[Horde] Chapter Three: Session Five

Appearing Characters: Aracyra, Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Gel'nok, Halno, Levia Blackflight, Mal'Ganis, Nyxxa, Selin Fireheart, Shaspira, Velhari, Zaestra

November 24th

Arthak is going through the reports on the sewers and catacombs beneath Silvermoon. Unfortunately, it seems most of the maps of those areas were destroyed, and the warlocks that knew that information were slain or disappeared. It also appears the Resistance had laid out a myriad of traps in the sewers and catacombs.

Arthak starts to command forces to move more into the catacombs to lock down various areas.

Throughout the day, Arthak had several visitors. Sometime after he had gotten lunch, an Ironmarch grunt enters.

Ironmarch Grunt says: Chieftain Arthak. There’s someone here to see you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Um. Who?
Ironmarch Grunt says: He wouldn’t give me his name, sir. But he's a mok’nathal.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. Send them in.

The man that enters is one of the largest mok’nathal Arthak had ever seen. He has grayish-brown skin, and on his bare shoulders and back there are burn scars that resemble molten rock because of the amount of calluses on him. His shoulders and elbows have bony protrusions, though it isn’t like the fel orcs--it looks more like stone than mutated bones. He also has the bony growths protruding from his skull, and his right hand is missing--replaced by a contraption similar to the Shattered Hand, but instead of a weapon, it has a massive blacksmithing hammer.

His eyes are large and dark, and he shuts the door behind him.

He then laughs.

Calloused Mok'nathal says: Well. This is hardly where I expected to find Arthak Saurfang. I heard that you were a smith, not a… whatever this is.

He gestures at the notes.

Calloused Mok'nathal says: Perhaps I have the wrong person.
Arthak Saurfang says: I am many things, a chieftain amongst them, a smith as well.
Calloused Mok'nathal says: So you are Arthak Saurfang. Hmph. Son of Broxigar. Slayer of many chieftains. Slayer of breakers. Enough people have talked about you, Arthak, that even I have heard of you. That’s impressive, you know. I don’t talk to many. But you’ve drawn my attention with this…

He gestures to Arthak’s banner.

Calloused Mok'nathal says: This Broken Blade of yours.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see. And now that I have your attention. What may I do for you?
Calloused Mok'nathal says: That depends, Arthak. What you’re willing to do, how hard you’re willing to work. My name is Gel’nok. I share blood with Orgrim Doomhammer, though he perhaps never knew about it. A distant relative. But kin. I heard of the events that lead to his death, and your involvement. That was the first I heard your name, Arthak Saurfang. My contact with the orcish people, or anyone else, is limited. I find myself taxed by the presence of others. Your Horde is… duplicitous. They speak too much. It’s too much for an old man like me. I prefer a simpler task. I heard you slew a gronn, among other things, and I witnessed what was left of the beast you slew in the mountains of Farahlon. That was a magnaron, one of the oldest and strongest of the breakers.
Arthak Saurfang says: A test from my grandfather.
Gel'nok says: As I heard. Or figured out. Attention to detail. It’s an important thing, Arthak. What details do you know of the breakers? No doubt you’ve heard of them.

Arthak provides a few tidbits.

Gel'nok says: Not bad. It seems you know a bit, but there’s always more. I have a proposition for you.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m listening.
Gel'nok says: You are a smith, and you have shown you have respect enough for the ancients of our home. I’m willing to teach you some things. There are truths I’ve learned practicing the strength of the breakers. I can give you techniques I learned from their corpses, riddles deciphered from their blood. You could infuse your arms with the strength found in the core of Draenor, and perhaps if you impress me enough, I can show you other things, truths, things that would shatter and break the Horde. And this world. And many others.
Arthak Saurfang says: Intriguing. Might I ask if there’s a price to pay?
Gel'nok says: Beside your attention and blood, sweat, and tears, I don’t work for free. I assume that when you slew this gronn of yours, you took some trophy.
Arthak Saurfang says: The eye.

Gel’nok smiles.

Gel'nok says: The eye of one of the sons of Gruul. That would be a sufficient price to pay. So. What do you say, son of Broxigar?
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m interested, though may I ask a question?
Gel'nok says: Sure. Why not?
Arthak Saurfang says: I wish to strengthen my clan. Give it power to allow it to match the others. Should I accept your offer, pay your price, learn your ways, would you object to me passing this knowledge on to my warriors and my clan?
Gel'nok says: I suppose that remains to be seen. First off we need to make sure you don’t burn your head off. But perhaps if you find those worthy, they too can learn. If they pass.
Arthak Saurfang says: Then I’m quite happy to accept.
Gel'nok says: Right answer, Arthak. Very well.

Gel’nok stretches, his shoulders cracking.

Gel'nok says: I’ll head back to your home, set up shop. When you come back, perhaps I can start showing you some of the first techniques.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. I look forward to it.
Gel'nok says: You’d better. With a name like the Broken Blade, few others are worthy of the way of the breakers.

He smiles and ducks out under the door, lumbering down the hall. Arthak watches him go curiously, and then returns to his maps and notes.

Meanwhile, Halno is going to meet with the Shadowsword. Specifically, he finds Selin Fireheart, as he had spoken with him before.

Selin Fireheart says: Ahhh. Halno. You returned soon than expected. How may I help you?
Halno says: Ah. Yes. Greetings. I recently discovered a name, and I wished to know about the Windrunners.
Selin Fireheart says: The Windrunners? In general, or a specific one?
Halno says: In general. Perhaps a speicfic one if there is one of note.
Selin Fireheart says: Well, the Windrunner family is a prolific noble family.. There are several Windrunners of note. But specifically, the Ranger-Generals have always been Windrunners.
Halno says: Are they meant to be the leaders of the Farstriders?
Selin Fireheart says: While they have, and many have been Farstriders, their family has branched off over the generations. There are other families that share kinship. But the Windrunners can normally be found in many aspects of society, even, technically speaking, the individual whom you saw at the meeting with the rest of the Clipped Wing, was also a Windrunner, if only by marriage. Sinestra. Though she’s more than she appears.
Halno says: Yes. She’s an entirely different concern.
Selin Fireheart says: She married into the clan through one of the magisters. But Zendarin Windrunner has not been seen since the fall of Silvermoon. He was not on good terms with the family.
Halno says: I see.
Selin Fireheart says: I don’t know the precise details of it. Simply that he and the other members of the clan preferred not to spend time near each other.
Halno says: I see. That is interesting. I was thinking more specifically, any who may have… hmm… any activity of note during the invasion? I’m trying to get a grasp.
Selin Fireheart says: No one can speak the Windrunner name without knowledge of the sisters. They are three of the children of the most prevalent adult generation. Alleria, the eldest, Sylvanas, the middle, and Vereesa, the youngest. It’s likely one of them is the Blood Shrike, though which one, is unknown. Sylvanas is the Ranger-General, Alleria one of her most promising captains, and Vereesa one of the most skilled rangers.
Halno says: So they will be a hindrance.
Selin Fireheart says:They, among many. Doubly so to you, I imagine.
Halno says: Why me in particular?

