[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Sixty-Eight

Appearing Characters: Atal'arion, Calia Prestor, Elfyra, Elissa Cross, Eranikus, Gilveradin Windrunner, Hazzriss, Itharius, Kala, Liiraluma, Morphius, Motah Tallhorn, Remnii, Riff, Sahdi, Scyther, Seria, Teemo Manabrake, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor, Weavra, Wrathion, Zanzil, Zul'Lor

November 12th

Liiraluma says: Hey! Big guy!

They flipped off Eranikus as the fingers of their arm detached and hovered to release a beam of super-heated plasma at Eranikus, Hazzriss, and Zul’Lor. The [Web of Fire] scorched them, and Zul’Lor was reduced to nothing more than ash as his body deteriorated in the flames. One of their turrets refreshed the shield it was projecting while the other fired a series of force bolts at Hazzriss.

Eranikus lashed his tail out at Vel, though she raised her sword and the massive appendage crashed into an arcane [Shield]. He roared and slammed his claw into the stone. Blackened vines curled up in a circle around Uther, Teemo, and Seria as he used [Horrid Wilting]. Gil harnessed the ground and shot an arrow at Eranikus as he attempted an [Earth Shock] to interrupt him. The dragon flexed his claw and tore through, but then Luma used [Counterspell] and activated a small disc that they launched at the dragon. Erankius beat his wings to send it off course, but Elissa used [Guidance] to conjure a small vine to smack the device back on course. It sprayed a pesticide that withered the vines before they could try to drain their vitality.

Eranikus brought his massive maw down on Seria, but she was just barely able to twist her body out of the way.

Uther hefted his hammer, which sang with a surge of radiant energy as he swung it twice into Eranikus’s flank. The dragon roared as corrupted blood seeped from his wounds. Atal’arion continued to try and tear his claws into Eranikus, but was shoved back. He beat his wings to try and knock everyone away, but Seria and Riff countered the buffet and set him off balance.

Vel held up a voidal hand and icy magic started to wreathe around it as spectral chains manifested on Eranikus’s limbs. The dragon roared and broke the [Slow], shattering the chains, but Vel took the opportunity to drive her blade into his side.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Riff! Now!

Eranikus continued to flail as Gil shot an arrow at Hazzriss, wounding her severely. The massive prime consort almost seemed to be fighting against his impulses, and they heard him shout “No!” as an abrupt jerk of his body sent his tail off course, missing Uther completely.

Uther Menethil says: It’s alright big guy, we got you!

Riff extended his wings and ripped the corrupted blood from Hazzriss, who fell unconscious, and he then looked at Eranikus. Again, he flared his wings out and tried to take the corrupted blood, but he started to struggle.

Riff says: It’s… too… much!

Seria dropped out of her animal form and dropped to her knees to start to pray to Riff, and she drew the blood bone daggers from its sheath. She cut the dagger into the palm of her hand.

She called upon Riff, the new blood god of healing, to cure Eranikus of the affliction that had maddened him. She called out that she offered her own blood in aid to him, the same blood that brought Riff into the world.

Her magic started to radiate around her as it bonded with Riff’s magic and strengthened it. His power surged, and he shouted. The massive dragon started to weep corrupted blood as it was ripped from him and was absorbed into Riff’s magic.

The Prime Consort released a load, but weary roar, and he staggered back and fell to the ground unconscious. His breathing was slow, but steady.

As they looked up at Riff, blood was still swirling around him. He was floating in the air, a metamorphosis actively happening.

Members of the party rushed over to Motah to try and resurrect him as Riff slowly floated back down to the ground. His form had lengthened, his wings broad and strong, and the last of the blood seeped into him. He looked over at Seria, and then at Eranikus.

Riff says: I did it! Mada I actually did it!
Seria says: I am so proud of you.

She raced over to hug Riff and push her forehead against his.

Riff says: I can’t believe! I… mada?

He swirled back through the air, and blood started to seep from his eyes and between his scales.

Riff says: Mada what’s going on!?

He started to cough.

Riff says: Who is that!? What’s the voice!? Do you hear it? I’m scared! What is that!

He writhed as his wings started to grow mottled, his feathers caked in blood as his bone cracked, and parts of chest started to roil and splinter. Pieces of his rib cage pierced through his chest.

Riff says: The voice is telling me! To eat! Devour! Mada! What is this!? I’m scared!

He lashed out violently, and Elissa was momentarily interrupted, magic wreathing her hands.

Elissa Cross says: What’s going on!?
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s the blood!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: It’s Hakkar’s blood. We did exactly what they wanted!
Velameestra Windrunner says: We need to help him fight it.

Gil funneled a [Heal] spell into Riff, who was still writhing on the ground. Luma lined up Titanstrike and took aim, ready to fire if it went south.

Uther hurried over to Riff and tried to push as much cleansing energy into him as he could, but the depths of the bleeding corruption was very fast.

Vel grit her teeth and shot a look at Zanzil. She told him to explain what was going on, and he said it was the corruption of Hakkar’s blood and there was no way to stop its virulence. He didn’t know how they had stripped it from the dragons.

