[Horde] Chapter Five: Session Seventy-Six

Appearing Characters: Ailen Astravar, Arthak Saurfang, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Rak'Symma, Ruven Duskmere, Seria, Silgryn Silverwind, Sol'chi, Vaerux, Zar'Kaa

December 22nd

As Zar’Kaa looked upon the tormented wraith of Ruven Duskmere he had accidentally wrenched from his body, he looked outwardly shocked.

Zar'Kaa says: What the hell is this?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It looks like you removed his soul.
Zar'Kaa says: But I didn’t… I didn’t try to do this!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I know.

Ruven rasped out at Zar’Kaa.

Ruven Duskmere says: It burns… what is thy bidding, master?

Zar’Kaa pointed at the doomguard with his spear.

Zar'Kaa says: Take care of him.

Ruven’s eyes turned toward the doomguard, and he soared through the air towards him. Ruven’s body fell to the ground.

Duskmere Tyrant says: Shit!

He cursed as he saw Ruven go down and Ruven’s specter soaring back to the warehouse.

Duskmere Tyrant says: What the hell?!

He broke his indecision and clung to some of the debris and lined up a shot at Arthak.

Arthak Saurfang says: Is this really the time?

The Tyrant fired three shots at Arthak, and one went wide, but the other two managed to ping off his armor.

The doomguard looked over at Sol and grinned.

Doomguard says: Well. What do we have here?

He flied down at Sol and slammed into the ground with a doomstomp. He raised a claw and attempted to use [Dispel Magic] as he lifted Sol into the air. Sol felt the magic of all his magic on him stripped away, but the reverse gravity stayed maintained as it was on the area around the warehouse. However, he still presently looked like the woman he had transformed into.

Arcane Sentinel says: Gravitational anomaly detected. Moving to neutralize.

It looked around and saw everyone in the air.

Arcane Sentinel says: Negative. Collateral levels unacceptable.

It instead summoned a spellsword to attack Arthak.

One of the remaining Duskmere Spellblades that had seen Ruven fall assessed the situation, and he looked up at Zar’kaa.

Duskmere Spellblade says: What the hell did you do to him!?
Zar'Kaa says: The same thing I’m going to do to you if you don’t get out of here.

Fear crossed over the nightborne’s eyes, and he ordered the nearby arcane sentinel to stand down as Ruven was slain, and he decided to flee the area.

Symma summoned [Control Winds] into an updraft and called to Sol to release the gravity. He released the spell, and Symma tried to catch some of them. Two of the Duskmere Spellblades were swept into the winds and still conscious when they landed, but another got slammed into by a crate and didn’t seem to be moving when they impacted the ground.

Arthak slammed into the wall of the warehouse and he grabbed onto it as he fell. The wall was torn down with him, but he was able to land relatively safely with the aid of the updraft.

The debris, meanwhile, slammed into the ground. The doomguard was able to avoid the bulk of the debris, but the debris ultimately landed on the jailer and discorporated him.

Symma then looked at the doomguard and attempted a [Banishment] on the doomguard.

Rak'Symma says: Get out.

She saw for a split second that the Duskmere Mage had considered countering her, but then made a decision to not counter the banishment. The magic impacted the doomguard.

Doomguard says: No! NO! NOO AGGHHH!

He was torn asunder as his body was shunted back into the Twisting Nether.

Rak'Symma says: Look at what the lord you followed made you do. Look what he did to me? Don’t make me cast you in his footsteps.

The Duskmere Tyrant moved to take aim at Arthak again, a hand was placed on his arm by one of his allies, and he was asked to stop. With trembling hands, the man ultimately relented.

Those that attempted to flee, primarily the mages, were also promptly rounded up.

The specter of Ruven Duskmere returned to Zar’Kaa, awaiting further orders. Zar’Kaa looked over at Nyxxa.

Zar'Kaa says: What do I do with him now?
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Do you want me to handle it? I can. And I will.

The look on her face also expressed that she wanted to. Sol called that they could maybe get some answers from him as he ran by and dove into the water to look for Ruven’s body.

Zar'Kaa says: Lets… take him with us. Then we can figure out what to do with him then.

Nyxxa: Whatever we can get from him in this state, I’ll get when I consume him.

Vaerux says [telepathically]: And it will be a lot easier to handle the guards if the good lord Duskmere’s ghost wasn’t walking around.
Zar'Kaa says: Do whatever you need to do.

Nyxxa passed her hand through the specter and broke it down into its barest pieces and drew it into her body. Zar’Kaa felt the control break.

Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I know you didn’t mean to do that. But, do you remember when I asked you to figure out where your line is?
Zar'Kaa says: I do.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Once you do, we’ll go from there.
Zar'Kaa says: We’ll talk about this later. Thanks.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I won’t judge you for something I would do myself, and something I know he would do if he were in our position.

Zar’Kaa nodded but clearly was trying to turn his focus elsewhere.

The first of the Duskwatch that arrived on scene were not the ones led by Silgryn, but he arrived as they were spinning their story about how Ruven had attempted to kill his own brother and the fact he had kidnapped Ailen Astravar. The delivery was flawless, and even Ailen played along with his rescuers even if he was unsure why they weren’t telling the entire story. Silgryn also informed them that he had done a brief stop at the Duskmere estate before arriving on site.

Sol was able to produce Ruven’s body for the authorities to take (after he had selectively looted it), and they returned with Ailen to deliver him back to his mother.