Appearing Characters: Aracyra, Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Gordulla, Gramgun Laughingeye, Gul'dan, Halno, Kargath Bladefist, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Nyxxa, Sadras, Sagaz, Shaspira, Thura Saurfang, Vaerux, Viridius
January 7th
Throughout the rest of the evening, the Broken Blade works to collect the fallen. The noncoms that were still on this side of the Dark Portal return to Gramgun’kur. Most individuals had been accounted for, but there are some that could not be found. A total of 109 Broken Blade and 10 beasts fell, including Gel’nok. Significantly fewer elves were slain in the battle at Gramgun’kur.
About 579 Broken Blade orcs remain on this side of the Dark Portal.
A quick sweep from Nyxxa determines there doesn’t seem to be any lingering after effects on the bodies slain by Frostmourne, but they can almost trace the area around where Lana’thel had marched as it is marked by dead ground and slain foliage. That area was desecrated.
The bodies of the orcs were burned in funerary pyres and sent to the ancestors. Gul’dan says some words for the fallen as a send off as well.
The group then catches a fleeting rest that night.
January 8th
The next morning is still really cold with heavy snowfall. Arthak finds Gul’dan speaking into his own sending stone.
Gul'dan says: Arthak. There are some updates you may wish to know. Some good news, as it were.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll take it happily.
Gul'dan says: I have been informed that my agents, the agents of the Horde, have captured Kargath Bladefist. He is now in our custody and is awaiting justice. Considering the warchief is abroad leading from the front lines, his judgement falls to us. We are, after all, two of the chieftains of the clans directly affected by his unorthodox actions.
Arthak Saurfang says: Unorthodox and unexplained.
Gul'dan says: Indeed. Do you have any hypotheses to what spurned this betrayal?
Arthak Saurfang says: If Kargath himself has a motive, I can’t see it. Preventing me specifically from taking part in the fight… I don’t know how it would benefit him. However, perhaps his mind was meddled with.
Gul'dan says: This is possible, yes. There are many magics that would be able to turn one against their allies. It would not surprise me if the elves had wielded such magics. I’ve had no reason to suspect his loyalties before now. Ultimately, he is appraised of the important truths that bring the Horde to glory. And his actions are not actions that are condoned by myself or anyone else I can think of. But I’ll leave this to you, Arthak. He did nearly slay you, after all.
Arthak Saurfang says: He did. Speaking of, if you see Teron’gor extend my thanks to him and the death knight that aided me.
Gul'dan says: Yes. I will do that when possible.
Arthak Saurfang says: Has there been any word from Lady Shaspira?
Gul'dan says: There has not, in fact. From what I understand she is currently residing inside the Magister’s Terrace alone. It has been brought to my attention that the Shadowsword have given her ample space to contemplate her next move.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see.
Gul'dan says: You should know as well that you were not the only chieftain to fall to Kargath’s blade. Teron’gor also was slain after you lost consciousness. I do not believe that will prevent him from fulfilling his duties, but for the time being, he is unable to hear your gratitude.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see.
Gul'dan says: But I will see to it that you will be able to thank him yourself in good time.
Arthak Saurfang says: Until then, I can repay him by finding the truth.
Gul'dan says: Indeed. I’m told that he is being kept secure at the foot of this peculiar tree in the ruins of the stronghold around what was once the Sunwell.
Arthak Saurfang says: What does his clan know?
Gul'dan says: Those that survived the conflict are being kept under close watch by the rest of our people. They too, I believe, seek the truth, and perhaps an opportunity will arise from this. Bladefist is stubborn, his people are loyal. Bereft of a leader, they could prove a dangerous, but potent, ally. But, should you decide to deliver mercy to Kargath Bladefist, he has a peculiar form of honor. One that would be as like to invite him as an ally as it would an enemy. I am rather curious to see how you will decide his fate.
Arthak Saurfang says: As am I.
Gul'dan says: Know that you have my blessing regardless of your decision.
Arthak Saurfang says: Appreciated. As you said, his people are loyal. If he does not survive, they’re going to need a replacement, and they will need to be persuaded of his guilt. They are potent and unpredictable. We can’t have the Shattered Hand be adrift. Not now.
Gul'dan says: Should that be what must be done, I can ensure they are taken care of.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well.
Gul'dan says: There is more good news. It seems that earlier, our forces met the forces of the elves and their short-eared, small-toothed companions. Humans. Our forces have triumphed in this conflict. They have broken through the pass and into the verdant green lands south, and the allied forces of these humans and elves have retreated back to their strongholds. This war has begun in earnest.
Arthak Saurfang says: Now, the other question. What is our place in it with the portal gone?
Gul'dan says: This is an apt question. One that I believe will be largely up to your choices, Arthak. I have a number of suggestions that I can offer. But… I wager that information to be learned from the White Tyrant may change this.
Arthak Saurfang says: Indeed. For now, I’ll focus on Kargath. Once we’ve spoken to Lady Shaspira, I will talk to you further about possibilities.
Gul'dan says: Of course.
Meanwhile, Azgadaan and Aracyra had returned to Magister’s Terrace to try and locate a scrying mirror that survived the destruction. Azgadan is able to find that the scrying mirror in Aracyra’s room had luckily remained intact. At Azgadaan’s request, she attempts to scry on Lana’thel. The mirror shifts and oscillates, and the blood that Azgadaan had gathered on a cloth also oscillates for a moment, and the mirror grows dark and shadowed.
But then the shadows disappear.
Aracyra says: It didn’t seem to work.
Azgadaan says: It’s fine. We find other ways to find out. We can try tomorrow.
Aracyra says: We can try, but I’m unsure if it will work. It didn’t seem like the blood helped.
Azgadaan says: It was mixed blood.
Aracyra says: That may be why, unfortunately.
Azgadaan says: We should probably pack your things while we’re here. I don’t imagine you’ll be sleeping in a half caved in room.
They spend some time packing until Arthak, Gul’dan, and Halno arrive to meet with Shaspira. Together, they head to the former Grand Magister’s sanctum where Shaspira had taken up residence. One of the two wrathguards that normally guard the room aren’t present.
Wrathguard says: Greeting. Lady Shaspira is awaiting your council.
The wrathguard steps aside and allows them to ender. As they enter into the room, it becomes clear the entire thing is a mess, as if the root that came in through the ceiling and crashed into the far cabinet--which had many of her collectables--was not enough, but the entire room is now rocked with magic. There are outlines of humanoid bodies in scorch marks against the far walls. The remainder of the shelves and items are in no small amount of disrepair. Shaspira is in the center of the room, still wearing the same dress as yesterday, with her hands behind her back. There is snow gently falling through the breached room, and there are tracks of pacing in the growing snow.
