[Alliance] Chapter Two: Session Four
June 14th - June 21st
Back in Capitol City, Loraderon. Tess, Caylum aka Vincent, and Tess were left in the city while Vel and Gil went off to take care of their responsibilities. The first day was a lot of goodbyes, but afterwards, there was some time of rest as the city calmed down.
Tess spends a lot of time with her family.
Uther makes some appearances in the chapel of the Holy Light, making appearances and the like. He is asked by some of the priests to speak to a “youth group” of the Holy Light and share some of his experiences. At one point, a bishop approaches and, in thanks, offers him opportunities to dine with them.
Effectively, he had earned two favors from the Church of the Holy Light and the Order of the Silver Hand.
He also had the opportunity to see the mysterious crystal shard that had crashed through the atmosphere during the fight with Zalazane. It is present being studied by a large number of high ranking priests. However, he was asked to refrain from interfering with the research.
Over the course of the week, he had also gotten the headband resized for Lianne and given it to her. They were curious about the different make, but managed to change it. Lianne was showing it off every time she passed by Uther.
Meanwhile, Vincent started to sow the seeds of creating a new false identity. Namely, as that of a Gilnean refugee.
On the evening of June 14th, as Tess rested with her family, one of the servants came to her and hands her a letter from Gil.
I left Lordaeron suddenly. So unfortunately I have to try and use the writing to talk about emotions.
I have no clue what happened in your past whether you only hurt someone or you accidentally killed someone.
However you need to deal with that pain not shove it down. I’ve seen the cracks in your mask impressive as it is. However until you have mastered yourself I don’t think you’ll be able to master your problems.
You’re going to have to conquer all of your inside demons. So I guess you need to find someone you trust with your secrets and handle them.
Living in fear of what you could do is going to limit what you will do.
Best of luck
Gilveradin Windrunner”
Mia asks who the letter was from, and Tess mentions it was from Gil. Mia comments on it, asking if there was something she needed to know about this “elf boy”. Mia also comments that had they been back in Gilneas, her father likely would have tried to marry her off. Perhaps to the young Wrynn boy, meaning Anduin, though Tess claims that she barely even remembers him despite seeing him at the festival.
Tess doesn’t show her mother the letter, but she shows Krennan. He comments that Gil is rather astute.
They talk for a bit, and Krennan says it may be best to inform Gil that she is alright. After all, the circumstance that haunts her was not her fault.
That evening, Tess lays her head down and she drifts into sleep. The next morning she awakes to the sound of rain, and she realizes she isn’t in the castle anymore. Instead, she’s standing in the midst of a thick, evergreen forest. Though clouds cover the sky, the twin moons shine bright.
She starts to wander. She feels like she’s looking for someone.
And then she hears a familiar voice. It’s her. Lorelei. Like she was that fateful night.
But something is different. Her words are different. As Tess looks down, her hands are claws.
Lorelei: “W-who are you?”
Tess starts to follow the voice, and the trees blend together.
Lorelei: “Somebody help me. Help!”
Snarling chases after the girl, and steel scrapes across wood with a blood curdling scream. As Tess arrives, she sees Lorelei splattered across the ground. However, there’s someone else there. For a moment, she thinks its her, but it’s different. It’s long and hunched, and stands to its full height. It’s much larger than Tess is. It has eyes red with knowledge and understanding, as well as malice and revenge.
The massive worgen form turns toward her, and it’s dragging something in its hand, which reflects the moon and glints. She can almost hear it laugh as it bares its teeth. She whimpers as it looms closer.
Worgen: “You… are mine.”
Tess wakes up in a cold sweat and there is a flash of 1001 faces from her travels. Rafia, Mia, Krennan, Vel, Gil, everyone, torn to pieces, their entrails scattered across the the woods.
She screams.
There is a pounding on her door. Rafia is calling for her to wake up, and she opens the door.
She asks if Tess is alright. Tess says she is, and Rafia said that she needs to come with her immediately as something has happened.
Rafia informs her that Krennan had collapsed.
