[Horde] Chapter Two: Session Nine
July 20th
Remnii is caught up in hugs with the Ati-Kaso. Azgadaan is staying hidden, while Spinyl is peeking out. All 18 of the Ati-Kaso that were supposed to be there were, in fact, there. Remnii is unable to keep it together.
Spinyl is getting curious, cautious looks cast at her by those that notice her. Around 10 of the broken have weapons on them, however, they are not attacking.
Yrel and Samaara also go and greet the Ati-Kaso, and Yrel borderline tackles one of the members. Samaara, however, is more cautious, though Ahonan does approach to her and speaks quiet words to her. Phaedra also joyfully greets all of them.
Ahonan then addresses the rest of the party, and thanks them for ensuring that Remnii has remained safe. He then mentions they have much to discuss, and he looks at Remnii before entering the tiny hut for a private talk.
Azgadaan is inside chopping a melon, and he looks up in surprise.
Ahonan raises an eyebrow.
Ahonan: “...of all the things I expected to see when I crossed this threshold, this was not one.”
Azgadaan: “...I wasn’t expecting anyone to come in.”
Azgadaan mentions he was cutting the melon for everyone, and Ahonan says that such was “very kind of you, man’ari.”
Azgadaan returns that “Azgadaan will do.”
They all settle in, and Remnii mentions that they had found a 14-year-old unbroken draenei, and Ahonan is amazed. Remnii continues to summarize everything that had so far happened, including the opening of the dark portal that would be happening in the near future.
Remnii expresses that she fears, if the Ati-Kaso were not with the clan, they would be swept up into something much worse.
Samaara [in Draenic]: “He should know the orcs are planning on attacking the place that Velen and the others have gone.”
Remnii [in Draenic]: “That was something I will get to.”
Ahonan mentioned that he had sensed a change in the orcs. They were looking for more things to fight.
Ahonan: “The scent of blood is in the air again. That much, I believe, Remnii. What wisdom is there in traveling to the heart of this, and taking asylum as slaves under this clan with which you have traveled? My people seek to survive. Not to conquer. Not to be crushed underfoot. Not to be drug in chains. We have lost so much, and to ask everyone to put their faith in this… orcish clan would be akin to stepping through a portal back to Argus in hopes that the eredar who opened it would not drive a dagger betwixt their shoulder blades.”
Remnii looks pensive for a moment, and she nods almost in agreement.
Remnii: “I fear in the tides of change, simply surviving may not be possible. To make any sort of headway, in anything, I… I had a long time over my tenure with them to speak with Mu’ru--one of the naaru that came with the Exodar. I believe the only way to make progress is to make ground on Azeroth. Draenor suffers, and another whole planet will too. If I cannot convince you, I very well wanted to try… as Samaara said, papa is there, many other species are there.”
Ahonan: “Is this true?”
There is a series of agreement.
Ahonan: “Those that escaped are on this world they have their sights set on?”
Azgadaan: “The good news is, this world has repelled an attack by them before.”
Remnii looks at Azgadaan and says she wants to hear more about that, then turns back to Ahonan, continuing to plead with him. She is unable to guarantee full safety, but she mentions Arthak--the leader of the Broken Blade. She explains he is intending on being with the vanguard, which has had “mixed reviews.”
Spinyl and Sorak are both not amused.
Remnii: “Everything is changing, to the point that a naaru told me to let him go, for the greater good. I’m frightened, but I still wish to bring it to you, and let you know.”
Ahonan thinks for a moment. As he folds his hands in front of his mouth, everyone sees him fiddle with something. His fingers seem to be grasping something beneath his leathers.
Ahonan: “Very well. I have spent a very long time running. Only once before did I decide to stand and fight. I did not think I would have to make such a decision again, and yet here we are. I will speak to the others. Those who wish to come will be welcome. But I will go with you, Remnii, and all that will follow. We will speak to this chieftain, and from there I will determine what we will do next. If those that made it out on the Exodar are on Azeroth, many of our number have family there. Brothers. Sisters. Parents and children. And others that mean a great deal to them. Perhaps it is time once again for us to bow our heads and move forward. Keep our hopes up high, and our heads low.”