Shaspira turns and looks at the group.
Shaspira says: Elder Gul’dan. Arthak. Azgadaan. And… Aracyra. How good it is to see you. I do pray you have good news for me.
She also looks at Halno, but she only knows him vaguely.
Gul'dan says: Of course, my lady. You will be pleased to know that the Alliance that opposed us in the Thalassian Pass has retreated to their strongholds. The Horde now spills across the land, taking what we can and taking their free holds. In time, they too will fall. You should also know that the traitor Kargath Bladefist is in chains awaiting our judgement.
Shaspira says: Good. While the…
She glances at the intruder that had broken through the ceiling of the chamber.
Shaspira says: While his treachery was not the sole cause of this… failure. It did not help. I suspect his judgement will be swift, and I’ll leave that in your hands. Things have changed drastically and rapidly. And for the time being, I have been called away. I’m to return to Antorus. There I’m to meet with the Council of Eredar, and with Lord Archimonde and Lord Kil'jaeden to report on my failure of this mission, and to discuss what is to happen next. In the meantime, the representatives from the Council of Nathreza will be your liaisons to the Legion. I’m told Lord Detheroc will be operating here. Lord Varimathras will be looking into Frostmourne, while Lord Balnazaar is already south. I hope to return in a number of months if I am given leave to continue… fostering our partnership. I have a number of things I must complete. A number of projects that may yet salvage this tumultuous setback.
Gul'dan says: While this is an unfortunate setback, I dare say we will be able to recover from this. While the portal has been closed, we can open another pathway. There are many ways. We shall succeed again.
Shaspira says: It is not that simple, Elder Gul’dan. The portal’s strength was not sufficient. And so to prevent its closure, certain plans were forced into expediency, and those have collapsed in a most catastrophic fashion. The portal on Draenor is not serviceable. Extensive repairs would be needed, repairs that will not be easily accomplished. For Draenor is no more.
Arthak Saurfang says: Draenor is… gone?
Shaspira says: Draenor as you know it, yes. Parts of it remain. But the process to strengthen the Portal, to allow Legion reinforcements, drastic shifts in the composition of Draenor. The cataclysm that was triggered by this rite with the interference of the elves, and this unexpected development.
She looks at the root again.
Shaspira says: Caused the portal to become unstable, and the collapse destroyed it. What remains of Draenor is now cast about the Twisting Nether.
Arthak Saurfang says: Lady Shaspira, I know this is not… I had the noncombatants of my clan on the other side. Do you have any information on them?
Shaspira says: Would that I did, Arthak. It is possible they survived, and indeed I hope they did. But returning to what is left of Draenor has become significantly more difficult. I… must return to the Vitiator sooner rather than later. It’s not wise to keep the eredar council waiting. I wish you the best of endeavors. With luck, I will see you before long. Time travels differently in the Twisting Nether, but I do sincerely hope this is… not the end of our partnership.
Arthak Saurfang says: As do I. While you’re gone, is there anything I can do to salvage this on my end?
Shaspira says: Were I to give you advice, Arthak, it would be to protect your people. To protect your investments. While the Isle of Quel’danas has changed in its importance, it is still a barrier. A seaside invasion of Silvermoon City would be impossible without taking the island, and whatever this tree is, it is powerful. Learning anything you could about its nature would be important. It could be used in the future, and I wager other parties across this forsaken world will also be interested. And… survive is perhaps the best advice I can give you.
Arthak Saurfang says: You have my thanks, lady Shaspira.
Shaspira says: I’ll see what I can do to ensure the debts I owe you are repaid as best I can, Arthak. Any I am unable to fulfill, I will hopefully be able to do personally on my return.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. I understand. Supply lines will be disjointed because of this. Then if there is nothing else, survive as well. And we’ll see how we can continue once you return.
Shaspira says: Indeed. Velhari should be able to report back in time. With luck, she can aid you more directly than I will be able to for some time. I wish you the best of luck, all of you. And Aracyra, do what you wish. If you desire to quit this place and return to Argus, then you are welcome to join me. But this is my failure, not yours.
Arthak Saurfang says: I understand, mother. I believe I will stay here so I can further your goals.
Shaspira says: Then shall be as it is.
With a flick of Shaspira’s wrist, the items in the room float to and around her, and her eyes glow with a crimson warmth as she casts a spell. In a moment, she and the rest of the objects vanish, leaving the group alone in her former chambers.
Arthak Saurfang says: … Draenor’s gone.
Gul'dan says: In a sense, Arthak. But it is not completely. There are many things that will change in the coming months. We will look into what can be done to return your people to you. It is possible, and once we can confirm their location, and if they were able to survive, we can see what can be done. But for the time being, trust in your people. You did not gather them because they were weak, after all.
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright.
Gul'dan says: That brings me to some things you and I should discuss. A history I believe you should know, one I believe may become key towards aiding our allies. And towards reopening a link between ourselves and the others. If you would excuse us?
He looks at Azgadaan and Halno and they head to a private location.
Gul'dan says: I assume you’ll keep this information secret. Before you were born, about forty years ago, we attempted the ritual not too dissimilar about the one that brought us here. What do you know of it?
Arthak Saurfang says: I know it failed, but I’ve never been able to find out why.
Gul'dan says: That is a mystery. One whose answer… may be key to the conquest of this land.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see. When the portal failed, the other connection wasn’t on this side?
Gul'dan says: It wasn’t here, but it was in this land, in this world. But something went wrong. In the years leading up to it, I had made contact with Lord Kil’jaeden, one of the most powerful forces the Legion has to offer, and yet… shortly before, as our plans grew closer to completion, he vanished. His guidance was no longer upon my soul, but it was replaced with another. I don’t know who it was. A figure shadowed in mystery. The Harbinger. They told me of this world, of its importance, that this land was our birthright, that coming here and taking it was the true destiny of the orcish people, so I followed its instructions. The Dark Portal was created. In the exacting specifications that I was given. Thousands of slaves were gathered to fuel its opening, and on the promised day, we gathered to open this gate, to begin our conquest of this world. And whence we began the ritual, we powered the gates with thousands of souls, just as we were instructed. But nothing happened. The Harbinger vanished. And I never heard from them again. It was many years before I heard the guidance that had brought our people such glory. And that guidance led us here. I know not what occurred to the Harbinger, or who it was, but their fate may be the answer we seek. Whatever the Harbinger had used, whatever they had done, to create this nexus of power, must be somewhere. If we can find it… then we may shape the destiny of this place as we wish.
