[Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Fifty

Appearing Characters:

August 4th - August 15th

During the last few days before the siege, Tol’vas seeks out Illidan. He had largely been creating firewood out of various training dummies–his emerald warglaives slicing through the wood.

Tol: Do… you have a moment? Or do you need to incinerate another training tool?

Illidan: Tempting as it is… I cannot say I would not welcome the distraction. What is it?

Tol: Um. First, as much as you might be loathe to discuss– well, both things actually. First, were you able to find anything to help find your brother?

Illidan: Not yet. I have reason to believe these Illidari may have tools we can use. Once this is completed–once we have restored Tyrande, and once we’ve slain the beast that wears her flesh, Kor’vas intends to bring me to her leader… this Slayer. At that point I’ll be in a better situation to seek out wherever my brother has ended up. I spoke with the druids. His body is in the Barrow Dens, still wasting away… but he is stable and alive, even if unresponsive. I would go and investigate myself, but I have a feeling Staghelm won’t be keen on it. Even if it was to see my brother.

Tol: He’s not really keen on, well, anything.

Illidan chuffs.

Tol: The other question… how are we going to permanently remove the demon?

Illidan: That… that is something we may not be able to accomplish. Dreadlords are insidious beasts. I’m not fool enough to not understand that Tyrande is long gone. The only way to banish the creature is to strike her down, at which point we can strike him down as well. Banishing a demon is one thing. Destroying or imprisoning it is another. The Nathrezim are trickier than most. I must admit the art of binding demons is outside the realm of expertise. I only had a few years to practice before my imprisonment. The best I can hope is to consume as much of his essence as I can–and doing so is not without risk, and a demon of his strength will be too much for me to absorb before he slips away.

Tol: How about I help you?

Illidan: How do you plan on doing that?

Tol: That’s why I’m asking.

Illidan: Do you know what you’re asking right now?

Tol: This is a threat that we can’t let slip away.

Illidan: Without the demon’s true name, permanently binding or destroying it would be impossible. So says the Guardian, and I’m inclined to believe him. My… talents, and those shared by the Illidari, give us the ability to absorb the strength of creatures like demons. But there are limitations to such things. With each demon one absorbs, one runs the risk of losing themselves to that which lies within.

Tol: A risk I’m rather familiar with.

Illidan: If you’re asking how you can perform such feats…

Tol: More how would I bolster you. I have no desire to consume a demon soul. I have enough inner conflict. I don’t think the combination would be a good idea.

Illidan: No. I can’t say that it would. Unfortunately you’re asking the wrong person. This gift I was given by the Dark Lord was not something I did to myself. Yet this Slayer is able to replicate it, as evidenced by those who travel with us. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious… even so. A dreadlord of Tichondrius’s power cannot be contained. Not by any mere mortal. Not even by several. If it was that easy, I would have done it a thousandfold. If there is such a way, it is beyond me. A fact that is irksome and vexing as it is unfortunate. It’s a shame. From what Feronas says there is one amongst their number that is an expert at this sort of thing. Unfortunately he is well beyond our reach. Were he here, perhaps he would be able to imprison the beast. Even one such as Tichondrius may have been beyond his own strength.

Tol: Could we imprison a portion of him then? Then we could track him down later, or bring him to us.

Ill: Without powerful magics, I do not know. And a creature such as he could slip away if it were not done perfectly, especially without knowing his true name.

Tol’vas nods.

Tol: Alright. Same options I suppose.

Illida: There is a lot at stake here. And right now it seems the best we could hope for is to banish the creature from our world.

Tol: That I’m more familiar with.

Illidan: Then I hope you’re ready. Dreadlords are fiends unlike any you’ve faced before, and this is not an ordinary dreadlord. Keep your wits about you, boy, or you’ll find yourself at the fiend’s whims. I need not remind you that it wears the flesh of the high priestess whose prowess has likely only grown over the last ten thousand years.

Tol: Tyrande can be overcome. I think it’s more the tricks it has that concern me.

Illidan: Be ready for anything.

Tol: How do you prepare for everything?

Ill: You do. That is all there is to it. It’s all you can do.

Tol: See you on the battlefield.

Ill: Try to keep up.

Tol: Try not to kill everyone.

Illidan smirks

Tol: Besides, you can’t prove anyone wrong if they’re dead.

Illi: Don’t worry. Whatever happens here, someone will rise from the ashes to decry what I’ve done here. It’s a pattern I’ve come to recognize.

Tol: Then I suppose I’ll have to help you.

Tol’vas shrugs.

Illidan: I don’t remember asking.

Tol: No, but I owe you for helping me with the large worm.

Ill: That was a good warm-up. But you are right about one thing, if I continue at this pace there won’t be training implements for the rest. Flames of Azzinoth, rise and face me.

He conjures a fire elemental and starts to fight it instead.


Remnii seeks out Nobundo at one point.

Nobun: You know, Remnii, I knew your path would lead you back to us. What I did not expect was to find so many friends at the same time. Our people have you and your friends to thank for that. Like the flowers turning towards the sun–you and all of them have guided the Light back to us, and with this perhaps… we will find a new dawn.

Rem: High praise. Can I give you a hug?

Nobundo smiles and accepts.

Nob: You have grown much. I’m proud of you.

Rem: I know the fear that came from Shattrath clouded my judgment. I wish to offer you an apology. You were so often around me growing up… to shy away from you because you look different and because there was something new… that was when the krokul needed us most. One apology will not fix the hurt, but I hope you can forgive me. I was wrong, even though I was afraid. You were gentle and kind still.

Nob: I thank you for the apology, Remnii, but I do not think you owe me or any of us an apology. The tragedies of Shattrath and what our people have suffered over the generations… there is a hardship in having a broken mirror raised before you. To see what you could become. To see the depths to which you could fall. But such things are why the eredar, the man’ari, are kin who turned against us. It is why they strike so close to home. In a lot of ways, the tragedy of the krokul was the inverse–the involuntary to the voluntary. The shatter versus the fall. The loss to the corruption. Only after so, so much have I and the others begun to realize that what is broken can be repaired. Even if it is never the same, it does not make it any less strong, or beautiful. We all had lessons to learn–about each other and ourselves–and we are all still learning them. We are always still learning, even me. Even your father. But I thank you for your apology. The humility and love that created it within your heart are much appreciated.

