[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-One

Appearing Characters: Aracyra, Arthak Saurfang, Grommash Hellscream, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil (Simulacrum), Kalecgos, Kandia Starstream, Khadgar, Mag'beth, Maraad, Margaux Amaranthis, Medivh, Nazgrim, Nesslyn, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Ora, Orathiss Moonweaver, Orican Runesight, Rak'Symma, Rekshak, Remnii, Riff, Sasha, Selin Fireheart, Seria, Shokia, Sol'chi, Spinyl, Stalriss Dawnrunner, Stellagosa, Tarecgosa, Taryndrella, Thalyssra Dusklily, Tol'vas Moonshadow, Tolven Warsong, Tragg, Valorinn, Valtrois Leyweaver, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Volrath, Wynn, Zar'Kaa, Zekhan, Zuni

December 21st

Orican Runesight says: Well. What do we have here? Seems there’s quite a commotion.

One of the other onlookers explained that Sol was showing off his new wares, which he called Sol Shades. Runesight appeared intrigued and he asked Sol for more information.

Sol'chi says: Well. Two main things! But first, welcome to our fair city, new friends and allies!

Runesight smiled and bowed his head.

Sol'chi says: Now that the dome has been dropped, the star overhead was not something we priorly had to contend with. But with my new shades, they ensure one’s eyes don’t burn out. Our eyes are quite used to the darkness, and this light is a bit too much. This will help us enjoy the day. And it’s a good looking accessory, wouldn’t you agree?

Sol gestured to the guard who was trying the shades on.

Orican Runesight says: Interesting. I can admit that the light of the Eternal Sun can be oppressive even to us on bright days. May I see one?
Sol'chi says: Sure, here’s a promotional one.

Runesight examined them and agreed they seemed to certainly be quite dark, but they also appeared to be quite fashionable. He asked Aracyra if she agreed, and she nodded.

Sol explained that he had tried out some other options with some of the orcs, and there were various other designs that seemed to be suited for other face types.

Orican Runesight says: Very interesting… tell me if myself and my colleagues wanted to get our hands on these, how would we do so?
Sol'chi says: Production is being started at the Dawnrunners in the city.
Orican Runesight says: I see! So I presume the Artisan’s Gallery would be the place to look. What is your name, young man?
Sol'chi says: Solion Thornshade. And yours, sir?
Orican Runesight says: Runesight. Orican Runesight.
Sol'chi says: Lovely name!
Orican Runesight says: You are kind to say so, and this is lady Aracyra, daughter of lady Shaspira, who I’m certain you’ve heard of.
Sol'chi says: Yes, once or twice.

Aracyra curtsied and offered a tired smile.

Aracyra says: It’s lovely to meet you.
Sol'chi says: You as well. You have such wonderful eyes.

Aracyra looked away.

Aracyra says: You’re quite kind to say so. I have to admit they are… quite lovely. If you don’t mind, would I be able to try one of these pairs on?
Sol'chi says: Of course, by my guest.

Aracyra tried a pair on and looked at Spinyl. She asked what the sayaad thought, and Spinyl said they looked lovely. Aracyra gave a less-forced smile and she asked both Spinyl and Nesslyn if they wanted to try some. Spinyl politely declined but Nesslyn tried on a pair.

Orican Runesight says: You both look stunning. If you would be interested I’d have to give this fine gentleman our patronage. Perhaps we can make another trip out of it.
Aracyra says: Perhaps we could.
Orican Runesight says: Then again, I would not be surprised if lady Sacrolash or Alythess would be interested as well.
Aracyra says: I couldn’t say.
Orican Runesight says: We’ll have to ask them.

He asked Sol if he could take one of the samples in exchange for compensation so he could show them to his comrades, and Sol agreed. Selin watched and was taking things in, but he didn’t seem to be suspicious.

Runesight bid Sol a good tour, and he offered his arm to Aracyra. However, Aracyra’s eyes were still on Sol.