Arthak Saurfang says: And you would have me seek out this Harbinger and their… failed connection to the portal? So we can try to reignite it?
Gul'dan says: It is an option, yes, but we know woefully little about the Harbinger. It’s information I hope Lady Shaspira can eventually give us. I believe that is the lifeline she was referring to, and I believe she knows more of the fate of this Harbinger. No doubt, Lord Kil’jaeden does. If I commune with him, perhaps he can grant me the wisdom that I seek. When I learn of anything that you may wish to know, I will certainly tell you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Perhaps we can turn this around.
Gul'dan says: If a link can be re-established, a permanent link as Lady Shaspira had intended, then the combined might of the orcish Horde and the Burning Legion would swath over this land like a crusade of fire and blood. And you and I could be heralds of this new era. I will meet you where Kargath is being held. There are things I must take care of, and I wager you too want to deal with some things. I’ll see you soon.
Gul’dan bows and turns to head toward the base of the great tree.
The group then returns to Gramgun’kur, and Arthak gathers Thura, Sadras, and his other leaders, as well as Nyxxa.
Arthak Saurfang says: So. I have spoken with elder Gul’dan and Lady Shaspira, and I have… news. Draenor is… the sundering of the portal shattered Draenor. The world still exists in a sense, but it is fragments scattered through the Nether. I have no news of our kin on the other side.
Sadras says: But they could be alive still, right?
Arthak Saurfang says: They could. For now we don’t know. Whether they’re alive, whether they are dead… their status is a question we can’t answer right now.
Nyxxa says: My condolences, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s a loss for us all. For now… we have to just keep going. Opportunities may present themselves in the coming months to get more information, and to get our clan back to us. But for now, we have each other. We have our clan. We have our home. And we have a mission. This island is still of strategic importance to the Horde and this invasion, and the implications of the tree are uncertain. So portal or no, this island is ours, and it will stay ours.
Thura Saurfang says: Understood! We’ll continue to fortify and rebuild, and once they’re back safe, we can decide what to do next.
Everyone seems to be pretty down, however. A mixture of worry and concern hangs heavy on the group.
Arthak Saurfang says: Is there anything any of you want to say, or ask?
Nyxxa says: If you need me for anything, Arthak, just let me know.
Arthak Saurfang says: I will, thank you.
Lantresor says: We will stay strong through this. Every clan has its hardships and its misfortunes. But I believe our people are strong. We will find them.
Nyxxa says: For what it’s worth, being lost in the Twisting Nether isn’t a death sentence.
Sadras says: What about Go’el? What about my brother?
Arthak Saurfang says: We’ll get them back too.
Sadras says: Okay…
Arthak Saurfang says: Today we will mourn, worry, and grieve. Tomorrow we will rebuild.
Gramgun Laughingeye says: I’ll bring the ship around and we can keep moving things through, for what’s that worth.
Arthak Saurfang says: It’s worth much. I believe I owe you some ships.
Gramgun Laughingeye says: Ah, well, at the moment, most of the crew that were piloting those are also on Draenor. So consider it a vacation? We got the crew that pilots the Laughing Eye… we can try to squeeze some profit out of it. May be hard. We may need to deal with a blockade, but we can do what we can.
Levia Blackflight says: If it will help, I might be able to use some of that strange magic to learn about what may have happened, or if anyone is alive. I don’t know if it will help… but I can try.
Arthak Saurfang says: Anything you can do, I’ll be in your debt. You’ve already done much for us.
Arthak also begins spreading word through the rest of the clan, and then he, Azgadaan, and Halno go to track down Viridius, who was also still here trying to tidy some things up. Some of the ethereals had also camped out just outside Gramgun’kur.
Viridius says: Ah! Arthak, my friend! Good to see you survived the attack! Quite the, uh, unexpected ending to all of this, but it is good to see your people have survived.
Arthak Saurfang says: Most of us, and in no small part due to the aid of your warriors.
One of the Netherwinds laughs.
Netherwind Agent says: It was nothing. I was surprised we could perform as we did. The enemies you made were good fighters, all. I had to say when they began to sprint directly up the side of the mountain, we weren’t sure what to do. We retreated, but we’re glad to see they were routed. Your people are skilled fighters.
Arthak Saurfang says: We’re strong. And… we’re rebuilding.
Netherwind Agent says: Well, for the time being, we are still under contract. If there’s anything we can do, we will do what we can. As a suggestion, we could likely remap this land now that the tree has made itself comfortable, and we can see its extent. We are pathfinders by trade. In a few weeks we could have the entire island mapped.
Arthak Saurfang says: That sounds excellent. Regarding yourselves, once the contract is complete, will you be able to leave?
Netherwind Agent says: Yes. It may take some time, but we can. If not, there is likely work to be found here if you are not able to extend the contract.
Arthak Saurfang says: If I am able to, I intend to.
Netherwind Agent says: Understandable.
Arthak Saurfang says: We will have to see, the future is uncertain.
Netherwind Agent says: Of course. We should check back, but it was a pleasure speaking with you, and I leave you to your business with the Flesh-handler.
Arthak Saurfang says: Inform your comrades you are welcome in Gramgun’kur. You are guests here.
Netherwind Agent says: Much appreciated, chieftain.
The Netherwind Agents retreat back to their group, leaving them with the flesh-handler.
Viridius says: I wager you have questions, or perhaps I can help with something else?
Arthak Saurfang says: Well, the Netherwind warriors answered some. Are you going to be able to maintain contact with the Protectorate?
Viridius says: Ah, yes. I am not at liberty to discuss where they are operating, but many of our people operate in the Twisting Nether. The recent changes don’t affect much. Now that the ban’dinoriel is down, contact is possible with anyone I need. But thank you for asking. Your concern is appreciated.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. In the meantime, we can continue facilitating the relationship between my clan and your people.
Viridius says: Excellent!
Arthak Saurfang says: If I may ask a favor. We have people currently in the Nether on what’s left of Draenor. If any of your people can provide any information, or see or hear anything, on the status of Draenor or any of the Broken Blade there, I’d be in your debt.
Viridius says: Of course. It should be possible at some point… I wager this event has drawn the attention of the Protectorate and other interested groups. It is inevitable the Nexus Stalkers or Etherium will become involved, sometimes both. It is within reason to expect Ameer will send agents to investigate. If they see anything, I’ll ensure I can inform you as quickly as I can.
