[Horde] Chapter Three: Session Twenty-Five

Appearing Characters: Aracyra, Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Garrosh Hellscream, Gul'dan, Halno, Jorin Deadeye, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Mother Kaza, Lana'thel Dawnseeker, Lantresor, Levia Blackflight, Nyxxa, Orianelle, Sagaz, Selin Fireheart, Shaspira, Zaela

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January 1st

All eyes are drawn to the commotion as Jorin, Garrosh, Zaela, and Aracyra appear. Clutched around his staff, Jorin does also have the severed remains of his arm. Zaela is unconscious in Garrosh’s arms. Arthak and Azgadaan emerge to the gentle snowfall that is drifting from overhead.

It’s much, much colder than it was when they went to sleep.

Arthak Saurfang says: Go and wake Mother Kaza. All our healers!

Garrosh also starts shouting orders to get healers. Azgadaan sends for Levia while he casts identify vitals.

Aracyra immediately goes straight to Azgadaan and hugs him. She seems to be, for the most part, alright and wasn’t seriously wounded.

Garrosh seems to have some cracked ribs and potentially internal bleeding.

Jorin seems to be… alright despite the fact he’s missing an arm and another eye. He is working on casting a spell with his hand held to his eye--the spell arcane eye so he can see the area around him.

Zaela isn’t looking very good. It seems like a good portion of midsection, including her pelvis and parts of her spine, seems to be completely shattered.

Azgadaan sends Ori asking how she is with repairing shattered lower bodies, and she hastily offers to come through the portal.

The hustle and bustle is drawing a lot of attention, and while healers are being gathered, Garrosh is trying to focus on getting Zaela help. Jorin looks in Arthak’s direction.

Arthak Saurfang says: What happened?
Jorin Deadeye says: Much, Saurfang. Much.

Jorin, still leaning on his staff, starts to approach, and Arthak approaches to help him.

Jorin Deadeye says: We made our way to Deatholme, but we weren’t exactly successful in our mission.

He takes his arm and holds the arm up to his shoulder. He grunts, and yellowish black tar begins to fuse the sections together. There is still a scar, but it seems to have been completely reattached.

Arthak Saurfang says: What happened with the sword?
Jorin Deadeye says: The elves beat us to it. I… I don’t know exactly how they learned about it, or why they sought it, but I believe it was Mal’Ganis’s doing. I believe he sought to use their leader as a puppet, but that too failed. Their king is dead. The only survivor was a woman. A leader of their military. A general of some kind. She took the blade, and she finished off Mal’Ganis before turning on us. We were already weak from that cursed place, but somehow we were able to survive.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank the ancestors.
Jorin Deadeye says: The ancestors were not watching us there, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: You survived at least.
Jorin Deadeye says: Yes. Yes I did.
Arthak Saurfang says: An elf has the sword. Mal’ganis is dead. For now.
Jorin Deadeye says: I believe not even that blade will stop him from returning. I assume he will seek revenge, but that is… that is a dilemma for another day, I suppose.
Arthak Saurfang says: Do you think she will come here? Probably.
Jorin Deadeye says: I don’t know. She turned away from her fallen king to attempt to slay us.
Arthak Saurfang says: What killed her king? Was it Mal’Ganis? You all? Or the sword?
Jorin Deadeye says: I suppose a bit of all, but the blade dealt the final blow, if I were to wager a guess. Arthak there is something else. There was another orc we encountered. I don’t know who or what he was. Or what his purpose was. But without him, I would be dead.
Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting.
Jorin Deadeye says: No, not interesting, Arthak. I do not know the woman, but I know her face. I’ve always known her face. I should not be alive.

Jorin looks at Arthak, and though he has no eyes, Arthak can feel his piercing gaze.

Jorin Deadeye says: I have to meditate on this.
Arthak Saurfang says: … I see. That is… something to be concerned with later.
Jorin Deadeye says: I have to return to my clan.
Arthak Saurfang says: I understand. We can provide medical care before you do. I will see to messages being sent for those that need to be informed.

Jorin nods.

Jorin Deadeye says: I will make do. Our own healers will tend to me when I arrive, but I… I have to return.

Jorin seems to be very shaken, clearly not believing he should be alive. Arthak sets a hand on his shoulder.

Arthak Saurfang says: We live in strange times, Jorin. This is not the first time I have seen fate denied.
Jorin Deadeye says: Fate cannot be denied, Arthak. Or… perhaps it can. Perhaps everything I’ve known and feared… is nothing. I have to meditate on this. I leave them in your care.

He gestures back to the others.

Arthak Saurfang says: We will take care of them. Take care of yourself Jorin, and we will need to talk soon.
Jorin Deadeye says: I understand. Soon, Arthak.

Jorin turns and starts to head away to find someone to take him to the mainland. Arthak orders commands to get someone to get Jorin across the channel.

Azgadaan says: Arthak. She in particular needs medical attention. Her entire lower body is shattered. I can take us to the Vitiator immediately, and potentially that can be fixed.
Garrosh Hellscream says: You will do no such thing!
Arthak Saurfang says: Garrosh, he is my ally. He means well. They can fix her.
Azgadaan says: I’m not sure if you have the technology for what she needs. If we go now, she can maybe be saved.
Garrosh Hellscream says: And at what cost?
Azgadaan says: I will ensure she can walk again. The cost, financial, I will see to. You brave souls risked your life to get that blade, and that risk is enough for me to want to restore her. Besides. This isn’t for you, it’s for her.

Garrosh turns from Azgadaan.

Garrosh Hellscream says: You will forgive me for not believing in your generosity. You may ask her yourself, but I know her response will be the same as me. I have no desire to see her turned into a project for your demonic ritualists.

At that point, Mother Kaza has pushed herself in to take a look at Zaela. She takes out a few herbs and starts to place them across Zaela’s body in some basic ritual magic. Arthak takes Azgadaan aside.

Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you for trying, Azgadaan. Can you get someone here?
Azgadaan says: People are already on the way.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you. I’ll try to persuade Garrosh.
Azgadaan says: I don’t need him to trust me, I need her to.
Arthak Saurfang says: The two tend to come together.
Azgadaan says: If it’ll help, try to convince them it’s a favor.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll try to make you sound like a normal eredar. But you need to know. An elven general has the sword.

Arthak looks to the sky.

Azgadaan says: Later, I can send one of them into your dreams to show you what happened.
Arthak Saurfang says: Useful possibility. But she and it are coming.
Azgadaan says: Very likely.
Arthak Saurfang says: We need to get ready.

At this point Levia has arrived.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’m also going to need to talk to Lady Shaspira and send messages to others. But right now I need to tend to this. Is Aracyra alright?
Azgadaan says: A few deep cuts, but nothing to worry about. I’ll take care of her.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. You see to her, I’ll see to them.

Azgadaan gives Arthak the horn of alarm to send for him if needed and said that if he’s needed, they can get them to the Vitiator.

Azgadaan says: We can hopefully get through this whole.
Arthak Saurfang says: The sword is coming, Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: I know.

Azgadaan heads back to check on Aracyra.

Azgadaan says: Where do you want to go? The Vitiator, the palace, my quarters here?
Aracyra says: Anywhere. Just not here.

Azgadaan takes her back to his quarters.