But she sensed a train of connections. The Emerald Nightmare. The madness. The voices. It was very similar to the influence of the void, and she knew that undead were resistant to it.

She held out her hand and used [Life Transference], channeling her undead essence into Riff to try and buffer him with it.

Seria rushed at Riff as he contorted. She heard his bones break, but wrapped her arms around him. She felt him both crying out for help and terrified what would happen if anyone got too close, but she broke through it and held the side of his head.

Seria says: It’s going to be okay. I’m here. Your mother has got you.

Their eyes locked, and the connection between them was revitalized. Seria felt a hand on her’s as the spectral form of Kala materialized.

Kala says: And I am here for you. Repeat after me. Blood of my blood.
Seria says: Blood of my blood
Kala says: Soul of my soul.
Seria says: Soul of my soul
Kala says: I give my all unto thee
Seria says: I give my all unto thee.

The spirit took the hand that held the blood bone dagger and guided it to hold the blade above Seria.

Kala says: You are my heart, and my heart is yours.
Seria says: You are my heart, and my heart is yours.

She plunged the dagger into her chest. She felt undeniable pain as the ravenous blade struck into her, but this time it was an act of love, not hatred and sycophancy. The blade plunged through the tattoo that marked their love, and her blood pooled down and mingled around Riff. It started to glow. It was bright and beautiful. A scarlet war fought between healing and corruption.

Riff wrapped his wings around her as they sobbed blood, forever bound as the loa of blood had chosen a new High Prophet.

Seria felt herself pulled to a liminal space. She felt refreshed and renewed. Before her floated a familiar egg. The egg started to crack, and she knew nothing would be the same when it opened. Nothing could ever be the same again.

Riff had always been her everything since she met him, since she decided to dedicate her life to protect him, and it had now led to this. It had grown bigger than mother and child, and it would grow bigger still, but she knew she would be there.

She felt a mix of so many emotions, because being a mother was ultimately a mix of every emotion she could have.

At that moment, in the material realm, everyone saw a bright, prismatic light break through the blood and started to surge. It formed a cocoon around Riff and Seria, and the light started to glow from the center of it, chasing away the murk and shadow.

As the light faded, they saw Riff back in his humanoid form. His long technicolor hair. His long tail, rimmed by feathers, and his fingers ending in talons. He held a second figure. It was Seria, with patches of scales, and a tail just like Riffs, and feathers the same color as Riff’s in her hair and her arms. Her fingers ended in black claws.

Seria still had the dagger in her chest, but her eyes opened. She saw Riff back in the form he had sculpted around her, but she looked down and saw her form had also sculpted around him.

Seria says: I’m so glad you’re okay.
Riff says: Mada! What happened? I heard you… I felt you…
Elissa Cross says: Seria, are you two okay!?

Elissa’s eyes were trained on the dagger in her chest, and Seria grabbed it and pulled it free. As it slipped from the wound painlessly, she saw the wound bled for a moment, but it didn’t hurt, and it instead formed into the shape of her mother and son tattoo.

The dagger itself had also changed appearances. Instead of its former twin-fanged appearance, it was a beautiful and radiant weapon. Seria then looked over at Motah and suddenly remembered what had happened.

She rushed over to Motah and tried to revive him. Her body almost moved on its own, and she slid her palm on the dagger. She wove her magic into the blood and held it out toward Motah.

As the blood swirled around Motah, it entered the wounds and started to seal them. Then he jerked up with a gasp and a cough.

Motah Tallhorn says: …Hey. Gil? Seria? Hi… Did I… did I miss something? Weren’t we…? Weren’t we fighting? Oh no! The consort! We!

He sat up, but then saw Eranikus.

Motah Tallhorn says: We… we won?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: We did. I’ll fill you in.

Motah shivered.

Motah Tallhorn says: It’s cold.

Gil cast his own healing magic over Motah to help bolster him more. But then they heard a deep voice.

Eranikus says: That… is because you had a brush with death, my child.

He groaned as his muscles strained to move.

Eranikus says: I can sense it on you. The touch of the Eternal Winter… the place I thought I would be resting were it not for you young heroes…
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m just happy we got here in time.
Eranikus says: I… am too. But I find it hard to believe… I thought I was gone. I sensed all that remained was blood. Eternal sleep.

He started to move with a grunt.

Eranikus says: I seem to have… lost a great deal of blood.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It is likely not wise for you and your kin to move overmuch.
Eranikus says: Perhaps not like this…

He raised his wings with a sudden rush of magic, and his form shifted down to that of a kaldorei man. He leaned heavily on a scythe made of frigid yew wood.

Eranikus says: I should have plenty of blood in this form… I am Eranikus, Prime Consort of Ysera, but you are likely aware of that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Itharius sent for us.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I wouldn’t be surprised if he was nearby.
Eranikus says: I’m glad he didn’t come himself. It would have been… unfortunate if you had to face myself and him. But you are filled with surprises.

