[Alliance] Chapter Two: Session Nine
July 13th
As Vel sits down with the group, Finnall immediately goes into the events over the last number of weeks, including the things that had happened after they had left the first time. How they had come to end up in the troll lands, where they encountered the group, and how their journey continued back to Lordaeron.
Finnall brags about how she won the grand melee.
Theo chimes in periodically as well.
In the weeks following Lordaeron, Finnall explains she had been working on gathering information and taking odd jobs, but had come back once she heard that there were accusations levied against her mother. She’s a big more vague in these regards, though it’s likely Kilnar is already aware of what she was doing.
Thaxdorlin is watching Vel curiously. Still, Vel listens for inconsistencies in Finall’s stories. Everything lines up.
Kilnar reveals to Finnall that she’s invited into the inner circle, if Vel would have it. Finnall nods along, bemused, and that’s the greatest reaction.
For the rest of the tea time, small talk continues and Finnall disregards her mother’s orders-- feet are on the table. Theo is keeping up on his studies, and everyone is rather tired. Theo, Finnall, and the crew rise. Theo’s a good boy and he actually gathers the dishes from tea time.
Kilnar rises, gracefully, and thanks Vel for her time at tea. Turning to a servant, Kilnar sends them to pick up a spare contract. Kilnar states that she will have the contract ready for Vel before Vel retires. (Also, Vel’s mom was often up late, too).
Kilnar also extends an invitation to Vel and the party-- if they need to get out of the palace, the estate is welcome to them.
A half-elf servant, wearing an ornate golden corsage, Orienas draws a bath for Vel upon Kilnar’s request. The two women say good night, and Vel is soon able to soak in a bath. The water goes cold faster than expected. It’s fine, she’s used to it.
As Vel makes her way back to her modest room, she finds a contract already ready for her. Unraveling it, she finds the document. It does not take any investigation rolls to see that the other names listed are obscured and redacted until signing. Vel studies the contract to find that there is nothing else, no extra things, or anything hidden.
It’s just regularly shady. Not extra shady. Vel sets the alarm spell around where she sleeps, and she heads to bed.
Before Vel gets deeply to sleep, a ping on her alarm spell goes off. Vel checks, and lo and behold, Finnall is behind the door. It’s late, but Finnell doesn’t seem to mind-- she’s never been one for getting to sleep early, after all.
Finnall pinpoints the contract, knowingly. She wants to tell Vel that she doesn’t think it’s a bad idea for her to sign her contract. She notes how careful Kilnar can be, you know the magister types. Finnall mentions that after all the help Vel has offered to her kid and her people, that she’s got Vel’s back. This applies with or without contracts.
“I can still kick her ass with a sword.” Finnall smiles, “I look forward to working with your regardless.”
The two bid goodnight, Finnall goes stumbling/wandering down the hallway.
The rest of the night goes by without a hitch-- except for barracudas getting nosy. >:V
The rest of the party finds themselves doing their different activities. Tess tosses and turns, thinking of her family. Gil strings the acorn around his neck. Vincent? He finds the beds too comfy.
The rooms in the palace are beautiful, and the curtains in there are even voice command.

Late that night, as Uther is winding down, maybe 45 minutes after he settles in, there is a knock on his door. Uther tells them to enter, and the door quietly slides open, and there is a gentle wheeling of an intricate metal cart as a beautiful silver “room service” cart covered in blue velvet enters. There is a variety of different wines, fruits, and cheeses adorning it, along with buckets of ice.
Pushing the cart is a beautiful young elvish woman with pale skin and a healthy, faint tan. She has beautiful bright golden hair that falls past her waist and to her ankles. She is wearing a very low-cut dress. She has emerald green eyes, and she glances around the room before settling her gaze on Uther. She introduces herself as Lydi, and she was here at the behest of “his majesty.”

Uther asks what “his majesty” believes he requires, and the woman smirks and cocks her weight.
Lydi: “I assume you don’t spend many nights at Thalassian nobility, do you?”
Uther confirms.
Lydi smiles and rolls the cart closer to the bed, then produces two small glasses and uncorks one of the bottles of wine.
She explains that his Majesty had heard about Uther’s deeds in the Falconwing Square. Considering Uther may be weary, he thought to send one of the royal ladies of the night to help soothe some of his woes.
So here she was.
And then the cork goes flying, and there is a look of panic for a moment before she apologizes with a slight blush.
She offers Uther some wine. Uther expresses he would hate to be rude, so he takes the glass. Lydi goes into the specifics of the wine, and mentions that it was aged 350 years.
Uther: “Remarkable vintage indeed. I couldn’t even tell you who sat on the throne of Lordaeron when this was bottled.”
He takes a sip, it slides down his throat smoothly, and it’s amazing, with a certain thick, sweetness to it. Lydi also seems rather impressed by the wine.
They both drink another glass. Uther starts to feel it a bit.
Lydi: “Well, I’m told wine very rarely goes without a pairing.”
She opens a bell-shaped dish, and reveals a bunch of cheeses and fruits. She comes closer to Uther, and gently runs a hand along his shoulder, and urges him to make himself comfortable. As he lays down, she offers to feed them to him as she makes small talk.
She mentions rumors spread frequently in the palace, and that she had heard some peculiar things about some of Uther’s heroics. Uther asks what she had heard, and she mentions the “army of undead trolls trying to conquer the world.” She had also heard he was riding from village to village saving children and people from undead hordes.
Uther says this is true, but it is typical for any Knight of the Silver Hand.
Lydi chuckles and moves her hair, revealing her shoulder and more of her dress. She mentions she had never had the opportunity to meet a knight of any human paladin order, and Uther mentioned not many probably makes their way into the palace guest rooms.
Lydi: “A misfortune for young children like myself.”