Meanwhile, Kaza is forcing Garrosh to back off while she is tending to Zaela.

Mother Kaza says: She should be safe enough to move. Fortunately you didn’t do too much damage on the way here. We can take her to the healing tents, and there, we can at least make sure she won’t suffer until she wakes up. She’ll be alright, but I’m not certain she can walk again without potent magics. Magics well beyond ours. I don’t know if the demon has these abilities--
Arthak Saurfang says: There are some that do.
Mother Kaza says: Perhaps that is an option. On the plus side, she can use her arms. That’s good. A terrible loss for a warrior such as her, but she can bear children as well.

Kaza nods.

Arthak sends a grunt to prepare a mount for Zaela when she awakes.

Arthak Saurfang says: Rosh. They’ll do what they can for her. But your part in this is done for now.
Garrosh Hellscream says: I understand.
Mother Kaza says: I need some strapping lads or lasses to bring her safely to the tent. Not you!

She points at Garrosh.

Mother Kaza says: You will come of your own volition. I need to look you over as well.

Garrosh opens his mouth to protest, but Kaza shoots him a look that silences him immediately.

Mother Kaza says: You’re a mouthy one, Hellscream, but I won’t have your lip. Come on!

Garrosh looks at Arthak with a clear look of ‘we need to talk’. Arthak nods, and he bids Sadras farewell and tells her to inform the other clan leaders the sword is coming before hurrying after him.

Arthak feels something in the meanwhile, now that his mind is on the sword. Like the pain of an old stab wound. When it’s quiet he can almost hear what sounds like the creaking of a tree in the wind.

Levia was way out of her element in regards to this situation, but she is at least here, and she gets filled in on what happened.

Eventually Lantresor arrives as well.

Lantresor says: I heard what happened, Arthak. That you believe the elves are coming.
Arthak Saurfang says: I think at least one.
Lantresor says: I would ask what one elf can do against many, but your face says it all. You are frightened.
Arthak Saurfang says: I know what that sword is capable of.
Lantresor says: I see. Then we redouble our efforts if you believe this elf is to return. We will be ready if that’s what we must do.
Arthak Saurfang says: There is no ready. But we’re going to have to try.

Before Garrosh is finished, Arthak sees another eredar approaching the town. There is a long cloak over her figure, and she has a satchel. She doesn’t appear to be a warrior, but she is likely the individual that Azgadaan was speaking of. Arthak grabs Levia to be a translator, but the eredar speaks to Arthak in nearly perfect orcish.

Orianelle says: Greetings. I was told that there was an incident here. By Lord Azgadaan.
Arthak Saurfang says: One of our warriors has suffered damage to her back. Azgadaan said that you might have something that could help.
Orianelle says: It is perhaps possible, yes, but if it is as severe as it seems, it may not be as simple as Lord Azgadaan hopes.
Arthak Saurfang says: Explain.
Orianelle says: It depends. With time, a lot of time, the bones may be able to be mended. There are procedures that could be done that would increase the chance of success. I do not have anything that could guarantee success here on the Vitiator. It is not a medical vessel. It has basics, but nothing for trauma. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do. But we would need to take her with us. To another vessel, or another world that is better equipped. It would still take time. Otherwise, I can ensure she heals, but when the bones reset it is a very small chance she could walk with what I can offer here. There are some small magics that could restore her, but such regeneration magics are well beyond my capabilities. I am a student of the true magics first and foremost, one that applies my trade to the arts of healing. Such magic is beyond my ability. It’s possible some of your most powerful shamans, or a powerful priest, but… there are few of those.
Arthak Saurfang says: Alright.
Orianelle says: There are other options that could be explored. Replacements… But those are not easy to come by.
Arthak Saurfang says: She and the one she’s with do not trust demons or their gifts.
Orianelle says: I understand. I would not impose my solutions upon her or her mate. But I simply wish to help.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see why Azgadaan sent for you. Alright. Go. Tell Mother Kaza that you’re there to help. And if the other orc, the bald one, complains, tell him that… tell him to take it up with me.
Orianelle says: Very well. I will inform him of… such.
Arthak Saurfang says: Do everything you can for her.

Ori nods and heads in. She announces herself and starts to speak in orcish with Mother Kaza who gruffly accepts her presence there. Garrosh starts to protest, but Kaza immediately hushes him. Not long after, he exits the tent, bandaged, and approaches Arthak.

Garrosh Hellscream says: That crone…
Arthak Saurfang says: Will save her life.
Garrosh Hellscream says: I. Know. I know.
Arthak Saurfang says: Come on. We need to talk. In private.

Garrosh nods and walks alongside Arthak. There’s a slight limp he tries to cover, which Arthak pretends not to notice. They wind up on the tower they had last talked on. Garrosh winces with every step, but he doesn’t complain.

As soon as they get to the top, Garrosh drives his fist through one of the loose stones on the edge of the crumbling guard tower.

Garrosh Hellscream says: Impossible. Today has been impossible.
Arthak Saurfang says: Sadly not.
Garrosh Hellscream says: So it seems. How have things been since I left?
Arthak Saurfang says: Busy. Complex. Do you want the good or the bad first?
Garrosh Hellscream says: I got enough bad news. Get it out of the way.
Arthak Saurfang says: I warned you the last time we spoke.

Garrosh’s eyes narrow.

Garrosh Hellscream says: You didn’t.

Arthak just watches him levelly as a response, and another brick gets shattered.

Garrosh Hellscream says: You idiot! Do you realize what a difficult game I’m playing? What a difficult game YOU’RE playing?
Arthak Saurfang says: I do. It’s the game we have to play.
Garrosh Hellscream says: I want this board already cleared. It’s only a matter of time before HE decides to get rid of me.

Arthak then gives him another level, non-response.

Garrosh Hellscream says: I can’t stay here. Not right now. But Zaela… I can’t leave her either.
Arthak Saurfang says: There are options.

Arthak recognizes the fact that he is alone with Garrosh, who is unarmed, at the top of a multi-story tower. Arthak recalls what he was told, but mentally brings up reasons why it would be strategically unsound to move now. The spell subsides a little bit.

Arthak Saurfang says: Go’el is currently off the board.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Where did he run off to?
Arthak Saurfang says: Home.
Garrosh Hellscream says: For what’s left of it.
Arthak Saurfang says: For something we might need.

Garrosh lets the statement sit.

