[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Four

Appearing Characters: Aliden Perenolde, Aoibh Reòthadh, Danath Trollbane, Elissa Cross, Galen Trollbane, Gilveradin Windrunner, Liiraluma, Robert Travard, Rommath Pyrewing, Samuel Hawke, Singer, Teemo Manabrake, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Vittoria Trollbane

November 22nd

The sun had started to set, and Gil and Elissa were heading back to the Wobby Shepherd where they had happened to pick up rooms separate from Uther and Luma. Elissa smiled at Gil.

Elissa Cross says: These people are extremely colorful! I’ve never been to Stromgarde before.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’ve never really been myself. I knew stories, but it’s definitely different actually being here.
Elissa Cross says: I don’t think I’ll ever really miss this. Being able to just… you know. Help people. I know we’ve been running all over the place, trying to do what we could. First in Lordaeron… I think it reminds me why we’re doing all this, you know?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Seeing the people?
Elissa Cross says: Yeah.

Gil smiled.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: It’s good to have that perspective. Do you have any thoughts of what you wanted to do with the fact you technically have a title?
Elissa Cross says: I don’t know. It’s not like I can just easily go back home. But… I think when this is done, I want to do what I can for the people. I… I’m not sure what’s going to happen with my dad… and with everything that happened. But… I know we’ll be able to figure something out.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Well, they gave you that land. It’s yours. And the only people that can stop you are the people on your side.
Elissa Cross says: Heh. Well… I guess we’ll have to see if anything can be done with it. And once everyone gets back on their feet, see how everything ends up going. I never would have imagined it, but after seeing what we saw in Andorhal and with… King Kael’thas’s speech. And I mean, even everything we’ve been able to accomplish with Vel and everyone else who isn’t exactly alive like we are… it gives me hope that maybe we will be able to figure something out. And I don’t have to do it alone. I’m still not sure how I’m going to tell my mom… but I can figure that out later too.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Some bridges you don’t have to cross until you get there.
Elissa Cross says: What about you? Once we finish, you know, everything… weren’t you and your friends put together for what we’re doing now. What will you do afterwards?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’ll have to go back to the red dragonflight and see where I can be of help.
Elissa Cross says: Yeah, I’m sure there’s going to be a lot to do.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: The world is going to be different. They can’t hide anymore. So I imagine part of what I would like to be doing is building bridges.

Elissa chuckled.

Elissa Cross says: And I guess we can cross those when we come to them too, right?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That’s what they’re for.

As he looked up at the cloudy, darkening sky and regarding the scenery around them, he noticed that they were being followed. They were being subtle, but there were several individuals. He could not count how many there were, but there were at least half a dozen.

Gil used [Message] to alert Elissa to the revelation, and her eyes widened. She asked via the message if he could tell who it was, but Gil said he could not. They were able to play it cool, but Gil was unable to tell what the followers’ intentions were.

They opted to try and lose the followers, and Gil subtle spelled [Pass without Trace] to aid their passage. They kept it casual as they strolled, but as they rounded a corner, he pulled Elissa into a side alley and successfully lost the followers in the shadows.

Some dark-garbed individuals walked right past where they were hidden. Quietly, he heard them speaking.

Frustrated Drakonid says: Where the hell did they go? We just saw them come this way.

The individual appeared to be wearing dark leathers, but was a black-scaled drakonid beneath the glamour of a shape-shifting ability. Another individual was a human, and he cast [Sending].

Calm Drakonid says: We’ve lost track of the targets. Do you still have an eye on them?

There was an unheard response, and the human looked back at the drakonid and shook their head.

Calm Drakonid says: Singer lost them too.
Frustrated Drakonid says: Dammit. Find them. They couldn’t have gone far.

The group fanned out to attempt to search for them. Elissa and Gil slipped around the docks, and Elissa peeked her head out.

Elissa Cross says: I think we lost them.

Gil, however, grabbed Elissa and pulled her back, narrowly avoiding two other human Syndicate members as they passed by.

Elissa Cross says: Thanks. I’m not good at this.

They redirected their passage, but successfully left the district without the Syndicate members picking up on their trail. They returned to the Wobbly Shepherd, and Elissa was clearly mentally exhausted from the effort, as she was not built for subterfuge at all.

Luma and Teemo were accounted for, but they were back in their room. Uther saw them, however, and he noted Gil looked fine, but Elissa seemed stressed. Uther stood up to greet them.

Uther Menethil says: Is everything alright?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Ah! Angus! Glad to see you!
Elissa Cross says: Yeah, everything’s fine. Just peachy.

Gil smiled.

Elissa Cross says: Is everyone else okay?
Uther Menethil says: To my knowledge, yes. But that question worries me. What’s wrong?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Just some unexpected friends in dark garb.
Uther Menethil says: Were you accosted?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: They wanted to, maybe.
Elissa Cross says: They were just following us…
Gilveradin Windrunner says: But given who they work for…
Uther Menethil says: Someone we’re familiar with?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Some more intimately than others.

Gil clarified via message they were drakonids as they found a quiet corner

Uther Menethil says: Believe it or not, I was able to sniff that one out. Are they looking for all of us?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That may have been Syndicate business… but I don’t know what they were trying to do.
Uther Menethil says: Interesting… been a long time since this happened. Come up with a high risk high reward plan, and the person to talk me out of it isn’t here.
Elissa Cross says: Should we tell Vel about this? You said earlier that she said she was going to meet with their boss, right?
Uther Menethil says: That’s the plan. But we might be able to give her more information.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m of the same mind.