He looks at Spinyl and Azgadaan and asks why they are there, as demons have always been the sworn enemies of the draenei. The demons look at each other for a moment.
Spinyl says that Remnii was the first person who was ever nice to her.
Ahonan is not surprised to hear as much. He then mentions that Spinyl and Azgadaan are not the only ones among the Legion who struggle with the Legion itself. However, he expresses that Spinyl is still a member of the sayaadi, who are known for their duplicity. However, Spinyl said that he didn’t have to worry about that.
Azgadaan, meanwhile, said that his mother had saved many of Ahonan’s people, and he was there to make sure that her work didn’t go unfinished. He punctuated it with that that knowledge should suffice.
Remnii scolded him for his tone, and Ahonan asked what Azgadaan’s mother’s name was.
Azgadaan said it was Erraa.
Ahonan said he was satisfied, and he rose to go talk with the others.
After a moment, Azgadaan gets up to take the stone “plate” of sliced weapon out. However, Remnii stops him with a hand on his shoulders.
Remnii: “First off, thank you for the melon in advance. Second, the Legion’s pain and influence have been felt for a long time. Many of these draenei are older than me, and you, by many, many moons. If you take the time to have compassion, not only for yourself, but for them, you may find yourselves not so different. This will be a good lesson in the tenants of the Light. All I ask if you keep in mind that what is a touchy subject for you, as they will certainly have the same, if not more. Everyone’s pain is relative, but we share a common thread.”
Remnii then lets him go, and he steps out of the tiny hut. Ahonan is speaking to the other broken, and he stops for a moment as Azgadaan steps out. All the group freezes, and stairs at him.
Azgadaan: “Hello. I thought I’d drop off some food after your long hike. And introduce myself. My name is Azgadaan. And I, um, may be with you for a while… so….”
He cautiously goes to set the plate down, and one of the larger broken lumbers toward Azgadaan with not much grace. He looks at Azgadaan for a second, and tilts his head. He looks down, and grabs one of the melons. He then sniffs it audibly, looks at Azgadaan again, and seems to ask if he can have it.
Azgadaan gives him the go ahead, and he goes and starts to eat it.
There is a mixed reaction from the crowd. A few of the other broken quietly laugh, rather bemused. Another of the broken then starts to approach, short and a bit stockier. He looks a bit familiar.
The second broken said that if the first broken trusts him, and Yrel can stand there and not draw her weapon, then he would give it a try as well. He expresses that the melon isn’t bad, and wanted to know where he got it.
Azgadaan said it was the Thornfang hills.
The broken said that he always wanted to try things up there, but Samaara had never let them because of the orcs.
He introduces himself as Deremos, and offers a hand, which Azgadaan shakes.
Some of the other broken also start to approach. Some take some of the melon, some don’t. Deremos then sidles over to Remnii and starts to show her his expanded rock collection.
Some of the party remember Deremos as the one that stabilized Remnii way back when the warband first encountered her.
The party also takes stock of the items the sporelings gave them. There are eight different things. There are two colors of strange, water droplet-like things that can be picked up. Some of them have a blue core, and the others have a yellow core.
Sorak is able to figure out what they are. The ones with a yellow core are incredibly nutritious seeds that can fill up someone for a day. They are effectively beads of nourishment. The ones with a blue core, when dropped in any sort of other liquid, would purify it into pure drinking water. They are effectively beads of refreshment.
The next thing is a small piece of bark with 9 little specks that look like beads or spores. Sorak isn’t sure what it is.
Also in bushels of 10 each are little glowing mushrooms, really pungent mushrooms, and one of the hibiscus Sorak had found earlier.
There are also strange, pinecone-like stones. Sorak knows these. They seem to have been treated with spores or something, but there is a sulfurous liquid inside that also have pheromones inside. Effectively, they are smoke bombs. He also believes they may have an interesting effect on beasts.
