[Horde] Chapter Two: Session Twenty-Four
September 18th
As the ritual to open the portal begins, Arthak shakes his head and starts to come back to, Rend and Maim standing over him with a mixture of shock and disdain. Remnii and Azgadaan look down from above from next to Shaspira and Aracyra.
Sorak is in the massive crowd of orcs with the rest of the Frostwolves. Kroll and Nyxxa are hanging out close to the warriors of the Broken Blade, intending on playing the situation by ear.
Arthak punches the ground in frustration, then stands up, and looks at Rend and Maim, commenting that he appears to have lost his sword. Rend shoves Arthak aside, telling him to leave the vanguard for those who can keep track of their weapons.
Gul’dan and the warlocks step forward, extending their hands to the portal. It begins to flicker and green energy starts to pour into it. The entire Horde is as silent as a massive group of orcs can be.
Barely a moment passes before the energy begins to ripple, and some of the energy of some of the warlocks feeds back, and several step back. Gul’dan’s face contorts into a look of concern. He grabs one of the warlocks and asks what is happening.
The warlock replies: “Something is pushing through. Something is attempting to thwart our ritual.”
Gul’dan snarls, pushes the warlock aside, and steps forward. He reaches out and starts to take control of the situation.
The portal starts to open again.
Several members of the vanguard start to move in front of Arthak, blocking him out of the opening assault.
The energy that Gul’dan is channeling also begins to struggle, and as he starts to push back Arthak sees the stone beneath him begin to ripple as the air is awash with fel energy. The other warlocks start to drop off, and a crackle of arcane energy shoots through, and Gul’dan is also forced to break his connection.
At that moment, Shaspira’s hand lifts off of Remnii’s shoulder. Shaspira steps forward, and Velhari approaches to take her place at Remnii’s side.
Shaspira: “Is there a problem, Gul’dan?’
Gul’dan: “Nothing that I cannot handle.”
Gul’dan starts to gather fel energy again, but Shaspira moves forward and places a hand on his shoulder.
Shaspira: “I believe you’ve done enough, chieftain.”
Gul’dan: “My lady. I-”
Shaspira: “I will not allow your failures to compromise our goals.”
She lifts her other hand, and a beam of red energy spirals to the portal. The green is overcast by a bright red.
Shaspira: “If you need to have something done right, you need to do it yourself.”
Gul’dan bows his head and backs up, and Shaspira moves front and center. She closes her eyes.
Shaspira: “Interesting…”
And she chuckles. She narrows her eyes, and the energy she is pouring into the ritual increases as whatever is fighting back is, in fact, fighting back.
Eventually, her eyes open, and there’s a gasp. A grin stretches across her face. She brings her right hand back around, and energy crackles in it as she forces both beams at the portal. The portal starts to rend apart faster and faster, and she begins to laugh quietly.
The portal begins to tear itself fully open, and heat washes through from the portal as the edges of the portal catch ablaze. There is a strange almost warbling sight of a room covered in red and violet. It’s almost as if viewed through water and fire.
Shaspira turns immediately and moves out of the way. Blackhand shouts “FOR THE HORDE” and the Vanguard starts to rush forward.
Shaspira shouts in eredun to the pit lord that had accompanied them: “The plans have changed. Jaina is here and her power is diminished. Find her. And kill her. And we may end this way before it begins.”
There is a look of surprise on the pit lord’s face, and his maw widens in a grin. “Lord Mannoroth will make me a king for bringing her down!” He also roars and starts to charge forward.
Nyxxa informs Kroll that there has been some interesting developments, having understood the eredun, and she informs Kroll that she can do more in the front, but she promised Remnii to protect the noncoms. He asks Kroll to protect them for her, and he agrees.
Nyxxa: “Thank you Kroll. There is a time for peace and guidance, but this is not that day. I need you to survive for that. Promise me that.”
Kroll casts guidance on Nyxxa, then turns to head back to the noncoms past the wave of the Horde.
Samaara manages to find Kroll and puts a hand on his shoulder. She asks for him help, and asks if he had seen Yrel. Kroll, unfortunately, had not. Samaara tells him that she needs him to tell him everything, otherwise she fears for Dornaa.