Aracyra says: I’m terribly sorry… master Solion? I can’t help but shake the feeling… do you know if we’ve met before somewhere?
Sol'chi says: Perhaps we passed in a crowd? I can’t say for certain.
Aracyra says: Perhaps you’re right. Good evening.

Runesight’s entourage left completely as their tour seemed to be wrapping up. Nyxxa asked if Sol was okay over the telepathic bond. Sol admitted he didn’t like having to lie to Aracyra.

Nyxxa said it looked like it went well, and Sol confirmed it did. He asked if Nyxxa got what she needed, and she said she got five of them. She thought one of them had the wisdom ball, but they could deal with that later.

As the other group was leaving, Spinyl noticed Aracyra had a pensive look, and she asked if the eredar was doing alright. Aracyra said she just felt like she was ready to head back, and Spinyl said the tour ending was good timing then. Aracyra admitted that she had fun, and she thanked Spinyl for convincing her to come. Spinyl suggested they could do more when they got back, and Nesslyn offered to paint Aracyra’s nails. Spinyl happily exclaimed it sounded like a girl’s night, and Aracyra agreed that seemed nice.

The warband met up with Margaux again and she excitedly mentioned that the next part was the most exciting part of the tour: making their own wine. The first step was picking the fruit, and she encouraged them to work together to pick the best fruits.

Arthak did his best to try and memorize what they looked like and he did a decent job at it. Their efforts combined resulted in a solid batch of fruits.

They then headed over to the pressing station. Rak’Symma, as lord Anarys, opted to abstain from the messy process, and Nyxxa put bags on her hooves so she wouldn’t get fur into the wine. Arthak was fascinated by the process, but when he got into the vat he started to sink. He had to be helped out before he disappeared.

Zar'Kaa says: You know, some people have the grace for this, some don’t, what can you do?
Arthak Saurfang says: I can throw you. We can test your grace that way.

The squished juice was brought over to the aging cellars, and a mage accompanied them down to walk them through the process of calibrating the barrels. Sol got the hang of it immediately, and the mage was amazed how quickly he had caught on as he had aged the wine to perfection.

They then headed to the infusion station, which was the trickiest part of the process. Arthak, Sol, and Zar’Kaa all looked at each other and nodded. Sol took the lead after they watched how it was done, and they flawlessly triple infused the arcwine. But then they gave each other another nod, and they successfully made a quadruple infused wine, which is something that had not ever been done before.

Margaux asked if they could send such information to the Night Hold with their names so they were properly credited for such a phenomenon. They ultimately agreed, and Margaux said they would need to do some quick testing to ensure it was safe to drink.

They then moved on to the bottling stage, which was significantly less dangerous. However, the end rating on their wine was above top shelf stuff. Margaux was amazed and asked if they wanted to leave any additional comments. They left some insights on the process, and Sol also slipped Margaux a note. She invited the group to take anything they wished from the gift shop, as it would be on them, and they thanked her for the tour. She asked if any of them did hugs, and Nyxxa eagerly said she did.

Margaux Amaranthis says: I hope those little darlings help your friend.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: They will. I have to say your enthusiasm is contagious.
Margaux Amaranthis says: I find a positive outlook does wonders for morale!

She gave handshakes to others, and the group headed out to return to the Lunastre estate, from which they also used the translocation beacon to head back to Shal’Aran. They saw some new nightfallen there that Thalyssra and her cohorts had rescued: Absolon’s daughter, Kandia, and Stalriss Dawnrunner as well as a handful of others.

Thalyssra and Orathiss were speaking near the Arcan’dor with a handful of familiar figures. The first one that was recognized was Khadgar. He looked over with a smile. Next to him were three other human mages. One had a black feathered mantle and long black hair with a well-maintained goatee. He had a staff with a raven that bore rubies in its eyes. Wearing a fluffy, warm winter cloak with a wide hood was a blonde-haired woman that those with truesight could tell was a simulacrum. Another slightly older woman with long white hair who was also a simulacrum stood near Jaina. She had a furrowed brow and crossed arms.