Last, but not least, there is a strange, thick spore with small, bright golden seeds in them. The seeds almost hum with magical energy. It’s almost muted, in a similar way, to the seed pod Sorak has hidden in his pack. It’s not from the evergrowth, but he’s pretty sure something would happen if planted them.
Or they would explode if he squeezed them.
Remnii then uses tongues to thank the sporelings and ask them what the unknown items do. The sporelings call the bark with specks “dry dust”, which absorbs liquid and that liquid can then be expelled later.
They also explain all the bushels, which also double as currency among the sporelings.
Flooo explains the last item, the spore, was used by elders in time of great need. When there was a need of something, one of the seeds was planted, and in their past it became the central mushroom of their village. Perhaps it would grant their wishes as well.
Azgadaan trades some of his collected stones for a stalk of hibiscus.
Sorak continues to look at the mushrooms, and he finds them to be a mixture of good regents, poison bases, and other miscellaneous things. Sorak gets one of the deathcaps, which are an incredibly strong poison base, as well as 4 burstcaps, which are mushrooms with exploding caps. The sporelings haggle and give him 6 in exchange for few more hibiscus.
Sorak also gets some hot mushrooms and cold mushrooms.
They then disperse all the items.
They all thank the sporelings for their hospitality and gifts. She then asks if there was a way out that didn’t go past the moss, and Flooo said they would have someone guide them out. Remnii also tells Flooo to be safe, as many “fleshlings” are on the move and not many would be as amicable as their group had been.
Flooo: “I will take your warning to heart, but remember, the marsh always survives.”
They wish each other well, and the group is lead out, along with the ENTIRETY of the Ati-Kaso. They skirt around a marshy outcropping, and their hear splashing and see a rise of bubbles. As they look down, they see about a dozen of six-legged, crustacean-like, people-sized creatures within. There are two rolling around, their claws clasped together as they are locked in some sort of fight.

Some eyes look over, and some at the edge of the water start to move in their direction. They throw one of the “smoke bomb” pinecones, and as the smoke hits the iridescent bogstrok. One runs to the edge of the water and starts to furiously dig, like it was making a burrow.
As they observe some of the others, they see that some are capable of caused minor explosions in their claws, which chars flesh, and others seem to be capable of a rapid, deadly piercing attack.
However, they avoid that combat.
Azgadaan offers to make food, and one of the Ati-Kaso approaches him and asks to cook for everyone. Visibly afraid of everyone. Remnii offers to stay as well, and the Ati-Kaso member immediately agrees.
They make some good grub.
One broken has been watching Sorak with a look of interest for a bit, and Sorak beacons him over. The broken comments on Wintermaw, calling him “quite the beast.” He said if he was ever going to get his throat ripped out, a majestic beast like him would have been one of the best to do it.
The broken asks if he can pet him, and Sorak grins, and nods.
The broken goes to pet him, and Wintermaw makes eye contact with Sorak with an almost devious grin. He snaps at the broken, and the broken jumps back, and then the wolf then gets into a play pose and immediately pounces on the broken, licking his face.
Sorak chuckles, and the Ati-Kaso straightens up. He thanks Wintermaw for not eating him, and then asks Sorak if the wolf can understand him. Sorak said he could more or less. The broken calls him a “good doggie,” then apologizes for the word, as orcish is not his first language.
Phaedra, meanwhile, is flirting with one of the other broken.
However, as Spinyl walks, a familiar voice calls in Spinyl’s head.
Queen of Chains: “Aaahhh… like lambs to the slaughter. How long do you think it will be until Arthak gets these ones killed?”
Spinyl doesn’t say anything.
The voice says she doesn’t have tos peak, after all, no need for people to think she’s hearing something. She isn’t anyway. The voice is just reminding her of what she’s thinking. Spinyl tries to hide it, but Phaedra can tell something is up.
She goes over to Spinyl, waving her friend off so she can have “girl time.”
Spinyl expresses she’s worried about how things will go when they get back. She asked if Phaedra is okay after the moss, and Phaedra reassures her.
Phaedra laughs, pinching Spinyl’s cheek, and expresses it’s strange to hear a succubus being concerned for her life.