Uther smiled at Gil.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Are you going to infiltrate them or turn me in?

Uther snorted.

Uther Menethil says: Nothing quite so well-thought out. Care to watch from the roof as I go for an evening stoomble?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I can do that.
Uther Menethil says: See if they are after just you, or if they know who I even am.

Uther made himself smell of alcohol and then exited the bar to try and get himself lost.

Elissa Cross says: I don’t know if this is a good idea!
Uther Menethil says: It’s certainly not, but the people that normally talk me out of it isn’t here right now!
Elissa Cross says: I’m trying!
Uther Menethil says: We’ll be back in a few hours.

Elissa fiddled with her sending stone.

Elissa Cross says: Are you sure we shouldn’t tell Vel about this? This seems risky.
Uther Menethil says: It is. Either I go for this walk and remain unapproached, then we can assume they aren’t looking for all of us, or we get get approached and we will get more information to tell Vel.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: And Vel loves information.

Elissa deflated.

Elissa Cross says: Alright, fine. But I’m going to go upstairs and put my armor on. If you aren’t back in three hours, I’m telling Vel, and I’m going to come find you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I think the scariest part is you are going to tell Vel.
Uther Menethil says: I feel safer knowing you have my back already.

Uther headed off into the district that Gil and Elissa had slipped from, hoping to run into the Syndicate members that were lurking around. Uther wasn’t even sure Gil was following him, as he had managed to hide himself so well.

Uther passed by two shady-looking individuals, and Gil noted he was pretty sure they were the same individuals he had seen before. Both of them glanced back in Uther’s direction, and Gil saw them make some sort of gestures that might have been thieves’ cant. They watched him for a moment, but then continued on and didn’t double back to follow Uther.

Gil used [Message] to inform Uther that the two figures he had just passed were two of the members.

Uther Menethil says: I wonder if they didn’t notice me… or if I’m not their target.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: They noticed you. They may not be looking for you… or they’re going to wait. How do you want to approach this? Just turn around?

Uther opted to take another lap around the block to come back to the spot where the figures were, and he wound up passing the duo again. They appeared to still be actively looking for someone. Again, the duo passed by Uther and gave him a wide berth.

Uther opted to head back to the inn, and Elissa breathed a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, back at the keep, Vel got a sending from Rommath Pyrewing.

Rommath Pyrewing says [sending]: Miss Windrunner, are you free this evening to have a discussion? There are a few matters that I would like to speak with you on.

There was a pause as Vel processed who the sending was from.

Velameestra Windrunner says [sending]: I can do that. What happened?
Rommath Pyrewing says [sending]: You needn’t fret, miss Windrunner, nothing has occurred. I simply wished to ask about something. If this is a poor time…

Vel told him the timing was fine, and he confirmed that he would see her in a dream. Vel checked on Aoibh to ensure she was okay, and she then retreated into her portable hole.

As Vel drifted off to sleep, she materialized in a dreamscape that looked a lot like the room that Vel had specifically made him in the magnificent mansion. Rommath was staring out the window, which overlooked a night sky that resembled Northrend. As she appeared, he looked at her.

Rommath Pyrewing says: My apologies for calling you here so abruptly and misleading you to think something has occurred.
Velameestra Windruner says: It’s fine. We are simply handling a lot of matters.
Rommath Pyrewing says: Yes, it seems you have an aptitude for that. I was hoping you might take a few more days to recover before you started juggling so many things, but the world won’t wait for that, I suppose…
Velameestra Windruner says: Things rarely do.
Rommath Pyrewing says: Regardless, the matters I have to speak to you on are of no… grave importance. More a deep curiosity.
Velameestra Windruner says: How can I be of service, Grand Magister?
Rommath Pyrewing says: The topic pertains to the day you were rescued. Are you comfortable speaking on those matters?

Vel’s ears flexed back against the side of her skull briefly, and she looked momentarily unsure.

Velameestra Windruner says: It… depends on the topic, I suppose…
Rommath Pyrewing says: At the very least, know I have no intention of prying into anything you are uncomfortable speaking on… but this is in a way a follow up to the conversation we had when you awoke in the demiplane. But I don’t wish to speak on… I have observed you on a number of occasions seemingly speaking to someone else. While at first blush, knowing what I know, I might have considered this to be another symptom of the circumstances we had discussed previously. But I have reason to believe this is something else. And on the day of your liberation, when you recovered your belongings, I noticed a distinctive… change in your diction toward your unseen conversation partners. Specifically after you recovered your ring. Would I be correct in assuming there is an entity of some sort bound within it?
Velameestra Windruner says: And what if there was?
Rommath Pyrewing says: Ideally, I’d like to know who it was. You’ve been wearing that ring for a great deal of time. If there is something, or someone, who has been privy to the things you and I have discussed, I would like to know about it.

Vel had been clearly tense, but she slowly relaxed.

Velameestra Windruner says: He… gives me privacy during such conversations. He’s my mentor. The one that taught me necromancy.

Rommath furrowed his brow.

Rommath Pyrewing says: I see. I suppose that is very conscientious of him.
Velameestra Windruner says: He respects my desire for privacy. And he is not a threat to the sin’dorei. In truth he is… fascinated in seeing where our people go. He has a vested interest in seeing them succeed.
Rommath Pyrewing says: You don’t say. And I suspect you are… respecting his privacy in not revealing his identity?

Vel considered for a moment, her eyes fixed on Rommath as if weighing the decision as she played with the tip of a fang with her tongue.