They go to his room, a number of medical chirurgeons, priests and the like around him. He’s pale, but awake. Mia is already present. Krennan is saying he is fine, but he is clearly in pain.
One of the doctors said he needs to stay in bed for a while. He seems to have dislocated some of the bones in his hip.
They give the group some privacy, and they also emphasize he should rest. Rafia goes to fetch breakfast, but her eyes linger on Tess for a moment.
Krennan has a bad coughing fit every couple of days, but seems to recover. As well as he can.
June 21st - June 28th 0:22
It’s the start of the Midsummer Fire Festival. There are fireworks and partying, though not nearly to the same extent as Uther’s celebration.
Vincent, meanwhile, is trying to get some information. Specifically, he’s trying to get info about the fact the Farstriders left in a hurry. He hears some information from an innkeep that there may be a coup in the elven capital. It’s unclear what exactly is going on, but the monarchy may be behind it, or it may not. Regardless, there’s trouble.
And he wouldn’t be surprised if the Windrunners were involved.
Vincent continues to keep a low profile.
0:34- Meanwhile, Tess is shopping for her mom’s birthday. Specifically, she goes and pokes around in an magic item shop. The half-elven proprietor shows her a pair of earrings. She asks Tess if she knows of the spell “Instant Summons.”
Tess doesn’t. The woman explains the spell allows someone to link a gemstone and an item. Effectively, the link allows the wearer to pop out one of the gemstones and crush it to summon the linked item even across the continent.
Tess asks if works on humans, and she says no.
She also mentions it won’t take the item from someone else, but it will let the user know where it is and who has it.
Tess asks how much it is, and the woman says 8,000 gp.
Tess definitely can’t afford that.
However, she does find a delicate necklace.

She buys it for 240 gp.
Tess goes to visit her mother to give it to her the necklace and overhears Mia talking to Rafia about the first time she and Genn went to the Midsummer Fire Festival in Gilneas and Genn had tripped and spilled a treat all over her new blouse. He wouldn’t stop throwing royal funds at her until she bought a new one.
Mia thanks Tess for the gift, and they decide to bring back some candy for Krennan.
0:50 Meanwhile, Uther has been continuing to train in the training yard. However, he is a bit distracted.
Jaina has also begun his magical teachings in ernest. She had him take a break for lunch, and asks if they could have lunch together.
He agrees. However, as they finish, Jaina asks if there was anything he wanted to talk about. He said no, and Jaina mentions he had been distracted ever since he had defeat the troll creature in Gurubashi.
Uther said it was unrelated, and Jaina mentions that there was something.
He says there is. However, he said there is nothing he wishes to talk about.
Jaina mentions she can’t force him, but she can guarantee he isn’t the only going through things. If he’s having trouble or doubts about his path, she can tell him that he isn’t the first one. Once, a long time ago, she was poised to become the leader of the Council of Six of Dalaran.
Uther mentions he didn’t know that.
Jaina explains that, had she stayed on that track, and Master Antonidas seemed to be grooming her for leadership, though he never admitted it. However, she chose not to.
Uther said he supposes he should be grateful, and Jaina laughs.
She explains she has had a lot of things she had to struggle with. She was the eldest child of Daelin Proudmoore, but after her brother passed, she had already started to attend Dalaran. She had to choose to stay in Dalaran instead of returning as the “prodigal daughter of the sea.”
She also chose to stay with Arthas in Lordaeron instead of Dalaran.
She then explains even Arthas has gone through a great deal of turmoil. In fact, while they were courting, Arthas got cold feet and abruptly left instead of surprising her with an engagement. It wasn’t until many years later they decided to give it another try.
Uther mentioned Arthas had recently told him the story.
Jaina said she was glad, and that no one was perfect. No one has all the answers, and no one will pick all the right answers first. Sometimes you realize later it was wrong, and sometimes you can change it, but other times you can’t. However, moving on always has to happen. No matter what, there will always be people that care. No matter what you have to do.
She said it was probably a good time for her to give him something. A gift.
She withdraws a bag and pulls out a small, completely smooth oblong stone. She hands it to him, and there seems to be a strange glowing, blue rune on it. When Uther holds it, despite it being cool to the touch, there is a warmth on his chest.

