Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Bakaz, Hooktusk, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil (Simulacrum), Legba, Levia Blackflight, Nyxxa Murkthorn, Q'onzu, Rak'Symma, Remnii, Riff, Seria, Sol'chi, Thisalee Crow, Velameestra Windrunner (Simulacrum), Zar'Kaa, Zuni
December 22nd
Early in the midst of the night, Nyxxa awoke and she found herself in a dark forest. She sensed it was a dream, which was something she wasn’t supposed to be able to do.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Hello?
Her voice echoed through the forest and whispered back.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Who is there?
Whispered Voice says: Welcome…. Welcome…
Parts of the forest peeled back, as if welcoming her in. Nyxxa followed as the voice continued to urge her to come to whoever was speaking to her. The plants grew twisted and dark, and the bark contorted to look like screaming faces. Tree limbs looked like skeletal fragments. Her body almost wished to move forward.
Her walk quickened into a sprint. She realized she had a maddened grin on her face, and she snapped out of it and brought herself to a stop.
But she wasn’t alone. She wasn’t the only one that needed to see whatever they were going to see.
Whispered Voice says: Come to me…
Then she looked up and saw a single blue feather that floated down before. It touched the ground, and then there was a pulse of magic. The twisted forest started to float and fade until she was surrounded by a dark, but mischievous glen.
Q'onzu says: Oh.. that was something, wasn’t it?
Nyxxa turned and saw the form of an owl. It was larger than her, and had magnificent antlers and long, keen eyebrows. There was a mischievous glint in their eyes.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Did… you just save me?
Q'onzu says: Save is perhaps a strong word. But I suppose you could say that.
Nyxxa looked around, and the owl vanished and appeared elsewhere in the glen.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: You’re… you’re Losna, aren’t you?
Q'onzu says: Hoo hoo hoo… it’s not often I hear that name. Not these days, anyways.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I imagine not. I suppose that makes the second time you’ve saved me.
She bowed.
Q'onzu says: No need for such formalities, sister. After all, all I’ve done is delayed the inevitable, so to speak. I’m all for shaking things up, but this even has me a bit concerned… there’s change, and then there’s whatever that is.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Xavius. The Nightmare.
Q'onzu says: A dangerous name to speak around these parts…
Nyxxa covered her mouth.
Q'onzu says: No need for that, I won’t tell anyone.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’ve gotten lax…
Q'onzu says: It’s also grown more powerful, and you are preoccupied with dramatic changes of your own. I can’t say I blame you. But I can’t have that call plucking you away from your path, as I need to see what comes from the other side, and I won’t have any mysterious voices from the shadows getting in the way of my fun.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: So this will keep happening until I’m gone?
Q'onzu says: Afraid so, though I suppose you’re working on a solution. After all, only satyrs hear this call. For now at least.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Do you know if they follow it?
Q'onzu says: You would have likely walked right off that ship and into the water.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: What?
With a beat of Q’onzu’s wings, Nyxxa saw herself transformed by the power of the magic into a teal owl with horns. Nyxxa saw herself standing on the edge of the ship, one hoof off the side. She had been sleep walking. A half-nude Hooktusk was groggily waking up to see what had happened.
Q'onzu says: It doesn’t happen every night and not to everyone, but it seems to be getting stronger…
It seemed that Nyxxa had been heading toward the direction of the prior encounter witht he satyrs.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: It’s pulling us toward that direction… something is coming soon…
Q'onzu says: And I can’t wait to see what’s happening, but unfortunately you may not be around to see it. A terrible shame, that.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I can warn everyone.
Q'onzu says: That is true.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: And to be honest, it’s for the best if I’m like this.
Q'onzu says: No need to thank like that. You’re breaking paradigms, dear. And regardless what happens, this won’t be the last time you shake things up.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I’m glad you think so.
Q'onzu says: Now how’s about we get you back before your partner for the evening drags you back to bed. Though I suppose you might enjoy that, won’t you.
Nyxxa chuckled and agreed she had worried Hooktusk enough. Nyxxa asked if they had any advice for coming back.
Q'onzu says: Stay interesting, darling. And… happy birthday.
Nyxxa went back to her consciousness just as Hooktusk hooked her arm around her. Nyxxa apologized, and Hooktusk muttered she was awake and asked what had happened. Nyxxa quickly explained, and it was clearly well over Hooktusk’s head, but she seemed satisfied that Nyxxa appeared to be good.
Nyxxa went to check on Sol as he had the dreamcatcher, and they both noticed a new feather on the dreamcatcher that hadn’t been there before. It was a beautiful light blue feather. Sol asked what that was about, and Nyxxa explained what happened that night.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: They’re looking out for me, I suppose.
Sol'chi says: That’s good. I don’t know why Symma’s complaining, I like this one.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I can understand people not liking that type of personality.
Symma approached Jaina and offered a quiet greeting. Jaina turned back with a smile and asked if she needed anything. Symma asked if they could speak, and Jaina offered to go somewhere more private, namely some clearings that she was curious to see how they withstood the test of time.
They walked together, and Symma asked for clarification that Jaina had fought in the War of the Ancients, which Jaina confirmed.
Rak'Symma says: Thank you.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Oh. Of course! I’m just glad I was able to help.
Rak'Symma says: We needed all the help we could get.
Jaina furrowed her brow, noticing the “we”.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: The way you said that makes it sound like you were there as well.
Rak'Symma says: I… wasn’t. But I also witnessed the beginnings of all of it. The truth is hard to explain, but I just wanted to thank you personally, is all.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: It’s alright. You don’t owe anyone an explanation, and I am a stranger. But thank you for your kind words, it means a lot. Truth be told, I spent several years there. During a time when this fortress was bustling, though I suppose it is now as well. But when it was much younger. And I think it didn’t click until I returned how much that all meant. Being able to be a part of building what we see today, even in some small way. But thank you. Your words are kind.
Rak'Symma says: I don’t know much about being lauded as a hero, but I know people tend to hang onto the stories more than the person.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: it’s true. As years go by, memories become clouded. What one remembers of the past can change. And as those who learn only from those memories form memories of their own, you would think the Traveler was a 20 foot tall giantess who could drown a continent with a wave of their hand. But no memory is infallible. Not even those of the gods.
Rak'Symma says: Well, I can at least assure you that you weren’t 20 feet tall.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I’d be happy to tell you things I remember. If you’ve seen visions of it, perhaps it would be entertaining to compare notes. Perhaps when you have some free time.
Rak'Symma says: Free time is not something I’m often afforded.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: That is unfortunately true in situations like this. But I perhaps an unfair advantage… to me the War of the Ancients was, well…
Rak'Symma says: Still fresh on your mind?
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Yes. Only a few months ago I was standing on an unbroken world squaring off against monsters that wished to burn it. Basking in the wake of literal gods as they fought for us. Armies of mortals joining hands to fight for tomorrow. And now a few months later…
She smiled.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: It’s refreshing to see how little changes. The faces are different. Some at least. But even now… people are able to set aside their differences when the goings get to be the toughest.
