[Horde] Chapter Two: Session Three
July 3rd
It’s late evening. Spinyl takes the ten minutes to twirl in a circle and conjure the magical dome of tiny hut. She, Arthak, and Azgadaan are within the tiny hut.
Spinyl says it may be best to talk later, both when tempers are down, and there are less prying ears. She also says that they should leave as soon as possible.
Azgadaan mentions that he needs to speak with Cho’gall, and find some things to store his gear the following morning. Arthak and Spinyl also have things they need to do, and they agree they will leave tomorrow by noon.
Arthak mentions that he needs to speak with Ner’zhul. This could go well or terribly.
July 4th
The next morning, Spinyl refreshes the dome while they continue to make preparations. Azgadaan leaves his things with Spinyl before he goes to meet with Cho’gall.
He sees some demons around Cho’gall’s camp, along with the symbol of the clan.

There are also plenty of orcs, particularly warlocks. One is engaged in a conversation with a skull. There are also a number of ogres present. There are also smaller, runty, ashen, almost skeletal orcs about performing various incantations.

As Azgadaan walks by, they bow, almost cowering, and hiss “master” in his direction.
Cho’gall is up ahead, shrouded in black energy as he reorganizes the stone and shelves of his area. They notice Azgadaan, and bow in greeting. Azgadaan bids them good morning and states he is there for their transaction.
Cho’gall is excited and appreciative, and he holds out a hand to receive the bag.
Azgadaan mentions he had an idea of what he wanted in return. He wants to know if they have an item that would allow him to identify things.
Cho smiles and mentions he has just the thing. He then grabs a stone from one of the rough hewn shelves he had conjured. It seems to be completely smooth aside from carved runes in an ancient languages. One of the runes shifted as it moved. It was black, with a purplish hue.
He mentioned that if he sought to see the truth, this stone would show truths he did not even think to imagine. He hands Azgadaan the stone.
Azgadaan asked if it could cast identify, and Cho’gall said it would be far more useful.
Azgadaan asks what else they had, as he told them what he was looking for, and Cho’gall’s eyes flicker with a mixture of anger, curiosity, knowledge, and a variety of other things. They ask him if he even knows what he’s looking for.
Azgadaan comments he doesn’t like items that could be mind altering, and he’d rather have something simple.
Cho’gall is clearly irritated, but said he could accommodate. However, the world was not as “simple” as Azgadaan seemed to think.
Azgadaan resigns to take the stone, and it almost seems spongy. He almost hears a whisper out of the corner of his perceptions, but there’s nothing there. It seems that it has a limited number of uses, but it would allow him to see things not otherwise there, or a future not predicted.
It’s a Stone of Futuresight, specifically.
Azgadaan said it was a great boon, but in his hands it’s wasted, and he hands it back.
Cho’gall asks if he chooses ignorance, then. And Azgadaan said that he trusts his own judgement.
Cho’gall holds his hand out for the bag again.
Azgadaan said this wasn’t a transaction, and Cho’gall said he already offered a gift, and it was denied. He wanted what was his.
Azgadaan said that if Cho’gall wants any future dealings with him, a normal transaction would happen.
Shadows and magic seemed to grow about the ogre, but it halts. Cho’gall said that if Azgadaan was the one to make the rules of the transaction, then he was to be gone from the camp.
He seems to be sending Azgadaan away from the camp with the bag.
They comment that someone who is so confident in knowing all the answers did not need a transaction with someone who offered truths. So he could keep his mortal prize. And if he’s lucky, the clairvoyance he claims would guide him so expertly in the future. The ogre then turns back to his cauldron.
The clan watches Azgadaan like predators watching freshly killed prey as he leaves.
Meanwhile, Spinyl goes to visit Aracyra again. Aracyra is getting fancy, and her dress drapes off her shoulders revealing black flecks much like freckles.
Aracyra mentions she may be tasked with hunting down a certain someone, as the Horde wants him brought back. She is rather adept at finding individuals that believe they are hidden. She wants to know what that means to Spinyl, and what she would do.
Spinyl said that duty is important, and she was far too new a friend to ask for a favor. Aracyra, however, comments that while she can find Kaylaan, such a powerful warrior would likely be able to contend with whatever she throws against him.
Spinyl said it was unfortunate if Aracyra couldn’t do her job.
Aracyra asks if there was anything she wanted Kaylaan to know, or anything Spinyl wanted to give him. After all, he seemed to mean much to Spinyl and her companions. And it would be beneficial to know more about him if he she was going to track him down.
In addition, if finding him didn’t prove fruitful, Aracyra may be… repurposed for something more important.
Outwardly, she seems to be trying to help Spinyl. Spinyl asks if she wants anything in return, and Aracyra says no.
They shake on a “hopefully fruitful business friendship”.
Spinyl gives Aracyra a Hearthstone card with a guy with a sword on it to give to Kaylaan, and Spinyl then goes in to explain Hearthstone.
Meanwhile, Aracyra looks at the Hearthstone card, and it seems the flowing nature of her dress drains into the ground. A dog-like creature materializes from her shadow, and it draws the card within it, before it fades back into her shadow.
Spinyl blinks, watching this, and Aracyra explains it’s a technique she had mastered over her millenia of study.
She then asks Spinyl if she wants to see. Spinyl nods.
Aracyra says the erudic word for fetch, and points to a pitcher of water. The beast materializes, pulls the pitcher into itself, and returns. It then fades away, leaving the pitcher on the table.
Spinyl continues to show her Hearthstone, a bit amazed.
When they all regroup Azgadaan informs them why he still has the bag. Spinyl and Arthak are exasperated about it, and Azgadaan mentions he was very close to just burning it in front of Cho’gall.
Spinyl said that Cho’gall was one of the leaders they needed to appeal to, and Arthak said he was insane.
Azgadaan counters that’s probably why talks didn’t go well. And also “thanks for telling him I had the bag.”
The group goes and gets supplies for getting to the rendezvous point.
They meet with Ner’zhul
1:18- meanwhile, back at the Broken Blade Camp
Sorak goes to gather herbs, and Samara gathers food and water.
Remnii tends to the clan’s maladies.
July 5th
Arthak, Azkadaan and Spinyl run into some Clanless. Azkadaan accidently spooks them, but Arthak stops to talk to the them. He offers that anyone that can hit him, they join his clan. Few try, but the only one able to is a 13 year old girl. She doesn’t have a name and is super grumpy. Another one tries again, and makes it in- so he brings his family.
2:48 The group reconveins
Azkadaan buys the Warband winter clothes
The Clanless show up, surprising Arthak who only expected a few to follow.
3:02 Sorak talks with Arthak and asks him what exactly he’s doing recruiting this many people
3:11 The group begins travelling.
They see Fel-scared stone.
Sorak notices that some of the water has been stolen from the cart.
He talks to Arthak, and it turns out two young orcs are missing. Sorak and Spinyl get sent to go look for the two and determine what happened to them and if they stole the water.
The two backtrack to a spring, where they find the two orcs dead, and the water lost. The spring also turned out to be home to a corrupted water elemental which attacked.
Sorak, driven by his beliefs, tries to slay the elemental and put it to rest, but ends up badly injured and they are forced to flee.
They regroup with the rest of the party, Sorak gets healed, and the next day the caravan mourns, and moves on.