She giggles, and then mentions she would like to hear the stories from Uther himself.
Uther: “You’ll have to forgive me, I’m not in the habit of singing my own praises.”
Lydi: “Humble, and handsome. Is there anything you don’t have, Uther?”
Uther: “I’m a terrible dancer.”
Lydi giggles again, and then mentions there was one other thing he may have.
Uther: “And what’s that?”
She slides across the bed and gestures to the cart. It rolls toward her, and she start to work her hands into Uther’s shoulders.
Lydi: “Oh. More than just one, I see.”
She starts to work the knots out of his back. She eventually slips his tunic off, and continues to massage his shoulders with lotions and oils. She continues to giggle, and coaxes Uther to lay on his stomach as she straddles his waist and continues to massage his back.
Uther needs to stop himself from falling asleep. She then runs her hands through his hair and asks if there was anything else she could take care of.
Uther expresses that he was more relaxed than he had been in years.
Lydi mentions she should let him get some sleep, but said she enjoyed her time. She mentioned that if he ever needed further companionship to just call for her any other night. She gets up, and Uther sees a small smirk as she walks away. A devious one.
Uther goes to cast lay on hands on himself, and the woman flicks her wrist, sending a grape sailing by and hitting Uther gently on the cheek.
Lydi: “I guess you did like that wine, didn’t you?”
She laughs, and lingers for a moment, before leaving.
Uther laughs to himself when he realizes his healing energy was spent, but then goes to sleep.
July 14th
The next morning, everyone awakens. None of the other party had any late night visitors (unless they requested them). They get some delicious breakfast, and then go off to meet at the meeting location for the next day of work.
Tess, Arator, and Vincent meet up with Uther, and Uther seems to have a spring in his step.
Both Tess and Vincent can tell something is a little different. Tess can tell that his good mood is a combination of a number of things. Jaina also meets with them. Tess elbows Uther.
Tess: “Oooo, I guess someone had a good night.”
Uther: “I believe I did. I believe I drank liquid that may well be worth more than what most of my subjects make in a year.”
Gil: “To be fair, most of our wine is about that expensive.”
As the group makes their way toward their meeting place, Gil finds a gold piece on the ground. He keeps walking. Tess picks it up instead.
A few steps later there is a second gold piece.
As they look up, they see more gold pieces on the ground veering off into one of the alleyways. Up ahead a young child had stooped and picked one up, and then ran off to show his mom.
The group disrupts the chain, and Gil mentions it was clearly a trap.
Vincent: “You wanna call your little guards and inform them?”
Gil: “Most are probably taller than you.”
Vincent: “Your point?”
Gil: “There isn’t one.”
Gil then waves over some guards, and points out the trail leading into the suspicious dark alley
Guard: “Huh. That is suspicious.”
Female guard: “You don’t say?”
They go off and look into it, while the group continues on, splitting the gold pieces they picked up amongst themselves.
Meanwhile, back with Vel, she wakes up after a good quiet’s night rest. She’s an early riser. There is a message magically scrawled in gold and flickering numbers. It’s a timer to when breakfast is.
Vel gets up and begins getting ready for the day. She stashes the scroll in her coat and then locates Kilnar. When located, Kilnar is wearing a lovely, pale, minty green. The sides of the dress are carved out. Instead, she’s wearing a loosely strapped on sandal. Kilnar is speaking to someone with fingers up to her ear.
“In two days time, it appears it will be the following night. May be wise to be in the area, I look forward to seeing you soon, my dear.” Kilnar says.
The two greet, and Vel lands a permanent room in Kilnar’s estate for visiting. Vel doesn’t want too much more than what she already has-- which Kilnar begs to differ.
Looking to cut to the chase, Vel wishes to speak upon the contract. Kilnar agrees.
The contract is nearly the base of the contract.
Termination of the contract under exceptional circumstances: Vel asks about what the other ones could be.
“In a city like Silvermoon, there are a great many threat that can arise. In this particular instance, the things that come to mind are breaches of contract from magical deception. Were you and I to have a Geas spell that acted in direct opposition, that would be a circumstance that I would drop it. A loophole, perhaps, that we due to unforeseen circumstances? Another reason why I termination may be preferable.
“If you were to find some additional circumstance to suppress the parameters of the contract, and by its writing was to bypass the writing, it would allow either of us to allow annulment “
Kilnar notes that she, as the contractor, would have more power to annul the contract. Still, Vel could bring concerns to her and they could cancel the contract. Vel also brings up that she would prefer that no information that Vel shares stays with Kilnar. They’re *her* confidants, not Vel’s.
Kil: My only concern is that if you decide, that you wish to assist me in various endeavors, were you to reveal any information to me that the others would not be privy to. I could not share the information with them.”
Kilnar explains that it must be straight forward for the spell. She offers to fix the contract so that they could have a “classified” setting. Any information would be shared would need to be classified as “share with none” or “share with all.”
Kilnar answers another question for Vel, that she can keep secrets. Information will get to where it needs to go, and stay where it needs to. Mostly, it’s word of mouth.
As far as Vel can tell, she’s truthful.
Vel agrees, provided that all contracts are amended. Kilnar smiles, it will be worth her while and then they will BOTH benefit.
:What kind of teacher would I be if I did not allow by pupils to prosper, if they assist me? I shall have the contract modified. We will swiftly have it signed before we go about our business.”
They share a quick breakfast. Finnall is loud, as usual. Afterwards, Finnall stops Vel, “Mom told me that, uh, Queen Jaina is in town with you? Right?
Finnall smiles and flexes, stating that if she needs a favor, she’s set. CHAMPION OF THE GRAND MELEEEEEE.
The mercs bid Vel goodbye.