Arthak Saurfang says: Any of my people, either here or there, will, if they can, will help with your efforts.
Viridius says: Much appreciated, as ever. I will pass the word along as well. With luck, I will be able to ascertain their safety. Such a temporal disturbance is likely a location of no small amount of interest.
Arthak Saurfang says: Is there anything that you need at this time?
Viridius says: Not at present. I could go for an essence massage and perhaps… I don’t know the translation in orcish. A delicacy… don’t worry. Nothing we can’t handle. But perhaps I’ll look into finding that on my own time. Any further service I can be to you?
Arthak Saurfang says: For you, I believe you have done everything. Maintaining contact with your people may be integral.
Viridius says: Very well. Yes. Absolutely. I will do what thinking I can. I surmise you want to be reunited with your people. It’s possible, but it won’t be easy. But it could be done if they are all together.
Arthak Saurfang says: If that is something you can arrange…
Viridius says: It would be a lot. Transference between the planes is not easy. It involves very powerful magics, and access to a potent vessel like those used by the Burning Legion, or a portal to be opened. That is well beyond my capabilities. Theoretically… one could transfer oneself between one place and another, but the magic required is… expensive and limited. It is a high degree of magic, and it normally requires an anchor of some sort. An item intrinsically tied to the location, specifically the planar location. Something of the land, or a special item specifically attuned to the plane of existence. Without such an item you could end up anywhere in the Twisting Nether. If you’re lucky, it would be a place you could actually move around in. It’s also somewhat limited as far as that’s concerned. It can normally take less than a dozen people, so moving a large number across the planes… a portal is normally the best way.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see. We will table that for now. If you have any further ideas, let me know.
Viridius says: Of course. I could perhaps get a price tag for something for you… but it will be expensive. Hiring the spell usage of people that use such magics is not easy.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you, Viridius.
Arthak, Azgadaan, and Halno then go back to the Magister’s Terrace to interrogate Kargath, they also bring Aracyra and Sagaz. Once they reach the camp they have made outside the plateau, a figure approaches. It’s a female orc who appears to be of the Shattered Hand.
Shattered Hand Orc says: Good afternoon. Arthak, right?
Arthak Saurfang says: Right.
Shattered Hand Orc says: Mind if the two of us have a chat? Alone?
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright. Sure.
Shattered Hand Orc says: I won’t keep you long.
She smiles, and they go a distance away.
Shattered Hand Orc says: Arthak Saurfang, you made quite a lot of waves recently. What happened yesterday? With Kargath?
Arthak Saurfang says: May I ask your name first?
Shattered Hand Orc says: Right. Where are my manners. You can call me Gordulla.
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t have all the information.
Gordulla says: Good. That’ll make this easier. What do you remember? He betrayed you clearly. He killed Teron’gor. What else did he do?
Arthak Saurfang says: He tried to keep me out of the battle for the Sunwell. Specifically me. Threats, and then--
Gordulla says: Then he tried to kill you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Gordulla says: Good thing you’re resilient, because now his life is in your hands. It also means that you control the situation. He struck at you and almost killed you. You can put the deaths of every one of your clan members on him. The entire bloody mess. And from orc to another, I think that’s what you should do. Don’t waste your time. Kargath is a sycophant. He’s a psychopath. I don’t care if he betrayed us, was charmed, or really concerned over your well being, I think you and I could benefit greatly. The clan would be up in arms, but I can handle that. You can give him the chance at a warrior’s death, but I wouldn’t take that risk. He’s crafty. Even if he’s a little tired, or a little hungry, give him the chance, and he’ll tear your eyes out. Or the one you got left. I think you should stick with the one you got. So take my advice. Cut off the dog’s head. Humiliate him. Put it to an end. You’ll be better off for it. I’ll be better off for it. The Horde will be better off for it.
Arthak has heard of Gordulla, but he doesn’t know anything about her. Though, what he does know, is she made a name for herself, namely because she has gotten into no small number of public spats with Kargath. Some people claim that she’s related to him by blood, others claim that she is one of his many carnal pleasures. There are many rumors surrounding her, but the one thing that is certain is she is a very, very deadly warrior.
Arthak Saurfang says: I will think on it.
Gordulla says: You better think pretty hard, or not think at all. This is a suggestion, but it’s a pretty strongly worded suggestion.
There is one specific story Arthak remembers. One of the things that she had stood up to Kargath on is that she didn’t want to give up her left arm. She looks to be somewhere around Arthak’s age.
Arthak gives her a long, measuring look.
Arthak Saurfang says: I suspect this won’t be our last conversation.
Gordulla says: I hope not. I was wondering if you knew anything about Garrosh Hellscream. I heard the last place he was seen was in your little town. Yet no one has seen him since. What happened to your other vessels, by the way? One got stolen, but the other sunk to the bottom of the sea. Hm. Curious. Good luck, Arthak. I hope you make the right decision.
The orc turns and pulls her fur cloak back over her head and disappears into the shadows. Arthak watches her go and then returns back to his small group.
Aracyra says: What was that about, if you don’t mind me asking?
Arthak Saurfang says: A concerned clan member.
Aracyra says: Hm. I suppose that makes sense. Well I suppose we can head in.
Arthak Saurfang says: Indeed. And thank you for your assistance, lady Aracyra.
Aracyra says: Of course. If there’s anything I can do, I guess I’m… alone? I’ve never been this separated from my mother before. The closest before this was when I went with Jorin and Garrosh, but now she’s on another plane of existence. Staying busy is good, and your people have been a lot of help.
The group heads into the camp that the Shattered Hand and members from some of the other clans had erected. It almost looks more like a protest with the amount of Shattered Hand individuals lurking around, clearly not looking happy. Gul’dan and other prominent members of the Shattered Hand, as well as some death knights and warlocks, are talking. Gul’dan turns to Arthak as they arrive.
Gul'dan says: You’ve come. Welcome.
Gul’dan steps aside and reveals Kargath chained to the root of the tree, his blade removed and his hands bound behind his back, looking very much like an angry hound. He glares at Arthak as they approach.
Gul'dan says: As you can see, all who have gathered have been eagerly awaiting your arrival.
Arthak Saurfang says: I appreciate your patience. I had to make some arrangements. But now I’m here and we can proceed.
Gul'dan says: How would we proceed first, or have you already come to a decision?