His eyes moved over to Teemo.

Eranikus says: You have the Demon Soul… I have been out of touch for some time, but Itharius will be able to appraise me. You are… protectors of the Soul then, yes?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Of sorts.
Eranikus says: You have my gratitude for drawing me from this place. You have the favor of the Envoy of Winter for as long as you draw breath…

He looked at Vel.

Eranikus says: In a matter of speaking.

Vel chuffed.

Eranikus says: What was the fate of those here? It appears you have your own story, but I owe you my life.
Riff says: The people here did that to you because they wanted to make me something I didn’t want to be. But I want to make it right. I hope it’s okay I started with you.

Eranikus laughed.

Eranikus says: We wouldn’t be having this conversation if you hadn’t. You need not fear retribution from me. You are something very different from what this temple was created to venerate. Remember that.

He looked at Seria.

Eranikus says: And you, make sure to remind him if he ever strays from that path.

Seria nodded. Eranikus’s eyes fell on the staff Seria carried, and he seemed to recognize it.

Eranikus says: It seems that you bear the staff I once gifted to an old friend…
Seria says: Yes.
Eranikus says: Considering the Demon Soul is in your possession, I should not be surprised he has ventured to the Dream of Winter… yet I mourn his passing. I’m glad to see the staff has found good use after his demise. Tell me… were there any others here? Any who escaped. Patrols responsible for this… cruelty must not be allowed to leave this place.

He sensed movement and then looked at Atal’arion and Zanzil.

Eranikus says: Show yourselves.

Zanzil crept out of the shadows and cast a cautious glance over at Vel, who informed Eranikus the two were the only survivors.

Eranikus says: You… you are the one who did this! You used the blood of the Soulflayer!
Zanzil says: I-I did! But it wasn’t my idea!
Eranikus says: And yet you still did it.
Zanzil says: Of course. We needed to see if it could work.

Eranikus scowled.

Eranikus says: To what end?

Zanzil looked over at Vel again, seeking permission.

Velameestra Windrunner says: It would be in your best interest to be as transparent as you can.
Zanzil says: O-okay.

He reached into his pouch and pulled out a potion, which he immediately quaffed. His body turned invisible.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Ah…

Gil loudly sighed, but they didn’t hear any movement. It seemed the troll had remained right where he was.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …That was a matter of speech. I meant to be honest.
Zanzil says: Oh! S-sorry, I was never very good at understanding figures of speech…

He shook his head and the invisibility disappeared.

Zanzil says: I was an outcast, you see. The Prophet Jammal’an said if I helped him I’d be accepted and I could do my work… I’d have the resources I needed… he needed my help, so he provided the essence of the Soulflayer to infuse within you. We found you sleeping here, and he helped me get past your defenses and inject you. We were going to use you as a farm, of sorts. We thought a dragon wouldn’t die… I used my elixir to keep your docile, and then we mixed your blood with the corrupted blood of Hakkar.
Eranikus says: You used me to brew that foul tonic. To what end?
Zanzil says: I don’t know. Jammal’an said it would be needed for something. There was another one that approached me. He got me in contact with Jammal’an.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Who was that?
Zanzil says: I… don’t know. He was alive! Not like Jammal’an. He found me first. He promised me things. He looked… important.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Did you ask… any questions at all?
Zanzil says: I don’t understand. What would I have asked him?

Vel sighed quietly, though her expression was one of clearly sympathetic exasperation.

Zanzil went into a description of the man he had spoken to and explained he was a troll with green hair and a skull-shaped rush’kah mask. It seemed he was an important witch doctor and was a gurubashi adorned with a bunch of gold. Vel considered the description, but it wasn’t familiar outside her belief that the gold may have implied he was someone important from Zandalar.

Before she went off on her musings, she asked the troll his name, and he introduced himself as Zanzil.

Velameestra Windrunner says: So, Zanzil, if I’m understanding correctly, this mysterious man approached you, claimed that Jammal’an could help you, and then Jammal’an said you’d have acceptance if you just did what he said?
Zanzil says: And that I’d have many ways to practice my experiments, yeah.

Gil asked what his experiments were, and he said he was an alchemist.

Zanzil says: I make potions and tonics of all kinds. It was how I kept the dragon docile. And how I controlled all the undead. It was why I was exiled.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You were exiled for the potions that turned people undead?
Zanzil says: I wasn’t supposed to test them on people, I guess.

Vel blinked.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Zanzil… do you understand why they exiled you? Why you weren’t supposed to test them on people?

Zanzil thought for a moment and then shook his head.

Zanzil says: I was never able to figure it out… I know people get mad when I test things on people…
Velameestra Windrunner says: So you… don’t understand that testing things on people is wrong?
Zanzil says: …Is it?
Velameestra Windrunner says: …Yes, it is.
Zanzil says: Um. Is it okay if I ask a question now?

Vel nodded.

Zanzil says: What does it mean to be wrong?

Vel considered, trying to simplify such an answer into something that was easily understandable.

