[Alliance] Chapter Two: Session Ten
July 14th
After successfully escaping, Vincent reapplies his Caylum disguise. No one seems to take notice of him as he walks out and heads back toward the barracks.
It’s about 1pm or so, and he goes and gets some food and the like. He meanders back to the barracks around 3pm. However, at the moment, no one was there. He just lays low, and he was present when Rommath and Vel investigated the body and discovered the imp involvement.
Vincent said they needed to talk. He fills Vel and Uther in on everything, including Tess going worgen.
Vincent gives Vel the note that he copied, and she immediately identifies it as draconic. However, it’s different. The draconic she’s familiar with was very neat and cookie cutter. However, this is almost more casual.
Some sections are hard to read, but others seem to be reminders. One date is definitely the day Dar’khan Drathir was killed. There are also mentions of some groves, Thas’alah, and a mention of something called An’owyn, which Vel has never heard of before.
There is also a list which makes reference of a brief number of things, like a shopping list. However, instead of items, it’s people and facts. She sees the exact date the group arrived in Silvermoon, which was also the date of the Convocation meeting.
Vincent also mentions the other thing he found. It was a small red orb that could not be comfortably held in one hand, maybe a bit smaller than a bowling ball. It was also in a bed of red leaves that were all entirely alive. He then also produces some of the red leaves he had managed to grab.
Vel conjures Arkha’din and uses his eyes. The leaves are extremely magically. There is an evocation magic pulsing from the leaves. In her hand, it’s also very warm.
Vel also wracks her brain about the orb, and she has heard of items like it before. While the description isn’t enough to narrow it down further, she’s pretty sure it’s a crystal ball. However, there are a number of different crystal balls that range in abilities, but all of them allow the user to scry vast distances. Some have more complex enchantments that allow communication or mind reading, but she is unable to pinpoint what this one might have been.
She is familiar with the scrying spell as well, though it’s not perfect. The more degrees of separation between the user and the target, the more difficult it is. However, the more familiar, the easier it is, and the more physical objects dealing with the target of focus, the more likely the spell is to succeed.
Such as with the leaves. Possibly.
Uther also holds out his hand and senses the leaves, but he doesn’t sense any presences that are “evil” or consecrated.
Uther and Vel end up going to pay a visit to Gil while Vincent mans the fort and waits for Arator and Caleron to return.
Meanwhile, back at Morningtide Hold, Gil is scolding Tess.
Gil: “You need to understand what just happened here. You went feral in the middle of Silvermoon. I’m responsible for you, but don’t forget that Queen Jaina brought you here too, and this is going to reflect on her. You could have infected myself or Vincent. I vouched for you, and defended you at every turn. It’s going to be a lot harder to do that now.”
He then goes to follow Borel, and Tess just sighs, knowing she really fucked up.
Borel freezes as Gil rounds the corner.
Borel: “Did I not say to stay in the room?”
Gil: “I just need to speak with you briefly.”
Gil fishes the coin from his pocket and hands it to him. “This needs to get to my sister. There’s going to be a sting operation the day after tomorrow and she needs that to get in.”
Borel slides the coin into his palm and closes his fist around it.
Borel: “Very well. I will ensure that she gets it. And… two other things. One, thank you for healing her. There was no reason for you to have to do that.”
Borel’s eyebrow raises ever so slightly.
Borel: “What leads you to believe that.”
Gil: “You’re the injured party here, and I know you know I could have healed her well enough on my own. In fact, I offered to do so before you did it yourself.”
Borel: “You did. But did you see her hands?”
Gil: “...that would have taken time.”
Borel: “It is clear enough to me that you and Ms. Testament had good intentions with what you did. Though you deserve your own unique punishments, she did not deserve to be scarred. Not by something belonging to me, as it was by my hand those wounds were inflicted, it was by my hand they were rescinded. As they should be.”
Gil: “Still, thank you.”
Borel: “Of course. No need to thank me, but I acknowledge it.’
Gil: “The other is that I don’t have any intention of… revealing anything new I’ve discovered.”
Borel: “I’m glad to hear that. Were you to do so, it would only harm your reputation further. I’m hoping this would be a learning experience for you. Not a damning one.”
Gil: “I think it may be a bit of both.”
Borel: “Perhaps. Only time will tell. Is there aught else? I must make arrangements.”
Gil shakes his head, and Borel walks away.
Borel: “Anu’belore, Gilveradin.”
Gil then returns to the room, and Borel rounds the corner.