Behind them was a suit of ancient highborne armor that seemed to be empty but animated.

Nyxxa ran up and hugged Khadgar.

Khadgar says: Ah! Nice to see you too…?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Oh. Right.

She dismissed the illusion and Khadgar quickly recognized her as Nyxxa. He chuckled and gave her a hug. Medivh elbowed Khadgar.

Medivh says: Now who is this, Young Trust? I didn’t take you for the type to befriend satyrs. You must be Nyuxxa, yes?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Wait! You’re the guy!
Medivh says: I’ve been called many things and “The Guy” is not the least accurate! Medivh, at your service.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Nice to meet you!

Khadgar said it was good to see her and he apologized it took them so long. She said she was just glad to see them, but she said she shouldn’t interrupt.

Thalyssra Dusklily says: No worries, we were just catching them up on the circumstances and showing them the Arcan'dor. They were interested in seeing it.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Speaking of!
Sol'chi says: I think your face is in danger, Khadgar.

Nyxxa opened the bag and a bunch of mana wyrms wriggled free, one of them with the wisdomball in its mouth. Nyxxa explained the mana wyrms were trained by the vineyard to chase pests and they weren’t just wild ones.

Velameestra’s simulacrum’s eyes had immediately gone over to them, and she offered to help handle them as she excused herself to do so.

The other two women were introduced as Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil, the queen of Lordaeron, and Wynn, Medivh’s mother. Nyxxa’s eyes widened and said she was the one that saved all the kids.

Wynn furrowed her brow, and then rolled her eyes.

Wynn says: You read the old stories, didn’t you?

Nyxxa nodded.

Wynn says: Yes, I suppose in a way… it’s a complicated story, one I understand you’ve been informed of in part. We can speak on it later.
Medivh says: We have information we can share about concerning your most likely destination. But we can discuss that later. There’s a lot to learn, and some knowledge is more pressing than others.

Jaina furrowed her brow.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Pardon me, I was led to believe an orc named Arthak Saurfang was with you? Is he not here?

Arthak was summoned over the telepathic link, as he had stayed with Ly’leth. The rest of the group introduced themselves. Arthak arrived a moment later in the middle of redoing his braid.

Further introductions were exchanged, and Jaina introduced herself formally to Arthak, but she said that there were others they likely wanted to say hello to. They heard some noise down the hall, and Valtrois appeared to be bickering with Stellagosa as they emerged from the hall. It appeared to be on the topic of some sort of method of rerouting leyline energy.

Behind them was Kalecgos trying to mediate, but neither of the women were paying attention to him, and Tarecgosa was just cackling.

Even further back was a tall, broad-shouldered male draenei with a furrowed brow: Maraad. Next to them was the Azgadaan simulacrum, who appeared to be giving them a tour, and Remnii also was nearby, wearing a black dress and cape with a shimmering fabric.

Remnii says: Hello everyone.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Remnii!
Remnii says: Hello Nyxxa.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Is it okay if I hug you?
Remnii says: Please!

Nyxxa toddled over and gave her a big hug. Remnii cupped her face with a smile.

Remnii says: You’re happy. Good.

Nyxxa beams, but then a realization passed over her face.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Yes, though there are things we need to speak on later.

Remnii offered a thin smile and nodded.

Remnii says: This reunion is anticipated to be bittersweet in many ways. I’m mostly glad to see you again.

She then looked at Zar’Kaa and greeted him warmly as well. He said it was good to see her again. She then looked at Symma, and then at Sol, as they were unfamiliar to her.

Sol'chi says: Oh, right, now I’ll drop my disguise.

He dropped the disguise, revealing a small purple eredar.

Sol'chi says: It’s good to meet all of you!

Remnii took a step back.

Sol'chi says: Sometimes I forget I’m disguised. But it’s good to see you again, Remnii! And you are?

He looked at Maraad, who was addressing Azgadaan.

Maraad says: This must be your friend, yes?

