[Alliance] Session Five
The group reviews the situation for a moment, and while the first impulse is to take the body of the magister to Ranger-Captain Hawkspear it was decided not to do so immediately as he was still under suspicion for the troll activity.
When they get back to the lodge, Renthar Hawkspear and Ellaria Dawnshield were heading out in the direction of the group in full scouting gear. Upon noticing the group, the pair waves them down and runs to them. Ellaria asks what happened as Kriss and Aurora had come back to the lodge and reported that they entire party had run after the magister.
The group reported what had happened and that Telina Mirthbrook was, in fact, a warlock and had murdered the magister in order to open a portal to the Twisting Nether. Likewise, it was added that she had mentioned taking the dagger to someone else.
Renthar and Ellaria were both clearly troubled, and Ellaria went back to fetch the body so that it could be returned to Silvermoon with a missive about what had happened. Renthar reassured the group that they were not going to be accused of anything, but he asked that they didn’t leave before everything is settled the following morning.
Zap asked what Ranger-Captain Hawkspear what he would be doing, and he said that he and Ellaria would probably range for any further information.
Attempting to take advantage of the tall people, Zap hides behind the large bodies and activates a spy bug. The beetle scoodaloops up to Hawkspear’s gear and hides itself.
Gilveradin asked Hawkspear why he pulled Ellaria into the loop of the potential traitor at the lodge, and he said that he knew for a fact that she wasn’t the traitor. He seems genuine in his trust of her, and didn’t seem to be hiding anything. He requests that they resume investigating tomorrow, but is doubtful they could find anything. He welcomes them to stay at the lodging and thanks them for uncovering an additional mystery. Ellaria goes to retrieve the body *alone*.
Tess and the farstriders go to sneak on Ellaria to see what she’s up to. They tail her and catch up with her just in time for her to reach the magister. She also inspected the charred earth and collected a sample of it to inspect later. She did a sweep of the area, picked up the body in a fireman's carry and then went back to the lodge to bring back the body. Everything *seems* normal.
Zaeneas was frustrated that they were unable to locate a traitor. The party talks about what to do next. The party mentions that Ellaria and Hawkspear are going out ranging later, but Zap and Uther are going to be watching them. They begrudge not keeping an eye on Ellaria’s husband, Vel and Tess go to check on him. The party considers getting some rest.
Meanwhile, Hawkspear isn’t bothered by Zap and Uther following him. He asks if they are physically alright following the fight with the warlock. After an hour and a half or so he had exited his office again, and he was still in his full ranging gear. He headed back into the woods. Ellaria had come to greet him, and they make some small talk about the reports. He mentions that he left the message to Magistrix Goldensword for Kirkian Dawnshield to write as he was not very good at writing messages to mages. They head off into the woods.
Uther and Zap started to quietly trail the duo. They had gotten rid of their armor so it didn’t interfere with stealth. Uther is surprisingly stealthy as he carries the dwarf on his shoulders.
As they duo comes into range and Zap activates the bug, the dwarf hears a *thunk* *thunk* and the video kicks. Ellaria is shooting her bow at a tree, and Renthar is perched on a stump watching her. They are talking about mundane things, like what Renthar thinks about the troll situation, and Renthar is finding it hard to believe that anyone at the lodge would do such a thing.
Ellaria asks if he thinks if it’s one of the people in the prince’s entourage, and he doesn’t think so, though he admitted it could have been Gilveradin, Caleron, or Zaeneas but they didn’t have any reason to do so. He admitted that he was better at hunting.
Ellaria comments he was always one to cut first and ask questions later. The conversation continues in a similar manner. Eventually they devolve into small talk that is not particularly flirtatious.
Zap was giving the prince updates every few minutes. Even after an hour they were still just talking, though eventually Renthar switched with Ellaria and started chucking throwing axes at the tree.
Zap: “They’re just…. Attacking trees.”
Eventually, however, they start to talk about Kirkian. Ellaria sighs. “It’s not just me, right, he has been distant lately, hasn’t he? Ever since I brought up moving - getting the three of us out - he seems distracted.”
Renthar agrees but then stated it was probably because Kirkian hated him, though Ellaria doesn’t see why he would. Renthar suggested maybe Kirkian was jealous because Ellaria and Renthar didn’t fight near as much. The Ranger-Captain also said she should be talking it out with him. Ellaria, however, said he didn’t seem to want to listen.
