Commander Thalorian Dawnseeker

Art by
- Species
- High Elf
- Gender
- Male
- Death
- Cut down by Arthak Saurfang during a final stand on Quel'danas.
- Height
- 6'01"
- Status
- Deceased
Lana'thel Dawnseeker (Wife)
Thal'ena Dawnseeker (Daughter)
Thalorian Dawnseeker is a commander of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring. A war hero, he was the wielder of the fabled blade, Quel'delar. He was killed during the opening moments of the Sacking of Silvermoon by Arthak Saurfang.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Thalorian was present on Quel'danas when the Dark Portal opened, and put forth a valiant effort to fight against the orcish Horde as they poured through. However, he was ultimately slain by Arthak Saurfang and his weapon was claimed.
- Quel'delar was given to Thalorian's ancestor, and has been passed down through generations of protectors.
- Quel'delar roughly translates to "High Beacon" in Thalassian.