1:17 Kilnar claps her hands together, and the two get to work. They go to a room, a sanctum, of her own. As Vel looks around, the room from head to toe, is covered in class. Behind the glass Vel sees ancient tomes, scrolls, artifacts, and items of incredible import all about. Many of the items are very, very old. Kilnar notes that it’s her personal study.
Kilnar claps, and bookshelves move out of the way. It exposes layers of shelves.
After a brief look over the contract, all things are in line with Vel’s wishes.
Kilnar gestures for it, “You need only sign your signature with your index finger on the line below.”
Vel signs the paper, there’s a slight pinprick. Dragging her finger across, her signature is sealed in her own blood. As Vel turns, Kilnar offers and handkerchief. Kilnar repeats Vel’s motion.
Upon the completion of signing, the contract flashes, the text glows… and that’s it!
(The List is now clear for Vel to see)
Vel had been able to guess two of the names on the list. She says that they may be more willing to talk.
Aunt Linore, Vel’s aunt, was on the contract, too. Kilnar went to her wedding before she went to the Windrunner family and married in. The Harbormaster is a useful purveyor of information for Kilnar.
“Was mother on this once?” Vel asks.
“She was.” Kilnar says with a sad smile, “After the incident, we allowed the contract to expire so that she could spend more time with her family, but yes, right there above Esara.”
Originally, it did not look like there was any empty space… but upon investigation, a name could have fit there.
Kilnar bids her goodbye, noting that in two days time a number of Kilnar’s people will be in town. She also wishes for Vel to meet Asara, stating that mother and Asara were close since childhood.
Vel agrees to stop by. Kilnar, once more, sends her off to see her friends. “Run along~”
As Vel leaves, KT pops up. “I don’t know how I feel about this, Velameestra. I imagine this may open many doors for us. Nonetheless, use caution. I still don’t trust her, in spite of her connection to your mother. She may be trying to use her as an anchor to try and control you.”
“Isn’t that how most relationships go?”
“Hmm. Well said, Velameestra, well said.”
The group meets up at the base camp. Velameestra had arrived there first.
Jaina expresses that she hopes everyone had a restful night.
Gil: “Some of us more than others.”
Jaina raises an eyebrow, and then sighs and shakes her head. Gil was talking about Uther. She thought he was talking about himself.
She asks what the plan is for today.
Gil mentions he has a meeting with the ranger general. He asks Vel if she made any headway, and Vel mentions that Finnall and the Aurum Blades are back in town.
Jaina muses that Finnall always seems to show up everywhere. Gil mentions that it’s probably something to do with being Kilnar’s daughter. She comments she is a strange one.
Gil: “Kilnar or Finnall?”
Jaina mentioned it was Finnall. She didn’t have a whole lot of interaction with Kilnar.
They talk a bit more about the suspects, and Gil tells Uther to fill Vel in on what happened while he goes to his meeting.
The farstrider boy just threw Uther and Arator under the bus.
Meanwhile, Gil goes to talk to Sylvanas. He mentions that there are two members of the Convocation on the suspect list.
He also mentions that one of the people with Jaina is actually SI7.
Sylvanas’s eyebrow twitches. Ever. So Slightly.
Sylvanas wants to know why Stormwind Intelligence was here, and Gil said it was probably about Tess, but they were going to be digging into sensitive information that Vincent would likely report back.
Gil wasn’t sure what Sylvanas wanted him to do.
Sylvanas said she would have some of her best rangers try to intercept any missives he tries to send back, that way any information that would be a risk for the security of Quel’Thalas wouldn’t make it through the borders.
Gil also then fills her in on the dagger black market sale, and Sylvanas said that she will have people on stand-by, but it was something Gil would have to deal with on his own. After all, if too many people were present, the culprits may go to ground.
Sylvanas mentioned Jaina was working with some magisters to find a way to destroy the daggers, and the sooner they found that way, the better.
Gil asks if he discovers anything with the Convocation if he should come to her, and Sylvanas said he should, if there was solid evidence. He had to be sensitive about the situation. However, she can’t give him anymore jurisdiction.
It wasn’t an easy task, but they didn’t become Farstriders to take on easy tasks.
Gil mentioned he just didn’t want to overstep anything. Sylvanas mentions again for him to use discretion, and if he had to do anything that the other members of the Convocation would not approve of, it would be best to make sure he had absolutely damning evidence. Otherwise, it would be hard to protect himself.
She then mentioned she had some other duties to tend to, and Gil thanks her, and leaves.
1:41 Gil heads back, just in time to reveal what’s gone on.
Vel asks for a word with Uther, Uther follows with guilt.
V: Tell me exactly what you were thinking?
U: Something otherworldly was put on me, it was a lead.
Vel frowns and then notes that Uther lead Arator and himself into great danger and didn’t tell anyone. She inquires about what else they learned-- as we already know there are demons in Silvermoon.
“Certainly nothing that was worth it.” Uther answers.
“I’m sorry, Velameestra, it won’t happen again.”
Vel recounts that it wasn’t the first time he’s said “it wouldn’t happen again.” She also notes that he dragged Arator into it, too.
Uther calls himself foolish and irresponsible.
“You will be a leader, you will lead people into situations and they’ll be following you. You’re responsible for all that do. It wasn’t just your life at stake.”
Uther, again, agrees. “Again, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. I guess I made my point, though I thought my letter would have made you think more.” Vel turns and walks back in.
Meanwhile, Jaina is going on about her studies in decrypting the daggers. She’s certain they will find something, but they haven’t been able to find a way to actually to destroy them. It’s implied she may have tried disintegrate.
As Vel walks back in, she asks if the materials were impervious to magic, and Jaina mentions that not exactly. Gil asks if more mundane means could possibly do it, but Jaina isn’t sure. Forges have had not much effect.
