[Horde] Chapter Two: Session Fifteen
August 8th
Go’el leads the group into a feasting hall. The non-orc members of the group, of course, get some strange looks, though no one says anything as they are with Go’el. Zagarra goes to meet up with her people in the meanwhile.
Both Sorak’s mother and father are present. Sorak’s father greets him with a large bear hug. Over the huge feast, there’s a lot of catching up and stories of what happened. There is a solemn silence over the explanation of the drift lurker, and everyone realizes that Mankrik had not come by.
When the meal comes to an end, Go’el leads the group into another chamber that is used for meetings and the like. There is a huge wolf pelt on the ground, and there are seats around along with a map of the Frostfire Ridges themselves. Lokra, Sorak’s mother, is present as well, but most others disperse.
Arthak goes and fetches Zagarra, intending on her being present as well.
Kroll informs the group that the earthquakes were happening in Nagrand as well. However, no one seems to know what the cause of the earthquakes is. Mahka had been their hope, but unfortunately, given her condition, anything she found is inaccessible.
Sorak then informs them that the earth elementals at the outpost were put in place by Akama’s Ashtongue, and Remnii offers to explain about the draenei and their shamanic abilities at some point.
Focus then turns on to why Arthak is there at all. Arthak admits he was sent by the Legion to seek them out and bring them back, as well as ascertain the reasons for their absence. Recently, Shaspira had amended those orders to include the entirety of the Frostwolves, not just the fighting forces. In addition, Gul’dan now knows [about the shamans].
Go’el expresses that such news bodes ill. Arthak agrees, and notes they have been forced into a corner. To not return is treachery. To return is giving Shaspira what she wants. Go’el states they have little option, as he refuses to allow his people to be hunted by the Legion.
It’s speculated the Legion may wish to taint the rest of the mag’har Frostwolves, and Lokra presents potentially transmitting the red pox to immunize them against the taint, but that will likely cause more death than not as there are too many Frostwolves and not enough to treat them.
Kroll, however, presents another option. Or at least hints at one, though Go’el mentions it isn’t one he wishes to take. His eyes move to Spinyl and Azgadaan. He asks them what their stock in the situation is. Previously, they were helping Arthak capture draenei.
Spinyl says the situation had changed. It’s now in their best interests to stay together, as they are pursuing a similar goal.
Go’el looks at Arthak and Sorak and asks if they can be trusted. Both of the orcs agree.
Go’el then presents the other, dangerous option. There’s a place hidden from the Legion. Some could possibly hide there. Not all, but some. However, it’s dangerous to get there, and he is loathe to present the idea.
Sorak mentions they could maybe find shelter elsewhere, and when Go’el said there would be no shelter on Draenor, Sorak said they could find shelter on another world. The Legion was opening a portal. If they could get through it, they could try to find shelter on the new world.
They would have to go back to Hellfire Citadel, but they could potentially find another clan. Hide some of their people within it to preserve them if it comes to the worst.
Go’el considers, and agrees a small number could possibly do so, but a large number would have to openly return to Hellfire. He then informs Kroll that his job would be to put into motion bringing some to their other option.
Arthak says Go’el would have to somehow deceive the eredar, but Go’el said no matter what whatever he did his words would be under scrutiny. However, he wasn’t going to betray his clan.
Ultimately, they would sacrifice enough people to make it convincing, so a small group could perhaps survive.
For the next portion of their move, Go’el requests that they bring eight people--no more--and meet him at the cairn in the center of Wor’gol, as they need to travel swiftly. He also tells Sorak, that when he finds elder Drek’thar--as that was probably on his list--to inform the elder to meet them there as well.
Go’el then informs Arthak he doesn’t hold it against him for doing what he had to do, as Arthak’s hands were ultimately tied as well.
Remnii approaches Arthak, and requests 170 gold pieces. He goes and fetches the amount, and Remnii then goes shopping with Azgadaan (because of course Azzy wants to go shopping). Remnii seems to be searching for some higher quality rocks.
Azgadaan, meanwhile, buys the components for a revivify spell. Just in case.
Arthak touches base with Thura and Lantresor, and informs them to continue training the Broken Blade while he is absent.
Remnii, Spinyl, and Ati-Kaso ladies go check out the hot springs.
Sorak and Arthak accompany them, as Drek’thar is also likely there. They break off, and they see Drek’thar, relaxing in the pool next to two wolves. He is telling the five puppy wolves nearby they need to eat and grow strong, like their parents.
They greet the elder, and he greets them in turn before having a sharp coughing fit.
Sorak asks him how he’s been, and Drek’thar responds that he’s been as well as his old bones allows him to be. He tells them to never grow old.