Spinyl: “I know, I’m a weirdo.”
Phaedra: “I think we will all be better off with more weirdos around.”
Spinyl still looks distracted. Phaedra said, ultimately, she will go when it’s her time, and right now, it’s not her time. She continues to comfort Spinyl, and Spinyl ends up asking her what it was like to be a priestess, and Phaedra was one once. Phaedra expresses she had never found it very fun. Fasting was rough.
Spinyl mentions the Legion’s form of “religion,” using minor illusion as a visual aid as she explains about the religious leaders, the shivarra, who are among the highest tiers of demons in the Legion.
The voice just sighs in the back of Spinyl’s mind as Phaedra successfully distracts her.
Meanwhile, Remnii was glancing over at Sorak throughout the day. She finally pulls him aside, expressing she wishes to pick his brain about Dornaa.
Sorak looks at Remnii, confused by both the expression and who Dornaa was.
Remnii explains Dornaa was the young draenei girl that they pulled from the spiders. She also explains that the expressions means she would like his opinion.
Remnii said that Dornaa said something to her. She has an earring with some water in it, and Dornaa had said she could hear something inside of it. Remnii also said that Dornaa’s magic is not like Remnii’s own.
Sorak said it could be many things, but if it was what Remnii thought it was, then the easiest way to confirm would be for him to talk to her himself. However, if he had to venture a guess, chances were probably high it was what Remnii thought it was.
It’s agreed that Sorak would take to Dornaa soon. He didn’t know it was possible for draenei to be shamanic. Remnii mentioned some of the broken had also shown signs, such as Nobundo, and two others among the Ati-Kaso who were budding students of Nobundo.
Sorak is decidedly intrigued and asked if they were there.
Remnii confirmed. They were a mated pair, Thelamis and Kaviir, and Remnii pointed them out. They were taking care of some of the others. The woman is a bit heavier-set for a draenei.
Sorak is now interested in talking to all of them.
Remnii thanks Sorak
July 21st
The night had gone peacefully, and they awake the next day. They pass by the grave mound they had passed previously, and many of the members of the Ati-Kaso pass their hands over their hearts and say a few things in draenic. Sorak hears crying, and one word repeated over and over again.
He looks toward the grave and he hears it again. There’s some more whispering, and he hears the word again, breaking through the whispers.
Sorak calmly grabs Remnii’s soldier and repeats the word.
Remnii is confused. “Did you just… call me mommy? Is everything okay?”
The sounds are gone.
Sorak gives a contemplative hum, and tells her to nevermind it. He said he just heard something repeat that word.
Remnii asks him to let her know if he hears it again, but Sorak looks back at the grave and mentions he doubts he will.
They continue on, and finally, in the distance, they see some scouts from the Broken Blade. With a sigh of relief, they continue onward, and rejoin the camp.
Meanwhile, back with Arthak. They are training some warriors. Thura is training them like an orc of the iron fleet. Dranosh is training them like the Blackrock clan, which is very regimented. Meanwhile, Lantresor, who doesn’t train the group directly, but instead watches and gives individuals specific pointers.
The first day the rest of the warband was away, Arthak got gotten the remaining clan leadership together and went over the writing it was doing to articulate the philosophy of orcish honor. It quickly becomes evident that Thura doesn’t know how to read. Lantresor seems to approve, as this was inspired much by the things Arthak had learned from Samuro.
However, Dranosh squints and asks if the orc is “Dear old dad,” but Arthak just keeps going.
Thura mentions she isn’t sure how many people will take it, as she personally hasn’t put much thought to the philosophy of leadership. Gramgun said he would leave all the honorable stuff to Arthak.
Raluhi, meanwhile, has been teaching Dornaa as it rapidly becomes apparent she had not been taught to read or write.
Arthak asks a task of him. He prefaces it with the fact Raluhi is not obligated by any means, as he is not part of Arthak’s clan, but asks to explain the nature of the spell that would be used to open the dark portal. Raluhi expresses that the spell itself is very powerful, and not one that any singular person is capable of. However, he doesn’t know anything for sure. A lot of it is just musings, but if Arthak could find some records or something, he could potentially look into it.
