[Horde] Session Eight
The Horde wakes up after the second day as the sun begins to rise, though a thick green mist coats the sky and filters the sunlight. The last two days have been uneventful since they’ve left Karabor.
The Warband breaks camp.
Arthak wakes up, but he’s feeling antsy. He’s got level one exhaustion.
During that morning, Arthak approaches Azgadaan, stiffly. He says he overreacted. And he, almost reluctantly, apologizes. Azgadaan accepts it, but Arthak says it’s no excuse. (As he’s saying all of it, but his body language is reading murder. Still sounds pissed, too.)
With that over, the Warband heads out. They head to the South. With Sarok and Samaara, they find their path. It’s hours of travel, then shortly after noon they hear the sound of running water. As they continue forward, they see a handful of stones jutting out of a river. The river is running quickly. All the trees in the area are withered.

As they walk closer they see glowing runes begin to light up on the rocks. An orc crouches in the center, dressed in a purple robe. He rises as the runes light up, and he also looks confused. He is certainly some type of spellcaster, but the group doesn’t know what the deal with him is. Azkadaan recognizes the runes are Eredun.
Remnii and Spinyl are able to immediately identify what this is- it is a circle used to call power demons if enough warlocks are gathered in the area.
Sorak notices the setup is a bit different, and it seems to be a more mundane throne of the elements. It appears that he might be mixing up Shaman and Warlock “bullshit.” Sorak spits when he sees it.
The group decided to move on, but the warlock in question stands up and begins looking around.
Arthak grits his teeth, “We have enough problems.”
The group attempts to hid, but they are unsuccessful. He sees them and scrambles for a second. He picks up a staff and begins to hobble over to them.
Arthak grumbles more.
As the orc get closer, the group sees he has a crazy/lazy eye. Upon his tabard, he has a washed over insignia of the Stormreaver clan. (Gul’dan’s clan)
“Great master, you’ve answered my call then.” He looks to Azgadaan. He drops to his knees and prostrates himself.
He is happy that his summonings had gotten listened to, and he thinks that Azgadaan and Spinyl are his summons.
He points to the water. As the river washes by, the water is pitch black with streaks of green.
He says something has happened to the river. It used to run green, but something has changed. He was sent to investigate. He wants the demons to help him solve the issue.
Meanwhile, Sorak investigates the runestones. He realizes that this used to be a Seat of the Elements, repurposed to be a demon summoning circle.
Sorak goes to investigate the water and the area, trying to catch some game. Though unfortunately, the land is so barren that there is no game.
The group asks what he had done already. The warlock had already investigated and he hadn’t found any answer.
Arthak and Azgadaan both say that they have more important things to attend to, but there is still the matter of crossing the river. The warlock says that the river is going to be difficult to cross in its current state.
Azgadaan tells the warlock to not ask Eredar for help. If he has a job to do from his master, he best do it himself.
The warlock is intimidated by him, and apologies, bidding the two demons luck on their tasks.
Arthak asks Azgadaan to summon Daan again. Azgadann admits that he is out of soul crystals and cannot summon him. Yrel glare bores a hole into Azgadaan as he speaks. Arthak doesn’t care enough to tell that he’s lying.
Samaara mentions there might be bridges to the north. Arthak angrily agrees that it’s a lead.
Two miles north, the green starts eeking out again and the river returns to ‘normal’. After a few more hours of travel, the river is now 30 meters across and the bridge that they were looking for is collapsed.
The group looks for a solution. Sorak is able to find a single tree that doesn’t crumble the moment one touches it. Arthak and Yrel chop down the tree, and it feels like cutting into stone.
Azgadaan enlarges the tree, Sorak reduces the cart, and the warband attempts to make it across the bridge. However, the bridge breaks, and Arthak and Remnii start falling into the river. Samaara reaches down to save Remnii, and Sorak goes to save Arthak. The enlarge spell ends and the log falls into the water and floats downstream.
Wintermaw springboards off the floating log and makes it to the other side.