Azgadaan confirmed he had known him a long time.

Remnii says: Yet you have seen me before?

Azgadaan clarified that Sol had been around when he was around.

Remnii says: I see… well, it’s good to meet you, Sol.

Maraad furrowed his brow.

Maraad says: Maraad.
Sol'chi says: Nice to put a name to a face. Both of you look well! So that’s good!

Remnii introduced herself to Rak’Symma and she gave a nod and introduced herself as well. Remnii’s eyes then turned to Arthak. She approached with a sigh and a wry smile. She placed a hand on his cheek.

Remnii says: You’ve grown.
Arthak Saurfang says: Among other things. You’re late.
Remnii says: I brought you a present in the meantime.

She set her brow against Arthak’s.

Remnii says: It’s good to see you, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: And you, Remnii.

She offered a deeply warm smile. At that moment, a figure slinked out of the shadows. It was Garona, who was wearing war leathers and the chain still around her neck. Arthak and Garona had a small exchange, but it was clear they’d be talking later.

Maraad had given Arthak a hard look while he was talking to Garona, and there was a weirdly protective aura.

Arthak Saurfang says: My apologies, Maraad was it? Arthak Saurfang. Warchief of the Horde.
Maraad says: So I’ve heard.

He offered a deliberate hand that needed to be shaken with Arthak’s stone hand.

Khadgar says: I am sorry again it took us so long. If things had gone a bit smoother, we wouldn’t have needed to hire the use of a ship to do it. We had a druid who had been to these Isles before, but when he attempted to use his magics to bring us here even from the tip of the eastern continent, there was interference. We opted to take a more traditional form of transportation with as many people as we had. So we had to take the long way.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: We’re glad you’re here. We’ve got ourselves on the ground, so now is honestly a better time for an influx of people.

Jaina shook her head.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: How many people do you think would be useful right now?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Any?
Arthak Saurfang says: If you have another army in your pocket, that would be useful.

Jaina smiled.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Do you think it would be easier to bring them back? I’m sure they’ve set up camp at the hold.
Remnii says: I believe so.
Arthak Saurfang says: …That was a jest.

Remnii smiled.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: We should refrain from using the teleportation beacons too much or Oculeth will yell at us more.
Medivh says: I should be able to handle taking us back, no worries!

Maraad looked over at Zar’Kaa.

Maraad says: You should know, your clanmate, the one who traveled with us in Kalimdor. She arrived with us as well.
Zar'Kaa says: Seria’s here?

Maraad nodded.

Maraad says: She was traveling with us before we departed. She is speaking with your leadership back at the fortress.
Zar'Kaa says: Right… um. Thank you for letting me know.
Maraad says: She and her son are there if you wish to speak.
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah, I think I would.

There was veiled tension in Zar’Kaa’s posture, and Remnii and Nyxxa both noted it as they knew of the situation either directly or otherwise.

Sol'chi says: By the way, Thalyssra, we got more attention than we intended. We made the first quadruple infused arcwine.

He handed her a bottle.

Thalyssra Dusklily says: You what?
Sol'chi says: Bye!

At that moment they teleported. As they arrived at Black Rook Hold, they saw an abundance of orcish tents, and the Warsong banner hanging from several of them. There was the barking of orcish wargs, and they heard the sound of someone playing a flute. Not far away was another wolf with white fur and spiraling horns that did not appear to be a warg. Near him was a kaldorei man with similar horns who was wielding a large scythe on his back. The two of them seemed to be talking, and the wolf’s mouth moved as if he was speaking back. They continued on their way.

Overlooking the parapet was an unfamiliar pink-haired satyr who was playing a flute. A procession of rats was climbing up towards her.

As they looked at the harbor, there were familiar ships: ships that flew the standard of the Grarl’s Tooth, the ship captained by Hooktusk.