Velameestra Windruner says: You… likely knew him once. When you were in Dalaran. His name is Kel’Thuzad.

Rommath’s brow raised, and it was clear on his face that pieces were clicking together.

Rommath Pyrewing says: So that was how you ended up with the old maverick’s manor then… it was a ruse the entire time.
Velameestra Windruner says: It was. The… Kirin Tor obviously did not know about those lessons.
Rommath Pyrewing says: No, I wager they wouldn’t, would they? Hmph.
Velameestra Windruner says: It was because of him I didn’t fall victim to the hex. Before it was able to be resolved.
Rommath Pyrewing says: I had believed I sensed an anomaly of sorts when I had interfaced with the hex when it was still bound to your ring. But I had not considered this particular circumstance. How very interesting. I presume, then, that you trust him implicitly?
Velameestra Windruner says: I trust him more than I trust most.
Rommath Pyrewing says: Very well. I suppose that will have to be enough. Do give him my regards. After all, it seems without his tutelage and his assistance, you likely would not have been here. Not in this particular instance. And given the profound impact you have had on his Majesty, I do not know what state the sin’dorei would be in had that been the case.
Velameestra Windruner says: I’m… sure those regards will do him well.
Rommath Pyrewing says: It goes without saying that for the time being this information will stay between the two of us. If you decide to disclose it to his Majesty at some point, I will leave that to you.
Velameestra Windruner says: Understood.
Rommath Pyrewing says: Are you…

He paused.

Rommath Pyrewing says: I know that you have little time for rest, but I hope your recovery has still gone apace.
Velameestra Windruner says: As... best as it can be. Unfortunately we needed to hit the ground running.
Rommath Pyrewing says: I must insist you try to take what time you can. His Majesty has been… quite busy with arrangements for Pilgrim’s Bounty. I believe that knowing you are doing what you can to take care of yourself will do much to raise his spirits. Have you…

He considered for a moment.

Rommath Pyrewing says: Has He given you any trouble lately? Or have you at least been spared his… prattling?
Velameestra Windruner says: …He comes and goes. It has… not been as severe as it was in the Monastery. But he comes and goes.
Rommath Pyrewing says: Would it help you to speak on what he says? To get that off your chest? To… disprove these manifestations? These conjurations of your mind.

Vel offered a tired, sardonic smirk.

Velameestra Windruner says: I believe, Grand Magister… the hardest thing about it is that there isn’t really anything to disprove. You were right… when you said we were similar.
Rommath Pyrewing says: I…
Velameestra Windruner says: He is simply a voice to the darker parts of my mind. A mentor, of sorts… albeit a… haunting and frustrating one.

Rommath looked at her for a moment.

Rommath Pyrewing says: Would you… would you be willing to entertain something for me?
Velameestra Windruner says: What?
Rommath Pyrewing says: I want to see what he looks like to you.

Vel sighed quietly, but she imposed herself on the dreamscape, requesting permission from Rommath to manipulate it. He in turn relented it to her.

She focused her gaze on the air before them, and a phantasm appeared there. It was a blackened, crackling, flaming skeletal man with eyes that glowed like coal-like embers. As it looked over at the Grand Magister, it bowed, sweeping its wide black hat from its head.

Rommath looked at it for a long time, and he narrowed his eyes.

Rommath Pyrewing says: I see… tell me, Miss Windrunner… at any point did his Majesty take you there?
Velameestra Windruner says: To Deatholme? No. He didn’t. From what I understand… his Majesty does not know I know he still exists.
Rommath Pyrewing says: Perhaps it’s time that changed. For either you have an exceptionally accurate imagination… or there’s something else at play here. I would like to believe it was the prior.

Vel’s ears flattened against her skull as she dismissed the image. Rommath sighed.

Rommath Pyrewing says: My apologies again. Here I am adding more to your significant weight…
Velameestra Windruner says: Don’t worry yourself about it, Grand Magister.
Rommath Pyrewing says: I appreciate your candidness, Miss Windrunner. If you would like, I can show you a bit of what his Majesty and I have been working on. I understand your business will be taking you abroad, so if you wish to see anything, I’d be happy to oblige. Though I’m sure he would be equally willing.
Velameestra Windruner says: I’d like that. I imagine the two of you focus on different things.

Rommath chuckled quietly.

Rommath Pyrewing says: It would be only fair, after all, it’s been your hard work that has enabled this in the first place. Perhaps not alone… but it would be ignorant not to acknowledge the crucial and pivotal role you played in creating this opportunity before us.

Rommath waved his hand, and the room faded to instead reveal the empty streets of Lordaeron. There were decorations that had started to be set up, such as gourds and pumpkins. Some were pale white while others were vibrant orange and green. One of the fountains of the central district had candles lit upon it, some with white wax, while others were with red. There were baskets filled with cloth and other goods that had been made to hand out to people that needed them, and one of the most notable things was that the lamps were lit with the familiar, unearthly fire of Al’ar.

The main street had many tables set up, that in less than a week’s time, would be open to all for feasting.

Velameestra Windruner says: They’re… all taking to it, then?
Rommath Pyrewing says: It is tenuous at best. But his Majesty has done much to walk the streets and learn the names of as many people as he can. Human and elf. I fear this will ultimately do nothing but make them see us as what we want them to see us as… as the people we once were, not the creatures we’ve become. But it would be better for us to be seen as a lie than as monsters, I suppose.
Velameestra Windruner says: Unfortunately, the… living being able to truly process what we are is a feat more difficult than what one may wish.
Rommath Pyrewing says: I wonder if it will ever truly be possible.
Velameestra Windruner says: I think it’s just a matter of people needing to sit with the discomfort… rather than understand it.

