Sisterhood of Elune

- Leader
- Maiev Shadowsong
- Formerly
- Tyrande Whisperwind
- Race(s)
- Kaldorei
- Capital
- Mount Hyjal
- Languages
- Darnassian
- Affiliation
- Neutral
- Status
- Active
The Sisterhood of Elune is a kaldorei organization that existed long before the sundering. Following the War of the Ancients, it was restructured to serve as the main governing body of the night elves, and only barely resembles what it was during the kaldorei imperial age. Priestesses of the Moon also see to the rites and ritual pertaining to the goddess Elune. They work closely with the Sentinels, some priestesses holding rank in both organizations. They also work closely with the Cenarion Circle, especially the Circle of the Moon. Melun is the Darnassian term for Priestess of the Moon, while melil is a term for any sort of priest.
A woman is not permitted to join the Sisterhood of Elune until they complete their mandatory 100 years of service in the Sentinels. Robes of the Sisterhood of the Moon made of moonsilk (woven from giant spider silk and blessed in a moonwell) and are decorated in platinum jewelry. Fully fledged priestesses wear robes a shade reflecting the Aspect of Elune which they feel best represents their calling.
- White robes for the White Lady
- Silver robes for the Cunning Crescent
- Black robes for the Night Warrior
Platinum is considered Elune's metal due to its scarcity and its resilience, and is reserved for priestesses and holy jewelry. The longer a woman is a priestess, the more jewelry she is ordained with.
- Maiden - (Minna) Blue robes, decorated with dark blue sashes, to emulate the Blue Child. Maidens cannot be initiated until the woman in question completes her mandatory 100 years in the Sentinels. Daughters of priestesses, or people who want to help preform rites in general can also serve as maidens, and they wear the blue robes without the signifying platinum jewelry or sashes. They are refereed to by the term Shrine Maiden (Minna'adora), as they are most often found assisting at holy sites. Often Maidens need to train for 100 additional years before becoming full priestesses.
- Sister - (Fa'Melun or Falore) After their training is complete, they receive their white moonsilk robes and can choose the color of their sashes- so long as it's a dark color. The longer the women serves as a priestess the more platinum jewelry she accumulates. Sashes lighten as the priestess's rank goes up, indicating the glowing brightness of the moon. Rank is less about power and more to indicate chain of command.
- Mother - (Da'Melun or Minn'do) A leadership position. Overseers of a shine, temple, or village reach this rank, and their sashes are pastel.
- Elder - (Han'Melun or Minn'eldre) Their robes and sashes match in color. These Priestesses oversee entire regions, much like a Sentinel Commander. The High Priestess (Shan'Melun) is the highest ranked Elder.
- Cleric- (Lunala) Not a rank, but a type of Priestess that is also a member of the Sentinels. (Though time spent in the Sentinels is a requirement of joining the sisterhood, there is not a need to remain in them once finished with their required service.). Their sash and armor clearly display their rank, and veteran priestesses wear armor coated in platinum.
Known Members
![]() | ![]() | Amara Nightwalker | Priestess of the Moon and Huntress | Alive |
![]() | ![]() | Belysra Starbreeze | Priestess of the Moon, Creator of the Scythe of Elune | Alive |
![]() | ![]() | Delas Moonfang | Priestess of the Moon and Leader of the Moonblades | Alive |
![]() | ![]() | Maiev Shadowsong | High Priestess of Elune, former Leader of the Wardens | Alive |
![]() | ![]() | Morra Starbreeze | Sentinel and former scout to the Eastern Kingdoms | Alive |
![]() | ![]() | Tyrande Whisperwind | Priestess of the Moon. Former leader of the Kaldorei people, High Priestess of Elune, and of the Sentinels | Alive |