Elune Worship
Elune is by far the most important God to the kaldorei, and her presence permeates every part of their life. Worship is organized by the Sisterhood of Elune, but some druids of the Cenarion Circle can also help or preform certain rituals. While the Wild Gods and Ancient Guardians are revered by the kaldorei, Elune is the only god that is truely worshiped.
Aspects of Elune
Elune is viewed as a goddess of:
- The Moons and Night
- The Balance of Life and Death
- Light and Darkness
- Peace and War
- Warriors and Nurturers
- The Divine Feminine and Motherhood
- Love and Beauty
- Harmony and Hospitality
- Knowledge and Wisdom
White Lady (Isil’alara)
- Aspect of the Full Moon
- Isil’alara - Brilliant/Silvery/Moonlit Beauty/Lady
- Healers, midwives, councilors, and public servants
- White
- Sacred Animal: Deer (Malo)
Cunning Crescent (Ethela’Lunya)
- Aspect of the Crescent Moon
- Ethela’Lunya (Watching/Scheming Crescent)
- Explorers, scouts, investigators and spies
- Silver
- Sacred Animal: Owls (Glau)
Night Warrior (Nala’Shalloril)
- Aspect of the New Moon
- Nala’Shalloril - Warrior Blessed by Night/Shadows
- Scholars, morticians, and dispensers of justice
- Black
- Sacred Animal: Cats (Saber)
All Phases
- Sacred Flowers: Moonflower, Aster, Lily
- Sacred Spirits: Dragons, Keepers/Dryads, Wisps
- Sacred Animal: Hippogryphs (Antil), Chimaera, Moonkin (Lunanre), Spiders (Teloth), Moths (Lunepi), Ravens (Kora), Bear (Ursa), Wolves (Drinn)
Materials for Worship
All Elunite ritual involves the use of a moonwell or moonwell water. The moonwell is a font of hallowed water with purifying and healing properties. They often have two pools, one for drinking at the source of the spring and one for bathing. Moonwells are always deep enough to bathe in.
Moon Jewelry
Most, if not all, Elunites carry jewelry displaying the symbol of the moon. Only priestesses wear platinum jewelry, or those who have been honored by the priesthood and/or Elune herself. Other materials often used are wood, clay, stone, antler, or bone. Metal is rarer and often are antiques from before the sundering or scraps left over from making a weapon. Metal jewelry is often avoided for cleansing clothes, as it may rust in the moonwell.
Used in all moonwell ceremonies. Temples keep chalices made out of platinum, and priestesses may keep a chalice with some platinum or moonstone decoration. The common chalice is made out of wood, clay, or stone. Every Elunite keeps a chalice of their own.
Used in all moonwell ceremonies. Blessed basins are kept at moonwells to aid with the cleansing, and Elunites keep one in their homes. While the chalice is used for drinking, the basin is used for pouring water over one’s self.
Bottle of Moonwell Water
Upon visiting a moonwell, Elunites refill a bottle to take with them in the case that they won’t be able to make it for the next cleansing, as well as an assortment of other reasons.
Cleansing Clothes
Elunites keep specific clothing to wear to a cleansing, or other rituals and festivals. They are light, but durable, clothes, easily removable and easy to dry if it gets wet. They are made from moonsilk, like priestess robes, but are dyed various colors to differentiate them from a priestess. They are worn until they fade and tatter. It is taboo to shed blood or kill when in these clothing, though if it happens by accident the clothing can be blessed. They also serve as burial clothes, hence why everything that makes it must be biodegradable
Wooden amulets kept at moonwells for people to take. They are carved with symbols of Elune or a Wild God along with a short prayer, and blessed by either a priestess of the moon or a druid. They are small and made of reclaimed wood and moonsilk scraps.
When they either are no longer needed, or need to be disposed of, amulets can be returned to a priestess or druid.