The two other orcs settle into the waters with the elder to talk. They are warm, but also simultaneously cool in a way. They spend some time catching up with the old orc.
Sorak: “It’s good to see you again.”
Drek’thar smirks. “I’d say the same, but--” He starts to cough again.
Sorak: “Blind jokes? Still doing those?”
Drek’thar laughs, telling him to indulge an old orc.
Drek’thar reaches over and feels up his arm, and then his face, before commenting that the orc had grown. He then asks Sorak if he had felt “it”.
Sorak: “The earth?”
Drek’thar: “Not just the earth. The winds are changing. The seas tremble.”
Sorak: “I fear for our own.”
Drek’thar: “As you rightly should. As we all should. But what you should fear for more is for yourself.”
Sorak asks how he means.
Drek’thar: “The wind howls with change. I’ve seen it. Fate. A swirling vortex. And you. Both of you. Both of you are at the center. Not alone, of course, but you are.”
Sorak comments he owes Arthak an apology. He can’t say he trusted him much lately. Arthak said his reasons were understandable. They come to a sort of accord.
Drek’thar goes on to say there are more like Sorak around. More shamans. Far more. Sorak admits he has met several lately, and Drek’thar says some may be closer than Sorak realizes. Ultimately, while the elements have been silent, the earth, fire, wind… They can be weakened, but not killed.
He goes on to explain that the pools they were in were once called the Pools of Visions, and drinking from the waters would grant farsight beyond sight. He tells them both to drink, and close their eyes, then tell him what they see.
As Arthak drinks the water, he sees a landscape shimmer into view. It’s a familiar sight. It’s the ring where he once fought Azuka. Her body broken. Him holding himself together as his name is chanted. As he looks up with Azuka’s head in his hand, he raises it to Blackhand, but Broxigar is there instead. Clutched in his hand is the shimmering, rippling eye of Sargeras. Arthak turns, and he sees thousands of orcs raising banners. However, as they chant, he realizes they aren’t chanting his name. They are chanting another name, but he can’t make out what. Arthak tries to raise the head, but it’s gone. He tries to speak, but can’t. The orcs charge, and grow into immenses sizes. However, they are not growing. Arthak is shrinking.
Drek’thar asks Arthak what he sees.
Arthak explains the sight.
Drek’thar asks Sorak, and Sorak says he sees nothing.
As Arthak is being stampeded over, both Sorak and Arthak feel a pressure on the back of their heads, and then *thunk* and their foreheads are clunked together.
Drek’thar is smiling, his hands still up.
Drek’thar: “There was no vision, Arthak. These pools have lost their power long, long ago. Now it merely serves as something to ease the bones of an old orc. Those visions were of your own insecurities. The things that hold you back. The things that control you. The things that will stay your blade when you need it most. There is wisdom in knowing. The greatest demons are the ones that lie within ourselves.”
He looks at Sorak.
Drek’thar: “You, Sorak. You’ve done well. Your mind is a keen fortress. One that will need to be strong to protect against that which will assail it. That I am quite sure. I believe you are ready.”
Sorak: “Ready for what?”
Drek’thar: “To help an old orc take care of a few things.”
Sorak: “However I can be of service.”
Drek’thar: “The chieftain told you to meet in the dawn, yes? Then ensure you get plenty of rest. I will need you at your peak condition. And Arthak. Remember. The mind is as important a weapon as any steel. Your spirit a bastion worth protecting more than any stronghold.”
Arthak: “...thank you for your wisdom.”
Despite the fact that the elder had said the pool had lost its powers, Sorak still felt some clarity. His few corruption points had melted away.
At that moment, Drek’thar’s attendant comes down to remind him to eat and the like, and they banter a bit. The attendant asks Arthak and Sorak to help him get Drek’thar into his “wheelchair” and they all leave.
Arthak goes to find Mankrik, and he is informed by the healers watching over Mahka that he left recently. He likely had gone to the hill where the Frostwolves bury their dead. Arthak goes, and he sees Mankrik in the distance.
As Arthak approaches, Mankrik says, “Her name was Olgra. She was always getting in trouble. As a child. She would always sneak off. I would follow her. We would play. We would practice and fight. She was always much better with frost wolves than I was. They wouldn’t stop biting my hand when I was young, but she… she had a way with them. Like she could speak their language. Perhaps she could. She was a warrior. Quick. Silent. Powerful. One day, she never returned from patrol. We never found a body. I don’t know if it was the Thunderlords… or denizens of the world. Wild beasts. I never saw her again. I wasn’t strong enough to find her, and I wasn’t strong enough to protect Mahka. I lost so, so much in my life. And you… the way that you wield that blade. It’s familiar to me. When I was young, a wandering blademaster from the Burning Blade clan. He came here. I do not remember his name.”