Velameestra Windrunner says: That… what is being done is… bad… and it hurts people.
Zanzil says: Does that make what he did wrong?

He pointed at Gil.

Zanzil says: He hurt me.
Velameestra Windrunner says: In… response to you hurting our friend. It’s… complicated.

Zanzil put both hands on his head with a soft groan of frustration, as if he was taking in too much difficult information at once. Vel sighed to herself and spoke over the telepathic bond.

Velameestra Windrunner says [telepathic bond]: He has no concept of what morality is…
Uther Menethil says [telepathic bond]: So it would seem.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Zanzil, do you know what lying is?

Zanzil had removed his mask as he lowered his hands, and it was clear he was not a young troll. He wasn’t old, but he was older than Seria’s mother would have been. He shook his head.

Zanzil says: I don’t think so… no.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s telling someone something that isn’t true.
Zanzil says: Why would someone do that?
Velameestra Windrunner says: A lot of times it’s so they can… get something they want.
Zanzil says: Is that wrong?

Vel sighed again.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright, um… what is your plan now, Zanzil? If you were to walk away from this temple, what would you do?
Zanzil says: I’d have to hide… if the masked man or Jammal’an find me, they’d hurt me… do you think they lied to me?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I think they may have.
Zanzil says: Oh.

Eranikus furrowed his brow and sighed heavily.

Eranikus says: It seems he was manipulated, but he’s far too dangerous to simply let go. If he has… the ability to create tonics that can render a dragon of my stature docile, imagine if that fell into the wrong hands.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Unless he had the proper guidance.

Vel looked over at Riff and Seria as Eranikus continued to interrogate Zanzil. He asked if Zanzil had shared the tonic with anyone, and Zanzil said the masked man in gold knew it. Eranikus frowned and asked if he could counteract his own potions, and the troll confirmed he could render some inert. He gestured at Atal’arion and fed the large dire troll a potion. He immediately fell to the ground dead, his functional undeath stripped from him.

Riff stepped forward.

Riff says: It sounds to me like you’ve… been lost for a long time, Zanzil. Do… do you have anywhere you’re going to run to?

Zanzil shook his head.

Zanzil says: I’ve been here for a long time. I don’t even know when I last saw the sun… I would just have to t-try to stay out of… try not to be seen by anyone.

Riff looked sad and conflicted.

Gil asked Eranikus if Zanzil could stay in the temple under the eyes of Eranikus, and the dragon considered, though he was worried others would come to the temple and ultimately the Dreamer had need of her consort and he could not stay there.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Zanzil, would you be willing to help people with your research?

Zanzil furrowed his brow.

Zanzil says: Is that something I can do?
Velameestra Windrunner says: You are familiar with diseases and curses, are you not?
Zanzil says: Yeah.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Have you come across means to counteract any of them?
Zanzil says: Usually you need to in order to make them happen. You need to understand how they work. That’s how I make my elixir…
Velameestra Windrunner says: Then you can help people.

Riff looked up at Seria.

Riff says: Do you think the Darkspear could take him in? Maybe papa Zabra or master Gadrin? Maybe if we can teach him what’s good and bad, he can help people, and if this masked man is involved, he likely need to stop him. And we need to counter the elixirs Zanzil gave him. Do you think that’ll be okay, mother?
Seria says: We would have to ask.
Riff says: We can bring him with us then. And if we can’t take him in, would you watch over him, master Eranikus?
Eranikus says: We will see. I can make no promises. You are a member of the Cenarion Circle, are you not?

He looked at Seria.

Eranikus says: You can reach out to my kind if you require it… but if your people can help guide this misguided man… it may be for the best. I should move everyone. Get them somewhere they can recover in peace.

He looked at Motah.

Eranikus says: Who is your Authority, child?
Motah Tallhorn says: Valithria.
Eranikus says: I see. That answers a few questions, including why Itharius chose you.

He smiled, but it then faded.

Eranikus says: The chill you feel… I do not believe it will fade. Perhaps it was the means of your death, or the fact it happened in my presence… I am called the Envoy of Winter, for it is my responsibility to walk the borders of the Dream, to understand the cycle of life and death, one you have found yourself drawn into. If you wish, my young friend, you may come with me for a time. We may speak, and perhaps come to a better understanding about this chill that you now feel. This seed that was planted with your death. Is that something you would want to do?

Motah looked at Gil.

Motah Tallhorn says: Is that alright? I don’t want to abandon you and the rest…
Gilveradin Windrunner says: We’ll know where you are.
Eranikus says: You won’t be far, and if you are needed, I can get you back to them. Itharius knows how to find you, so I can find you.
Motah Tallhorn says: If you can help me understand, I would want to learn from you, Master Eranikus.
Eranikus says: Good. You’re also… quite big. I could use your help gathering the drakes here.
Motah Tallhorn says: Of course, I can help!
Eranikus says: Just don’t overtax yourself. You and I have both been under a great deal today.

