[Alliance] Chapter Two: Session One
0:00 “It is said the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. Oh how naive a sentiment. This world is made up of thousands of mistakes. From a child scraping his knee… “
A child runs and plays outside a town at evening time, chasing after a firefly and laughing. He falls, clutches his knee, and begins to cry.
“To his concept by his mother and a pompous nobleman at the local tavern. Mistakes compounded on mistakes.”
The scene pans out to the nearby building. Obscured forms pressed together, muffled sounds barely audible through the wood
“But not all mistakes were created equally. Sometimes there are no lessons to be learned. Sometimes there is only suffering to be had. One mistake could end the lives of the innocent.”
A black-haired elf, chained to a dungeon wall, a smirk on his face.
“The lives of the vulnerable.”
An simple grave in a thick wood, a signet ring of Gilneas and a jeweled clasp at the base of the stone. Scarred marks of claws in the nearby tree, long since overgrown.
“The lives of the weak.”
The red-haired troll, Rai, hunched over a piece of parchment with the decree for he and his people to remain upon the reservation in the Hinterlands upon fear of death. His body shakes with fear in the dark as he chants a silent prayer to the loa to protect them.
“One mistake could cause a nation to starve.”
The decayed fields, demolished by Zalazane's onslaught
“Or a world to burn.”
A swamp-like thicket, overgrown and bleak. Vines and marshlands overgrown the ruins of a stone structure, crumbled to the ground. Sundered statues of two cowled women lie buried in the rubble.
“Sometimes there’s nothing to learn. No lessons to be taught. Some crush us under the weight of sin and punishment. It is said the only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. How naive a sentiment. Those that crush us are more real than any.”
The scene opens on June 11th, on the first day of the celebration. The city is bustling with performers, vendors, games, and people of all walks of life and corners of Azeroth.
Gil was spending a lot of time with Vereesa and other family members. However, he went to seek out his sister. Who was reading in her room. He made it clear he wasn’t going to leave without her.
She follows him out into the streets. Children are running about, weaving between the pair and chasing each other with streamers.
Meanwhile, faces are blurring as Uther, wearing a princely tunic, meets many different people. Ashwynn whispers names and titles to Uther as well as where they are from so that Uther at least can fake that he recognizes them.
Aurius Rivendare, a blonde, but greying man, greets Uther and congratulates him on his success. He recalls hearing of Uther’s father, Arthas’s, success some 20 years ago, and mentions how proud Arthas may be. He then asks if he may be joining the joust or the melee, and Uther mentions that it would be inappropriate if he didn’t.
Aurius mentions that he wasn’t going to go easy on him if they encounter each other.
Uther also sees Marwyn nearby, who catches Uther’s eye and gives a wink as Aurius departs.
Elissa is also standing nearby as straight and tall as she can, clearly taking the situation as serious as possible. She is currently wearing her armor, having not been sure what to wear.
Elissa: “Uther… I’m pretty sure that’s the same conversation you had with the last five people.”
Uther: “Is it? I suppose that’s why they are running together.”
They laugh quietly, and there’s a amused glint in Ashwynn’s eye.
The next man that approached is an armored man with a large black horse that is lead off by his attendants. He is a large man with a thick five-o-clock shadow and soul patch. He has heavy jowls, and he is muscular, but there are some areas that may have been muscle 10 years ago. Uther recognizes him.
He is a baron on the eastern ends of Lordaeron near Stratholme and Last Crossing. His name is Othmar Garithos.

Othmar greets him, and Uther does the same. Othmar’s eyes narrow as he looks at Elissa. He asks who she is. Uther introduces Elissa as Lady Elissa Cross, his first knight.
Othmar mentions he knew her father, and that he was a veteran that gave a great deal. He knew he had a daughter, but hadn’t known she was a “half-breed.” He asks Uther if he had planned on informing Othmar that Uther had landed her and her father, and Uther apologizes for the lateness, but he had been occupied stopping a war.