There were hotter forges in the Dark Iron lands, but they couldn’t just stroll into them, and throwing them in a volcano, in theory, may take too long. If people found out about them, they may be retrieved.
However, Jaina isn’t letting this stop her.
Arator then asks for the plan for the day.
Gil mentions that Arator and Caleron should go check into the people in house arrest, as well as maybe talk to Lor’themar about Koltira to maybe get some general information on here.
Gil, Tess, and Vincent are going to go sneak into the lairs of some of the most powerful people in Silvermoon. Tess, however, had done it before, so they should be fine. They are going for Borel to see if there was anything they could find on him.
Meanwhile, Gil assigned Vel, Uther, and Zaeneas to go talk to Rommath and Liadrin.
Vel is not amused at getting assigned Zaeneas.
Arator, Caleron, and Whisper, Caleron’s lynx, set off. Zaeneas mozies over to Uther and Vel, and mentions that he’s working presently, so she wouldn’t get any sass from him.
Vel still isn’t amused. Uther greets him.
They leave.
Gil also mentions to Tess and Vincent that he wanted to talk to Thal’ena and Lana’thel as well, and they head toward the prison first to speak with Lana’thel.
Gil, Tess, and Vincent go to talk to Thal’ena at the Dawnseeker residence in Solstice Square. The first thing they see are two captains of the Guardians of Eternal Spring guarding the front door, and there are others all over the place. There are easily about a dozen of them.
Gil tries to get clearance, but is informed the Dawnseeker residence is barred to all. After all, it is unknown how people seeking to get at Thal’ena may get in. Thus, without proper ranking, the way is shut.
Vincent: “So much for your ranking.”
Gil: “Yeah, unfortunately my ranking is fool-proof. They also answer to General Borel, not the Ranger-General, otherwise it wouldn’t be a problem.”
Vincent: “Lovely. Shall we?”
Gil: “Yeah. Two options. We can check out the estate, or go to the prison.”
They decide to go back to the prison, Morningtide Hold. They are greeted, and Gil explains they wanted to speak with Lana’thel Dawnseeker.
The guard asks for them to hold for a moment. He asks for their names, and then goes to look into getting their clearance to do so. It takes about a half hour until the guard comes back. They are directed to a room where they can speak with Lana’thel.
They ask them to check their weapons, and Vincent pours out a bunch of weapons plus a crowbar. Gil also pulls out the blood bone dagger, which the guard also requests.
Vincent: “You had better not lose that.”
He’s referring to the dagger, and the guard reassures them that he won’t.
Inside, they see the raven-haired woman known as Lana’thel. She sighs. Her hands are not bound, but there is a glyph on the back of her hand which is likely some sort of safeguard.
She looks up at them, looking tired, scared, angry, sad, frustrated, and a bunch of other emotions. She asks who she owes the pleasure.
They introduce themselves.
Lana’thel: “Here for some more interrogations I suppose? Well I have nothing to hide. Ask away. Perhaps after the 20th time someone will listen.”
Gil: “I understand you were put on Drathir’s detail by Borel himself?”
Lana’thel confirms.
Gil: “Did he give you a reason?”
Lana’thel: “I was informed it was because of his increased position. It was concerned he may become a target of the warlocks. He wasn’t the only one, it seems.”
Gil: “The night he was assassinated, he sent you away. Did he give any reason?”
Lana’thel: “He said he was having a guest. I told him we were supposed to escot him into the interior of his manor, but he insisted he would be fine. Judging from the reports, that guest was probably the woman that discovered his body. Laryanna Nightshade? I don’t know much, but I know Drathir has a history with women. It doesn’t take much to connect the dots, so we left.”
Gil: “Do you normally leave at the request of those you are guarding?”
Lana’thel: “We don’t have as much authority as Farstriders. We answer to Commander Borel, and he answers more closely to the magistrate. If a magister commands you do something, you comply before he starts raising his voice and causing complaints. Especially in regards to one so close to the king. Likewise, Koltira left as well. As their assigned body guards, the Spellbreakers listen to the magisters themselves. Plus, he seemed privy to whatever night time endeavors Dar’khan was getting up to. He seemed to find it rather entertaining. Then I returned home, greeted my husband after a long day of work, and was put under house arrest the next day. I promise you… and this business about my daughter? Her kidnapping? A sacrifice. I don’t know anything about it.”
Vincent: “Where were you that day?”
Lana’thel: “Under house arrest with my squad.”
Gil: “Who was watching you that night?”
Lana’thel: “No one is watching us all the time. We stay at the barracks. We aren’t allowed to leave the hold, but it’s a weak alibi. I spoke with people, but it’s a city of mages. Anyone could have been manipulated, or there were illusions…. I don’t know who is targeting me, but someone is.”
Though obviously it’s hard to say for certain, but all three of them get the impression that she’s not lying. It seems they are dealing with a very tired, very concerned woman who is worried about her family, and after that, worried about herself. She has clear bags under her eyes. If she is lying to them, she has to be damn good at it.
Gil: “Can you tell us more about your daughter? Why she would have been targeted.”
Lana’thel: “Perhaps because she’s young. Because she’s easily manipulated. My daughter doesn’t always surround herself with the best people. As one of the premier entertainers, she meets a lot of people with a lot of interests. I wish she would be in a safer line of work. She’s a brilliant tailor. She would try to sew together stuffed animals when she was younger. I always ask her if she wants to keep them still, but she still has an attachment to them. Perhaps in time, once she outgrows this entertainment business, she can do something more simple. She’s a brilliant songstress, but it leads her into dangerous places. I don’t know what she does, or who she spends time with, but I know sometime ago she was caught with a wanted fugitive. A dealer of various illicit substances. Some of the substances were found in her system. That incident… I assume you read something about it. I risked my career to keep her from going to prison. “
Gil: “The only tarnish on her record.”