He smiles and steeples his hand.

Selin Fireheart says: It’s not that difficult to discover. You are clearly undead, in the body of an elf, and now you’re asking about Windrunners. Sylvos was confirmed slain. But Zendarin has not been seen. Judging by the fact Sinestra is willing to work with us, it’s likely he’s doing something else. That leaves one option. I assume your body is that of Sylvos Windrunner.
Halno says: So I learned yesterday.
Selin Fireheart says: Well, that’s why you’ll have difficulty. Sylvos is the elder brother of the Windrunner sisters.
Halno says: Interesting. Then… if I can be frank. What can you tell me about Sylvos? It seemed some connection didn’t get severed.
Selin Fireheart says: Is that so? I cannot say that I was close with Sylvos. I once served as a captain of the Spellbreakers, an elite corp of warriors, whose skills focused around defeating spellcasters. We were also the royal guard of the crown, and of the magisters. I answered directly to our commander, Lor’themar, and he answered directly to the king. As such I am familiar with many magisters, both who have joined us, and who stand against us. Sylvos was a quiet man. He lacked the ambition of many magisters, yet he didn’t need it, for he was a mage of great talent. He held a moderate position for many years, and many magisters respected him. His focus was in abjuration. And I believe he is survived, in some capacity, by a wife and two children, though I can’t say for certain. They are, at the very least, not confirmed killed. Not to my knowledge.
Halno says: So, they’ll be upset if they suddenly see Sylvos.
Selin Fireheart says: I can only imagine, yes.
Halno says: So then… say we were to schedule our own ambush with me as the bait. Would they take it?

Selin thinks for a moment.

Selin Fireheart says: It is… a distinct possibility, yes. Doubly so as I believe Arthak killed him.
Halno says: Yes. I still have the hole.
Selin Fireheart says: It is.. Something to consider. If the Blood Shrike is a Windrunner, that could very easily act as a decoy allowing you to draw her into the open, though she seems to be more keen than to fall for such a trick.
Halno says: But suppose there are other Windrunners. You said they were prolific. And if we can capture a live one, then it serves us nicely. Seeing we haven’t been able to draw them out in other ways.
Selin Fireheart says: It’s worth considering, though I can’t say I know for certain where any other Windrunners are. Many of the generation of which I spoke have sired children. Vereesa has two half-elven children, though I don’t believe there are here. They have never lived in Silvermoon. Alleria has a son, though likewise, he is not here. Though he was active in Silvermoon at the beginning of the invasion, I don’t know if he’s present.
Halno says: Any other children?
Selin Fireheart says: One younger brother, named Lirath. He has two elven children. Their names are Velameestra and Gilveradin. They were also active in attempting to prevent the Sunwell ritual. They have not been seen, so it’s likely they escaped the city as well. We have reason to believe that Turalyon Windrunner, a human, the husband of Alleria, and a paladin, is actually located with the city. He was seen by some of our people during the fight yesterday. That lends credence that the Blood Shrike may be Alleria. The two of them are known to work well together.
Halno says: I see. And pardon my ignorance, but what is a paladin?
Selin Fireheart says: Ah. Yes. Paladins are knights that channel the Light magic that you’ve seen their priests wield. They are exceptionally gifted at conflict against forces that oppose their holy Light. You know, things like you and I.
Halno says: Ah. Unfortunate. That’ll have to be removed.
Selin Fireheart says: I know little of them. The Silver Hand, the organization of paladins, has little to no presence here. The scope of their abilities is unknown to me.
Halno says: Hm. That’s unfortunate. I’ll just have to avoid being caught alone.
Selin Fireheart says: That would be wise.
Halno says: And, I’m sorry, Velameesta and Gilveradin? You said they.. Had attempted to stop the opening of the portal?
Selin Fireheart says: As it seems, yes. I did not know them myself. But a number of my former colleagues worked with them, as well as my former commander. They assisted the king in trying to stop the Dark Portal from opening.
Halno says: That seems important for children to be participating in.
Selin Fireheart says: Perhaps that is why they failed.
Halno says: Hm. Or they are more important, if a king is willing to work with children, regardless of lineage.
Selin Fireheart says: Perhaps so. I cannot offer more musing on it. His majesty chose to put his trust in those he did, and now his majesty is gone, unable to return to his own throne. I would very much like to speak with him in the future, to rectify this, but I don’t suspect such a thing will work.
Halno says: Very interesting.
Selin Fireheart says:But if this Velameestra and Gilveradin are things to be concerned with, they can be dealt with.
Halno says: Is there anyone around that directly dealt with them? Or know where they ended up?
Selin Fireheart says: They were investigating a murder, one I was not involved with, but one a spellbreaker under my command was. Few of the spellbreakers turned to the Shadowsword, I am one of the only ones that did. As far as others who may have dealt with them, you could perhaps speak with Sinestra, though I don’t think she’d be willing to share info currently.
Halno says: She seems… unhinged.
Selin Fireheart says: Orican Runesight, the leader of the Shadowsword, dealt with them. They were the ones that brought his involvement with the warlocks to light, and set him to flight against the government. I actually was on the team that raided his manor. If he had not fled, I would have been the one to slay him. You could perhaps ask him, but he may not give you much.
Halno says: Interesting. Concerning. Well I appreciate all of this information, it is incredibly enlightening.
Selin Fireheart says: Now can you do something for me, Halno?
Halno says: I will do my best.
Selin Fireheart says: Remove the mask.
Halno says: Oh, this?

He chuckles, and removes the mask. As Selin studies Halno’s face, there’s a hint of a smirk. It’s clear he respects who he is speaking to, but there is a degree of revulsion toward what' he’s speaking to.