Remnii bows her head respectfully.

Rem: Your wisdom is always appreciated. I drew upon it often while I was away. I did have another question… I know that you now know of the Earthen Ring, but how are things with the Auchenai?

Nob: There are few left. The only ones that survived are acolytes. Young priests who only recently finished their training. Most of the anchorites and those who followed the Speaker for the Dead went with him to Auchinduin to draw the Horde away. We have seen few of them since then, and their numbers… have only dwindled since the crash of the Exodar.

Remnii nods.

Nob: I’ve done what I could to fill the hole their people left, but there is only so much, and I am still learning to interpret the voices of the earth, wind, and waves.

Remnii looks thoughtful.

Rem: Would you be opposed to me helping you with the Auchenai? As an anchorite of Aldor, there is a requisite time we spent with them–to learn before you pick a discipline. In my brushes with darker times… in grief and loneliness, I feel our people are missing one of our longest lived pieces of our culture.

Nobundo nods.

Nob: Indeed.

Rem: We do not yet get the chance to grieve properly. But that day will come, soon, and as we rebuild… no one has truly unpacked what happened. I worry. I know we are a resilient people. Our people are merged now with the Shattari and those that survived Tempest Keep. I saw the dead therein…

Remnii shuts her head and shakes her head.

Remn: They will need help, as we are now one faction of draenei.

Nob: It is the Auchenai that say it is only together we can grow through grief and loss… that alone the darkness is suffocating. Overbearing. A single torch cannot light the darkness, but together they may light the way.

Remni: Blessed are the torchbearers, after all.

Nobundo smiles.

Rem: Perhaps some of the priests would do some homework for me and perhaps for you… between those who came from Tempest Keep–and our own–to collect stories of passing. Of soulbonding. Any way the Auchenai touch them. I suppose I would like to take a… lore census of what the Auchenai meant to others?

Nob: A wonderful idea, Remnii. I will see to it that those that remain will do so. Once we return to the Exodar, I will introduce you as well.

Rem: I look forward to meeting them. I do not think the Auchenai will look as it once did… but as we rejoin our kin, more ideas and more need will come of it. If you do not mind me helping, I feel a bit of a calling.

Nob: Then follow it. Follow your heart and the voice that speaks with you, and I will support in any way these humble hands can.

Rem: Thank you.

Remnii takes Nobundo’s hands and squeezes them.

Nob: What is broken can always be repaired.

Rem: And sometimes what is broken can make something new, and just as beautiful.

Tol’vas goes to find Vel while she is practicing moves on a training dummy.

Tol: Velameestra. Do you have a moment?

Vel: What can I do for you Tol’vas?

Tol: Hm. What happened to you on the Echo Isles. With the troll?

Vel: Yes. Zar’kaa?

Tol: He wasn’t important enough for me to remember his name.

Vel: What about it?

Tol: What he said to you was unfair.

Vel blinks.

Tol: If Seria hadn’t stepped in I would have. It’s not fair to judge someone based on their darkest impulse. Especially if they don’t act on it.

Vel: Oh. That’s appreciated Tol’vas.

Tol’vas nods, a bit awkwardly.

Tol: It’s something I understand.

Vel: I appreciate that. And I am very glad I was proven wrong in a similar sense.

Tol’vas looks confused.

Tol: About what?

Vel: If you do recall I did yell at you after the Arthas incident. There were unfair words exchanged on both fronts there. As I said before, you’re an exceptional individual, clearly.

Tol’vas blinks.

Vel: But thank you for the kind words. Fortunately it’s not something I’m going to be repeating with that specific individual. I’m not intending on going back.

Tol: No but I suppose it’s something you’ll be dealing with in the future. With people that matter much more.

Vel: Yes. Yes it will.

Vel nods in gratitude, before returning to the dummy..

Tol: If you need help, you can always ask.

Vel: Don’t worry I can distract Illidan before he destroys more of these.

Tol: I don’t know why he doesn’t just ask people to fight him. That way he won’t obliterate them.

Vel: Sometimes it’s just cathartic to destroy something.

Tol: I get that.

Vel’s eyes widen, having gotten inspiration for an idea.

August 15th

Vel goes to pick up Medivh and Wynn. Wynn has packed up.

Wyn: I’ll miss the tranquility while it lasted. But I suppose it’s about time I do something. But don’t worry I left a note. And some biscuits on the table for if someone comes looking for the Oracle. Well then. I’m ready.

Med: Are you sure? We don’t have to rush or anything.

Wyn: It’s alright. I’m not exactly a sentimental type.

Med: I’ve seen as much. Alright. I believe we’re ready Vel.

Vel looks at the hut.

Vel: For what it’s worth I don’t think it’s going to get up and walk away.

Wynn furrows her brow.

Wyn: No. But certainly something to keep in mind once I have the opportunity to make it.

As they’re getting ready, Wynn looks to Scavell.

Wyn: The menagerie is no place for a creature like you, is it?

She undoes his collar.

Wyn: You’d likely hate it there. And more than likely the curator would piss you off. And I wouldn’t want for you to have to repair it.

She pats him on his big snout.

Wyn: Well, what are you waiting for? Get out of here. Come on.

The thunder lizard looks confused.

Wyn: Go on. We need to get out of here. Be free! Find other thunder lizards! Make baby thunder lizards! Whatever it is you do.

Vel: Does he know how to survive in the wild?

Wyn: He’s tough. And there are thunder lizards that pass through the nearby canyon.

Vel casts sending.

Vel (Sending): She’s letting you go free into the wild.

Sca: Really? Why? It’s… it’s scary out there.

Vel: He says he’s scared.

Wyn: The world is scary, friend. Sometimes the things that we must do are some of the scariest things. That does’t make them any less worth doing.

She puts the collar back on.

Wyn: Keep this. A good luck charm. Go on!

Vel casts sending to let him know what’s going on again.

Eventually Scavell turns away and begins walking. He stops and looks back for a moment. He’s not unhappy.

Sca: Thank you. Goodbye.

Vel: He said thank you.

Wynn smiles.

As he heads out, his pace quickens and before long he is just a blue dot.

Wyn: Alright, now I’m ready to go!