Kroll confirms there was more to his story. He had kept it secret for Go’el’s sake. There was a secret place to keep people safe from the Legion’s influence. Samaara tells him to tell her no more, and she takes him back to Dornaa and some of the others.
Samaara informs them that Kroll agreed to help. She summons Phaedra, and tells him to tell her everything, but no one else. They found a (mostly) private place, and Phaedra pushes him for any information on the location of this place and how she can approach without threatening them.
Phaedra thanks him. Kroll also hands her a totem that he had carved. He isn’t sure what type of reception she would receive, but it may help her gain their trust. He tells her that he would do such a thing for no one else but those allied with Remnii.
Phaedra asks him to watch over her, and Kroll nods.
Phaedra heads back. A cloaked figure, Raluhi, starts to move toward the portal, but the other cloaked figures do not. Samaara, uncloaked, grasps Phaedra’s hands in her own, and she hands Phaedra a cloak as well. She tells her to stop for no one, and Phaedra nods.
Kroll casts augury as he observes them going, and he asks: “Will their journey be safe?”
He can almost hear the bones of the draenei beneath him whispering. He feels a dark shadow cast over them. He senses their journey will not be safe, and it will be fraught with danger, but they will arrive at their destination. Both weal and woe.
He sees the flicker of something viridian in Phaedra’s cloak, and then she and the other cloaked figures vanish.
Samaara is still behind, as well as Ahonan. Ahonan approaches and puts a hand on Kroll’s shoulder. He informs him he had done a great service, and they will take it from there. He asks that Kroll not endanger himself further, as he has more to do in this tale.
Kroll says he understands.
Back at the front of the group, the vanguard is plowing through. Rend and Maim are the first to breach the portal, and the others follow. The pit lord also charges forward and crashes through after the many waves of orcs.
The warriors of the Broken Blade also surge forward, Thura and Lantresor at their head. Nyxxa appears to have disappeared. However, Arthak also sees another figure, in a cobbled together mess of chains and orcish armor. It’s Yrel with a grim face as she charges forward.
She’s dressed like a slave, joining the fray.
The Broken Blade make their way directly to him. Yrel isn’t stopping, but Arthak catches her by the arm.
Arthak: “What are you doing?”
Yrel: “What does it look like I’m doing? There’s a war. Now keep going before you’re trampled.”
Arthak: “What side are you fighting on?”
Yrel: “My side.”
Arthak: “She needs you to stay alive!”
Yrel ignores him before she runs through the portal.
They slam into the portal. It’s like running face first into water for a moment. It’s like limbo. On one hand is the portal behind them, and ahead are other orcs, ogres, wargs, and dire wolves swimming viciously upward.
Remnii definitely saw Yrel heading through the portal.
Shaspira grins as she returns.
Azgadaan: “So, who’s this Jaina? If I may ask?”
Shaspira: “An obstacle that will be removed. Nothing more.”
Azgadaan: “Fun.”
Dusk on Azeroth of September 17th
Battle is already erupting in the cylindrical chamber on the other side. There are bodies strewn about of pointed-eared creatures that Arthak knows as elves. Two constructs are destroyed on the floor.
There’s only one way out.
The elves ahead are being forced into a retreat as the orcish Horde barrels down the hall.
Arthak: “Lantresor! Find Yrel. Keep her alive. Try to talk some sense into her!”
Lantresor nods and rushes forward, and seems to disappear.
Arthak: “Broken Blade! We fight the strong! Not the weak! Understand!”
There is a battle cry as the clan follow Arthak up the way.
Go’el tells his clan to take no risks and protect each other. The Frostwolves will triumph, and the Horde will stand strong. The group nods and starts to move forward, and Sorak hops on Wintermaw as they head to the portal.
Remnii had seen Nyxxa shoot through the crowd and dip through the portal as well.
Nyxxa is trailing the pit lord. It’s dusk, and there are fires erupting all around. She doesn’t attack, and is just trying to keep out of sight. They are in some sort of courtyard, and battle has spread throughout the courtyard itself. The elves around are smaller than a night elf, and they are quickly being outnumbered.
The elves are speaking in a dialect she doesn’t understand.