Garrosh Hellscream says: I see. Important enough to draw him from his people… I wager it’s a pressing concern.
Arthak Saurfang says: And enough to keep him from his enemies.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Would that I could trade jobs with him. That bleeding sword is going to have to speed up our plans. Dangerously so.
Arthak Saurfang says: The elf who took it. Do you know anything? Did she say anything?
Garrosh Hellscream says: Nothing I understood. It’s possible that the witch understood her words, but I did not.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll talk to Aracyra.
Garrosh Hellscream says: We encountered her before the grove. She fought within it as well. She did not claim the blade until that treacherous… whatever he was decided to step in.
Arthak Saurfang says: The orc?
Garrosh Hellscream says: He called himself Dorithax, but he wielded power I’ve never seen. Vanished into a whirlwind of sand. Seemed to be able to be wherever you weren’t. He struck with some sort of… storm. I know not what it was.
Arthak Saurfang says: This world has powerful creatures that can wear different shapes. Faces.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Great.
Arthak Saurfang says: Sinestra, the one that seized Zaela’s clan.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Is one of them.
Arthak Saurfang says: I don’t know if they are the same creature, but she is of that ilk.
Garrosh Hellscream says: I’m of a mind with my father on this one particular instance, then. I mislike this duplicity.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yet we are no strangers to it.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Let me make it perfectly clear, Arthak. Give me a reason to mistrust your little play here, and you’ll fall like the others.
Arthak Saurfang says: I want your oath on that.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Tch. I don’t have my little pet anymore to point out all my targets. You’re one of the ones I know, Arthak. And you should know better than to ask me to repeat myself. If you want your head attached, then you won’t dare betray the Horde. The true Horde. After we figure out where we can put Zaela where she will be safe, I will need to leave. I wager with the barriers dropped, the Horde is moving. I will need to move too. As will all of my people. The war might be beginning, but the true war has been waging, and I won’t lose now.
Arthak Saurfang says: You should know, Blackhand’s throne is getting unsteady.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Good. I’m glad to hear it. That old man should think about retiring before someone else has the idea for him. By the way, what happened to that eye of yours? I knew you looked up to Jorin, but this is a bit far, don’t you think?

He grins.

Arthak Saurfang says: Dal’rend made a similar joke. I cut it out and embarrassed his father.
Garrosh Hellscream says: I see. Unsteady indeed.
Arthak Saurfang says: Blackhand’s eye is on me.
Garrosh Hellscream says: And he has two of them, and many more.
Arthak Saurfang says: One such eye is what precipitated my situation with the warchief.
Garrosh Hellscream says: I see. Very well. I suppose these next few months will be rather interesting, won’t they?
Arthak Saurfang says: Assuming we survive them.
Garrosh Hellscream says: You best not have any plans to go and die yet, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Not yet.
Garrosh Hellscream says: Good.

Garrosh walks past Arthak and bumps a fist on the side of his shoulder before he starts to descend the stairs again.

Arthak Saurfang says: Regarding Zaela. The demon healer. She can take her away. Someplace safe, and somewhere where they can heal her legs.

Garrosh sighs heavily.

Garrosh Hellscream says: Do you trust her. This… demon?
Arthak Saurfang says: I trust the one who called for her.
Garrosh Hellscream says: I will speak with her then. But mark my words. They pull ANYTHING and I will make sure that he nor you can recommend anything like this again. But if she can be safe… I suppose they would have my gratitude. But don’t get used to it.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m glad you made it back, Rosh.
Garrosh Hellscream says: That makes two of us. We could have used you there, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: The sword could have as well.

Garrosh leaves on that note, and Arthak sighs and pulls out the sending stone to Gul’dan.

Arthak Saurfang says: Elder. They have returned without Frostmourne. An elf wields it. Mal’Ganis dead. Elf king dead. Wielder likely coming towards me.
Gul'dan says: I see. A shame that they failed. And their failure now threatens your life and your people. It pays to have friends you can trust, doesn’t it?
Gul'dan says: If there is more to report on this. I would hear what you have to say, Saurfang. And perhaps we can glean the identity of your… rival.
Arthak Saurfang says: I have ideas. If we can discuss them.
Gul'dan says: I am willing to discuss ideas, my young friend. You know where to find me.
Arthak Saurfang says: Very well. I’ll meet you soon. I need to report to Lady Shaspira and have word sent to the warchief.
Gul'dan says: Of course. The warchief rides for the front, but word will reach him soon, I promise you that.
Arthak Saurfang says: Excellent.

He then heads back to camp to think about everything happening. He definitely doesn’t sleep that night.

Meanwhile, Azgadaan is taking care of Aracyra. She summons her shadow hound to also cuddle with her. As Azgadaan dresses her wounds, she had fallen asleep. He sends Levia and Ori a thank you before he casts dream on himself to ensure that Aracyra’s dreams are peaceful.

Later in the morning after everyone had slept, Nyxxa awakes, and she sees Levia is already awake.

Levia Blackflight says: I need to catch you up on some things.
Nyxxa says: I know the dome dropped. I also need to catch you up on some things. I’ve…
Levia Blackflight says: Do you want to go first, or should I?

Nyxxa uses see invisibility.

Nyxxa says: Remember I told you I was in a group?
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah.
Nyxxa says: My boss contacted me.
Levia Blackflight says: Oh. Oh.
Nyxxa says: And proceeded to… inform me of a lot of things that I had forgotten. Well, ah… you know Jaina, right? The woman I tried to killed?
Levia Blackflight says: I know about her, yeah.

Nyxxa takes a deep breath.

Nyxxa says: So. Um. This is something you shouldn’t know, and, well… she is apparently a hero of the War of the Ancients.
Levia Blackflight says: What?
Nyxxa says: She traveled through time and saved the world.
Levia Blackflight says: Maybe you should start from the beginning.

Nyxxa does.

Levia Blackflight says: Wow. Okay. That is a lot.
Nyxxa says: That’s not all. So um. There were actually two heroes that traveled through time and apparently space. The other was Arthak’s father. Who is dead.
Levia Blackflight says: So what does this all mean, for now?
Nyxxa says: Um. The Jaina I met doesn’t appear to have traveled yet. So. It means that she can absolutely not die.
Levia Blackflight says: Okay, I guess that makes sense. That would probably… be really bad.
Nyxxa says: Yeah. Yeah.
Levia Blackflight says: But what are we going to do about that?
Nyxxa says: I don’t know.
Levia Blackflight says: I might be able to pass that along in some way… that’s… probably not a good idea.
Nyxxa says: I already told her that she shouldn’t die at all costs, and then I tried to kill her. Mixed signals.
Levia Blackflight says: You’re a demon. No offense, but that was probably expected.
Nyxxa says: I… also need to tell Arthak. You’ve never met Go’el I don’t think. I told him that Arthak’s father was important, and Go’el told me not to tell him, but what this could mean is if Broxigar was a savior to my people, that means…
Levia Blackflight says: They could be allies.

Nyxxa nods.

Levia Blackflight says: That could be worthwhile. No offense to this Go’el, he doesn’t know the whole story.
Nyxxa says: I don’t think he was expecting time travel.
Levia Blackflight says: I can’t blame him.
Nyxxa says: I can’t either. But, um, thank you for workshopping that.
Levia Blackflight says: Sure. That’s what I’m here for, I guess.
Nyxxa says: Also. So, I informed my boss about my allies here. She says that you likely… you might be a good fit for us.

Levia smiles and shakes her head with a sigh.

Levia Blackflight says: Didn’t Caria say the same thing?
Nyxxa says: Yes.
Levia Blackflight says: I guess I should be flattered.
Nyxxa says: Oh, and Caria and I weren’t actually friends.
Levia Blackflight says: Well that lying little punk. Well she got what she deserved then. If she was going to manipulate your relationship, she deserved a lot worse than that.
Nyxxa says: At least I could pretend I remembered. I was informed about a few things about her, so I have some ground to stand on to be more hostile, and, I guess I’m keeping those glaives.
Levia Blackflight says: Good, they look better on you anyway. Besides. We might need those.
Nyxxa says: Oh. You had some stuff too.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. After the barrier dropped there was some group going after a sword. I don’t know all the details.
Nyxxa says: Frostmourne.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. But they’re back, and they weren’t successful. They were messed up pretty bad. The big bald one, his mate I assume… she was messed up pretty bad. I didn’t pick up everything, but she didn’t sound like she would be able to walk. The shadowpriest necrolyte guy with the one eye. He looked pretty bad. He was heading toward the docks. He also was down his last eye. But. Yeah. Um. The other demoness, Aracyra, she was in one piece, but looked pretty shaken. But I think Azgadaan took care of that. Are they a…?

