[Alliance] Session Four
The party is in the war room, still. They are ready to plan their attack.
Quel’lithien Lodge
Below are the following names of the Elves that could/would have keystones, or those who would be able to use it without authorization:
-Ranger-Captain Renthar Hawkspear -Ranger Kirkian Dawnshield (Second in command) -Ranger Ellaria Dawnshield (Third in command) -Priestess Aurora Skycaller -Arcanist Kriss Goldenlight -Arcanist Telina Mirthbrook -Magister Duron Coldlight -Quartermaster Satren Starforge
-Loggers: Jermin, Parhen, Dayestra, Amise
Renthar, Kirkian, Ellaria, Kriss, Duron have permanent keystones. Quartermaster Satren is in charge of distributing single-use keystones and sending them back to get recharged.
Gil is also a potential. His stone allows for a larger charge than one-use Keystones. His requires a charge every so often. (Excuse me?)
Over a quick bite to eat the group works on strategy.
Don’t want to let anyone know they’re looking for a traitor. Asking everyone about everyone else, look for the consensus about one or two things.
Groups going where: Trio of rangers will speak with the rangers. Elissa, Ashwynn, and Tess would speak to commoners. Vel, Uther, and Zap speak to the mages.
Commoners w/ Tess:
Tess goes to speak with the loggers around the lodge. She breaks off from the group and heads out.
Elissa: “Hey, Tess. How are you feeling after… whatever that guy did to you?” Tess shrugs. “I mean, I’ve had worse.”
Elissa: “Wait, really? That looks pretty awful, I’m not going to lie.”
Tess: “I mean it was, but… yeah.”
Elissa laughs, “I guess, uhm, maybe sometime you could tell me those stories after we wrap up?
Tess: “We’ll see.”
“I can’t say I envy you if you’ve had worse.”
Tess: “I’ll be glad to share those stories with you sometime… if you really want to hear them.”
Elissa swallows, not quite certain.
Ashywnn: “It may be wise if you both take most of the speaking. I’ll keep an eye out to see if anyone is trying to hide something.”
Tess nodded: “I’ll keep an eye out for that as well.”
Ashwynn: “As far as investigations are concerned, speaking is not my forte.”
Elissa: “Don’t worry, I think we’ll be able to handle it.”
Tess nods and agrees.
The party gets to the logging camp. It’s a quiet camp with a lumber mill with some trees cleared. Some trees are cleared, but new ones have been planted. The cycle is clearly respected, they take good care of the forest they live in.
A few elf children run about a natural well. They see the party and jog away, chuckle. There’s some individuals moving logs, cutting lumber and moving carts. It’s a good kind of thing. People seem to be finish up their lunch break. People laugh.
It’s a pretty amicable place, but they are all elves. ALL elves, hearty people of the ~woods~
Tess, to an individual about to get back to work:: “...heeey there, buddy”
A male elf, plain looking, his eyes still glow is approached. He has brown hair shoulder-length hair, he’s the human equivalent in his 30s. He’s handsome in a elfy way. He’s a bit rugged. He hefts his wood cutting axe back down and he regards them.
“Hail travelers, it’s not very often that we see too many of anyone coming up to the logging villages. You’re not lost, are you?”
Tess: “No we are not. We have a few questions if you don't mind.” he smiles.
Lumber-Elf looked around: “Eh, I have a few minutes to spare.” He leaned his axe against a cart. “Name is Parhen, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Parhen, I”m Tess.”
Elissa: I”m Elissa!
Ashwynn: “Uh, Ashwynn. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
His brow raises, “Wait a sec… Ashwynn.” He cockes is head, “Like the Princess? You’re from Lordaeron, then?” (Man rolled a 93 on the know-person check, horf)
Ashwynn nods: “That’s correct… um, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
P: “The pleasure’s all mine. It’s not often we get royalty coming this far out. Considering you're traveling in such a small group, it’s clear you don’t want to publicize this information. I won’t tell anyone, I”ve been around here longer than most.”
Ashwynn salutes: “Your discretion is appreciated, sir.”
Parhen: “Heh, no need to be so formal. Parhen is fine. You had some questions?”
Tess clasps her hands together, “Could you tell me the history of this place?