There is a beacon of light coming from the other side of the building, and there is heat coming from that direction. A number of the Shattered Hand have replaced their missing hands with pitons and are ascending the walls around them. Archers are firing from overhead, but several are taken out.
The pit lord is laughing as he tries to break through an outer wall.
Nyxxa makes her way to a vantage point and attempts to leap up on one of the higher walls. She barely reaches it, and her body hits the side of the stone as she clambers her way up. There are a few archers that see her, and they begin to run in her direction--bows drawn.
Nyxxa ducks down and makes herself as small as she can. She almost disappears into the night. She hears bits and pieces asking where the “monster” went, but they start to fire down below.
Still hiding, she peeks around the wall. She can smell seawater. She jumps down the other side of the wall and lands with a flip.
It seems the battle has spread very far in not a lot of time. Nyxxa starts to head north, hidden in the trees.
As Arthak and his group charge, the battle is joined on all sides. Up ahead he can see Rend and Maim cleaving through elves on all sides. Garrosh, in another direction, also swings into elves on every side, barking out orders to his men. There’s another pathway that seems to head downward into another sanctum.
Lantresor suddenly appears near the entry with burning curtains, and he gestured toward the portal, indicating Yrel is fighting inside.
Arthak nods and heads inside. There is a crunch as Yrel’s hammer splits into an elvish shoulder, and then she spins around and smashes another one. Her face is dark.
Yrel spits: “Your orders, Master.”
Arthak: “You don’t want this. This fight. These people.”
Yrel: “You said yourself. Glory and conquest. People like you won’t stop until everyone is under a yoke. Like this.”
She grabs the chain around her neck.
Yrel: “Why should we stop here?”
Arthak: “Because Remnii would want you to.”
Yrel: “Don’t you DARE tell me what you think Remnii would want.”
Arthak: “She wouldn’t want you doing this. This isn’t your fight. This is MY fight.”
Yrel: “This has been our fight since before you were born. Don’t pretend you know what my fight is.”
Arthak: “Yours in the one that comes after.”
Yrel: “Yes I know.”
Arthak: “Then be ready for it.”
Yrel: “I will be. Are you going to claim this glory you want so much? Or will I have to take it all for you?”
Arthak: “I won’t let you do this to yourself.”
Yrel looks to Arthak and everyone else. She sighs. “Fine. Have it your way. You’re so fond of that anyways.”
She lowers her hammer and exits back out another entrance.
Thura grabs Arthak’s arm. “Chief, there’s little time for this. If she wants to get herself killed that’s her prerogative. We have a war to win.”
Arthak sighs. “Lantresor, same orders. Keep her alive.”
Lantresor: “If I try to stop her there’s a good chance… very well.”
Arthak: “Don’t die. But try to keep her from doing anything that she’ll regret.”
Lantresor nods and vanishes again. They head back to the courtyard, and they hear shouts about a perimeter being formed in the west by an elven commander. Arthak heads in that direction. Garrosh sees him. “Fancy meeting you here, Arthak! Seems like there’s some entertainment in the courtyard to the west. Are you coming with?”
Arthak: “I don’t see anything more interesting right now.”
Thura cuts down an elven soldier behind him.
Go’el and some others also convene. Go’el informs some of the Frostwolves to go and support to the west, while he himself and some others focus on taking the fortress. Sorak sticks with Go’el as he heads toward the south. It seems Go’el is trying to avoid the majority of the fighting, only defending when necessary. He’s more concerned with protecting his own.
Sadras, however, heads toward the west and shouts at Sorak for him to not get himself killed. Sorak tells her not to commit any more atrocities.
As they step out, they see a courtyard with a wall that wraps around. They are on a long causeway, and on this causeway there are orcs clashing against elvish forces. There is shouting and commands being ordered. Orcs fall off the causeway where more elves rush in and finish them off.
They are on a bridge, and all around them is fighting. Trees are ablaze, and searing through the sky is a MASSIVE creature with plumage ablaze. It’s swooping down, and as orcs throw spears, they catch ablaze. It swoops down below, incinerating orcs as it goes through.
At the center of the elves, there’s a long-haired commander with a shimmering blade. The firebird continues to do laps around the courtyard, cleaving through orcs as it does.
The elvish soldiers begin to move forward, and two shots are made at Arthak with longbows. Another is sent at Thura.