Arthak Saurfang says: I would still like answers.
Gul'dan says: Of course.
Gul’dan gestures toward Kargath and Arthak looks to the others, informing him they will be summoned if they are needed. He then approaches Kargath alone.
Arthak Saurfang says: Kargath.
Kargath Bladefist says: Fuck off.
Arthak Saurfang says: You nearly killed me, Kargath, and that’s all you have to say?
Kargath Bladefist says: I nearly killed you, and you don’t even say thank you. Hehe. Some manners.
Arthak Saurfang says: Hrmph. I’ve been spending a lot of time in poor company.
Kargath Bladefist says: So I’ve been told. So what? Are you here to take my head and my clan? Eat them like you tried the Thunderlords?
Arthak Saurfang says: Tried? I want answers, Kargath. I want to know what happened. Why you tried to keep me out of the fight. Tried to kill me.
Kargath Bladefist says: I thought it was pretty obvious. What happened? I tried to kill you, and I tried to keep you out of the fight. That’s the only answer I have for you. I don’t know what the fuck happened. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve wanted to drive my blade through your back, but do you really think I’d have such a poor sense of timing?
Arthak Saurfang says: No. The timing did not seem to be your style.
Kargath Bladefist says: If it was, you wouldn’t be alive.
Arthak Saurfang says: Probably not. So. Magic? Someone got into your head?
Kargath Bladefist says: I don’t know. Do you think I know shit about this? For all I know, this was all a big setup. For all I know, the old man just wants to dispose of me, and did this himself. Just like he’ll do to you someday.
Arthak Saurfang says: We all come to our time, Kargath. I’m going to confirm what you’re saying. And then I’m going to figure out what we’re going to do with you.
Kargath Bladefist says: I’m sure you will. Don’t let me hold you up. It’s not like I can do anything about it. Unfortunately, that rock trick only really works the first time.
He strains against his chains.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll be honest, Kargath, it’s not looking good. Even if what you’re saying is true.
Kargath Bladefist says: I know what kind of orc you really are, Arthak. You pretend to be noble and honorable, that you care about the Horde, but you’re an animal, just like everyone else in this FUCKING place. You only care about yourself, your power, your own strength, and I tried to kill you. It doesn’t matter why, but I did. Even if I had the most noble of intentions, you have the perfect opportunity to rob me of my head. Just like you did with Azuka, like you did with that… whatever his name was, the spawn of Fenris. You’ll do the same to me. You’ll step on anyone you need, and one day it will fall out from beneath you, just like it did with me, and on that day I hope I’m watching from wherever our spirits go, and I can laugh.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ve always liked you, Kargath.
Kargath Bladefist says: And I’ve always liked you too, Arthak. The lie that you live is a lot more interesting than anyone else in this misbegotten place.
Arthak Saurfang says: Do you think you have one last fight in you?
Kargath Bladefist says: Do I have one last fight? Hah. Playing the part of the noble warrior to the very end I see. If you’re so inclined to give me one last chance, I won’t disappoint you, and I won’t hold back either.
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright. I’m going to confirm your story, and then we’ll end this. Get ready.
Arthak summons Aracyra, Azgadaan, and Halno.
Kargath Bladefist says: An interrogation squad. You pulled out all the stops, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Only the best for you.
Azgadaan uses dispel magic and remove curse on Kargath.
Kargath Bladefist says: Are you having fun, demon? I can make sparks too, you know.
Azgadaan says: I imagine you could, but today hasn’t been that fun.
Halno delves into Kargath’s thoughts, and the first thoughts he gets are that this is all a farce and he’s not afraid to die. Halno delves further, and it becomes clear that Kargath doesn’t care if things burn if he dies. He’s bitter, and he doesn’t want a "fucking Gordulla" to benefit, and it’s obvious that he’s looking for her in the crowd.
Halno blatantly relays everything to Arthak.
Kargath Bladefist says: You think you’re fucking funny, don’t you?
Halno says: Most of the time.
Aracyra then steps forward and uses suggestion for Kargath to tell them why he tried to kill Arthak.
Kargath Bladefist says: Isn’t it obvious? You’re weak, Arthak, and I saw what that witch tried to do to you. You meddle in unexpected fucking ways. But those elves would have killed you. That lizard bitch if none other. And I can’t watch how interesting you were, if you went and got yourself fucking killed by anyone else but me. After all, didn’t we promise to be the ones to kill each other a long time ago? At least that’s what I remember, but I had more than my share of mead.
Halno looks at Arthak and nods, and Halno is shoved out of his mind.
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright. Thank you all.
Arthak surveys the crowd, and it’s clear they may try something if Kargath is just executed. However, Gul’dan is always watching, and he assures Arthak that if anything is tried, he will ensure it’s a lesson for them.
Kargath Bladefist says: Have you made a decision, Arthak?
Arthak looks at Kargath, then nods, drawing his sword.
Arthak Saurfang says: I try to keep my promises, Kargath. One last fight.
Kargath laughs.
Kargath Bladefist says: Sure. Lets go out with a bang, cowardspawn.
Gul’dan looks at Arthak.
Gul'dan says: Are you sure this is the decision you wish to make?
Arthak Saurfang says: This is better for the Horde.
Gul’dan looks at Kargath and back to Arthak.
Gul'dan says: As you wish. Then you have my sincerest hopes that you come out of this successful.
He places a hand on his shoulder, and there is a twinge of magic. He starts to cast a spell on Arthak. Halno gets a glimpse, but neither of them know what it is. Arthak refuses the spell, however.
Arthak Saurfang says: We need to be able to work with Kargath if this falls through, Elder. You’ll need to be able to.
Gul'dan says: Of course, Arthak. Then I wish you the best of luck.
Arthak puts a hand on Gul’dan’s shoulder and prepares to face Kargath.
Arthak Saurfang says: Our work continues, no matter what.
Kargath shoves the chains aside as he is released, and reaffixes his blade.
Kargath Bladefist says: Don’t disappoint me, Herald of the Bloodmist.
Gul’dan begins to speak the rules of the engagement. Given Kargath was the challenged, he could set the rules.
Kargath Bladefist says: No rules. I want this to be fun. Just no one get involved.
Arthak takes the moment to rage and prepares for the fight to start. Kargath cracks his shoulders.
Kargath Bladefist says: Your little draenei boyfriend isn’t here to save you this time, cowardspawn.
Kargath charges, and Arthak immediately goes giant. Everyone else goes nuts, and Kargath stops for a second, giving Arthak an opening to strike. Kargath’s knees buckle as he tries to take the brunt of the blow.