Parhen: “To a degree, yes. The lodge was built a very long time ago. From what everybody says, it was built around the same time as the elfgates - probably when our people came to this land. I haven’t been around that long, but my family grew up here. My father, and his father beforehand did move into the area so my family has been here almost as long. It is one of the only lodges outside of Quel’Thalas that is under the control of the Farstriders. I’m sure you already met with Ranger-Captain Hawkspear. He’s the tall one with the long raven hair. I believe the two lieutenants under him are the Dawnshields, Kirkian and Ellaria. Beside that there is a number of different arcanists from the Magistrate of Silvermoon, and of course that… priestess.” He has a look of exasperation as he mentioned the priestess.
“Something wrong with the Priestess?” She asks with a finger to her cheek. She as in Tess.
Parhen: “She’s a kind young lass, but she’s a bit… particular. She’s the primary physician in the area for any of those working, or any injuries the Farstriders get from the trolls or ogres in the area. Priestess Aurora is… pardon the words, a bit of a snob when it comes to us.”
“Hmmmm? How so, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Parhen: “I’m pretty sure the girl would faint if she got too much dirt on the bottom of her robes.”
“Ahhhh,” Tess nods, “I know that type.”
“Light forbid that she deal with anyone under her nails. It’s like the girl hasn’t hasn’t had to lift a finger her whole life. You can get ones like those from Silvermoon. We’re simple folk out here. I’m not one to judge, everyone has their own trials and tribulations. She’s been on site on and off for years.”
Tess: “Hmmm, okay I see. Might I ask another questions? Has there been any weird happenings lately?”
“Strange happenings? What do you mean?” P. inclines.
Tess: “Well, has there been any trolls that have gotten closer or people missing?”
He furrows his brow. “Is there something that we should worry about? If the farstriders haven’t heard of anything… I would assume we’re not in danger. Well, if suspicious folk are concerned, not really. The farstriders don’t bother us. The younger F. striders will sometimes come down to woo the younger folks.”
Tess: “Should that concern you that they don’t update you?” She interrupts.
He ponders and says, “Truthfully, it doesn’t bother us too much. They have out interests in mind. If there's something that is important, they’ll let us know.”
Tess: “Of course, of course. I was just curious.”
Parhen: “I scarce know how to use a weapon. Me experience is in damaging trees, not people. If there are any problems the Farstriders know and they take care of it. Occasionally there is theft or a minor scuffle, but we have a good life. The last thing I need on my mind is people getting too worried about every bandit activity.”
“I’m sorry I was just curious. Elissa, is there anything you’d like to ask.”
Elissa ponders, “You mentioned that sometimes the younger F.. Strider come to.. Uh.. Hang out with the boys and girls in the village, no?”
Parhen nods: “Yes, actually. Yes, you may want to be careful. Some of them may try to get to know you as well.”
Elissa blushes and brushes it off, “Anyway.”
Parhen: “But no, it’s harmless fun. You have maybe 50 or 60 years before you need to start figuring out what you want to do for the rest of your life. It’s important for the young ones to experience their childhood for a time.”
“I guess you’re right.” Elissa says, “So, if there hasn’t been anything else… uh, have you noticed new faces in the duty? Some of the farstriders come and go?”
Parhen: “Well, yes, obviously Farstriders run messages and scouting reports come and go, so the Farstriders are hard to keep track of. I suppose two months ago when Kriss returned she brought two more with her - her mentor and a classmate. Goldenlight’s parents are in the area, they live here, but she has a talent for magic so she goes off to study in Silvermoon. When she returned last she brought her mentor, a man named Duron Coldlight. He’s a crotchety old man stuck in the past, but I suppose that’s what you get with magisters just barely younger than our late king. She also brought Telina Mirthbrook, who seemed nice. She got along with the kids just fine, but I can’t say much else. Sorry I can’t be much help if you are looking into something more dire, which it seems you may.”
Tess shakes her head, “No, you’ve been a great help.”
Parhen: “If I hear or see anything else, I’ll have my son come find one of you. He looks just like me, but a bit shorter.”
“Thank you, we really appreciate it.” Tess says.
Parhen: “No problem. Well, I imagine I should get back to work before the others harass me. Anu belore dela'na.”
She returns the greeting. Parhen smiles when Tess does, as it’s good to see when people know the language. He heads out to the forest to work.
Elissa: Well, if there is anything happening, I don’t think it’s coming from here. It’s coming from… a little more up in… higher up on the rings. Higher up on the rungs. I’m glad to see it’s not hurting here, common people can be overlooked when times get tough.”
