Truncheon of the Death Knight
Truncheon of the Death Knight
Requires Attunement
+1 Damage to Necrotic and Shadow spells
Use: The truncheon has a number of charges that the attuned Death Knight can use in various ways.
The "Death Knights" are prototype warriors created by infusing the spirits of powerful orcish warlocks and necrolytes into the risen flesh of slain warriors - mages, knights, and warriors alike. The process is esoteric and dangerous, requiring a great deal of eldritch and fel rituals and sacrifices. Upon completion, the soul of the orc is encased upon an enchanted orb resting upon a truncheon, which the death knight carries from then on - or risk fading into eternal darkness.
- When you cast a spell that deals necrotic or shadow damage, the spell gains a +1 bonus to the damage roll of that spell.
- When you cast a necromancy spell, you may spend charges from your truncheon in lieu of mana, spending one charge per the level of the spell.
- You may assert control over an undead creature that is under your control for 24 hours, spending charges equal to the CR of the undead creature. One charge can assert control over four CR 1/4 creatures or two CR 1/2 creatures.
- As a Bonus Action, you may spend one charge to spend a hit die immediately, healing as you would during a short rest.