[Horde] Chapter Two Session One
0:00 July 3rd The scene opens with Arthak giving Shaspira the “tour” she had requested. Shaspira almost seems to glide ahead, with Arthak coming up behind her. As they continue to make their way through the massive, guarded halls, they pass other orcs.
Their eyes are on Arthak.
It seems to be a mixture of fear, awe, and surprise mixed with guarded interest.
Shaspira says nothing for the first several moments, simply nodding as Arthak points out some of the important areas of the Citadel. She asks how many structures like the Hellfire Citadel exist on Draenor, and Arthak expresses there are a few, but the Citadel is the largest.
They continue on for a bit, and then Shaspira requests that Arthak take her to the battlements. Shaspira examines everything at length in silence. She is judging everything.
Meanwhile, down below, there are thousands of orcs lined up. Banners and members of many clans are scattered across the scene.
Shaspira: “So this… is the might of the Horde?”
She had stopped in a place that seemed to not be patrolled at the moment.
Shaspira: “Quite impressive… don’t you think?”
Arthak agrees. Shaspira then muses that Arthak’s actions had indicated him staking a claim among the leadership as a leader of a new claim. Arthak confirms, and Shaspira asks Arthak if he feels the Horde is prepared for the invasion.
Arthak considers for a moment.
Arthak: “...not yet. Not quite yet.”
Shaspira asks what ways Arthak feels they need to be ready.
Arthak explains there are clans not present yet. Each of them had strengths that were not yet committed. With Azuka Bladefury now dead, there would also be potential chaos among one of the present clans.
Arthak: “A weapon that cannot be wielded without finesse is not a useful weapon.”
Arthak also explains there are the ogres and the like that preparations still need to be made for.
Shaspira asks that he tell her more about the errant clans. She asks about the Frostwolves and Thunderlords first.
Arthak explains the two clans are cousins. The chieftain of the Thunderlords was once a Frostwolf, but left. The Thunderlords specialize in the hunting, taming, and capture of great beasts. They take pride in the fact there is no beast they cannot bring to heel. The Frostwolves, meanwhile, are the most traditional of the clans. On a few among them had tasted the Blood of Mannoroth, and they were the closest to the old ways, but they had advantages as a result. They do not have any clouding of the mind like the fel blood seems to induce. They work well together. They can survive well in harsh environments. They are hunters and survivalists without match.
Shaspira said what he said concerns her a great deal, as she senses a contradiction. The Frostwolves are like a pack, and yet they are nowhere to be found among the other clans presently.
Arthak admits he is concerned about it as well. However, he didn’t have any information on their absence.
Shaspira: “If the Horde, our Horde, is to survive the coming years and the invasion to come, it needs to be as a Horde united. That is for sure.”
She then asks more about the old ways. She mentions Sorak, who seemed to be different thank Arthak. She assumes that he was one of the ones that did not drink the blood.
Arthak confirms, and mentions his name is Sorak.
Shaspira thanks Arthak for his transparency. After all, none of the warriors would amount to anything if they did not work together.
Arthak agrees.
Shaspira mentions some of the other leadership has troublesome agendas, so she was glad to speak with something she could trust--like Arthak. Given both of them have hopes for the Horde to succeed.
Shaspira urged Arthak to listen closely in the meeting to come given there would be a great many things they could both learn.
As they look out across the Horde, another group seems to be making their way in. A much larger group. The banners are not of a clan, however. It’s a blood red symbol across a black background. It’s the arc that marks the expeditionary force of the Horde, which was, to Arthak’s knowledge, still fighting overseas.
Yet here they are--their number at least half of all the other orcs gathered. At least another 10,000 drawn from the warfront.
Shaspira smiles, and mentions it may be time for them to head toward the meeting. They turn to go, but Arthak asks to hazard a question. Shaspira indicates for him to continue.
Arthak: “It is a… matter of personal curiosity. You refer to it as an honor to meet the son of Broxigar the Red.”
Shaspira: “You are his son then?”
Arthak: “Yes.”
Shaspira: “I find that to be… absolutely fascinating.”
Arthak: “Might I ask why?”