Selin Fireheart says: You. Your Horde. The magics they command are curious. Different. It’s curious to see that there are few depths to which they wouldn't plumb for power. I see that now. Admirable. That is all. You can put your mask back on, if it makes you more comfortable. If you can feel comfortable in that prison.
Halno says: Feeling is a rarity, though one that has cropped up recently.
Selin Fireheart says: Curious magics indeed.
Halno says: Yes, I would also like to know more of these magics. You know, digging more deeply.
Selin Fireheart says: I’ve studied our magics, and while I don’t have much strength in channeling them, there are few spells I can’t shatter. Perhaps with time I’ll share what I know of the elves’ magics.
Halno says: I would be very interested, and I can share with you the Legion’s magics.
Selin Fireheart says: I would like to know more about them. After all, if our people are to ascend, we will have to know such things.
Halno says: Indeed. Cooperation will get us far.

Halno and Selin exchange farewell pleasantries, and Halno leaves.

At the same time, Nyxxa is looking for Levia--the pale-skinned felblood elf. It appears she’s not there presently. She was running an errand for the Shadowsword, specifically, exchanging some information in the Dusk District. Nyxxa decides to try and track her down.

It takes a bit of time, but she eventually sees two of the felblood elves. One of them is the one Nyxxa was looking for. The other one is another female one with bright red skin. They seem to be making their way back toward Stormreaver Spire.

Nyxxa tails them, and she can hear the pair speaking in Thalassian. It’s similar to Darnassian, but different. However, she picks up bits and pieces. The red-skinned warlock periodically stops and turns. Levia is trailing 10 or so paces behind. The words Nyxxa can pick up include “faster,” “late,” and “fool”.

The taller woman, the pale-skinned one, says something in response, and moves a bit quicker. The warlock is clearly irritated. She repeats “fool” again as well as “kill”.

As they pass Nyxxa, the warlock keeps going, but Levia passes and glances in Nyxxa’s direction. However, she says nothing as she follows the warlock. Nyxxa is caught off guard for a moment, but then steps out.

Nyxxa says: Ah, just the Shadowswords I was looking for.

The pair about face. The warlock looks annoyed until she realizes that Nyxxa is a demon, and she quickly steps in front of Levia.

Felblood Warlock says: Oh! You were looking for us? What can we do for you?
Nyxxa says: I was just looking for, well… I suppose I was looking for some actual natives to show me around the city.

The warlock looks back at Levia.

Felblood Warlock says: Of course! I would be more than willing to help act as your guide. We are doing a task for our commander right now, but… Levia you can handle this yourself, yes? We’re almost back anyways. I daresay you won’t even mess this up.
Levia Blackfight says: Alright. I can… okay.

She holds her hand out, and the warlock hands a collection of scrolls to her. Levia is still looking down, but her eye catches Nyxxa again.

Nyxxa says: Oh. No. You can finish your job first. Plus we can talk while we walk.

The warlock’s smile fades into a frown.

Felblood Warlock says: I suppose that would be the wiser course of action. Very well, if you wish, we’re heading back to Sunstrider Spire--well, I guess it’s Stormreaver Spire now, isn’t it?
Nyxxa says: Names often change.

The warlock agrees and asks Nyxxa to follow her. Nyxxa complies. The warlock tells Levia not to bother Nyxxa with stupid questions.

Nyxxa says: Oh no, I’d actually love to answer stupid questions.

Levia looks at Nyxxa, completely stunned. The other girl looks at Levia angrily, but then looks back to Nyxxa.

Felblood Warlock says: Your sense of humor is quite… what’s your name, my lady?
Nyxxa says: Nyxxa.

The warlock asks what type of demon Nyxxa is.

Nyxxa says: I am, yes, I am a satyr.
Felblood Warlock says: I see. I’ve never heard of your type before, though I suppose I am still somewhat new.
Nyxxa says: Strange given that, well, I potentially could be one of your ancestors.

The warlock stops, surprised.

Nyxxa says: Yeah. Believe you me, I’m quite as surprised. I mean if you’re still calling yourself the Quel’dorei.
Felblood Warlock says: That is the name of the elf people, yes. Are you telling me you’re also an elf?
Nyxxa says: Was. That was a long time ago now. But. That, my friend, is a long story.
Felblood Warlock says: One that I would be happy to hear in the future!

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: Granted, I’ve died a bit since then, so I don’t remember all of it.

The warlock laughs awkwardly.

Felblood Warlock says: Right, you were asking about a tour. We can start now. This is the Dusk District. One of the entertainment districts. At its height, before the orcish occupation, you could find all manner of brothels or night clubs and places of entertainment. Someday perhaps we can return it to that glory, but for the time being, it’s best the nonbelievers have taken to fleeing.
Nyxxa says: Ah. So what do you think of the orcs?
Felblood Warlock says: Well. They are a bit brutish and not exactly easy on the eyes, but they are strong allies. I suspect that once of the world is open, they will find places more interesting to stay than Quel’thalas.
Nyxxa says: So wait them out?
Felblood Warlock says: And of course assist them. After all, it’s almost certain that the Remnant, the king and all his consorts, are preparing to strike back. But we have no intention of allowing that to come to pass. We are the face of the elvish people now. They will realize this, or they will die.

Nyxxa nods along, periodically glancing at Levia. Levia’s eyes are on the ground, but she is clearly processing a lot of information.

Nyxxa says: So what did you two do before the war?
Felblood Warlock says: I was a member of the magistrate, as many among us are. We were introduced to the idea of the Legion through friends. Myself, the man I was seeing at the time. Eventually as we learned of their plans I agreed to help do my part. I am not yet extremely powerful with magic, but my strength has increased tenfold with Legion gifts. The orcs are a bit more of a blunt instrument than I expected, but the enemy of my enemy, as they say.
Nyxxa says: I guess it’s hard to tell, but how old are you?
Felblood Warlock says: I’m just shy of 100 years. In reference to things, I don’t exactly know… were you a veteran of the troll wars?
Nyxxa says: Well, seeing I haven’t heard of it, probably not?
Felblood Warlock says: So you’re even older. I suppose you satyrs are immortal after all.
Nyxxa says: All demons are.

The warlock smiles.