Rak'Symma says: Lets hope the battle goes differently this time.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Well, we did win.
Rak'Symma says: Not everyone was there to see the end.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Every victory has a cost. I’ll do what I can to ensure that cost is a bit less this time. For everyone’s sake.
Rak'Symma says: Not to dredge up difficult facts or memories… but can you tell me how it ended?
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: The war?
Rak’Symma nodded.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Of course. We went to the heart of the Well of Eternity. Where Queen Azshara had rent open a gateway. Despite everything, the sheer number of our foes was more than we could handle. Our only recourse was collapsing the portal. But even with the combined strength of our forces, we could only hold them off. It was up to a small group. Tyrande. The Stormrage brothers. Myself. And Broxigar. An orc.
Rak'Symma says: I know him.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Using a powerful relic, the brothers Stormrage sought to close the portal, but the Legion forces were too many. Myself and a friend of mine. A dragon that was sent back and actually fought alongside himself… we tried to buy as much time as we could. That was when Broxigar took it upon himself to stop everything and buy them the time they needed. He leaped into the portal itself. Passed through the gateway, and the moment he disappeared through the gate, the demons stopped coming. I saw him fighting an entire army, not letting a single one through. That bought Malfurion and Illidan time, and we were able to collapse the gate. Broxigar stayed on the other side. But a gate of that size collapsing had consequences, and it split the world. Those demons that were not destroyed by the gateway were instantly banished or otherwise went to ground. From there, it was a mad dash of survival to escape the swathes of land as they crumbled. Then it was still. It was over as quickly as it had begun. That I could provide some help in that moment was… it gave me a perspective I don’t think I would ever have had about what people can accomplish when they work together. But we never would have made it there without countless sacrifices. Too many. I can only hope we can avoid that this time.
Rak'Symma says: Do you know what brought you to that time?
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Not entirely. I… I’ve spoken with some individuals who had context for it. There’s a bronze dragon who will likely show their face around here sooner or later. They spoke with some of the others. Their best guess is that there was an incident involving one of their number who had been tampering with timelines. A… rather complex anomaly formed because of it. That anomaly may have been what drew us back, as if this moment in time was a place that was so important in the timeways that it drew us to it. We had stumbled into a trap you see, but rather than what the trap was supposed to do, it disrupted when we were supposed to be. We wound up on quite a journey in our attempts to make our way home. We found ourselves 10,000 years in the past, so we… overshot it a bit. But word of advice, try to avoid messing with chronomancy. It will cause you any number of headaches. I had to try not to cause any issues with the space-time continuum and I was only partially successful. It was almost as stressful as the war itself.
Rak'Symma says: A journey through memories is all the time travel I think I can stomach.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself then. We needn’t dwell on the past anymore when the present is full of interesting things to talk about.
Rak'Symma says: I’m just trying to help the warband to ensure what happened before won’t happen again.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I wasn’t asking about what you’re doing. I’m asking about you. I haven’t met many harpies in the present. I wouldn’t mind getting to know you.
Symma looked sheepish.
Rak'Symma says: I’m an exception to the rule.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: All the more reason to know you.
Rak'Symma says: I was raised not far from here.
She pointed towards Highmountain.
Rak'Symma says: And it was a quiet thing. And then reality blew me from my nest, and I had barely learned how to fly.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: But you did. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here. So you deserve some credit.
Rak'Symma says: Time is an excellent teacher.
They spent some time while Jaina listened to Rak’Symma talk about herself. Symma end-capped the conversation with the fact she was glad Jaina got home, and Jaina agreed it was good, as she didn’t know what she would have done if she hadn’t got to see her kids again.
Remnii had sought out Arthak to catch up, and they ended up going back to Arthak’s office as she engaged in topical conversation and small talk about the day. Arthak said he was glad Remnii arrived when she did, as she and Grom were valuable assets to the cause.
Remnii says: I’ve often wondered where I would see you again. Outside dreams. I would like to carve out some time to speak on the… how are yous and what is going on.
Remnii took some time to look at Arthak’s stone arm and also brushing Arthak’s eye patch with the pad of her thumb, reflecting on how he had changed and asking how those changes had occurred. Arthak regaled her on the tales of them, as well as some of their feats on Draenor after Remnii had parted from them.
Arthak asked what she knew about their dealings on the Broken Isles, and Remnii explained she knew some of the names on the Isle, but she knew little about their actual activities. Arthak explained the political landscape of Suramar and its present Grand Magistrix.
Remnii says: May I have your ear to bend, as I want to know more… but I find something weighing heavy. To be candid, if I am to move forward. You’ve seen Shaspira, yes?
Arthak Saurfang says: I have.
Remnii says: And Aracyra?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Remnii says: If I told you I had some vested interest in attempting to help move them along… save is a strong word… I have a feeling you might have some ideations, but this isn’t something I want to bring to the rest until I had your opinion on it.
Arthak Saurfang says: An interesting notion. Aracyra I can understand. I’m curious about Shaspira. There’s not love lost there.
Remnii says: She could have done far worse to me than she did… but… what did your relationship with her look like after I left? You loosely mentioned it had grown complex.
Arthak Saurfang says: Complex. Fraught. Lady Shaspira and I became… friends.
Remnii offered a bittersweet smile.
Arthak Saurfang says: She provided good counsel, and there were places and times where we understood one another.
Remnii says: I’m glad I brought this to you first then. I simply told it to those I traveled with while I got to know the Alliance, but…
She sighed and pulled her hair back.
Remnii says: Arthak… I was adopted. By Velen.
Arthak Saurfang says: If that is the case then…
Remnii says: You are intelligent, you know where this is going, but I will tell you straight that I was born to Shaspira days before Argus fell in line with the Legion. She is my mother. She knows. Archimonde is my father.
Arthak Saurfang says: …She thought you were dead. She told me that story.
Remnii says: You were close then. And likely are.
She offered a dry smile.
Remnii says: There was one person waiting for me the entire time.
She produced a skull-shaped sending stone and set it down on Arthak’s desk.
Arthak Saurfang says: Rakeesh.
Remnii nodded.
Arthak Saurfang says: That’s why he wanted to find you. Okay.
Remnii says: I doubt you need that anymore, but…
Arthak Saurfang says: So he knew. And he wanted to find you for that reason.
Remnii says: Correct. We have spoken.
Arthak Saurfang says: It went well?
Remnii says: It did. But… I don’t know if it’s feasible, Arthak, but if she is wrested from the Legion, I… I would like to be a part of that. And if not, I would see her to the end.
Arthak held up a finger and walked over to his desk. He pulled out a notebook and handed it out to Remnii.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ve been working on this, actually. For Aracyra and… your mother.
Remnii says: I do not believe it wise to tell the others now. Zar’Kaa was… temperamental when last I saw him. Seria knows, but she doesn’t know the gravity.
Arthak Saurfang says: Zar’Kaa has been… doing better. He may be an asset. He has a vendetta against the sisters.