However, Renthar was adamant that Ellaria needed to talk to him, and she admitted that she was just so frustrated at times.
Ellaria said she would try to talk to her husband the next day, and Renthar approved as asked when he had ever lead her astray. When she started to mention a few times, Renthar said she shouldn’t even start.
Zap encourages them to talk more from a distance.
Ellaria then teases Renthar about his crush on a different magister that had passed through. Renthar bashfully admits he wrote a letter to him.
Zap: “....Woah… Hawkspear swipes right.”
She continues to tease Renthar for a bit until Zap said there was nothing else to see. The dwarf recalls Baron Buzz-Buzz, and the spybug returns to Zap.
Zap: “...I think… my prince, when we deal with Ranger-Captain Hawkspear from now on, give him a particularly firm handshake.”
Uther: “Noted… But why am I still carrying you?”
Zap: “Well, it’s surprisingly comfortable. And what dwarf has sat atop such a human throne?”
Meanwhile, Vel and Tess reach the office of Kerkaian Dawnshield. He is angrily scribbling letters to the magisters to report the death. Vel recommends a direct route, and Tess says that he didn’t want to be heartless.
They exchange information. Dawnshield mentions that it's much easier to deal with the pranks of children.
Tess asks about the kids. Vel asks if there was anything different about this instance.
Dawnshield mentions he has a hard time getting back to sleep after the kids wake him up. This last time a week ago was especially bad. The kids usually do it once or twice a month.
Vel and the Tess mention not to step on any sacks the kids leave.
After the conversation ends, Vel uses her manaworm to investigate the are for magical influence. She finds nothing. And neither does Tess.
Tess wishes him a good sleep. Vel leaves Arka’dan behind to keep an eye on things.
They group regroups and shares the information they discovered.
Zalneas theorizes that it's a wild goosechase, and someone just fucked up along the lines. Gil and the group insist there is something more. The instances have been too frequent.
But for now, the group will rest. Before going to bed, Tess looks at the sky and tries to figure out when the full moon will be.
Before bed, Uther asks to speak with Vel. He asks her what made her call him an idiot. She responds that it was that he went off into the woods alone. Uther explains it was a calculated risk. And for his kingdom, he’s going to have to take a lot of risks. She points out there are flaws in his logic, and he responds that he’s counting on her for his shortcomings in logic. He comforts her and says that they are going to find Arator. Vel then says once this is resolved her has to go back to his lessons, and to not get comfortable with the break.
The group breaks up for resting and watch. And things were fine. Until… the middle of the night. Two hours into the night, there is a knock on the door.
Vel goes to the door to listen. After a few seconds, there is another knock on the door. Vel opens the door.
There is nothing there.
Nothing happens and she goes. back. to sleeppppp.
Meanwhile, Caleron knocks on Gil’s door, and tells him to wake up for watch. No one notices anything.
Tess hears a quiet kind of sound of frigid wind and then the sound of someone getting stabbed. She runs to see Uther’s door is open. She looks in and sees Vel, with a ice knife raised over her head and is stabbing him. In her hand is a shrunken head of a troll. The troll’s eyes are open, and Vel and the troll’s eyes are black orbs.
Tess shouts out at Vel demanding what she was doing. The group wakes up and sprints to where Tess was.
Tess charges at Vel and swipes at the shrunken head, but she moves out of the way.. Vel then shoots ice missiles at Tess’s chest. Caleron reaches the room but is unable to do anything. Tess then thrusts forward, and pierces the rapier through the troll head. The troll head catches fire.
Vel is effectively smacked back into reality, and the first thing she sees is blood on her hands. Tess shies away from the flame. Gil comes into the room seeing Vel with blood on her hands and Uther bleeding. Gil runs to Uther and begins healing him. Caleron heals him as well, and Uther wakes up.
A voice rings out in the room, and the flaming troll head starts to flicker. Something appears in it. “Awww, why ya gotta be like that, mon. Can’t you see I was having a little bit of fun? Turnin’ a daughter into a servant like da mother, an’ ya had to go and stomp on that fun.”
Gil stomps on the fire. But the fire doesn’t go anywhere.
Uther tries to stand up.
“Ohhhh. You don’ wanna be movin’ now, mon. Do she didn’ finish da job she did a number of you, mon.”