Felblood Warlock says: I believe that the gift that Lady Shaspira and her followers have given us, they too will make us immortal, in time.
Nyxxa says: Indeed. If you play your cards right, you can make quite a name. But I digress. I suppose I’m curious about your people’s history. It has been some time, and you are a bit… shorter than I remember.

The warlock gives her a weird look again.

Felblood Warlock says: Uh. Well. The kingdom was founded thousands of years ago… about 7-8 thousand? I forget the exact year, but I was never much one for history. It was founded by Dath’remar Sunstrider, the fellow whose statue is hoisting that dragon’s head.
Nyxxa says: Ah. So that’s what that’s called.
Felblood Warlock says: Yes. The Dragons are so rarely seen that some aren’t even sure that they’re real. One has not been seen in Quel’thalas for some time. That said, um, the current king of the fallen Quel’dorei is Kael’thas Sunstrider, a descendant of Dath’remar. I believe he was the 5th or 6th king? I don’t remember precisely.
Nyxxa says: Wait. How many generations have there been?

The warlock mutters to herself for a moment.

Levia Blackflight says: Five. Kael’thas was the fifth.
Nyxxa says: Ah. Thank you.

The warlock shoots Levia a dirty look.

Felblood Warlock says: Right. I was about to answer that as well, obviously.

Nyxxa nods along. As this point they had entered the Court of the Sun, which is close to the Stormreaver Spire. They definitely see the prismatic wall shimmering in the distance around one of the manors.

Felblood Warlock says: The Court of the Sun is where the ruling class stayed. The Spire was once home to the king, while many homes around here belonged to the richest noble families and the most powerful magisters.
Nyxxa says: I see. And for how much that changes, so much stays the same.

The trio makes their way back into the Spire itself, and one of the other Shadowsword comes to collect the scrolls. They speak in Thalassian, and the warlock seems to be stating that Nyxxa had requested a tour guide. However, her superior shakes his head and gives further orders.

Felblood Warlock says: Well, it appears I have to part ways currently. If you want to meet later, I can be your guide, but my superiors need my assistance.
Nyxxa says: Can I take this one then?

She gestures at Levia.

Felblood Warlock says: Her? I don’t think she’d want to--
Levia Blackflight says: I’ll go.
Felblood Warlock says: Fine. It’s not like you’d be a help on our endeavor anyways. Just don’t get our guest killed.
Nyxxa says: Thank you so much for the other information.

She bows with a flourish, and the warlock returns the formalities. Nyxxa offers to meet with her specifically later, and the warlock provides her name as Zaestra, but then leaves Nyxxa with Levia.

Levia Blackflight says: Right this way. Where would you like to see first?

Nyxxa tells her to go wherever she thinks is a good idea.

Nyxxa says: It’s refreshing to be without the posturing.
Levia Blackflight says: I see. There’s a lot of that. I noticed.

Nyxxa groans, then waits a bit to say more until they leave the Spire further.

Levia Blackflight says: You were looking for me, weren’t you?

Nyxxa nods.

Nyxxa says: They don’t seem to treat you well.
Levia Blackflight says: They don’t trust me.
Nyxxa says: Why not? They trust you enough to give you the gift. I see not all the elves have been offered it.
Levia Blackflight says: For some it’s a gift. For me it’s…

She looks up at Nyxxa, her eyes panicked and full of suspicion.

Levia Blackflight says: They send you to kill me. This is a test.
Nyxxa says: No. No. I’m not going to hurt you.

Nyxxa looks around, and no one seems to be paying any attention to them.

Nyxxa says: They made you do it, didn’t they?

Levia doesn’t answer, but her hands grip into her gloves, and she nods.

Nyxxa says: I understand.
Levia Blackflight says: I… I’m sorry I didn’t answer your questions earlier. You. I. Yeah. You’re right. They did. I was captured. Well. No. I turned myself in. And I told them everything. I would have been captured, but I didn’t need to be.
Nyxxa says: We should… we should probably go somewhere else.
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t care if they hear. I guess part of me was hoping you were sent by them. That they got sick of trying to watch me.
Nyxxa says: Oh. Nothing like that. I just…

Nyxxa tries to go in for a hug. Levia doesn’t return it. She more limp-noodles, and her wings twitch. Eventually she pulls Nyxxa away.

Levia Blackflight says: Why? What do you want?
Nyxxa says: I understand what it’s like to be forced into this. At first, when I saw you, I thought, well, war isn’t easy for everybody. This isn’t easy for anyone. But… I didn’t think that… Especially after talking with the other one.

Nyxxa pushes some hair out of her face, and sighs.

Nyxxa says: I guess all I can really say is if you need to talk, I’m here to talk. I know you don’t know me, and I’m a demon, and… but.
Levia Blackflight says: But you weren’t.
Nyxxa says: No.
Levia Blackflight says: You said earlier. The Seeker of Wisdom was right.
Nyxxa says: What?
Levia Blackflight says: There was a meeting. Before the Dark Portal. She said there was a great war, that the Legion attacked once before. A long time ago.

Nyxxa nods.

Levia Blackflight says: She mentioned a city. A queen. Azshara. Something like that. She mentioned all of that. You… you were one of them. You were one of those elves. That’s why you said you might be one of our ancestors.
Nyxxa says: Huh. Yeah. There was a war a long, long time ago. Complex, and I don’t remember most of it. I’ve died at least a dozen times since then. It’s… but I do know it’s not easy to become apart of this when it’s something you didn’t want.
Levia Blackflight says: It was my only option. I did what I had to.
Nyxxa says: Do you regret it?
Levia Blackflight says: I can’t have regrets. There’s no room for it. Regretting things just leads to get yourself killed. I don’t want to die. I feel like I should, but I don’t. So I…
Nyxxa says: Well, the one thing I can say, is as long as you’re alive, there’s still things you can do.
Levia Blackflight says: I guess you’re right.
Nyxxa says: And… what do you want to do?
Levia Blackflight says: What kind of question is that? I just met you. And… no one has ever asked me that. People I’ve known my entire life.
Nyxxa says: War is a crazy thing. But… I guess, even though we just met, I feel a kindred spirit in you, and I guess the lonely old goat in me wanted to reach out.

Levia shakes her head.