Tess and Gil sit in silence together. After a minute, there’s a knock on the door.
Voice: “Excuse me. Are you in there? I’m coming in if you’re in there.”
There is the sound of keys, and as Gil opens the door, the secretary from before is on the ground picking up the key ring she had dropped.
She greets Gil in surprise. She is a rather young elf, and she has short pixie cut, auburn hair and a dusting of dark freckles. She informs her that General Borel sent her to bring them to where they would be living. She leads them through some of the barracks areas, giving them a brief tour. Gil is going to have a bunk mate, a soldier named Tamel Tinderwood.
She then informs Tess that she will be staying with the secretary herself in her private quarters. She introduces herself as Nori. Whenever she mentions General Borel she blushes faintly. She leads Tess back to her quarters, which is small and a tad messy, but there are plants all over and a bunch of different watering cans. Gardening is apparently a bit of a hobby. She explains she moved from pretty far and didn’t bring much. Tess congratulates her and mentions she hasn’t been apart from her mother much until recently.
Nori apologizes, but then mentions that her mother would be proud of her.
Tess giggles and then says her mother is probably pissed at her, given the circumstance.
Nori apologizes and offers to show Tess around. Nori reveals that most of the places she goes has plants, and many are new additions she planted. She also named many of them.
Gil’s room is much simpler. It’s a bunk, a desk, and some storage space. It’s pretty similar to his room at the Farstrider lodge, though for the time, his roommate isn’t home.
Gil ends up going to the training yard. Most of his belongings had been taken for processing. When he arrives, he sees many other soldiers training, and he also sees Commander Dawnseeker -- Lana’thel’s husband -- who is running some training exercises with some of his lower ranking people. In his hand is the magnificent blade that was sheathed on his hip, though now it was shining in its full glory. It’s quite impressive, and he is giving instruction on basic stances to a group of fresh recruits. He also sees one other individual who matches the physical description of one of the suspects. He’s a tall lanky elf with slicked back blonde hair wielding two short swords as he runs solo training exercises.
It’s likely Valanar Graybrook.
Gil decides to not rock the boat immediately, and instead gets some training stuff and starts going through some basic exercises.
At some point he sees Tess and the secretary going about, and at some point Nori is totally on her hands and knees pointing at individual plants and going in depth about where she got the seeds and such.
The day goes by, and nothing really seems to happen.
However, Vel and Uther get to Morningtide Hold around dinner time. The Guardians of the Eternal Spring greet them. Vel informs them that they are there to speak with Gil. They seem unsure and go to get a superior. They return with Borel.
Borel greets them and asks them to follow him. They talk for a bit, and Borel hands over the coin they need to get to the auction. At one point, Borel stops, looking either way, and then focusing on Vel and Uther rather intensely. Vel asks if there was something wrong, and he says no, and then directs them in the direction of Gil before leaving them to it.
Nori, meanwhile, is asking Tess what her favorite flower is, and Tess responds that it’s peacebloom. Nori continues chattering happily about flower and ends up picking a peacebloom and handing it to Tess. Tess ends up taking it and tucking it in Nori’s hair instead, stating it’s “even prettier now.”
Nori’s eyes sparkle, and she says they should go get some food. Nori also waves Gil down. They go to get food, and then see Vel and Uther.
Gil smiles. That smile is not in his eyes. Tess, meanwhile, looks really ashamed. Uther is giving Gil the “Everything is going to be alright.”
They talk for a bit, and Gil informs Vel about the fact Borel is capable of healing like a priest.
Vel, however, does not drop the information she gathered about the notes that Vincent had copied as well as the crystal ball and leaves, but does mention he has access to things a man of his station normally doesn’t
Vel promises to keep Gil appraised as best she can via sending.
Gil then goes to catch up with Nori, along with Tess, while Vel and Uther follow up on some minor investigation things.
Vel and Uther go to speak with Commander Dawnseeker. He tells them he will be watching Gil, and Vel thanks him, and then asks about his daughter and the information that she supposedly knew. Unfortunately, Commander Dawnseeker has been unable to get any information out of her, and is convinced that Lana’thel might have been able to, but, well, considering circumstances....
Vel mentions that they are pretty convinced that Lana’thel is innocent.
Thalorian is completely relieved, and asks if there is anything he can do to help them further, and Vel mentions potentially getting the information from his daughter, or at least allowing them access to her so they could maybe ask what she believes she knows.