They threateningly ask who the troll is.
A small apparition of a troll with skeletal arms appears.
“But don’ ya see we trolls are hard to kill, mon. Da name’s Zalazane. Good to meetcha, mon. I heard a lot about you from yer friend here, mon.”
Zalazane said he was going to try and get the competition out of the way given there was another “king” coming up.
He mentioned that Vel looks a lot like her mother. Vel is just staring at the blood on her hands. He threatens giving her the same hex.
Uther asks him where he is and Zalazane mocks him. He laughs and the flame disappears.
Zap appears at the door, sleepy.
Zap: “Did someone get possessed by a troll artifact and stab our prince?”
Calderon tries to comfort Vel, and Vel flinches and walks out of the room
Uther asks for water, and Caleron gives him some water. Uther mentions that being stabbed in the chest hurts really bad.
Uther asks if Vel is okay. He also asked about the hex. Tess asks as well. Gil explained that his parents fought in the second troll wars. They were too little to remember, but their mother was hexed by a witch doctor. It wasn’t quick. He explains that Vel took it very hard. Uther offered his condolences to Gil and Vel. He then thanked Gil for preventing him from bleeding out.
Gil mentioned that Vel would stab him if he let him bleed out. Uther and Tess both exclaimed that don’t let her cause it hurts.
Gil realizes that Tess got injured at well, and goes to help her.
Uther exclaims that Zalazane will be brought to justice, but for now he needs to sleep.
Most people head back to sleep, and Gil goes to track down Vel. Vel had run off to the forest nearby. She is hugging her manawyrm. It is raining in the woods.
Gil finds her. Vel tells him to go away. Gil encourages her to go inside or she’ll catch a cold. He comforts her that it wasn’t her fault. Yet, she uses frost armor on herself at his attempt as “You’re not made of ice.”
Vel angrily states that they have no leads and that it’s typical troll behavior to be dickish. Gil says it’s actually not, seeing as they were so focused.
Gil, again, tries to coax his sister inside. She glares at him and he’s unaffected, as he’s used to it. She’s clearly upset as she sighs and she rises. Without any words, Gil bear-hugs his sisters. She tenses and fails to pull away. They awkwardly hug. She knows the only way out (HUG HIM BACK).
“It’s not your fault.” Gil says, “It could have been any one.”
“As you said we should get back inside, right?” She tries to deflect.
“No, you need to hear me. It’s not your fault.”
“Whatever you say Gileveradin.” She again tries to move.
“Not whatever. Taking it all on yourself isn’t going to help anyone.” Gil states.
“I am going to go review my notes. I’ll meet you back there.” Vel forces her ways out of the hug, and Gil trails after.
As soon as she gets back in the Lodge, she dries herself off and beelines for her notebook.
Gil looks back to her, inside, “You need to rest. It’s been a long night. You won’t find anything new right now.”
“I’ll fall asleep when I will, I can’t just go to bed now.”
“Vel, please?”
“I’ll go to bed shortly, Gilveradin.”
Gil sighs and sits next to her, intending to keep her company. He remains.
At some point, Vel does doze off. She falls against him after an indiscriminate amount of time, tired from the night’s events. Gil carefully lifts her after a while and takes her to bed, tucking her in.
Vel’s sleep is full of dreams.
She finds herself sitting by a familiar bedside, she’s been by it a lot. This time, she’s laying down in the bed instead of being next to it.
She looks around, her body feels weak. She tries to move her arms, they’re sluggish. She looks up, her mother walks into the room-- the same room that she walked into as a child. Her mother smiles, “How’re you feeling, Vella?”
Vel assesses herself. She’s tired, achy and ick. “Tired, ELF WORD.”
“I’m sorry Vella. I wish there was more I could do.” Her mother says. “But I brought this.” She reveals a plate with a sandwich and a perfectly peeled orange. “Just like you always loved it. I thought this could help.”
“Thank you.” Vel says.
Her mother sits down in her chair. She scoots up close. She sets the plate next to her. She reaches down and grabs some books. “Which one do you want me to read today?”
“Illusionary Theory.”
“I know you always enjoy this one.” Her mother reads to her, soft and familiar. Just like it always was. She shows her daughter illusions ashe she tells the stories.
It’s nice.