Uther doesn’t know what it is.
Jaina explains it’s a hearthstone, and Jaina had made that one herself. It’s a cairn that holds a great deal of sympathetic conjuration magic. When he holds it, whenever he needs, he can speak the command word and be whisked away. Namely, back home. Wherever it is that he considers that.
The stone attunes to locations that mean a great deal to him, and whatever location Uther considers his home is where it will be linked until he thinks otherwise.
It does have limitations. It can only be used once a week, but it will recharge.
Uther thanks her.
They then get back to studying.
Meanwhile, Vincent goes to track down Tess. He bumps into her in the middle of the festival, and he slips something into her pocket.
She realizes there’s a letter in there that wasn’t there before, and nothing was stolen.
It’s a letter to meet him in an inn with the codename “Princess” with a paw print next to it. It also says that, if she doesn’t want the secret out, she would meet with him alone.
She hides the letter from her mother, and escorts her to the castle, before slipping back to the district where the Rude Kitten Inn was located.
She sees a light-haired half elf drinking. He looks in her direction and raises the glass.

Tess walks over, and he greets her. He also apologizes for how straight-forward the letter was, but it seemed to catch her attention. He offers her a seat.
He then introduces himself as Erin Duskpride, and mentions he is there to help. Namely, he was given charge to assist her in her adventures.
Tess asks him to explain.
He says it’s mostly to keep an eye on her, and then shows her his papers from Gilneas. Effectively, the papers seem to indicate he is a Gilnean spy.
It seems pretty solid. It seems old, but solid.
However, Tess does know there are not many half-elves in Gilneas. At least, not when she was there. It wasn’t unheard of. But, times could change.
Tess asks who sent him.
Erin asks her who she thinks, given he’s a spy and takes orders from the higher ups. He then dunks on his own abilities as a spy.
Erin mentions that they should have more of a conversation in private, and that he would like to meet her friends and family given he will be keeping track of her.
Erin is calling out a LOT of secrets Tess has kept hidden.
However, after she spent time with him, Tess feels like there is something amiss. There is more he’s not telling her. He isn’t completely lying, but she doesn’t know what he’s lying about.
And he’s not an immediate threat.
June 26th
It’s the full moon. Jaina once again has Tess prepared in her study with the Lupin Loop with armed guards nearby.
As Tess tries to contain the beast, however, she is unsuccessful. In her mind’s eye she feels eyes staring at her. The same blood red eyes she has been seeing.
The struggle lasts longer than she realizes, but she can’t tell how long has passed.
Eventually, her psyche tires, but she is able to contain it. And she passes out.
June 18th
1:37- Back on the outskirts of Hillsbrad. Rhonin is casting a few incantations, and his body flickers and a few mirror images appear followed by the edges of his robes encrust in frost, and in addition, circling around him is an invisible shield of fire.
Vel also casts mirror image on herself as well as blur, and withdraws her magic dagger and it is coated in the poison, ready to go.
The creature then explodes out of the ground, covered in scorch marks.
It hisses and then looks around frantically. However, its eyes seem to have cataracts. It doesn’t seem to rely on its eyes alone.
Vel fires off a Chromatic Orb, but it misses and glances off its scales.
Rhonin then snaps his fingers, and a wall of fire erupts between Vel and the creature.
The creature fails the dexterity save, and the creature hisses, reeling back as the flames begin to lick and twist across it.
He then shouts “HEY. UGLY. OVER HERE.”
The burrowing monster then falls for the easy bait. It then moves away from the fire and starts stalking toward Rhonin. It opens its mouth, then it stops suddenly. Something opens in its mouth, and a thick white spray shoots out at Rhonin. He dodges out of the way, and the creature burrows.
Vel fires a thunder element Chromatic Orb at the ground and calls for Rhonin not to move. Unfortunately, the creature did not fall for the ruse and still attacks Rhonin.
However, Rhonin is able to dodge out of the way. It strikes him, but the rime on his outfit seems to absorb the damage.
Rhonin side steps, and snaps his fingers. An orb of fire explodes in the air, and washes over the creature.