Tess nods: “Maybe we should ask the kids as well.”
Ashwynn: “A sound plan.” Ashwynn looks at Elissa. “And I’m sorry for what happened to your village, Elissa, but we will do what we can. I’m sorry we let them be taken.”
Elissa shakes her head, “It’s fine I wasn’t talking about that. I know we’ll be able to find them. Thanks.”
Tess: “Yeah, don’t give up hope.”
The three women are able to find some kids. They’re running around in the trees-- not hard to find. They’re unsupervised, but the whole village can keep an eye on them. There are only about 100 people in the village total.
There was one young little girl with short blonde hair with some leaves in it, and the others seem to be listening to her as she dictates what games they play.
Tess and her comrades walked up to them with a smile. The kids immediately move into “formation” behind the “lead girl”.
Tess kneels down. “Hey kids.”
Lead Elf-Girl: “Hang on a minute, what do you want?”
Tess is bad a children, but she says, “I’m Tess. Is it okay if I ask you some questions?”
Elf-Girl: “My mom told me not to talk to strange people. Especially not humans. How do I know you’re not a bandit? You may be a bandit.”
Elissa says, “We’re not bandits, I promise. We’re travellers passing through.”
Elf-Girl: “That’s exactly what a bandit would say.”
“Crap, that’s right.” Elissa is floored.
“If I was a bandit, wouldn’t I have been up and rough with you instead of nice?”
Elf-Girl thinks for a second: “Yeah, but what if you’re a sneaky bandit? You may just want to kidnap us.”
‘Is there something I can do to prove that it’s not my intention?” Tess asks.
All the kids huddle together for a moment, then turns back and crosses her arms: “Farstrider Gereem? Says that human bandits are really clumsy and stupid. So if you’re not a human bandit you have to prove that.”
“Okay.” Tess agrees. “How would you like me to prove this? What would you like me to do?”
Elissa thinks, “How about… we could play a game? If that would help?”
Another child: “What, so you can kidnap us while playing hide-n-seek? Fat chance.”
“Wait! I got it!” Lead girl says. She points into the air. The party turns to see an arrow, stuck into the tree about 40 feet in the air. “The last time that Farstrider Gareem shot it all the way up there. There’s no way a bandit could get it.”
Ashwynn looks at the group: “Perhaps I should leave this up to one of you. I’m dreadfully terrible at climbing trees.”
“That’s cause you’re a bandit!”
Ashwynn coughs.
Elissa: “Do you want to try or do you want me too? I can probably get it, but, plus I am wearing armor and I don’t want the tree to collapse.”
“I haven’t had a challenge in while! I’m in!” Tess says, walking to the tree.
A baby-elf, no older than 10 looks to Elissa, “You and your bandit armor can stay with us.”
“Just climb the tree.” Another elf-child says.
Tess starts to climb, swinging up the branches. One of the branches gives out on her, luckily she’s able to catch herself.
Elf-girl: “See, told you, bandits.”
“Hey! I didn’t fall!” Tess rebuffs.
“Not yet!” Lead girl says.
Some of the other elves that were helping with logs are watching this scene and laughing.
Tess continues to climb, she manages to take it steady and slow. She rips the arrow out when she gets to it. She slides back down the tree.
Elf-girl rolls her eyes: “Alright, fine. You’re probably not a bandit. Probably. I could have done it faster, though.” A couple of the boys clap “Eyyyy, you did it!” The village boys laugh, and they’re scolded by their elders. “Stop flirting with the human.” The boys get back to work, hangin’ out. Guys being dudes.
The kids make a semi-circle around the main girl. “What do you want to know since you aren’t bandits?”
Tess: “No, why would it be that?”
Elf-Girl: “I dunno. Maybe because you’re still bandits still? Maybe you’re good bandits? I dunno.”
Tess: “Have you noticed anything weird happening lately?”
Elf-Girl: “Yeah, actually. It was pretty recent - a couple of bandit girls came in and started asking questions.”
Tess: “Yeah, well beside that.”
Lead girl: “I told you! You’re a bandit!”
Tess: “You’re going to call me a bandit no matter what. What else has happened?”
Lead girl” “Besides the fact that I got ungrounded, but that’s pretty normal. I get in trouble sometimes.”
Tess: “Oh really now?” She teases, “What did-- or didn’t, you do?”