Nyxxa nods.

Levia Blackflight says: Okay, I thought so.
Nyxxa says: I have some stories to tell about that later, but also a time and place.
Levia Blackflight says: Apparently some elf picked it up. Sounds like a member of the Guardians of the Eternal Spring. The guards. The military. She sounded like she was a high-ranking leader, not that that narrows it down.
Nyxxa says: Well with Frostmourne in their hands… that’s troubling.
Levia Blackflight says: It’s just a sword, right? How bad could it be?
Nyxxa says: There’s something very, very wrong with that sword. It… when we were exposed to it, it almost killed a child just by being near it.
Levia Blackflight says: I guess that is pretty bad.
Nyxxa says: The short time that Arthak wielded it… the cost of doing so was, from what I understand, the life of his brother. It. It took a piece of Arthak’s soul, and when he was separated from it, it drew him to it. He was exhibiting every sign of a corruption that can take a hold.
Levia Blackflight says: Arthak thinks whoever took it may come here. I don’t know why or how…
Nyxxa says: This is their capital. And if they suddenly were given something powerful, what is the first thing you would do?
Levia Blackflight says: I suppose I’d do the same.
Nyxxa says: Or just cut through the orcish army until they reach the source. I don’t know what it does, but I don’t like it. And I don’t like it in the hands of someone I know nothing about. I didn’t even like it in Arthak’s hands, and I like Arthak.
Levia Blackflight says: I guess we will have to try and learn what we can. Maybe we can see if there are any old records. There’s a barracks where the Guardians were based out of. There might be a list of ranking commanders… uh… I don’t know them all, but if there is a physical description. Plus if someone saw them. Maybe Lady Aracyra.
Nyxxa says: Maybe she heard a name, which would be immensely helpful.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah.
Nyxxa says: Given everything, it may be good to put a pause on me telling Arthak. Given the situation, things can wait.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. I don’t know how much that would help.
Nyxxa says: It might do the opposite. We should find Aracyra. Though. Despite her and and Azgadaan being a thing, she shouldn’t know anything we talked about.
Levia Blackflight says: Yeah. I figured that.
Nyxxa says: But she might know the bit about Jaina. Clearly her mother does.
Levia Blackflight says: She seemed to have a reason to go after her.
Nyxxa says: I also need to find Gramgun. Do you know what this is about?

Nyxxa holds up the note from last night.

Levia Blackflight says: You don't want to know.
Nyxxa says: Did I do something stupid?
Levia Blackflight says: You don’t want to know. Trust me. If you forget about it, you’ll thank me.
Nyxxa says: Forgetting about it always bites me in the ass!
Levia Blackflight says: I wouldn’t worry too much about this one.
Nyxxa says: Okay.

Halno is disturbed from his work to snow, and Sagaz informing him that the barrier is down.

Sagaz says: Happy new year, apparently. It was something I heard the others saying.
Halno says: Is it a new year when the dome drops?
Sagaz says: I think that was a coincidence. My mother told me about a festival a long time ago… a festival of celebrating a new year. I think that coincided with a similar festival for the people here. I think.
Halno says: Huh. Well. Anything else going on?
Sagaz says: A few things.

Sagaz fills Halno in on everything that was talked about.

Halno says: I see. I see. Well. I won’t get more research done, will I?
Sagaz says: That’s up to you.
Halno says: It sounds like we’re about to be in some… shit. Uh. let me go find Arthak.
Sagaz says: Last I saw, he was going to speak with Lord Azgadaan and Lady Aracyra.
Halno says: Fantastic.

Nyxxa and Levia go to find Aracyra, at the same time Arthak does and Halno also arrives.

Nyxxa says: Arthak!
Arthak Saurfang says: Nyxxa.
Nyxxa says: We, uh… I assume you’re here for a similar reason, but completely unrelated, we need to talk later. It’s big, but doesn’t need to be talked about now.
Arthak Saurfang says: .... okay. Can I have a keyword?

Nyxxa and Levia exchange looks.

Nyxxa says: Broxigar.
Arthak Saurfang says: ...okay. Later.
Nyxxa says: We’re here to see if Aracyra got the name of the person with Frostmourne.

Arthak looks at Halno.

Arthak Saurfang says: I assume you’re here to get filled in as well?
Halno says: I assumed you had work for me, but yes, filling in is good.
Arthak Saurfang says: We need to fortify faster, and anything you could lend to Frostmourne or understanding who might be coming with it.
Halno says: I see. I need dead people.

He gestures for the group to continue.

Inside, Azgadaan had made some really good, warm breakfast for a very grateful Aracyra who he spends some time comforting. She seems to be quite worried about speaking to her mother, but Azgadaan reassures her that he will be by her side.

And then there’s a loud knock on the door.

Azgadaan says: Who is it?
Arthak Saurfang says: Azgadaan. It’s… the warband.

Azgadaan opens the door to see what they want, and then asks Aracyra if she is willing to see them. She is, and Azgadaan distracts the group for a bit while Aracyra puts herself together.

Aracyra greets them as she emerges.

Arthak Saurfang says: How do you fare?
Aracyra says: I’m alive. That’s a boon in itself.
Arthak Saurfang says: I have a few questions regarding what happened. But first I would extend an offer. Under the circumstances I am going to need to speak with your mother about last night’s events. If you need more time to convalesce, I can see about providing your report to her.
Aracyra says: As tempting as that is, chieftain, I fear that would not be seen as wise, and I would not want to disappoint my mother further. I would perhaps go with you when you go to make your report, provided Lord Azgadaan can accompany me.
Azgadaan says: I can. And I can provide transport.

Azgadaan also catches up briefly with Levia on everything and then also introduces her to Aracyra and Nyxxa.

Arthak Saurfang says: Um. Lady Aracyra. The most important thing we need to know is anything you have on the individual that took Frostmourne. If you could show us, or if you understood anything she said. Anything you have.

Aracyra swallows.

Aracyra says: Of course. I would be happy to help as much as I can.
Arthak Saurfang says: You have my thanks.

Aracyra shakes her head.

Aracyra says: I… didn’t hear much. They spoke mostly in Thalassian or not much at all. It was fast when we encountered each other, but I can show you what she looked like, at least.

Aracyra holds her hands out and they glow as her shadow stretches and elongates. It takes the form of a woman. She seems to be marching forward, Frostmourne held in one hand as she is almost frozen in this step. Her eyes are locked on an invisible target, seemingly peering at the group. She’s an elf woman with long black hair that was likely once tied more neatly in a bun, but in the chaos of the battle she had just been through, it had torn loose. Her eyes glow with an otherworldly glow as she seems to be moving towards her target.