They were able to gather up the drakes, and Eranikus told the group to inform Itharius he took the others to the Eye to rest, and to thank him for sending such capable heroes so he could be there for his beloved.

Eranikus says: I’ll see you again, my friends. May the Aspects watch over you.

He raised his scythe, and with a simple motion, he carved open a small gateway into the Dream. He and Motah carried the slumbering drakes through it. Teemo approached Motah to apologize about what happened.

Motah Tallhorn says: It’s okay. Teemo, it wasn’t your fault. You were getting me where I could do the most good. And I’ll be okay. Master Eranikus is going to help, and I’d rather I be in danger than one of you. That’s what I’m here for.
Teemo Manabrake says: Ooh… big guy.

She hugged him and he patted her on the head.

Motah Tallhorn says: Look out for everyone while I’m gone, okay?
Teemo Manabrake says: I will, big guy.
Motah Tallhorn says: Thanks for saving Master Eranikus, Riff, and thank you Seria, for helping him, and helping me. I like your tail by the way.

Seria blinked and looked down, just then realizing she had a tail.

Motah Tallhorn says: Good bye everyone, I’ll see you again soon.

The portal closed behind them. The rest of the party went with Zanzil to collect his belongings. They emerged from the sunken temple, and then hopped onto the boat. Zanzil squinted up at the sun.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Oh. This will help you in the interim.

She cast a [Protective Penumbra] over Zanzil.

Velameestra Windrunner says: It’s not permanent, but it will shield you from the sun.
Zanzil says: Thank you…

Itharius swept down next to the ship and called out in a deep voice.

Itharius says: I take it you were successful in breaching the temple. Where is Eranikus?
Velameestra Windrunner says: At the Eye. He both survived, and is cured.
Itharius says: Cured? Cured of what?
Velameestra Windrunner says: The Atal’ai were using Hakkar’s corrupted blood, and had attempted to turn him into a propagation vessel for it. It’s been purged.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: The persecutors have been dealt with.

Itharius looked at Zanzil.

Itharius says: And this captive I presume is one of the culprits?
Velameestra Windrunner says: He was… though he was… more manipulated.
Itharius says: I see. I’ll get the full story from Eranikus. But if he allowed you to take him from this place, I will not question his judgement.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Motah is also with him.
Itharius says: I had wondered. You have done well, mortals. The magic that coated this place has faded. While I will keep an eye on the temple… but you restored an important cornerstone to the green dragonflight. It would be foolish of me not to recognize this. When you return to the coast, I will return you to your tower.

Vel informed him that she could just teleport them back to Karazhan and there was no sense in Itharius delaying meeting up with Eranikus.

Itharius says: Very well. I’ll report to the Aspect and the Prime Consort and I will ensure they know you performed very well. Know this, when the time comes to stand against Deathwing, your act has ensured the green dragonflight will stand undivided in their aid of you. With Winter’s Envoy at our side, we will be prepared. You have our gratitude.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: And ambassador, I do wish to tell you Eranikus had been unwell for about two decades.
Itharius says: I feared as much. I’m sure the Dreamer will find him before I do. We will make sure he is safe and that every last bit of this corruption has been expunged. But what you did was thought impossible. The depths of the Soulflayer’s affliction has laid low many civilizations. To think that Eranikus had suffered for two decades only for mortals to save him… I was wrong, clearly, in my doubting your selection for this endeavor.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Caution serves your flight.
Itharius says: It does. I will see you again, when the skies darken and we make our stand against the Dark Aspect. Until then, may the Aspects watch over you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Fly well.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Dream deep.

Itharius banked and took off into the air.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Alright. Teemo, do you need the boat?
Teemo Manabrake says: Oh, no, I can recall it.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll just teleport us from here then.
Teemo Manabrake says: What’s the matter, Vel? Don’t you want to bask in the glorious sights of the Swamp of Sorrows?
Velameestra Windrunner says: The temple has simply made me quite hungry.

Elissa blinked and started to laugh, as did Riff.

He looked to Seria.

Riff says: So… what happens now? Is what he said true? Am I… was I… always supposed to be just… the avatar of this god?
Seria says: No. You’re Riff. And you can do whatever you want to.
Riff says: I love you, mada. A whole lot.
Seria says: I love you too.

They embraced.

Riff says: We’re going to fix this. I think that’s what I want to do. For all the suffering that Hakkar ever did, I want to help. Maybe two people for each person. Maybe even three! Do you think we can do that?
Seria says: Of course.

Riff looked over at the temple, and Vel announced everyone there did an exquisite job before she enacted the teleportation circle to carry them back to Karazhan. A moment later, the boat folded in on itself and disappeared.

November 13th - November 16th

Vel had sought out Wrathion the following day, and she was able to track him down without too much issue. He greeted her with a wide smile and asked how things had gone with the ambassador as he had ensured he remained out of sight, and she said it had gone better than they could have hoped for and Itharius had promised them the green dragonflight’s full strength when it came time to take the fight to Deathwing.