Arthak: “Samuro. Was that it?”
Mankrik: “I cannot say for certain. He was guarded. Would not give his name to many. He stayed for a while before moving on. I never saw him draw his blade, but I didn’t need to to know his strength. When you wielded your blade against the drift lurker, my mind was called back to that orc. That blademaster. For so long I had wondered. If I was stronger. If I was faster. More skilled. Would I have been able to protect them? Tell me, Arthak. Where do you find your strength?”
Arthak tells him he finds it in the sacrifices of his family and friends, and those before him. They push him forward.
He asks Arthak to test that strength through steel.
Mankrik draws his axe, and Arthak draws Varg, his sword.
Mankrik moves first, slamming into Arthak and staggering him back with his hit. Arthak returns, slashing into Mankrik, and then following up with another swing. It’s another hit, and with a bellow, Arthak brings Mankrik low, cleaving straight through the axe that Mankrik had raised to block.
Mankrik: “Your skill is… far greater than I even imagined. You have no reason to accept this, but if you would be willing, I would learn from you. I see the strength I saw in that blademaster deep within you, young as you may be. I did not ask when he came the first time, and I regretting it my entire life. I wonder how my life would have been different if I cultivated that strength. Please. If you would have me, I would learn that strength from you.”
He bows his head, still kneeling in the snow.
Arthak cracks his neck, and looks down at Mankrik. “What of your clan?”
Mankrik: “I would join yours. When she recovers, when I find a way to bring Mahka back, she too will have such a choice. I was born a Frostwolf, but by your word, I will die a Broken Blade.”
Arthak pulls out a katana, and sticks it into the snow in front of Mankrik.
Arthak: “We can both learn. We can both find strength.”
Mankrik looks up, and with a stern look, he stands and grabs the blade and draws it from its sheath. “My life is yours, chieftain.”
They go to leave, and out of the corner of Arthak’s eye, he sees two figures watching: Lantresor, and… there is no other figure, but for a moment, Arthak thought he saw two.
Meanwhile, with the bath house girls, Spinyl and Remnii spy Azuka in the water. After some time, she comes over and turns around, still half underwater, silently asking Remnii to do her hair.
Remnii does a warbraid, and Azuka tries to blow her hair out of her face, but can’t, because it’s not there. She says that’s convenient. Then drifts away.
Later that evening, Azgadaan hears a familiar voice clear his throat. It’s Onard again. Onard greets him, and asks if he has an answer yet. Azgadaan says he has one. Kind of.
Azgadaan: “I’m not sure if this will satisfy you or not. When I first left, I fought for, well… I wanted to know why my other did what she did. I found out a little bit of the reason. Ah… I have family among you. It turns out. I don’t know where. I was fighting for that. I guess I’m fighting for that now. I’m also fighting for the others too. When I first found them, they met nothing, but now I’m growing attached.”
Onard: “I see.”
Azgadaan: “And. Well. The rest of you draenei aren’t half bad yourselves.”
Onard chuckles.
Azgadaan: “Half are still iffy. Remnii, well, told me a few things, and I can imagine a few others.”
Onard: “25,000 years of being on the road. Fleeing for your life from your former friends and family will drive men and women to mistrust.”
Azgadaan: “I’m running from my father right now, so I can understand that, to a very small degree. But I don’t think he’s trying to kill me just yet.”
Onard: “I cannot say. There is no ‘truly correct’ answer for the question I asked you, Azgadaan. Even amongst our own people, we fight for many, many reasons. We fight to protect our family. To destroy the Legion. To exact revenge. To put an end to a conflict. To save others from suffering like we have. Yet… suffer we do. Each and every one of us. It is how we endure the suffering. How we are knocked to the ground and stand up. A beacon of light, even when the Light abandons you. I did not ask you why you fought so I could learn. I asked you so you could discover it. And I believe you are getting on the right track.”
Azgadaan: “Thanks…”
Onard: “You have much to learn. But everyone always has much to learn. It was only by refusing to learn that we will not grow stronger. I cannot help you find your wayward family, but I trust the Light will show you a way to discover them when the time is right. Even a man’ari like you.”
Azgadaan asks Onard if he recognizes any of the people in a portrait he has around his neck, and Onard says he does not. However, he says to not expect them to be recognized. When they accepted the dark gift of the Legion, they were changed.