Kargath Bladefist says: What the fuck are you?
Another strike causes Kargath to slide backwards, and Arthak action surges, bringing his blade down again, but the last hit is evaded. Kargath flips onto the blade to run at Arthak’s face, but Arthak activates his fire rune, fiery chains wrapping around Kargath. As this happens, Kargath attempts to shove him back, but the chains pull him back to the ground.
Arthak takes a step back, out of melee range.
Kargath struggles against the chains, and is able to break free of them.
Arthak closes again, and activates his frost rune, managing to cut into Kargath once more, and a second time. Kargath stays up by the skin of his teeth, and swings back at Arthak, but Arthak is able to shove him aside.
Kargath swings in with a fury, but all three of his attacks miss. He action surges, and a blow manages to clip Arthak.
Kargath Bladefist says: Stop moving, you BASTARD.
He grabs his blade with his hand, and flips over Arthak’s blade and plunges his own blade into the side of Arthak’s neck.
He makes two more attacks, trying to stun Arthak with his third flourish, but Arthak resists as Kargath opens up multiple grievous wounds. Kargath then disengages, and moves away, leaving the bleeding injuries to hinder Arthak.
Arthak grabs a javelin and throws it at Kargath as the other orc flees. As Kargath turns back, the javelin pierces right through the back of his chest, and he drops to the ground. He tries to get up, but he is coughing and unable to do so.
Arthak then approaches the downed orc.
Kargath rolls over on his back, partially breaking the javelin.
Kargath Bladefist says: Hahaha. What the fuck is all this about?
He coughs up blood.
Kargath Bladefist says: You been holding back on me?
Arthak Saurfang says: I wanted to give you a couple surprises.
Kargath Bladefist says: Well. You did pretty good. Really thought I could get the upper hand. It’s a lot harder to knock you down when you’re a big fucking bastard like that. Good show, you fucking asshole. Listen to me. No matter what happens. Don’t buy into all the fucking liars. Don’t give up on that animal that I know is inside of you. After all, you can’t die now. That was my job. Hahaha. Don’t let them fucking make me into one of those bleeding bastards. Like they did to Maim. I’ve had it with this shit. Whatever hell’s waiting for me will be a lot more interesting than fucking war.
Arthak Saurfang says: No chains on you, Kargath.
Kargath raises his blade into the air.
Kargath Bladefist says: No chains.
Arthak brings his blade down, separating Kargath’s head from his body. Arthak’s body shrinks again as the flames sputter out and die. A few of the Shattered Hand look at Arthak with rage, but they raise their blades and put them on their chest.
Arthak catches Gordulla’s eye, and he gives a nod, which she returns.
Gul'dan says: Well fought, Arthak. Well fought. It seems in his age, Kargath’s edge had dulled more than he would have liked to admit.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yet he still fought well. And now it’s done.
Gul'dan says: And now it’s done. Do not be surprised if some of his more loyal members make an attempt on your life. Until we can bring their group into order, that is.
Arthak Saurfang says: That should take care of itself now.
Gul'dan says: Yes. I wager it will. We’ll see that his body is returned to his people. Though he died a traitor, he will still be given his dues for what he has done for the Horde.
Arthak Saurfang says: Good. He paid his price.
Gul’dan heads over and kneels down, brushing a hand across Kargath’s arm. He detaches Kargath’s blade.
Gul'dan says: This, I believe, would be a good trophy for you, however.
He offers it to Arthak, and Arthak takes it.
Arthak Saurfang says: Hopefully I’ll never need it.
Gul'dan says: Hopefully not. You may return to your people now, Arthak. I believe you’ve earned some small degree of respite before things begin to… we will speak again.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. Thank you, elder.
Gul'dan says: Of course, Arthak. As ever, the longevity of the Horde is our greatest concern.
Gul’dan has his people gather up Kargath’s remains to be sent back to the Shattered Hand.
Azgadaan nods at Arthak and they start to head back.
In the meantime, Nyxxa was speaking with Vaerux.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Well, quite the shitshow this turned into, huh?
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: It is what it is.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Yes I suppose you’re right. So what to you make of all this? The tree? The portal? I’m surprised the Legion tried that as quickly as they did.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: Tried what?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Move Draenor into the Twisting Nether. Quite the royal fuck up, I’d say.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: So was that what was happening?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: With the forge camps? Almost positive. What else would it be for? They were beacons. Axis to control it. That’s my guess, at least. It wasn’t obvious at first, but upon hearing and seeing all this… it’s almost assured.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: So what is that tree?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Beats me. It’s not like anything I’ve seen before. Not entirely. There are other things like it, but this is a little different than that.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: So what do you make of this?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: I think this is something no one was expecting. I don’t know what was going on, but this wasn’t the expected outcome, that much I can tell.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: Huh. And so what’s got you in a more talkative mood?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Because this is an opportunity for us. An opportunity for you. A curious one. One that I’m almost certain you’ll spit in the face of, but I think you’ll come around to it. It’s obvious that you won’t start helping the Legion, but what if you started to help yourself? What I’m offering is for you to help me help you.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: How?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: I know things, Nyxxa. Many things. Things about this world, things about you, things about the people that you cared for.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: And what are you going to ask of me?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Nothing significant. Ultimately, it’s even more beneficial for you, one could say. After all… you wish to defeat the demons you so desperately want to destroy. I can feel it quickening in your blood. You might get the opportunity sooner than you might think. You and I could go places, Nyxxa. All it would take is a few measly little souls. We could even start with that precious Caria of yours, once she returns.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: She needs to be dealt with permanently.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: She does. And everything you kill her here, is a time she roams freely. You have a tool, which we can thank you cannibalistic little friends for. You have one of the only tools that can destroy a demon outside the Twisting Nether. Sure, it may take some time, but it’s a tool you shouldn’t be afraid to use on your enemies.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: And if I’m being honest… I might have done the same on that woman I killed.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: On Lana’thel? You could have tried, but there wasn’t much left. That blade is quite a trinket. What I wouldn’t give to get my hands on it, but perhaps in another life. But I’ve been watching you Nyxxa, and I realized we have much more in common than you might realize. As a gesture of good faith, perhaps I will answer one question for you. What do you want to know?
Nyxxa thinks.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Do you want to know what the tree reminds me of? Do you want to know why you chose to become a satyr? Oh! Was that giving away too much? I’m sorry. Perhaps your beloved… I wonder how she’s faring in all this. Perhaps more about your old friends, or your OLD friends....