Wrathion says: Good good good! I’m glad to hear it, we’ll need as many dragons on our side as we can get if we’re going to be taking down the black flight.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I actually wanted to speak with you regarding dragons. Namely, Sabellian.
Wrathion says: Uh huh. And what do you have to bring up for it? I’m all ears.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Your idea. What would it entail?
Wrathion says: Well, while the specific details are still up, I’d hope to lure him away from where his lair would be so that he’d be alone. And then we’d be able to take away his ability to fly and hit him before he can react.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m assuming using your… shadow as an additional benefit?
Wrathion says: That would be my hope, yes.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t disagree. Caution serves us, but did you glean why I didn’t outright support it?
Wrathion says: I can only assume it’s because you’re mad you didn’t have the idea yourself.

He offered a joking smirk and Vel chuffed.

Velameestra Windrunner says: What fallout did you foresee if you succeeded?
Wrathion says: If we succeed, I assume others would be sent after him. Others who could be dealt with, if we’re lucky, one at a time.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Indeed. But did you foresee any fallouts with your allies, by chance?
Wrathion says: With my allies… what allies would you be talking about?
Velameestra Windrunner says: The Scales. Miss Inkling, for one.

Wrathion frowned and thought for a moment.

Wrathion says: Truthfully I’m not entirely sure they are allies yet. By mercy, they haven’t sold me out to the Dragon Queen, but if they did I wouldn’t be surprised. Ideally I’d get them on board with this plan. Samia is a smart girl, surely she recognizes she’s being deceived, and if she doesn’t, well, she might be upset initially but she’d thank me before the end of this I’m sure.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And you’re certain about that?
Wrathion says: Well… no. But what is the alternative? Put you and all your companions at risk trying to parley with him? I would remind you, he’s one of Deathwing’s direct children! You know, like Onyxia, one of the biggest threats we have to deal with right now?
Velameestra Windrunner says: And like Victor.

Wrathion looked down.

Wrathion says: I don’t think he’s a direct child… not personally.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Perhaps not. Not in the conventional sense but… would you like to hear my assessment of the circumstance?
Wrathion says: By all means, I would love to.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Sabellian is a threat, and he is likely very cunning and capable of manipulation. However, there’s also clearly enough doubt for my companions to not wish to jump on the possibility of removing him. Primarily because Samia claims she has never seen him utilize the shadowflame, like we can assume Onyxia does given her agent did. While I hold not trust for this situation and will not be doing so, there remains the possibility that we can use him for as long as he is theoretically using us. Which is its own boon. Of course, that does not exclude the possibility of assassination should he prove too much of a threat to be used. Regardless, we are going to be getting information, whether he intends to give it or not, as our allies partake in their… benefit of the doubt. They are content, we gain information, we lose nothing.
Wrathion says: And how do I play into this?
Velameestra Windrunner says: As a contingency, of course. We need contingencies. Dealing with this situation without them is a fool’s errand at best. If you’re willing to stay your claw until we assess whether or not this is a trap… we can spring our own on our own terms. But if it proves not to be, he needs to be allowed to leave.
Wrathion says: And what if you’re wrong, Velameestra? What if waiting allows him to make a move of his own? Or, better yet, what if he deceives all of you and takes all the information you give him or he is able to discern from the meeting and delivers it straight back to Neltharion?
Velameestra Windrunner says: That is simply why we don’t give him anything Neltharion wouldn’t already know. He knows Uther is alive already. Victor will not be with us, as it’s too dangerous for him to be so. The Scales are known. The rest of us in Uther’s company, also not a surprise, as if Uther is alive he likely has already assumed the rest of us survived.
Wrathion says: So you’ll be keeping Victor out of it then?
Velameestra Windrunner says: He’s already stated he’s receptive to not going in this instance. Not until we know more. This first encounter isn’t an information exchange, it’s a means to get a read on what type of person Sabellian is.

Wrathion sighed heavily.

Wrathion says: I hate when you have good points, Velameestra.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I do pride myself on having them.
Wrathion says: Alright, if you plan to take this course of action, we will… keep an eye on things in a way that hopefully will hopefully not prove you wrong… but if they do, I do retain the right to say I told you so.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It is not me you’d be telling it to.
Wrathion says: Fair point, you’re just advocating for them.
Velameestra Windrunner says: For good reason. Tearing down Deathwing’s forces is wise, but ensuring ours are not divided is equally so.
Wrathion says: And I did just say we’d need as many dragons as we can get if this is going to work…
Velameestra Windrunner says: You did.
Wrathion says: If we can make the snake eat its tail before piercing its heart, I suppose it’s worth entertaining such a thing.
Velameestra Windrunner says: An enemy of an enemy is a friend… for as loosely as I’m using that term here. But I will be watching. I do not expect to be able to trust him.
Wrathion says: I wouldn’t dare meet Sabellian face to face. If he were to determine who I am, or what I am, it’s far too much of a risk if I am to remain free. But I will watch in my own way, and I’ll ensure our allies are prepared if things go south. Is there anything else you need to speak on, dear Velameestra?