And they were going to be meeting here anyway.
Othmar mentions that next time perhaps Uther would inform him the next time he up jumps a commoner to a lord on his lands. He turns away with a scowl.
Once he is a safe distance away, Uther mentions he thinks Garithos may become a problem. Ashwynn says to pay him no mind as Uther technically did nothing wrong.
Elissa apologizes if she caused any problems, but Uther reassures her that she did nothing wrong.
Muradin pops in just in time to agree. Once again, he’s a tad drunk. The dwarf also informs them that Othmar barely lifted his great axe during the second troll war, and he had his people do all the fighting.
Uther: “So that must be where the midsection came from.”
Muradin: “Hoho! Perhaps that. Or all the bootlicking. It’s hard to tell.”
Uther said it’s good to see Muradin again, and Muradin exchanged the sentiment, though he mentioned he promised Jaina he’d lay off the drinking until a bit later, so there’s the apologies that he wasn’t as much of entertainment.
As they look to see if they can find Arthas, perhaps, they happen to sight Vel and Gil. They greet them, and the elves go to meet them.
Meanwhile, a portly man with a green background standard and anchor on it (a man from Kul’Tiras) is clasping hands with Turalyon. There is a young woman standing nearby that is close to the twins’ age. Turalyon nods to the pair of them, but continues his greetings with “Sir Crestfall.”
Cyrus Crestfall mentions it’s good to see Turalyon, though it’s strange to see him without his feet on a ship. Cyrus introduces the young woman as his ward, Taelia Fordragon. She asks if her father was present, and Turalyon mentioned he had to stay back in Stormwind to handle some things. Her shoulders sag a bit, but she says she understands, and it’s a pleasure to meet him.
Vel recognizes Fordragon is the name shared with Bolvar Fordragon, who is a close friend and comrade of Turalyon. It seems Taelia is his daughter, though Vel did not know he had a daughter.
Cyrus Crestfall was the second in command to Uther’s grandfather, Daelin Proudmoore, and stayed behind when Daelin set off on his voyage. However, Uther didn’t know he had a ward--though his grandfather did.
As they meet up with the group, Ashwynn makes an attempt at a joke. Much to everyone’s surprise.
Meanwhile, in the crowd, Muradin’s voice is heard as he recognizes someone. His brother, it seems.

The two embrace. It seems the adventurer dwarf is not nearly as intoxicated. His name is Bran Bronzebeard, leader of the League of Explorers.
He greets Uther, and mentions he wants to talk to him sometime. Uther mentions there are probably a bunch of stories. Bran agrees, like the time he met a talking Murloc.
Namely, a common-speaking one.
He’s right there.
And introduces himself.
Bran continues talking about the adventures the group went on. Namely that they delved into the Gurubashi ruins. Gil mentions the troll they met in the Hinterlands that he might have wanted to meet.
Bran mentions he heard of a troll in the city he’d like to speak with. Perhaps he’d let one of his more charismatic people seek them out.
Gil mentions that one of the trolls they knew said he wasn’t from this continent, a dark troll, which Bran is very interested in. Enough so he may postpone his voyage.
Gil asks where he’s going, but Bran said he couldn’t say. It’s top secret, after all. Though he’d be sure to compile it all in his next journal.
Bran asks Finley, the murloc, if he had seen the others of their group, and Gil offers to help him find them. They’re a human lad with salt and pepper hair, and the other is a lass Gil’s age. The man’s name is Reno Jackson, and the woman’s name is Syeori.
Gil’s gone. Immediately.
Vel watches him go. Bran comments on the speed of Farstriders, and Vel mentions childhood friends. Bran makes a joke about how he didn’t figure they’d be friends with Reno Jackson.
Vel raises an eyebrow, and he says it’s a joke.