Vel saw a look pass over Rommath’s eyes in a way that belayed his own struggles with such a thing. After all, if they couldn’t even accept themselves, then how could others do the same?

Velameestra Windruner says: But I think it’s a valid first step. And I’m glad his Majesty has taken to it so readily.
Rommath Pyrewing says: He’s dedicated a great deal of his effort towards it. What has not been spent on rebuilding, or handling things in Venetia or elsewhere abroad. Assuaging the fears, appearing… normal, if there is such a thing. I am… proud of him for trying.
Velameestra Windruner says: I’m sure you being there with him is no small amount of support. He frequently speaks fondly of you.
Rommath Pyrewing says: And of you.

Vel smiled slightly.

Velameestra Windruner says: I’m glad.
Rommath Pyrewing says: I’ve taken up enough of your time this evening. You should do what you can to get what rest you can without the likes of me disrupting your sleep.
Velameestra Windruner says: This isn’t a disruption. It’s good to see you, Grand Magister.

Rommath chuffed quietly.

Rommath Pyrewing says: …Should you require anything else in the meantime. Anything that you feel you cannot speak to his Majesty about, for one reason or another. I… would be glad to hear from you.
Velameestra Windruner says: The same goes for you.

She looked back at the streets of Lordaeron.

Velameestra Windruner says: Ultimately, if we must wear masks around the living… there’s no reason to wear them around the dead.
Rommath Pyrewing says: Perhaps you’re right. Good evening, Miss Windrunner.
Velameestra Windruner says: Good evening.

Rommath bowed and faded away, but he left her on the street for just a moment longer so she could see the full thing before the image also faded into true darkness.

November 23rd

As the group awoke the next morning, Vel checked in on Aoibh and set up the telepathic bond for the day, before she headed to the chapel to meet with Aliden. She had manifested her spider form and she paused outside it for a moment, her skin crawling at the presence of the holy energy.

But she entered, as it wasn’t under the influence of a full hallow. She saw Aliden sitting in the front row. It was a small chapel, and there were a few runestones that the altar was built in and around.

As Vel approached, she transformed herself into her disguised form with Alter Self, her glamored armor filling in for the outfit she had been wearing. Aliden had his back to her as he sat in the pew at the front of the chapel, playing with a coin between his fingers.

Velameestra Windrunner says: You didn’t strike me as a pious man, master Perenolde.
Aliden Perenolde says: But of course. After all, the Church of the Holy Light has a number of tenets that speak to me on an intrinsic level. Tenacity, of course, being the most obvious one. I’ve been called many things in my life, but I believe tenacious is the most apt.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s obvious by looking at you.
Aliden Perenolde says: You flatter me! There’s of course respect. I’ve always been a respectful man. After all, a man that doesn’t respect others finds himself in a most unfortunate situation. Then there’s compassion.

He flipped the coin and it landed in an open offering basket by the altar.

Aliden Perenolde says: What am I if not compassionate?

Vel chuffed quietly as she looped around and sat in the pew next to him, a few feet of distance between them.

Aliden Perenolde says: You had some information that might be interesting for me?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I do. And it was out of respect for the bargain we had struck that I chose to inform you of it. Three of the men under your employ. They are shapeshifters. Shapeshifters with a loyalty to forces outside the Syndicate. I imagine they were planted to watch you… among other reasons.
Aliden Perenolde says: A bold claim. What proof do you have?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I saw them, and I can show you their faces.

She looked over her shoulder to ensure no one was entering the chapel, and then she conjured illusion magic to show the three individuals, two male and one female. Aliden’s brow furrowed.

Aliden Perenolde says: How were you able to tell this? Some sort of magic?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I have special eyes. But they are eyes I can temporarily give you, should you wish to see it for yourself.

Aliden considered the offer.

Aliden Perenolde says: Do those special eyes of yours allow you to see intention? These shapeshifters, you know something about them, don’t you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well. My special eyes didn’t tell me anything of the sort, but what I heard them speaking of did. Do you make a habit of having your men consider kidnapping the children of the people you’re working for?
Aliden Perenolde says: …No. Not unless there’s a very good reason for it, and I’ve not been given any such orders.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Have you had your men trailing a man by the name of Camtheus Glowsun?
Aliden Perenolde says: That I did, yes. So he is one of yours, then?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, in a sense. But the conversation I was privy to covered the misfortune that their target was now unavailable because the princess of Stromgarde was dead. So they needed to look for other means.
Aliden Perenolde says: Means for what?
Velameestra Windrunner says: To get leverage on the prince of Lordaeron. Which is… a bold approach for the Syndicate to take.

Aliden got very quiet.

Aliden Perenolde says: No such orders were given to me. Not yet.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Likely because he doesn’t trust you with it.

She looked over at Aliden.