Remnii says: I would like to know more of that, but… I would ask that this will not be secret forever, but I want it to come out on my own terms. I am still Velen’s daughter, but it puts things in a dangerous perspective if it’s done wrong. Aracyra and Shaspira already know. My question for you is… when should I tell the others?
Arthak Saurfang says: Sol, as it stands… I don’t think you’ll have trouble persuading most of the present warband. Nyxxa… will support you as will Sol. Both because it’s you, and because of Aracyra. Rak’Symma… I… it is not an endeavor I believe she has stakes for or against. As for Zar’Kaa, he will have reasonable trepidations.
Remnii says: I expect nothing less than trepidation.
Arthak Saurfang says: If we’re going to have a chance of helping Aracyra, they will need to be dealt with.
Remnii says: Most of her despair is brought about through knowing I’m alive.
Arthak Saurfang says: There is also Sol.
Remnii says: I saw her on Argus. I imagine she is still… grieving.
Arthak Saurfang says: Likely.
Remnii says: I wanted to say it. And I think most of all, I wanted you to hear. My resolution has not changed, but…
She shook her head and her lip trembled, but it was stilled with a breath.
Remnii says: Velen was the first to tell me, though Rakeesh was quite pleased by the notion he thought he was the first. I am thankful for the transparency now.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m assuming you are handling him?
Remnii says: Yes.
Arthak Saurfang says: I figured.
Remnii says: This will come up again. We have much to speak upon, and I want to hear what you’ve been up to.
Arthak Saurfang says: And I you. You’ve gotten… harder since last we saw one another.
Remnii says: You’re one to talk, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good. It suits you.
Remnii set their brows together fondly.
Remnii says: I missed you.
Arthak Saurfang says: And I you, old friend.
Remnii says: So tell me. Where do we start?
Zar’Kaa had headed out to talk to Hooktusk and Zar’Kaa made a comment about Hooktusk being there, and the captain said she wasn’t one to let an opportunity pass her by.
Zar'Kaa says: I have an opportunity to offer you.
Hooktusk says: What’s that?
Zar'Kaa says: Are you planning on sticking around?
Hooktusk says: Suppose that depends! We did what we were paid to do. But it do seem like there’s a few opportunities knocking. Heard there’s some sea dogs out here that recently got themselves free of a certain sea giant’s arena I planned to chat with.
Zar'Kaa says: Correct. And there’s the naga. And the Legion. It seems they seek the prize we do.
Hooktusk says: I would hate to be caught between them.
Zar'Kaa says: If only we had an x factor. Someone surfing the tides, patrolling their waters, and taking the fight to them.
Hooktusk says: What’s your offer?
Zar'Kaa says: A payment up front. And something else to throw in that will pay off in the long-run.
Hooktusk says: What’s that?
Zar'Kaa says: I spent a lot of time around Stranglethorn and got familiar with the cartels. I made some contacts and got the best paying jobs I could take on. They could get you some work.
Hooktusk says: What kind of contacts do you actually have where?
Zar’Kaa explained them and Hooktusk listened, considering.
Hooktusk says: Alright, that could be interesting. I can’t say doing work for the cartels is my ally. They have close connections to the Blackwater, you see, and as one of the two major powers over the sea, it ain’t exactly a market they be looking to get me in on unless I bent the knee. But there’s a thing or two I can use…
Zar'Kaa says: Well, jobs, or perhaps you can install your own people. I don’t know. I can get your foot in the door.
Hooktusk says: I guess I better be speaking to this Slayer. See what kind of monetary compensation this legionfall coalition would be willing to pay.
Zar'Kaa says: I can make you an offer right now.
Hooktusk says: Oh? What kind of offer are you willing to make?
Zar'Kaa says: 500 up front.
Hooktusk says: You don’t really think 500 is gonna pay my crew for that, do you?
Zar'Kaa says: No, but you’ve always got to start low, right?
Zar’Kaa smirked.
Zar'Kaa says: How about 1000.
Hooktusk says: Now that’s something worth talking about. But I still am gonna speak to the Slayer. If you need our assistance, we need more than that, especially if it’s going to take as long as it seems. But you got my interest. And for the time being, you got our crew, at least until this runs out.
Zar'Kaa says: Glad we can do business.
Hooktusk says: Pleasure is all mine, Zar’Kaa.
Hooktusk offered a wide sharp-toothed grin.
Hooktusk says: And don’t get yourself killed. Especially seeing you’ve got some introductions to make on my behalf.
Zar'Kaa says: If I do, guess you’ve gotta just bring me back.
Hooktusk says: I will.
At that moment, Nyxxa toddled out of Hooktusk’s quarters with a warm good morning. Hooktusk laughed that she was actually awake, and Nyxxa apologized for being a bother. The captain explained she was just making a few deals
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: I can introduce you to the Slayer if you need.
Hooktusk says: I was just gonna see about making an appointment with her highness.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Oh she’ll like you!
Hooktusk says: I know how to please a woman!
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: You do!
Zar’Kaa sighed and turned away, quite uncomfortable. Hooktusk laughed and expressed that she loved it when they squirmed.
Remnii went to seek out Sol, and she found him in his manor. He welcomed her in, and they exchanged some small talk about Sol’s new appearance. Sol said he was glad to hear that Remnii was not actually dead, and they talked a bit about how Raluhi was doing.
Remnii says: I believe you know why I’m here? Is Spiritsong still with you?
Sol'chi says: Yes, it’s on the desk. It’s disguised.
He gestured to a hard rock that was on the desk. It was black and porous.
Sol'chi says: It would be easy enough to remove the glamour.
Remnii went over to look at Spiritsong, and Sol assured her he had kept it as safe as he could, and it had helped him out during hard times.
Sol'chi says: It’s a reliable companion even though it can’t speak.
Remnii smiled softly.
Remnii says: I was not sure how we would next meet, but I’m glad to see you are in good company.
Sol also extended the gesture, and he commented on Maraad seeming devoted. Remnii encouraged him to give Maraad some time in regards to speaking with him, as it was not common amongst draenei to speak so openly to demons.
Sol said he wanted to apologize to Remnii for how she was treated with the Horde, and Remnii said that she simply hadn’t been in a position to say no, as her life dangled between Sol and Arthak.
Remnii says: Had it not been for you, I wouldn’t have made it anywhere close to where I am now… what are your plans for the future?
Sol'chi says: It depends on how this shakes out.
Remnii smiled at the turn of phrase.
Sol'chi says: Lets just say, if things work out and the Legion is banished, I’m going to see if I can help the Horde settle properly without anymore bloodshed, then once they’re good, I believe Arthak and his many allies can do things without me. I’ll probably go do what I can to prepare the world to fend off the legion. I’m still very young by our people’s standards. I’m going to learn, I’m going to have fun, and I’m going to try and make the world better at the same time. Plus, this world is fun! I made a gun! I don’t know how useful it’ll be, but it’s fun!
Remnii says: If I can wrest it away from it’s owner, I believe there would be someone loathed to meet you. One of the high artificers has some… interesting guns. But that is beyond the point.
Sol'chi says: I know some meetings will be strained, but perhaps with luck I can meet that member of my family with the draenei… how are they? What happened after my mom assisted them, do you know?