Reaching over, grabbing the Orange, Vel pops it in her mouth. The juice of the orange is refreshing.
Her mother’s eyes go wide, suddenly. There's a trail of blood from the side of her mouth. Vel looks down, it’s not the juice from the orange that’s going down her face. Her hands, chest and face are splattered with her mother’s blood.
Her mother reaches for Vel, but they don’t reach. Their hands meets a forcefield. Her bed falls and sinks into the floor into a puddle of blood, it’s dripping from the floor to the bed. It’s from her hands and her mouth.
Between gasps, Vel’s mother says, “W- Why? Why couldn’t I-- stay? Why, couldn’t I be there?”
The room spins. She can hear laughter. The same, sane, laughter that she heard when the flame vanished. Vel knows exactly who it is and what it is. She knows what he’s laughing at.
He’s laughing at Vel.
Vel shoots up, now awake. It’s jarring, but she opens her eyes and she assesses the situation. She knows what was going on. Someone had targeted her with the Dream spell.
As she looks around, she notes something strange. She’s wearing her mother’s engagement ring. She wasn’t wearing it when she went to sleep. Vel takes it off immediately. As she looks it over, post-taking it off, there’s a sort of spider bite-mark under where the ring was. She flips the ring over, checking the inside, but it’s normal.
She puts the ring away and she takes stock of the room. She leaves the bed and goes to her new favored corner and furiously writes.
The night progresses.
The next morning arrives. The wake up and meet for breakfast, some do.
Uther opts to stay in bed. Gil goes to check on prince and sister.
Zap speaks to Tess. Tess summarizes last night’s events, telling him about the troll, the stabbing, and the flames. Tess assumes that Vel isn’t in a happy place. “She was before?” Zap offers.
Zap suggests that Zalzane views the group as a threat, given that he’s targeted their party twice now. He notes that something that they’re doing is grinding their gears.
Tess hopes they can get to the bottom of it.
Together, they decide to bring the prince some food.
Uther, on the other hand, opts to check on Vel. He gets out of bed and finds her in the corner, still awake, in the main lodge area.
As soon as Uther opens the door, he’s met with Ashwynn. She drops her head and says, “...”
Uther tells her to stop.
“But Uther.”
“This wasn’t your fault. I’m still alive. I’m still fine, we’re all good.”
Ash chews her lip and clenches her fist, “As you say, but… if you need anything, ANYTHING, I mean it…”
Uther smiles, “That goes double for you, sister.”
They gingerly hug. He bids her good morning, and announces that he needs food and to find Vel. She takes his arm and leads him. Despite the fuss, she’s clearly shaken. She doesn’t want him to strain himself, he rebuffs her.
“If I fall, you can stand outside my door and guard me til I’m better.”
“As you say.”
Uther continues into the main area and finds her there. He walks up and sits down next to her. Vel is focused on what she’s doing, sensing someone next to her, she visably jumps.
“The only time I’m ever able to sneak up on you is when you’re buried in books.”
Vel rebuffs him and tells him to rest. Uther rebuffs that and says he’s not a child, he also bids her good morning. She stares and returns the greeting.
“How're you feeling, Vel”
“I should be asking you that question.”
“Don’t worry about me, I haven’t had worse but… certainly… don’t worry. It’ll heal.”
Vel’s eyes flicker to his chest, guilty. “I’m trying to figure out what happened. I know what happened… but...”
“I trust your research will yeaild results. Don’t worry about me, flesh and bone can be mended. I’m worried about you.” “I’m fine.”
“I knew you would say that.”
V: “Most people assume I would say that.”
U: “Perhaps that’s because that’s what you do.”
V: I want you to know that Gil told me about the hex. I can’t imagine what that must have been like, I won’t pretend to know. Velameehgsdj you’re more than a tutor to me, you’re one of y closest friends. If you don’t wish to discuss anything with me, I won’t force you to. KNow that I will always be here.
Vel’s eyes flicker, she’s not making eye contact. She relaxes slightly.
“U: “I’ve interrupted you for too long. Also, I smell bacon. If you need anything, let me know.”
Vel tells them that Tess and Zap were already heading down there. The prince smiles at Bacon. Zap greets the prince. Vel says she’s fine. Uther reports to Tess that he’s sore and hungry.
“Something seems to be missin’ from you, Velameeajkshf.”
“I’m fine.”