0:46 Gil finds Reno immediately, but ignores him, seeking out Syeori instead. Gil catches a wisp of red hair in an alley, and he sees an individual running across the tops of the buildings. Gil scrambles up the scaffolding, and sitting on the edge is Syeori.
A flock of doves takes off between the two of them as the wind shifts her hair.
Gil comments that she’s hard to find sometimes. Syeori lays back and looks up at Gil with a smile. She isn’t sure if she could say the same.
Gil asks if she led him on a chase, and Syeori just gets to her feet and says that without a bit of adventure the reunions wouldn’t be the same.
Gil is smiling like an idiot.
Syeori walks toward him, slowly, her arms behind her back as she bobs closer. She said he deserves some kind of reward for catching her, then. She inches closer, but stops inches from his lips.
Then dashes away, looking back with a smile as she calls that he better catch her. She clears the gap between the buildings and the alley. Gil laughs and springs after her. Syeori stops at the second building, unfurls her whip, and with a quick snap jumps off the ledge and wraps the whip around a stream of ropes leaning down the building and rides them down.
Gil follows with his bow.
Syeori smirks at him and darts down an alley. Gil follows, and Syeori knocks several crates over, which Gil effortlessly clears with a flip. Syeori is scrambling up a wooden palisade. Gil follows, gaining on her. Gil goes to grab, her, and Syeori evades and he grabs her boot. The woman smirks, then pushes Gil down off the ladder.
It takes the wind out of him for a second. Syeori is standing in front of him, with a smirk.
Syeori: “All these years and I still know how to take your breath away.”
Gil agrees. Syeori winks at him, and wishes him better luck next time before scampering away.
Gil pulls himself to his feet, then walks back into the crowd.
1:00 Meanwhile, in one of the palace guest rooms, there is a knock on Tess’s door. One of the guards mentions there were guests for her, and Tess says to let them in.
The first is Tess’s mother. Who is very, very terse.
She wants to know what Tess was thinking, running away like that.
The other two were, of course, Krennan, and Tess’s mother’s lady-in-waiting.
Tess said she knew the group she was with would be able to help her.
Krennan mentions that it was his idea for Tess to go with the group, and Tess’s mother holds up a hand, intending on hearing it from her daughter.
Tess doesn’t know what to say. After all, no matter what, her mother would be mad. She apologizes, but mentions the group she was with have already done so much. She has a better control now.
Krennan smiles, intrigued. Then starts coughing. Rafia puts a hand on his shoulder.
Tess admits it wasn’t much, but it was more than what she had. Krennan said that was still one step closer to saving their people. He smiles at his queen.
However, Tess’s mother storms toward her, grabs Tess’s wrist, and pulls her into a hug. Tess is infuriating, just like her father.
Tess mentions that they sometimes say “like father like daughter” but then hugs her mother and apologizes again. Her mother scolds her for making jokes, but she smiles and mentions that Queen Menethil had been very generous and offered to shield them until they could learn something more.
Tess mentions she didn’t expect to see them there, and her mother reveals that Jaina had sent them a missive through the Lordaeron intelligence.
Tess mentions she met another worgen. Beyond the gate. Some had escaped. Or were already beyond. Krennan admits he has heard similar stories. Especially around Duskwood.
Tess’s mother said that the time was likely drawing near that they would have to reveal themselves to the council of kingdoms, and Gilneas’s plight.
Rafia and the queen retire, and Tess suggests that they get a lavender bath.
Krennan checks up on Tess one-on-one. Tess mentions she was able to assert her dominance over the feral worgen, and command him, and communicate with him in some facet. She had told him to go back home. To Gilneas.
Krennan starts coughing again, and he leans on his own stomach, clutching his chest. Tess tries to help stabilize him. He mentions he may not be around too much longer, and that he new friends may do much more for her. Though, he reflects her mother may not like what is to come, though her heart is in the right place.
Krennan also mentions he may go take a lavender bath as well, and then mentions that she used to be allergic to lavender a long time ago… but perhaps don’t remind her mother of that.