Remnii explained the Exodar had crashed on the continent of Kalimdor, and the series of the steps that had occurred during the adventures in Kalimdor.
Remnii says: Thank you for your apologies… I cannot say that I haven’t been a bit cross with you. In the time we have been apart, it was only able to dawn on me because I was truly safe that I found… I found your presence, the forcefulness in which you pushed… I found myself upset. I wasn’t sure how this meeting was going to go. But you too have grown, and for that I am glad for.
Sol'chi says: Thank you. I’m sorry i pushed. Honestly, I was kind of flailing for whatever I could grab onto.
Remnii asked if she understood the importance of him carrying Spiritsong.
Sol'chi says: Samaara spoke to me. I got the implication it was a test of sorts.
Remnii says: Some of it was… but I have a vain hope that eredar like you and people like us… that we can see beyond our own prejudice. This is stillt he beginning of an orchestration which I hope to work with you towards of having you bring this back to the Exodar. A show of good will that may not go over entirely well, but you may be the first, but I don’t believe you’ll be the last eredar to arrive and have a dialogue and how the rift between our people can change.
Sol'chi says: That would be nice… and after all the talk of the… evil Velen that tore our people apart, I’d like to meet him.
Remnii says: Mind you, we have more we need to do, but when that day comes… Spiritsong was a promise as much as it was a test.
Sol'chi says: And I like to keep my promises! I believe I died before all three of you!
Remnii says: Let us not have a repeat shall we.
Sol'chi says: Hopefully not.
Remnii smiled knowingly.
Remnii says: I look forward to getting to know you now, no manacles included, yes?
Sol'chi says: Right. No manacles. Would you like to follow me, I have something I wanted to show you?
Remnii raised a brow, but followed as Sol lead her to the basement of the mansion where the forge was.
Sol'chi says: No manacles, right?
Remnii says: I would certainly hope not, given where we are.
Sol reached into his bag and pulled out manacles and put them in a crucible.
Sol'chi says: I’d like you to destroy them. These are the same ones from back then. If you’d like.
Remnii says: I… appreciate the symbolism of it all.
Sol'chi says: Maybe I’ve been hanging out with the orcs too much.
Remnii gingerly touched the lever and pulled.
Sol'chi says: Well, I know Samaara is safe, but I don’t know about… Yrel.
Remnii says: I do!
She snapped her fingers and filled Sol in on the fact Yrel had been saved by the Army of Light from Niskarra. Sol started to just laugh, and he admitted he had been praying for her to be safe, and he was ecstatic to hear that she was good.
Remnii got a complex look, as she really had wished it had been the Light and not Rakeesh that had arranged for the Army of Light to find her.
Remnii explained Yrel was missing both her legs, but they had managed to make her prosthetics and she was now learning how to become a proper paladin. Sol admitted he had felt guilty about her capture, as he had been the one that knocked her out. Remnii assured him she would update him as he heard more of her.
They continued to chat and catch up for a while.
When Symma returned from talking with Jaina, Thisalee swooped down from the parapets and fluttered down to greet her.
Thisalee Crow says: There you are!
Rak'Symma says: I didn’t realize you were looking for you.
Thisalee Crow says: No worries! I was just wondering where you ran off to.
Rak'Symma says: Just… chasing ghosts.
Thisalee smiled.
Thisalee Crow says: There are a lot here from what I’ve been told!
Rak'Symma says: This one was a bit more tangential than most.
Thisalee Crow says: Easier to catch! But… we had sorta started talking before we went to the vineyard, and I said I wanted to talk again when things calmed down. Is that alright?
Rak'Symma says: Yeah, I’m sorry I cut you off. I didn’t have a good night’s sleep.
Thisalee Crow says: Yeah, sure. I just wanted to say something.
They flew back up to the parapets.
Thisalee Crow says: To preface this, I’m not mad, okay, and I don’t think it’s a problem, nothing is damage dor hurt, I just wanted to say that… I know that you’re figuring a lot of stuff out and you’re entitled to your opinions, but… a couple of the things you said about the druids? It hurt my feelings. I know you’ve been trying to process a lot and it might seem like we’re screwing up and abandoning the harpies and such… but I just wanted you to know that hurt my feelings. I’m not mad now, and I think I understand, but I just… wanted to say that.
Symma had a very cowed expression, where she clearly seemed to understand she was wrong.
Thisalee Crow says: While it might not seem like we are doing a good job… but if we weren’t, I think the Ancients that survived would have said something if we really screwed up that bad, you know?
Rak'Symma says: You’re right. I’m… sorry. Which seems a pale word to use. But I am sorry for the way I acted. I know, Thisalee… you adapt faster than i know more to do. Your enthusiasm rivals Lasan’s, and I did not think that possible. But you’re allowed to be upset with me. I acted the way I did because I was looking for answers in the wrong way. I didn’t care for Omnuron’s approach, and it set me on the back foot.
Thisalee Crow says: He can be a little intense.
Rak'Symma says: I was already out of sorts before we went to the Dream Grove, and I was eager to get it out of the way. If I could have come to it organically, it may have gone easier. Or better. But I can’t even promise that.
Thisalee Crow says: Apology accepted! I’m not mad. And I appreciate that you apologized, I think that’s all I wanted. I just hope that you can find more answers in the future. And I’ll be there to help you find them. Just don’t be afraid to trust what some of the others think. I mean the Ancients. Cenarius. Tortolla. Ohn’ahra. They’ve guided us every step of the way in their own ways, and even those who aren’t around anymore to guide us, their spirits have. But thanks for hearing me out. I appreciate it. And I’m not mad. I promise.
Rak'Symma says: In a truly selfish thing… while hearing that, it makes me happy, but also jealous.
Thisalee Crow says: Jealous?
Rak'Symma says: Well. More angry. Not at you. Or the druids.
Thisalee Crow says: Then who?
Rak’Symma looked at the skull.
Rak'Symma says: Part of my promise I made to myself was that I was going to meet those that persisted. Blaithe spoke often of meeting them. Communing with them. And when he thought it was time… he died. The same day.
Thisalee Crow says: That just means we’ll have to find them ourselves! You already found… two of them? Well, I guess one and a half.
Rak'Symma says: No no, Q’onzu counts as one.
Thisalee Crow says: I wasn’t thinking of them. I was thinking of when you found the spirit of… Ursoc? I know he’s not with us anymore, but… So honestly, if you can find one every few months, that’s a pretty good rate of success, you know?
Thisalee took her claw.
Thisalee Crow says: You’re doing great, and you can stumble and struggle. Everyone does. As long as you recognize that and try to do better, it’s okay.
Rak'Symma says: Have you ever felt like you yourself was a bad omen?
Thisalee Crow says: I mean, yeah. Ann’do says that’s just letting yourself get in your own head. You can’t blame yourself when bad things happen around you. You don’t have any power to control anyone but yourself.
Rak’Symma gave her a wry smile.