“Seems you’re missing… BACON.”
Everyone except for Vel laughs.
This just in, no chairs in the woods.
Ashwynn, Elissa and the other NPCs join the breakfast crew. Ash comes around the corner with Kriss Goldenlight-- she’s in Lesbians.
They greet each other and exchange pleasantries. Elissa has no fucking clue anything happened.
One of the Farstriders greeted Gilveradin, and stated that Hawkspear wanted to speak with the party. There was no rush as it was at the group’s earliest convenience.
Ashwynn and Tess go to help Uther don his armor. Tess wants to learn. They tell her to ~learn more about the armor~ Zap winks. Vel is tired.
Tess checks out Uther, not gonna lie.
(Uther has a stab wound that looks like a stab wound, but the skin is around it looks like a snowflake.)
Zap calls the twins away, Elissa can come too.
Vel reports that she didn’t sleep well. Gil is sad about it.
The tri-race council is happening. Zap is at the head, he looks official and smart, until you look under the table to see his legs dangling. He leans in. “I have an idea. Last night, when I was putting Colonel Nutte r2.0, I was thinkin’ these trolls, they go from grave to grave, right?”
Vel concurs.
“Yes, but then it occurred to me. We’re assuming the trolls want to get to the elf gate. They want to have free movement, but… if they can go grave to grave… what do they need the gate for?” He says the Nutter’s servos exploding, then he lost his train of thought.
Magic graves = maves. Gravomancy.
“The biggest thing, I think, is that something we’re doing is a threat to Zabazane.”
Zap wants to start a conversation about why the Elfgate is needed with the travel.
Gil thinks it’s smaller groups that can only go through, or perhaps they can’t move supplies.
Vel says they have to go in one by one, or pairs. The graves have to be open graves, the graves have to be exhumed. She notes that they have access to Quel’Thalas.
Gil explains the graveyards and catacombs are scattered all over the place.
Vel says they should tell everyone, so people can patrol graveyards openly and know of the threat.
Gil’s happy that people aren’t directly guilty, but Vel notes that there may be others in Elfish lands that are suffering a similar affliction. They don’t have enough evidence though, only knowing the troll magic would be dampened within the Elfgate.
Vel wants to act on this to have eyes and ears paying attention. Gil says there’s a downside, though. It’ll create paranoia everywhere, as people wonder if friends they know are possessed.
Zap bring up that Vel had to hold the head. Vel, though, has no idea how she got the head in her hands in the first place. It suggests that the head could take people’s minds, but it’s can’t levitate on its own. They worry there may be other heads. They list those with access to the stores where the head was kept. Vel theorizes that the “pranks” of the kids were the things that there’s someone in the camp that’s giving the head to people.
“Someone wants to get a head.” Zap says. hA
There are no trolls within five miles, and Gil says there are three suspects-- all those who have keys to the storeroom.
They conclude that they’re only missing one more piece.
“You talk to prettu girls a lot, don’t you?”
“I talk to pretty people.” Gil winks.
Elssa looks behind her, she points to herself, then. “Me?”
Elissa looks at the table, not blushing.
Vel pulls Gil aside. She shows him the spider-bite, it didn’t break the skin.
Gil says it looks like a spider bite.
Vel explains how it happened and that she was targeted with a Dream spell.
Gil blinks and has no clue what that is.
She explains how they altered what she dreaming about. She doesn’t know if the Trolls are going to target just her, or the whole group.
He explains that they’re on the right track, seeing as they want them to stop.
Gil apologizes, Vel rebuffs him. She goes to leave, and she puts their mother’s ring back in his hands. Gil pockets it and they carry on.
The group rejoins at the Ranger Captains.
RC is there, and Satren (Quartermaster) is looking at the ground. He looks angry and disappointed. His arms are crossed.
Hawkbutts says it’s a good morning anyway. He apologizes that everything is topsy-turvy. He apologized for anything happening under his watch. Caleron and Zanenakjsh filled RC in on what happened. “I think Satren can fill in the rest.”
“Aye, I can, but I’m not proud of it.”
Gil urges him on.
“I think I was the traitor the whole time, hell, I don't think. I know I was.”
Zap is quite surprised by this revelation.