Remnii was leading Arthak by the hand as she took him toward the leader of the Warsong orcs that had arrived. As they passed by, Arthak recognized several faces: General Nazgrim, who was noted to have been a Garrosh supporter. Warlord Rekshak, who was a heavily scarred orc and not Kor’kron. There was also Tragg, Tolven Warsong, and Shokia, the last of which was also Kor’kron.

He also saw a two-headed ogre magi and a black-furred saberon.

And at the center of the encampment, overlooking two warriors wrestling, was Grommash Hellscream himself.

Remnii says: Here we are.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m going to need to find out how this happened.
Remnii says: As many of us do, I believe, we have much to speak on. Grom!

Grom held up a hand, declaring the match a draw. The orc chieftain stood, revealing a behemoth of an orc.

Grommash Hellscream says: I heard you had beat us to these islands.
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t waste time, Grommash Hellscream.
Grommash Hellscream says: I’m glad we aren’t wasting time on that ship anymore either.

He tossed a haunch of meat to the wargs and sauntered over to Arthak.

Grommash Hellscream says: I hear you’ve been busy.
Arthak Saurfang says: As I said, I don’t waste time.

He realized Arthak was taller than him now.

Grommash Hellscream says: Did you get taller?
Arthak Saurfang says: I did.

The orc started to laugh.

Grommash Hellscream says: Blackhand?
Arthak Saurfang says: He died well.
Grommash Hellscream says: You took my advice to heart, it seems.
Arthak Saurfang says: I strive to listen and learn. And now you are here.
Grommash Hellscream says: So I am. So are we all!

He looked and regarded his clan.

Grommash Hellscream says: Our warchief sent us to war! As is his right. But our warchief is dead! Slain in one of our most ancient traditions.

He gestured toward Arthak.

Grommash Hellscream says: You, Arthak Saurfang, have slain the warchief in honorable combat. You have been recognized by the Horde. So tell me. Warchief. What would you have us do?
Arthak Saurfang says: Today we bite the hand holding our chain. Today and in the coming days we bury our axes and our blades in the flesh of demons and traitors. One last war before we start a new age.
Grommash Hellscream says: A new age. I’ve heard that one before. You heard our warchief. Our blades will scream and sing and slake themselves on the blood of our enemies, no matter what that enemy looks like. The Warsong stand with you, warchief.
Arthak Saurfang says: And I am grateful and honored to receive your blades.
Grommash Hellscream says: There are things you should know.
Arthak Saurfang says: There always are.
Grommash Hellscream says: I’m sure you’re wondering how we got here.
Arthak Saurfang says: I was told a boat.
Grommash Hellscream says: Yes. While that was our plan, we encountered unexpected problems. What did you hear about our movements?
Arthak Saurfang says: I heard about the bridge.
Grommash Hellscream says: Heh. Good. That’ll make things easier to explain. We fled north into the mountains and an ambush was waiting. The rest of the Warsong… those loyal to my son and the Laughing Skull. We bled each other and were pushed into small-tooth lands. We were split up. Most of us stumbled onto a group of humans. Crimson clad zealots. We were unable to defeat them. I’ve dishonored my clan by finding myself captured by them. But as it happened, the small-teeth had angered their own kind.

He gestured to Remnii.

Grommash Hellscream says: This one and her friends. Including the long-fanged one that had found her way here somehow. They conquered the stronghold of the crimson warriors along with the rest of their clan, and they brokered an Alliance similar to the one here. We tore out their throats. And then we agreed to come here. Thus we are here.

He pointed through the crowd toward Nazgrim and Shokia.

Grommash Hellscream says: They were in Garrosh’s vanguard that tried to attack us. As you can see, we’ve decided to put our grievances aside. Mok’Rogahn.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good. I’m sure you’re aware of your son’s role in the Horde.
Grommash Hellscream says: I’ve been told. He wants me dead, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: I know. Do you want him dead?

Grommash took a moment before he answered.