The group breathes a collective sigh of relief as they all make it across. Remnii gives Samaara a big ol’ hug and thanks her profusely.
On this side, the ground is even more dead than the other side. There are swirls in the ground. Arthak and Sorak notice these fields as the burial grounds of the Shadowmoon clan. Some of the ground is disturbed.
As they head south- they hear some chatter. They are speaking in eredun and are speaking of how effective they were in their last battle. The voices are decisively not orcish. As they approach the location they see four figures amidst the rubble. Three felguards (foot soldiers of the legion), one of which is riding a black fiery horse and appears to be the leader.
Some members of the group sees something else see something amidst the rubble. Glowing eyes and glinted steel, seemingly waiting for the felguards to pass. They see a whole bunch of broken and lost ones about to ambush the demons. They take their fingers, and take ash from the land and brush it onto their face.
“The ash-tonge, Akama’s men.” Samaara says.
The broken erupt in combat.
The group do not want to get involved with Akama. Arthak grits his teeth. He wants to fight something, but he is able to hold himself back. They try to sneak past the battle.
They see a single figure walking from the north. A large black mace in his hand. He is wearing heavy plate armor, and some sort of perversion of a vindicator’s armor. His eyes are dimmer than normal, and his whitish skin is cracked. And he plainly sees the group. He seems fell corrupted and is likely an Eredar.

Arthak orders the draenei to the back.
“Eredar, who are you?” Azgadaan asked.
The Eredar asks the same of him. He says he is looking for answers, and what they are doing in these lands.
Arthak and Azgadaan introduce themselves and offer a prize to their masters.
The Eredar looks to the draenai and questions what they are. Arthak and Azgadaan give vague answers.
He then asks about the battle to the south. The two men report and all three of them agree that the battle is inconsequential.
The Eredar reports he is there to escort them to his master. His master had sensed them, and had sensed the taint of the light. The group allows him to be their escort.
He introduced himself as Kaylaan and the group starts moving to Socrethar .
As they get closer they see more and more demons. They see some orcs, but they have no affiliation. Pure. Fucking. Legion.
The Retroactive Plan --- The group planned to lure Socrethar with the capture. And if not, they can offer the crystal, which can make him think he can take on a Naaru. Appeal to pride and ambition. Remnii had grown up with exalt Othar, and she will not hand the crystal over to him. She tells the group that someone else will have to take it. Arthak takes the crystal, and feels less like ripping out spines.
Remnii explains that before his fall he used to watch the city’s gates. He opened the gates and let the legion in, causing the fall. He is a traitor. But he is also cunning and powerful. He is not to be taken lightly.
Arthak: “A traitor always has something to prove.”
Arthak asks Sorak for his input. Sorak has nothing to say.
Kaylaan “I have to admit, I didn’t expect to see Draenei unshackled walking side by side with demons.”
Kaylaan notes Samaara’s broken nature, and wonders why she follows the Orcs after all they did to the Draenei people.
Samaara responds, “If I did have another choice, I would still stay with them.”
Kaylaan asks how long ago she was broken. Samaara goes silent, saying it was less than a week ago.
Kaylaan then asks about the Light and Samaara’s nature to it. “How does it feel to be forsaken by the thing your sought most, as simply as the wind changes directions.” He then turns to Remnii and Yrel, wondering how they feel about how they feel.
Arthak steps in, trying to get Kaylaan to stop taunting.
Kaylaan doesn’t think that classify as tools. They classify as fools too, apparently. He asks for Arthak’s ~a thousand pardons~.
Arthak says the Draenei are in his custody. They’re his custody.
Kaylaan hopes that Arthak won’t cast them aside, “as the light has.” Kaylaan then explains that the Draenei were fools, he considered himself one too. He wants to save the Draenei from themselves.
“All too often, I hear about saving one from yourself.”
He looks down at Arthak, he looks him up and down, “Perhaps you should get acquainted.”
“Perhaps, all of us could benefit from keeping our thoughts to ourselves. Enemies are not made in silence.”