A felhunter shrieks as it goes to join Arthak’s side, but several others go to join the elves. A heavily armored elf and a caster appear to contend with the felhunter.
There’s a whistle.
Garrosh rushes forward to join the battle, attempting to break through the formation. The elven soldier’s shield is ripped from his hand and dropped prone, and Garrosh plants his axe into the now dead soldier’s chest. Garrosh swings around and kills a second one.
There’s a howl, and Sadras starts to run up behind Arthak. She has a club in hand, and she races past Arthak to the battle ahead.
The elven mage from down below summons arcane magic, and an ice storm erupts on the orcs.
Thura charges through alongside Garrosh, also engaging the front line.
The elven commander barks out orders, and his troops step back as he instead steps forward to engage Arthak and the other orcs. He swings in with his prismatic blade, pushing Arthak to his limit as he is nearly laid low.
The archers fire at Garrosh, and the arrows dot his chest.
The felhunter down below rushes for the mage and they start to scuffle down below. The elven soldier follows up on it to protect the mage, but both blows miss.
Other archers start to fire down on the felhunter. There’s another whistle, and Arthak’s attention is drawn to his right. Down below there are two more individuals. Another archer, though this one is younger, and two arrows fire up at Arthak. The whistle past his face, and a lynx charges through to attack the felhunter.
The firebird continues its loop around the arena.
The other soldiers charge forward, and the commander catches Arthak in the cut with his sword. Arthak loses consciousness, and he is shoved off the platform.
Garrosh moves forward and attacks the commander. He grabs the commander. “That was a mistake,” Garrosh says, before he jumps off the causeway with the commander first. Both are knocked prone. The commander swings at Garrosh, but misses.
An elven soldier rushes for Thura and strikes twice.
A series of arrows sail down on Garrosh, finding their places in his flesh.
Sadras runs forward and rages as she leaps down to the causeway below. She uses a potion on Arthak. The lynx doubles back and launches itself at Garrosh’s back. It claws and bites at him.
Arthak gets to his feet and starts to unload on the commander. Arthak swings down the commander narrowly blocks his first attack. However, the second strike rings true. The third hit misses, but the fourth connects. Hard. However, he doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
They hear a war cry from behind, and there is a screaming warcry from behind. It’s Grom Hellscream alongside two more shamans and another warrior.
Thura manages to rip another of the soldiers down, and she whirls on another. She cleaves through that soldier as well. There’s only one left.
The mage misty steps up to the platform and fires off a cantrip at the felhunter. However, it seems to resist the firebolt that connected.
The commander shoves Arthak off him and stands up, rounding on Garrosh. He connects, just in time for Sadras to slam into him with an attack of her own.
The young elven archer doubles back and fires a shot off at Grom. A hail of arrows rains on him, but Grom doesn’t seem to be slowing down. He charges forward and shoves Gorehowl straight into the young boy’s chest, and he drops to the ground. Dead.
Several other elven reinforcements come, and shards of race rain down from overhead as a priest heals the elven commander.
The fight rages on. The lynx, seeing its master down, turns on the person that killed them. It bites down on Grom, but Grom hurls around and pushes the creature to the ground and guts the lynx with his axe.
Arthak is able to disarm the elvish commander. Grom knocks him to the ground and barks at Arthak to finish him. With the commander’s own sword, Arthak says “respect” in common, and drives the sword through his chest. The commander goes limp, the light fading from his eyes.
The blade is no longer glowing as Arthak holds it.

There is palpable fear rippling through the soldiers as they watch their commander fall. They start to flee. Some art cut down, but others are able to escape. The firebird also retreats, flying south over the wall.
Grom puts a hand on Arthak’s shoulder. “Well struck, my friend. That trophy is yours.”
Arthak: “Worthy trophy from a foe.”
Then there’s a voice. “Now now, boys, back up. Back up. This one here is with us.”
There’s an elf approaching, though he isn’t looking like he’s going to sling any spells, and there is a succubus beside him. There is a crystal hovering behind him.
The succubus informs them that the mage has provided a means to get to the mainland. The mage opens up a portal with the crystal, and the succubus informs the orcs the portal will bring them to the heart of the elven city. They are to spread chaos.