Grommash Hellscream says: No. I don’t. I have spent many years… and in that time, what I’ve wanted for Garrosh has been complicated. I cannot put what I want for him in words, but I can say I do not want him dead. But I will kill him. Not an inevitability.
Arthak Saurfang says: But should he come for you? You will.
Grommash Hellscream says: Should he not kill me first. Twenty years ago, perhaps, the thought would have ben absurd, but I fear I’m losing my edge, Warchief. After all, I fell into the clutches of small-teeth and failed to take one of their cities. The fire has long since burned out of my veins, I fear, but I do not need fire to kill.
Arthak Saurfang says: So. After we are done here, you and Garrosh will have a settling of debts.
Grommash Hellscream says: We will see, for we are Warsong. Be that with words, or blades, or fists, or fangs, only time will tell. That i, if your war does not kill me first. Though I imagine Garrosh will be disappointed if someone else take his prize.
Arthak Saurfang says: Chieftain, you have known war longer than I have been alive. But I suspect there are parts I have seen you have never. Some battles… the only way to win them is to never fight them.
Grommash Hellscream says: Wise words.

Grom chuckled.

Grommash Hellscream says: You have learned from many, haven’t you?
Arthak Saurfang says: I have been blessed with many teachers. You and Garrosh among them. I intend, and I hope, to avert the bloodshed between you. Our people need you both.

Grom considered for a moment.

Grommash Hellscream says: We will see, young warchief. Such a thing would take a miracle, but then again, you’ve set Gul’dan to the wind. You have faced war itself and its fires have guttered from our veins. What is one more small miracle to one whose legend yet grows.

He shrugged.

Grommash Hellscream says: We will see.
Arthak Saurfang says: We will.
Grommash Hellscream says: But there are wars to fight before that. While I do not know what will happen and while I do not know miracles, I do know war. This, at least, I’ve been told.
Arthak Saurfang says: We will do more than that, Grommash. We will win here, and if I have to drag you back from the lands of our ancestors, I will see you come to whatever place becomes our new home.
Grommash Hellscream says: We will see.

He handed Arthak a drink.

Grommash Hellscream says: But until then, I will drink to our new warchief. I will drink to our new farseer. And perhaps too I will drink to this peacekeeper.

Other introductions were made and Remnii bid them farewell.

Meanwhile, at the Reuniter, Seria had made her way to meet with the other trolls. Ora called to her to hand over some of the ropes, and Seria wordlessly complied. But then the troll recognized her.

She asked if she was looking for Zuni, and Seria clarified that she had been looking for the captain. Ora said he was in a meeting, but then she realized Seria was probably looking for Zar’Kaa, and Ora laughed and said he wasn’t the captain anymore.

Seria says: What?
Ora says: Yeah. Full mutiny. Hog-tied him and threw him into the ocean.

Seria blinked, but then Seria heard another voice, and Zekhan happily greeted her. He was able to give some additional context and he clarified it wasn’t a full mutiny, it was a vote, and he gave Seria the gist of what happened.

At that moment, Riff came tearing around the corner, and his hand was grasped on Zuni’s wrist. They practically toppled into Zekhan.

Zuni says: Zekhan! Look who I ran into, he said that—

He saw Seria.

Zuni says: Seria was here! Seria!

He grabbed Seria up in a big hug, and she froze in surprise.

Seria says: Hi Zuni.
Zuni says: I missed you so much! What are you doing here? Riff tried to explain but I couldn’t keep up!
Riff says: You just weren’t listening!
Zuni says: I tried man!

He smiled at Seria and brushed her hair aside before giving her a kiss.

Zuni says: It’s good to see you.
Seria says: It’s good to see you too.
Zuni says: We saw so many things on the way here! We actually stopped by the Darkspear Isles! You know that naga that chased everyone off? We took her down! The whole place was frozen! It was crazy!

He started to ramble onto things and asked what she had been up to. She shared some of the stories of what she and her companions had done on the Eastern Kingdoms and then spent some time catching up.

It also seemed very obvious everyone knew as Zuni could not stop talking about Seria since she had left.

After a bit, Seria was summoned to speak with Volrath as he was on his way back.