Vel: Not sentimental at all?

Wyn: You know that this is for the best. You realize how inconvenient it would be to take care of a Thunder Lizard in Karazhan? I’m right you kn-

The group teleports away as Medivh laughs.

Amongst the various individuals around where they teleport back is Jarod, who seems to be mostly recovered. He is sitting and talking with a few of the Sentinels. Baine is with him as well–enrapturing the Sentinels with the story of how Jarod saved him when he was a calf.

When the mages arrive, Jarod clocks their presence with a smile, but then his smile gets dumb-founded. He pats Baine on the shoulder, indicating he’ll be right back, and he starts to approach.

Jar: Hey, welcome back… where did you… find that?

His eyes are locked on the armor.

Vel: From what I understand, it was found in some ruins in the marshes.

Jar: Ruins in the marshes?

Wyn: Don’t break anything.

Jar: I’ll be careful. Just. This is old, from the War of the Ancients. This hasn’t been seen in use for thousands of years. It… it reminds me of someone I knew.

Vel: Someone named Rowan?

Jar: Yeah. That was the name he went by. He wasn’t far from the Traveler’s side. Not until he was wounded. He seemed to be some sort… he spoke like a man, but he didn’t look like one. He moved much like this but he would have said something.

Vel: He was a man. He was just locked to the armor he wore. An incantation Jaina, the Traveler, made. The thing that got him recognized as an Arch Mage in fact.

Jar: Is that so? I was actually there when he got struck down. She wanted to fix him, but I don’t think she ever got around to it. So I suppose she could thank you. It’s a shame he’s not here to fight. It would be nice to see his armor again.

Vel: Last time Rowan was struck down, he found himself in a rock. He may still be with her if it was a similar circumstance?

Jar: If it was something that simple I don’t think she would have reacted in the way she did. When that armor got broken…

Vel: Oh.

Vel goes quiet, realizing that Rowan is well and truly dead.

Vel: I might need to inform Uther of that then.

Jar: Sorry. He was a good soldier. And in a way, he may be able to fight with us again.

Wyn: I never said I would be sending Moroes II to battle.

Medivh gives her a sideways look.

Wyn: What? I worked hard to rebuild this.

Medivh intensifies his look.

Wyn: Fine. Just ensure it doesn’t get broken, yes?

Medivh nods.

Med: Of course, mother.

Wynn groans.

Jar: I’m sorry.

Vel: It’s not your fault. It’s just not something I anticipated on hearing, I suppose.

Jar: We’ll do everything we can to ensure we don’t lose anyone else.

Vel: That’s the goal.

Vel excuses herself.

Seria had been staying with Rokhan in his hut, and after they finished eating she speaks up.

Ser: I wanted to talk to ya about somethin’..

Rok: What is is?

Ser: I… think we should tell the chieftain about Riff.

Rok: Ah…

Seri: I’m not sure how to do that…

Rok: Yeah. That kinda slipped my mind… that might not be a bad idea. I don’t think there be a very easy way to go about it. Best be truthful about it. She wasn’t even your chieftain until recently. Things have been a bit crazy around here. If ya want, I be wit’ ya.

Seria nods quickly.

Rok: Well, no time like the present. If you’re ready… it be for the best he’s not here right now anyways.

Ser: You’re right.

Rok: Don’t worry, Seria, I won’t let ya get kicked out. I got me own worries, but I trust you, and I trust your friends. We dealin’ with things we don’t understand, but that not be anything different for a Shadowhunter. Most of what we do we don’t understand. Come on, lets go find Zufli.

Seria nods and they go together to find the chieftain.

Zuf: Rokhan, Seria. Ya got that look on your faces. What’s goin’ on?

Rok: There be somethin’ we need to talk about private-like. Somethin’ ya might like to know.

Zuf: …alright.

They head into Zufli’s home.

Zuf: Mind tellin’ me what’s goin’ on?

Rokhan looks at Seria.

Ser: It be about the little troll that was with me.

Zuf: I had a couple of questions about him. Him being your son is… interestin’ given I feel like I would have noticed. The timeline doesn’t add up. While I guess ya could have picked him up on your own, the boy looks a bit too much like ya, Seria. So there is somethin’ goin’ on.

Ser: Well… ya not wrong about me pickin’ him up.

Seria looks up at Rokhan, looking for help.

Rok: After you exiled her from the tribe, and after she and your brotha were split up, she encountered somethin’. An egg of sorts, unlike any she had seen. The egg hatched into a creature. That creature is the boy ya saw. If I understand correctly, he can change his shape into whatever it needs to be, but his true form is a blood serpent.

Zufli raises an eyebrow.

Zuf: And what do you think that be meanin’, Rokhan?

Rok: We don’t know. But the boy’s got a connection to the Soulflayer. That much we know.

Zufli looks at Seria.

Zuf: And you thought it was okay to bring someone like that into the tribe? Someone ya didn’t know who or what he be? Somethin’ with a connection to one of the greatest threats the trolls have ever faced?

Ser: I… ah… I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for that little one.

Zufli sighs and shakes her head.

Zuf: First the zombi, now this.

Zufli looks at Rokhan.

Zuf: Ya keepin’ this one a secret too?

Rok: No. I told the ones that need to know. The ones I thought would want to keep an eye out. Vanira and a couple of others.

Zufli nods.

Zuf: Seria… this wasn’t my tribe when ya did this. When you brought him… I didn’t even know this place existed. But this is gonna have to stop. No more secrets.

Seri: That’s why I came to you.

Zuf: I appreciate that. I do. And I be glad to call you a Darkspear again, Seria. But you need to find out what this is all about. What this egg, this boy, this blood serpent… what it’s all about. This smells like bad mojo to me. If you’re gonna be a part of this tribe, that means I don’t want nothin’ happenin’ to ya. Don’t let this hurt the tribe. Be it you or anyone else.

Ser: I’d never let that happen.

Zuf: I’m gonna hold ya to that. I have to. The last thing the trolls need is the Soulflayer returned again. So whatever this is… it be up to you to find out. Thank you for tellin’ me. Both of ya.

Rokhan nods.

Rok: Now that we be tryin’ to rebuild the tribe... I agreed it be wise to do so, especially after what happened last time.