Aliden Perenolde says: A bold claim. A baseless accusation.
Velameestra Windrunner says: But you also know what kind of man his Majesty king Daval Prestor is. I have a vested interest in removing these pests that have infested the keep. But… I wasn’t going to go behind your back and kill your men when I had just given my word I wouldn’t harm them.
Aliden Perenolde says: As it stands, the three individuals you’ve identified are all rather… accomplished members of my organization.
Velameestra Windrunner says: As were the other three that you had mentioned died by our hands prior, yes?
Aliden Perenolde says: Yes.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Similar circumstances.
Aliden Perenolde says: I’m finding this quite irksome, my dear friend. Why is it that wherever you end up, rats come crawling out of the woodwork?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Become enough of a threat, and people seek to eliminate it, yes?
Aliden Perenolde says: You say this magic will reveal the truth of what these people are. How am I to know this isn’t some sort of trick?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well. I’m quite the terrible liar.
Aliden Perenolde says: That much is true.
Velameestra Windrunner says: If you’re worried about trusting me… I suppose you can’t. But then, I have no reason to trust you either. So we are on an equal playing field.

Aliden chuckled.

Aliden Perenolde says: I suppose you have me there.
Velameestra Windrunner says: But what I am is a woman that values mutually beneficial exchanges. Removing your rats serves me just as well.

She smirked.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I won’t even make you deal with the bodies. For what it’s worth… with that particular magic you’ll be able to see what I look like as well. Regardless of what form I take.

Aliden chuckled again.

Aliden Perenolde says: I believe you’ve got yourself a deal. I’ll call a special meeting this evening. My top agents and advisors will be there. I suspect you’ll be there as well. We’ll see what this magic reveals, and if there are in fact any rats sneaking around the keep. But, on one condition.

Vel raised her eyebrow.

Aliden Perenolde says: I expect answers. Whatever these shapeshifters are, I hope you will explain them once I see them with my own eyes. After all, they have a tendency to find their way into my number. If there are three here, I suspect there are more elsewhere. The family will not make it through this time of turmoil if not everyone is loyal to the cause, after all. And, well, I do like a head start on my spring cleaning.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Always good to be ahead of the weather.

Vel waved her hand, and her familiar, Arkha’din, materialized before them. There was a pulse of magic as she imbued the magic through him, and he turned his attention toward Aliden.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Just give him a little scratch behind his frill.

Aliden squinted at the familiar.

Aliden Perenolde says: Is that a required part of the spell?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Not normally.

He scratched the mana wyrm behind his frill, and the magic channeled through him, imbuing his eyes with the same special sight she had used herself. When he looked over at her again, he saw her true appearance to be that of an elven woman.

Aliden smiled, realizing his assessment of who she was in the group had been correct.

Aliden Perenolde says: How very interesting. I do love being right.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I will say… you weren’t right about everything.

Aliden squinted, perturbed as the question of who he was wrong about rose to the top of his mind.

Aliden Perenolde says: I suppose I’ll see you at our meeting. If you want to see how it turns out.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I have a vested interest. Good day, master Perenolde.

She stood up and dismissed her familiar, then began to walk away. As she did, she transformed back into a spider and then skittered away. Aliden watched her, getting used to the special vision that she had given him, and noting that even as a spider, he still knew who she was. He spoke up one final time.

Aliden Perenolde says: Fair warning… your associate? His majesty is the one that wants to find him.

Vel paused in acknowledgement, but disappeared.

Vel relayed the information into the group, including that Aliden had confirmed it was Galen that had given the order to search for “Camtheus Glowsun”. She also spent the rest of the day chatting with Aoibh back in their room as she monitored the castle using the invisible sensor she had created.

Luma continued to wander around the city and get a read on what the people of Strom were adept at building. However, it seemed most of the orders were commissions for the war, all signed and sealed by the High King to build weapons and fortifications.

But things like rebuilding the Basilica were being ignored in favor of the war.

The one thing Luma noticed was that there was a shipment the prior week of more supplies from Shadowforge, the Dark Iron dwarf capitol. But every time they came through, a wagon would break. Whatever was being shipped was heavier than even heavy, dense stone.

Uther decided to focus on just relaxing at the tavern and playing hearthstone. He managed to create an influx of people playing battlegrounds. It was good for him, as he was able to unwind a bit and focus on playing games instead of the dread of the drakonids hidden in the dark.

He opted to send Bob to let him know he introduced battlegrounds to Stromgarde and they were having a fantastic time. Bob said he was glad to hear it, and everyone there was always welcome at the Helping Hand.

Gil continued to spin the tale he had started, but he added the antagonist of shadow people to it. Elissa asked if he was trying to start something, and Gil simply said he was a very arrogant man.

Gil headed back with Elissa later that night, but this time there was no one following them, which was in and of itself interesting.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Well Elissa, either they recognize they were seen and are regrouping, or they are better than I think they are, and I am going to die tonight.

Meanwhile, Vel found a message left for her that indicated where and when the meeting was. It was in the dungeon under the castle.

Vel crept down into the dungeon, once again in her spider form, and she saw about a dozen Syndicate members other than Aliden, and all three of the targets were also present.

Aliden Perenolde says: Ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate you meeting here on such short notice. As you are all aware, his Majesty will be making an announcement tomorrow pertaining to the unfortunate business involving princess Vittoria. I simply wished to meet with all of you here to ensure that we are all on the same page as far as future proceedings will go.

He was pacing back and forth.

Aliden Perenolde says: It has come to my attention that there have been some activities amongst our people. Unsanctioned activities. Now while our family encourages one to be proactive… I fear in this particular instance, I find myself vexed. After all, the family has been through a great deal of difficulty. We’ve lost many of our numbers over the last several years. Indeed, just of a year ago, the tragic loss of Lord Gorgonne, Lord Therepentous, and Lady Lynch as our recent losses come to mind. Though under the esteemed leadership of the High King, we have found no small amount of prosperity, along with the unfortunate loss of my dear sister. It still seems as if not everyone in the family can agree on how it should be run.