He also said that if Arthak could find something to replace his chronicle, he could potentially help more, such as with creating food and water for rations and the like.
He then explains that, 40 years ago, when the first dark portal was attempted, something was missing. He wasn’t sure what, but it didn’t work, and a lot of lives were sacrificed to try and open it. Raluhi also mentioned that, according to Remnii, it seemed that they were going to try and use the naaru to open it.
Arthak also mentioned that the architect of the dark portal, Ner’zhul, was also seeking the Ata’mal crystals. It seems that he needs two of them, the ones he had, Brilliantstar and Spiritsong, to achieve his own safety and some sort of ulterior motive. Raluhi is a bit overwhelmed by the revelation, but is unsure what Ner’zhul could possibly do with them. He mentions they are the shards of an ancient naaru that predates the Legion itself. He also doesn’t remember what the two shards do, particularly, but will try to remember if he can.
Raluhi goes to leave, and Arthak stops him, asking what will happen to the draenei here if the dark portal is opened again. Raluhi expresses he doesn’t know. He wishes he did, but he doesn’t.
Sometime on the second day, Arthak is called over by Gramgun. He noticed something strange. They were supposed to have 85 members of the Broken Blade, plus the others. However, something isn’t adding up. It isn’t much, but the food and water usage is a tad skewed. There seems to be extra rations being used. It isn’t much, but it’s still some.
Arthak agrees he should look into it, especially given they are entering the Frostfire Ridges.
The next day he comes back to Arthak, and said that there should be a total of 98 folk present, but Gramgun had counted 99.
However, he has no idea who the odd person out is. Arthak has Gramgun talk to Sagaz and Mother Kaza, as they should know most of them. Arthak also helps a bit. However, no one seems to notice anyone out of place.
Arthak has Gramgun go through everything again with Sagaz there.
Arthak then goes to find Azuka, but he can’t find her. However, as he looks, he sees a number of orcs marching through the forests. They do not have a banner, but they are heading toward the camp. Arthak alerts the other leaders, and then goes to greet the approaching band.
However, the apparent ringleader of the group is already approaching. She is missing her right hand, but she is not the strangest thing heading in his direction. In her other hand, she is holding a massive spear with a writhing mass attached to it with black steel chains.
There are 12 pale orcs attached to it.
However, none of the other orcs are missing a hand.
The leader calls ahead, identifying the Broken Blade. She comments on the slaughter of the ogres they left behind, and the good “worksmanship”. She is there to deliver a message to their leader.
Arthak said it was him, and she expresses he is younger, and more handsome, than she thought she’d be.
She introduces herself as Garta, and expresses she is here to deliver a message. She drives the spear into the ground, and then takes a steel ball from her waist and throws it.
However, it’s not a ball. It’s actually a large ogre’s head twisted with fel magic and steel sealed onto its face.
Arthak identifies it as the likely boss of the ogres they fought.
Garta: “That right there, was a fool! He was far too stupid to bend the knee and accept the true warchief of the Horde! I understand you may be an acquaintance of warchief Garlok. Is that true?”
Arthak: “We met, yes.”
Garta: “Then I’m fortunate to have found you. Consider this a message, and a warning. But i’m in a rather good mood right now, so I’ll just leave you at that. Perhaps that’ll make a good mount for whatever hall you build on whatever lands you claim, but I would send you the message that next time you see Garlok, you best not be as unwise as this ogrish fool.”
Arthak: “So, a curse you call then. Strange to see one of the Shattered Hand away from her clan.”
Garta spits.
Garta: “You should know more than most that we of the Shattered Hand know when to pick the winning side. If you were wise, you would join your banner to his, and help crush the false pretenders that call themselves a Horde.”
Arthak: “So you believe a collection of saberon survivors, ogre rejects, and whatever else he’s collected can stand against Blackhand, Hellscream, and Gul’dan and the Legion?”
Garta: “They are not the Horde anymore. They are just the corpses that don’t know they are dead yet. Our numbers grow by the moment.”