Zufli nods.

Zuf: Agreed. Though… that not be my project to fix, Rokhan. That be up to you.

Rok: I know.

Zufli looks back to Seria.

Zuf: I take it that be the last life-alterin’ revelation, yes?

Seria nods, as does Zufli.

Zuf: Glad to hear it. Good luck, Seria. I know you’re gonna be doin’ things of your own soon. Be safe out there.

Seria goes to one knee.

Ser: Thank ya, chieftain.

Zuf: Still gonna take a lot to get used to that. If you’ll excuse me, I got a few things to check on. If I don’t see ya, loa be wit’ ya, Seria.

Zufli puts a hand on Seria’s shoulder as she passes to head out.

Rok: She be right, you know. We don’t know what Riff is, but you found him for a reason. I be thinkin’ only you be the one to find out what he is. But I be wit’ ya to do what I can. That be what family do, after all.

Rokhan scratches the back of his head.

Ser: You’re right.

Rok: And, after all…

He helps Seria to her feet.

Rok: If that little rascal be your son, I guess that means I’m a grandfather now, aren’t I? Not that I figured that’d happen…

Ser: I think he’d be happy to know that.

Rokhan smiles and they head off.

That night, Seria says goodbye to everyone–Zen’tabra accompanying her. Her attention is drawn to Zuni.

Zun: Seria, I’m glad I found ya. I know you can walk through a tree at any moment, so I didn’t want to repeat last time, ya? Before ya go, there is somethin’ I needed to tell ya. I’m sure ya be seein’ the things about the expedition Zar’Kaa be goin’ on.

Seria nods.

Zun: I’m gonna be goin’ with him. So when that raises anchor in a week or two, I’ll be off on an adventure of me own! So I guess it’s good ya visited when ya did, huh?

Ser: Yeah.

Zuni scratches his head.

Zun: Um… there’s somethin’ I wanted to give ya. It’s a promise of sorts. Because I know you’re gonna be goin’ off too, but eventually the waves will bring us back here. So when that happens… I wanna swap stories. Tell me everythin’ ya been up to, and I’ll tell ya everythin’ I did.

Seria smiles.

Ser: Sounds like a deal.

Zuni blushes.

Zun: I sorta made somethin’ as a reminder to that… um… I know that’s important.

He gestures at her necklace.

Zun: I was gonna make ya another one, but I didn’t want to compete with that, so I figured you could add these to the one ya got?

He gives her a small pouch, and inside she finds several seashells have small holes in them so they could be affixed to a necklace. He then shows her his own necklace that he had made.

Zun: I got one for meself too. But, um… if ya want, you can put those on your necklace… if that’s okay. You could just throw them in the ocean if ya want too–

Seria blushes.

Zun: Figured it would be a good reminder. So you could think of me when I’m gone… when you’re gone…

Seria takes off the necklace and starts to put the shells on it. Zuni blushes deeper.

Zun: I’m glad you like them. They look good! I know a thing or two about pickin’ seashells, but they look better on you than in the sand. I may be biased…

Ser: ‘Dere beautiful.

Zun: Yeah… heh… I had some good inspiration. I don’t want to keep ya any longer though… well, that’s not entirely true, but ya know, I know ya gotta get goin’.

Zuni scratches the back of his neck and shuffles closer. Seria blushes, and Zuni leans down and gives her a kiss on the cheek–nestling her face beneath his tusks. Seria blushes harder and looks at him.

Zuni: Sorry… I didn’t… I didn’t want to overstep my bounds…

Seria kisses him straight on the lips. Zuni’s eyes widen, but then he melts into the kiss after the shock.

Zuni: Make that… two things I wouldn’t mind doin’ again when we see each other again.

Seria smiles, and they gradually move away.

Zuni: I gotta let ya go now or I might not let ya leave at all… be safe, Seria.

Ser: You too.

Zuni: Headhunter’s honor!

Seria hugs him, and they start to part ways. He keeps looking back at her, and once he gets 50 paces away, he fistpumps and starts to shout and whoop. He definitely did a cartwheel.

Someone clears their throat behind Seria, and Seria sees Zen’tabra sidle in with a grin.

Zen: Seria… ‘dere somethin’ ya want to be etellin’ auntie Z?

There is a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, and Seria blushes again.

Zen: Was that your first kiss, mon? That was good! I don’t think he saw that comin’!

Zen’tabra elbows Seria and then wraps her arm around her shoulder.

Zen: I be proud of ya. He’s a good one! And here I thought I was goin’ to be settin’ ya up with Jen’zak, but ya be scoping out your own! I taught ya well.

Ser: Auntie Z, please…

Zen: Ya ya, I got plenty of time to tease you at Timbermaw Hold!

Ser: Please don’t…

Seria says goodbye to Rokhan as well, who notices the seashells but says nothing about them.

Rok: I’ll see ya again soon.

They hug, and she goes through and hugs Rai as well. Zen’tabra conjures a portal, and they arrive back at Timbermaw Hold.

August 16th

Remnii casts heroes’ feast for the group late into the night before. The smell of roast meats and plush bread fills the air, as well as rich spices. There is rice and kimchi and as many varied foods as possible.

Rem: I tried to make it as appealing as possible… I hope you do not mind some draenic cuisine as well! It may be fun to share it with you. Vel, I was unsure how to prepare what you… need…

There is a silver decanter that definitely has blood in it, with a silver goblet just for her.

Rem: I hope this is a worthy feast! Let us all partake together and pray for a strong battle to come! Bolstered by each other!

Vel raises the goblet in agreement that had already been filled by some of the blood. Over the course of the meal, Riff comes over to Vel.

Riff: Can I try some of that?

He points at the blood. Vel immediately looks over to Seria, who stares for a long moment before relenting he can try a little, and Vel pours him some in a coffee mug.

Remnii approaches Uther during the meal and offers him a small stone.

Rem: This is for you. It’s a sending stone.

Uth: Excellent! Thank you!

Rem: No problem! For all there is to come, I believe we are going to need any advantage we could get… it’s connected to Vel’s, and all of them are connected.

Uth: It’s beautiful Remnii, thank you.

Rem: I tried to pick the colors of home.

Uth: You did. Exceptionally.

They give each other a hug, and Remnii moves onto Tol’vas.