Elf-girl: “Well, I have done the thing they grounded me for before… but not this time! I dunno if you humans have any cool pranks, but my brother told me a cool prank. Basically what you do is sneak up to an adult’s room and knock on their door, then you run away really fast. Then when they answer the door they think no one’s there and they get really mad.”
Tess wonders if she would like this as a kid.
Elissa cocked her head, “You don’t leave anything by the door?”
Elf-Girl: “Wait, what do you mean?”
Elissa: “Oh, well sometimes some of the guys in my village would fill a sack with cow manure and then set it on fire, and then when the people stomp on it to put out the fire they step in the cow manure…. Not that I’ve ever done that of course.”
The girl’s eyes light up, “I need to try that! I didn't do it this time though. If I get grounded, then at least let me do it.”
Tess: “Then if you didn’t, who did?”
Elf-Girl: “I dunno. It wasn’t us.”
Tess: “Then who did they do it to?”
“We like sneaking into the F.S. lodge. They get uppity and have the best reactions.” The girl exprain
Tess: “Why do it to the Farstriders other than the good reactions?”
Elf-Girl: “Well, when you do it to them they think there’s something wrong and they come out all ready to fight and it’s kind of funny. That’s probably why I get in trouble… but next time it’ll be much better with the trick that you told me.”
Elissa looks apologetically to Ashwynn and Tess. “Soooorrryyyyy.”
“Would anyone else pull a prank like that?”
“I’m sure some of the older boys did pranks when they were younger.:
Tess: “Who got mad at your guys?”
Elf-Girl: “I don’t remember his name… the pretty blonde one. Dawn something? He’s Mister Bird-spear lu… lu… something… I can’t remember the word.”
Tess: “...Kirkian?”
Elf-Girl: “Yeah, that one!”
Tess: “Okay, then maybe we need to ask him what’s going on…”
Elissa nods: “Well I think Gil and his two friends were going to talk to them. We can regroup with him and see what he finds out.”
Tess turns to the kids: “Now don’t have too much fun playing those pranks.”
Elf-Girl: “Oh, we won’t. Bye weird people! Have fun pillaging and what bandits do!”
Tess and the other two make their way back to regroup.
Meanwhile, Gil and his two friends head out to the area around the lodge.
Caleron: “Where do you think we should start first?”
Gilveradin looks really perplexed and unsure.
Caleron: “We can always start with the lieutenants and go from there.”
Gil: “Sounds as good a plan as any.”
Caleron: “Alright, so there’s Kirkian or Ellaria… they may be together. We could talk to them at the same time if you want.”
Gil: Hm. Might be wiser to talk to them separate in case their stories don’t align.
Caleron thinks: “That’s a good point. Well let's start with Kirkian, then we’ll speak to his wife afterwards. He shouldn’t be too hard to find.”
With only a little bit of searching they are able to find the ranger. He’s in an office, coordinating patrols. He’s handsome and not that old, few years over 100. Long straight blond hair in a ponytail. He mutters to himself about the patrols.
Kirkian: “This patrol may be arriving around here… if that’s the case we may have to loop around…” Continues muttering.
Gil:“Uh, Ranger Dawnshield, may I speak to you?”
Kirkian: “Oh, uh, yes. Oh, that’s right, you’re one of the travelers that came with Captain Hawkspear, yes?”
Gil: Yes
Kirkian: “Sure, what can I help you with?”
Gil: We I just… I don’t know if you heard but we took care of a stranglethorn raptor this far north?”
Kirkian: “I saw that. Actually, my wife is on the team trying to learn more about that. Good work, that’s strange… if we can learn more about it it’ll be useful”:
Gil: That leads me to think… Have you had unusual troll activity lately?
Kirkian: “No we haven’t. Besides the occasional troll in the mountains, they rarely get into the forests. Either they get killed by a beast or we take care of it. If there are trolls moving about we know about it, at least this far north.”
Gil: It’s just grim tidings when you see one of their raptors this far north?
Kirkian: “Tell me about it. How did it get here? There’s no way it walked clear from Stranglethorn…”
Gil: Caleron, Where did you find it?
Caleron: “Well it came from the north. We know animals and beasts are not affected by the shield… typically it’s just people. Perhaps it slipped through the gate, but how it got into Quel’Thalas is puzzling.”
Zaeneas: “Truthfully I don’t see why we should dwell on it. We should head back north, find these people, and cut them down.”