She goes to leave, and expresses that she hopes the next time they meet Arthak will have gathered some wisdom.
Arthak watches them leave, and once they are out of site, they move the camp again.
Overall, the clan isn’t sure what to make of that display. Morale seems to be a bit low. They are a bit shaken. Rumors start to spread.
Arthak gives them a speech after the move, offering to answer any questions the clan may have. Eventually, one of the elders step forward.
Elder: “We have lost a great many so far, and we will likely lose more. As is the nature of Draenor. Even now, the outsiders tagging alongside the draenei and demon that joined the clan, the Frostwolf, the other draenei, the eredar lord, they go to bring back a dozen and a half of the broken. Their numbers will soon eclipse our own if this is to continue. We’ve heard the stories, the tales, of the ancient wars. Of the clans that were wiped out by the marauding Vindicators as they smote innocent orcs in their homes. Now there is one walking amongst us, and a priest who can heal ailments and injuries beyond our ken. Now they are bringing an army back. Yes you’ve trained more of our young people to fight, to defend us, but how many would be lost if the draenei decided to turn against us? Theirs is an open hand, but how long before it becomes a closed fist.”
Arthak: “Well chosen words.Yes, we’ve all heard the stories. I’ve heard many tales speaking of the clans. Of honorless thieves. Of cowards. Yet when I look across this fire, I see many clans, but no thieves or cowards. When I look at the draenei I do not see killers of younglings. Even if they were inclined, the draenei are no fools. They don’t bring an army. They bring the same thing you brought. Your friends. Your loved ones. The same people you try to protect now are the same people they are bringing to us. The only interest they have is survival. I guess if this doesn’t qualify as an answer, I’ll answer your question with another question. How many of our young people would we have lost if the draenei weren’t here to help us?”
There are some voices that nod in agreement.
Gramgun: “Hey everyone. It’s me, Gramgun, your friendly neighborhood quartermaster and, um, captain. You know who I am. Look, I be knowin’ times are tough. Times are gonna be real hard no matter what. I don’t think you need to be worryin’ about the draenei. A little bird told me there be two truths to every story. What you heard was true. There were some draenei that wiped out more than a few clans. But our people, we ain’t much better. We done a lotta bad things to them. Well, we haven’t, specifically, but everyone as a whole. The Horde and all that. There was a war. A lot of people died. I’ve seen the ruins of Shattrath. That weren’t just retribution. That was somethin’ else there. Ain’t much left. Now I ain’t trying to say that everythin’ we be doin’ here is good, but we are tryin’ to survive. Make it one more day. Arthak may be a young lad, but he be tryin’. He came me and my boys a second chance. We didn’t have a clan either. We get hired from job to job and were mostly traders, but it’s different being able to belong to somethin’. I guess I want everyone else to think what that might mean to them. And I wouldn’t be worried about that Garlok fellow. From what I hear he’s all buster. So I hope, at least.”
Female orc: “Are you so sure? You saw the look of that trophy. You saw the pale orcs she enslaved. Are you really so certain that this Garlok is not a greater threat? Chieftain Arthak, what do you think about this warchief?”
Arthak: “I met him. He’s one of the mok’nathal, and the grandson of Blackhand. His Horde is a union of those our Horde cast aside or destroyed. Ogres. Saberon. Clanless, it seems. I don’t know what Garlok promised his followers. I know what he told me, and what his heart holds. His Horde is one of vengeance. It’s a tool of his vengeance. He offers a path, but not a future.”
Female orc: “And how is that different from what you promise your followers? How is this clan any different from his Horde? Outcasts. Vagabonds. Draenei.”
Arthak: “I’m a warrior, yes. I fight. I kill. I do it so something can be built. This clan. I want to build something with this. I don’t intend on conquest or war for its own sake. I want to fight so that one day our younglings won’t have to. I want to build something better. That’s what I’m trying to do, at least.”
The female orc throws her fist to the side.
Female orc: “I don’t understand what you’re saying. That’s all the Horde is. That’s all we know.”
She clenches her fist and looks down. She then sits down and stops talking.