Levia Blackflight says: This would have been a lot easier if you were sent here to kill me.
Nyxxa says: I suppose that’s not something I can be sorry for, but…
Levia Blackflight says: My name’s Levia.
Nyxxa says: Pleasure to meet you. Again, my name’s Nyxxa.
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t think it is.
Nyxxa says: Probably not, but I lost my name a long time ago.

Nyxxa completely misses the fact Levia was commenting on the "pleasure" of the situation, but the felblood elf simply blinks and moves on.

Levia Blackflight says: I don’t know why you want to know these things, but thank you.
Nyxxa says: One thing I do remember is what it’s like to be in your shoes. For me it was hooves, but, again, if you need to talk, I’m here. I suppose it goes without saying that I’d prefer you didn’t tell people, but I’d understand if you did. But recruits like us should stick together.
Levia Blackflight says: If I told anybody, they wouldn’t believe me. So why waste my time?
Nyxxa says: Anyway. Thank you for telling me.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. Thank you for… not killing me. And for asking. Anyways, did you want that tour, or was that a ploy to speak with me?
Nyxxa says: Oh, I want it. And I prefer to have it with someone that isn’t trying to constantly posture. And between you and me, it seems like you actually pay attention to things.

There is a very, very slight smile.

Nyxxa says: Plus the men in your group give me the creeps. Which is saying something for me, as an actual demon.
Levia Blackflight says: For what it’s worth, you seem to be the worst demon I’ve met. I mean that as a compliment.
Nyxxa says: Ohhhh. Yes. I am just terrible. The worst. Vicious even.

She puts her claws out in a pseudo-menacing way. Levia rolls her eyes with a faint smirk.

Nyxxa says: You shouldn’t roll your eyes. I lost mine that way.
Levia Blackflight says: What?

Nyxxa cackles, and they continue on their tour. As they head through the Royal Exchange they see evidence of a recent struggle. There are orcish corpses with elvish arrows in them, and a few elf bodies as well, but not as many as the orcs. There are insects drawn to the carnage, and the more recent bodies seem to be piled near the entrance to the area.

Levia Blackflight says: What happened here?
Nyxxa says: Looks like a battle. Can’t tell who won.

Nyxxa picks some arrows out of the bodies and she puts the good ones in her quiver.

Nyxxa says: Well I suppose we should flag this area then.
Levia Blackflight says: I suppose so.
Nyxxa says: Do you see anything?
Levia Blackflight says: It looks like it was an ambush.

She gestures at the bodies in a corner.

Levia Blackflight says: It looks like whoever started this… the Resistance. They set a trap for anyone drawn in by the chaos, and then took them out as well.
Nyxxa says: I suppose we should get out of this area in case they’re still here.

Levia looks around, and agrees. Nyxxa takes a more protective stance around her as they start to leave. The cloud of insects that were around some of the bodies buzzes around her, and Nyxxa suddenly feels a sharp prick in her arm, and then multiple others, as they attack.

They both retreat and easily outpace the insects. A few orcs see them and approach. They appear to be some of the Blackrock. They ask what was going on.

Nyxxa says: There is a trap set up over there. A few orcs have already fallen. Be careful.

She points in the direction they came from. The orcs nod and gather more backup before going to investigate.

Levia asks Nyxxa if she was alright after the attack from the carrion flies. Nyxxa assures her that she had experienced worse. Levia asks to see the injury, and Nyxxa complies. Levia touches one of the bites and her hand begins to glow with a pale white light. Healing energy washes over the area, and the bites are knit closed.

Nyxxa says: You can still heal?
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t understand either.
Nyxxa says: ...huh. If you’re able to heal and you’ve been touched by the fel, that’s… incredibly rare.
Levia Blackflight says: I… didn’t have… I’ve never…

Nyxxa puts her hand on Levia’s.

Nyxxa says: It appears you have a gift then. Well. I might keep this to yourself for now.
Levia Blackflight says: They already know. It’s why they keep me around I think. There are very few people that can still do this… many of them were priests, members of the clergy. I never did that. I was an apprentice with the magistrate. I don’t know… where this came from. I don’t know why I do this now. But I can. But… are you okay?

Nyxxa nods and thanks her.

Nyxxa says: Who knows. Over time I can perhaps convince them to let me take you off their hands.

Levia furrows her brow, and she looks like she had a thousand thoughts at once.

Levia Blackflight says: If that’s… what you would like.
Nyxxa says: I wouldn’t see someone with talents like that go with people that treat you like they do, if I’m to be perfectly candid.
Levia Blackflight says: They don’t know that I couldn’t before. Please don’t tell them.
Nyxxa says: Of course not. Your secret is safe with me, as I assume mine is with you.
Levia Blackflight says: I suppose you have a deal. I suppose I should also get back. If I don’t return soon…
Nyxxa says: I’ll see you back so they don’t suspect anything.

Levia nods, and guides Nyxxa back to the Spire.

Meanwhile, up north, Azgadaan had arrived on Quel’danas and headed to Magister’s Terrace to speak with Shaspira. She is alerted by her guards of Azgadaan’s arrival and he is let into the former office of the Grand magister. Shaspira is standing midst the relics of the elven people that were located in the office.

Shaspira says: Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: lady Shaspira.
Shaspira says: I’m glad you’ve come.

She’s wearing a long black dress with a high leg slit and a moderately deep v-neck. There is an intricate, dark red pattern that snakes up the side of the dress and spreads across the bodice in a geometric pattern that looks like some sort of rib cage.

She turns toward him.

Shaspira says: Velhari informed me of the curious happening at Stormreaver spire.
Azgadaan says: Yes. It was fairly eventful. I have some pictures.
Shaspira says: I’d be happy to hear your own experiences.
Azgadaan says: Well, everything was going well, then Sinestra came up with her plans.

Azgadaan goes into further detail on the matter.

Azgadaan says: She was rejected and she… had a bit more of a reaction than I thought someone would have.

He conjures the image of Sinestra’s reaction and her transformation into a creature that is more demonic or draconic. Shaspira listens intently.

