
Kargath Bladefist is a former slave who severed the shackles of imprisonment by the Gorian Empire and ultimately became the warlord of the Shattered Hand.
Coming Soon.
Birth of the Shattered Hand
Kargath was raised as a slave by the ogres of Gorian Empire where he was forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena against members of his own kind. He was promised that, if he could take 100 orcish lives in the arena, he would be freed of his imprisonment. Ultimately, he managed to pay the price and slayed his final opponent with a broken sword.
However, the promise of freedom was a lie and he was promptly thrown back in the dungeons beneath Highmaul. Out of desperation and fury, he managed to use a heavy, sharp stone to sever his hand so that he could be freed of the shackles that bound him. The other orc slaves that were held with him - inspired by his resolve - followed in his steps and joined him in a massive uprising against the ogres.
The emperor was killed, and the slaves that followed Kargath to victory continued to follow him into the birth of the Shattered Hand Clan.
Chapter One: Matters of Life and Death
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Kargath and his Shattered Hand focused primarily on scouring Silvermoon for the remnants of the Thalassian Resistance following the opening of the Dark Portal and the fall of Silvermoon, thus he was an obvious pick for invitation to Arthak's Clipped Wing coalition. Kargath did attend the first formal meeting at Stormreaver Spire, though he arrived late and was among the most vocal challengers to Arthak. However, he was more than happy to wet his blade when the Thalassian Resistance ambushed the meeting, and actively fought in fending them off.
Appeared In
Chapter One: Matters of Life and Death
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Two
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Three
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Twenty-Two
Coming Soon.