Onard informs Azgadan that he will help train him, but he will be subject to the same requirements he puts upon Yrel. In another life, Onard had trained recruits for the Vindicators, and he was known to be a very harsh judge. In many ways he had changed, but in many ways he was also still the same. He expected Azgadaan’s full attention.
After the bath, Spinyl approaches Arthak. She asks how he felt the meeting went, and Arthak said it went well, considering. She asks him how he’s feeling about things now, just in general, in regards to his path. Arthak says his path hadn’t changed.
Spinyl says she has done some thinking, and she recently realized something. She doesn’t think she’s used to things developing so quickly. She muses she never told him how old she was. Arthak (correctly) assumes quite a bit older than himself, and Spinyl confirms she’s around 350.
She had realized all her life she had only been with demons or elves. Though they have their differences, they are similar: they have longer life spans, and a feeling of superiority to races that live less than them. The result is that Spinyl isn’t able to deal with things on the fly, and panics when things develop quickly.
She apologizes if it comes off as offensive, as she doesn’t mean it to be, and she appreciates him thinking of her in the alternatives, but ultimately she isn’t sure she can keep up at such a pace much longer. She likes the people, but she isn’t sure she’s cut out for handling war. However, she reassures him not to worry about her, as she can think on her hoove. Regardless, there are places she can go that Arthak, or anyone else, can, and it may work better for her to go off on her own. And that may be something worth considering.
She said she doesn’t intend to leave soon, but at some point, and the longer she stays, the more it would be expected for her to report back.
It isn’t goodbye yet, but it probably will be.
Arthak asks where she is going to go, and Spinyl says she has some ideas, though she has nothing concrete. At the worse, she can ask for a reassignment. Regardless, they both have the same end goal in mind.
Spinyl also says this is a sort of resignation.
Arthak reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder, and tells her she can always come back. Spinyl thanks him, then goes and hugs him. Arthak stiffly hugs her back.
Spinyl also informs him she received some intelligence that there are a lot more demons in Hellfire than they last left.
August 9th
The next morning, they meet with Go’el. In addition to the party, they also chose to bring Sadras, Yrel, and Samaara.
Go’el leads them up a pass, and thanks them all for coming, in addition to expressing he should probably tell them a few things. They are riding for Ata’gar.
Go’el raises his hand to the sky, and then slams the pommel of the axe into the ground. The earth trembles briefly, and he whispers a few words in draenic. [“Shadowed Light, Reveal Yourself”]
There is a pulse that comes from LeafShadow, and there, before them, is a shard of malachite jutting out of the corner of the wall. On it is the symbol of a wolf.
Go’el informs them this shard will help them travel. A long time ago their people had made pilgrimages to places like this. It’s a spirit stone. It still holds its power, and with that power, they will run like the pack.
He turns to the ground and holds out a hand, inviting those that were coming to step forward. Seven step forward.
Spinyl does not.
Spinyl: “After the incident before, I believe it’s best I stay back. I’m not equipped to handle the cold.”
She rubs the back of her neck.
Spinyl: “There are some things I need to work on. I’ll be back when you guys get back, but I don’t think for much longer after that.”
Arthak gives a reassuring nod. Remnii also reassures her.
Spinyl says there will be some things to talk about when they get back, and Azgadaan says to enjoy her recovery.
Wintermaw pads up after Sorak, Spinyl’s spot now open. Kroll and Go’el approach as well, though Drek’thar and Rehgar are also there in the circle--as is Sorak’s mother.
With shaking limbs, Drek’thar stands, and takes a few steps forward, leaning heavily on a staff. He tells them to begin, and he holds the staff out, his knees trembling. “Oh great spirit who watches over our clan, lend us your champions, the swiftness of the wolf, so we may find the source of your pain.”
The others around them also hold our their hands, and tendrils of spiritual energy wrap out around them, including Sorak’s mother [she’s a shaman too]. The wind begins to pick up as the energy wraps around them. Their forms lighten, and their bodies are transfigured as their hands change into a thin, wispy wind. Their forms expand and grow, and then, where once was Drek’thar and the others, now stands 10 Frostwolves made of spiritual energy. Drek’thar, the largest of the wolves, his eyes the same clear color with black streaks running through his body, rears back and howls. Then Drek’thar rushes forward, bounding off, and starts running, as fast as a gust of wind out of Wor’gol and toward the north.
The others follow. They run really, really fast, and they begin to soar through the sky as they leap off the end of the ledge.
Spinyl sees the wolves streak through the sky, and looks back at the circle. Drek’thar collapses there in the circle, exhausted. His attendant rushes forward and catches him, informing Spinyl he will be okay.