He mozies off, and Tess returns to choosing her outfit for the day.
1:19 Also meanwhile, Vincent, or “Caylum,” is with the rest of the mercenaries. He leaves early to explore the area. A large man bumps into his shoulder, and tells him to watch where he’s going.
Vincent apologizes, and continues on, though he felt a weight in his pocket that wasn’t there before. He enters an alley, and finds a small roll of parchment. It’s from his handler and mentor.
“New orders: You are to tail Princess Testament Greymane. If she is to leave this city, you are to follow her. Due so by whatever means you deem necessary. Discretion, or by revealing yourself. And you may inform any required of your identity and your mission, should you need to do so.
This is an espionage mission, but take whatever precautions necessary to ensure the safety of Stormwind and the Alliance.”
There is a small requisition coin in the bottom, along with “-S” and an address in Lordaeron.
Vincent heads to the address. He finds a simple blacksmith. It’s called “Capital City Crafts.” They seem to do work for the military, and it’s a moderately sized blacksmith. The large human, balding man asks how he can help him.
Vincent says that he’s here to buy something. He then holds up the coin and hands it over. On one side is an open hand, and the other side has seven daggers piercing into the very center.
The man’s eyes widen, then mentions he was expecting something along this line. He gestures for Vincent to follow.
And hands him a shortsword.
Vincent: “Wow. Another shortsword.”
The man crosses his arms and says he didn’t draw it yet. Vincent draws it, and there is a brilliant silver steel blade shine out of the scabbard. It literally shines with a soft light, like a full moon.
The man said it was elvish steel treated with something… or other. He doesn’t pretend to know how it works. Or why they had him coat it in silver.
Vincent thanks him, and asks if he could make him a bow. The man mentions his wife next door has a woodworking shop. Vincent goes and buys a shortbow.
He then makes his way back to the inn he was staying at, and finds Commander Finnall Goldensword playing Hearthstone with her people. She greets him as he arrives, and he mentions that he, unfortunately, has to resign from the company.
She laughs, and then gets a straight face when she realizes he’s serious. She narrows her eyes, then sighs.
Finnall: “We always lose the good ones, and the handsome ones it turns out.”
Vincent: “Oh, you’re going to make me blush.”
Finnall: “Would that convince you to stayyyy~?”
Vincent says no, but he’ll be around. He’s going to test his skills in the games. She sighs again, and then says it’s been a good time for while it’s been. She’ll have to keep recruiting. She says to stay out of trouble, and “Caylum” says that trouble is his middle name.
Finnall: “Caylum Trouble Earthseeker, ey?”
Finnall grabs Vincent’s contract, and her son Theo incinerates it.
Vincent says he’ll see them around. However, one of the other half elves, Dereven, chases after him and gives him his payment from the latest job. Vincent gets another 20 gold pieces.
There is some awkward conversation, and it’s obvious that Dereven is kind of into Vincent as he shuffles back.
1:39 Later that day was the archery contest. Individuals of all types were starting to take shots at the practice targets, and things are starting to get together. Vel goes to sit with Rhonin, Giramar, and Galadin to watch the contest along with Turalyon and Arator.
Rhonin, Giramar, and Galadin egg her own to see if she may compete. She’s rather firm. Uther joins them to sit with Arator. Arator asks Uther if he was going to compete, and Uther asks if he’s seen his shooting. It’s almost as bad as his cooking.
Giramar and Galadin try to get Uther to maybe cook something and then bet on if anyone can eat the entire thing.
Tess and Vincent arrive first, and Vincent greets her as “Caylum”. They banter a bit, and Gil approaches. He expresses he didn’t know Tess shot anything but a gun, and she mentions she was a bit rusty, but used to a bit.
Gil asked if she knew if his aunts were coming. As if on queue, they see Anduin, Taelia, Caleron, and, of course, Lirath and Vereesa, who are casually shooting arrows and laughing.