Thalorian says that he would do so, and that he would make sure they had the proper clearances in order to get in to speak with her. He thanks them for their continued aid of his family, and mentions that he will be indebted to the group as a whole. He then departs to continue with his own duties.
Meanwhile, back in the barracks, Caleron and Arator, as well as Zaeneas, have returned, and they see Caylum. Caleron draws his bow for a moment, and Caylum comments that if he wants to hit him he should “aim higher”.
Caleron then realizes it’s Vincent, and Vincent also informs them of what happened with Gil.
Zaeneas mentions he’s a few gold pieces richer because he wasn’t the first one to go against the law. Vincent asks what the two of them found, and just then Vel and Uther return.
Arator explains that Arator and Caleron had gone to the Morningtide Hold to speak with Lana’thel’s squadmates. They are of the same mind. Taldaram seemed more annoyed at the situation, and it was hard to get a good read on him, but Caleron said he seems too straightforward to be involved, though he’s not impervious. However, while he’s not the mastermind, certainly, he could be keeping his mouth shut.
Valanar seems genuinely innocent and was seemingly enjoying his time in the Morningtide Hold, enjoying it as a vacation and was overall optimistic. He didn’t seem to grasp the exact gravity of the situation. He was practicing a number of crafts and was the most boisterous, though they are convinced he is innocent.
They are also convinced Koltira is not involved, despite being the only one capable of pyromancy. Vel speaks up they discovered that imps may be involved in the death specifically.
However, neither of them knew what to make of Keleseth. He was rather cynical, and said that if Drathir didn’t want to be assassinated, he should have accepted the protection of the guard. He was abrasive, hard to read, and answered many questions with his own questions. Arator had debated using zone of truth, but didn’t want to irritate him further.
They said Koltira was the most amicable, and he was primarily just frustrated. He was also the most genuine beyond Valanar. He seemed more upset that he couldn’t spend time with his family or friends or perform his duties.
However, Koltira seemed to distrust the other men. They visited the Spellbreaker Legion barracks, and had spoken with Lor’themar. Lor’themar confirmed the suspicions that Koltira is suspicious of outsiders but fiercely protective of his friends. They ended up at Koltira’s brother’s in Falconwing Square, who is on leave who is--was--very pregnant. She had just given birth to a daughter.
During dinner she went into labor. They spent the rest of the evening with a medic. Her name is now Lyhernan.
Arator mentioned he wanted to tell Koltira at some point he was an uncle.
The go over their plans for the auction, and Vel mentions they should let whoever is going to buy the daggers just buy them, and then they can tail whoever it is. She lets them know that she’s going to try and request the help of her father given that Gil was indisposed.
They call it for the night, and Vel starts doing book work and getting the investigation room and such organized.
July 15th
The following morning, Vel, Uther, and Vincent meet Liadrin in the investigation room. Jaina is also there. Liadrin is praying, but greets them as they enter. She is clearly nervous.
She then steps forward to the corpse of Dar’khan, and she pulls back the sheet. The color in Liadrin’s face drains a bit, and she holds her staff close to her chest for a moment. In Thalassian, she begins to speak.
Liadrin: “Oh spirit of the departed, render upon us your presence so we may know your wisdom one last time.”
As she finishes, there is a subtle glow, and the wispy tendrils of light begin to work their way into the body of Dar’khan. Liadrin closes her eyes and concentrates. As she opens her eyes and completes the spell. The tendrils of light fade from the body.
Liadrin’s brow furrows.
Liadrin: “Dar’khan. Dar’khan, can you hear us?”
There’s nothing.
Liadrin: “Dar’khan. I… I don’t understand. The spell should have worked.”
Vel asked if anything would have interfered with it that Liadrin would know of, and Liadrin leans forward on it. Uther asks what exactly the spell does.
Liadrin explains that the spell returns the lingering memories and thoughts from the realm beyond so that you can speak and know what the individual perhaps knew and saw in their final moments. It should have worked.
Vel asked if Liadrin had tried to bring him back.
Liadrin admits that she did. She prayed as hard as she could, but there was nothing. She starts to wonder if she had angered the Light or had not been diligent enough on her prayers.
Vel ponders, having looked into the spell. Speak with Dead does not return the actual soul to the body, but it returns an echo that lingers connected to a body. Only if something was interfering with that, or if the soul was not present, destroyed, or devoured, or otherwise interfering to prevent it from sending the echoes back.