Shaspira: “Because, Arthak. Your father represented everything your people should never become. He was a fool. One that railed against the power that was offered to him. One that fought a war that did not need to be waged. And that lead to the end of his life. It’s an honor, Arthak, because I can see within you the spark of a man who knows what a mistake looks like, knows how to avoid those mistakes. You already said you were a good listener. A great learner. I have faith you won’t make the mistakes your father did.”
Arthak: “That is my intention. Thank you.”
They continue back toward the meeting.
The table is already brimming with chieftains, and Arthak hears a familiar voice. It’s Jorin. Shaspira states she will see Arthak inside, and leaves him with Jorin.
Jorin asks if Shaspira was the one that arrived in the vessel after she left, and Arthak confirms. Arthak mentions that the meeting would start soon, and then asks of Dranosh. Jorin said that, thanks to Remnii, his injuries should recover. He was sent ahead to the Bleeding Hollow Clan to inform them what they saw.
They both enter together, and Arthak gives a spark notes version of things. Jorin heals his injuries using a brand of warlock magic which transferred some of his life essence to Arthak.
Shaspira stands at the head of the table. Several people had spoken to her, including Gul’dan. There are leaders from many clans, including some smaller ones, like Dragonmaw or Bonechewer. Grom had met Arthak’s eyes, and gave him an approving nod.
Meanwhile, back in the courtyard, Remnii and Sorak were left with Yrel, Samaraa, and Kaylaan. Remnii is tending to Kaylaan’s wounds. He mentions things took a turn he was not expecting. Remnii scolds him for joking at such a time given that they don’t know what is going to be done to, or with, him.
Yrel then draws their attention to a group of heavily armed and armored orcs that seems to be heading toward them. Remnii mentions it would be best that they let them take Kaylaan. Kaylaan agrees, but mentions he doesn’t regret it.
Remnii gives him one final surge of healing, and then mentions he had best keep his jokes to himself around them.
The orcs take Kaylaan away, and he does not resist. Another one goes up to Yrel and holds a hand out for Kaylaan’s arm before he asks his boss what to do with it.
They decide to keep it for now. Perhaps it would be a good gift for the new “chieftain.”
They remaining four are then left alone in the courtyard.
Yrel asks what they should do, and Remnii said there’s not much to do.
Sorak says to wait, and then Remnii agrees.
Yrel suggest they go somewhere else, and they agree to maybe go somewhere quieter. Sorak looks to see if there are any allies of Frostwolves around, but the clans in close proximity to the Frostwolves do not seem to be here.
Sorak takes the lead, and they find a few areas off the beaten path. They pitch a tent to get out of view.
In the meanwhile, a group makes their way through, and it seems to be a banner of no clan they recognize.

It also seems they are rather mixed in appearance. It’s the Horde Expeditionary force.
Yrel asks what clan they are, and Sorak said they are more military than clan. Sorak assumes they may be there to participate in the newest invasion.
Samaara muses that their return was probably planned if they were as far away as they were said to be.
As the group passes, they seem to disperse. At the head of the group are siege weapons and towers that are set aside, as well as beasts of burden. At the head is a bright green orc who seems to be the leader.

They also see a heavily clad orcish woman, who seems to be glancing in the direction of their group--specifically the draenei. It seems to be a look of curiosity and confusion. She starts to walk closer, but then sees the Blackrock banners and starts to head back toward them.

While the group tries to hunker down, Sorak sees a soldier of the Blackrock clan making his way toward them. The soldier greets him, and Sorak asks how he could help him. The soldier explains that he was informed by his superiors that the members of the Broken Blade clan were to be check up on periodically.
Sorak said they were fine, but wanted to know if there was trouble.
The orc explains the situation is interesting. Arthak’s clan is primarily not orcish. Sorak confirms. The orc continues to explain that Varok Saurfang didn’t want to take any risks with clan politics. It seems that Varok wanted to ensure the protection of Arthak’s clan, at least at present.
Sorak asks him if he’s heard anything from the Frostfire Ridges. The soldier hesitates for a moment, and then expresses he is not sure if he can say anything about it at the moment.
They part ways, and the group rests for a few hours. Inside the tent, Remnii prays, meditates, and spends some time with Yrel and Samaara.
1:30 However, after some time, there is commotion outside. Like raised voices. They peek outside, and a few individuals are approaching. The orcs have blood red skin, and there is scarring on shoulders and arms. They are members of the Burning Blade. The man at their head doesn’t seem to be wearing armor, and is carrying a large blade on his back.