At that moment, Gul’dan approaches from behind and extends his hand. Cautiously, the elf takes his fist and clasps Gul’dan’s hand. Gul’dan shouts at the orcs to conquer for the Horde.
Grom then suggests the harbor, as there is still resistance on the isle, and they can perhaps take the mainland on their own ships. He then heads for the harbor. Most of the orcs head through the portal. Garrosh heads in an opposite direction from his father.
Arthak takes an opportunity to rest before heading off after Grom. In the process, he attunes to the runeblade he took from the elven commander.
Nyxxa continues to search for this “Jaina.” She heads for the city itself, which is defended, but not incredibly so. There is some fighting inside, and people are trying to get people boarded on ships.
Nyxxa hears rustling in the trees behind her, and she sees an elven archer--a bow knocked, drawn, and pointed in her direction. The elf demands Nyxxa speak, and Nyxxa informs her that she was trying to find Jaina, because a demon of the Legion said that if Jaina fell, the war would end before it began.
The elf is confused, and doesn’t understand why Jaina would have anything to do with anything. Nyxxa tells her that a pit lord was sent after her. The elf doesn’t understand what that is, but tells her Jaina isn’t on the island anymore and she doesn’t know where she is. Nyxxa breathes a sigh of relief, and the elf tells her to go before she changes her mind.
Nyxxa: “I know you can’t trust me, but names have power, and mine is Nyxxa.”
Nyxxa runs off, and the elf lowers the bow slightly, but then turns and runs back to the town nearby.
Nyxxa can see the tides of orcs swarming forward. She can see Arthak heading toward the city with many other orcs. She moves on, and she sees a portal ripped open. However, it’s hectic and chaotic, and the pit lord seems to be running in the direction of the portal.
He enters and disappears.
Nyxxa follows not long behind. However, she doesn’t see him as she emerges in the middle of a building under siege. It looks like everyone there was taken by surprise.
Sorak is trying to do primarily support.
Back on Draenor, the eredar are standing with Remnii as the orcs continue to stream forward. Shaspira mentions they should observe the Horde’s handiwork.
She leads them through the portal. She steps atop the carpet, which has been tossed aside and is blood spattered with bodies thrown about. They can see the carnage as they stroll through.
Shaspira: “My… they work quickly. Devastatingly efficient, the Horde is. That is for sure.”
They pass through an arcane meditation chamber, and there are more bodies. There are screams as survivors are found. Elves that have surrendered are being corralled in a corner as slavers and taskmasters bind them in chains.
As they continue down the spiraling ramp, Shaspira asks Remnii how many more people and nations her misguided father would burn as he tries to flee.
Shaspira: “All this could be put to an end, you know. None of this had to be… but no, your father decided that he would carve his own path in a doomed life. And damn everyone along the way. A shame.”
She steps over the broken body of a soldier.
Eventually as they pass through, they see the flames in the distance coming from other locations. A harbor, perhaps, or an academy. As the path wraps around to the other side, they can see another city. One much larger. The skyline is ablaze with conflict. Though it’s far, and the city is large, there’s something else there. Something large. Remnii sees a gout of fire ignite the skyline.
Shaspira: “Ah… so the dragons have joined the fray already. Not surprising. No matter.”
Some of the Horde noncombatants had started to establish a base camp. Scattered around are even more bodies.
Shaspira: “I see our allies on the other side held to their part of the bargain, and went above and beyond, it seems.”
There is a black-haired elf maintaining another portal with the succubus nearby. Gul’dan is also nearby as more orcs head through the open portal.
Shaspira turns to Remnii. “Your stoic silence is an admirable attempt, Remnii. But I can see the pain that lies beyond your eyes. I can sense it. You wish that you could stop this, don’t you. A part of you agrees with me, doesn’t it? And yet, no matter what you do, there’s nothing that you would be able to accomplish. Even if your people stopped running. You’re as helpless as all of these poor, poor… elves. And your people will learn that in time. And you’ll be right here. Together we’ll watch as each individual person from the lowliest of the broken to that radiant prophet himself… as they learn that lesson. No one can stop the Legion. Least of all you. For now, we’ll start with these people. The elves have had this society for so long, and yet look how quickly the elves have crushed it. How much time do you think has been spent protecting these sacred lands. How many lives have been lost defending it war after war. Yet look, their own people turn against them. Their own people see the futility of standing against us, and the wisdom of joining the winning side instead of dragging others into their own war.”