Rem: I have one for you as well, Tol’vas. So we can keep in touch. The world is getting bigger, and yet smaller.

Tol: Thank you. Communication, uh, is key.

Rem: Also…

She smiles, poking her fingers together.

Rem: It’s a moonstone!

Tol’vas’s eyes light up.

Tol: Very fitting. Thank you.

Remnii moves on to Seria and gives her a sending stone as well.

Rem: I know you’re not much of a talker, but I hope you’ll find it of use to you.

Seria nods.

Ser: Thank you.

Rem: If you want it on a cord or anything, I can easily make something for you. And labradorite is the stone of transformation! I hope you like it.

She continues to Maraad and gives him one as well. Maraad smiles.

Mar: This is beautiful. Thank you. I knew you were working on these, but I did not realize one was for me.

Rem: I will not be losing contact again!

Mar: You need only give me a call and I’ll come running. I’m pretty good at marathons. Thank you, I shall cherish this always.

Rem: We will both be close at hand.


As Remnii prays for good fortune and luck later, she hears a whistle that draws her attention. It’s Jarod. He smiles and holds up a bottle.

Jar: Got a few hours? I wouldn’t mind sharing another drink with you if you’d like.

Remnii nods.

Rem: Of course.

Jarod smiles wider, and together they find Bard.

Jar: There’s a spot that has a great view of the sky, even in the Felwood. It’s impressive.

Rem: I look forward. I don’t know how you can keep such a nocturnal schedule, but the stars are beautiful…

Jar: I won’t keep you too long. Hop on.

They both get on Bard and they head off into the woods. They find the quiet spot in the woods and Jarod takes a deep breath.

Jar: It’s hard to believe that it was only a few months ago that you popped into my dream and pulled me into all this nonsense.

Rem: I still feel as though I owe you much and more for… everything.

Jar: And I still owe you a thank you. If it weren’t for you and your friends… I still would be in the middle of nowhere. Enjoying a quiet life, but… it’s been a long time since I’ve done real good. Even all those years ago when Shalasyr and I found the tauren and the Bloodhoof tribe under attack… just being able to help them, it was… exhilarating in a way I’ve forgotten. But I was focused on just living a happy, quiet life.

Rem: Pardon my interruption… I think there is much merit to be able to do both. I don’t know everything that happened during the War of the Ancients… but the life you gave Shalasyr and the peace you won. Everything of that sort, I think there is great merit to that being good as well.

Jarod smiles and pours her a drink.

Jar: I think that’s what gave me an appreciation for all this. I want to give everyone the chance to live in my small world of happiness. Everyone deserves that. To wake up without a care in the world. Your only problem or dilemma is if you have enough firewood or… what’s for dinner? Have I told them how much I love them? Everyone deserves that. But I had that for a long time, and I’m thankful for those years, but I think it’s time for me to start helping other people find that, and I have you to thank for that. I think that’s what Shalasyr wanted me to do. I think that’s what she would have wanted. So…

Jarod raises his glass.

Jar: To happy endings, and to new beginnings.

Remnii nods and smiles, tapping her bowl to his.

Rem: Sometimes I wonder if dragging people back into the fray is a good choice… but… I’m not the one that makes that choice for anyone in the end. So, I like your goals.

Jarod nods, looking at the stars. They spend some time there together until Remnii starts to get tired.

Jar: We should probably get you back down. You have a long day tomorrow.

Rem: I am looking forward to bringing this to its conclusion.

Jar: I’ll be right there with you. As will so many other people.

Rem: For that I am thankful. I cannot do these things alone. But I am at the point where I am growing weary of fighting.

Jar: Someday the fighting will stop. For now, we have nights like this, and friends like all of these.

He gestures to the lights in the distance.

Rem: It’s beautiful.

She nods.

Rem: So thank you for helping this to happen. I don’t believe it would without you.

Jar: You give me a lot of credit, Remnii. I’m just one man.

Rem: You keep saying that.

Jarod smiles.

Jar: Come on, up you get Bard. We gotta get back down.

Bard yawns and rolls over–getting his belly rubbed before the two of them mount up to head down again. When they arrive, they see Maraad.

Mara: Remnii! There you are. I was looking for you.

Jar: Apologies! I wanted to share one last drink before the battle.

Mara: You didn’t invite me?

Maraad grins, and Jarod laughs.

Jar: There’s still more!

Jarod looks at Remnii.

Jar: Room for one more?

The three of them share one last drink, and Maraad helps Remnii to bed.

Mar: There is much to think about tomorrow, but I’d rather not.

Remnii chuckles, quite tipsy.

Rem: The list of things I’d prefer not to think about is near endless, if I’m honest.

They link arms as they walk.

Mar: If you are not opposed… we can forget about tomorrow together. I would offer you drink, but we already got a head start.

Rem: The night elf stuff hits harder… or maybe I have not drank much in the past. People keep offering me alcohol! And Makasa handles her things well.

Mar: Makasa shares an interesting symbiotic relationship with alcohol. But Jarod is a good man.

Maraad escorts Remnii to the mansion that Vel had erected for the night, and they decide to share a room that night.

Rem: You will stay safe tomorrow?

Mar: The uncertainty of battle is difficult… but I’ll do everything I can to ensure everyone comes back safely.

Rem: That includes you.

Mar: Of course.

Rem: I cannot ask more of warriors than to try your best to be vigilant and strong, which you are, but still.

Maraad wraps his arms around Remnii’s waist and buries his face in her hair.

Mar: We have something to live for. We have a future to live for, and fight for. When I go into battle, it helps me, at least, to keep something… something close to my heart. For some that could simply be what to eat for the after-battle feast, for others it could be to protect someone. For me, it’s many things, but right now… right now it’s because you asked. I don’t want to disappoint you, Remnii. After all… I would not want to be remembered as the man who made Remnii cry.

Rem: If I cry, it will not be your fault. I cry frequently and also often, on top of that.

Remnii turns around and hooks onto Maraad’s shoulders with her hands.

Rem: Just be careful.

Mar: I will.

Rem: Good!

Remnii smiles, and Maraad smiles back as they kiss.


Meanwhile, the humans’ camp gets more and more excitable–especially around the Kul Tirans. Daelin had invited Uther and his friends to partake in the festivities and general merriment to wash away the worries.