Sorak goes to his sword, as does the Blackrock soldier that had stayed back to protect the group. The soldier asks the Burning Blade what they are doing, and the Burning Blade blademaster said he had no business with Sorak or the soldier and they needed to stand aside.
He was there for the member of the Broken Blade clan. Remnii, who had stepped forward when Arthak proclaimed his leadership.
Sorak asked him if he was really going to do this now, and the Burning Blade member asked Sorak to clarify. After all, Arthak didn’t best their chieftain. Not according to them.
Sorak said the one responsible for what happened had already been dragged away.
The blademaster said that wasn’t who they were looking for seeing he was missing an arm. Besides, what “clan” accepted a draenei? Cutting her down would be doing Arthak a favor.
Sorak charges in to charge the blademaster, and he returns the attack. The Blackrock soldier also joins the fray, slamming into one of the other orcs.
Remnii casts Inner Fire on the Blackrock soldier and Sorak.
However, the blademaster rushes in and drops Sorak immediately, but due to his orcish blood, he grits his teeth and stays standing.
Yrel runs forward and uses her Lay on Hands on Sorak, bringing him back to fighting shape. Remnii doubles down on the healing, and also knits together the rest of Sorak’s wounds.
The blademaster immediately goes for Sorak again, and he blocks the first blow, but the second one misses.
Samaara misses her shot as she fires at the blademaster.
However, as Sorak stands, he grabs the blademaster by his face, and dark shadow energy rips through the Burning Blade member’s body, leaving him in a crumpled, gnarled heap.
The rest of the Burning Blade orcs are mortified and promptly run away.
Remnii offers to take care of Sorak’s wounds, but Sorak says to save her mana.
At that moment, another individual approaches. It’s the orc woman from before. She laments the fact she missed all the fun. She asks if Remnii is of the Broken Blade, then, and Remnii confirms.
The woman mentions she intends on waiting until Arthak returns, and she plops down outside the tent.
Remnii ushers Yrel back into the tent, but first Yrel shoves the orc bodies against the entrance to the camp.
2:11- In the meanwhile in the third group, Azgadaan and Spinyl had departed to keep the company of Aracyra, Shaspira’s daughter. They head to the courtyard, and with every step through the mud she flicks her wrist to clear it. Azgadaan and Aracyra are hand in hand.
Spinyl tries to make herself look jealous but is trying not to look jealous, but whether or not it works is debatable.
There are orcs fighting and scuffling and possibly getting a bit frisky throughout the tents. Aracyra comments on the people being quite excitable to be around. Azgadaan agrees they are interesting, and Spinyl, when addressed, agrees.
Aracyra comments on the fascinating nature of seeing the orcs in their natural habitats. Azgadaan mentions the capture of the naaru, and Aracyra mentions she wants to hear about it. Azgadaan embellishes certain things, and Spinyl backs him up to make him sound as cool as possible.
Her eyes are starry, and she asks for more details. Aracyra mentions his reputation, and Azgadaan wants to know what others think of him.
Aracyra mentions that was why she wanted to speak with him, but says they should eat first given the local cuisine looks so “flavorful” despite it being a bit heavier than what she’s used to. Azgadaan excuses himself for a moment to go and refresh his enhance ability spell.
While he is gone, Aracyra talks to Spinyl. The eredar calls her out for pretending to be jealous toward Azgadaan. Spinyl admits she has a reputation to uphold as a succubus, but Aracyra says she doesn’t need to worry about that.
Spinyl inquires further, and Aracyra asks her if she is a member of the Coven of Whispers. Spinyl tries to dodge the question a bit, but Aracyra makes it clear that she has her means of getting information.
However, they have to stick together. Aracyra refers to them as “friends.”
Azgadaan returns, and they go to get some food.
Aracyra casts a spell, and Azgadaan was able to identify the spell as mass suggestion to cause the orcs around to effectively ignore them.
Aracyra confesses she wasn’t entirely truthfully. She knows who Azgadaan is, and they had met before, though it was some time before and not directly. Specifically, they met at a trial about 14 cycles ago. The one his mother was executed at.
Formerly, Azagadaan’s mother had worked beneath Shaspira.