Nyxxa takes a deep breath.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Or perhaps you’d like to know more about… other things. Deeper things. Though that may be something better left for a later conversation.
Nyxxa is quiet for a long while.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: You don’t have to decide right now, after all, we have the rest of ETERNITY to spend together. And after all, perhaps I did give you a bit more than I intended to… And I shouldn’t reveal my old hand. You won’t have reason to help me otherwise. But I imagine you and I are more well acquainted now than you were with your own parents.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: Why did you turn me into a satyr?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Hm. You see, Nyxxa, there’s something that I believe is a misconception between us. I’m not surprised your subconscious turned it around, but the curse of the satyr is compulsory, and also can’t be… forced on someone. I did perform the rite, yes, but you were full willing. There was no magical compelling. You were not controlled. You chose this life. Just like every other one of us. You made this choice.
Nyxxa says [telepathically]: Then why?
Vaerux says [telepathically]: Mm! One question. As I said, I don’t want to reveal my hand. But I would be more than glad to answer that question for you, and many others. There is a war going on right now, after all, and there are souls aplenty. Souls that are waiting to be devoured. Waiting to be devoured by you. Souls are a currency, you see, especially amongst demonkind. In this particular instance, you are reaping the benefits twice over, I’m simply sating a thirst, and a curiosity. And to sweeten the deal, perhaps I can teach you some of those techniques I promised. Information and techniques both. I’ll be here if you ever change your mind.
Nyxxa doesn’t answer, and Vaerux recedes back into her mind with a laugh. She sits and thinks for a bit.
After some time, Nyxxa goes to find Levia.
Levia Blackflight says: Hey Nyxxa, what’s up? You look a little pissed.
Nyxxa says: I’m a fucking idiot.
Levia Blackflight says: What happened?
Nyxxa says: Remember the thing you told me not to do?
Levia Blackflight says: You listened to him, didn’t you?
Nyxxa says: I learned some things.
Levia Blackflight says: What did he tell you?
Nyxxa says: Well, first of all, the fact the whole Draenor blowing up? That’s probably the Legion’s doing. And is likely what they were intending.
Levia Blackflight says: Shit.
Nyxxa says: And… I became a satyr willingly. And that means I fucking… have been lying to myself this entire time.
Levia Blackflight says: Okay. Hold on. That’s what he said, right?
Nyxxa says: Yes.
Levia Blackflight says: He’s a liar by trade. There’s no way he’s telling the truth.
Nyxxa says: I… I don’t know.
Levia Blackflight says: Look. You just need to talk to someone that knows more about this. Maybe if you can contact your friend again. You know. Your friends. They would know more, right?
Nyxxa says: She doesn’t know anything about me before this.
Levia Blackflight says: Well. Someone does, right? You don’t need him for these stupid answers. His are probably full of lies anyways. Fuck him.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: She really doesn’t like me, does she?
Nyxxa tries to shut him down, but fails.
Levia Blackflight says: Look. Try not to freak out. He’s probably not telling you the entire thing.
Nyxxa says: I know he’s not…
Levia Blackflight says: Well don’t listen! He’s probably trying to manipulate you. Look. Whatever the truth is, we’ll figure it out, and we won’t need to use his stupid lies to do it. I don’t know how, but, someone has to have known you before hand. Hell. If we have to ask that goddess you were praying to. Maybe she knows, right? If she exists. There’s gotta be a more reliable source.
Nyxxa says: I just need a moment.
Levia Blackflight says: You’re alright. You’re good. I got you. Lets go for a walk. It always helps me clear my mind.
Nyxxa says: Yeah…
They head out for a walk, and Nyxxa isn’t good for a bit.
After a while after, Nyxxa goes to find Arthak.
Nyxxa says: Arthak, can we talk in private?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
They head to the tower where he used to meet Garrosh, and Nyxxa uses see invisibility. There’s nothing there.
Nyxxa says: Alright. We’re clear.
Arthak Saurfang says: What is it?
Nyxxa says: What did the White Tyrant tell you about what happened to Draenor? In detail.
Arthak Saurfang says: The destruction of the portal caused damage to the one on Draenor, which caused a number of plans to destabilize. The portal’s power fell apart…
Nyxxa says: What she implied was the destruction of the portal is what shattered Draenor?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Nyxxa says: I learned from a somewhat… somewhat reliable source on this matter that that probably isn’t the case.
Vaerux says [telepathically]: That’s the nicest thing you ever said about me.
Arthak Saurfang says: The portal… being destroyed wasn’t the cause?
Nyxxa says: It might have been a catalyst, but it wasn’t the cause. You remember the forge station we met at?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Nyxxa says: There are likely ones like that all over Draenor, and their purpose was to bring Draenor into the Twisting Nether.
Arthak Saurfang says: Which it now is, if not intact.
Nyxxa says: The portal sped up their plans, but this was likely their plan from the beginning.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...Okay.
Nyxxa says: In any case, do not think the failure here led to Draenor’s destruction. That’s far from the truth. If anything, they are putting the blame on you and your allies to cover their own mistake.
Arthak Saurfang says: … Good to know. Is that all?
Nyxxa says: There is… what I mentioned earlier. Whether or not you want to know the truth is up to you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Broxigar…
Nyxxa says: The reason why demons seem to know his name. But I trust if you know the truth, that does not leave this platform.
Arthak Saurfang says: I know at least three truths. But no, it will be a private matter. What do you have, Nyxxa?
Nyxxa says: You remember the war I told you about? 10,000 years ago, yes?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Nyxxa says: Seems that an ally of mine that was also present regards him as a war hero. Of the very same war.
Arthak Saurfang says: My father was a war hero in a war that took place 10,000 years ago?
Nyxxa nods, dead serious.
Arthak Saurfang says: Okay. Go on.
Nyxxa says: They never found his body after the fact. Or he was lost.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well, he certainly was that.
Nyxxa says: Though the person I spoke to had no reason to know anything about orcs. Especially back then. I trust them. And especially given… Caria’s reaction to your surname. But if there’s… I know basically nothing about magics with time, but things get complicated.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m sure they do.
Nyxxa says: Though I suppose it might be useful in the future to know there are some people on this world that would consider your father a war hero.
Arthak Saurfang says: Should we come upon those people, I will have that, yes.
Nyxxa says: I suppose of all the truths you know, that may be the one giving demons pause around you.
