[Horde] Chapter One: Session Seventeen
Appearing Characters: Aracyra, Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Bladefury, Blackhand, Drak'thul, Dranosh Saurfang, Garrosh Hellscream, Gul'dan, Gramgun Laughingeye, Grommash Hellscream, Jorin Deadeye, Kargath Bladefist, Kaylaan, Lantresor, M'uru, Mindi, Mork, Nerezza, Remnii, Samaara, Shaspira, Sorak Thunderforged, Spinyl, Teron'gor, Yrel, Zalia
May 27th - July 3rd
The blackened portions of the island slowly start to crumble over the next several days. It will likely take several months, but over time half the island would be in the sea.
In Azgadaan’s downtime, he was able to scour the wreckage. As he looked around, he was able to find some pretty sturdy bracers. He takes them to Remnii to try on, and there were about two that would fit her well. One of them was sturdier and thicker, and the other one was smaller and more versatile. He chose the sturdier one.
He also opted to take a few risks during the enchantment process, for hopefully higher payout.
It takes Azgadaan some time to get the enchantment to stick. However, eventually it does. The day before Arthak returned, he was able to complete the item. As he completes it, it seems to have held the abjuration spell.
However, it was not exactly what Azgadaan was expecting. It didn’t seem to require a command word. As he looked closer, it seemed that they were actually a modification on the “bracers of defense”. However, the enchantment was prone to being damaged. After being struck by an attack, the enchantment shuts down for one round.
Azgadaan gives it to Remnii, and she gives him a sheepish smile.
Remnii laughs and thanks him again.
Remnii asks that he try not to get too exhausted so he can pay attention later.
Over the two weeks, Yrel also worked with Azgadaan to get him acclimated with heavy armor.
Azgadaan also asks M’uru if it’s possible to shut off a demon’s connection to the Twisting Nether so they cannot reform, but M’uru was unable to provide an answer. Ultimately, if Azgadaan didn’t want to reform and risk coming back with no memory, he had to safeguard himself.
Sorak spent the two weeks kind of just taking “me time”. He was able to note that the strange, twisted wildlife of the area was also dying with the island. The cause seemed to be acute cardiac arrest. Effectively, the lack of the source of the corruption was causing them to die off.
During his time ranging, Sorak found some wilted, but still good, basic amenities. He was able to restock his general, mundane alchemical supplies.
She also would occasionally chat with Samaara as sometimes they would bump into each other while ranging. They shared some good conversations about ogres and the like.
Mork, Mindi, and the boat are flagged down and Mork and Mindi come ashore. Mork has a sailing cap. No idea where he got it. However, both of them are proficient sailors now.
(Continued from Pink and Blue, How Are You? The thread)
Remnii considers for a moment.
She sighs dramatically with a hand over her head. Remnii laughs.
Spinyl explains she misses pretending to be an orc because she at least got some respect. Remnii laughs and jokes about being Arthak, and Spinyl mentions Glaasha - good name according to Remnii.
She sighs.
She smiles suddenly, jokingly.
Spinyl shrugs.
Remnii said it was not for her to say, but she asks again if it’s Spinyl’s plan to report back for some time. Spinyl confirms as, eventually, two annoying succubi may show up to hound them someday.
Remnii considers for a moment. “That being said, earnest question, do you think it would be wise to sneak around? Do you think it would be advantageous?”
She pats in front of her, and Spinyl goes and sits down.
A bit later, Spinyl’s hair is nicely braided.
Azgadaan and Yrel boot up the repaired Crystal Chronicle, but it’s hilariously boring and dry as far as the lessons and manuals contained within. It’s very informative, but not the most interesting content. There is no information on fighting as a Vindicator - it’s just how to act as a Vindicator and what it means to be one. There was also some information on Argus as it was.
Spinyl goes and parties with the Laughing Skulls (and to inform them that their island is crumbling).
The exact situation that happened previously happened again. She killed another Laughing Skull. However, she looked like Lazuli this time - one of her fellow coven members.
Again, none of the Laughing Skulls seem mad.
However, as she drops her disguise, her hair didn’t revert color. It’s now stuck blue. Even after she prestidigitations it back, it occasionally flickers back to blue.
A few days later, Remnii agrees to meet the Queen of Whispers. She met with Yrel and Samaara for council. Samaara advises caution and Yrel doesn’t like it.
Spinyl leaves out Remnii as Velen’s daughter and what they found at the bottom of Tempest Keep. She pulls off an excellent lie and Nerezza cannot see (from what we can tell) that she’s covering up the truth.