Arthak takes a few steps forward to look in the woman’s face.

Arthak Saurfang says: Halno. Levia. Do either of you recognize her?

Levia shakes her head, but to Halno, she looks familiar in some way. Her name does not come to his mind, but he is able to commit her to his memory and he wagers that he may be able to discover who it is if he uses what he learned here with one other source of knowledge. What he does know, is that she was relatively noteworthy.

Halno says: I have an idea… I’ll look into it.
Arthak Saurfang says: Could one of you send Selin a message asking if he knows anyone high ranking in the elvish military that matches this description.

Halno does so while Arthak is staring intensely.

Nyxxa says: Are you okay, Arthak?
Arthak Saurfang says: I need to know who she is.

Selin explains to Halno it’s difficult to say who she might have been based on conversation alone. Raven hair is not as common as some colors, but Selin wants to know why Halno wants to know. Halno resends and states she’s become a topic of personal interest. Selin explains he can’t make confirmations without seeing her for himself.

Arthak Saurfang says: Hrm. We need to know who she is before we report to Shaspira.
Aracyra says: Of course. If you gather close, I can bring us to the mainland.

They manage to teleport and head to the Stormreaver Spire. They observe a number of moderately armed skeletons patrolling the area around the spire. They mark their passing, but do nothing more.

Azgadaan says: Mm. Off-putting.
Halno says: But it’s so homey!
Azgadaan says: Maybe for a dead man.
Halno says: Now that’s just insensitive.
Nyxxa says: You… cannot be talking about being insensitive.
Halno says: I am. What. I’m dead. I’m not allowed to have feelings?
Nyxxa says: More you don’t care about other people’s feelings. You tend to just disregard them.

They find Selin without much problem, though they also note the Shadowsword presence has gotten stronger in the city.

Selin Fireheart says: Oh. That was swift. I suppose I can lend what assistance you require. You said you were seeking information about this woman of yours?
Arthak Saurfang says:: Yes.

Arthak looks at the casters, and Aracyra produces the image again. Selin takes a look and scratches the goatee on his chin.

Selin Fireheart says: I see. Yes, that is without a doubt Lana’thel Dawnseeker. She is a captain of the Guardians of Eternal Spring, or was. Though I suppose she might have been given a promotion given the circumstances. I would ask how you came across this, Miss Aracyra.
Aracyra says: We arrived back yesterday from our mission.

Aracyra explains briefly.

Selin Fireheart says: And you say this woman now wields this blade? Of all people?
Arthak Saurfang says: Why of all people?

The name clicks for Halno and he looks at Quel’delar.

Halno says: Ah. Hey Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes?
Halno says: I know why she’s probably coming for you now.

He just points at the sword.

Selin Fireheart says: That sword belonged to Thalorian Dawnseeker. Her husband. I wager if she sees that blade she will… take it upon herself to claim it back. Lady Aracyra. King Kael’thas, was he with her?

Aracyra nods.

Arthak Saurfang says: He did not survive.

Selin furrows his brow and his arms cross.

Selin Fireheart says: .... I see. That… is… a pity.
Nyxxa says: How do you figure?
Selin Fireheart says: I once served King Kael’thas. During the sacking of Silvermoon, I turned against my king and his people. I had hoped I could bring him wisdom enough to rise above this conflict and join us on the correct side. I didn’t expect him to be so… swiftly crushed, I suppose. That’s a pity indeed.
Arthak Saurfang says: The sword took him. Fair warning, Selin. It is likely coming here.
Selin Fireheart says: This blade. What could it do? Why is it in the hands of this elf? Lana’thel? How did it come to be in so remote a location in the first place? If you do not mind my asking.
Arthak Saurfang says: I brought it, in a sense.
Selin Fireheart says: In a sense?
Arthak Saurfang says: That blade was forged for, amongst other purposes, to kill a traitor of the Horde.
Selin Fireheart says: And now it comes to claim your head, it seems, and the rest of the people in our city.
Arthak Saurfang says: I have seen what it can do. It can reave kingdoms and worlds in the right hands.
Selin Fireheart says: Then I suppose we should ensure it falls into the right hands. If you believe they are coming here, I will send word. Lana’thel’s face is not unknown to many, especially considering the circumstances in the months before Silvermoon fell into our hands. She was something of a celebrity for a short amount of time. If she’s sighted, we will know, and she will die. Her crusade will die.
Arthak Saurfang says: The sword is hunger. Every life it takes, their strength is added to the wielder.
Selin Fireheart says: Then we’ll have to ensure she starves, won’t we? I’ll send a contingent of warriors to your city to help fortify it in case she strikes there. Is that amenable?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. My thanks. And should she come to you first, know that the Broken Blade will be at your back, and by your side.
Selin Fireheart says: Much appreciated. One other thing you should know. She has a daughter. One who was slain in a murder perpetuated by the warlocks responsible to leading Silvermoon to its state. She was able to be brought back and whisked away. Her whereabouts are unknown. Her name was Thal’ena Dawnseeker, and entertainer of some small repute.
Levia Blackflight says: Oh. Yeah. I’ve seen her perform before. A while ago.
Selin Fireheart says: Needless to say, she exists, though her whereabouts are unknown. It’s possible she was hiding amongst the resistance, though now she has likely fled the city as well. You may be able to use this information against her. If she hungers as much as you say, perhaps her daughter--her one weakness--could be exploited.
Arthak Saurfang says: An idea. If anything, her daughter could be used to fracture her resolve. The sword. If it has not worn away who she is by the time we meet. It will seek to claim her daughter, at some point. It kills what you love.
Selin Fireheart says: That would be quite the tragedy. I was told she was gifted with quite the voice, though I’ve never seen her personally.
Arthak Saurfang says: One death is enough.
Selin Fireheart says: I appreciate your information, Arthak. My people will arrive there before long.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you again.
Selin Fireheart says: Of course. We are allies in this endeavor after all.

He and Arthak clasp hands.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll keep you in the loop. There are other things I need to attend to.

Arthak tells the group he needs to speak with Gul’dan quickly before they leave, and he requests the group wait while he goes upstairs. He finds Gul’dan waiting there.

There is also a large, stony chalice that looks like one of the Chalices of Unity. It’s on a small tripod sconce. As Arthak approaches, he sees it full of thick, black, orcish blood. Orcish runes are painted in blood beneath it as well.

Gul'dan says: Arthak, welcome. I was hoping you would arrive today.
Arthak Saurfang says: Hello elder. The need for information brought me here, thus gave me an opportunity to meet.
Gul'dan says: Of course. As you said, Hellscream has returned unsuccessful in his hunt. I wager this is part of the reason you are here. What else do you have to report?
Arthak Saurfang says: The elven king is dead, and we’ve identified the one who bears Frostmourne. Her name is Lana’thel Dawnseeker. The widow of…

He draws Quel’delar.

Arthak Saurfang says: Of the warrior who bore this weapon.
Gul'dan says: I see. Poetic, in a way. She now wields the blade you used to strike down a traitor, and now you wield the blade you pried from her mate’s hands. Some may call this a fated reunion. But we know better than to trust fate with such things, of course.
Arthak Saurfang says: It is likely she will be coming here.
Gul'dan says: Perhaps so, yes. And when she does, what do you expect will happen? She is but one woman. Armed with that blade or not, she will not be able to stand against the Horde. You’ve touched that blade. You know it’s strength, but even you would not seek to walk alone into an army of your foes.
Arthak Saurfang says: That blade has power that I did not wield it long enough to tap. I believe if she comes, she will have made an army. This land is littered with the dead of her people.
Gul'dan says: This is true, and given the opportunity, she could do just that.