The roaring fires start to burn down as the night continues, and Uther is sitting next to his grandfather regaling them with jokes.

Dael: Well this is it, lad. Tomorrow we’re going to bring all this to a wrap! After everything we’ve been through, we’re heading back home.

Uther: It’s been longer for you than it has for I.

Dael: Aye, it has. Too long. Tell me, lad, what’s the one thing you’re lookin’ forward to when you get back home?

Uther: One thing? Might as well ask me to choose a favorite star in the sky!

Dael: Fair that! Alright then, pick your top three.

Uther: Seeing my family again. Mother. My sisters. Unraveling the mystery around the man who impersonates my father. Vittoria.

Daelin raises his drink.

Uther: Didn’t know it was possible to miss a person this much.

Dae: Aye. The heart is a fickle one. At the worst times it likes to remind you of… all sorts of things like that. All your failures. All your successes. Your loves, your hates. Though I guess the drink don’t help with that!

Uth: Unfortunately I’ve found that troubles swim. Trying to drown them doesn’t do anything.

Dae: Ain’t that the truth. That’s why you gotta learn to swim faster. Swim better than the others. Not outrun them, but to swim with them, I guess.

Uther: Swimming with troubles… grandfather, can I ask you a serious question?

Dae: Anything, lad.

Uther: When you earned the rank of Admiral, were there times you weren’t certain you would be able to live up to that mantle of leadership?

Daelin takes a drink.

Dae: Lad, I don’t think there’s a sane man alive that hasn’t had those doubts. There’s a myth, you see. There’s lots of myths in the world. Sea dragons, sirens, merfolk… most of those things probably exist. It’s hard to say. But the one thing that don’t exist is a man who knows exactly what he’s doing. Now I don’t know if this is just a human thing, but I wager even the elves–in all their grace and experience and intellect… I bet none of them know what they’re doing either. We’re just making it up. Reading the winds. Weighing our anchors, or letting them falls. We just gotta adjust our sails and keep going. There be days I can’t tell the port from the bow. There still be days like that. Fuck, after fifteen years, I have to explain to me better half about where I’ve been all this time. I feel like I be sailing into the craziest storm I’ve ever seen.

Uther: There’s some truth to that.

Dae: Aye. I reckon there be.

Uth: In all of human history, we’ve never had to contend with a foe from beyond the stars. But what you’ve told me is a strange comfort… but, what was my mother like as a child?

Dae: Ohhh Jaina. My sweet sea breeze… she was a polite child. Far more polite than me, that’s for sure, when I was her age. She was sweet, but strong of will. When she wanted something, you knew it, but she asked in a way that would melt your heart. She was smart. Smarter than me and her mom combined, I would swear, but had a heart as big as her mind. She always has had that. She.. she always looked up to me so much. Me and your uncle Derrick. I was always… let me tell ye, I fought foes, I have sailed in storms, but nothing was as bone chilling to me as having that wee lass look up to me. Wondering if you wouldn’t do it right… being an admiral is one thing, being a father is another thing entirely. I still wonder if there are things I could have done better. I know there are things, not just with her. But you can’t change things after you do them. When I look at her now, I see the woman she turned into, and the legacy she made and the lives she saved… I think maybe I did alright after all. She’s a better person than I could ever be, and I couldn’t be more proud. That’s what any parent could hope.

Uther drains his cup.

Uth: Did you approve of her betrothal to my father?

Daelin starts to laugh.

Dae: That’s a question… I did. Not right away, but I did. All it took was one conversation with her, and that was enough. But then the fucker went and stood her up! Near broke her heart until the war started. He’s lucky I didn’t declare war on Lordaeron and bring the entire Kul Tiran navy to drag him out and make him apologize to my sea breeze, but I decided not.

Uth: The way you talk of her, I don’t know if anyone would have been good enough at first glance.

Dae: No, perhaps not. But that’s not my choice to make. After all, in spite of my protests, your father is a good man. And that’s evidenced by yourself. If he weren’t a good man, I wouldn’t be drinking with a good man right now, would I?

Uther: Suppose not!

Uther stands to refresh his drink.

Uth: Need a refill, grandfather?

Dae: Always! Ya had one more thing to look forward to.

Uth: What’s that?

Dae: That’s for you to decide. Seeing your family. Seeing your betrothed. What else?

Uth: I suppose figuring out the next step in saving our world.

Dae: You are a knight of the Silver Hand, aren’t ya!

Uth: Well, that’s for certain. But… this doesn’t feel taught. That desire. I feel as though this is how I would feel if I were prince of Lordaeron or a baker or a blacksmith or a fisherman… everyone deserves to be happy.

Dae: I’ll drink to that. But I think that’s your good man showing, Uther.

Uther smiles.

Uth: Thank you, grandfather.

Uther raises his flagon again.

Uth: But a song! Here’s the health to the company~

He starts to launch into a shanty, and those still awake quickly join in. Daelin and Uther clink their mugs and drain their ale.

August 17th

The excitement of the previous night had been replaced with the buzzing that occurs before battle. The several dozen nightsabers and frostsabers that had been basking in the light are no longer there, as they are being prepared for war.

When the sun is fully down, that is when the battle will begin.

Emmarel Shadewarden approaches the group and explains the plan.

Emm: When the battle begins, we will be opening simultaneous portals around Mount Hyjal. We are hoping to split their forces apart. They outnumber us. Spreading them thin will draw their attention away from the Temple of Elune. Our contacts have assured us the high priestess will be there, and our goal is to draw their fire enough so that the main strike teams can bring an end to it. You are the ones that discovered this, so if you are willing, you should take this fight to her. Are you up for this task?

Vel: Yes, I believe so.

Emm: Very well. We will do everything we can to support you and ensure you can punch to the root of Mount Hyjal and put an end to this. Things will get chaotic, but you should have a clear path. Be prepared for anything. Do you have any questions?

Vel: Who is normally in the company of the high priestess?

Emm: She’s normally surrounded by her fellow priestesses and elite guards. With luck, she may be forced to send some of them to bolster other forces. It is also likely that the head warden will be on site. As soon as things begin, it’s likely that she and the other wardens will make an appearance. Few were willing or able to listen to us, so be prepared to face them as well. Maiev is a bit of a wild card.