Nerezza pauses. Spinyl asks what type of activity.
Her face flashes with anger. Spinyl thinks on it.
Spinyl correctly assumes other demons.
Spinyl asks her if she can learn about anything regarding what the warband has been doing on Draenor and the fallout of it, and Nerezza says she will see what she can do. However, she also warns Spinyl that Remnii’s identity is not so secret. After all, the name Velen spreads quickly through the Legion. She also asks Spinyl to be cautious so she doesn’t get hurt. Spinyl says she will do so.
Nerezza leaves with a few more words with a swirl of her cloak after she complements Spinyl’s hair. Spinyl gives a sigh of relief.
After a few minutes, Remnii gets up.
Spinyl expressed that she seemed to be in a mostly good mood, at least. They head back, and Spinyl reports to the Legion.
Sorak is on watch several days later. As the sun is rising, he sees white fur in the distance. Sorak immediately starts to perform a ritual as Wintermaw starts loping towards him at a full sprint. He leaps up and knocks him flat on his ass and starts to lick his face.
Sorak greets him happily.
As he licks Sorak, in his own way, Wintermaw barks happily. Sorak is able to understand him thanks to speak with animals.
Sorak immediately starts to wrestle him and they tussle on the ground. It’s really endearing.
Arthak, Kaylaan, and Lantresor walk by. Azgadaan is confused by Lanresor. Kaylaan cheerfully makes a jibe at Sorak, and Sorak immediately stops and stares at him.
Sorak welcomes Kaylaan back, and then looks at the banner Arthak is displaying.
Samaara, Azgadaan, Remnii, and Yrel all raise their eyebrows. Spinyl congratulates him.
Introductions are exchanged.
The group lets Arthak know what happened at Tempest Keep. Sorak steps down as Arthak’s second, and then explains in more detail what he did to Azgadaan.
Arthak is quiet for a moment.
Sorak also mentions the naaru they launched.
Arthak said he still wants Sorak amongst the warband. However, he apologized. Sorak asked why.
Arthak didn’t ask Sorak to be his second - the role was just assigned. However, Sorak still wanted to keep minimal secrets between them, and it was agreed. The captain alerts the group they are preparing to set sail back to Hellfire Keep. Arthak alerts the group they need to talk, and then he names Kaylaan as his new second as Sorak had stepped down. Kaylaan was incredibly surprised, but he did express he was willing to do so.
Spinyl assumed that was the situation anyway. She then told Arthak she did talk to her queen, and that Remnii was present. They know that Socrethar is dead, but the Legion doesn’t know who killed him.
He then extends an offer to Spinyl to join his clan, and he extends it to the rest of the warband as well.
Samaara and Yrel pass.
Spinyl joins, but in her excitement, her hair turns blue. Remnii complements the shade as it matches her eyes. She’s so conflicted.
Azgadaan remains with the draenei’s choice. However, he asks Arthak if the offer extends to Mork and Mindi as they are part of the warband.
Arthak relents.
Remnii also insists that Azgadaan give the spyglass back to its proper owner.
They discuss plans for Hellfire Citadel. Remnii is insistent that Arthak exercise caution with some of his plans. Plus, the Horde probably all know that Sorak is a shaman at this point. They decide to try and spin it as useful offensively.
Remnii goes to welcome Arthak back personally a few days before they leave. Arthak thanks her, but she comments that he sound confused. He comments that they are unfamiliar words. Remnii comments on Arthak’s new clan. She has been thinking over the last two days, but she does not believe she should split her allegiances seeing she doesn’t know of the safety of her people yet. Arthak said that, in some time, the clan he is forming may not find itself in the good graces of the Horde, but he would still be a member of the Broken Blade and an orc.
It’s the same for everyone else.
Arthak explains when and how he made it, and that its name is Varg: “Burden”.
As they set off for the ship, Arthak notices something interesting. The ship is now sailing a (really rough) banner of the Broken Blade. The captain is hanging on to some of the rigging with a smug smile. As the group approaches, he hops down to meet them.
Both Mork and Mindi are on the ship as well. Mork gives a thumbs up and a nod, and Mindi spins him around. Arthak looks at Mork and Mindi, and then shrugs. Azgadaan attempts to fool Arthak into thinking he made some weapons of his own by using his pact weapon, but Arthak isn’t fooled. Azgadaan is such a dork. Azgadaan also shows off his armor and asks Arthak if he can upgrade it. Arthak grins. He has a few ideas.