Lana’thel: “Not anymore. Why would anyone think I would try to kill my only daughter? The joy of my life?”
Vincent: “Someone said you were there. That’s reason enough for some people.”
Lana’thel: “I wouldn’t do that.”
Gil: “Is there anyone that would do that to you?”
Lana’thel: “I don’t know. Staying under house arrest makes me paranoid. I think of everything I’ve done. Perhaps I’ve made more enemies than I’ve realized. I don’t think I have, despite of what my tired brain may conjure up. Perhaps because they wanted me dead. Perhaps they are afraid I may know something that may help. Perhaps I’ve outlived my usefulness, so now I would do better being buried. I fear for my husband, and my daughter. If they can’t get to me, what happens if they go for them?”
Gil: “Well, they’ll have to get through at least a dozen of your fellow knights to get to her. Your estate is quite locked down.”
Lana’thel: “That puts my heart at ease a bit. At least I know she isn’t going out at night now. She would, you know, if she wasn’t locked in her room. Sometimes I wonder if I was half as rambunctious as she was at her age. Perhaps after all this I’ll visit my mother and ask. Is there anything else you needed?”
Vincent: “Is there anyone in your group that’s good with illusion magic? It seems your daughter fell for whoever was pretending to be you. So they had a good act. It had to be someone that knew you well.”
Lana’thel explains the rest of her squad were with her that night. She starts to say something, then stops. Vincent presses more, as holding information makes things more difficult.
Lana’thel sighs.
Lana’thel: “I didn’t say anything because I don’t know if I even believe myself with this particular one. Keleseth. He’s one of the oldest of my lieutenants. He’s very ambitious. He’s been a member of my group for some time.”
Vincent: “Does he step out of line frequently?”
Lana’thel: “He doesn’t. Not overtly. This is all speculation from a woman that hasn’t slept a wink in three days. But he's a very cunning individual. He’s always planning and plotting. Stretching his orders and limitations. He’s efficient, and my best man, but I… sometimes the two of us have gotten into disagreements. I… normally would have not thought of any of them, but in my state those disagreements become more potent.”
Vincent: “What kind of disagreements?”
Lana’thel: “His behavior and mannerisms. On his modus operandi. Circumventing my authority. Giving orders when I don’t. Bending the rules as best I can. He’s a maverick, but a damn effective one. I feel like I don’t know him despite working with him for decades. But, again, I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s all pure speculation. Wild speculation at that.”
Tess: “Surely this speculation comes from some ounce of…”
Vincent: “Doubt?”
Lana’thel: “Perhaps. Or perhaps it’s just fear. I’ve seen him in nightmares, and none of it is ever pretty.”
As they watch her, her demeanor seems to have become more closed off as genuine fear starts to spread across her. Gil and Tess especially can tell she is not enjoying bringing this up, and is actually, visibly, shaken.
Tess: “I’m sorry to bring up bad thoughts to you, though.”
Lana’thel says it’s alright, as she is a soldier after all.
Tess: “But this does help us, so I want to thank you as well.”
Lana’thel: “Thank you for.. Believing me I suppose. Or listening, at the very least.”
Tess: “That’s what we’re here for in some way or anything.”
Vincent also thanks her for her cooperation, and they all tell her to get some rest. Lana’thel asks them to tell her husband she loves him if they happen to see him.
Lana’thel: “If, by any chance, your investigations take you to Sunsail Anchorage on the west coast, drop by my mother and tell her we’re alright. She must be worried, but she’s not as young as she once was. Traveling this far would be difficult.”
Tess smiles, and promises with a nod.
Lana’thel thanks them again, and wishes them luck as well as mentioning if she thinks of anything, she will find a way to let them know.
They leave, and ALL the belongings are returned. For a moment, Gil panics, not seeing the dagger, but they find the guard put it at the bottom to hide it more.
It’s about 11:30am by the time they leave.
They then go to see if Borel is in his office, and as they make their way there, it seems he is on a lunch break. His secretary out front mentions he would be back in about an hour. Vincent asks if she knows where he is, and she says she doesn’t normally ask. The secretary mentions it was rather presumptuous to think she would ask to have lunch with him. Gil points out that she was the one that mentioned it.
The secretary blushes, and then goes to get a drink of water, leaving the trio with the office.
Leaving the trio.
With the office.
MEANWHILE, with Uther, Vel, and Zaeneas. They start to head to the Everpost residence to see if Liadrin happens to be around. Despite the fact that she is a high ranking member of the organization, there’s a good chance Liadrin is either at Falconwing Square at her residence where she lives with her adopted father, or she is at the church at the Court of the Sun.
They decide to try the church first. It looks similar to the one Uther had been at before, though it’s slightly taller and wider, about the size of an average chapel in a large city in Lordaeron. Traffic seems to be pretty high at the moment. There are priests and acolytes talking to people. There seems to be some sort of market going on, and many followers are talking to each other while hawking wares inside the main atrium of the church, like some sort of fundraiser.
Zaeneas: “Where’s that Liadrin broad at….”
He’s looking around, and Uther also doesn’t see her. However, Uther sees Gallel there, his pockets already filled with things he’s purchased.
However, Vandellor nor Liadrin are there it seems.
Uther also makes note of a tall man that catches Uther’s eye. He has long, stark-white hair, clearly above the average age of an elf. He looks familiar, but Uther can’t place his face.
Uther goes to ask Gallel where Liadrin is, and Gallel greets him eagerly. He then introduces him to the man Gallel was talking to as the man who saved their acolytes previously. The other man nods at him, and then bids farewell to Gallel before leaving.
Uther and Gallel exchange pleasantries, and Uther then asks where they could find Liadrin.
Gallel mentions Liadrin took the day off, and then a soft smile falls on his face. He explains she’s making a home visit to somewhere important to her.