“For someone who champions silence so much, you have trouble maintaining it.”
The group falls silent. Remnii chews on the inside of her mouth. Yrel says he’s nothing but a filthy Man’ari. Samaara reflects upon the fact that he may see the Draenei as they see him, something to be pitied. Remnii pouts, as she knows, and it’s annoying.
The closer they get to Socrathar’s Rise, the more dead the land gets. They see fel constructs and warmachines. They search the horizon for things to destroy. There are demons from every area. There are succubi, they talk and look at Spinyl, clearly gaggling to giggle at her. Azgadaan tries to frown at them, they return cheeky smiles.
“Don’t. It’s not worth it.” Spinyl says ambiguously.
They crest a hill, and they hear a terrible screeching sound. The Warband looks up and they can see a comet careen down, landing in a clearing. The meteorite turns into a figure of a flaming golem. There are demons near it, they rush towards it and climb near it and they seem to start modifications on the construct.
The sun is long gone. Standing before the Warband, they can see two very large demons. Their blades are jammed into the ground.

“Who dares approach the master?” They growl.
Azgadaan introduces himself and says they seek an audience.
The demon snorts and looks to his companion. He looks to Kaylaan, they nod. “If you insist on seeing the master, but he is a busy man. He does not take time squandered lightly. You’d best hope what you bring to him is worthy.”
Arthak and Azgadaan defend it.
Azgadaan wipes his hand across his forehead and his scar vanishes for an hour.
Remnii sees a massive ruin of an ancient shrine. The roof is blasted apart. There’s red light shining in the room. There are two figures, one’s in a makeshift throne made of fel-iron.

Two long tendrils wind down his chest, his skin is bright red. He wears armored robes. He has a sword of fel-iron crackling red in the center.
A woman in bright white robes stands next to her. Her skin is pinkish white. Her hair is messy and down her back. It’s brownish-black. Her eyes glow white-yellow. Remnii knows she was likely a soul priest of Okinduin.
As the Warband rolls in, his plays with the tendrils on his chin. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? The imps, they whisper, and word travels rather quickly. When I sensed a presence entering my domain, I could feel it tained with the light. If I had known the daughter of the great false prophet Velen was coming to visit, I would have tidied of the place.”
The party turns to Remnii.
Socrathar gloats, saying how surprised he was that Velen had left his daughter behind. If she had overslept or something.
“I was ever- so tired.” Remnii offers.
Socrathar says it was a shame she missed the battle and the bloodshed. He then points to Yrel, and chides her father for being beaten by an orc, a child by comparison. He then insults Samaara for being broken, saying her father would be disappointed.
He gets one last dig it at Remnii and Yrel before Arthak interrupts him.
Arthak and Azkadaan make their offer. “The final key to such a thing is known, a Naaru’s whereabouts are known.” Arthak name drops, stating that it’s the final thing that’s needed to unleash the Legion and the Horde upon another world. He says they lack the power to seize the Naaru. They beseech Socrathar for help, saying they have the location and that he has the power to take it.
“And yet, I find this all hard to believe. Yes, you arrive with the daughter of Velen and her little friends, but what proof do you have beyond her word that the Naaru is still there?” Socrathar says.
Arthak says the Draenei’s word is what they have, and the Horde is seeking. “If you have any doubts, what’s the harm in checking, if we were deceived, you could come up with an appropriate retribution.”
Socrathar says that he is a busy man, that “simply checking” isn’t good enough. Chasing rumors of Naaru isn’t in his agenda, he doesn’t consider it a worthy pursuit of his goals. He states the Legion is working on many things. He brings up the Ashtounge, and Akaama’s pitiful state.
“There were once five members of the Exarch Council. I”m looking to add another member to the ones I’ve slain.”
“You wish Akaama’s head?” Arthak asks.
“Among other things, yes? He has many things worthy of my attention, his head among them.”
“For that, you would pass up the opportunity to seize a Naaru?”