Arthak: “Right. That is what the Horde is. And it’s all we know. But just because that’s what has been,what is, doesn’t mean we can’t change things.”
The female orc glares at Arthak and mutters something, but doesn’t say anything else.
As the conversation continues, there is still something weird about what she said to him. However, he can’t put his finger on it.
Arthak asks her what her name is. She says her name is Soro. He asks if she came with Sagaz. However, Sagaz doesn’t recognize her. She explains she was one of the ones that was rescued from the veil of spiders.
However, she isn’t one that Arthak recalls.
Arthak stats she chose to stay. She said she originally went to leave, but she had a change of heart, so she followed after the clan instead. Something still seems off, but Arthak doesn’t recall the exact faces of the orcs he met.
After the fact, he asks the other leaders to keep an eye on her and try to figure out who she is.
The night ends, and everyone starts to head back to their tents.
Arthak talks to Lantresor, and says that something seems off. Lantresor says he will keep an eye out. He then mutters a few words in draenic, and disappears.
Later that night, Lantresor reports back to Arthak and says that Soro had gone. There was no sign of her, and he does not believe she was who she said she was. If they move quickly, they might be able to catch her, but Lantresor doesn’t want them to split up. Lantresor mentioned that she heard, and saw, things that they don’t want to leave the clan.
They start to muster some forces. Unfortunately, without Samaara or Sorak, it may be hard to track her.
Thura and Dranosh are paired off, Lantresor and Gramgun, and Arthak and Sagaz. Arthak also removes his armor in favor of sneakiness.
Arthak searches for some time, but finds nothing. There is some time before the others return, and then Gramgun and Lantresor return. Gramgun is limping heavily. Arthak has Thura go and get the healers.
Lantresor informs Arthak they found her, but she escaped. She struck quickly from the shadows. She ended up using Gramgun as a shield to force Lantresor to let her go, and then fled. He believes that her blades were poisoned.
Lantresor said that she was like him. He glimpsed her tail.
Arthak said it must have been Garona.
Lantresor wants to know why she was there, and Arthak said that she was probably trying to gather information. He expresses Gramgun was lucky. He was probably the only one to survive an encounter with Garona’s blades.
However, it seemed the wounds were mostly superficial. Not made to kill. Strangely.
Arthak tries to find Azuka again, but she once again evades him.
July 21st
The groups are reunited! The Ati-Kaso are introduced to Arthak after Remnii approaches and greets Arthak. Ahonan formerly speaks briefly to Arthak, but they would speak more later.
Remnii also immediately gets pointed at Gramgun, and she goes about praising her medics.
Remnii also comments to Yrel that they “now have two grumps in one place,” referring to both Arthak and Ahonan.
Arthak informs Remnii about Garona, and that she will likely be reporting back to Gul’dan, meaning that Gul’dan will then know about Dornaa.
Sorak starts to make potions, and they set off.
They reach Gorgrond and IT’S FUCKING HOT. They are going to have to use more water in the process of traveling through the area.
However, at some point, one of Remnii’s medics come running. It’s time for one of the pregnant orcs, Arishar, to give birth. They are camping, it appears. Spinyl is able to keep other people out of the tent (and rolled a 30 on Persuasion).
Raluhi also asks to be present. He has prestidigitation, and can offer a few tips. He has more tips in regards to the birthing process than others may realize.
As she goes into labor, the orc just shouts “FUCK” really loudly.
Raluhi’s tips are actually, genuinely really helpful, and Remnii informs him that he will have to tell her where he learned them later.
Arishar ended up giving birth to six kids. All of them survived.
Arishar swears again and asks for one of them. “You’re a little bastard, aren’t you?” The baby starts crying, and she holds a finger out and the baby bites it and starts gnawing on it happily.
Arishar asks where Soro was as she had wanted to hold one.
At some point, Mother Kaza wanders outside with one of the little girls and has Spinyl hold her. Spinyl is rather overwhelmed.
Back inside, Arishar is continuing to ask about Soro, and Arthak finally said that she left. Arishar asks why she did that, as it’s dangerous. Arthak said she can handle herself.