Thisalee Crow says: To be the eye of the storm! And what happened at the Dream Grove wasn’t even your fault. You don’t need to take responsibility. That was him. That monster. That’s how people like him win. They make you think it’s your fault, but you didn’t do any of it.
Rak'Symma says: I’m not… upset, as I know that’s your nature. What I am is angry.
Thisalee Crow says: Good! We’ll kick his butt and we’ll show him not to mess with us! And not you! He doesn’t know who he’s dealing with.
Rak'Symma says: He doesn’t. Can I ask you a sensitive question?
Thisalee Crow says: Sure.
Rak'Symma says: I’ve been able to reach out to a handful of the roosts… but I haven’t made my way to the Wyrmtalon yet. I owe you a great deal. What do you want my approach to them to be?
Thisalee Crow says: I think it’s too soon to say. We… don’t know what they’re doing or what they’ve been up to. But it wouldn’t be right of me to condemn all of them just because some of them have done bad things. It wouldn’t be fair for me toa assume they’re all bad people like the Crawliac. So… I think once we’ve wrapped up in Suramar, we can take a stop up there. Maybe we can take Seria and she can introduce herself and see her own shan’do. It shouldn’t be more than a few days.
Rak'Symma says: I’m just worried about that omen.
Thisalee Crow says: I’m sure ann’do may know about it. We’ll ask them about the Wyrmtalon and we can poke around. I’ve scouted there before. We can see if it’s changed. But whatever you choose to do, I won’t get mad. Even if we find the harpy that… that… did the… that took them away… I don’t want my own emotions to affect what you would want, okay? So I’ll support you. No matter what.
Symma nodded and cupped Thisalee’s face. She giggled and leaned into it.
Rak'Symma says: You’re too good for me.
Thisalee Crow says: That’s not true! I’m exactly as good as you deserve! You deserve better even, I’m not saying I’m the best or whatever–
Rak’Symma slid her thumb over Thisalee’s lips, and she blushed and chuckled, embarrassed.
Rak'Symma says: Would you do me one more favor? When we go back to Suramar? I’m tired of feeling like I’m trapped and alone. Would you stay with me?
Thisalee grinned.
Thisalee Crow says: Of course! That sounds wonderful! You can count on it, and I’m pretty good at cuddling, so you picked a great partner.
Rak’Symma looked up toward where Nisha roosted, and Thisalee laughed and said that wasn’t fair. Symma suggested she could become a more compact size, and Thisalee chuckled and said she’d just have to grow wings bigger than Nisha’s, and then they would see who is better to cuddle with.
Zar’Kaa happened to catch Bakaz on one of his visits back to the Hold. Bakaz gleefully greeted him, and Zar’Kaa asked how his hunt was going. Bakaz asked which one, and Zar’Kaa clarified it was Sacrolash.
Bakaz says: She wouldn’t be of the rank she is if she was easy to track. Besides, I’ve been busy. Can’t say any info about her has rolled into my lap yet.
Zar'Kaa says: Alright, well what have you found?
Bakaz says: I’ve been speaking to a few interesting folks. Folks who are planning a bit of a heist. One to help cover the fragments of a certain artifact.
Zar'Kaa says: A heist suggests that the shards in one place.
Bakaz says: We have a general idea of where they might take them. But it may be in more than one place. Luckily, we have friends on the inside.
Zar'Kaa says: How’d you manage that?
Bakaz says: We didn’t manage anything. You found them.
Zar'Kaa says: Oh. Right.
Bakaz says: But you don’t need to worry. Let ol’ Bakaz handle the fragments, and if we’re lucky, we might find something about Lady S. But don’t hold your breath.
Zar'Kaa says: I wonder if we’re going to have to track her down ourselves.
Bakaz says: Folk like that don’t exactly show themselves often.
Zar'Kaa says: No. There’s only really one way to draw her out, and I don’t think that’s a reasonable option at this time.
Bakaz says: I don’t think Lady A would be much of a hostage.
Zar'Kaa says: And it wouldn’t fly with the others. Point is… we’re still in wait and see mode. I don’t like it.
Bakaz says: Tough luck, my man.
Zar'Kaa says: I appreciate the update.
Bakaz says: I’ll keep you posted. But maybe next time I’ll have some nice rocks to show you. But, a little word of warning? We have a lot of people to worry about. Lot of demons. While it would be all well and good to take Lady S down? I ain’t risking my own men to overextend to do that.
Zar’Kaa’s brow furrowed.
Zar'Kaa says: Who said I was asking you to?
Bakaz says: If you ever consider it, know some things are not in our range of operation. I know you want to take her down, but we ain’t going to be able to destroy every single damn demon on this world. Once we win, some will turn tail, and shadows like her are real good at slipping away. But you gotta be ready to make sure you do what’s best for your people, not just your revenge. See where I’m going with this?
Zar'Kaa says: Yeah, i get it. Fortunately for us both, I’m not in the position to tell anyone to do anything.
Bakaz chuckled.
Bakaz says: Yeah, suppose you’re right on that one. Then again, there are other ways to make people do stuff than having authority.
Zar'Kaa says: You used to be Revantusk, right?
Bakaz says: Still am.
Zar'Kaa says: You aren’t Amani now?
Bakaz waved his hand.
Bakaz says: Amani like making it sound like everyone works for them. But just because I’ve done work for them don’t mean that you’re any less of the tribe you want to be. Especially after the last war. Tribal alligiences are all over the place.
Zar'Kaa says: So what does it mean to have allegiance to Revantusk versus Amani?
Bakaz says: What’s it like being a Darkspear versus a Gurubashi? We all know those big tribes like using the names of our people like a flagship. But things get bigger. I may not have always been with the Amani, and I may not always be with them, but the old tribe is always in my thoughts and actions. But I do what I do to do what I need to do and go where I need to go. That’s all there is to it.
Zar'Kaa says: I’ve made guesses at some of your goals.
Bakaz says: Oh? What do you think ol’ Bakaz is after?
Zar'Kaa says: After speaking to Arthak, you want to take Zul’jin’s place.
Bakaz grinned.
Bakaz says: I told him that, didn’t I?
Zar'Kaa says: He didn’t tell me. But he told me Zul’jin wants him dead.
Bakaz says: He does.
Zar'Kaa says: Which leaves you next in line to take his place, assuming you don’t have challengers.
Bakaz says: I will. Power vacuum like that, things will get interesting. Tell me, you know where the name Zul’jin came from?
Zar'Kaa says: No one ever explained it.
Bakaz says: The first Zul’jin… the humans and the elves call the war 20 years ago the Second Troll Wars. We call it the third. Zul’jin calls it the war, because he’s been fighting a long time. Very long time ago, there was a war. A big war. Against a whole bunch of monsters. Hideous bugs. Insects that bled shadow and night. Nearly wiped everyone out. Especially the Zandali. They probably would have too if it wasn’t for one troll. No one knows what his real name was. He threw that away. But there was one troll who rose up. Gurubashi. Drakkari. Farakki. Zandalari. They all listened to him. Imagine that. But they did. They called him Zul’jin. The great wise man. But they didn’t call him that because he was smart, it was because he had the wisdom to bring everyone together. To focus on the real enemy. The thing that would have had its way for everyone. Now, that wasn’t our Zul’jin. There have been Zul’jins through history. It’s a title. But the assassin of kings, the one that pulled off that stunt 20 years ago? Why do you think he did it? The war keeps on waging. A living loa of vengeance and retribution. The spirits of every Zul’jin before fueling him on and on and on. Sounds like a tough cookie to take down. Wouldn’t want him looking for my head. So I can’t say I envy our warchief.