Sorak sees Shaspira speaking, but he also sees a figure emerge from the fortress behind them on the causeway. It’s a familiar one. A fast-moving one. It’s Yrel.
As she runs forward, her hammer is out and glowing, and she is running straight for Shaspira and the other eredar. They do not seem to notice.
Sorak tells Wintermaw to intercept.
As Wintermaw leaps up to try and get in the way, Yrel stops for a brief moment, but she slides underneath him. “OUT OF MY WAY.”
She rushes forward, her hammer rippling and glowing, and swings. At the last second, Shaspira ducks out of the way, and looks at her. Yrel stops at the look, and redirects the attack at Aracyra.
However, as Aracyra tries to put up an arcane ward, it’s too little too late. The hammer connects.
Two other figures are running behind her. One is Onard, shouting at her, and the other is Raluhi, cloaked, and looking very panicked and nervous.
Velhari steps forward to engage with Yrel, but her attack misses.
Onard mutters, in Draenic, for Light to forgive them, and he engages Velhari with his greatsword.
Velhari uses an aura of fear, but Yrel succeeds. She swings at Velhari, but misses, and Velhari cuts into both Yrel and Onard.
Remnii freezes. Azgadaan summons a greatsword in his hands.
Wintermaw, frightened by everything going on, turns and runs back to Sorak.
Raluhi continues running to the group and goes straight for Remnii. He tumbles between the enemies and grabs Remnii’s hand. She is quietly crying in shock.
Raluhi: “Remnii we need to go right now before it’s too late.”
Remnii nods, still in shock. There is a ripple behind them, and Raluhi pushes Remnii through a dimension door he opened. They appear above the portal the elven warlock had opened. She turns around and spits “NO” in eredun as she attempts to grab Remnii with telekinesis. She grabs Remnii right before they tumble through, Raluhi still holding on to her.
Velhari continues attacking Onard. One blow strikes, and bites hard into Onard’s chest. He drops to the ground.
Onard: “Light… protect… her.”
He drops.
Raluhi tries to cast dispel magic on the telekinesis, and succeeds.
As Remnii slips through the portal, she shouts at Yrel: “YREL DON’T DIE HERE.”
Crystalline light rolls up through the rubble, collecting the rubble with it. A spectral figure of a naaru appears as she casts spectral guardian. It manifests between Yrel and the draenei, however, in that moment, Shaspira hurls a disintegrate at Remnii. Raluhi counterspells, however, and it is sent hurling into some rubble.
They go through the portal and disappear.
In a rage, Shaspira swipes a hand through the guardian and dispels it. Yrel continues to attack Velhari. However, she misses. Velhari counter attacks, but Yrel stays up.
Azgadaan: “This one is important to Remnii. If we keep her alive, we may be able to get her back.”
Azgadaan attacks with his greatsword, and slams into her midsection, knocking her down.
Velhair grabs Yrel, lifting her by the throat. “She doesn’t deserve to live after what she tried.”
Shaspira: “No. No. Velhari… you will not kill this one. No. Prince Azgadaan is right. For that show you don’t deserve a quick death. Drop her.”
Shaspira moves forward, and with a swift motion, there’s a crack. Yrel is sent spinning with a hoof to her face. Shaspira steps on her head. There is a crack as one of her horns is broken off.
Shaspira: “Velhari. Find the girl, and bring her back to me. Alive. Do you understand?”
Velhari nods. “As you command.”
Velhari rips open a portal with her greatsword, then steps through and disappears.
Shaspira: “Aracyra. Clean up this mess, if you would. And Prince Azgadaan. If you would be so kind to travel back through the portal. There is someone you should bring to me.”
Azgadaan: “And who may that be?”
Shaspira: “Don’t pretend I’m not aware of the unbroken child that remained with you. Bring her to me. You understand?”
Azgadaan: “I’ll endeavor to find her.”
Shaspira: “Good. I’ll bring this one back to the Vitiator.”
She grabs Yrel by the horn, and there’s a flicker, and they vanished.
