Borel Skyfire | Tyranastrasz

Art by
- Species
- Red Dragon
- Gender
- Male
- Death
- Throat crushed by Sinestra/Sintharia after he was shot out of the sky.
- Height
- 6'06" (Humanoid Form)
- Status
- Deceased
Alexstrasza | Mate
Numerous Draconic Children
Borel Skyfire, who was secretly the red dragon Tyranastrasz, was the leader of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring, the military force in charge of the defense of Silvermoon City and the other cities across the Eversong Forest. As such, he also held a seat on the Convocation of Silvermoon. In addition, he was the former prime consort and majordomo of Alexstrasza, the Dragonqueen and the Aspect of the Red Dragonflight.
He was ancient and wise, as well as a very large and very powerful wyrm. Among the red dragons, he was frequently referred to as "The Scholarly One."
He was killed during the Sacking of Silvermoon by Sinestra.
In his humanoid form Tyranastrasz took the form of a very tall, older, refined elf.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Tyranastrasz was killed by Sinestra--who in actuality was revealed to be the former prime consort of the black dragonflight, Sintharia--during the sacking of Silvermoon. In his weakened state, and lacking one of his wings, he was unable to fend off the powerful dragoness, and she crushed his throat. His severed head was later displayed as a gift from Sinestra to Shaspira.
- While investigating the base of the Guardians of Eternal Spring, Testament Greymane witnessed Borel's eyes glow gold while he seemingly magically communicated with someone.
- Tyranastrasz was one of the oldest dragons alive in the world, older even than the aspects themselves.