Gul’dan laughs.

Gul'dan says: What a predicament we found ourselves in. Yet, the blade delivers itself into our hands all the same. We will prepare for it. For her and what allies she brings. And to do that, we will need your help, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course, elder.
Gul'dan says: By now, you’ve recognized you have connection to this blade. It remembers you. Craves to be wielded by you once more. We can use that. We know her name, and the blade she carries.

Gul’dan turns and steps toward the chalice and gestures for Arthak to come closer. He then reaches into his belt and hands Arthak a knife.

Gul'dan says: Lets have a look, shall we?

Arthak slashes open his hand and drips it into the basin. The runes light up, and the black blood begins to bubble, and then clear. They can then see Lana’thel at the bow of a ship, Frostmourne in one hand, point touching to the ground behind her. The vessel seems to be carving through the water.

Arthak Saurfang says: I heard the noises of a ship.
Gul'dan says: Yes. Keep watching. We shall see what this reveals.

Then there are footsteps, and there is talking in Thalassian. Gul’dan reaches out and puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder, using magic to give Arthak the ability to understand.

Unseen Soldier says: My lady, we’ll be meeting up with the rest of the strike team before long.
Lana'thel Dawnseeker says: Good. We’ll need to act quickly if this is going to work. I would have believed this to be a fool’s errand before yesterday. But with this… perhaps it may work.

She turns to face the soldier she was speaking to.

Lana'thel Dawnseeker says: Tell the king I would speak with him. If he’s in contact with these Resistance members, I need this well-coordinated. I won’t have them slowing me down.
Unseen Soldier says: Yes, general.

A few moments later, near the end of the spell there’s another voice.

King Kael'thas Sunstrider: You wished to speak, General? But that would be unwise at the moment.

There’s a blast, and the blood ripples and splashes as the spell is disrupted.

Arthak Saurfang says: A strike force in the resistance… the portal. That weapon. If I had that weapon... A resurrected king. Vengeance… I think she means to strike at the portal.
Gul'dan says: So it seems, Arthak. So I suppose we will need to be ready. More so than we thought. Prepare yourself for what is to come.

Arthak nods and starts to leave.

Arthak Saurfang says: Before I forget, elder. Garrosh. I have some ideas.
Gul'dan says: Plans you would like to discuss?
Arthak Saurfang says: Briefly. But I am no assassin. It’s not my skill. I do not believe that is why I was given this task. It needs to be made to seem honorable. Garrosh’s death. Am I correct?
Gul'dan says: Or an accident, if you require.
Arthak Saurfang says: Noted.
Gul'dan says: We are in a war after all.
Arthak Saurfang says: That is possible, but Garrosh will be hard to kill regardless, but… in one fell swoop it will be harder. But. If he can be implicated in treachery against the Horde. Some form of treason… he would not be the first such orc I have slain.

Gul’dan smiles.

Gul'dan says: I can see such a thing come to light, especially in lieu of such a dangerous impending attack. Do not allow Garrosh to leave the city. If he does… it will be much harder to track him down. This world is large, and if we give him the opportunity to slip from our grasp, he will unravel everything the Horde is seeking to achieve for the sake of his petty ambition. He is not his father, and it’s time we taught him that, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: Understood.
Gul'dan says: After all, you know more than most what it means to forge a destiny independent of one’s sire.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll see it done, elder.
Gul'dan says: I know you will, young Saurfang. Lok’tar, Herald.
Arthak Saurfang says: Lok’tar.

Meanwhile, Azgadaan had sent Orianelle to apologize for not speaking with her in the morning. After the sending was complete, Aracyra immediately wraps her hands around his arm.

When Arthak arrives, he is clearly deep in thought.

Arthak Saurfang says: Nyxxa. Would you mind taking a detour on the mainland?
Nyxxa says: Do you need a message sent?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.

Arthak pauses and asks her to check for scrying orbs.

Arthak Saurfang says: I need a message sent to Jorin as discreetly as you can. I’m heading to Quel’danas. I need him to find me. And tell him not to tell anyone.
Nyxxa says: Understood.
Arthak Saurfang says: What you wanted to discuss earlier, do you want to do that now?
Nyxxa says: Are you going to talk to the White Tyrant?
Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.
Nyxxa says: It’s better you don’t know. She can read minds. She may not, but she can.
Arthak Saurfang says: Understood. Thank you Nyxxa.

Nyxxa asks Levia if she wants to stay or go, and Levia said that she’ll meet her in Gramgun’kur. Meanwhile, the rest of the group head back to the island via teleportation circle.

Nyxxa heads to the Bleeding Hollow and partakes of their hospitality for a bit, before heading in to speak with Jorin. He is currently kneeling on the ground.

Nyxxa says: Good afternoon.
Jorin Deadeye says: Nyxxa. It’s a pleasure to see you again.

Nyxxa cocks an eyebrow.

Nyxxa says: It’s good to see you as well. I have a message from Arthak.

Jorin is facing away, fiddling with some things.

Nyxxa says: Arthak wants to speak with you soon and discreetly. He didn’t elaborate, but he wanted to make sure you told no one.
Jorin Deadeye says: Of course. I can see to it that that is done. I sense that’s not the only reason you came?
Nyxxa says: I suppose… I wish to know, I won’t pry if it’s too fresh, what did you see of the blade?
Jorin Deadeye says: It’s devastation. First hand.

He looks over to Nyxxa and flexes the hand that was severed, showing the vicious-looking scar he has. His hair is also down, not in a braid, and his eyepatch is nowhere to be seen.

Jorin Deadeye says: I’ve seen that blade for many years, Nyxxa. For years before I saw it in Arthak’s hands. I don’t know what to think of it. Now I sit here, the nightmare of my own death no more than a bad dream.
Nyxxa says: A vision of your death?

Jorin turns, and Nyxxa sees the eyeball she had seen before in the jar before him.

Jorin Deadeye says: This is not symbolic. It’s a tradition of the seers of the Bleeding Hollow. We pluck out our eye so that we might see the moment of our death. So we might not fear the inevitable, so we can know it, and welcome it like one would welcome a fresh breeze or rain on one’s face. For years I feared it.. Contrary to everything it was supposed to be, I did not let it become a part of me. I saw that blade, and I knew it was close. At that grove, it was supposed to be the end, but here I am. You saw something too?
Nyxxa says: I did. Not my death, but something powerful that caused me to rip my own eyes out.
Jorin Deadeye says: I see. The death of all things, not just one. Are you afraid? I know you are a demon. Do you fear death?
Nyxxa says: There are a lot of things I fear, but I’m not sure I fear death. I don’t know if I fear death. Do you?
Jorin Deadeye says: I always thought I did. For so long, I thought I knew what it was like. Now, I cannot tell. I cannot tell if this is truly fear, or if this is the opposite. If surviving the moment of my end is a blessing or a curse. To live a borrow life not knowing if each moment would be your last, yet here I am.
Nyxxa says: That’s the thing about life though. When you think you have it figured out, it throws the curveball.
Jorin Deadeye says: Perhaps you’re right.
Nyxxa says: Whether or not surviving the moment of your death is a blessing or a curse… that’s for you to decide.
Jorin Deadeye says: Both, then.
Nyxxa says: It can be both.