“I’ve had problems, in the past, war does things to you. YOu see things, you have dreams sometimes… less pleasant than others. I’ve been known to sleepwalk. I assumed it was just that, that ain’t what it was. I know now, what with everything that happened last night. I know it was me. It was that damn head. I don’t know how or why, but it wa the damn head.”
Gil: “Well if it’s any consolation that’s destroyed.”
“I still betrayed everyone and almost killed the crown prince of Lordaeron.”
The group cajoles Satren, saying he’s a good and loyal man. They stop from saying the word head at multiple junctures.
“And I fully intend to allow you to maintain your position. You’ve been doing it longer than any of us have been here. For the time being, the danger’s past, and we’ll send word out to other Farstriders to keep an eye out. What happened to you, and you lady Windrunner, we won’t let it happen again.
In the meantime I understand that you and your shave places to be. You’ll be given provisions, I have a feeling you'll be hitting the road shortly. Word needs to be sent to many. Whoever you report to… it’ll do wonders.”
The Ranger Captain apologizes and says that he knows the party has a big role to play in what’s to come. He figures they may even get to the bottom of it.
Gil mentions that the fact they were targeted as a group may indicate the troll views them as some sort of threat.
Renthar says that *Satren* will still be able to set the group up with anything they need. Renthar salutes the party. “Al dial Shala? (SP)”<--- Safe travels.
Vel returns the farewell. “Au balansdfsdjkfhsdlkjh” The SUN GUIDES US She then remembers that there was a vague, large figure at her door the night before.
When approached by the party, Satren was taking stock. He was tired and a little drunk, like most days. He woke up in the bed later, he’d figured that he just went to bed. But, he heard about the commotion. He had a feeling it wasn’t just pranks. He doesn’t remember anything about the head, the flames, or being possessed. He hopes the party can forgive him.
Satren also mentioned that technically for his part in the matter he could be hung for high treason.
Uther cajoles him. “For what it’s worth, the worst that could happen is inquiry and declaration of war, but it’s okay. I won’t tell if you won’t.”
“You’re a good lad, Uther.”
“I’ve had good teachers.” Uther smiles.
Satren also offered to give the group the Farstrider’s discount. 10% off of any magical items and such.
Satren is also called a Grand Dwarf. It’s a wonder that he can live so far from his people.
Gil and Zap discuss a Farstrider lodge closer to Dwarvish lands.
The party goes over a variety of scrolls and potions. There’s a bag of holding and a +1 greatsword.
Uther asked Ashwynn for some money, and she immediately hands him her money bag and says for him to take what he needed. Uther purchases the greatsword. \o/

The sword, apparently, may be frostmourney. The dwarf is paranoid.
Tess also purchases a healing potion. Gil looks for arrows, but only finds normal arrows. Satren does have 20 Mastercraft arrows, he buys the fuck out of them.
Satren hands each of the party members a token. It’s a small perfectly carved stone with a blue sigil/stone. Engraved on it, each one will be for one-use. They are good for 3 uses to get to Silvermoon. All NPCs receive them, too.
“It’s been a pleasure meetin’ ya. I hope our paths cross again. If for no other reason than you can buy the bag you were all lookin’ at.”
They share a laugh and bid each other farewell.
“Keep your feet on the ground, friend.”
Caleron and Zaeneas tell Gil that he should go to Silvermoon, as he’d have better luck getting an audience with Sylvanas.
The two rangers can move faster, thus they offer to check out the Windrunner Village and meet them in Silvermoon.
Zaeneas hits on Tess, Gil is like EYYYY. Vel ascends into another plane of existence to scream.
They’ll all travel North and break off in the path when it comes time.
Our bold compatriots head off North.
Now, I don’t think everyone’s seen the First Elfgate before… it’s magnificent!
Once the sun begins to set, they arrive at the First Elfgate. It’s magnificent. It’s a towering, massive, wooden door. It seems to be wrought out of the trees itself. The wood of the wall sweeps its way across, it coalesce into a white porcelain building with gates that you have to pass through. That gate is fucking huge.
As the party passes through, some red-clad soldiers (with masks of falcon wings), the Spellbreaker division, stand guard. There’s a handful of them here. They regard the party. There’s an imperceptible barrier that they walk through. One glyph on each keystone vanishes as they walk in.
The portcullis is raised, they can feel the magic humming into the area. As they enter, they’re greeted with the Southern entrance to the Thalassian Pass: EVERSONG WOODS
The area is mountainous and wooded. It’s fuckin’ cool. It’s eternal spring here.
