
Art by
- Species
- Nathrezim
- Gender
- Male
- Status
- Alive
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Mal'Ganis was summoned to Azeroth in order to pursue Frostmourne after it had been lost during the opening of the Dark Portal, and upon his arrival, he immediately sought out Frostmourne's former wielder: Arthak Saurfang. He asked what Arthak knew of the blade, and how he had lost possession of it, and Arthak was honest in his responses, explaining that Ner'zhul had used magic to break the sword's connection to him before he was slain by it. Arthak expressed that Ner'zhul had implied he had an ability to perceive fate, but he didn't know anything more about such a talent, and he also admitted that the blade was calling to him and he believed the sword still had a piece of his soul.
Mal'Ganis stated that Arthak's assistance in reclaiming the sword would be appreciated as it had clearly deemed him worthy of wielding it, however, Arthak refused, expressing that if he took up the blade again he did not feel he would be the master in the relationship, and he ultimately had other duties within the city. The response resulted in a degree of disappointment from the dreadlord, who mused that fear did not suit a chieftain of the Horde, but he promised Arthak that they would be in touch again once the blade was reclaimed.
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 1)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 6)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 7)
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Five (Alternate Timeline)
Appeared In
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Horde] Chapter Three: Session Five
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 1)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 6)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 7)
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Five (Alternate Timeline)
Coming soon.