Aracyra: “We should take care of what she asked. It wouldn’t be wise to tary when mother gives an order like that.”
Azgadaaan: “Yes. Are you alright?”
Aracyra: “Yes. Thank you. She certainly has… quite a hit to her. I didn’t expect something like that.”
Azgadaan: “No one really expects a hammer to the gut.”
Aracyra: “I guess not.”
She then flicks her wrist and her shadow extends and transfigures itself into the hound that accompanies her. It goes to Onard’s body, and then envelops it, disappearing along with the shadow.
Aracyra: “You should hurry back.”
Azgadaan nods, and heads back in search of Dornaa. He asks where the broken are. He is directed to the back.
Dornaa is covered in a cloak surrounded by the other broken. Azgadaan approaches Ahonan, and informs him Onard had been killed, and Yrel was onboard the Vitiator. Raluhi, however, teleported away with Remnii.
Ahonan asks why he had come, and Azgadaan confirms it’s for Dornaa. He then, very shaken, mentions that he almost had to kill Yrel.
He approaches Dornaa, who doesn’t speak. Azgadaan asks for a high five, and her hand passes through his. She’s already gone.
Ahonan confirms he had helped her escape, but he wouldn’t be brought before the White Tyrant. Should Azgadaan leave, he wouldn’t be there when they came for him.
Azgadaan said he had to take him in then, and Ahonan smiles, and said it had to be convincing then.
They square up. Ahonan informs the Ati-kaso they are not to interfere. One of the broken grunts, wanting to stop this, but Ahonan tells he he can’t, and tells someone else to restrain him. The broken shouts “FRIEND” but Ahonan turns his back on him, as another Ati-kaso helps hold the broken back.
Ahonan then rushes at Azgadaan. He strikes three times. The first one is parried, and the second one is blocked by an arcane barrier. His shield also deflects off the barrier.
Azgadaan quickens a lightning bolt, and the other Ati-kaso step aside as a bolt of lightning arcs through Ahonan as it collides with his shield. Azgadaan then follows up with his greatsword, swinging into the broken. He is able to parry the blade with his shield, and the other clattered against his shield. However, his returning hits are also parried aside.
Orcs and demons are now watching. A few succubi are observing from overhead.
Azgadaan grows to twice his size, and he swings into Ahonan again. He ducks out of the way of the first hit, but the second connects, and he wavers slightly.
Ahonan swings in at Azgadaan again, but the blow once again hits a second arcane ward. Azgadan follows up, bringing his sword down again. His blade buckles under the weight of Azgadaan’s sword. The simple broken is struggling to get to Ahonan, but he is held down.
Ahonan rushes forward, and he continues the assault. Azgadaan returns with another strong hit, though the second is parried. Azgadaan then quickens a booming blade, but also misses that attack. Azgadaan continues again, but all his attacks are parried aside.
Ahonan returns his blow, landing a firm hit on Azgadaan. He is trying to take Azgadaan out at his achilles tendon with his shield, but is unsuccessful.
They continue to trade blows. Azgadaan clashes his weapon again Ahonan, but the broken is clearly struggling. With another onslaught of hits, Azgadaan cuts through Ahonan’s sword and embeds into his shoulder. Azgadaan shrinks back to his normal side.
Ahonan coughs up a bit of blue blood. He asks Azgadaan if he is going to drag him to Shaspira himself, or if he will claim his vengeance by defying her will with his own blade.
Softly, Azgadaan apologizes, and promises Ahonan that once he gets Yrel back, he will get vengeance. Azgadaan turns his greatsword into a dagger, and quickly ends it.
Ahonan holds Azgadaan’s hand for a moment, squeezing it, and the life fades away.
Ahonan: “At last… I join my brothers.”
However, with his last breath, he had slipped something small into Azgadaan’s hand. It’s small. Metallic on a chain.
Azgadaan heaves Ahonan’s body on a cart, but one of the other broken stops him. Telling him to be careful. Others are watching. Azgadaan should go report.
As Azgadaan turns around, he looks at the thing in his hand. It’s a locket. Azgadaan opens it. There’s a small violet crystal inside. It projects a small image of a draenei. It’s silent. It’s a young draenei laughing and waving. Engraved on the inside is a date of some sort.