“The Naaru, if he is in one place, is likely weak. If he was not, he would simply leave, before I am able to do anything. Naaru are slow on the recovery process. I have no doubt I will stop Akaama long before M’uru is able to recover.” Socrathar explains.
Arthak argues prestige in the Legion. Socrathar says that he seeks prestige, that’s why he seeks Akama’s head. He’s not looking for a prize, though, Socrathar says that he’s looking for something bigger.
When Arthak asks what he’s seeking, Socrathar will not tell him. He says if he’s able to slay Akaama, then Socrathar will listen to Arthak more seriously. Arthak knows that he can’t face Akama alone. Arthak leverages that he can’t make any assumptions on what Socrathar wants, as even Socrathar can’t kill Akaama.
Sorak steps forward, "If what we have heard is correct, you have an interest in certain gems, I believe?”
“In gems?”
“I am uncertain of what they are. I’ve been told they hold power, but I don’t know what they are myself. I’ve heard that there may be one near or in the location of M’uru.” Sorak says.
Socrathar’s eyes narrow. “In what way do you mean, orc? Who did you hear this from?”
“I have what’s left of a unique set of ears.” Sorak then uses a gust spell to emphasize his point.
Socrathar stands up. He looks to Sorak. He grins and laughs. “Your father was more of a fool than I thought he was, Remnii. Not only did he leave behind his own daughter, but he left behind one of his most prized possessions as well. Very well then! My former peer can wait, I will go with you.
“First, tell me, where is this... Naaru? And this prize? Truly worth my attention.”
“Tempest Keep.”
“Of course it would still be there!”
“Most obvious place, the one the Horde would be least inclined to search.”
Socrathar smiles, “Very well then. I will meet you at my seat, in Farlahahn. We will find this god and bring him back to your people, and I shall have my prize. I trust you have already prepared your transportation to get there, no?”
Arthak says we can meet him there. Socrathar says don’t make him wait, as his time is not to be wasted. Azgadaan also says they’ll be there, but asks if he has anything to ease the way. Socrathar says he can at least do that. He begins chanting a spell in Eredun.
As he speaks and the power of the incantation washes over the group, Remnii’s ears begin splitting. Remnii doesn’t outfit scream, but she makes a quiet noise of discomfort. Yrel comforts Remnii. She feels the fel energies as they manifest themselves and rip the air apart. A portal appears to the Black Citadel.
Kaylann speaks up, saying that he doesn’t trust them. He tells Kaylann to go with them.
Arthak disagrees, but Socrathar insists. It will be a chance for the warband to prove themselves.
Defeated, Arthak finally relents.
Socrathar then turns to his other aid, Nyami the Priestess, saying they have much work to do. They leave the warband to go through the portal.
As they go through the portal, they find themselves in the area outside of the Black Temple. They arrive with Kaylaan in tow. Remnii asks for a moment to rest. Her ears are bleeding. Yrel goes to heal her, no significant damage was taken, but she can hear Eredun in the back of her head.
Yrel makes eye contact with Azgadaan. “This is why the language is dangerous. Those in tune with the light, it can hurt, kill or worse.”
Arthak and Remnii glare at Azgadaan for asking for the transportation and exposing the Draenei to corruption.
“Perhaps try not being so greedy in the future.” Remnii says quietly, passing Azgadaan.
The area they had arrived in is strangely a lot quieter than it was before. There are fewer people, and no guards.
Kaylaan arrives. “Collect yourself, priestess. We have much and more time to make. Do you think you can get us a boat, Arthak?”
Arthak says he probably could, and he was pleased about it.
Meanwhile, an orc was walking toward the group. Keli’dan the Breaker, who they had recognized from previously. He had not been expecting them, and Arthak said that they hadn’t been expecting to be back either. Keli’dan expressed that there was a boat prepared, but they had to be quick to avoid being seen. He basically confirmed that Gul’dan was present at the Black Temple.