It seems to look slightly panicked, but takes a bite at Rhonin. Rhonin is unable to avoid, but the damage explodes on him. The creature falls over dead.
Rhonin dusts himself off. He seems okay. For the most part.
However, the spray seems to have calcified the grass.
Together they cut the thing’s head off, and they head into Hillsbrad.
The townsfolk are taken aback by the sight of them as they come in with the creature.
The commotion draws the mayor out, and he recognizes Vel. He runs forth and a shakes her hand. He informs her that the imposter had been sent away to Alterac to deal for their crimes.
He asks who Rhonin is, and Vel introduces him as her uncle Rhonin.
The guard captain also recognizes her, and she recognizes
The mayor throws a small banquet and rewards them. Rhonin jokes about taking up a profession as a monster hunter.
Vel hears some people talk about the situation at Durnholde, and namely that it was a scuffle and the Syndicate got their asses kicked. The people that knew Blackmoore mentioned it was good riddance that he died in whatever happened.
June 19th - June 21st 2:03
They travel for two more days without anything major happening. However, not long after, they are passing by the hills. Overhead they hear a keening. As they look up, flying in a curious formation, almost a V coming from the south, is a formation of eagles.
They seem to be flying low to the ground. As Vel takes a closer look, however, and they are actually huge. They are more akin to rocs.
These creatures don’t have migration patterns.
Vel comments on it given eagles are normally solitary.
Over the next week they are fairly unaccosted. There are patrols looking for Syndicate activity, but no one stops them. They are clearly from Dalaran.
June 26th
2:10 The early evening on the 26th, the fortress looms ahead. It seems like it has done well in the past month.
As they approach they are hailed, and Vel identifies herself and her uncle. And then said she received summons from Prince Victor.
They are escorted inside.
As they approach the keep, Victor meets them. He seems in good spirits.
He asks Vel what business the man has with her, and she comments her identity was probably easy to figure out. She’s probably easily identified being Uther’s tutor.
Victor stops and asks about his mother, and Vel comments she spent some time with Uther. He is happy to hear it.
Victor explains that he has been taking control of the situation until Aiden returned.
They arrive at the holding cell, and Victor opens the door for Vel. He mentions Camrus has had his hands tied, and if he tries anything to just let him know.
Vel enters, and Camrus greets her. She comments about him using her name, and he responds that he got it from Victor. Ultimately the prince was more than willing to give information if asked in certain ways.
Vel asks him what he wants.
Ultimately, Camrus wants for her to arrange a prison transfer to Dalaran given some of his goings on outside of Alterac. At which point, members of the Syndicate would swoop in, break him out, and conveniently leave Vel alive.
Vel comments (sarcastically) that his last escape went well, and he tells her not to be coy. She can help, or he would bargain for a lighter sentence by revealing her involvement. Vel counters he is overestimating her pull with Dalarn, and he insists that she is still a member of the Kirin Tor.
After a bit of back and forth, Vel seems to go along with the idea, citing it as a “new chapter” and Camrus believes her and settles in to wait for news of his transfer.
However, once she exits, Vel asks to speak with Victor in private. She explains what Camrus wanted, and what he intended to do. Victor is confused as to why he would even think that such a plan would work at all. ANd why he thought Vel would even go along with it.
Vel then confesses her involvement, expressing that he couldn’t turn around and blackmail her as he intended if Victor already knew. Victor is stunned for a moment, and then understandably furious. He asks who knew about this, and she informs him she only told her uncle on the way over. No one else, not Uther, not Gil, no one, knew.
Victor is frustrated, and angry, and a bunch of other emotions. He punches the table, and tells her she should be imprisoned, tried as a criminal, and executed. Fifty innocent people had died during the prison break, including guards and citizens.
She says she understands, and that she made a mistake and was willing to face the consequences of it. Victor asks her what she wants him to do with this information.
She said she would rather be indebted to him than Camrus.
He then tells her to go. She’s stunned for a moment, and he tells her to go again before he reconsiders, and punches the table again as he says, “Goddammit, Uther.”