Example Amulet Prayers Evoking Elune
Darnassian | English | Notes |
Elune-Adore | Elune be with you | Popular blessing |
Ishnu-alah | Good Fortune to you | Popular blessing |
Dala Asha Meniel | May the heart find peace | For someone going through heartbreak or sorrow |
Dral Asha Daral | May the body find relief | For someone going through illness and injury |
Adalore Duna’dora | Illuminate the Truth | In regards to truth as in information, or as in one’s principles or beliefs. Truth to oneself and their people |
Amulet Prayers Evoking Wild Gods
Prayers of the People (Ashreth’nore)
Usually only said to fellow Elunites
Darnassian | English | Notes |
Elune-Adore | Elune be with you. | A greeting/a farewell |
Bel-Ethelore | Goddess watch over you. | A greeting/a farewell |
Hunter’s Prayer (Mush’a Ashreth)
Evoked by a devout hunter upon taking the life of a creature
Darnassian | English |
Shi’xenu ash’al, Re lendu talore | I bear no hatred to you, I only wish to survive |
Shaha lor'ma rae nal’daral | Thank you and know tranquility |
Mealtime Prayer (Mamato Ashreth)
Prayer said before eating
Darnassian | English |
Sha Dorenar Anu’elahar | Praise the Wilds for these blessings |
Worship ceremony by night elves is mainly done through a bi-monthly cleansing at a moonwell, where prayers are also offered. One at the full moon, and one on the new moon. Purification is seen as an incredibly important rite, and keeps the Night Elf safe and healthy. Typically a night elf will travel to the nearest moonwell for these rites, and the moonwell’s priestess will perform them (though occasionally a druid of the moon or a dryad can do this). If the person is unable to travel, they can then request a priestess to travel to their residence for the night of the purification to perform the rites instead.
Elune is seen as forgiving as for the timing of such rituals, seeing as things can happen that would cause a delay in travel, such as inclement weather. So the rites can happen a few days before or after the main ritual day.
Moonlight Cleansing (Isil'Shalloral)
- On the Full Moon and the New moon, kaldorei go through a cleansing ritual.
- It usually occurs at a moonwell, but doesn’t have to be. Kal’dorei keep a bottle of moonwell water that can be added to a bath at home.
- Night elves bathe in the water while reciting a prayer, pouring water over their head and body with a chalice.
- Upon request, a priestess can recite the prayer at the same time as the person going through the ritual. Parents can also say the incantation on behalf of a young child.
Darnassian | English |
Da’Elune, Lendu Nailah | Mother Moon, I wish for cleansing |
Na Ash’dral, Ash’alan, Ash’dala | For this body, mind, heart |
Anu’Sil’aru, Anu’thoras, Anu’Shu | Of my/our burdens, troubles, sorrows |
Andu Isil’Nai-Droru | May the flow of moonlit waters |
Mor Anu’anath nora Dordu Elahar | Ease my/our soul and restore it with your blessings |
Elune-Adore | Elune be with me/us |
Baptism (Shallorah’Estel)
- Literal meaning: First Cleansing
On the first full moon of spring, all elves born in the past year (born over the autumn, summer, spring and the winter of the year before last) have their first “true” cleansing at a moonwell. Takes place on the last day of Eranah'Astras, the Spring Festival. Also can be retrofitted to bring someone into the faith. The parents take the child to a moonwell, where a priestess immerses them fully in moonwell water. (Before this point they are washed outside of the well, or just not brought to the well at all to allow both the mother and the newborn child time to recover the birth) This is a major celebration in towns, and townsfolk bring gifts to give to the families.
Darnassian | English |
Ash’shal, anu’arama (name) adora Isil’Elun | This night, we bring (name) into Elune’s light |
Da’Elune rae Dorenar ameth dorei | May Mother moon and the Wilds embrace this child |
Ethelore ka’elarah, ka’bellah, ka’oporah | Watch over them as they sprout, bloom, and bare fruit |
Dorei’Dorenore lo falorei rae dalorar | As they run alongside their sisters and brothers |
Coming of Age Pilgrimage (Bellah’dorei Diel)
- Literal meaning: Flowering Child’s Journey
On the first night of summer, all the elves that have reached the age of 100 over the past year arrive at Mt Hyjal for a coming of age ceremony. At twilight, young elves are bathed in the waters of the Temple of the Moon by the High Priestess, who personally welcomes into adulthood. This is followed by a celebration of revelry that lasts the whole night.