Arthak Saurfang says: I… suspect the one where my father ripped out Sargeras’s eye probably would give them more pause. But regardless, it’s useful information. Whoever, or whatever, Broxigar was, is useful information. Thank you. Who’s your contact? Might I know?
Nyxxa says: That I can’t tell you. Not yet.
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright.
Nyxxa says: Until a day comes where we can talk about these matters without fear of who hears.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well, Nyxxa. Is that all you wished to talk about?
Nyxxa says: I am curious as to how you’re feeling in light of everything.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m waiting for something to take it out on. Gel’nok, gone. Azuka… gone. Garrosh… Kargath… Go’el… it is what it is. We keep moving forward.
Nyxxa nods.
Nyxxa says: Though some are lost, some are also not beyond saving. As we’re quickly learning, both hell and earths can be moved. We can bring them back.
Arthak Saurfang says: And we’re going to.
Nyxxa says: You have both my blades, Arthak.
Nyxxa kneels before Arthak. Arthak scoffs.
Arthak Saurfang says: Stand up.
Nyxxa says: Of course, not publicly. It would be bad show.
Arthak Saurfang says: I imagine anyone who is paying attention would notice you follow me around, but your point is taken. We’re in this together, Nyxxa. And don’t kneel.
Nyxxa says: I mean, how else will I see you eye to eye?
Nyxxa laughs.
Arthak Saurfang says: I could make a step ladder, perhaps. A sturdy one.
Nyxxa says: Or you could just, you know, use the trick Gel’nok taught you.
Arthak Saurfang says: Then I’m looking down at you, and we achieved nothing.
Nyxxa says: But we’d have a good time of it.
Arthak Saurfang says: We would.
Nyxxa says: In the end, if I can get you to joke, I think that’s a win. I know it’s hard, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Azuka Bladefury. Hattock the Gronmaster. Ner’zhul. Kargath. I fought and killed some elves. I fought and killed some demons. But what doesn’t change, is most of what I find beneath my blade is other orcs. Good ones. Bad ones. The good kind of bad ones. Kargath was a beast… an animal. But he lived his entire life exactly to his principles. Distorted though they were.
Nyxxa says: Do you envy him, then?
Arthak Saurfang says: Somewhat. Mostly, I mourn him. All the orcs with principles are dying off.
Nyxxa says: Yet there’s still another generation out there.
Arthak Saurfang says: My point stands.
Nyxxa says: Then I suppose the battle at this point just might be to… make sure that gets protected. We spoke on sacrifice before. Do you recall what you told me a few months ago? What you wouldn’t sacrifice no matter what?
Arthak Saurfang says: My people. The clan….
Arthak doesn’t finish the statement, as it was “my friends.”
Nyxxa says: Something we all learn eventually, Arthak, is we don’t really get to choose what we sacrifice. Sometimes, we’re not given a choice. And any choice that is “or death” isn’t a choice at all. Don’t make people make you think otherwise.
Arthak Saurfang says: I think my father would disagree with you there. And on this instance, I would agree with him. It’s always a choice, even when the alternative is death. We make our choices, even with the blade to our throat. We choose. Everything you have done, everything I have done, was a choice. Whatever my sins, my triumphs, yours… those are ours. We own them. We may have been given pushes, talked to, lied to, manipulated, all of it, but we made our choices. It does me no favors, but I will not walk away from the responsibility of this. If it wasn’t a choice, what would it matter? For good or ill. What would any of this matter if this wasn’t a choice. Especially in the face of death.
Nyxxa is quiet for a few moments.
Nyxxa says: I suppose as long as we’re alive, we have the opportunity to make it right. Even if we can’t, we can try. Having blood on our hands doesn’t stop us from doing good.
Arthak Saurfang says: On that, we agree.
Nyxxa says: Thank you, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: For what?
Nyxxa says: I needed that.
Arthak Saurfang says: We all do sometimes.
Nyxxa says: I’m here if you need to talk.
Arthak Saurfang says: And I’m here if you need to.
Nyxxa nods and smiles.
Arthak Saurfang says: We’re in this together. If nothing else, when this road comes to its end, wherever that is, we will both be there.
Nyxxa says: And if we’re damned, we’re at least damned together.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Nyxxa says: Does this make us friends now, Arthak?
Arthak sighs.
Arthak Saurfang says: Today it does. I think today we could both use a friend.
Nyxxa says: Perhaps we both need a day in the forge. Make something in memory of Gel’nok.
Arthak Saurfang says: There’s armor to finish, and something else, maybe.
They start to head out, and Arthak stops.
Arthak Saurfang says: This is where Garrosh and I would talk. I think perhaps, from now on, this can be where you and I talk.
Nyxxa nods, and they head out.
At some point, Arthak mentions to the party that Garrosh is gone. Meaning dead. Azgadaan asks how, and Arthak simply states he was on the boat that went up in flames.
Azgadaan says: Odd.
Arthak Saurfang says: Unfortunately not very. Garrosh had enemies.
Azgadaan says: Hm. Well, he was your friend, wasn’t he?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. He was my friend.
Azgadaan says: Well, maybe one day we can get the bastard that did it.
Arthak Saurfang says: I can only hope.
Following the events with Kargath, there are no attempts on Arthak’s life. But after some time, a new chieftain of the Shattered Hand is announced: Gordulla. However, that was not the person Gul’dan was trying to make the chieftain. While perplexed, however, Gul’dan is not concerned yet.
About a month or two later, when Azgadaan is trying to get through to Samaara to check in on her, all he gets back is static through his sending stone. He then tries to dream her, and he awakens in a strange dreamscape in the midst of a black field. The sky is covered in storm clouds with green lightning arcing through them. In the distance, there is a silhouette, and when he tries to get closer, he is struck by lightning and awoken. For the next five or so days, any dreams he had have a rumbling of thunder in the background--just for him. If he uses dream on anyone, they don’t notice it.
The group also tries to raid Kilnar’s reliquary, and it takes them a few days of work to crack in safely. What they discover is the tome they found is a constantly updating list of everything in the vault. It removes any entries when something is taken out. They find a good deal of money, and two boxes of turquoise animal figures that are worth some money. There is a bronze crown, and a gold bird filigree that is very well made and very well kept. There are some tapestries, and a +1 longsword, in addition to a peculiar stone: it’s a stone of good luck. From what Nyxxa can tell about the longsword, it appears to be of night elven origin.
As time rolls on, the borders between the Alliance and Horde begin to be drawn, as the war on the denizens of Azeroth begins.