As she and Rhonin leave, they see Camrus being dragged out, clearly surprised at what was going on. He sees Vel, and starts to shout about her being a bitch and continuing to go off, intending on spilling her involvement, but Victor bashes his face with a gauntletted hand so he couldn’t speak due to him biting his tongue as a result.
Camrus is executed as Rhonin and Vel leave.
July 6th
Vel and Rhonin reach Dalaran again.
Gil continues his journey, seeing the Midsummer Fire Festivals while on the road. Gil asks if they can stop, and Nathanos says no.
They make it to Nathanos’s “hideout”. There are munitions, caltrops, and many other things about. However, there is one really, really well made dresser. His bed also looks really comfortable. Higher thread count than anticipated.
Gil also finds a long, honey-colored hair. His eyes widen, and he immediately leaves.
Zaeneas isn’t going to stay by himself, and hurries after him.
They continue traveling after the brief stop, and they reach the borders of Quel’Thalas. They camp near the grove of the Mother Tree of all the Eversong Woods.
July 9th
Then, eventually, they reach the tall gates of Silvermoon.
Vereesa and Lirath go to check up on Sylvos which Zaeneas and Caleron head back to their rooms and go off to do their own things.
Meanwhile, Gil is left with Nathanos. Gil asks if Nathanos is going to go into more detail about the investigation, and he says another ranger-captain is in charge: Halduron Brightwing.
They go to meet with them, as well as Sylvanas herself.
Sylvanas asks for a debriefing. She already received notice from Alleria, but she wants to know from Gil’s point as well.
Gil tells her literally everything.
Sylvanas informed him that Alleria should be returning soon as she was overseeing the setup of the Gurubashi village where the trolls will be monitored.
However, Sylvanas hones in on the detail of the worgen curse and its spreading. She mentions it’s concerning, but there isn’t much they could do given the distance. However, it was something to keep on eye on as Lordaeron and the other human kingdoms took care of it.
She also informs him that, given he was working on his leave, he would be paid for his contribution.
Sylvanas then mentions the warlocks have grown bold, and given Gil’s involvement in the investigation of the murder of Duron Coldlight, his help may be needed. She sends him to meet with the head of the investigation.
Gil grabs Zaeneas and Caleron and then goes.
Inside the headquarters, there is a body. The remains of the man that was murdered.
There were also four investigators. A woman, who seems to be a priest.

And three men. One has long black hair in a ponytail in a high collar.

He introduces himself as Magister Rommath, and he identifies Gil immediately. He also introduces the young woman as sister Liadrin.
There is also a young blonde man, who is Halduron Brightwing.

And the last individual is Lor’themar Theron.

Lor’themar greets him and says it’s good to see Gil on less controversial matters.
Gil asks if there are any leads, and Halduron fills him in.
The murder happened about 2-3 weeks after Gil had last left. Magister Dar’khan was returning from some meetings, with some body guards, but after some time his body was found. He was only alone for a short time.
The magister terrace, where he was being escorted to, is on the Sunwell Plateau itself.
Not to mention the small signs of struggle given the magister’s own magical prowess.
All the magisters that have been questioned seem to have alibis. The Guardians of Eternal Spring responsible for his protection have also been put on leave and kept in Quel’thalas.
The injuries were caused largely by pyromancy, but there was some influence from the fel as well.
However, there was no way the assassination could have occurred without help from someone higher up.
Gil asks where they want him to start, and Halduron said that’s up to him. However, he gives Gil some names and suggestions to follow up on if he chooses.
There were five people in particular that spoke to Magister Dark’han before he died.
Kilnar Goldensword
Commander Borel
Sylvos Windrunner
Zendarin Windrunner, and his wife, Sinestra Windrunner
Caleron and Zaeneas ask where they should start, and Gil comments he hasn’t met his uncle Sylvos once, and says he’s quiet, a lot like Vel, just not aggressive. Zaeneas laughs. Caleron doesn’t say anything.
Gil suggests they start with Kilnar.
Lor’themar pulls Gil aside privately and also mentions none of the investigators should be immune either. Gil agrees.