Gil: But that means we’ll have to find them.
Zaeneas: “Yeah, but we’re Farstriders. That’s what we do.”
Gil: Yeah but that generally takes time.
Zaeneas: “I guess….”
Gil: “Ranger Dawnshield, you said your wife was investigating already, yes?”
Kirkian: She has some experience with first aid and occasionally helps Priestess Aurora with the healing.
Gil: “Is the priestess often here?”
Kirkian: “Yeah, from what I understand she’s been here longer than either my wife or myself.”
Gil: “Oh, are you recently here then?”
Kirkian: “We’ve been here about 20 years now, but she was here long before that. But, I’m not sure. I do like it here though. I can see why she’d want to stay. It’s quiet.”
Gil: Plus, I’m sure you get unusual travelers here too.
Kirkian: “From now and again, yes. Normally there are no problems. Sometimes there is an uppity merchant that is trying to peddle things in Quel’Thalas, but then our arcanists find all their magical weapons are fake.”
Gil: It’s almost though we didn’t have magic first.
Kirkian: “It’s always funny when we send them south. Any bandit activity typically don’t bother Quel’Thalas, and we end up being a pretty good deterrent. But beside bandit activity being down, there’s not too much to mention of note.”
Gil: So it’s been unusually quiet then?
Kirkian: “I guess you can say that. It goes through these kinds of periods, and sometimes that’s when it’s hardest here actually. Boredom is one of our biggest enemies. Keeping the other Farstriders focused is a task, especially when I’m doing it alone.”
Gil: Is the ranger captain much help in that regard?
Kirkian: “Not really, no, and neither is my wife.”
(WHOA) Gil cocks an eyebrow.
Kirkian: “Honestly it’s not a big deal…”
Gil: It does seem to me like you have some small issue with it.
Kirkian chews on his bottom lip and walks forward and shuts the door: “I honestly shouldn’t be saying this because it’s a personal thing and doesn’t actually matter, but… my wife doesn’t like it here. She was alright with it for a while, but she has been trying to move. She doesn’t want to be stationed here. But I don’t know what this lodge would do without me here. Hawkspear is a great ranger, but with the paperwork he leaves much to be desired and I don’t think either one wants to stay… they probably want to go back into active duty. And I don’t think they are too concerned about what I have to say…”
Gil: I’m sorry to hear that. Have you not talked about it with your wife?
Kirkian laughs softly: “What am I supposed to say? Why are you sneaking out on late-night ranges with the Ranger-Captain? How do you even bring that up?”
(Brent:I really hope it’s just an affair)
Gil: So, do you end up doing most of the inventory yourself?
Kirkian: “Well, it’s mostly me and quartermaster. We make sure to account for all the unretrievable arrows so our men have what they need, make sure everyone has potions, etcetera. The Ranger-Captain is more concerned about finding and bringing things back instead of the running of the lodge. He’s a great ranger, but not the best leader.”
Gil: How long has he been ranger captain?
Kirkian: “He was promoted after the Troll Wars 20 years ago. He got this post shortly after. We’ve been here most of the time he has. I guess that’s why I’m… concerned.”
Gil gives him a sympathetic look.
Kirkian: “Sorry I brought this up. It’s hardly something that concerns a Windrunner of all people… but… maybe…. I dunno. I’ll figure something out I guess. But is there something else I can help with?”
Gil: You said you keep track of inventory, yes? Any reports of problems with missing runestones lately?
Kirkian: “I’m not certain. As is their nature, sometimes these things get lost. I don’t believe the variance is outside the acceptable limits. Definitely not something that would cause worry. If you would like you can speak to Satren himself. He can fill you in on the details.”
Gil: That actually sounds like a good idea.
Kirkian: “He’s been here longer than anyone else, so he may be able to tell you more about the lodge as well.”
Gil: Well thank you very much for your help. I hope things work out well for you
Kirkian: “Yeah, well… I can’t believe I brought that up… but, well, if you need anything you know where I’ll be.”
Gil: Sometimes you just need to say things.
Gil, Caleron, and Zaeneas leave.
Zaeneas: “Wow. Awkward.”
Gil: Also a lot of red flags
Caleron: “Yeah, if he’s been kept in the dark then the Ranger-Captain can’t be above scrutiny.”
Gil: Or maybe if we’re lucky they’re just having an affair.