Ill: I have a few ideas how that’ll happen. When she finds out where I am, she’ll come running.

Emm: A fair point, Master Stormrage.

Ill: I intend to make my way to the temple as well. I will not allow that monster to cavort in Tyrande’s flesh any longer than he has. Do try to keep up.

He glances at the party, only mostly joking.

Emm: We’ll be moving in small groups. But you’ll have as much backup as we can muster. The bow of the high priestess is called Eluntara. It’s a mighty bow given to her by her beloved, made from a branch from the Emerald Dream. The arrows it nocks shine with the radiance of Elune, and you should expect them to strike with no small amount of force. I also know it can conjure special arrows that an create unique effects… though I’m uncertain of what they will be. One lets her project her sight long distances, and others can manipulate the powers of Elune. Her armor shields her of the powers of the eclipse. She will be protected from light and shadow.

Tol: Do we know where Shandris Feathermoon is?

Emm: She will do what she can, but she has more on her plate than most of us. But she will be present, and hopefully she’ll be able to aid us. We’ll be setting up an area to fall back beyond the moonwell. Should anyone become wounded, make sure they are able to retreat safely there. Those who are not going to be leading the vanguard will protect that area. Many of the children of Cenarius will be on site to make sure it’s safe. But we won’t have long. We will be outnumbered and overwhelmed if they call for reinforcements. From what I understand, your father…

She looks at Remnii.

Emm: …carries an artifact that will be useful. There are demons hidden amongst the forces I’m sure.

Rem: Given the reports, Tichondrius will have help. Thus that is a very good and educated guess.

Emm: Master Velen intends to banish the demons he can reach, but that will take time. And we need to buy him that time.

Rem: Tell whoever is on that team to take care of him.

Emm: I have no doubt he’s in good hands.

Rem: Divinius will make sure of that.

Emm: Focus on your objective. I will do what I can to ensure communication is open.

Vel offers to set up a telepathic bond amongst representatives of the groups, which is agreed to be a good idea.

Em: May the Light of the nauru, Elune, and whoever else watch over us.

The day passes into night, and Tol’vas starts to feel the influence of Elune’s waxing.

As they are preparing, the groups have split up into their strike forces.


Uther goes to find Vel.

Uth: I’ve given a lot of thought to the question you asked me. And I don’t know if this answer will satisfy you. But, I’m not going to force anyone to fight the Burning Legion. Whatever their reasons to not fight is none of my business. But I will fight for anyone I share this world with. I will fight on battlefields and I will fight on the council table. I’m only one man. But. So long as I draw breath, Vel, I will fight for you and your people. The living and the dead.

Vel: The concern wasn’t fighting the Legion. That was a given. We can hash this out, after this…

Uth: I’m afraid until we have more information there won’t be much to hash out. But I would never consider you my enemy, Vel. That’s all I wanted to say.

Vel: Thank you.

Uth: Alright.

Uther gives Vel a smirk.

Uth: Now let's go save the world!


As the groups amp up, Ash’alah makes her way through the crowd to the party–wearing her battle regalia.

Ash: You who can understand my tongue, will you be my voice?

She looks at Tol’vas.

Tol: Of course, you need only ask.

The tiger looks at Uther, using Tol’vas a translator.

Ash: I have watched you all, and I have much to owe all you. We march to save my sister from the clutches of the demons, and I would march there with you. I have seen how you fight, child of the Traveler, and if you will it, I will spirit you into battle so that we may fight in unison. Do you accept?

Uth: With honor.

Ash: Very well. You will find I am not so comfortable to ride as your docile… horses. But I believe we will make a radiant pair.

Uth: I only hope I can measure up to your expectations!

Ash’alah crouches down for Uther to mount up on great tiger’s back, and he does–the moon high in the sky. There are calls, whistles, hoots, and warhorns. The humans, the draenei, the night elves, the furbolgs, the trolls, the fey creatures, the children of Cenarius, the tauren, and everyone else unite.

The druids opening the gateways nod and hold their hands out. Hammel Runetotem draws his massive hand on a tree, opening a portal as the bark twists and opens in tandem with the others, and the small army charges through the gateways.

In the flicker of an Emerald Dream charged second, they are hundreds of miles away, at Mount Hyjal in the shadow of the great tree. The great moons above shine down, and the crown of the libram materializes over Uther’s head.

All their senses fire on high alert. They can hear battle unraveling, but there are no arrows shooting at them. Seria conjures a fey dragon, and Tol’vas conjures the lightning wolf, Levin, that he had been bonding with.

Tol’vas then shifts into his worgen form, and for the first time, he doesn’t feel unbridled rage, but focus and purpose.

Rem: Uther, again, be vigilant, and let us go with the Light!

Remnii casts holy weapon on Uther, and Seria shifts into the form of a tiger. Vel can hear the chatter of groups communicating back and forth over her telepathic bond, and they emerge into a clearing where there is battle taking place.

The Kul Tiran marines are battling a handful of treants, and out of a base of a tree are tell-tale signs of kaldorei construction–there are druidic emblems upon it, and they see a handful of druids emerge. One of them has a mane of black and silver hair.


He transforms into a massive bear and starts to prowl towards the marines, cornering Daelin. There is a howl, and a treant gets tackled as a jet black worgen tears into it–wearing tattered clothes and a bandana. There is a cutlass in one of his claws, and he stands back-to-back with Daelin.

Dae: Alright!

Far off, there are bright blue eyes and autumnal leaves–a massive moving tree that starts to chant. It’s an ancient of lore.

Tol’vas runs in first and uses gravity sinkhole. The druid of the claw rears forward to slash at Daelin, but it gets yanked backwards and slams into two of the untransformed druids.

Tol: Enough fighting. You should retreat.

Dae: Haha! Good timing, lad!

He looks back and sees another worgen. He looks at Joe.

Dae: A friend of yours?

Silent Joe grunts, and Daelin draws a flintlock as he takes a shot at one of the treants to the south before slashing with his cutlass at the nearest treant. One of the roots is carved aside, and it tumbles over.

One of the apprentice druids moves back, her eyes on Vel and Uther. She starts to cast entangle but Vel promptly counters it. The woman gasps.