Tess said it was adorable, and that Gil should wave back. Instead Gil drags Vincent and Tess over to meet his family. Lirath greets them, and says he wasn’t going to hold back. Gil says with them there he probably wasn’t going to win this one.
Vereesa gestures to a small girl as the actual threat, who was practicing HYPER SERIOUSLY. Her first shot lands on the outer ring, and she pumps her fist happily.
It’s adorable.
Taelia congratulates “Lady Proudmoore” on the shot. The young girl says for Taelia to call her “Ellie” instead of “Lady Proudmoore”.
Then a horn blows calling for last minute entries.
Gil hands over 50 copper pieces for the entry fee. The man taking the fees says “bloody fucking elves” and starts to count the pieces and bite each one.
Tess takes a practice shot seeing she’s rusty, and immediately hits the center of the target. Vereesa smirks, amused at “rusty”.
Vel bets Giramar 5 gp that her dad beats his mom. He is 100% in.
First shot, Gil gets a bullseye scoring 5. Vincent gets his in the white scoring 1, and Tess gets in the black, scoring 2.
Gil gets another bullseye for 5, Tess scores 3 in the blue, and Vincent scores 3 in the blue.
Vincent hits in the bulleye for 5, Tess hits in the red scoring 4, and Gil gets 4.
Danath Trollbane seems to be holding his own in the middle tier. Lirath landed 3 in the bullseye, and seems to be ahead of Vereesa.
Giramar shouts to his mom that she has like 100 years on her brother, and Rhonin asks if he actually brought up age.
Tess then misses, Gil lands in the blue scoring 3, and Vincent gets 5.
Gil scores in the red for 4 points, Tess scores in the yellow for 5, and Vincent scores in the red for 4.
Gil, Tess, and Vincent all get in the bullseyes.
As they go to retrieve their arrows, there are some comments about something-something bloody elves.
Gil got 26 Tess got 19 Vincent got 23
Anduin Wrynn got 15 Taelia got 12 Elanora got 15 Caleron got 26 Lirath got 27 Vereesa got 19 Danath got 17
Gil accuses Vereesa of doing trick shots, and she says she had a feeling that one of her sons placed a bet and she had to teach him a lesson.
Elanora Proudmoore, Gilveradin Windrunner, Tess Stone, and Caylum Earthseeker are in the first heat.
The second one is Lirath, Vereesa, Danath, and Caleron.
Gil, Tess, and Vincent all get 5 points. Elanora gets 4. Again, all three get 5 points. Plus Elanora. Again, all three get 5 points, but Elanora misses. Tess and Vincent get 5, Gil gets 3, and Elanora gets 1. Gil and Tess get 5, Vincent gets 4, and Elanora misses. Gil and Vincent get 5, Tess gets a 3, and Elanora gets 4.
Elanora had 14, Tess had 28, Gilveradin had 28, and Vincent had 29.
Both Tess and Gil get 5 gp for making it into the semi finals. A tall woman rushes up to Elanora and gives her a hug, congratulating her. It’s her mom. And she did great for 14.
The second heat goes.
Vereesa gets 5, Lirath gets 4, Caleron gets 2, and Danath misses before proclaiming he’s out already. The crowd laughs.
Vereesa gets 3 more in the gold, Lirath 2 4s and one in the 1. Danath floats around in the 2 vicinity. Caleron is getting them in the gold.
In the end, Caleron had 27, Lirath had 21, Vereesa 24, and Danath with 14.
It’s Caleron vs Vincent.
Vincent gets 2, Caleron gets 4. Caleron gets 5, Vincent gets 4. Caleron gets 5, but then misses. Vincent gets 3, and then 5. Vincent gets 4, Caleron gets 5.
Vincent gets 4 for a final score of 22. Caleron gets a bullseye for a final score of 24.
Caleron offers Vincent a handshake, and they shake hands.