Yrel and Samaara also come to Arthak for upgrades. Kaylaan did as well.
Most of the time, Remnii is sitting on M’uru. However, Kaylaan ends up finding her during one of the times she’s not.
She pats a seat next to her. He sits down. And Remnii tells him everything.
Kaylaan gestures at the island.
He laughs.
Remnii continues to explain.
Then she squints.
Kaylaan shrugs.
Remnii agrees.
Remnii asks to advise caution with Arthak and the Legion. She doesn’t know how much longer the Horde will be different then the Legion. Both of them have a bad feeling about going back to Hellfire. There is a storm coming. They talk for a bit more, and then Kaylaan departs.
A few days later, they land in Tanaan Jungle.
Azgadaan asks Arthak if he wants to enhance his abilities with talking for the final showdown. Arthak explains that words only go so far for the Horde, though he does appreciate it. He mentions to bring it up again if they ever have to talk to the Legion.
The harbor is bustling. It appears that the Horde is preparing for war.
Arthak gets a message from Jorin Deadeye in his head requesting to speak elsewhere before he arrives.
Lantresor warns Arthak that he was exiled from the Burning Blade and bringing him back may cause ire. Arthak agrees that him staying back would be wise, and he extends the offer to the others. Azgadaan suggest Samaara remain behind as she was not part of the original deal, but she is insistent that she will not leave her sister and Remnii alone again.
No one else is staying behind.
They go to meet Jorin, who is in the opposite direction of Hellfire. Some questions are asked. Arthak expresses that Spinyl will be pleased.
Unsubtly, a familiar orc steps out. It’s Jorin Deadeye, and he is leaning heavily on his staff.
Arthak greets him. Jorin has a nasty scar right by his remaining good eye. Jorin says the scar is part of the reason he had to talk to them. Arthak asks where Dranosh is, and he pauses before saying that he is up ahead. As they walk for a bit longer, Jorin explains Varok sent them out. The mission was vital. Things sound ominous. As they break through the foliage, they see a ramshackle shelter.
They were investigating the Red Pox, and it was confirmed it protected against fel taint. Varok wanted to learn more about it.
Arthak wants to know where his uncle is, and Jorin said it would be dangerous for him to do so. Jorin explains further that they were attacked by marauders, and they had to run. Jorin was able to escape most unscathed. He pulled the curtain aside and revealed Dranosh laying on a makeshift bed. Buried into his flesh is a fearsome wound. It’s festering and starting to become infected.
Arthak knows the wound is from Stormreavers.
Dranosh opens his eyes and greets Arthak. Remnii had pushed herself up next to Arthak. Spinyl begs Remnii to help him, and then Dranosh looks over to Spinyl. He greets her with a small laugh. Sorak also steps forward to help Remnii. Everyone else backs out. Dranosh is still trying to comfort Spinyl.
Remnii is successfully able to heal the infection, and Dranosh says he is feeling better already, but Remnii keeps him down and says she is prescribing bed rest. Jorin continues, saying that they never learned what the source of the pox was. They were trying to figure that out so they could use that as a weapon, or as protection, or as a cure. If they could use Red Pox, they could help the Fel orcs or make them docile.
He thinks they might have known they were coming. They fled north trying to fled over the sea. But they had done their damage and stole what they had managed to find. He wasn’t so sure what they were able to find- an ogre fetish. He didn’t realize how important it was until a greenskin orc grabbed it from his hands and began exhibited the symptoms. Then they had to flee.
He fears Gul’dan might have gotten his hands on it. So caution would be wise. As soon as Dranosh was safe enough to travel, they will make for Bleeding Hollow territory. He says Arthak has to focus on delivering the Naaru, but to keep in mind what this might mean.
Arthak thanks Jorin and asks if there is anything he wants him to relate to his father. Jorin said to only say what they found. Azgadaan offers sending a message to him, and Arthak agrees. Arthak asks them to be safe and recover well.
Dranosh thanks Remnii and Sorak. Then says he wants to share some stories with Spinyl. Spinyl flusteredly says there are some stories she wants to share. The warband says goodbye to Dranosh and wish him well. Spinyl and Dranosh spend sweet moment together. Arthak confirms to Kaylaan that the plan hasn’t changed.