Zar'Kaa says: So. That’s what you want. You want to be the guiding light of every Zandali that walks this world?
Bakaz says: Is that what I said? I was just giving you a history lesson.
Zar'Kaa says: Loathe as I am to admit it , your abilities are impressive. You’re intelligent. You know your trade well. You can play this game I’ve been starting to understand myself.
Bakaz says: Zar’Kaa. I didn’t know you were a flatterer. You charmer, you.
Zar'Kaa says: But you aren’t the only Zandali with skills. So. What gives you the idea it must be you, because to me it sounds like arrogance.
Bakaz laughed.
Bakaz says: Arrogance, eh? That’s one word for it. I think you’re thinking too hard, my friend.
Zar'Kaa says: I asked about this because I promised a friend I’d try to understand you. That I would try to know those who I’d call an enemy like I would an ally… and it would appear you’re both of those at the same time.
Bakaz says: I’ve been told I contain multitudes.
Zar’Kaa furrowed his brow in annoyance.
Zar'Kaa says: So, thinking too hard? No. I disagree. This lets me learn something about you i have not.
Bakaz says: You know I’m kind of liking this game of cat and mouse.
Zar'Kaa says: I suppose we’ll have more time to play another time. But there are things to do. I should take my leave.
Bakaz smiled.
Bakaz says: I look forward to hearing your next assessment of me. This has been a lot of fun.
Zar'Kaa says: Glad I could entertain you.
Bakaz says: Take care, Zar’Kaa.
Zar’Kaa turned away, but he stopped.
Zar'Kaa says: My own parting word of advice to you. Don’t just look for your competition amongst the Amani.
Bakaz chuckled and shook his head.
Bakaz says: Oh Zar’Kaa, I’m way ahead of ya.
Remnii was poking around Black Rook Hold looking for someone, and she happened to come across Nyxxa who was walking with Levia and Vel. Nyxxa asked Remnii if she was looking for someone, and Remnii explained she was looking for the harpy friend, Rak’Symma. Levia suggested if she found Thisalee, she’d probably find Symma, though Remnii had no idea who that was.
Levia explained what Thisalee looked like, and Remnii sighed that unfortunately she had met a lot of kaldorei.
Nyxxa Murkthorn says: Have you met Levia, Remnii?
Levia Blackflight says: That’s me.
Remnii says: I have now. Sol had been informing me about you.
Nyxxa looked at Levia.
Levia Blackflight says: Okay, so, I know Vel. Snow… Vel. Sorry, dumb joke.
Remnii says: You’re allowed.
Levia Blackflight says: Obviously… so, sorry. I helped open the Dark Portal, right? I wasn’t on ground zero, but I was a part of the elves that betrayed the city. I did some pretty bad things. And that… I’m working through that. But… I know that you’re from a different group, but Vel mentioned you had done stuff with the church before, and I’ve been able to use magic I’ve never been able to before shortly after I changed. Up until recently, right when the war started, I was just an elf. I didn’t look like this. But when that happened, I manifested these… this.
She held out her hand, and she conjured a bright white light.
Levia Blackflight says: I’ve never been able to do that. I studied magic. I met Vel in a magic academy. Nyxxa was wondering if you knew anything about that? But there’s a bit… more to that story.
Remnii was quietly listening.
Levia Blackflight says: Sorry.
Remnii says: Please.
Levia Blackflight says: Did you know a man known as Vandellor Everpost?
Remnii says: I do.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, that’s what they said. I… killed him. I had to. But that’s not an excuse, I did it anyway. They would have probably killed me if they didn’t, and then killed him anyways. But I still did. So, you don’t have to help. I just… they mentioned you might know something. Vel and I are…
Velameestra Windrunner says: We’re friends.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. She thinks he might be involved in this.
Remnii says: Would you tell me the whole story?
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. It’s pretty gruesome. Is that cool?
Remnii says: I’m no stranger to hardships.
Levia Blackflight says: Okay.
She went into the story and explained she was on the run from a bad place and she needed to change what she looked like because she didn’t feel comfortable in her own skin. The warlocks had the power to do that for her, and they promised to do that as long as she promised to help them with things. They were bad things. Levia confessed to those things and was in jail when the war broke out, but the warlocks found her and forced her to change by killing Vandellor in a pool of corrupted blood.
Levia Blackflight says: Long story short, Vel thinks he may have done something. Because he wasn’t mad. And she has magic that can… reach people who died. But… she also told me he had a daughter.
Remnii nodded.
Levia Blackflight says: I know Vel mentioned you knew her…
Remnii considered as she chewed on her lip.
Remnii says: I am… close with Liadrin Everpost.
Levia Blackflight says: Like…?
Remnii says: Close.
Levia Blackflight says: Shit.
Remnii says: I will tell you this before I continue.
She held up her hand.
Remnii says: I am… no stranger to the hardships of the Legion, and the legion has a heavy hand in my own life. I will encourage you to eventually speak with her. I will also, however, before then do my best to prepare you for… whatever understanding needs to come of this as.. I too know something of Vandellor, and I have one of my own. This is not something I’d be willing to abandon you on, that goes against all principles I have.
Levia Blackflight says: Then can I ask you a favor?
Remnii nodded.
Levia Blackflight says: I don’t want to do this magic until I’ve talked to her. There’s a limit. You can only do it once a year, and if anyone deserves to see him… it’s her. Not me. Especially if this doesn’t have anything to do with him, which is a possibility.
Remnii says: When you’re here at the Keep, lets you and I commune some. Whether it is a blessing of him or a guardian spirit of sorts, it is a guardianship of some sort as somehow Vandellor lit a spark in you.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, just um… like Nyx said, she won’t… originally, we were going to try and find her, but since she won’t be around, would you be able to help when this is all over? Would you help setup that meeting?
Remnii says: But in the meantime, as I said, you are already not alone, but I have a skill set that can help you.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, that’s fine. I’d be glad to listen to whatever you have to say. I… didn’t know you were a thing.
Remnii says: It is… a recent thing. But I didn’t want to hide it from you.
Levia Blackflight says: I just… wasn’t expecting you to be willing to help, given that. But I appreciate it.
Remnii offered a bittersweet smile.
Remnii says: Compassion is a tenet of the Holy Light, you know.
Levia Blackflight says: I… didn’t. I didn’t really ever…
Remnii says: Well, for some time I was able to study under the human church of the Holy Light, though it is going though a… series of changes.
She looked at Vel, who met the look, as she had read the letter her primary had sent.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, what’s not on fire these days.