Aracyra apologizes for his loss and mentions that it couldn’t have been easy to watch.
Azgadaan said he has been doing everything he could to set things right. He captured a naaru. Got rid of a “sloth” of an eredar. And the like.
Aracyra asks of Azgadaan’s father, as she is away of the feud that had developed between the two of them. Why isn’t he supporting his son?
Azgadaan expresses he believes it’s because of his age. His father thinks he is too young to do well.
Aracyra expresses she understands, and she looks sad. After all, sometimes there is a lot of judgement directed toward those who have not proven themselves. She comforts him, and expresses perhaps Azgadaan isn’t the problem. Perhaps he needs someone that can advocate for him more.
Azgadaan asks if she is referring to herself or her mother.
Aracyra says it depends on what he prefers. With a small smile.
Azgadaan says he prefers her, and Aracyra giggles quietly. She expresses she was hoping the two of them would hit it off seeing they have a mutual understanding. She lost her father a long time ago, and understands what it’s like to lose someone important to you.
She expresses it’s an honor to have met him. Azgadaan returns the sentiment, and Aracyra also expresses it was an honor to meet Spinyl as well.
They continue their tour. Aracyra had tasted some of the orc food, but hands off the rest of the gigantic meat log to a young orc, who scampers off enjoying it handily.
Aracyra takes Azgadaan’s arm again and leans a bit more heavily on him now.
Spinyl asks what it’s like to travel with the Queen of Bones. Aracyra mentions she’s intense, but reports only to Shaspira. She isn’t very sociable. However, she’s very good at what she does. Spinyl agrees, as she’s heard stories. Few are as good at acquiring information as Zalia, the Queen of Bones.
However, Aracyra mentions that she isn't’ convinced Spinyl would be outmatched in time. Given she is from the Coven of Whispers, after all.
As they wander around, they find a variety of magical items and weapons. There is a potion mixer with mundane healing potions, as well as two other tonics: a potion of elekk strength, and a potion that is said to be a tonic that flickers like the night sky that seems to grant the user the abilities of a warp stalker. They also find a +1 greataxe, a +1 short spear, and a slate that is the equivalent of magical scroll of continual flame.
Azgadaan tries to drop the price for the warp stalker tonic, but the man won’t budge. Azgadaan says that it’s fine given there is a war to win, and they will need it later.
Aracyra agrees, and drops a purse on the table to buy it. She gives it to Azgadaan as thanks for the help he gave her. After all, he could use it better than anyone else who may buy it. Azgadaan thanks her, and she flicks her tail happily.
Aracyra asks Spinyl if she wants something as well, but Spinyl thanks her and refuses.
Aracyra then offers to show them the Legion flagship she arrived on, the Vitiate.
Spinyl suggests they should probably check on the others given Arthak and Kaylaan’s actions, but Aracyra pleads Azgadaan to go. She seems to just not want to be alone, and she has enjoyed the presence of the pair of them.
Azgadaan asks if Aracyra has any way to keep in contact, and she says she does. But Azgadaan really wants to go with her.
Spinyl says she should check on Kaylaan, though she’s curious about the ship. Aracyra suggests maybe in the future, though for the time being it may be Azgadaan’s private tour.
Then Spinyl says she’ll come, if they don’t mind. Aracyra seems surprised for a moment, but then smiles and is clearly pleased.
Spinyl expresses it would be nice to get back to civilization a bit.
As they approach, Aracyra withdraws a small crystal and raises it to the sky. It shatters, and a light beams up to the ship in an instant. A moment later, they are on the Vitiate, and Aracyra welcomes them to her home away from home. She then begins to give them the tour.
Back with Arthak inside Hellfire Citadel. Blackhand raises his hand to signal the start of the meeting. Notably, the two largest clans without representation are the Frostwolf clan and Thunderlord clan. Even Ner’zhul is here.
Ner’zhul is sitting directly across from Arthak, and to Arthak’s left is the acting chieftain of the Whiteclaw clan while to his right is the chieftain of the Dragonmaw clan, Nek’ros Skullcrusher.
Also present are Eitrigg, General of the Orcish Expeditionary Force. He gets a cheer as he comes in from some of the present warlords. His second is also present, standing in the corner like other second-in-commands.