Jorin holds the jar, and he squeezes it. The jar breaks, and he plucks the eyeball from the broken shards. He looks at it with his eyeless face.

Jorin Deadeye says: May we live to see many more of our lives and deaths, Nyxxa.

He looks straight up, and in an empty socket, he drops the eye. He winces as he puts his hand against it, pressing. Magic surges down his arm, and when he lowers his hand and looks at her again, he blinks, his amber eye now reinserted in the socket he originally plucked it from. He puts his eyepatch over the newly damaged, empty eye.

Jorin Deadeye says: Thank you for your wisdom, Nyxxa.
Nyxxa says: You have nothing to thank me for. Besides, watching you do that, I think I had another thought.
Jorin Deadeye says: Oh? You don’t have your eyes, do you?
Nyxxa says: No. Long gone. But maybe fate and destiny stuff just makes the best approximation in can, and sometimes it gets things wrong.
Jorin Deadeye says: If destiny can make mistakes, I am torn whether that is a comfort, or the most frightening thought I’ve ever had.
Nyxxa says: At the very least, it means anything can change. Nothing is certain.
Jorin Deadeye says: Your lackadaisical wisdom continues to frighten me. But I will follow your lead, Nyxxa, as best as I can.
Nyxxa says: I’d say we could head back together, but that’s probably against the point.
Jorin Deadeye says: I’d honestly prefer the company, and while it would be suspicious if you and I traveled together…

He changes his image to an old orc peon.

Jorin Deadeye says: You wouldn’t mind escorting an old man, would you?
Nyxxa says: Of course, for the right fee. And you can’t tell, but I’m winking. That was a joke.

Jorin laughs and gathers his things.

Meanwhile, the others go to Shaspira. Azgadaan pulls Aracyra to the side. She looks nervous, but she’s holding it together.

Azgadaan has a hand behind his back.

Azgadaan says: You can do this. You’ll get through this fine. I’ll be right next to you. And I want to give you this.

He pulls the necklace he had made for her out, and her eyes widen.

Aracyra says: I nearly forgot! This was the thing you were talking about?
Azgadaan says: Yes. Made by my own two hands.
Aracyra says: I love it. Would you do me the honors?

She turns around so he could put it on for her.

Azgadaan says: And if you ever need to talk to me, I’m right here.

He taps his own collarbone and the pendant there. Aracyra smiles.

Aracyra says: That way you’ll never be far, but I have to say, I prefer the in person version.
Azgadaan says: I do too, but this is convenient. I won’t have to guess where you are.

Aracyra leans toward him and she gives him a swift kiss.

Aracyra says: Thank you. And it matches all my dresses so nicely!
Azgadaan says: That was the point. I thought red would be good too, but it would have taken away from your eyes.

Aracyra’s cheeks flush.

Aracyra says: Oh…

She’s a bit speechless.

Aracyra says: Well. Thank you. I wouldn’t hate a red one in the future, but, this is plenty. Thank you Azgadaan.
Azgadaan says: Your smile makes it worthwhile.

There is a dumb grin on Azgadaan’s face.

The wrathguard nearby clears his throat.

Wrathguard says: Lady Shaspira is ready to see you now.
Azgadaan says: Ready?

Aracyra nods, and the group walks in. Shaspira is standing, her arms folded behind her, and one hand clutching the wrist of the other. Her tail flicks back and forth from beneath the slit of her dress.

Shaspira says: Arthak.

She hasn’t turned.

Shaspira says: Azgadaan. It’s a pleasure to see you, as always. And Aracyra. I’m glad that you’ve returned safely. Though I will not hide the fact I wish it was on better circumstances.

Aracyra swallows.

Aracyra says: Mother, I can explain--
Shaspira says: There is no need to explain, Aracyra dear. I understand. I simply chose the wrong individuals to complete this task, is all. The blame is not to fall upon you, it’s to fall upon me. I should have known better than to assign you to such a difficult task.

Aracyra shrinks.

Aracyra says: I… I’m sorry.
Shaspira says: There’s nothing to apologize for. Frostmourne remains in enemy hands, but we shall recover it, nonetheless.

Shaspira then turns and faces the group, her face not angry, not even disappointed, just neutral and bereft of the typical slight smile she normally has.

Arthak Saurfang says: To that point, Lady Shaspira. With lady Aracyra’s assistance, and Selin’s, we have identified the elf wielding Frostmourne. With elder Gul’dan’s assistance, I believe we know where she intends to strike.
Shaspira says: Excellent work. I’m glad to see you were able to divine the name of the agent responsible for Frostmourne’s unfortunate disappearance. That was swift. What is her name?
Arthak Saurfang says: Lana’thel Dawnsweeker. The widow of Thalorian Dawnseeker.
Shaspira says: I read of this Thalorian. He is, or was, of a long line of established commanding officers. He was considered a war hero. I am not surprised to find that his widow was driven to such… acts of revenge. You more than most understand what Frostmourne is capable of, Arthak. You believe she intends to strike here?
Arthak Saurfang says: Correct. And elder Gul’dan was able to use my blood to scry on her. Unfortunately, they became aware of it and destroyed the spell, so they may have changed the plans, but my belief is that Lana’thel… the sacrifice the sword took was her king. I believe after our forces were repelled she used the sword to raise the king back from the dead, and with him made contact with the resistance and any other forces in this area. I believe they intend to strike at the Dark Portal.
Shaspira says: A sound strategy. And no doubt one filled with surprises to keep us on edge. We must be prepared then.
Arthak Saurfang says: Indeed. As I said, elder Gul’dan and the Stormreavers are informed, and the Shadowsword are ready to aid us, or be aided in turn.
Shaspira says: Plans shall be… difficult to speed, but reinforcements may not be outside the realm of possibility. Significant ones. Ones that may be hard pressed to fail even against a blade of such pristine note. I will require some time. We shall hope it is enough.
Arthak Saurfang says: That we shall. There is one other thing I want to discuss, but that is a private discussion I believe. If you have time.
Shaspira says: Of course. Was there aught else any of you had for me, before I speak with Arthak in private?
Arthak Saurfang says: Is there a potential flaw in the blade that Lady Vilateth could present to be exploited?
Shaspira says: It is a weapon that is without fault. One that she created to be the epitome of the line between life and death. One she hopes will one day outclass the many blades of legend. If the blade is not recovered, it may become infamous for another reason, but I have faith we will be able to correct this error before it becomes a mistake.
Azgadaan says: Indeed.
Shaspira says: It is a sword, however. And it possesses limitations a sword could bring. It must be swung. I would recommend you keep your distance if you engage her. The blade in the hands of a novice could be dangerous, but in the hands of a degree of skill could be devastating, as you no doubt witnesses yourself, chieftain.

Arthak nods.