Shaspira says: That is… unfortunate.
Azgadaan says: If you don't mind me asking, do you know what she is?
Shaspira says: Were I to wager a guess from what I’ve been shown and what she offered, she may be dragon in disguise. It is not unknown to us that dragons are capable of shapeshifting, but it is nearly impossible to tell. However, the form she took for you is much similar to what I discerned previously. She’s more than she appears, and I suspected as much when I saw her the first time. But I had little reason to concern myself with it. It is indeed unfortunate that Arthak has chosen to make an enemy of her right now. I did not trust her, no, and I was certain she would have to be dealt with. But these skarvyn of hers would have been useful to deploy against our enemies for the time being. We have enough enemies and projects on our hands, and that we have to contend with another powerful enemy is… unfortunate. I fear that Arthak’s honor that clings to may have shot himself in the foot with this particular specimen. He’s made a potent enemy in Sinestra. She seems the type of person to be grudge-bearing in the future, but it would not do for Arthak to get himself killed by such a tertiary concern--powerful as she may be.
Azgadaan says: Do you think she’s as big as the one hanging on the statue?
Shaspira says: I cannot say, but given she slew him, I would not be surprised if she was at least as powerful as he was. At the very least.
Azgadaan says: Well, she didn’t stop her tirade until Velhari stepped up. Just to let you know.
Shaspira says: She may be insane, volatile, and angry, but she’s not stupid. She wishes to make an enemy of me as little as I want to make an enemy of her.
Azgadaan says: If we do ever move against her, don’t hesitate to ask.
Shaspira says: I actually have an assignment for you on that.
Azgadaan says: Oh?
Shaspira says: Velhari has already asked for permission to purge the Dragonmaw clan. Her ‘pets’ within the Horde. I would have you send a message to her and accompany her.
Azgadaan says: Alright. By the way, Arthak made an evaluation that perhaps just the leader of the Dragonmaw clan is under her… claws as it were.
Shaspira says: Then he will have to be dealt with. He and anyone that follows him. I don’t care what happens tot he rest, that is Horde politics, but Sinestra’s followers cannot pose a threat to us or what we are accomplishing.
Azgadaan says: Would I be able to gather some extra hands for this task?
Shaspira says: If you desire, yes, but moments are ticking. I already suspect she has started to make moves.
Azgadaan says: Alright. Is it today that we’re moving?
Shaspira says: As soon as you are willing, and as soon as Velhari is willing. I will not stop her, and if you tary too long, she will take things into her own hands. I’ll leave the rest to you, Azgadaan. When you are finished I’ll see you compensated, of course.
Azgadaan says: Thank you. I have some things to take care of, but I hope you are having a good day.
Shaspira says: It was better before I had such information corroborating such a misstep, but it is not a critical one, and ultimately things have been going well. So I cannot say I am too dispirited. A hiccup in our plans is not enough to grind them to a screeching halt. Not yet, anyway.
Azgadaan says: By the way, I love the design of your dress. I can see where Aracyra gets her sense of style from.

Shaspira stops, and an eyebrow raises, but she smiles.

Shaspira says: Thank you, Azgadaan. That’s very kind. Which, I do believe it wise you seek out my daughter. I imagine she will like to see you before she leaves.
Azgadaan says: I will go immediately.

Shaspira nods.

Shaspira says: And Azgadaan, I must say that armor suits you. I hope it serves you in battle as much as it serves you in looking the part.
Azgadaan says: Thank you. Though I did lose the helmet.
Shaspira says: I suppose you could go without.
Azgadaan says: I found it restrictive. I like my hair loose. I just dislike helmets.
Shaspira says: Fair enough. Well, in any sense, good luck in your endeavors. If you require aught else, do let me know.
Azgadaan says: I will. I hope your day gets better.
Shaspira says: I’m certain it will. Farewell.

She turns back to her own business as Azgadaan leaves.

Azgadaan goes to meet with Aracyra, and he finds her packing. It seems Mal’ganis had arrived, and he required her assistance in finding Frostmourne. Aracyra also informs Azgadaan that Mal’ganis was going to speak with Arthak, as Arthak was the last one to wield Frostmourne.

Aracyra looks clearly shaken. Azgadan pulls out the potion of blur he had, and he steps forward. He explains that he is going to go with Velhari to deal with the Dragonmaw. He then offers Aracyra the potion.

Azgadaan says: You gave this to me when we met, and now I’m going to give this to you. Everything will be alright, and if you need me, just call, and I’ll be there when I can.

Aracyra takes a deep breath as she takes the potion.

Aracyra says: Are you sure? You may need this still.
Azgadaan says: People have a hard time hitting me.

Aracyra laughs softly.

Azgadaan says: I’m sure. You need this more than I do.
Aracyra says: I hope I won’t need it at all, but thank you. I’ll keep it, and I’ll try to be brave, like you.
Azgadaan says: I’ve had some practice being smacked around. And I hope to see you in one piece.

Aracyra looks up to Azgadaan and throws her arms around him in a hug. Azgadaan embraces her back.

Aracyra says: Good luck. I guess I’ll see you soon.
Azgadaan says: Yes. Remember, when you’re out there, just try to have fun.
Aracyra says: Fun?
Azgadaan says: It’s one of the ways I’m able to deal.
Aracyra says: Fun. I’ll try if I can. I don’t know if I could possibly have fun given the circumstances, but I guess I can try.
Azgadaan says: How about when you get back, we do something fun.
Aracyra says: That I think I could look forward to.
Azgadaan says: Unfortunately there’s not much more I can do. I’m sorry. But we’ll both do our part.

Aracyra nods.

Aracyra says: I won’t keep you. Or Velhari I suppose--
Azgadaan says: Oh! Do you have anything to wear that’s defensive in any way? Magical?
Aracyra says: I have some things. I’m not concerned about that. But thank you.
Azgadaan says: Um. Close your eyes.
Aracyra says: Oh? Okay.

She closes them.

Aracyra says: I closed them.

She feels something wrap around her.

Azgadaan says: You may open them now.

As she looks at what Azgadaan put on her shoulders, she’s amazed and asks him what it is.

Azgadaan says: Well. It’s called the cloak of the Aranasi. I had it commissioned for you a while ago, I was just waiting for the right time..

She runs her hands on it, and her eyes almost sparkle.

Aracyra says: It’s so soft! I’ve heard of things spun from Aranasi silk, but… this is really for me?
Azgadaan says: Yes.

With a smile, Aracyra leaps into Azgadaan’s arms.

Aracyra says: Thank you so much, this is so nice! No one has ever given me a gift like this before!

She’s clearly thrilled.

Aracyra says: I mean… I’ve received gifts before, but....

Azgadaan lets her down, and Aracyra spins with the cloak happily. Azgadaan explains what the cloak can do.