As night falls, they’re at the edge of the pass. Seems like a good time to make camp. Zap gets why elves like trees after seeing all of this. They admire the scenery all together.
Caleron and Zaeneas head out, offering to keep riding so they can make good time. Gil bids them a fond farewell. They make fun of slow human speeds. The two banter, promising to see the other safely home. They wave goodbye into the night.
Thus, the party is down two elves.
They officially make camp. The night is balmy, yet perfect.
Zap takes a moment to sit, post set-up. Elissa looks around, “Wow! You weren’t kidding! This place is crazy!”
Tess, on the other hand, is being nervous all over the place.
Gil confirms that Winter doesn’t exist.
“I can’t imagine not throwing a single snowball!” Uther says.
“I grew up with Vel!” Gil laughs. The group laughs, too.
Elissa gawks at the wonders of the magical realm, hoping to see a school of manawyrms or dragonhawkes.
Zap reveals he’s a member of the Explorer's guild. Gil is triggered. “Okay, uhm, It’s, yeah, I’m not the highest ranked member, but I do alright for myself.”
“Have you traveled with an elf before?”
“You’re gonna have to be more specific lad, you all look the same to me. Just kidding!”
“Have you met an Elven member? Female, red hair, about this tall.” Gil motions.
“After a certain height.. You alll look.. Eh. Already used the the joke. Can’t say that I have.” “Okay.”
Tess pops in, “Speaking of things that haven’t been talked about.”
Everyone looks. Vel’s eyebrow ascends into the heavens. Everyone’s noted her being nervous, Elissa says she’s nervous too about being in Eversong Woods.
“I’m just a half elf.” Elissa says. “It’s a little different.”
“There’s no good way to come out and say this, so…” Tess begins.
“You’re not some lost princess or something, are you?” Gil asks.
“Oh, that’s a good one. Having *two* members of royalty in the same party?” Zap
Tess sighs, “So, there’s the full moon soon. Do you guys know… do you know anything about Worgen?”
“The blood-thirsty wolf men things?” Gil asks.
“Yeah. Those.” Tess shrinks.
“I hear the Worgen are beastlike creatures from the West of Altarac? I don’t think you have anything to worry about, not this far North.”
Vel stares hard.
Tess doesn’t tense, but she stuiffens. “Long story short. I’m a Worgen!”
“I love humor as much as the next one, but the jokes have to stop. My ribs can’t take it.”
Tess deadpans. “I’m serious.”
“You’re a Worgen?” Uther says.
“:Wait a minute.” Zap gasps, “WAIT A MINUTE! I KNOW THAT SYMBOL.”
“What symbol?” Tess asks.
“What are you talking about?” Gil asks.
“You’re from Gilneas, aren’t you?’ Zap presses.
Zap is quite sure that she’s lying she Tess says noooOoOoO.
“How are you beyond the wall?” Uther and Ash both press. Ash has her hand on his sword, but Uther calms her.
“The point of Worgen is that they have no control. We’ve been travelling for nearly two weeks.”
“Cat’s out of the bag.”
Everyone wants to know why she’s beyond the wall, and why the wall was built.
“To answer the question, yes, the second one.”
“I haven’t said this for quite some time, but I am the Princess of Gil’neas.”
Zap and Gil clench hard. Gil’s joke was real. He must be a diviner.
“To add on how I got past the wall, remember the group I was travelling with?”
“Holy shit, that was the Queen.”
“I flirted with the Queen and the royal apothecary.” Xap gasps.
Tess; “I was out before the wall was built. My father shipped us out to save us from the curse. It seemed that I contracted it, and I awoke one night.” She wears a pained expression. “I’d rather not speak of it, though. What I do carry with me is Crennan, the apothecary's note, and all he knows pof the curse. AND a treatment that MIGHT help calm it if it breaks out and the full moon comes and I am unmanageable.
“Become a liability?” Vel asks.
“Basically.” Tess goes. She asks if they have any other questions.
“What DO you do when you turn into a Worgen?” Uthe rasks.
“”I would much like to know that as well,” Ashwynn said.
Tess has a boiled down Nightshade potion. She shouldn’t look at the moon.: “To help with that, not a full guarentee, I have Nightshade, and it helps suppress it. Not always.” Vel grills her, as a liability.