Hellfire Citadel has camps all around it. It’s changed, though. The camps are war camps this time. There are hundreds of camps here, easily thousands of Orcs. The Horde had begun to gather itself. The Warband breaches the outside of the camp. Soldiers are left and right. Eyes are locking on them as they go by. They move the fuck out of the way, as they can put two and two together.
There’s whispers of “traitor spawn” and “coward son.”
Arthak tries to intimidate, but it doesn’t seem to work.
They pass clan after clan, banners flying in the air. The smell of war wafts up and around the monolith of Hellfire Citadel. They stride forward, the Warbands part. One fight is broken up because of them.
They approach the doors of Hellfire Citadel. The door groans open. There’s another group of Orcs. There are the banners of the Warsong Clan and Blackrock. They’re the elites, clearly. There’s not a ton. Amidst them, there’s Grom and Garrosh Hellscream. Grom’s arm are crossed and his son speaks to him.
Garrosh turns to the Warband. He sees the Naaru. A toothy grin plays across his face and the Hellscreams close the distance.
Arthak opts to walk past Garrosh. He’s not dealing with it right now, clearly angry.
Garrosh goads and he smirks. Grom watches but says nothing. Arthak stops and turns.
Grom nods in a "well said" kind of way. Garrosh pouts but he sees Spinyl.
Spinyl puts on a cool face and walks on by.
As the Warband enters the Citadel, Blackhand comes into view. He looks. His grey face is shocked for a moment as the band continues in-- just like they said they would… Naaru and all. He walks up the railing and looks down at the Warband and he waits.
Arthak gets to where he stood months ago.
Blackhand looks down and squints. He speaks to the Orc next to him for a moment before addressing him.
It’s just then when the door behind Blackhand opens. There are a number of familiar faces: Gul’dan, Drak’thul (his Warlock), Teron'gor. There’s Kargath Bladefist and Azuka Bladefury. Gul’dan’s eyes meet the Naaru and a smile twists upon his face.
Arthak hrrms and looks up at him.
Blackhand smiles.
He lets the banner speak for himself. Blackhand, and the other Orcs, raise their eyebrows. Grom smirks. Garrosh is watching, interested-- still wearing the smug smile.
Azuka moves up to the railing.
He looks into Azuka’s eyes. There’s a kill stealing grin. Her face contorts in anger and Azuka growls.
Azuka laughs.
Kaylaan steps forward, Spinyl too. Remnii steps forward, too. He introduces Kaylaan.
A number of here-heres can be heard. Gul’dan agrees.
A foul iron blade is thrown before Arthak. Azuka jumps off the balcony and lands before him.
Gul’dan’s face contorts to anger.
She spits
She then turns back to Arthak.
Kaylaan’s face says he clearly does not support the idea.
Arthak extends a hand to Kaylaan. Kaylaan looks confused.
He turns to Azuka.
Azuka lunges in. Arthak draws his new sword, the nodachi courses with fire and storm alike. Sword drawn, he connects. He’s able to clip her with each of his hits. She smiles and bounces back, not quite fighting him directly.
Being immune to fear, Arthak laughs.
Her face seems to blur, for the hint of a moment she looks like Arthak’s mother. The burning runes on her weapons drip a bloody crimson as she swings in. He’s able to reflect it. As the blood splashes across his face. He hears a scream. It’s an Orcish babe and a women in pain. Still, he shrugs it off. He swings in and she parries his attack on all accounts. He swings in again and they clash. Arthak digs in deep and cuts into her. She laughs.
Azuka offers a flurry of attacks. Both hit him hard. He counters, hitting her. She spins out of the way and bites into him hard with her sword. In the flurry, his sword goes flying far out of the way. Spinyl cheers him on.
Azgadaan actually messages Gul’dan in protest. Gul’dan says they cannot interrupt, as traditions run deep.
Arthak disengages and retrieves his blade. Azuka swings up and goes for a vicious cut, blade dripping. She follows it up with two swift slashes. Arthak is able just barely riposte them to make a counter attack. Azuka’s speed slowly droops as Arthak bleeds her with every hit and strikes a devasting blow. Arthak ducks under her attacks, dodging, slashing once across the face. As he turns, he turns his blade so she eviscerates herself on the blade.
She closes her eyes. When she opens them and there’s focus in her eyes. As her blade swings up, there’s a flicker. Right as the weapon goes to strike Arthak, Kaylaan dashes forward and spills out on the ground. It’s rended his left arm and the arm goes spinning.
Azuka looks down at Kaylaan and over to Arthak. Spinyl and Remnii manage to drag him off, and Azgadaan grabs his arm.