Azgadaan says: Looks like we are going to get you more javelins, Arthak.
Arthak Saurfang says: I believe, under the circumstances, when a clash takes place… I might be most effective as bait.
Shaspira says: A bold plan, and while dangerous, one that has a greater chance to succeed than a… straight skirmish. One false step and your soul will be forfeit. If there’s naught else, I’ll speak with Arthak alone. Aracyra dear, return to your quarters. I wager you’re exhausted after your long travels.

Aracyra and Azgadaan head out, and Aracyra goes straight to her room with a soft thank you. Azgadaan asks if she wants company, and she immediately nods.

Arthak Saurfang says: I do not wish to waste your time, Lady Shaspira, but some months ago you proposed to me the advantages to our arrangement if I were to be the warchief’s shadow.

Shaspira’s head cocks slightly in curiosity.

Shaspira says: I remember that conversation, yes.
Arthak Saurfang says: Well. Circumstances have arranged for me to be in a similar position.
Shaspira says: But not with the warchief, I wager.
Arthak Saurfang says: Correct. There’s a spell that is capable of identifying other magics? Um. If you would be willing to cast it upon me.
Shaspira says: For what purpose?
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m unclear of certain restrictions placed upon me. Such restrictions may also impact my ability to report.
Shaspira says: I see. I will do this for you. And I wager I can glean what information you require for this, but you will tell me one thing. Something I’ve been rather curious about.

Arthak nods.

Shaspira says: Go’el. He chose a curious time to depart from the frontlines and leave his people, knowing the ban’dinarial will drop shortly. I know you spoke with him the day before he left. I also know you spoke with him again after he passed through the Portal. An exchange of information. You tell me what it is that the troublemaker from amongst the chieftains is up to on Draenor, and I will tell you everything you need to know about this spell Gul’dan placed upon you, and how to break it.
Arthak Saurfang says: So you already know, or can guess.
Shaspira says: The magic was evident. There are few among the orcs that can produce such a thing, and while I cannot tell you specifics without further investigation, your confirmation was all I needed. I also know you’ve spent a great deal of time with the elder. Gul’dan is a wise and well-intentioned leader, but an ambitious one. I would not have his enchantment ruining such a promising young chieftain if it were to come to such a thing. So what do you say, Arthak? Let me in on your little secret, or would you prefer this shackle to remain a mystery to you? You need not answer now, I understand your life has been hectic and you may have forgotten what you spoke of with the rise of new situations. So if you need time to remember, of course. In the meanwhile, I’ll have my agents continuing to look into it.
Arthak Saurfang says: I would spare your agents and Go’el the trouble. I sent him. The second meeting was a personal matter.
Shaspira says: Anything you need advice for?
Arthak Saurfang says: No, I believe I was able to resolve it.
Shaspira says: That’s good.

She seems genuine.

Arthak Saurfang says: I sent Go’el back to Draenor. You’re aware of my recent conflicts with the warchief.
Shaspira says: I believe most upon Azeroth presently may be aware, yes. Warchief Blackhand is not a quiet man.
Arthak Saurfang says: I imagine not.
Shaspira says: And few can forget your performance at the last meeting.
Arthak Saurfang says: In light of such things, information came into my possession that the warchief’s symbol of office is a forgery. And the original lies on Draenor.

Shaspira’s eyebrows raise, and she brings her hand up to rest her chin on it.

Shaspira says: You don’t say… that is quite interesting indeed.. What a fragile, fragile soapbox your warchief stands upon.
Arthak Saurfang says: Exactly.
Shaspira says: So Go’el seeks to ascertain the truth. To find this weapon and bring it back. The Doomhammer is a symbol of no small importance to your people.
Arthak Saurfang says: And one I intended to use.
Shaspira says: Do you seek to become the warchief, Arthak?
Arthak Saurfang says: At present, no.
Shaspira says: I wager he who holds the hammer would have a more than supported claim to challenge and unseat… I didn’t take you for a kingmaker, Arthak. I like this side of you.

She smiles.

Arthak Saurfang says: Rend has been my intention.
Shaspira says: The warchief’s son?
Arthak Saurfang says: Continuity of the blood line, and the legitimacy of unseating his false father. The best of both worlds.
Shaspira says: Unexpected. And most intriguing.
Arthak Saurfang says: I will also confess the sentimental aspect. I know Go’el has enemies. Ethics. Moving him off world was… a factor. I am not shackled the way he is, but he is still my friend.
Shaspira says: Understandable. You put a great deal of thought into this, Arthak. Well done.
Arthak Saurfang says: Thank you.
Shaspira says: With that knowledge in mind, I can rest easy knowing that Lord Mannoroth’s forces can be put toward more important ends. Once he joins the fray, once we are able to secure the reinforcements that were promised, this war shall truly begin.

Shaspira’s eyes flicker red and she holds her hand out. Several runic circles flutter around, and out from her sleeve a beautiful black crystal slips from her sleeve. She starts to ritual cast the identify spell.

Shaspira says: Curious. It appears you were afflicted by a geas spell--a complex but not unbreakable one. But this one is more complex, it’s anchored to something. An anchor is a focus that allows certain spells to be reflected and enhanced. While I’m not certain what the anchor is, I can say what it does. It allows the spell to be unbreakable outside his own volition without the destruction or lifting of it from the anchor. It also lets the spell be enhanced. It’s more malleable. It can perhaps consistently add reassurance toward his bargain. I don’t think he trusts you as much as you think, or he’s simply paranoid.
Arthak Saurfang says: I didn’t think he trusted me in the first place.
Shaspira says: Should you remove the spell from the anchor a simple remove curse or a restoration of the greater variety will remove it, but until then, it will persist indefinitely. Even if Gul’dan were to perish, his last order will continue until the anchor is dealt with. Of course, such a possibility is unthinkable. Gul’dan is, after all, gifted. Age shan’t be an issue for him. Not as it once was. If my understanding of the gifts he received is comprehensive.
Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting. Good to know.
Shaspira says: Of course. It then lies to you in learning what the anchor is.
Arthak Saurfang says: I have at least one theory to begin with.
Shaspira says: A man such as he likely has many things. Anchors to use in the casting of these spells. It could be any of them. It could be multiples. Things to keep in mind.
Arthak Saurfang says: Of course. A concern, but presently I have no need to break it.
Shaspira says: Indeed. The two of you are of one mind in your endeavors. I hope it stays that way, for the simplicity of all involved.
Arthak Saurfang says: Agreed. For now, Gul’dan and his Shadow Council are necessary for the unity of the Horde..
Shaspira says: So they are. I appreciate you coming to me with this, Arthak. This was enlightening. I miss our talks. I know things have been hectic since the portal’s opening, since Remnii’s disappearance, but… I’ve enjoyed watching your rise.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’m glad. And I intend to stay on such a course.
Shaspira says: I look forward to watching it. I would ask one small favor, however. When you next see Nyxxa, would you send her my way. I have some questions. And an offer to make. A trade.
Arthak Saurfang says: I see. Of course, I’ll pass that message along.
Shaspira says: Thank you. Take care Arthak, and if you have any future concerns regarding this impending danger with this Lana’thel and Frostmourne, let me know. I’ll be seeing to endeavors regarding the Dark Portal and ensuring its protection, and securing reinforcements.
Arthak Saurfang says: I’ll be seeing to similar tasks.

Shaspira then turns again.