Liadrin asks if someone obliterated his soul then, and Vel says it could have just been contained. She asks Liadrin to perhaps follow up with her priesthood and her father to see if there was anything or anyone capable of doing something like that. Liadrin agrees, and then leaves.
Vel speculates that there may be a connection to whatever had summoned Zalazane given that the troll daggers were a shared piece between the warlocks and Zalazane himself, and strong necromancy was likely involved in preventing a soul from returning.
Uther then asks Vel how hard it would be to make a doppelganger of some sort. Vel investigates the body with detect magic, but sees nothing strange.
Uther then asks Vincent about how extensive it was possible to disguise a body by mundane means. However, it doesn’t seem to be the case.
Vel has Jaina dispel the magic, and still nothing.
Vel, meanwhile, is pondering, and her mind goes to some spells that could do what Uther had suggested. She’s aware of a spell dealing with creating a homunculus, but there were a lot of loopholes in that. Namely, it would be a true undead, and it wouldn’t be affected by gentle repose.
However, she’s also aware of the spell clone, which is immensely powerful. And it would allow for someone to functionally “die” without truly dying, but that would imply that Dar’khan had some ties to some very, very powerful magic and may have had reason to fake his death.
Over the rest of the day, Uther has been focusing on his studies while laying low. Vel and Jaina were also keeping him focused. With how he performed, as well as his interesting theory about Dar’khan’s soul, Vel was actually genuinely impressed.
Vincent goes and gets some base reagents for poisons and the like. He also starts to follow up on some information in regards to black market auctions.
Tess continues to hang out with Nori, and starts to learn some herbalism from her. She also flirts a bit with Nori, and Nori doesn’t reciprocate, but she also doesn’t back off. She just gets more excited that Tess is interested in what she’s talking about, and she is really passionate about the herbalism things.
Gil goes and talks to Borel, and asks if he could maybe help training, and also maybe if he can find a tutor to keep learning draconic which his sister had previously been teaching him.
When asked, he genuinely just says that it’s a language that interested him since their encounter with the dragons. Borel said to keep with the training, and he can see about the tutor, but he also stealthily starts moving the notes on his desk.
Gil does train a bit with some of the squads.
Vel quietly makes her way to Kilnar’s at dusk. The guards seem to be preparing to open the door as she arrives, and three figures step out. One is Lirath with a smile on his face.
Lirath: “Thank you so much, magistrix. It was a wonderful meal. You definitely didn’t need to.”
The second woman is Kilnar, and the other woman is one Vel has not seen for a while. It’s Aunt Linore. She is standing next to Kilnar.
Kilnar: “Of course, darling, it was wonderful seeing you again.”
Lirath bows his head and says he will have to stop by more often. Kilnar smiles and expresses he is always welcome. He thanks her, and leaves.
He then sees Vel. He explains he was going to come and see her, but wasn’t expecting to see her there. However, Kilnar had already mentioned she was coming by. They make arrangements to meet later at the investigation site.
Vel greets Kilnar and Linore, and then there is a shout of “Lirath!? Is that you?” and a red-garbed figured slams into Lirath’s figure with a big hug. He goes toppling over, and they both laugh. The woman stands and helps Lirath up, and they exchange greetings. It’s Esara. Lirath apologizes that he’s been busy, but they make plans to maybe catch up later.
They part, and Esara runs over to the manor. She then stops when she sees Vel. She taps her chin and then grins. She recognizes Vel’s face, and offers her a handshake, quite excited to get to know her more given she and Nirenn were really close.
They all then head in. Esara is wearing a rapier much like Finnall’s. Kilnar asks about Gil, and Vel is clearly exasperated. Kilnar drops the subject, and they coming to the main room. The glass floor starts to dissipate, and Kilnar creates a bubble of force around them, and then sink into the water.
There are a ton of exotic fish, some very, very large, come to investigate. One looks like a shark. The bubble rests on the floor, and as Vel looks up, she can’t see the ceiling. There is a clear door with gold filigree around it. The force shifts at Kilnar’s command, creating a hallway of force which gives them a clear shot to the door.
Linore steps forward and opens the door. Inside is a large chamber. Suspended from the ceiling by magic are rows upon rows of bookshelves. It’s the reverse end of the storage facility Vel saw on the above ground. There are artifacts around that Vel cannot even begin to try and recognize. There are magic blades and fragments of architecture. All across the white floor in almost imperceptible light golden writing are intricate magical circles.