It says “Ishana” and another thing engraved more recently. “Light the way.”
Azgadaan closes it and puts it into his component pouch before heading back to Shaspira.
Raluhi and Remnii, staggering through the portal, are surrounded by conflict. Elves and orcs are fighting in every direction. Raluhi grabs Remnii’s arm.
As they leave the sanctum, everything is on fire. There are pillars of smoke, and it seems to be some sort of residential district. Orcs are spilling into the streets and fighting in every direction.
Meteorites are slamming into a shield overhead. One punches through it and starts careening downward. They start to run away from the portal and the smoke. The first meteor makes impact, and there’s a screech. Some sort of massive creature careens through the sky, and then slams into the meteor with a huge claw as it is intercepted and shattered. A stream of fire scours an entire section as it breathes a cone of flame through the road. Rylaks take the sky, and he begins to dogfight overhead.
A meteor gets past his guard and slams into the street, however. There’s screaming as people duck and dodge out of the way. A pillar of green smoke rises from the meteor.
There are kids. A tall woman with white braided hair are trying to gather the kids around them while another woman in mish-mashed armor runs fore the fire.
Remnii casts tongues, and she hears: “LIADRIN. YOU CAN’T GO IN THERE.”
Liadrin is diving into the fire, digging into the rubble, and she brings a small child out. The child isn’t breathing. Remnii starts to approach, and the white-haired woman tries to bat her away.
Remnii: “She needs healing! Tongues will only last so long!”
Liadrin is trying to heal the girl, but it’s getting no response. In that moment, scrambling, Raluhi withdraws the components for revivify and she runs forward.
Remnii: “This is all I have.”
She tries to cast revivify. A rune appears over her forehead, and she claps her hand together. Her eyes begin glowing brighter as she places her hands on the child and she begins to pray.
In less than 10 seconds, the child’s eyes flicker open. Liadrin immediately hugs the girl.
Remnii: “We have to go!”
The other woman points at the building as the large infernal starts to emerge from the building.
Liadrin nods, grabs the girl, and begins to run. The older woman grabs her broom.
Elvish soldiers run forward, barking at them to get the children to safety. They start to turn on Remnii, but Liadrin calls that she is a friend. Remnii casts guardian of faith in the wreckage in the vicinity of the infernal as she goes.
The older woman is holding as many kids as possible as they run.
Then, right in the middle of the street in front of them, and a bright green light appears. As they skid to a halt, Velhari steps through the portal, flanked by two felhounds.
Velhari: “Leaving so soon?”
Remnii: “She will keep chasing us, Raluhi. You should go.”
Raluhi: “I’m not leaving you!”
Remnii: “Then YOU should go.” She turns on Liadrin. “This is not your fight!”
Remnii: “Not with me!”
Liadrin: “Maybe this can buy us some time!”
Liadrin holds her hands out, and the area between Velhari and the others light up. She then casts spirit guardians. Radiant knights appear, and Liadrin grabs Remnii’s hand.
Liadrin: “You saved her life, now I’m saving yours. Lets go!”
Remnii still clings to Raluhi as they all head off. Velhari is walking toward them.
Velhari: “Run as much as you wish, Remnii, but you aren’t going to escape me.”
Remnii: “I told her that! I told her that too!”
They start to close the distance, but they all start running. A guard swings at Remnii as she runs past an alley, mistaking her for a demon. It completely misses, and Liadrin shouts at the guard and points at Velhari.
Raluhi hurls around and casts arcane hand, and it slams into the street between the group and Velhari. A bright red line carves through the hand after a moment and it shatters.
As they continue to run there is battle everywhere. Up ahead, the streets start to break and end into a market square of some sort. There are barricades upon barricades of elves, and Liadrin points at them. Meteors continue to rain down, and orcs are running in. A grizzled man cuts orcs down, and then rounds on them, a scar present across his eye. He goes to attack Remnii, but then sees Liadrin and he recognizes her. Liadrin calls Remnii a friend, and he gestures them back behind the barricades.
A blonde woman is channeling at a portal behind the barricades. She’s a human. Lines of civilians are charging into the portal, and warriors are trying to prevent any enemies from passing.