As Arthak returns to the group, he is giving an Azgadaan a very strong glare. He explained they had prepared a boat due to the common cause, and they had to move quickly so they would avoid being seen. Remnii quickly covered herself with her cloak.
Keli’dan “bro-sneaks” them through the back alleys and such, and they manage to bypass everything and get to the actual boats. They are orcish destroyer ships - not just rafts or rowboats.

As they board the ship, a man steps forward and asks if they were leaving so soon. And then a voice from behind mentions he was about to say the same thing, and as they turn it is Gul’dan accompanied by an even older warlock as well as a few others - including the one with the crazy eye.
The older warlock is Gul’dan’s second in command, Drak’thul.
Drak’thul: “You were right in bringing us here, my child. You were right. And leave they did. Curious.”
Gul’dan: “Curious indeed. Why the hurry? Can’t some old friends stop and chat before you leave? After all, we have so much to talk about. Including why you have my prisoner with you.” He gestures at Samaara. “Please, do tell. Or should I introduce you further to my young friend here. Teron’gor.”
He glances at the other younger warlock. Teron’gor’s hand catches ablaze, and he points it at the ship.
Arthak says they need the ship to get to Tempest Keep, and Gul’dan said he was aware, but he didn’t ask that. He wanted to know why they had Samaara.
Arthak said that, seeing they were passing through Shadowmoon Valley, he thought to acquire her. He explained he thought she would be more use to them seeing Gul’dan already knew where the naaru was.
Gul’dan said that Ner’zhul had already told him that it had been NER’ZHUL’S idea to send her, so clearly the stories didn’t align. Arthak grunts uncomfortably. Gul’dan did offer that he was right in that he didn’t need her anymore.
Azgadaan said that Gul’dan was delaying them to get to the naaru, and Gul’dan apologized and said that he was “quite right” as he had many things to get to. “Why don’t you all get on your way then?” Gul’dan steps forward and taps his staff. “Teron’gor, lets leave our friends. We have much to discuss with Ner’zhul I think.”
Arthak: “My lord. It was was… uh… I who spoke false.”
Gul’dan puts a hand on his heard and looks almost hurt. “My, what surprise I must have in my soul, for the cowardspawn spins another lie. That tends to run in your family, doesn’t it?” He laughs.
Teron’gor pushes past the warband and gets off of the boarding ramp and takes a position next to Gul’dan. Gul’dan turns to Remnii. “I must say, it’s quite interesting being this close to someone like you. The balcony didn’t quite do you justice did it? No, no no it didn’t. You are quite the specimen. Oh how I wish Garrosh would have found you instead. I do wonder how many faults one would have to press into this glass priestess before she cracks. Very well. Go on your hunt. And I would endeavor you not to become like your friend there.”
And they turn and walk away. However, as they leave, Gul’dan’s red eyes focus on Sorak and he just grins as he leaves.
Arthak: “Everyone. Get on the boat.”
Arthak tells Azgadaan not to speak out of turn again. However, as he does, Kaylaan walks forward and says that orcs are certainly full of “fun” interactions.
Arthak responds, sarcastically, that they have a “fantastic talent for making friends.”
Kaylaan: “Truly you must be if you have convinced these three to stay with you after systematically slaughtering their people.” He then boards.
Arthak: “It’s our winning smiles.” He says this furiously, and both Yrel and Remnii laugh.
Remnii brags to Samaara that she was able to look Gul’dan straight in the eye in front of every warchief, and Samaara expresses that was very foolish. “I know,” Remnii responds with a smile laugh.
Everyone boards the boat.
Arthak is feeling incredibly trigger happy because he hasn’t been able to fight anything at all.
At some point during the journey, Arthak approached Sorak. It is really obvious that Arthak is not doing well. He looks sleep-deprived, he is very twitchy, he looks like a smoke who really needs a cigarette while being simultaneously on the up and down of a caffeine high.
Sorak has been avoiding him.
Arthak: “Sorak, we need to talk. I know you’ve noticed I’ve been a bit… edgy since we left. The corruption. I’m guessing that’s why you’ve been keeping your distance.”