There are four other individuals also present. Finnall is there, and she winks at Vel commenting the “new kid is here.” Esara exclaims she isn’t the new kid anymore, and she bumps Vel, who is so caught up in looking that she didn’t even catch the comments.
There is another woman with a large, ornate black staff and white gold hair and a large collar. It’s likely magistrix Fyalenn. The other two, the only male in the group and another woman, are currently bickering. The man has long, wild blonde hair and a fitted tunic and is leaning against the wall. His name is Thalodien Duskwither.

The other woman is Larynna, who has raven hair with scrolls, a wand, and even a dagger on her hip. She doesn’t seem to keen on whatever they are talking about.
Kilnar welcomes Vel to her inner sanctum, and Vel is clearly amazed.
Everyone gathers around, and Kilnar claps her hands, indicating for Thalodien to bring the last few chairs.
Kilnar then starts making introductions. She explains Fyalenn and her were bitter rivals when they were younger, but now they can count on each other quite well. Esara was close friends with Nirenn, and both of them learned under Kilnar together. Linore did not need an introduction, nor did Finnall.
Larynna was introduced as well, though Vel was familiar with the name because of her investigation. And finally she introduces Thalodien, who calls her “snowflake.” Vel retorts that “Velameestra is fine,” and Thalodien counters everyone has a nickname.
They then get started. Vel asks about the purpose for the evening, and comments on something happening the following night. Thalodien immediately jumps on that, expressing a “black market stakeout” is something that he is particularly excited about.
Kilnar wants the daggers for safekeeping, for one thing. In addition, at least one, if not both of the daggers, will be authentic.
Vel provides what information they had uncovered about the black market itself, and Kilnar then asks how Esara’s own mission had gone.
Esara extracts a small implement about a foot long and slides it across the table. It’s another one of the blood bone daggers, which had been the “clandestine mission” that Esara had been sent on that Kilnar had been unable to explain to Gil, nor Vel until Vel had become a member of the inner circle. Kilnar expresses that the dagger may be useful in another plan of hers, which she mentions Vel may be able to help on given Vel has some prior experience with the demons.
Kilnar mentions she’s considering summoning a demon in order to get some information.
Vel is not pleased with the idea, nor is Fyalenn, and Finnall, for that matter, though Finnall said that if everyone else was in on it then she wasn’t going to be the one to hold it up. Vel mentions that, given their limited knowledge of the capabilities of demons, actually summoning one could go poorly very quickly.
Kilnar counters that she has some precautions in place already, namely the magic circles around the room, but Vel is still not convinced. She said there were still variables they didn’t know about and, ultimately, her aiding in the task would just put more suspicion on her--something that would not be good given her closer involvement with Kilnar and the group was something that, by the geas, she had to keep secret, and people in Vel’s would ask questions.
Not to mention actually giving the rumors of Kilnar’s involvement with warlocks even a bit of truth to them as summoning a demon would, regardless of intent, would not be good given how much suspicion was already on Kilnar.
Kilnar relents for now, though mentions that sometimes dealing with something directly is the best way to learn about it.
They continue to make plans for the black market, and ultimately it’s decided that Finnall and Theo would join up with Vel’s group directly given Vel has dealt with Finnall before, and Thalodien and Larynna would infiltrate on their own and aid in their own way. Vel mentioned Lirath would also likely be helping given that Gil was now unable to.
Esara wants to help as well, but Vel expresses that there is no way for her to really explain why she would be helping given Vel has never dealt with her, so ultimately, she would have to find her own in unconnected to Vel herself.
The meeting then ends, and several of the members stay, though Vel returns to the Farstrider lodge to speak with her father before then heading back to the palace.
Meanwhile, that evening, as Uther is finishing up his studies, there is another knock on Uther’s door. It’s Lydi. The elf that visited Uther two nights before. She has less things than last time, and has only a single bottle of champagne.
She pours them each a glass, and they make small talk. She admits she came to see if he was okay, but she also had heard some rumors. Some scary things.
Namely that there was something that happened at a brothel in the Dusk District. That there was a fight and blood shed, and that there were some demons, and one was a demon masquerading as an elf.
Uther mentions it’s not the most far-fetched tale he’s been told.
Lydi takes Uther’s hand. She asks him if he fights things like that, and Uther agrees. She asks him if there are really demons walking amongst them.
Uther said it would be foolish to ignore the possibility, though he can’t know for certain.
Lydi: “You can’t?”
Uther: “Shouldn’t.”