Notably among the seconds is Garrosh, not to far from Grom.
Shaspira greets everyone and introduces herself. However, before invasion is to be discussed, there are other things that need to be addressed. Namely, not every clan is present, including several major clans. She asks for confirmation.
Varok nods and confirms.
Shaspira says she finds that troubling. She gestures to the table, and a large world appears hovering above it. Some of it is a tad obscured. Namely, it’s troubling because they aren’t just destroying neighbors. She introduces the world as Azeroth, a distant and foreign world. It’s one that none among them are native to. It’s full of creatures that will take up arms to stop the invasion.
She has studied the history of the Horde, and she finds them to be brilliant, cunning warriors. But she has concerns about the upcoming war.
Grom asks what concerns she has. After all, the clans are strong. Their defenses would be overwhelmed.
Shaspira counters with the question of whether they would. She expresses it’s a privilege to meet Grom Hellscream, and shows she knows some of his history. He had had run ins with the Gorian empire. The clan warred against them, and won many victories, but also lost many.
Grom confirms it’s accurate, but the Gorian empire had been chased from the continent. He asks what Shaspira’s angle is.
Shaspira says the ogres have been chased from the continent (mostly). At least those that refused to bend the knee. How was it possible, though?
Varok said it was because the Horde stood as one.
Shaspira confirms. It was when the Horde stood as one. Currently, they are not one. Several major clans are not making movements, and are ignoring the summons of their warchief. She asks why the call would be denied.
Gul’dan then speaks up. It’s cowardice. Weakness. Many of the clans that refused to come have also refused the call and have not partaken of the gifts offered by the Legion.
Shaspira asks if it was true, and she looks at Arthak.
Arthak confirms they have not accepted the blood, though he disagrees that the clans are weak. One of the Frostwolves is amongst his warband. Cowardice and weakness are not words to describe them.
Varok nods, and agrees. Several others also agree.
Arthaks says loyalty is their highest virtue, and then asks to include his own thoughts. The only reason he could think the Frostwolves didn’t come was a threat in their lands they had to deal with.
Grom also agrees, as Go’el is a noble chieftain. The fact they didn’t even hear word from them is troubling.
Shaspira: “Perhaps there is more to this story that we don’t yet realize. In that sense, I believe our course of action is quite clear. The Horde must be gathered. Only together will be defeat the enemies beyond the portal.”
Kargath: “What makes you so certain of that, witch?”
Shaspira is unflinching at the comment. She states she has faced the foes beyond before. The Legion had waged war before, and were unsuccessful.
Kargath said it was fitting they needed the Horde’s assistance.
Shaspira agrees. They weren’t fools unaware of the Horde’s abilities. Her intent was not to transform the Horde into tools. She was looking for allies. However, if he wished to disbelieve her, they could see how long he would last against the combined forces of Azeroth.
However, Kargath pushes his chair in, and then leaves.
Eitrigg gestures to have Kargath retrieved, but Shaspira stops him. Either Kargath would see the truth of the words, or meet his end and his successor would see reason.
The next steps were to uncover why the summons were not returned, and remedy whatever situations were met. After all, they couldn’t face Azeroth as a Horde divided. However, she was leaving the dispensation of things to Blackhand, though she suggested that Arthak be the emissary sent to the Frostwolves.
Arthak expresses his willingness, and Shaspira also points out he has a rapport with the Frostwolves.
Blackhand agrees there is no reason to deny such a request. Meanwhile, he assigns Nek’ros to finding the Thunderlords. Meanwhile, he directed his son to wrangling the Laughing Skulls. Meanwhile, Grom volunteered to get the lesser clans together.
Shaspira expressed they would reconvene in the future once the rest of the representatives are present.
However, Eitrigg brings another point up. He brought many forces back from the outer continents. How could he be sure their footing would not be lost? However, Shaspira expressed such a concern was not necessary. The Legion had it under control.
She then asks for any other concerns, and Arthak brings up his.
He expresses one of the members of his warband had spent some time on Azeroth and acquired some loose information on the peoples of Azeroth. He wrote down the information she told him, and he had also started to learn the common language of the people.
Shaspira beams at the proactiveness.
Arthak also informs the group of the counter-Horde that was being created, whose leader seems to have a personal grudge against Blackhand. Blackhand is furious, and expresses that he will take care of them.