The different members looked at one another, and one of the drakonids spoke up. As she passed by, she had a distinctive scent of blood and peppermint.

Drakonid Agent says: Have you identified those responsible, Lord Perenolde? We would all be happy to bring these traitors to justice.
Aliden Perenolde says: I’m glad you asked, Singer! Very glad you asked. With those keen eyes of yours, I was hoping you’d help me find them. But then again… you already failed in tracking down our elusive master Glowsun.
Singer says: I’m sorry, my lord. It won’t happen again. We will find him.
Aliden Perenolde says: I’m not concerned with that anymore. In fact, I don’t think tracking him should be our priority at all. Tell me, do any of you know anything about what might be going on here? If there’s something that any of you want to tell me right now, I’d love to hear it. After all, a family does not keep secrets from one another, does it? Anyone? Anyone at all? Not even you, Miss Singer, with your keen eyes? You’ve seen nothing!?
Singer says: No my lord, but you have my word. If there are traitors among us, I will find them. For the good of the family.

Aliden laughed.

Aliden Perenolde says: The family… disappointing. But there are other ways to get what I want.

Vel heard a hissing noise, and the door to the dungeon above them locked. Her keen senses picked up a foul odor that began to waft into the room. He gave a nod, and every single Syndicate executive pulled out a breathing apparatus except for the three drakonids.

Singer stepped forward.

Singer says: What’s the meaning of this?
Aliden Perenolde says: Don’t play dumb, you know what this is about, dear Singer. I know what you are, and I know where your real loyalties lie. I already gave you one chance, but an earlier conversation I had has made me feel especially compassionate.

He threw a mask on the ground in front of the drakonids.

Aliden Perenolde says: I have one more, and in my generosity, I decided to give it to you. A shame there are three of you remaining.

The three of the drakonids looked at each other and started to cough as panic started to build. Their eyes slit as the disguises started to wane, and in a flash of activity, the three of them broke out into a fight. Two of them lunged forward. One appeared to be some sort of arcane trickster, Singer was a full assassin, and the third one appeared to be a mage of some kind.

In draconic, Vel heard Singer shout the others.

Singer shouts [draconic]: Get us out of here!

Weapons were drawn, and the three drakonid went into combat with the rest of the Syndicate members.

One of them, the mage, started to cast a [Dimension Door]. However, Vel’s spider eyes flashed, and she used [Counterspell]. The mage looked around in a panic.

Drakonid Mage shouts: We’re not alone! There’s something else here!

A hand crossbow bolt went through his throat, and he dropped dead. The other two attempted to hold their ground as long as they could, and they even dropped one of the Syndicate loyalists, but it wasn’t long before the poison and stacked odds caused them to succumb. As they died, each of them took their true forms.

Aliden was stone faced, but the other Syndicate loyalists’ eyes widened.

Singer coughed, her eyes bloodshot. Aliden leaned down to her.

Aliden Perenolde says: It’s not too late, Singer.

He collected the mask and offered it to her.

Aliden Perenolde says: Tell me what’s going on. Tell me who, and what, you really are, and all of this can be forgiven.
Singer says: Forgiven!? You think we’d be forgiven if this got out!? You really don’t know what you’re dealing with… do you?

Her disguise faded, and scales covered her body. A build up of magma started to rise up her throat. She went to disgorge it on Aliden, but in a moment, he slit her throat, and the magma poured from a gash in her throat.

She slumped to the ground.

Aliden stood up and looked at his melted dagger. He sighed.

Aliden Perenolde says: I do hate throwing away a good tool.

He tossed the dagger on the corpse of the drakonid.

Aliden Perenolde says: Well done, everyone.

He looked to the others.

Aliden Perenolde says: That was as smooth as it could be. See if he can be saved, could you?

He gestured to the injured Syndicate member.

Syndicate Lieutenant says: My lord… what are these things?
Aliden Perenolde says: That’s an excellent question, my friend. One that I’m hoping might have an answer.

He gestured over in the direction of Vel.

Aliden Perenolde says: Care to enlighten us?

In her spider form, Vel skittered down to the ground, and a waft of white mist materialized as she took her disguised, humanoid guise before the gathered Syndicate members.

Velameestra Windrunner says: They are called drakonids.
Aliden Perenolde says: Ladies and gentlemen, my informant. The one that so generously pointed out the rats among us.

One of the members looked at her in shock.

Syndicate Lieutenant says: The poison… how is it not affecting you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: The dead don’t need to breathe.

Despite themselves, a few of the agents gasped and stepped back from her. Vel smirked, showing the tips of her fangs. Aliden leaned forward.

Aliden Perenolde says: So what are drakonids?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Servants of dragons. In this particular instance… they serve Daval Prestor.

Aliden’s brow furrowed.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Something I can assure you that he will kill you for knowing. Should he find out. There’s the entire truth of this conspiracy, master Perenolde. We’re dragon slaying.

Aliden started to laugh, first beneath the mask, and then he removed it.

Syndicate Lieutenant says: Sir, please–
Aliden Perenolde says: Oh, don’t make me laugh. If you think that I’ve not been able to build up an immunity after such time, you’ll be mistaken. Besides, it’s mostly dissipated. So you’re telling me that our dear High King, the one who brought about the revolution in Alterac that put him on the throne, is a dragon in disguise?
Velameestra Windrunner says: You have the right of it.
Aliden Perenolde says: The others you killed… Lynch, Gorgonne, Therepentous… were they drakonids as well?
Velameestra Windrunner says: No… no, they were something else. Lynch and Therepentous were dragonspawn, creatures spawned of the unfertilized eggs of draconic broodmothers, and Gorgonne was a dragon himself. They were never humans. Drakonids…

She nodded at the corpses on the floor.