He explains that she and Vandellor likely went together to the Little Rays Orphanage in Falconwing Square. She likes to visit every few months where she can.
Gallel also warns them to be polite, as the matron mother can be a bit abrasive. He also says not to stare.
Zaeneas has quickly left the building already.
They catch up with Zaeneas, who is brooding against a tree. He looks perturbed, but seems to know where he’s going as they navigate the city. Vel tries to make small talk with him, and he mentions the area is his old stomping grounds.
He refuses to go to the orphanage and leaves the two of them to go in after leading them most of the way.
The door is cracked, and they hear some laughter. Vandellor’s voice can be heard inside, going on about how the young ones never seem to be short on interesting stories.
He refers to a woman named “Mercy.”
She does not seem like a particularly kind woman. She’s rather abrasive, and wants to know how long she has to entertain.
Vel looks at Uther and says she’s not entering first. Uther takes that bullet. As the chime rings, the entire group inside stops and looks. Inside are tons of mismatched couches. There is a large kitchen nook with tons of kitchen things, at least three times the amount of a typical large family, with two massive black kettles with self-rotating ladles. There are about seven kids about, all their eyes immediately drawn to the pair that entered. There are varying ages. One is as young as three, and the other is perhaps 11 or 12. Most are elves, but there are a few half-elves as well.
“Hey!” one of the boys shouts. He has a wild mane of sandy blonde hair. He’s clearly a half elf. “Who are you two? Ain’t seen you two around before.”
Uther: “No. I am Ser Uther of the Silver Hand. This is Lady Velameestra.”
The kid starts to ask Uther a bunch of questions about knights from Lordaeron, but mentions the knights from Stormwind are way better. However, he doesn’t know what Stormwind is. However, he’s going to show them all how much better he is than them.
He extends a hand to Uther, introducing himself as Brennan and that they should “remember it.”
Meanwhile, Vel sees Vandellor leaning against the counter, stroking his beard. Sitting on the bar stool next to him is the strangest elf she has ever seen. She’s very tall, easily about 6’03”. Though she’s wirey, she has a bit of a gut to her, and a degree of strength. Her arms seem to be a bit longer than normal, and she has a slight gut. She’s clearly old, and she has wrinkles, but her nose is much longer than usual. She has a mane of white hair tied tightly behind her head. Her flesh has a sickly, pallid tinge to it with spots at various points that are dark, dark green.
She has a look of constantly anger.
Mercy: “Alright, stop bugging the visitors, Brennan. Go clean your room.”
Brennan tries to fight it, but goes and runs to do it, accompanied by his friends.
Mercy groans, then gets off the stool. She seems to have a bit of a limp, and she asks a young girl named Holly to go get her walking stick. The girl has massive glasses, and long hair with some freckles, and was reading a huge, old tome about the Last Dragonhawk -- a story book.
She brings a huge walking stick to Mercy, apologizing as she brings it back.
Mercy welcomes them, and then narrows her eyes. “You two look a bit young to adopt.”
Uther laughs, Vel confirms they aren’t there.
Vandellor laughs, and introduces them again as people that were helping with the case going on. Uther explains they are looking for Liadrin, and Mercy said that Liadrin is upstairs seeing Salandria.
Uther mentions that they could wait a moment, and Mercy said she’ll be fine.
They head upstairs, and they hear a bunch of noise and cries of a “terrible dragon appearing” as Brennan and the others are running around playing. They hear Liadrin’s voice call through with a laugh.
Liadrin: “Come on Salandria, just for a moment.”
Salandria: “I’m not a kid anymore! I don’t want to wear pigtails.”
In another room, they see Liadrin on the bed behind a young high elf girl with bright sky blue eyes. She is bouncing her legs to either side like a butterfly as they share a moment. Liadrin is braiding the girl’s beautiful, bright white hair. The girl seems to be roughly 14. Her ears pick up slightly, and she looks to the door.
Salandria: “Is someone there?”
Uther: “Why yes. Someone is.”
Salandria: “Come in!”
As the pair walks in, they see a cute little room. There are clothes everywhere. They are not very expensive, but very cute outfits. There are a number of stuffed animals around. The toys and like seem to be better kept than the clothes. There are a number of hair care products and make up on the bed next to them.
Salandria greets them, and Liadrin does as well, a bit surprised to see them.
Liadrin slides to the edge of the bed, and Salandria hops up.
Salandria: “Nice to meet you! My name’s Salandria.”
Salandria mentions it isn’t often they see humans around. Vel is looking around the room, and there are a number of portraits and paintings around. She sees two portraits in particular. A young elf man with dark hair, and a woman with white hair. It’s not hard to piece together who they may be.
Some of the paintings around were clearly drawn by the young girl, and there is one area that are a bunch of posters like those seen on a tavern board. They depict a beautiful man with a v-neck shirt strumming on a winged lute. It’s an old concert poster for a performer by the name of “Signitious.”.
Liadrin puts a hand on Salandria’s shoulder and explains Vel and Uther are friends that are helping her with her work. Salandria asks if they are super important.
She continues to babble, and comments on Vel being a Windrunner. She asks if she knows how the Ranger-General keeps her hair, and Vel said she never asked. The Salandria comments that Vel’s hair is also super pretty. Vel blushes. Salandria points it out. Vel denies it. She says she sees it, and then says that Vel could be a model. She’s super pretty.
Vel: “W-what.”
Vel blushes more.
Liadrin interrupts any more stories to speak with Vel and Uther in private, and Salandria goes on about being “left alone while the big people have their talk.”
Liadrin says not to indulge it, and then speaks with them, explaining that Salandria lost her parents when she was very young to the Amani.
They go into business, and then they go to go downstairs. Salandria calls after them that she was “abandoned and had died.” Liadrin wave sit off, and they go.