Remnii sighed and asked if Levia was going to Stormheim. Levia said she wasn’t sure, but Remnii said that as long as she was in the Hold, they should meditate and go over the tenets of the Light, as even though she wasn’t a practitioner, she pulled from it now.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, fair point. Can’t argue with that.
Remnii says: No, you can’t.
Levia Blackflight says: Alright, it’s a deal.
Remnii says: I believe beseeching the Light itself may also give some answers. That’ll be a continual project, however.
Levia Blackflight says: Alright. I… don’t know any of that, but if you’re willing to teach, I’m willing to learn
Remnii says: Of course. I’ve been candid with you, as I hope you’ll be with me.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah, I shared most of my tragic backstory at this point, so not much else to hide.
Remnii says: I appreciate it.
Levia Blackflight says: I’ll get out of your hair.
Remnii says: I have plenty of it, you’re welcome to stay.
Levia Blackflight says: I wasn’t going to say it!
Levia, Nyxxa, and Vel left, and Nyxxa and Vel both shot Remnii a thankful look. Levia exhaled and she said that Remnii looked and sounded nice… but she was also somewhat scary like a stern teacher. Vel admitted she couldn’t relate, and Levia joked and said Vel was sort of the teacher type.
Vel said she didn’t know what that meant, and Levia laughed and said she 100% knew what she was talking about. But she also was grateful that she could reach out to Vel as well.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, of course. My Primary is apparently an ambassador now so... I have a bit more sway than I thought
Levia Blackflight says: Oh damn. Nice.
Remnii was left looking for Symma.
Seria, meanwhile, had been doing a series of flights with Riff to burn off some anxiety given the gauntlet of conversations she was to have. Zar’Kaa flagged her down when she and Riff landed and suggested they should touch base before they headed off.
Riff looked up at his mother, but Seria nodded and waved him off.
Zar'Kaa says: We won’t be long kid.
Riff says: I’ll go see what the others are up to!
He ran off, leaving just Seria and Zar’Kaa.
Zar'Kaa says: So. Blood loa.
Seria nodded.
Zar'Kaa says: I… I don’t even know where to begin with that. I’ve assumed you always knew about his nature.
Seria says: We weren’t exactly sure what he was at first.
Zar'Kaa says: You knew he wasn’t Zandali.
Seria says: Yes.
Zar’Kaa looked like he wanted to say something but was holding it back.
Seria says: If you got something to say, say it.
Zar'Kaa says: Following Zalazane’s Fall, you said how dare I question your judgement. And while my perspective has broadened since then… it turned out you were keeping more than just one secret. And yet you told me I had no right. What do you imagine would have happened if the roles were reversed and I brought a blood loa and an undead around our people?
Seria says: Probably the same thing, Zar’Kaa.
Zar'Kaa says: No. Wrong. Banished would have been too gentle a punishment. I think they would have just tried to take my head right then and there. But because you have the loa’s favor you get off easy.
Zar’Kaa shook his head.
Zar'Kaa says: I don’t know what you’ve been through with him. It is at least some consolation he is under control. But of all the things. Seria. You don’t know what I’ve been through on my journey either. You know one thing, but you don’t know mine. One burden after another has been falling upon me, and now I have this to worry about too.
Seria says: I’m not asking you to worry about this, Zar’Kaa.
Zar'Kaa says: No, but it’s how I feel. Can you deny that?
Seria says: No. But I would appreciate if you didn’t claim I get off easy because I have the loa’s favor.
Zar'Kaa says: Is that not the way of the zandali no matter what tribe you’re apart of? The zandali rely on the loa’s wisdom and everything else, that has a target on my back and a chip on my shoulder. It doesn’t even matter. It’s not just about me. There are more important things. Bigger things happening here. That have been happening. It’s one thing to hear it from Riff, but I need it hear it from you too. Can you keep him under control?
Seria clenched her fist, and then unclenched it.
Seria says: He’s not something that needs to be controlled. And if ya keep acting like he’s going to be a monster, then you’re going to make it a lot harder to show other people he’s not one.
Zar'Kaa says: I don’t even know what he is, and neither do you.
Seria says: I know he’s trying to do good.
Zar'Kaa says: I hope he continues then.
Seria says: I wouldn’t have done what I did if I did not believe that. And you say how you would have been banished? I still don’t know what will happen when I talk to the chieftain again.
Zar’Kaa nodded.
Zar'Kaa says: I don’t either. You did say you mentioned Riff to her before you head with your… friends into the eastern continent, correct?
Seria nodded.
Zar'Kaa says: Between the fact you’ve been transparent with Zulfli’jin and you have Rokhan in your corner, I wouldn’t count on it going like it did last time. If it did, I think Zulfli’jin would have just banished you again already. But that’s just my opinion.
Seria says: A lot’s happened since then, Zar’Kaa.
Zar'Kaa says: As it has with me. You aren’t the only one whose fate is uncertain with the chieftain, so know I understand where you’re coming from.
Seria says: I don’t think you do.
Zar’Kaa threw his hands up into the air.
Zar'Kaa says: Well fuck it, if you don’t want me to empathize, then I won’t, Seria. Regardless of our history and our issues, it goes without saying they can’t get in the way here. There are bigger things happening right now.
Seria says: I’m not the one who has issues, Zar’Kaa. I have no issues with you.
Zar’Kaa gave her a skeptical look.
Zar'Kaa says: When you’re ready to talk about that more candidly, I’m ready to talk. I’ll keep looking out for Riff, if not for his safety, but for the safety of those around him. He’s young. You don’t know what he’s capable of or what he may become or–
Seria says: You don’t think I know that, Zar’Kaa? I know he’s had nightmares. I’ve seen them.
Zar'Kaa says: Why him? Why does he matter so much to you?
Seria says: He saved my life, Zar’Kaa. More than once. After I lost Rai, I didn’t want to go on, but his egg gave me hope. Is that what you want to hear? So yes, he means the world to me.
Zar'Kaa says: Yes, that’s what I want to hear. I ask because this is the first time I’ve heard about it at all. You want me to understand you better and be on better terms with you? Then yeah, hearing more about these things would be great. If you shut me out, I can’t do that, though.
Seria says: I’m not the one that shut you out! You left me a while ago, Zar’Kaa! When we were kids, you dumped me and Rai.
Zar’Kaa looked confused.
Zar'Kaa says: What are you talking about?
Seria says: You stopped hanging around us to go and be better. Do more. You wanted nothing to do with us.
Zar’Kaa’s gaze narrowed and a raised edge came to his voice.
Zar'Kaa says: You think that was about you? You think I stepped up and did more because I wanted to distance myself from you and Rai? You think I was sent away and that had anything to do with you? Believe it or, Seria, you are not the center of my world!
Seria says: I didn’t say I was!
Zar'Kaa says: No, but you insinuated it! You act like it!
Zar’Kaa took a moment to dial himself back.
Zar'Kaa says: I’m not going to rise to this. I’ve already screwed myself over enough times already. Losing my temper. Lashing out at others. I’m not going to put myself in a worse position because of what we are discussing now. When you’re ready to revisit this without judgement–
Seria says: You’re the one judging, Zar’Kaa!