Velameestra Windrunner says: They start mortal until they make a pact with a powerful dragon. A pact that can change what they are completely.
Aliden Perenolde says: I don’t know what’s worse… knowledge that our kin and family has been infiltrated by these monsters, or that some of them willingly signed over their own humanity! All for power or whatever else he promised… pathetic.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What is your next step, master Perenolde?

Aliden looked at the other Syndicate lieutenants.

Aliden Perenolde says: I suppose I will need to speak to the rest of my family. Here and elsewhere. If there are more of these…

He pushed the claw of one of the drakonids with his boot.

Aliden Perenolde says: Creatures that infiltrated our ranks, I would know about it. But I will not see our family used in the schemes of others. That is for certain.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Very good. If you would like, I can remove those for you.
Aliden Perenolde says: Please, save me the trouble of laying eyes on their disgusting faces any longer.

Vel chuffed quietly but strolled forward with a wave of her hand, opening up a portal to a demiplane in the middle of the room. She then twisted her fingers around, and a [Telekinesis] spell manifested, which she used to levitate each of the bodies forward into the gaping portal. She then closed her fist, and the portal disappeared.

It happened in the span of a minute.

Velameestra Windrunner says: All done.

Aliden looked to his lieutenants and then back at Vel.

Aliden Perenolde says: You remember the terms of our wager, yes?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I do.
Aliden Perenolde says: I’ll be watching your progress. Eagerly.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I hope you enjoy the show. If I’m no longer needed here, master Perenolde, have a good evening.

Aliden gave her a nod, and as she turned to leave, she happened to catch one of his lieutenants signing to Aliden using thieves’ cant. The message functionally asked if Aliden wanted them to assassinate Vel when she left.

Before Aliden could even reply, Vel spoke.

Velameestra Windrunner says: You won’t have the opportunity, my good man. You can’t kill what’s already dead.

The lieutenant froze, and Aliden laughed. Vel took another step and she dispersed into mist and disappeared. When she returned to the room she shared with Aoibh, she used sending to inform Uther the drakonids had been dealt with and he had her apologies that he hadn’t been able to get in on the action.

Uther Menethil says [sending]: You’re the best there is Vel! You should come play Battlegrounds, it’s a lot of fun!
Velameestra Windrunner says [sending]: …Once Aoibh is safely out of the lion’s den, I’d be happy to.
Uther Menethil says [sending]: Very good! It’s the Wobbly Shepherd!

Vel chuffed to herself in response.

November 24th

The next day, early in the morning, Uther and the people at the Wobbly Shepherd noted there was a pall of grief that had fallen over the tavern. Pamphlets had been prepared and distributed announcing the death of princess Vittoria. A public service would be had later that evening, and everyone in Strom was invited.

The people were devastated, as Vittoria was well-loved and the anxiety of her disappearance coming crashing down was palpable on every street. A young girl asked her mother about how the stories said the princess was supposed to come back. Her mother said the story had said that very thing, but sometimes life was a little harder than the stories.

That morning, there was one soldier who had a very serious look, as he had been waiting for Uther. It was Samuel Hawke.

Samuel Hawke says: Your Highness… I’m so sorry, I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now.

Uther regarded him with a set jaw. He said Samuel’s presence soothed him, and Sam replied that he was sure the people would comfort him in turn if they knew.

Samuel Hawke says: The Grand Marshall sent me. He pulled some strings to ensure you and your lot were the pallbearers. I’m glad he’s doing that for you. I brought the uniforms you’d be using. Let me know if they don’t fit…

He looked at Teemo.

Samuel Hawke says: we weren’t sure what to do for you…
Teemo Manabrake says: It’s alright, I can just watch.
Samuel Hawke says: But hopefully the rest should be able to fit. I’ll be at the barracks to ensure security is tight for the ceremony, but you’ll be able to find me without too much issue if you need. You’re to meet about an hour before the ceremony. They’ll have more instructions for you then. Light be with you, your Highness. I know she’ll be waiting for ya, just make sure you keep her waiting for a bit, ey?
Uther Menethil says: I’ll do my best.

Uther gave Samuel a nod, and a case of uniforms was unloaded from his cart. They were a mixture of sashes and kilts.

At the keep, Aoibh was quite nervous, but she had her formal wear set up and she did a quick check in with Vel to ensure everything else was alright. Vel confirmed everything was going according to plan with the others and they had managed to secure positions as pallbearers so that everyone was going to be able to readily get into the crypt.

Vel assured her they were almost done with the deception and she would never have to do it again.

Aoibh Reòthadh says [telepathic bond]: I think this is plenty of excitement for one lifetime!
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: You did well.
Aoibh Reòthadh says [telepathic bond]: We’re not out of it yet… but thank you, I appreciate all your help. I don’t think I could have done it without you, but then again, I don’t think I’d be doing it without you either, so I suppose I need to blame you as much as I thank you.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: Well. At least blame the One-Eyed Gryphon half as much.
Aoibh Reòthadh says [telepathic bond]: Don’t worry, I plan on giving her an earful once this is over.
Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: Good.

Vel skittered into Aoibh’s bag and made herself scarce.