- For Women - This is also the time where young women are formally inducted into the sentinels for their 100 years of mandatory service. Night elven women that have decided on their face tattoos by this point can go through the ritual to obtain them this night, but this is by no means expected. (There is a requirement that if a young woman is to get them, she must be sober for this ceremony.)
- For Men - Craftsmen looking for apprentices go to this ceremony, and students looking to take on a teach bring examples of their work to prove their abilities. Those that choose to join a druid circle also begin more intensive druidic training at this time. While this is generally more for men, women are also allowed to join a circle if they show druidic promise.
Female Face Tattooing Ceremony (Anath’Talka)
- Literal meaning: Mark of the Soul
Once a female night elf has turned 100, she is allowed to go through the ceremony to have their face tattooed by a Priestess of the Moon. This often occurs following the coming of age ceremony.
Lotus petals grown in Hyjal’s Well of Eternity are used in the ritual, as are Briarthorn needles and Bruiseweed salve
Common Designs tend to have a basic shape, but can vary based on preference.
- Bear- Might, strength, ferocity, power, survival, balance, wisdom, patience, teamwork, loyalty, warmth, friendship
- Blades- Courage, bravery, righteousness, justice, protection, vengeance, retribution, conviction, focus, battle, purification, extension of oneself, sacrifice, life & death, truth
- Claws- Meeting challenges head-on, bravery, ferocity, strength, speed, agility, stealth, hunting, cunning, tracking, pride, grace, intelligence, loyalty, feral, aggressive, predator
- Crane- Patience, healing, grace, serenity, beauty, protection, water, secrets, devotion, parenthood, teaching, care, creativity
- Crescent/Circle - Three Aspects of the Moon, balance, light, darkness, complexity, purification, flow, transformation, adaptability
- Hawk- Companionship, observation, progressiveness, bravery, intensity, vigilance, innovation, swiftness, messenger
- Leaf/Flower- The White Lady, Harmony, balance, nurturing, peace, healing, wisdom, nature, protection, the wild, dryads, resurrection, survival, cycle of life, slumber
- Owl- The Cunning Crescent, Wisdom, vigilance, stealth, spying, messenger, silence, sharp senses, the night, mystery, secrets, hunting, truth
- Serpent- Rebirth, wisdom, cycle of life, poison, agility, strength, speed, accuracy, trance, dreams, Ysera, observation, patience
- Shadow- The Night Warrior, wrath, night, prudence, refuge, stealth, darkness, hiding, silence, mystery, balance, attachment, hidden potential
- Stars- Guidance, enlightenment, dependability, beauty, light, life, healing, clarity, truth
- Wings- Communication, knowledge, insight, observation, guidance, haste, messenger, sky, wind, distance, freedom.
Darnassian | English | Notes |
Tor nailu anath | Let the waters cleanse the Spirit | When the face is cleaned with moonwell water |
Melindil’bella, quilah dal’talka -- Sela ande’arama bellas dal’daroth | Lotus petals bloom, granting color to your mark--just as your purpose blooms within you. | When the ink is mixed from petals |
Agamaxar, melah quil na helma -- Sela ande’melu dal’thoras | Briarthorn, to bear the ink to skin--just as you bear the charge you carry. | When the tattooing begins |
Xar’el, retorah dure’dorinas morore silar. | Bruiseweed (Thistle), to remind us that nature gifts the means to ease pains. | Tattoos are cleaned with a bruiseweed salve |
Andas Ashil | It is done. | When the ritual is complete |
The tattoos do fade over time. Some kaldorei allow them to fade while others have the design reapplied. It is seen as acceptable to remove and exchange a tattoo upon a major life change, especially if a name is changed along with it, as it is believed someone has become an entirely different person.
A similar ritual is performed on Druids as they enter a circle, though they may wait until the druid has completed training before this happens. Here they are tattooed with the symbol of a wild god revered by their circle.