Zar’Kaa had arrived in search of Seria, and he clenched and unclenched his fist. Remnii and Nyxxa were also walking together, with Symma lagging a bit behind. Volrath called out to Zar’Kaa as he got closer, as he had been heading back to the Reuniter to speak with Zen’Seria, and he invited the rest of them to come as well.

Loitering outside the ship was Zekhan, Zuni, and Riff, and the warband saw the young troll happily chatting with Zuni. Zuni and Zekhan gave Volrath a salute, and Riff, seeing the other two do it, imitated the gesture. Volrath smiled and told them to be at ease. Zuni explained Seria was already waiting in the office, and they passed by them and headed up to the ship.

However, as they passed, Sol and Nyxxa noticed that there was something peculiar about Riff. Namely, there were crimson scales on his flesh and a long tail as well as blue feathers beneath his arms. He smiled at them, but then upon seeing Zar’Kaa, he scowled.

Zar’Kaa squinted at him.

Zar'Kaa says: Riff?
Riff says: Yeah, Zar’Kaa?

Riff crossed his arms. Zar’Kaa went through a range of facial expressions.

Zuni says: Hey Riff, how about I show you some sea shells I found?
Riff says: Okay!

The two of them immediately set off. However, Riff stuck his tongue out at Zar’Kaa as he left. Sol and Nyxxa exchanged a look, and then looked at Remnii, who offered the slightest nod.

The first one through the door to the office was Volrath, who greeted Seria warmly. Right behind him was Zar’Kaa.

Zar'Kaa says: Seria.
Seria says: Zar’Kaa.
Zar'Kaa says: I didn’t expect to see you here. You look well. Everyone, this is Zen’Seria, a druid of the Darkspear tribe and a member of the Cenarion Circle. Zen’Seria, these are me…

He paused.

Zar'Kaa says: My friends.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zen’Seria.

Sol imitated the gesture, and he stuck out his hand for a handshake. However, Nyxxa and Sol likewise noticed that Seria had some less troll-like features she was obscuring via her shapeshifting. She also had a tail and feathers as well as crimson scales, but she had less of a large presence to her.

Remnii says: Seria has been an invaluable friend during our time on the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Then first I must offer you my thanks in aiding my people and the rescue of my daughter

Remnii blinked and looked at Nyxxa.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Oh, Kor’vas.
Remnii says: I know her! But I digress.
Volrath says: Zar’Kaa, part of the reason I wanted to speak with you and Seria together is because I have a proposition for you. As things continue to escalate, it occurs to me that the Darkspear will continue to be stretched thin. Thus, if you are amenable, Seria, I would assign you to assist Zar’Kaa on a liaison and representative to the Horde’s forces, I would also ask that you use your connection to the druids.

He looked at the members of the warband.

Volrath says: Seria is a druid of no small repute. She, along with the group she traveled with previously, were responsible for banishing a powerful specter that had hung over our people for generations. Is this proposition amenable?

Seria nodded and Volrath asked if Zar’Kaa had objections. Zar’Kaa said he did not. Volrath nodded and dismissed them.

Zar'Kaa says: Well, Seria, seeing you’re new to Black Rook Hold, we can provide a tour in the morning and give you the lay of the land.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I would also recommend touching base with the Cenarion Circle here. There have been a lot of developments here.

Meanwhile, Rak’Symma had been wandering around looking for Ivee, and Tol’vas and Valorinn spied her out of the corner of his eye. They noted that she was carrying a powerful staff that Tol’vas could sense a great amount of power.

Valorinn sniffed the air.

Valorinn says: I smell thunder. Strange.

Tol’vas looked over at the harpy.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Could it be her?

Valorinn looked long and hard at Rak’Symma, and then he started walking directly towards her. He looked her up and down.

Valorinn says:: Who are you?

Rak’Symma curbed the urge to kick the wolf, and she just stared at him as she processed that urge. Tol’vas, meanwhile, regarded Rak’Symma curiously. Symma’s feathers raised.