Sorak: “It initially wasn’t an issue, however as more time goes on the further and further you seem to fall. I can’t help but wonder where this will end.”
Arthak: “I’m not giving into it, at least. And I had my reasons back at the Citadel.”
Sorak: “Not giving into it. Barely containing it.” He jabs Arthak hard in the chest.
Arthak: “Please. Don’t make this harder than it is. Once we find something I can… vent on, it’ll be better. But until then I’m doing my best. I’m trying. And that’s… that’s why I need to talk to you.”
Sorak: “And what can I help you with, Arthak?”
Arthak: “Dealing with me if I don’t keep it under control. You’re my second. If I… lose control, I need *you* to take command and deal with me however is necessary.”
Sorak squints at Arthak. “So in the event that you become fully corrupted, the very thing you hate, a fel orc, you want me to kill you?”
Arthak confirmed. “Beyond that if my ability to lead this warband is compromised, you’re my second, it’s your job, your task, to relieve me of command if it comes to that.”
Sorak: “Well, lets try not to get there then. If you can keep it under control.” He pokes Arthak again.
Arthak: “It’s easier to do if you don’t goad me. I’m not stupid, Sorak. If you have a point, just say it.”
Sorak: “Maybe we should just…. Fight.” And then Sorak takes a swing at Arthak. He connects with the other orc, and Arthak is left stunned. However, the second strike glances off.
Arthak looks at Sorak for a second, and any shred of Arthak goes away and there is, instead, pure murder. He goes for his blade. He is about to swing, but stops himself with a growl and instead drives it through his midsection. He promptly drops to the ground.
Everyone is like “WHAT JUST HAPPENED????”
Sorak strokes his jaw thoughtfully, nods at Arthak’s body, and then slowly pulls out the sword as he uses Cure Wounds.
Remnii takes a deep breath because she knows what happened. She comes on the opposite side of Arthak and kneels down. “I need your opinion, because I know what his would be. I can put him to sleep for a time-”
Sorak gestures to him and points out that he is “sleeping.”
Remnii emphasized she was familiar with orc resilience, but Sorak again gestured to the wound he was healing.
There was some debate on how to handle Arthak considering he needed rest, but also would likely be enraged after so long of being down. Remnii is clearly frustrated about the entire situation, though Sorak pointed out if he didn’t do something Arthak would have likely tried to kill Azgadaan. A few managed to take Arthak to the captain’s quarters to get him off the deck.
Samaara approaches Remnii. “You know this can’t continue, yes? He is going to destroy himself or us.”
Remnii sighs. “Samaara, how would you deal with someone who has pride deeper than this ocean?”
Samaara: “It is not a matter of pride. It is what he is becoming. We may need to ask the naaru to help before he destroys someone.”
Remnii: “I’m glad we had the same idea. There is no way I can heal that amount of corruption. Walk with me?”
They start walking.
Remnii: “When Socrathar casted that spell I could hear eredun in the back of my mind. I haven’t been touched by corruption that deeply in some time.”
Samaara said, unfortunately, it is unavoidable. They would just have to be careful and not take any other risks. Remnii sighs again and mentions that if Kaylaan looks at her any longer they may end up have a 10 day long religious debate she doesn’t want to have. She looks incredibly tired.
Samaara: “You know…. I do wonder why that eredar wants to speak with you so much.”
Remnii: “I don’t think I can avoid him for ten days. He will hunt me down eventually.”
Samaara: “I’m not sure you should. Othar is one thing… he is another. One does not wish to speak like that unless he wants to hear something.”
Remnii mentioned she would speak with him tomorrow, but she was not sure what she could say. However she needed to rest before she could engage herself fully in something else. Samaara understood, considering the circumstances.
Samaara then said for Remnii to be careful, and if she needed anything both Samaara and Yrel were there. Remnii hugged her.
They talk a bit more about how they may be the only ones who know how to take a break between things. She hadn’t had a chance to brush her hair in some time, and she went to find a brush.