Vel regarded him for a moment.

Velameestra Windrunner says: The broodmother you mentioned…

Wrathion froze.

Wrathion says: What of her?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Your reaction towards her… if it is something you need to speak about with anyone, know that I’m here. If only so I know how to better aid you
Wrathion says: Her name is Nyxondra. She is another of Deathwing’s spawn. I never had the opportunity to meet her, but you could say she’s… a loose end. If any of the black dragons were to recognize me, she’d be the most likely.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Then… you’re related to her.
Wrathion says: Eggs have to come from somewhere, after all.

His expression was dark and angry, though not directed at Vel.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …I obviously don’t know the full circumstances. But whatever you need from me, know that you have it.

Wrathion smiled at her.

Wrathion says: I do appreciate it, Velameestra, truly, I just hope that when the time comes for us to prune this bush, what we find does not sour your appetite for our allies.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Things are always complicated. For weal or for woe, I understand.
Wrathion says: That’s life, isn’t it?
Velameestra Windrunner says: As one learns quickly. Some sooner than others.
Wrathion says: Sometimes I’d rather go back into my egg.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That would be much easier.
Wrathion says: Wouldn’t it? Though I must say there’s something… charming about this whole living thing. Though I suppose I’m preaching to the wrong person about this.
Velameestra Windrunner says: In a matter of speaking.
Wrathion says: In a matter of speaking. Take care, Velameestra.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Of course.

She regarded the young dragon with a tilted head.

Velameestra Windrunner says: By the way, Wrathion… how are you with touch?

Wrathion blinked.

Wrathion says: Um. Why do you ask?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Simply asking.
Wrathion says: I um… I suppose you could say that my unique circumstances put me in a position where I’m still getting used to the idea. Especially amongst people I don’t… know very well. I trust you are someone that may understand that.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I am. Then... are you alright if I touch your shoulder?

Wrathion looked away from her.

Wrathion says: I… don’t see why not.

Vel smiled faintly and conjured a mage hand that lightly squeezed his shoulder.

Velameestra Windrunner says: You’re doing a good job, Wrathion.
Wrathion says: I… tch. Thank you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll be around.

She turned to leave, and Wrathion had a somewhat bewildered look, as if he was trying to assess if Vel was being patronizing, but she obviously was not. After Vel left he brushed his shoulder off out of habit, but went to return to his business.

Seria reached out via a Dream to Sahdi after she magically traveled to her cave in the Alterac mountains

Sahdi says: You’re a sight for sore eyes! Good to see you, Seria. It’s been a time… I think? It’s hard to track the passage of time in these reveries. Did you find Auntie Z?
Seria says: I did.
Sahdi says: That’s good. How’s she doing?
Seria says: Good.
Sahdi says: And how are you doing? You seem… strong. You’ve been busy.
Seria says: They promoted me.
Sahdi says: Would you look at that? Seems I’ve got some catching up to do. I guess you ended up finding them before I did after all. I guess that means I should stop being lazy, huh?

She stood up.

Sahdi says: Guess I’ll see you on the other side! But, not that way.

She slapped her cheeks twice and disappeared. Seria woke up herself back in Sahdi’s cave. She saw Sahdi’s eyes open beneath the ice, and the ice cracked and split open. The ice troll yawned and stretched, and got to her feet.

Sahdi says: A part of me will miss this place.

She was fairly short for a frost troll, only slightly taller than Seria. She had fluffy white hair and black hair. She smiled.

Sahdi says: It’s good to see you in person, no? You look a lot like your mother.

Kala manifested for a moment in Seria’s field of vision, and at that moment, Sahdi sneezed and mentioned it had suddenly gotten a bit colder in there, but she commented Kala really loved Seria and she was glad she was looking out for her.

Sahdi returned to Karazhan with Seria where she also formally met the rest of the group.

Seria also went to speak with Elfyra and offered to take her to meet the Darkspear when the immediate danger was gone. Elfyra admitted that was a big decision, but she would think on it, and she was ultimately excited by the idea of seeing how the rest of her lineage lived.

Elfyra also added she didn’t really have many friends her age and she was glad to have met her, and she hoped Seria would take care of herself. She offered a potion to help her out, and Seria accepted it and requested she take care of herself as well.

Remnii was trying to reach Calia, but every attempt she made there was a pall of darkness that enshrouded her from the Light of the Naaru.

Vel noted the fact she had reached out to Arlethal before using telepathy magics, though there had been a backlash when she had made it. She advised if Remnii were to try, to ensure her own mind is shielded, and Remnii acknowledged the advice as she reached out to Calia with the mental magics.

It was like navigating a stormy sea in the fragmented mindscape that was a sea of broken glass, sobs, and fear.