Azgadaan says: Well, you can walk on walls, so that’s interesting.
Aracyra says: Magnificent and useful!
Azgadaan says: You can make webs too, so that will make things difficult for anyone. And… poison resistance I believe was another thing.
Aracyra says: Well if I was concerned before, I’m definitely not now. Thank you so much, Azgadaan. I’ll wear it everyday.
Azgadaan says: You don’t have to do that.
Aracyra says: No. But whenever I do, I’ll think of you.

She wraps the cloak closer around herself. Azgadaan laughs. They bid farewell to each other again, and Aracyra apologizes for not getting him a good-bye present as well, but she offers a kiss instead. Azgadaan returns it, and Aracyra wraps the cloak around the pair of them in a hug.

Aracyra continues to pack, offering Azgadaan one last smile. Azgadaan, too, goes to find Velhari.

Velhari is found outside, some of the grass outside that had been burned by Sinestra has yet to grow back.

Velhari says: Azgadaan, a pleasure to see you. I trust you have news from Shaspira?
Azgadaan says: Yes and no. Arthak isn’t looking too good in her eyes. Looks like we’re going to take care of some Orcs!

Pleased, Velhari stands up and she lights the glyphs up on her sword. She instantly summons a portal and beckons Azgadaan to go with. He adds the idea of adding Arthak and the Warband.

Back on the mainland, they’re at the tip of Dragonhawk Harbor. Velhari seems to have a plan. She agrees to get the Warband, but she wants to move quick-- one hour or less.

Velhari says: Every moment that we waste, Sinestra’s plans will have a chance to come to fruition.

Velhari flips her wrist, summoning Imps to send for the Warband. Arthak first, followed by Halno and Nyxxa. She, for the next hour, paces back and forth, restless to quash Sinestra and the Dragonmaw Clan.

Later that evening, Halno and Nyxxa find their way back to the Summerfall together. Walking back, they get the feeling that they are being watched. Instinctively, weapons are drawn. They look about, and are able to catch eyes in a nearby shrub. There is some scurrying.

Nyxxa bolts after it. As soon as she goes for it, two skarvyn run from the bush.

Nyxxa says: Wait!

They, in fact, do not wait. Halno brings up that Sinestra said they were cowardly. They attempt to leave and the Draconic beings leave them go without a fight. Vexed, Nyxxa wonders.

Halno says: I assume Arthak attracted enough attention that Sinestra began observing.
Nyxxa says: I don’t like this, we should report this.

As they walk, Nyxxa tells Halno about what she’s learned of the city. (Nyxxa also worked to have Levia teach her History, all while making it sound like bitch work.)

Halno says: While I would like to sit in on that, I think they’d object to my presence.
Nyxxa says: You might be undead, but you're still an Orc.

Halno derails, clearly not wanting to talk about that, and they soon make their way back.

At Arthak’s office on-board the Summerfall, Arthak hears a sound: a fluttering of wings from outside. His hand goes to his sword as he looks outside. He draws closer to the noise at the window, it flies open!

Coming quickly into Arthak’s frame of vision, he hears a chittering chorus of screeching. A dozen fiendish bats come flying through the window. They swirl around the room in a frenzy. Scrolls and papers fly off his desk, then the bats finally coalesce before the desk. None of the bats have any eyes, yet they have longer fangs.

The bats make a single shape, reforming as a broad-shouldered, demonic Nathrerezim, Mal’Ganis.

Mal'Ganis says: There will be no need for that, Arthak Saurfang. You may put that away. I am here to discuss the nature of another, after all.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see. I was… somewhat expecting this.

Arthak puts the weapon away.

Mal'Ganis says: I am Mal’Ganis. I was sent here to recover the blade. I understand you were the last to interface with it.
Arthak Saurfang says: I was.
Mal'Ganis says: Interesting, the first person to wield it. I would ask what you know of it, and what lead you to losing control of it.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. I understand its basic capabilities. It drains the life of anyone around it’s wielder, it allows them some minor abilities to manipulate life and death. Of course, all of this came at a price. As for the circumstances in which I lost it, I was directed by Lady Shaspira to use the blade to execute the chieftain Ner’zhul once the Portal opened. Unfortunately, he predicted the election and used magics to work the situation to his own favor. He was still slain by it, but the weapon which was to be his prison, slipped through my grasp and was lost in the portal.
Mal'Ganis says: Did he have an informant?
Arthak Saurfang says: I assume that he was stepping into Legion magic.
Mal'Ganis says: Did he tell you any more about this ability? Did he say anything else?
Arthak Saurfang says: He expressed an ability to perceive fate. I cannot say for sure how truthful those were, but he could see his own death coming. Perhaps it was mundane foresight, or something more. My instincts lean toward the latter.
Mal'Ganis says: I see. And the blade? Do you sense it’s call, in any capacity? Has the blade, or Ner’zhul spoken to you?
Arthak Saurfang says: Once, to laugh. I’ve had visions. I believe the blade still has a piece of my spirit.
Mal'Ganis says: I see. Then you assistance in finding the blade would be most appreciated. The representatives from the ruling body of Nathreza should render the third elfgate unstabilized for long enough to find the blade before anyone else.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes, it has been made clear to me. But, my duties lie within the city for now, But, several close allies of mine within the Horde have expressed interest in aiding your efforts.
Mal'Ganis says: While I understand that, you offer something that no one else can. The blade has chosen you as worthy. It is my goal to return the blade to its rightful master. With its power in your hands, you could lay waste to the enemies of the Horde, easily.
Arthak Saurfang says: Possible, but… beyond my responsibilities, I am concerned that, were the blade to reenter my hands prematurely, I would not be the master in the relationship, but I have provided the individuals with resources to make up for my absence. A sample of my blood which should help to locate it.
Mal'Ganis says: I must say, Fear suits a Chieftain of the Horde poorly.
Arthak Saurfang says: But caution serves one well.
Mal'Ganis says: Suit yourself, Saurfang. Know that if the blade has chosen to entwine your destiny to you, soon it will return. I am sure.
Arthak Saurfang says: I intend to take the time to ready myself when it enters my hands.
Mal'Ganis says: very well, I look forward to seeing such a day. A shame it will not come sooner. I will be in touch, Arthak, once the blade has been recovered. Good fortune to your other responsibilities.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good fortune to your hunt.