2:30/0:00 Later that night, Krennan retires early, leaving Tess with some mom time. Vel slips Galadin back the 5gp Giramar took from him.
However, the event is a Hearthstone contest at a shop run by a goblin.
Vincent plays against a rather normal looking guard. In his first game, he tries to bluff his opponent. However, his opponent gets a lethal card at the last minute and wins. Once again, Vincent tries to bluff. And then they tie it with a secret the guard had in play. For the third game, Vincent bluffs, and the guard ends up victorious with perfect draws.
Vel seems to be facing a young acolyte of the church of the Holy Light. Vel tries to strategize against this girl. However, the girl tries to distract with prattling. It’s rather annoying. However, Vel handily wins. They continue with the same strategy, and the woman continues talking. She beats Vel in the last round with the prattling.
An apprentice wizard sits down across from Uther, and he stutters and talks to Uther. He’s in awe of Uther. Uther throws the game. The guy is amazed, but then starts to give Uther tips. Uther uses them, and wins. The apprentice said he’s getting the hang of it. Uther bluffs into thinking he has him on the ropes. Then the wizard activates Uther’s secret, and Uther wins. Uther thanks him for the match, and he is awe that he lost to Uther. The apprentice is never going to wash the deck again.
Uther visits with Vincent and Vel, who were both eliminated. Vel calls him out on the bluffing, and he retorts that he had a teacher that taught him how to use his gifts. Vel blinks, and blushes, then tells him not to get cocky.
Uther’s next opponent is Finnall. Uther continues to try and bluff Finnall, and he notices she is too, but she may be too confident. At the last moment, Uther wins the first match. Finnall is flabbergasted. Uther tries to double bluff, and then gets a perfect response to Finnall’s perfect draw. He wins.
Uther looks around for his next opponent, and it’s Krennan, who snuck off to play Hearthstone. He was friends with the son of the man who invented Hearthstone, supposedly. He asks Uther to wrap things up quickly so he could get to sleep. Uther obliterates Krennan in the first match. Uther asks a bunch of questions about Hearthstone to keep him occupied, and he seems to be falling for it. Krennan seems to get ahead, but Uther reveals a secret and gets ahead. He wins.
Rhonin got obliterated. Uther asks for some tip offs to the next player.
Uther randomly shouts for Muradin, and Bran calls that he got the wrong one. Uther asks if he has alcohol on him, and Bran asks him if he thinks he has alcohol on him because he’s a dwarf. Uther says yes. Then Bran hands him a flask.
Uther makes it look like he’s drunk.
In the final round, it’s Uther and Catherine Teag, a tiny, old crone. Uther seems to be a bit wobbly. And then compliments her. She says she may be a bit old for him, and he may be a bit young for drinking. She obliterates him. However, Uther wins the second one. The woman gets a glint in her eye, and wins the last game.
There’s a hold up as they try to figure out what’s going on.
It’s Jaina, who was disguising herself. She comments on his behavior. Uther wins by default because of the situation.
They go back to the palace, and Jaina congratulates Vel on seeing through her spell. And her “amaging” grasp on magic. She informs Vel that she can call her Jaina, particularly in present company.
3:20/0:50 June 12th Meanwhile, Gil was up all night to get lucky. He is wearing fantastic robes. Like some sort of elected official. There’s no one else there. There is a lump in his breast pocket. It’s a large stack of papers. It states that Gilveradin Windrunner has been elected to head of cheese quality controller and coordinator in Brill, a small town nearby.
Gilveradin goes to find Uther. He says his new title.
Uther was unaware this was a thing. However, Gil can’t explain how it happened. But the documents appear to be legitimate.
Curious, seeing Gil isn’t a citizen of Lordaeron.
Gil and Uther are both flabbergasted.
Falric makes his way into the hall, and states that Uther’s presence was requested. Julia Celeste was asking for an audience with him, as well as all those that traveled with him.
Gil goes to get Vel, Uther goes to track down Tess. Gil said to just listen for the howling. It’s almost not funny. But it’s funny.