However, Gul’dan said his Stormreavers would track them down.
Cho’gall then speaks up. Namely, everyone needs to address the newest member: Arthak. And the behavior of his second, a point that Arthak had been intending on bringing up himself.
Kaylaan broke the Horde’s greatest laws and traditions.
And Arthak expressed he was going to die for it. Kaylaan’s actions brought dishonor to himself and his clan, though they were motivated by loyalty.
Grom nods in approval, and Garrosh looks on intently.
Arthak said he would see Kaylaan dead before he left Hellfire Citadel, and thus expunge the dishonor he had done upon himself, Arthak, and his clan.
Varok also stated that the Burning Blade had to be brought under heel. Until a new leader was chosen, they would have no focus and be uncontrollable.
Arthak then speaks up he had an idea in regards to that. The Burning Blade respect only strength. Unfortunately, none among their number have strength of will, might, or fury to link them together. However, there was a red skinned orc in Blackhand’s guard, Jubei'thos, who had skill of blade and discipline to hold the Burning Blade in line.

Some of the members of the clans nod approval, others whisper disapproval. Blackhand expresses it’s an interesting idea. However, for the moment, it will remain just an idea.
Jubei’thos, however, looks at Arthak, then Blackhand, then Shaspira, but then continues to observe the room. However, he seemed intrigued, as if he had not thought of it at all.
With that, the meeting was adjourned.
Arthak notices some things as they disperse. Gul’dan scans the area shiftily, and the three with him also leave. Gul’dan seems to be a bit cross, but not too bad. He speaks to Blackhand before leaving.
Blackhand’s mood went south as soon as the mention of the counter-Horde was made. However, his attention is now not on Arthak, it’s entire on this new issue.
Garrosh glances at Arthak for a moment and his eyes narrow. Arthak sees a bit of a smile on his face, but then Garrosh goes to speak with his father. Grom puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder as he leaves. He asks Arthak to give the son of Durotan his well wishes. Garrosh follows.
Ner’zhul looks at Arthak for a moment and smiles as his voice rings through Arthak’s head. He expresses there are things to discuss before Arthak departs. He drops something and kicks it over to Arthak. As subtlely as he can, Arthak collects it. Mentally, Ner’zhul tells him to meet at the place on the paper when the time is right.
As Arthak looked closer to Gul’dan, it was hard to tell what else he was focusing on as he was well-obscured by the three with him.
In regards to Ner’zhul, however, Arthak could sense an excitement from him. He seemed to be looking forward to something. He’s in a good mood.
Arthak also sees off Jorin.
Varok expresses Arthak did well. Far better than he expected on the young orc’s first war council. Varok then expresses that Arthak should see to his clan.
Eitrigg also mentioned that he wanted to speak with Arthak sometime.
Arthak makes a beeline back to the draenei. He realizes he found the right place when he sees three Burning Blade corpses leaning against the palisades and one has decidedly no face. Arthak lights a smoke and heads in.
He sees Sorak, the veteran, and the female orc. She has already sharpened many weapons, and is working on another one. Arthak asks for information from Sorak. Sorak informs him the draenei were fine.
Remnii comes out. Arthak asks where Azgadaan and Spinyl were, and Remnii says they have yet to return to this morning.
Yrel said that Azgadaan had gone galavanting with Shaspira’s daughter, and Spinyl followed to make sure he didn’t get himself killed.
Arthak congratulates Sorak on the handiwork, the the Blackrock veteran also mentions he didn’t expect such powerful necromancy. It was amazing.
The female orc then speaks, sheathing her weapons as she gets up. She asks where Arthak’s other people were, and he said that they were in the Ironhold harbor given the uncertainty of them coming into the Citadel. Arthak asks if she was also sent by Varok, and she said no, not technically.
However, if he gave permission, she could ride to the harbor and inform “our” clan it is safe to return.
Arthak blinks and asks her name.
It’s Thura Saurfang. She is Arthak’s cousin, it turns out, though she was born on the other continent. But she is pledging her steel to Arthak, one of her sole remaining relatives’, cause.
She asks how many women had joined so far, and Remnii congratulates her on being the first female orc in the Broken Blade clan.
She then rides off on her war boar to fetch the others.