Vel explains that she understood that speaking with the dead was something that priests could do, and wanted to know if she had tried it. Liadrin mentioned she hadn’t. She was afraid to face her friend like that. She said she would help them on the morrow.
Uther then expresses that if there was anything they could do for *her*, she just had to ask. She asked them to just keep fighting for the common person, as she didn’t want anything else to go through… she gestures to the orphanage. She had lived there when she was younger.
As they looked up, Salandria’s face is plastered in the window of her room. Liadrin laughs, and then goes to go back in. As they turn to leave, Salandria is waving through the window. Uther and Vel wave back, and Salandria points as Liadrin enters her room again.
As they leave, Zaeneas pops out once they get a distance away and asks where they are going next. He catches an apologetic look that Vel gives him, and they start to head back to the palace to maybe find Rommath.
Zaeneas hangs back with Vel, and tells her not to waste her sympathies. Things keep moving on.
Zaeneas insists they get lunch before they go, and he takes them to a really cheap, shitty, but hearty place. Vel is unable to finish her’s. It’s really greasy. When Uther realizes she’s not going to finish it, he asks if he can. Vel just pushes it over to him.
At the palace, an attendant mentions that Rommath and Kael’thas were just finishing. The attendant goes to fetch Rommath, and the both of them come down the hall together. Kael’thas greets the both of them, and asks about their lodgings. Uther says it was almost excessive.
Kael’thas bids them farwell, and Rommath leads them to a small arcane sanctum that should be away from prying ears.
Vel asks if Rommath had noticed anything strange, and the magister mentioned that he had been unable to pinpoint anything. Vel, picking up that he seemed to be being truthful, then mentioned she noted that the injuries seemed to have been called by multiple different spells. It hadn’t been all just one injury. She wanted him to verify her suspicions.
Rommath is intrigued at this and asks when a good time would be to come by. Vel returns that just about any would be, and he said he had time now.
They return to the investigation room and pour over Drathir’s body. Rommath agrees that Vel had been correct, and there were definitely a lot of spells. However, he notes they were all weaker in nature. An eldritch blast here, a flamebolt there. There was nothing particularly powerful at play, though Drathir had been battered by sheer quantity.
They start to rapidly theorize and discuss, and then Vel mentions imps. They are capable of such things, and can also turn invisible, meaning they could appear and then disappear like they were never there.
Rommath pauses, and admits that’s certain possible, and something he would look into further. They bid farewell, and the magister leaves.
Vel then looks at Uther and Zaeneas, asking if they picked up anything strange while Vel had kept him occupied. Zaeneas sarcastically asks if what he had witnessed there was “how wizards date?”
However, he states that the main thing that stood out was Rommath didn’t seem particularly phased about the dead body, despite it being someone he knew. Which was curious in itself. Vel mentions that some people can just just negate emotions in the interest of business, and Zaeneas admits that’s possible, or it could also mean that he didn’t care Drathir was dead. Something to think about, regardless.
Meanwhile, with the other group, they are at Borel’s unguarded office. Tess goes and takes a look at the door while Gil keeps watch. However, it doesn’t seem like the door itself is trapped in any way. Gil is able to tell, using his ranger sense, that there is no one immediately there.
Tess starts to try and pick at the lock, but it seems to be a really good lock. It doesn’t budge. Vincent then takes a shot. However, it also doesn’t budge. But he does feel the prongs of it going. Tess is keeping watch now as well, and then Vincent gets the lock.
They pile in, and then realize the lock can’t be relocked. Inside there is a blade hanging on the wall, indicating he does not have it on his person currently. There is a chest in the corner that appears to be locked. There is an armoire, and several papers on the desk as well. There are trophies around, as well as a desk and chair.
Gil hangs out by the door, keeping watch.
Vincent: “Good. Second time he leaves us here.”
Gil: “I can hear you, you know.”
Vincent: “Good. That was the point.”
Gil sits in the chair as if he’s waiting, while Tess and Vincent start to investigate. Tess takes a closer look at the desk. It seems to be unfinished with almost twigs coming out of the side of it. Tess starts to look through the drawers. There are a bunch of files. There are files about members of the organization, as well as files about recent crimes. On the right side of the desk there are more of his personal belongings. There are a number of trinkets, like gemstones, gold pieces, and 3 potions.
Vincent, meanwhile, is looking at the papers on the desk. They are a bunch of dossiers. A number are dossiers the group already has, but as he continues to go, he finds a pile that is every single magister in the entirety of Silvermoon. They are organized into three piles. There are a few notes scrawled on some of them. One pile is very large. One is very small. The other is only slightly bigger than the small one. The biggest one seems to be an unsorted pile.
Tess looks at the potions. One of them has an amber liquid with a circular ice cube in the center. One is completely clear liquid that sometimes feels like it’s full. She then gets to a locked drawer.
Vincent, meanwhile, goes through the middle pile, and finds Dar’khan’s dossier. In the pile, there are also other people that seemed to support Dar’khan frequently. Sylvos and Zendarin are in there, as well as several others on the suspect list. However, Esara, Fyalenn, and a few others are not there. He starts to copy over the notes on Dar’khan’s file, which are in a language Vincent doesn’t know.
Gil says they should probably leave soon, and Tess and Vincent ask for one more minute.
Tess tries to pick the locked drawer. As she does, she catches a scent, like that of a forge. She then pulls her hands away just in time as the lock turns red hot. However, it’s now sitting against the unfinished wooden desk.
Vincent tosses a key to Tess, and Tess tries to use it, but it doesn’t work. Vincent finishes the notes.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing!”
Gil spins around and sees one of the captains of the Guardians of Eternal Spring, and two of the regular guardsmen.