Druid: A highborne!

She backs up further.

Vel starts to hear a bit of disarray, and three more treants appear. One of them claws at Vel, another at Remnii. Vel ducks around the treant, flipping over one of the roots and her tattoos flare to life as she casts cone of cold.

Several of the druids try to cast absorb elements, but her spell cuts right through the defense.

Remnii casts mind sliver on a treant and then a blessing of salvation on herself.

The transformed druid of the claw shelters one of the wounded druids and engages with Vel. As he tries to sink his teeth into her. She dodges out of the way, and as he brings his claw around it clashes harmlessly off a shield spell.

One of the apprentice druids uses rejuvenation on one of her fallen fellows.

Uther swings his hammer at the treant that had appeared, and the keep of lore raises his staff.

Keeper: The wilds will repel the invaders! Treacherous traitors!

The trees, rocks, and stone start to move–everything animating as roots and vines reach out at its command. Some rocks fly at Tol’vas and smack him in the snout, but they are completely ineffective.

A root wraps around Vel’s leg and quickly pulls taught–restraining her. Another druid casts rejuvenation on the druid of the claw.

Seria closes on one of the new treants and her claw rakes into the side of it, knocking it prone. She proceeds to rip and tear at it with her fangs.

The fey dragon swoops over to the druid of the claw and uses its bewildering breath on him.

Fey [telepathically]: We are not defilers! You need to lighten up!

The druid of the claw staggers back–dazed. Ash’alah leaps around the treant and runs through the dazed druid–leaping off his face to propel her forward.

Levin bites into the treant Seria had pinned and Silent Joe cuts into the treant he was engaged with. The first attack goes wide, but he adjusts and manages to knock the treant down.

The druid of the talon casts blizzard, clipping the treant as well as Uther, Ash’alah, Daelin, and Joe.

Druid of the Talon: May your branches protect you, spirit of the woods!

She then casts faerie fire on Uther, Ash’alah, and Daelin.

The injured druid apprentice starts to retreat as she casts rejuvenation on the druid of the talon, disappearing into the barrow den.

Druid of the Claw: What…

He continues to stagger but bites Vel, who is still restraint. As she struggles, she is able to narrowly avoid his claws. The vines start to pull at her, but she is able to cut the vine aside.

One of the apprentices shoots a wrath at Uther, but he deflects it off a shield. Levin finishes off the treant he was mauling. He then runs back to help Remnii.

The fey dragon lands on top of the druid of the claw.

Fey: Don’t you see? We’re trying to help the forests! Help us help the forests!

The druid shakes his head and seems to be looking around.

Remnii uses mind sliver on the treant, and it grunts and staggers. More awakened trees lash out with their branches. Some rocks pelt the back of Uther’s head, and the earth erupts as the Keeper of Lore uses shockwave. Another root then wraps around Tol’vas.

Tol’vas, however, blinks out of the roots and starts to head toward the druid of the talon.

Druid of the Talon: More worgen!?

Tol: You should still retreat.

He swings with his scythe, but she narrowly dodges.

Tol: You’re on the wrong side of this fight.

Vel casts blink, freeing herself from the roots, and she appears next to the still-downed druid. She stabilizes her before starting to run up the root of the nearby tree, her eyes on the wounded apprentice that was still standing.

Vel: You should take your ally and leave. You aren’t our enemies.

Daelin looks at Uther.

Dae: You think you got this handled?

Uther smirks.

Uth: Are you really doubting me?

Dae: Haha!

Daelin runs, jumping over a root and slashes at the druid of the talon. However, she blocks it with her staff.

Dae: Your high priestess is lying to you! And we’re going to show you that!

Treants start to team up on Silent Joe, and Ash’alah roars.

Ash: These mortals speak the truth! The fiend that wears my sister’s skin is deceiving you! These champions seek not to harm these forests, but defend you!

The bear looks at Ash’alah.

Claw: Ash’alah…

He then looks down at the bleary druid that Vel had just stabilized, and he seems quite unsure of what to do.

The other injured druid looks at Vel, and at the situation, and opts grab her unconscious friend and run into the barrow den.

Uth: My allies speak true, friends! The demon that wears your priestess’s skin seeks to unmake you. You can aid us… or we will do what we must.

The druid of the talon seems to waver, her determination faltering.

Talon: That can’t be true. Your deception... The demons…

The situation is clearly not making sense to her, as none of the blows done to her allies had been lethal.

Tol’vas sheaths his scythe.

Tol: Help us root out this corruption. I don’t want to hurt any of you.

The druid’s knuckles grip on her staff, and the ancient of lore steps forward–not wholly convinced. Vel hears more druids rise from the barrow den, but they hear a loud and reverberating tone. It’s a warhorn that defies description.

Druid: The horn? The horn of Cenarius?

Standing on a cliff overlooking some of the trees is the antlered form of a broad-shouldered druid. For a moment, Tol’vas thought it might have been Malfurion, but then he realizes it’s Broll–bearing the horn of Cenarius.

Claw: Is this true? I… I don’t understand how this is possible…

The druid of the claw shifts back to his humanoid form.

Tal: The horn of Cenarius would never be able to be wielded by one who fought against the forest…

Broll: That is right, brothers and sisters! Please, stay your claws.

The ancient of lore looks down at the group.

Ancient: Doth thou speaketh the truth?

Uth: I do, honored ancient.

Ancien: Thoueth profess that thee shall protect these woods?

Uth: These woods and beyond.

Ancient: Very well. If the lord of the forests hath decreed, then you shall have no opposition from me.

The wrath of nature spell fades.

Ancie: We shall protect these woods and prevent any others from making our errors.

Uth: You have my thanks.

Ancient: Go now. Prove the veracity of your claim. For if true, upon us shall be levied the blame.

Talon: Into the den. Tend to the wounded. I don’t know if I can trust you, worgen, but if you bear the scythe and fight alongside the bearers of the horn, we shall not bar your path. Go.

She runs into the den, and Makasa–who had arrived with other marines–goes over to Joe.

Aramar: We’ll watch your back! Go!

Tol’vas looks at the ancient.

Tol: You do me honor with this trust.

Ancient: The light of Elune shall show what’s true. I am here to see this through. I obey the lord of the forests.