With that, Mal’Ganis’s wings swirl around him and he becomes many, many bats. As soon as he entered the room, he, again, was gone.

Halno and Nyxxa approach to see said cloud of bats leave his window. They return to the office and bid Arthak hello.

Nyxxa reports that it was a good day of gathering intel.

Halno shared what he learned about the Portal failing. How the supposed "children" Runesight had referenced were more trouble than he implied.

Arthak Saurfang says: Did you get names?
Halno says: Gil-varra-din and Velameestra Windrunner?
Arthak Saurfang says: Damn it.
Halno says: That’s a reaction.
Arthak Saurfang says: The fool made mention of younger Windrunners, calling them inconsequential! Idiot.
Halno says: That would be a word for it, he was certainly, apparently, inept. They rooted him out just shortly before the portal was open. I don’t know how colossally you have to fuck up a moment like that.. But, he pulled it off.
Arthak Saurfang says: Anyone who fails to admit their failures are doomed to do them again.
Nyxxa says: Well, he may not have told you that because you’re an Orc. They’re the Legion’s puppets, not yours, after all.
Arthak Saurfang says: And yet we all dance to the same strings.

They share names and information about Selin Fireheart and they dunk on Runesight a little more. It’s a good time all around.

Halno says: Wellll, I couldn’t help but noticing a bunch of bats leaving your window~

Arthak shares a little of what happened with Mal’Ganis. Arthak wants to send for Azgadaan, then there’s a magic POOF. A small imp greets them, sharing that Velhari and Azgadaan are about destroy all of the Dragonmaw clan and request them in less than an hour.

Halno says: What. the. Hell.
Imp says: 54 minutes! It’s something about Sine-- GOOD LUCK!

It disappears quickly.

Nyxxa says: Needless to say I hate Imps.

All of them are booking it across the city, the sun is setting. They eventually come to Velhari and Azgadaan. They see plumes of smoke rising in the air around where dragonhawks were once kept. They also share that they saw skarvyn in the area.

Nyxxa runs ahead with a message from Arthak: Hold off and maybe we can use the Dragonmaw after Sinestra’s influence is purged. She passes Stormreaver Spire and happens upon Levia.

Nyxxa says: Hey you wanna kill Orcs? Stuff is happening. I can explain along the way.
Levia Blackflight says: A-alright? I’ll catch up?

By the time Arthak and Halno meet up with Levia, they have gathered a small number of Shadowsword (and Levia) to help fight. Nyxxa soon comes upon Azgadaan and Velhari. Velhari is frustrated at everyone else being slow. Nyxxa conveys Arthak’s concern but says she agrees with Velhari.

They wait as a plume of smoke begins to rise from the Dragonmaw territory. Rylaks are in the air, but many of them are flying away with Orcs on them. A number of them are fighting each other with riders upon them.

Arthak and company arrive shortly there after.

Arthak Saurfang says: Alright. We have to play this by ear and we don’t have time to plan, but we kill Mor'ghor first. If I can, I can try and save any Horde-loyal Dragonmaw members. Anyone loyal to Sinestra, we kill.

Others nod along with the plan, some Orcs break off to catch loyalists.

Arthak sends a message, via Elf Wizard, to Thura, to deploy the Broken Blade Airteam to lock down the aftermath of the chaos.

As they all run in, they can see more flames. Orcs begin to cross blades with other Orcs. As soon as they enter the courtyard, there’s a screech. Looking up, they can see a rain of stones coming down toward them from the sky.

While Azgadaan hastes himself and Velhari, they try to dodge stones. Yet, Azgadaan is the only one who is hit by the stones.

Arthak shouts out a battlecry, searching for Loyalists to the Horde. The area around, a number of the Fel-Orcs around are grabbing what they can and running for their lives. A number of skarvyn are, too, around.

Some skarvyn ping the party for damage, but Velhari hard counters, carving through a skarvyn in one hit. Nyxxa is hit with another arrow, but she’s able to catch the arrow in her hand and she hucks it back at the skarvyn.

A number of rylaks come barreling out of their holdings. They fly out and around the battlefield. Velhari shoots red chains out of the ground, trying to bind the creature, yet it manages to evade.

Arthak dashes ahead to attempt to get on the rylak. He dashes ahead, and hooks into the rylak. He attempts to rally the loyalists to help him with the other rylaks.

Azgadaan attempts to follow Arthak, dashing to get to the rylak. He quickens his booming blade and he collides with the berserker, Arthak and the rylak. While they all sustain fall damage, the rylak is downed. Azgadaan stands up, blasting dust off of himself.

While the rylak tamer tries to retaliate against Azgadaan, he fails.

Scarven pepper the party, again, with arrows. They all miss. Like champions.

Nyxxa jumps up and onto another, separate, rylak. The pilot is unseated and separated from his rylak. Nyxxa challenges him to get to get back to his mount, as he’ll have to go through her first!

Levia waves her hands and casts sleep upon a number of skarvyn. They slump down, already exhausted. Some other skarvyn flee.

Velhari, up again, summons a mocking glyph of the Draenei and makes the area around her nigh impassable.

A rylak tries to take a bite out of the party, and yet it fails miserably against Nyxxa and Azgadaan. Combat continues and Velhari cuts come folks open without breaking a sweat, skarvyn run away, and Orcs are angry.

Halno taps into his own magic, mixed with Velhari’s own, and the Orcish War Captain freezes in place with a well-timed Hold Person. He’d been giving commands around the field, it comes to a swift end.

Two rylak heads descend on the prone Arthak. They snap at him, hitting their mark both times. Arthak fights back with varied success. One rylak flies away as Arthak stands up. He switches to one hand with Quel’delar and he throws a javelin at the very one that flew up. The javelin strikes true. He works down the one on the ground as well.

Another Skarvyn flees, seeing the way the tides turn.

Nyxxa continues to fight her own Rylaks, unfortunately, a veteran member of the clan takes her own with a swing of the blade. She drops to her knees and falls unconscious.

Chaos continues to reign as rylaks, Orcs, and the party continues to fight on. Levia is able to blast out a heal and to also get Nyxxa back on her hooves. Velhari continues to be terrifying on the battlefield. The party tears into the rogue Orcs.

For the opposition and marauders, the field begins to look rough for them. A number of Rylaks flee for the skies and others buckle down to finish the fight, even if the odds are against them.