The evening came. Everyone met at the appointed hour, and one of the seneschals from the castle explained how the process would go. They were assigned their placements, and it was explained King Galen would accompany them and unseal the tomb for them, but he would not enter the tomb itself. Instead, he would return to address his countrymen and begin the toast in Vittoria’s armor.

They would then simply need to follow the instructions of the coroner, and once Vittoria was laid to rest, they were free to return to the celebration of life.

Droves of people began to gather in mourning, and the group took their positions. They walked in step with the casket on their shoulders. A beautiful stone altar had been set up, and thousands of civilians had gathered to witness the procession.

The priestess that had helped to question Aoibh stepped forward and addressed the masses.

Priestess of the Holy Light says: Good people of Stromgarde, I thank each and every one of you for coming out here today. For all days, shall we remember this evening as the day when our world lost a shining beacon of love and light. Princess Vittoria, her royal highness, was beloved by many and respected by all. And though we lay her to rest this evening, her spirit will live on through all of us. It will live on in our actions, as we carry her light with us forevermore. Our prayers go out on high, to her spirit, and that of her ancestors. To her friends, and to her love. In this, we pray to the Light, may it guide all of us who has been touched by her royal Highness, and may we carry that into our future.

The priestess stepped back, and Galen stepped forward.

Galen Trollbane says: My friends… good people of Stromgarde, we do not bury a princess, we do not bury an heir, this day, we bid farewell to my heart. We honor something that was taken from us. Not only my heart, but the heart of this nation, and the future of this nation. I come to you this day to tell you that this world will never stop taking from us. But I swear to you, on my honor as king, and as a father, that I will find the one responsible for this, and I will bring them to justice. Though our days may seem dark now, I will carry a light and ensure that we march forth into a blazing tomorrow. Our future shall be secured. This I promise each and every one of you, and in Vittoria’s name, I swear to you I will make it happen, no matter what it costs.

There were tears and crying and salutes from the masses, and a procession started.. Each of them were given a shot that they could splash upon the casket. It went on for a long while, but once it was finished, the soldiers moved into formation to escort the procession to the tomb.

The casket was carried with King Galen at the head. Uther was positioned at the forefront of the casket with Danath, and they marched through the streets. They arrived at the mausoleum, which was an ancient building, even older than most of the buildings of Stromgarde.

Galen withdrew Trol’kalar, which was an extremely old and powerful blade. He held it up, and the runes along the blade lit up, resonating with the runes on the tomb. The passage opened, and Galen looked at the casket one last time.

In that moment, there was no grief or sadness, but instead there was hatred and anger as he placed his hand on the casket in a final goodbye. He walked away.

They entered the tomb. The doorway sealed behind them, and they found themselves in the royal tomb itself with just them, and the casket. They brought it over to the appointed area. The tomb was deep and seemed to extend for many miles, lined by generations of ancient Trollbanes for possibly thousands of years.

They walked in silence until they reached the depths where they saw a newer chamber, which contained the last few generations as well as a dais for Galen that was yet unused. As they glanced over, they could see a similar dais where Thoras Trollbane rested.

They carefully placed the casket down, and Samuel rolled his shoulder as he looked over at Danath and Aoibh.

Samuel Hawke says: Alright, what’s our next step here?

Danath looked guilty.

Danath Trollbane says: I… suppose our next step is for me to tell you that there’s more to what’s happening here, Sam.

Gil grinned.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Our next step is to wake her up.

Samuel blinked.

Samuel Hawke says: Resurrection magic? I thought the priest said that didn’t work–
Danath Trollbane says: Aye, lad, that’s because she’s not dead.

Sam’s jaw dropped, and Luma just busted out laughing. Danath looked over at Uther and the rest of them and said he’d explain the rest. Uther apologized to Samuel but said he was truthful when he said his presence soothed him.

Vel skittered out of Aoibh’s bag and took her humanoid guise while Samuel’s back was turned. Uther opened the casket to reveal Vittoria, and he withdrew the vial he had been given and poured it into her mouth.

Her color returned to her cheeks, and gradually, she started to breathe again. A smile came to Uther’s lips unbidden as her eyes flickered open. The first thing she saw was Uther.

She blinked sleepily.

Vittoria Trollbane says: Well. I guess if all the angels looked like you, maybe death ain’t so bad, ey?

Uther grabbed her up in a very tight hug.

Uther Menethil says: I don’t ever want to do that again.

Vittoria ran her hands through his hair.

Vittoria Trollbane says: I think we’ve both buried each other enough for one lifetime.
Uther Menethil says: I missed you so much.
Vittoria Trollbane says: I think I dreamt of you.
Uther Menethil says: I know I did.
Vittoria Trollbane says: You and Skye.

She took Uther’s face and kissed him. Her lips hadn’t fully gotten feeling back, and she laughed as the kiss was somewhat sloppy.

Uther laughed with her without breaking the kiss.

Vittoria Trollbane says: Don’t make fun of me later!
Uther Menethil says: Never. Can you stand?
Vittoria Trollbane says: Lets find out.

Uther helped her sit up and then step out of the casket. She was a bit wobbly, but she held fast as she gradually got feeling back to her legs. She blinked as she saw Danath.

Vittoria Trollbane says: You… you already got uncle Danath here?

He swept her into a hug.

Danath Trollbane says: You gave me a right fright, dear girl! It’s good to have you back.

Vittoria smiled and hugged him back.

Meanwhile, Vel’s eyes fell on the ancient tomb of Thoras Trollbane, where the truth awaited.