The little girl she is holding continues to gnaw on her finger, and Arishar finally tugs down her shirt and lets the little girl eat. She names her Soro, and says that she will be the one adult Soro is to hold, so she has to survive. She then says “no teeth” to the little girl as she starts to bite, and starts going through the six of them feeding them. She’s exhausted, but “glowing.”
Gramgun pulls Arthak aside and says he has a secret for him. He says he wasn’t entirely truthful. He had formerly said that he “wished he had some ale,” so he and the boys may have tucked away a bit of a reserve for a special occasion.
Arthak agrees this is a special occasion, and Gramgun gets his boys to bust out the reserves.
A few of the Ati-Kaso also start drinking. Particularly Phaedra. Spinyl asks Phaedra to make sure she doesn’t stab anyone. Arthak said he already had Sagaz on it.
July 22nd
The next morning, Spinyl wakes up. She’s a bit hung over. Okay, really hung over. She feels something warm blowing on her face as she rolls over. She’s not in a bed. She’s in a pile of dirt from the desert that has had water splashed on it to make mud. Snoozing next to her, snoring, is none other than Thura’s board.
Spinyl: “....what did I do?”
She’s completely clothed, but cuddled up next to a hellboar. Thura is passed out not far from her. Spinyl pokes Thura awake, who is also slightly inebriated.
Spinyl: “Hey. Hey. I’m sorry I stole your pig.”
Thura: “Huh? You didn’t steal my pig?”
Spinyl: “Oh okay.”
Thura: “I’m pretty sure you didn’t steal my pig. I think we went flying. On the pig. She’s not a pig. She’s a boar.”
Spinyl: “Ah. She’s sleeping.”
Thura: “Heh. She’s cute. I’m gonna tickle her tummy.”
Thura goes and tickles the boar, and then falls over again.
Gramgun, meanwhile, has blood on his chest, and is wandering around with a sack. He says if anyone wants any drugs, he has some, in the sack, though he’s not sure where he got them.
Phaedra is walking a bit crooked. She’s mostly clothed. Now. But she’s a bit sore. However, she doesn’t go and talk to anyone. She definitely wandered out of one of the tends where a LOT of orcs are currently sleeping.
Phaedra: “Remnii… can you do anything about bruises?”
Remnii: “Are you okay?”
Phaedra: “I’m a bit sore. And.. I don’t really want to sit down right now.”
Remnii: “Phaedra!”
Phaedra: “I don’t remember most of it! I didn’t know kitchen utensils could be used like that.”
Remnii: “PHAEDRA. I will heal you if you tell me NO MORE.”
Some of the orc warriors give her strange looks throughout the day.
Arthak finds Dranosh wandering out of a cart, and Arthak realizes the cart is not one of their carts. There is a single sickly goat nearby. When Dranosh hiccups, there is a peculiar green bubble that comes out of his mouth. It changes colors, and then pops.
Dranosh asks if orcs have always been purple.
Arthak goes and looks in the cart, and a very elderly orc pops his head out. He says they had a great party last night, and apologizes for not introducing himself, but their friend seemed to have enjoyed some of his wares.
He said he was just passing through. A merchant, specifically.
Arthak asks Remnii to clean his cousin up. Remnii said she’ll try. The merchant said it would wear off in a few days or… weeks.
Azgadaan asked if it was arcane-based, and the merchant thinks for a moment and then says they definitely are. He reveals a bunch more potions in his wares. One of them, he claims, turns the drinker into lightning.
Spinyl asks Arthak if he wants her to babysit his cousin. Arthak agrees.
Azgadaan analyzes the potion intended to turn the drinker into lightning. It doesn’t, but it does have the ability to improve the striking power of a weapon it was put upon.
Azgadaan attempts to haggle the prices down, but the merchant refuses to change the prices.
Arthak calls Remnii over and asks her to try and send a sending to Garona. Remnii tries three times. On the third, she hears a voice saying GET OUT NOW!
Remnii is hit with a mental attack, and stumbles back.