Gil: “I was hoping that maybe Borel was hiding in his office.”
The guard laughs. “You’re kidding right? What would he do being holed up in his office?”
Gil: “Avoiding people like me.”
Guard: “Look, Farstrider. He’s on his lunch. He’ll be back soon.”
The guards then leave, and Gil sits down to make it look like he’s waiting again.
Tess goes for the lock again. She manages to get it, and the drawer pops open. However, she releases a cry of pain, and she is panting. Her heart is beating almost in her mind. She transforms into a worgen before their eyes, the pain too much for her to resist her instincts.
Inside the drawer are crimson red leaves, and several of the leaves scatter as she sticks her claw into the drawer.
Tess snarls, and Vincent whistles to Gil before striking at Tess. Tess ducks aside as Vincent charges, but Tess turns back on him clawing.
Gil slams open the door, shooting in. Gil tries to shoot her, but Tess ducks out of the way. He manages to land a hit on her. She rounds on Vincent, slashing at him with her claws.
However, Gil lands another shot, and she is just barely hanging on. However, Tess keeps wailing into Vincent. Vincent is able to hit her in return. Tess howls in pain, and then drops, shifting back into her human form--now unconscious.
There are footsteps trampling from down the hall.
Vincent goes to get Tess, and sees inside the drawer. Cradled in the crimson leaves is an oscillating, deep ruby stone in the bottom of the drawer.

Gil casts Pass without Trace on them, grabs Tess, and tells Vincent to lock the door behind him. Gil sees five guardians of the Eternal Spring rounding the corner. One of them is definitely the one that Gil had talked to earlier.
Gil starts going toward them, shouting that Tess is injured. Several of them stop, and then shout for a healer before asking what happened there.
Gil: “There was a worgen in here.”
The guardians demand what a worgen was doing this far into the elf gates. They want to know where the worgen was. Gil says he doesn’t know.
One of the guards ask if the worgen was in the office, and Vincent says the door was locked. The guy seems to be convinced.
The guards start to fan out, and one asks that Gil and the others stay there for their testimonies. They then wait for Borel to get there. Vincent, however, is able to sneak off.
He then disguises himself as Caylum and slips away.
Gil hears heavy footfalls. Almost in slow motion, coming around the corner, is General Borel. He sees Gil, and he sees Tess on the ground. Borel immediately dismisses the others.
Borel: “Gilveradin. If you’d be so kind to collect your companion and meet me in my office.”
Gil: “Of course, sir.”
Borel enters the office, stops as he sees the scene inside, glances back at Gil, and then follows him in.
Gil: “I suppose I should wake her?”
Borel: “Gilveradin Windrunner. There’s no need for that.”
His eyes flicker a bright amber color, and Tess’s wounds immediately heal. Clear smoke ripples up from her, and there’s a flash of fire. Tess’s eyes jolt open.
Gil drops her into a chair. The door is already closed behind them.
Borel: “It seems you all made quite the mess of my office.”
Tess: “...Oh.”
Borel: “You mind telling me what you were doing snooping around my private chambers while I was away?”
Gil: “I was looking for whatever information you were withholding.”
Borel: “Did I not tell you, and your friends, that we were on the same side? You children never seem to listen.”
Gil: “I never thought you were against us, just you were withholding something.”
Borel: “If there was anything you needed to know, you would know it. Instead you caused a scene in the heart of my barracks, trespassed into my personal belongings, and brought forth a potential risk of your peculiar curse to everyone in this city.”
Tess looks down.
Borel: “I understand you were trying to help. You were trying to unveil the secrets of this mystery. But there’s not going to be any place in this investigation for those who cannot follow orders, who cannot listen. I believe for the time being it would be wise if the two of you stay here. Until all of this blows over. You need not trouble yourself with this investigation further.”
Tess looks up. “Alright. Bench me, but not him. It was my fault.”
Borel: “And why should I do that? Yes he is a member of a different organization than myself.”
Tess: “He wasn’t the one in the room.”
Borel: “That was you then?”
Tess sighs and nods.
Borel sighs heavily.
Borel: “You are certainly not making it easy for me, are you? I’m sorry, Tess, but that’s not possible. It would not do. You, Tess, are a curiosity, and while I appreciate your attempts at taking the burdens, this is for your own good--both of your own goods.”
Tess asks if there is anything she can do to make him reconsider, and Borel says there is not. Perhaps once he makes some headway. He also mentions that if Vincent was involved, and could hear him, it would be best for him to make his way back as well.
He mentions that young ones should count their blessing in safety, and Borel counters it was safer here. If they had been caught anywhere else, there wouldn’t have been anything to find.
He also states that he owed a debt, which he believes was just repaid.
Gil asks if he’s to just remain here, and Borel confirms. A few weeks of rest would do him good, and he will be speaking to the Ranger-General about his incarceration.
Borel then stands up and starts to pick up the room. He picks up the leaves, places them back in the drawer, and re-locks it.
Gil: “What are you?”
Borel pauses for a moment, picking up the last leaf as he stands.
Borel: “That… is not something I can speak of. But you are astute, Gilveradin.”
Gil: “You were rather overt, honestly.”
Borel: “I was? Hmph.”
He looks around the room at all the damage.
Borel: “Imagine that. But I am a friend. An old, old friend. One who has a vested interest in the safety of the city. I suggest we don’t speak of what happened in this room. It would be best for your reputation-”
Gil: ”My reputation is shot at this point.”
Borel: “My young friend, it is far from shot. You elves live a long life. One hiccup will not be the end of your career. If you would wait here for a moment. Don’t pry any further. I will know. And my knowledge of this will be the least of your worries. I will see to it that you have living arrangements. Reflect. Grow. In time, you will forgive me for this, and you will forgive yourselves.”
He then leaves them both sitting in silence.