“The Night shade helps me gain some control.”
“A little?”
“How strong are you?” Gil asks, “Can you break through chains?”
“Yeah.” Tess says.
Gil confirms they’ll need more nightshade. Tess shares that she only has a little.
“The full moon… are you in danger of becoming a Worgen any other time?”
‘Yes.” Tess says, “Moreso, almost dying, being pushed to a brink.”
Vel, again, grills her. Saying if she loses control, she’ll be just another monster on top of it all. Bitch doesn’t have a cure.
“It has a protective instinct on it.” Gil says.
Gil seeks Zap’s help to make arrows that could inject the poison. Given time and materials, he could make an effective delivery method.
The next full moon will be in 6 days. They won’t be to Silvermoon in time. It will take over two weeks to get to Silvermoon.
“What I can also say in that Crennan’s discoveries, he was looking for a cure. I have all his notes.” She explains that they don’t have a cure.
Ashwynn warns her, “If pain is what causes this, make sure to not be hurt. If you become a liability to my charges, I will be forced to cut you down.”
“I won’t stand on the sidelines.”
“Princess Greymane. My dear Princess Greymane, while I appreciate your honesty, by my responsibility as Prince of Lordaeron, I will keep you safe. Withholding that information put my life and the lives of everyone around you in tremendous danger.”
“I know, I apologize.”
“Please excerize caution in the future, I will let no harm come to you.”
Ashwynn tells Tess that she should explain what has happened to her people to Their Lord Father. She says that they’ll see her there.
Vel asks if her companions know where she is.
Tess looks to the side, “My mother didn’t know. Only Crennan and the Handmaiden did.”
“It might not be much,” Elissa says, “But, I can try and help to help keep you safe. But, you need to get back to you mom eventually.”
“Eventually is the word there.”
“I should keep you safe, since you’re helping me find my dad. I’ll see you back to your family.”
Vel inquires about the notes, she hold her hand out.
“Can’t you say please?” Tess asks.
“No. Considering the circumstance, and everyone’s in danger from a liability AND I’m not in the mood, I’m doing us a favor.”
Vel acquires the book and reads over the wordy, wordy tome. INFOOOOOOOOO
Ashwynn says they should settle in, and that those on watch should keep an eye on Tess’ tent.
Tess explains that silver is a weakness to Worgen. Ash’s eyes dart down to Tess’ rapier. Tess sees her looking there, “Kinda ironic, isn’t it?”
“One way, I suppose?” Ash says.
Gil thinks of silver tipped arrows, too.
“The other thing that’s a weakness is fire.” Tess adds.
Vel’s eyes bore into Uther.
When they discuss a potential Tess attack, it comes up that the group has priority to keep themselves alive.
Their Journey North goes well. A couple of villages, manors, and destinations go by. The party only garners SOME funny looks.
On the eve on the second day, the sun is setting. It’s not dreary, it’s fucking beautiful. No blight. They see a town, the town of Tranquillien.
As they make their way North, they see the beautiful town rising out of the forest. White stone spires come from the trees. Guards in red armor patrol the town. For Gil and Vel, it’s good to be back. It’s similar to Windrunner Village. That elf town.
As soon as they walk past the gates, funny looks aside, no one pays them much mind. Until, as they walk further in, there’s a voice, a young buy the age of Gil and Vel. He’s wearing a tabard with Silvermoon’s crest. It’s feathery and it’s behind a blue background. He hops off his Hawkstrider. He’s from the Postal Service, “Lady Velameestra Windrunner?”
Vel looks.
The postal worker hands her a missive from Silvermoon. He explains he found her via Windrunner face. “Good eve!”
Then another voice rolls up. There’s another post man. “Oh! Prince Uther Menethil? A missive for you sir!” His letter has the seal of the Sunstrider Dynasty on it. The post buy looks at his hand in awe.
A third voice chimes in. Another post boy. “Thazdorlan Rusthammer?” He hands Zap a letter, it’s marked. “Important Tax Document Enclosed.”
There are no more post people.
“Strider Gileradin?” A farstrider. “Word from Windrunner.” It’s from Vereesa.
Vel’s letter first. Uther’s next. Gil’s happens. Zap’s last (totally wasn’t Fluxxie).
The session ends with mail, in the town of Tranquillien.