Marriage Ceremony (Aramah’Dalas)
- Literal meaning: Joining of Hearts
Nearly all marriages take place in Eranah'Astras, or at least during the Spring- with rare exception (typically when a war suddenly starts, or if it uncertain if one of the partners involved will survive to the next Spring) The ceremony involves those getting married and a Priestess of the Moon to both facilitate and act as witness. The Priestess of the Moon when fulfilling this role is seen to act as the eyes of Elune. (This ceremony can also take place between multiple partners getting married to each other- but typically only when everyone is getting married to each other)
- The couple wears their cleansing clothes, covered in long robes (Ones often borrowed specifically for this ceremony), and each carries a chalice. These cups were either made by themselves, or they had helped in creating them in some way.
- As the ritual begins, the Priestess of the Moon recites a prayer, that from now to the end of the ceremony, she will act as Elune’s stand-in as the couple are bonded together.
- The Priestess of the Moon guides the partners to a Moonwell, a ritual platinum chalice in one hand, and an alighted staff in the other.
- This is usually a smaller one located a bit into the woods, thus allowing more privacy for the ritual.
- Arriving at the moonwell, the robes are removed and the Priestess brings the couple into the waters.
- Once in the Moonwell, the priestess fills her platinum chalice with water. As she says prayers, she fills the couple’s own cups with the water. This will occur repeatedly through the ceremony.
- The Priestess then begins the usual cleansing ritual, though guides the couple to cleanse each other. As this occurs, she asks the couple to state why they are here and why they have chosen to be bonded.
- As the cleansing is complete, the Priestess fills their cup one final time.
- The couple drinks from their own cup, then holds up the cup to the other to have their partner drink from it.
- Once the cups are empty the couple kiss, and the marriage is sealed.
This ritual was adapted from the more ostentatious Imperial Age ceremony. These occurred in Temples of Elune, and were performed with Holy Water. They were also used by the Highborne as ways to display their status and wealth, and were massive public spectacles- thus when the ceremony was adapted after the war the ceremony was made more private, with more focus put on those getting married.
However, depending on the wishes of the betrothed, family and friends can hold a flower blessing (Elah'bella) before the ceremony. Family and friends host a party beforehand where those getting married are covered in flowers by their guests. Once it's time to begin the ceremony proper, the guests see them off to begin the next stage of their life.
Funeral Ceremony (Shallorah’Finel)
- Literal Meaning: Final Cleansing
The body of the deceased is cleansed in moonwell waters by a Priestess of the Moon, who evokes the cleansing ritual one final time on the deceased person’s behalf. The body is then interred underneath a tree sapling with the help a druid, while a priestess of the moon invokes the incantation as the body is laid to rest.
A paper lantern is constructed for the deceased before the ceremony. A druid or priestess then magically imbues the lantern to float, and it is set adrift to the winds. This part of the ritual is meant to symbolize the kaldorei returning to the stars with their ancestors.
Darnassian | English |
Da’Elune, Dorinu Ash Kal’dorei Bindelore | Mother moon, grant this child of the stars rest |
Elore Meniel Lor’ma | Bless them with peace eternal |
Andu Dral Retetour Doras rae Tel, | May the body be retaken by the nature and soil, |
Andu Drorah’sin Elarore dure, | May the blood’s flow sprout new life, |
Andu Anath Arama Kalo’Ameth’Elun | May the soul join in Elune’s starry embrace |
Anu Ovelore, ano La’Eranure Ana’surfu | We will mourn, but we will not forget our love |
Anore’Dalas Shanore Elor | Our hearts will honor them evermore |
Kalar-Melore, (name is said) | Stars Guide you (name is said) |
Elune-Adore | Elune be with us |
Executioner’s Prayer (Tyra Ashreth)
- Literal Meaning - Prayer of Justice
When able, a Priestess of the Moon will invoke Elune's name when executing a criminal
Darnassian | English |
Vor’anath, | Wretched soul, |
Elune ethelah dal | Elune's gaze is upon you |
Tharore ande’shindas rae ande’senantas | She sees your sins and your scars |
Re andas Elun’drisil | I am Her eyes |
Re andas Elun’Nemeiore | I am Her judgment |
Anar’o, tor ande’nal Elun’shasil dordil | Through me, may you know Her mercy once more. |