Valorinn says: You smell of a familiar storm. One I cannot place, but one whose rain I felt.
Rak'Symma says: I’m called Rak’Symma. What’s your name?
Valorinn says: Valorinn.
Rak'Symma says: Have you known any other?
Valorinn says: I have not.

There was an unspoken “but there have been other names”. Rak’Symma looked at Tol’vas.

Rak'Symma says: You walk alongside him?
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I have for a long time.
Valorinn says: He called me from the depths of winter, and I answered. He is my pack, and my brother.

Tol’vas looked at Rak’Symma’s staff.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: What do you carry with you?
Rak'Symma says: A hope I’m trying to mend.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Is it common for you to speak in riddles?

Rak’Symma cracked half a smile.

Rak'Symma says: It was the way I was raised. I did not see you at the Dream Grove.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I came from across the ocean.

Symma sighed in relief.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I plan to meet with them shortly.
Rak'Symma says: Ah…

She was then disappointed.

Valorinn says: We seek Malfurion.
Rak'Symma says: I am also seeking Malfurion.
Valorinn says: Then perhaps we will hunt together one day. For the first time, or perhaps not.

Symma’s lips twisted into a smile.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Ugh. Now you’re speaking in riddles.

Valorinn looked up at him with a sparkle in his eyes.

Valorinn says: They’re only riddles if you can’t keep up.

At that moment, a small dryad with porcelain white skin and deep purple hair. She wagged her tail as she showed Tol’vas a saddle pouch she had on.

Taryndrella says: Tol’vas! Look at this! It’s for something called a donkey but it fits me perfectly. I met a boy!
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: A boy?
Taryndrella says: A human boy! He gave it to me!
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: We’ll have to meet him later.
Taryndrella says: He’s a very skilled human boy! He drew a picture of me! He’s good at art. His name is Aramar!
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: Ah… okay.

The dryad noticed Symma.

Taryndrella says: Sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt!
Valorinn says: You’re not interrupting.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: You can introduce yourself.
Taryndrella says: My name is Taryndrella! It’s nice to meet you. You’re very pretty, and I like your feathers.
Rak'Symma says: You seem very far from home.
Taryndrella says: From my tree, but not home.

She went over and held Tol’vas’s hand.

Valorinn says: We tried to convince her to stay, but she insisted on coming.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: I’d rather we do it this way instead of her sneaking.
Rak'Symma says: I understand the sentiment entirely.

Symma asked if Tol’vas was going to head to the Dream Grove soon, and he confirmed he was. But he warned her that he was trouble, and Rak’Symma said that she understood that sentiment. They jokingly compared their troubles, and Drella assured Symma that if she had ruined a village, it could be regrown, and she placed a seed in her talon.

But then she saw the staff.

Taryndrella says: That’s a piece of G’Hanir, right? If it’s chosen you, then I’m sure you’re not trouble.
Rak'Symma says: I’m trying very hard not to be.
Valorinn says: You’re too trusting, Drella.
Taryndrella says: No I’m not, I have a good sense for people.
Tol'vas Moonshadow says: No, Valorinn, we might be too suspicious.

Rak’Symma asked Valorinn if he could pass along a message to let Omnuron know she’ll be there soon. He said he would, and Drella said she would make her a gift.

Valorinn says: It’s a flower crown.

Drella stomped her hoof.

Taryndrella says: Valorinn!

Symma tapped her staff on the ground and some flowers grew up around Drella, who reiterated that she believed Symma was nice. The harpy took her leave, and Drella confirmed she liked her. Tol’vas asked her about G’Hanir, and Drella said she was surprised he didn’t know.

Tol'vas Moonshadow says: There’s a lot I don’t know and that’s just something you need to know about me.

Valorinn chuffed, as that was basically what he was about to say.

They prepared to leave, but as they did, Tol’vas had a realization and asked Valorinn if he just enjoyed torturing him. Valorinn asked if he had figured it out, and Tol’vas bopped him on the nose and earned a playful snap.