Lydi: “I see.”
Her demeanor seems a bit more frightened. She mentioned she didn’t believe the rumors were true. She heard about the assassination of a magister, but she had assumed it was just rivalry.
Lydi asks Uther if he came there to stop them, and Uther says that’s not why he came, but it is his duty to stamp out evil wherever it dwells.
Lydi: “Evil. That’s… a strong word, but I find it hard not to believe you.”
She then gasps. “Wait!” She then reaches over, and knocks the wine out of Uther’s hand. He’s almost finished with it, but the glass shatters.
Lydi: “I’m s-sorry. I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to. I should go.”
Lydi starts to go, but Uther gets up and runs for the door. Before she can make it to the door, Uther grabs Lydi’s arm, and she gasps. A dagger slips out from the bottom of her skirt.
She looks at Uther with a look of legitimate fear.
Uther tells her to explain.
In a nearby room, Vel, who had returned, and Vincent hear glass breaking. They run into the hall.
Lydi looks at Uther in fear, stammering. She says that she wasn’t going to, but she can’t stay there. She says she’ll explain everything, but then she tries to bolt. However, Uther grabs her, and she winces.
Vel catches up with Vincent, and then blinks to his side.
Uther casts zone of truth, and says that she isn’t going anywhere, so she should start talking. Lydi’s breath catches in her throat as she realizes that she’s in a lot of trouble. Lydi continues to beg, and says she won’t try to run. She’ll actually explain, but his friends are at the door.
Uther says she better start talking.
Uther: “First of all, who sent you?”
Lydi: “That’s a bit of a long story. We should we wait for your friends?”
Vel immediately sees the broken glass and the dagger, but Lydi said the entire glass wasn’t poisoned. It was just a bead at the bottom which Uther didn’t drink.
Lydi explains that Kael’thas had sent her to kidnap Uther. The bead was meant to shrink Uther down so she could just walk out with him. However, she didn’t know for what reason.
Lydi then looks at Uther and says he’s a paladin who came to stop the demons, so someone who was involved may have wanted to stop that.
Uther asks where Lydi was supposed to take him, and she says it was a meeting point. Uther asks where it was, and Lydi said she would if they protected her. She didn’t sign up to help demon summoners.
Uther promises to protect her.
Lydi said her real name was Valeera Sanguinar. She was sent to join the staff in the palace in order to get Uther. There was no time table, but there was a signal and a specific place she was supposed to go to to drop him off.
Uther looks at Vel.
Vel immediately shoots down the idea that she realizes Uther is having, namely to let Valeera take him to the place to try and get information. Vincent is also on Vel’s side in this regard as she continues to explain that they don’t know what they are getting into.
Uther tries to counter that people are getting hurt, and Vel immediately shoots him down again, expressing they can’t do anything if they get themselves killed, and ultimately such an idea was far too much a risk. On top of that, they had no way of reliably getting out of the situation beyond fighting their way out.
Uther then produces the hearthstone his mother gave him and says it had already been attuned to the palace itself.
Vel is caught off guard for a moment, having not expected him to have the item, but then shakes her head and says that such a thing would probably be lifted from him before he could use it. Valeera agrees.
There is some more back and forth, but ultimately Vel, Vincent, and Valeera are against the idea, and Uther states that, now that the plan was spoken aloud, he agrees it was not the smartest decision.
Vel is not particularly convinced it was actually Kael’thas that had sent Valeera in the first place as the situation didn’t make sense, and mentioned that it could be another impersonation attempt like Lana’thel, but ultimately they do not have the proof for it.
Uther tells Valeera to continue laying low and pretend like this never happened to see if any other information comes up as she had not yet “received the signal” so-to-speak, and she agrees. However, when she bends down to retrieve her dagger, Vincent stops her, and Uther agrees that it may be wise to keep the dagger as collateral. After all, Valeera herself, under zone of truth, had said it was possible she was “telling the truth now to save herself, but could change her mind later to turn on them.”
Valeera pouts a bit, but accepts it, and leaves.
Vincent also goes to leave, but Vel stays. She makes herself at home on the couch, and, accepting no argument, decides to spend the night there in case there was ANOTHER attempt. Uther said the odds of that were unlikely, and Vel counters that being nearly killed by three elf woman (though one was a succubus) in under four months was equally unlikely.
Uther doesn’t mention that it was actually four, given Vel had been possessed by Zalazane and had also nearly killed him. However, he lets her go, and they settle in for the night.