Arthak starts to make the swing and stops.
He grits his teeth.
They circle each other before Arthak swings in. He misses the first and the cuts in with his second hit.
Arthak then swings in and then damages her a number of times. Azuka is standing, still. They lunge at each other multiple times.
Finally, Arthak parries and bats her blade out of her hand. He cuts her sword arm off immediately afterwards. Arthak breathes heavily.
He cuts off her other arm.
He drives his blade right through her.
She’s impaled to the hilt of his blade. Arthak grabs her by the throat, pulls the blade out, forces her to her knees, and takes her head. Azuka’s head rolls to the ground, body slumping. There is a moment. A LOT of eyes are wide.
Arthak turns. He looks to Blackhand.
Gul’dan’s face is wide-eyed. He grits his teeth. As he finished saying that, the Orcs in the crowd begin to cheer and roar. As the band looks around, their arms are raised to the sky, chanting Arthak’s name, the name of the Broken Blade, and for the Horde.
Arthak, who is going for Kaylaan, instead gets hoisted up into the air. Spinyl goads people on.
Arthak and Remnii make eye contact, and she nods in assurance that she'll take care of Kaylaan. He oozes concern and tries to make his way to Kaylaan. He fails.
Kaylaan regains consciousness and looks at his now missing less arm. He curses in draenic.
Kaylaan points at Azuka.
Remnii blinks.
Remnii gestures at Arthak, who is still looking back, and Kaylaan waves weakly. Arthak looks visibly relieved.
Azgadaan and Sorak are watching Gul’dan. Sorak is able to detect that he is using some sort of divination magic. Gul’dan scowls, but then the look turns into a grin. As he does, he opens his eyes, and Blackhand holds out a hand to silence the crowd.
The orcs set Arthak down.
The sky darkens, and there is a crackle of energy. High in the sky, a rift opens. Fel energy tears the sky open, and a massive steel monolith emerges through the portal.
It’s a Legion flagship.
The Horde turns to look at the hulking behemoth with a proper amount of awe and uncertainty. Magic coalesces again, and another portal appears. From it appears a massive hulk of fel iron, that launches itself into the outside area of the Hellfire Citadel.
As it lands, part of the metal begins to move. Slowly but surely, it distends itself into a ramp. As the ramp lowers, three female figures step from the darkness. At the front is an eredar woman. She wears immaculate silver robes. Her skin is white, and she has red eyes that glance around at the Horde. Azgadaan knows her. Her reputation proceeds her. She is a pretty prolific eredar lady who, in her time, surpassed Jaraxxus quite rapidly. She is one of the highest ranking eredar sorceresses working under Archimonde. She is known as the White Tyrant, and her name is Shaspira. Flanking her to her left is another eredar. Judging from her appearance, she is likely related. Her black flowing dress seems to shimmer in the shadows. To her right is a succubus, that matches the description of someone that would be called the Queen of Bones.
Gul’dan waves his hand and disappears, then reappears near the three women. Gul’dan bows deeply. Shaspira holds up a hand.
Her eyes go to the naaru, and she steps past Gul’dan. She approaches Arthak’s group.
Arthak steps forward.
She bows to Arthak.
She looks at Blackhand.
She looks at the naaru, and she makes a gesture. The naaru vanishes.
The succubus definitely noticed Spinyl. Shaspira turns to look to the Queen of Bones.
She runs forward, kicks off of the cylinder, and her boney wings fill with fel energy as she flies up to the ship.
Arthak gives another bow.
Shaspira looks at the rest.
Shaspira’s eyes pan across all of them, and she offers Azgadaan a look of genuine interest. She’s rather curious to speak with him. She looks at Sorak with some interest as well. He is the only brownskin orc in a sea of greenskins. She offers Spinyl a smile. However, when her gaze reaches Remnii, there is a flash of contempt in her eyes.
She then coasts after Arthak.
The group loses sight of Arthak and Shaspira.
Aracyra steps forward and offers a deep curtsy.
Azgadaan is surprised she knows his name, but she expresses she knows his reputation, and she had met his father at court previously. She looks over to Kaylaan.
Azgadaan offers to take her on a tour. Aracyra expressed that perhaps it would do to go now so she does not trouble her allies.
Remnii looks at Spinyl, and Spinyl asks if she should come. Aracyra expresses she does not mind. She smiles up at Azgadaan, and he presents his arm.
A gentle blush appears on her stark white cheeks and she takes his arm.
Spinyl tails after them.