Zar'Kaa says: Okay.
Seria says: How did you want me to feel? I saw you like a brother, and you just left!
Zar'Kaa says: I said my piece. I’ve assured you I will do what I can to help Riff as well. I don’t have anything else for you, Zen’seria.
Seria says: Fine.
Zar'Kaa says: We’ll debrief you before we head out. You should be appraised of the situation. Until then, I think we would both benefit from approaching this with cooler heads.
Zar’Kaa turned to walk away.
Seria saw Zar’Kaa’s shadow grew long, and almost stepping out of it was the figure of another Zandali. He was long and lanky with violet hair that appeared to be walking in the same direction as Zar’Kaa. He turned to Seria and gave her a warm but apologetic look as he withdrew a hat from his head that was lined by skulls.
Legba says: The loa’s favor comes in a lot of ways. Some are harder to see than others. I think that boy of yours may be able to heal more wounds than just physical… but I suppose only time will tell.
He looked at Seria and smiled as he approached and put a hand on her head.
Legba says: You did good kid. It’s good to see you again. And thanks for the candy. I appreciate it.
He walked beyond her, and disappeared.
Seria says: It’s good to see you too...
Seria’s thoughts were interrupted by Remnii, who looked at her with concern as she materialized nearby. She greeted her, and asked if it was a good time to talk. Seria nodded.
Remnii says: I was going to see how you were settling in. There are dynamics I don’t know, but much of the heart of the group you’ll be traveling with I know well. But you… are you well, however?
Seria says: In what way?
Remnii says: Well, it’s been a day since we arrived. Tensions are appropriately high. Despite the the topically amicable circumstances. Mostly I was going to see how you were adjusting.
Seria says: It’s been… interesting.
Remnii says: How so?
Seria explained what had just happened with Zar’Kaa, and Remnii’s brow furrowed quickly.
Remnii says: So he… he put that all back on you? I’m sorry that happened, Seria.
Seria says: It’s fine.
Remnii says: It’s not though. Trepidation is one thing, but bad faith is another.
Remnii shook her head and fell quiet.
Remnii says: The real reason I found you… I know above most here, not all, but some, that you can hold your own. You’ve done a good, if not great, job with Riff given the odds stacked against him. Despite the hurdles and everything… you are a good mother.
Seria’s expression softened.
Seria says: Thank you, I’m glad you see that.
Remnii says: I do. And you fought for causes you had little to do with, and your sense of justice runs deep. If you have more trouble, seek allies. I know Nyxxa has a lot going on, but Nyxxa and Arthak both are people I trust with my life. Sol too is a good friend, but if you have trouble relating to Luma, you may have trouble with Sol. I know you’ll be fine, honestly, it’s more your speed anyway, but know I have your back through all of this. There’s a lot to be done. Do you understand?
Seria says: I do.
Remnii offered a wry smile.
Remnii says: I’m going to wish you luck now. But, oh my, am I happy to have my hooves on the ground! That is all.
Remnii smiled and set off as Seria went off to look for Zuni. She found him not far away and Zuni grinned.
Zuni says: Hey there good looking, come here often?
Seria stopped and then turned to walk away. Zuni called for her to come back and he scrambled after her. Seria asked for them to talk in private, and he assured her they could.
Zuni says: Is everything alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. What’s wrong? You can tell me anything. Did something happen?
Seria says: I uh… I haven’t been completely honest about how I found Riff, and some things have happened recently.
She explained how she had found Riff as they sat down, and Zuni listened intently. His left leg had started to bounce a bit, and his fingers were over his mouth. Then Seria went into the more recent matters.
Zuni says: So… I’m guessing you told the captain, yeah?
Seria nodded.
Zuni says: Okay, well that’s good. That sounds like it’s a pretty big deal. I’m sorry you had to carry all that. But I feel like the story ain’t over, yeah?
Seria continued into what she had to do to save Riff.
Seria says: This isn’t what I look like anymore…
She dropped her glamour, revealing her tail and scales and feathers.
Seria says: I completely understand if you don’t want anything to do with me anymore.
Zuni’s eyes went wide.
Zuni says: Woah…
Seria looked terrified, and Zuni stood up.
Zuni says: So he’s… really a part of you now, ain’t he?
Seria nodded.
Zuni says: What’s that mean for you? You’re still Seria? Right? Like, that didn’t change? At least it don’t seem like it, because you still seem like you.
He stepped toward her.
Zuni says: Did you really think just because you have scales and feathers I wouldn’t stick by you? Seria… you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. You must have thought that…
Tears were welling up in Seria’s eyes.
Zuni says: Hey, listen, I think the things you think are scary and ugly about yourself? I think they are things that are something really special.
He brushed his thumb along the scales of her cheek.
Zuni says: I think they’re cute. I know this must h ave been a lot, but I didn’t want you to think something like this would chase me away. You can grow as many tails as you want, but I think you’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen, and I mean it, I’m here for you, alright? Scales or no scales. We’ll figure out ther est together, alright.
Seria launched herself against Zuni’s chest and hugged him. Zuni chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.
Zuni says: Your tail’s swinging back and forth… that’s cute too.
He rested his chin on her head.
Zuni says: Seria, I want you to know that I love ya, okay? You don’t gotta say it back or anything. But I think you need to know that. Especially now. And I missed you so much. But we’ll make this work, I promise.
Seria says: I don’t think you know how happy that makes me.
Zuni pulled back from the hug and put his hand on the side of her cheek. He tilted her face up and smiled.
Zuni says: Sorry I just wanted to see your smile.
Seria chuckled and kissed him with a wide smile. Zuni kissed her back, and then he lifted her by the waist and kissed her more deeply.
It took Zuni longer than he planned to get back to what he had been doing before. When they finished, Zuni helped fix Seria’s hair.
Zuni says: I should get back. Those guys aren’t gonna let me hear the end of this…
Seria says: You can send them my way. I’ll rough ‘em up.
Zuni says: I will. I’ll be counting down the days until I see you again, alright.
They headed back and the other guys started to hoot and holler.
Zuni says: Say whatever you want!
He turned around and gave Seria another kiss in front of them before he headed back to the others, continually looking back at her until she left.
Seria headed off to find Riff, and at that moment the strange owl that had been following Sol around dropped a letter: "Dear Miss Seria I have your son If you want to see Him come to the mansion Hooty will guide if you want."
Seria headed to the mansion, and she heard the sound of sports. She burst into the mansion and saw Riff playing with and against multiple Sols as they engaged in a softer game of Eclipse. He was clearly having a great time.
Riff says: Don’t worry mada, I’m alright!
Sol'chi says: I wrote a letter in several languages, I don’t think it translated well.
Seria says: No, it didn’t.
Riff says: Mada you want to play? We can probably take all of them!
Sol'chi says: It’s called Eclipse. We won our first ever game against Gul’dan. It’s painted up there.
He gestured to a picture of Gul’dan getting his face and butt smashed by a ball.
Riff says: Mada summon a friend to play with us!