Remnii says: Victor, try to call out to her. I don’t know if it will work, but I have a loose idea.
Victor Prestor says: Alright… Mother. Mother, are you there? It’s me. It’s Victor. I’m still here, mother. I’m fine. I’m safe. You’re safe. It’s Victor. It’s me. We’re going to help you. We’re going to be a happy family again. But… you need to let us help you. You don’t have to do anything else. You don’t have to do anything else that you don’t want to do, but please… please… if you can hear me…

As the words danced through Calia’s consciousness, Remnii could see the words bouncing off the glass and mirrors. Victor’s face, images of him as a child, played upon them as her unconscious body responded to him.

Vel used [Enhance Ability] to help Remnii, and Remnii saw the lights on the mirrors, which led her through the torrents of despair. At the center, curled up in a ball, was Calia. She had waves of despair and guilt crashing upon her.

Remnii called to her, and Calia gasped and looked up at her. It was a younger Calia. She looked to be in her 20s, likely right around the age she was when she had Victor. Calia’s eyes were filled with darkness and tears.

Calia Prestor says: What are you doing here?
Remnii says: I’m here to see a friend.
Calia Prestor says: I’m not your friend. I’m no one’s friend. I’m no one.
Remnii says: But you were kind to me when I was new to this world.
Calia Prestor says: Was that even me?
Remnii says: I think it was.
Calia Prestor says: What am I? Who am I? What has it all been for…

Remnii sat down a foot away from Calia. The waves of guilt and darkness washed around them.

Remnii says: Some of these questions I cannot answer for you… but what I can tell you is that you are Calia, mother to Victor, sister to Arthas…

Remnii saw Calia holding a child in the fragments of glass, and she saw her screaming as the child was taken away. She was at an altar hugging her brother, and then stabbing her brother. She was praying to the Light for guidance, and also committing terrible acts of sin and shadow.

She saw Calia. Her own visage cracked and splintered like a broken mask.

Calia Prestor says: Am I? Is that who I am? Is that what I ever was?
Remnii says: What else were you?

Other voices called out: A daughter. A wife. The Twilight Mother. A failure.

Calia clamped her hands over her head.

Calia Prestor says: I don’t know. I don’t know.

Remnii grit her teeth.

Remnii says: You are still Calia. A woman of complexities. Great joy and great pain both. You have cast a bright light upon people you care for, but too there is a great shadow.

The glass showed figments of treachery, betrayal, Xal’atath, the knife, killing Natalia, finding the dagger, talking to it, the eye looking back.

Calia Prestor says: There’s so much… so much I’ve done… I don’t… I don’t know where it begins. Where I could even begin. Where does the Light start and the Shadow end? Where does… the dawn of the mother, the twilight, death, the knife! The woman… life… death… where does it end… where does it begin…

The rambling continued for a while, and Remnii projected a small illusion of a dark orb orb and a light one.

Remnii says: Calia.

Calia looked up at her, and more of her face was cracked. In each segment was another piece of her. Young, old, frightened, angry.

Remnii says: Is it not that we contain all of these things? You do not have to pick just one. Even on the sunniest days… if you stand in the shade, it is still cold. And that makes a beautiful day.
Calia Prestor says: I don’t deserve to see it…
Remnii says: If some part of you did not want to see it, then I do not think you would fight yourself so hard. If you don’t know where to start, start with the life you began.

Remnii told Victor to call to Calia again.

Victor Prestor says: Mother. Mother please!

Calia looked up, and a few more cracks appeared in her face.

Calia Prestor says: Victor… my son… my boy… you deserve so much more than me… you deserve so much more than my fractured soul… what have I done to you…
Victor Prestor says: Mother I need you! Nothing you do would ever hurt me! I know who you are! Let me show you! Our family might be broken, our lives might be broken, but we can rebuild it. I don’t want to lose you too. Please…

Calia appeared to be torn. Her mind was pulled. A part over her right eye illuminated with purpose.

Calia Prestor says: Victor… Victor! No…

The one fragment, the anchor in the storm, was there. The fractured fragments of glass all revolved around them. He had always been at the heart of everything she had done.

But the Light crumbled and cracked as the other layers of guilt and sorrow and self-loathing washed over that spark of defiance. The weight of everything else dragged it deeper in the shadow.

The fragment slipped into the recesses of her mind again. Remnii used her magic to create an imprint of herself in the liminal space, like a bulwark formed with her magic to at least give a temporary reprieve. She also took an imprint of the defiance that could be isolated in a small shard as a thought strand.

Victor Prestor says: Did you… did it work? Did you reach her?

Remnii took Victor’s hand and nodded with a quiet thought. She explained what she saw and the complexities and complications of her psyche.

Remnii says: I… I wish I could have done more. She shielded herself to protect herself… she will need you. She is aggrieved over you and everything she has done, which I do not yet know the scale. But her love for you… it’s defiance and hope embodied.
Victor Prestor says: Dammit… I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll talk to her every damn day, if that’s what it takes. If I can just reach her… thank you, Remnii. I know we’ll figure something out. I’m thankful that you’re trying so hard.

Remnii set the thought strand in Victor’s hands.

Victor Prestor says: This is… the part we’ll have to get to. We’ll need to be very careful with it, but we’ll make sure we get you out of there, okay?

He looked at his mother.