They meet Julia in the stables, which have been cleared for the private meeting. “Caylum” had seen them all gather together. He tries to eavesdrop. He is successful.
She mentions that Victor is back in his hometown, and asks where Vittoria was. Ashwynn goes to try and find her. She returns with her.
The situation at Hillsbrad has been assessed and dealt with. After the passing of Blackmoore, his son had taken over. She asks if they recall the mission she departed on. The dragon egg. They were able to keep the large black dragon at bay and slayed it, but ran into some unexpected resistance. The dragon was not alone. There were more whelps.
The black dragon was cut off by another dragon. A red one. It struck the onyx drake to the ground. However, the red dragon didn’t turn on them. He landed, stared, perhaps nodded, but the egg never reached Dalaran. The red dragon took it.
No one knows what to make of it. Julia will be informing the Silver Hand, as well as what she spoke of with Tess. The leadership of the Silver Hand need to know about the worgen.
Tess would rather not hurt her people, but Julia said what must be done needs to be done.
What happened with the red drake, however, was unprecedented in Julia’s experience.
Gil asks if it’s offensive for him to report to his superiors in the Farstriders, and Julia said no. It may be wise to do so. However, if anything negative came about from this egg being lost, she would take the consequences for it.
Kel’Thuzad had been listening. He presented he knew there were five colors of dragons. Not much beyond that was known, but there was no reason for the flights to work together, so it seemed. However, KT’s research was more in “down to earth” fields. Vel mentioned she might have to look into things further back in Dalaran.
3:54/1:21 Later that day, the jousting happens. Jaina and Arthas are sitting at the highest seats with other guests of honor. Arthas clasps Uther’s shoulder and said that he needs to win it for him seeing he can’t be there himself.
However, he also says not to get cocky, as Falric is also out there. And no one is more of a demon on a horse than Falric.
First round it’s Aurius Rivendare vs Ashwynn Menethil. On the first strike, Ashwynn’s lance shatters, but Aurius stays seated. Rivendare misses again, and Ashwynn’s strikes true again. He is spilled from the horse. The crowd goes wild.
Arthas is trying really hard not to jump out of his seat and cheer. Lianne is cheering. Ashwynn raises the broken lance in the air. Baron Rivendare bows and then exits.
The next tilt is between Uther and Saidan Dathrohan of the Silver Hand. The first go, the large man manages to outpace Uther. However, Uther deflects the lance. They both miss. However, the next go, Saidan knocks him flat off. Uther lands on his face. Saidan is victorious.
Uther goes to get changed and sit with his family.
Anduin is unhorsed by Darion Mograine.
Gavonrad the Dire unhorses Arator.
Falric demolishes the random no name knight.
On the first tilt, Elissa almost unhorses Turalyon. However, Elissa broke a lance and Turalyon didn’t. Elissa won.
Julia Celeste shatters her lance against her opponent, but he stays on. She ends up being victorious.
It’s Aiden Blackmoore vs Sir Thomas Thompson. Aiden wins, after Uther gets a crowd going.
In the next set, Elissa and Ashwynn face off. Elissa wins.
Aiden and Falric face off. Falric wins.
Julia Celeste and Gavinrad face off. Julia wins.
Darion Mograine and Saidan Dathrohand. Darion wins.
Semi finals.
Elissa and Darion Mograine. Elissa hits once, then dances around any other hits. She once again wins.
Julia vs Falric. It was neck and neck throughout the exchange, but just barely, Julia wins.
Last round, Julia vs Elissa. Elissa knocks Julia off with one hit with a shout of “FOR LORDAERON!”
Uther looks for Garithos, and Gil catches sight of him as he leaves with a tight-lipped face. He’s clearly angry.
Uther gets Elissa and claims she is amazing. People are amazed.
The rest of the day goes by in a bit of a blur. Before long, another night of thrills and excitement arrive.