Caleron: “Yeah, if we’re lucky. Not him.”
Gil: I think it would be lucky for everyone else.
Zaeneas jabs Gil in the side: “Well, if she’s prone to affairs maybe you can get something?”
Gil: I don’t think that’s a road I’m willing to walk.
Zaeneas laughs and Caleron rolls his eyes.
Gil: Do you think we should talk with the Quartermaster or his wife first?
Zaeneas: “I think we should talk to the quartermaster. We can check with the others when they come back, then we get back to Ellaria… if we want to bring up the homewrecking aspect.”
Gil: Well, when people get mad they’re prone to make mistakes.
Zaeneas snorts. “Mistake. Yeah, you can call it that.”
Gil: Well, I meant more that she’ll slip.
Zaeneas: “That’s true… well if we need to get her on the defensive we know what to say.”
Gil: I don’t think this awkward will ever wash off though.
The group head back to the quartermaster, who is at the armory. He is a pretty broad elf who is very tall - around 6’05” - and very muscular. He’s also bald and his head is covered in burn scars. Two-thirds of his head has burn scars, but most of his face is unaffected. He smiles as they approach.
Satren: “Greetings! How are you doing here. I heard a couple Farstriders from the north were coming. You look like a Windrunner!”
Gil: Yeahhhhhh.
Satren: I had a feeling. You have a windrunner face
Gil: “Have you met many Windrunners?”
Satren: HAHAHAHA. When you get close to 1000 years in age, you meet a bunch of em. Gil: “We do seem to be a pretty prolific family….”
Satren: “You’re everywhere, I swear! What can I do for you? Goods? Equipment? I’ve been authorized to give you and your party the full Farstrider discount. Make sure you tell them if they head my way.”
Gil: We actually came because we have a few questions.
Satren: “Oh, of course! I do love a bit of gossip here and there…”
Gil has some big gossip “We just got back from talking to ranger DawnShield and was just telling us how this place is run.”
Satren: “Ah, good lad. Dedicated. Good to see him become a Ranger-Captain sometime. Needs a bit of self-confidence though.”
Gil: “You and him take care of the inventory, yes?”
Satren: “That is correct, yes.”
Gil: “Any issue with supplies recently?”
Satren: “Not that I can think. One thing I learned is that Farstriders are pretty bad at keeping track of equipment.
Gil: “I’ll be sure to do so. I’ll mention you by name.”
Satren: “Ha, excellent! But yes, he and I are the two people allowed full access to our magic items.”
Gil: And has anyone come in and reported anything missing?
Satren: “Not that I know of. If anything has been missing it hasn’t shown up, so either nothing is taken or they are very good at sneaking it back. However, that’s unlikely.”
Gil: No, I imagine you have quite the hawkeye
Satren: “I like to think so at least?”
Gil: Well, besides the inventory, anything else you do around here?
Satren: “Well, aside being the elf with the best record for drinks on one night, not really. I do consider myself to be a bit of a morale officer, however.”
Gil: I imagine with a drink record like that you should be.
Satren: “Ha! It’s good to be able to roll back a drink with how many horrors we’ve seen. You are traveling with a dwarf, yes?”
Gil: In fact we are.
Satren: Send him my way. I’d enjoy a drink with him. Every dwarf I’ve met has said I’ve been the best elf they’ve come to know…. Many people say that in fact!”
Gil is enjoying himself “ They said you know this place quite well.”
Satren: “154 years. I was here before the Troll Wars and I came back after.”
Gil: How long has this lodge been around
Satren: “I believe it was built after the elfgates. Maybe a bit before. I never paid much attention to history lessons.”
Gil: I’ve never had much a mind for history. More my sister’s thing.
Satren: “Good lad! Another one, eh? I swear you all are everywhere.”
Gil is sad cause missing cousin.
Gil: “Yeah, my sister ran off to Dalaran so it’s been a good decade since I last saw her.”
Satren: Ah, it’s always good to see family. I remember seeing my papy before he passed on. The only elf ever been able to drink me under the table.
Gil: “And how many have been willing to try though?”
Satren: “No many, let me tell you. Hawkspear tried once. Once.”
Gil: “How do you feel about Hawkspear? I’ve heard he’s a very good ranger.”
Satren: “Yes. He likes his ranging more than captaining, but of the four Ranger-Captains I’ve been under he’s right in the middle. Not the best, but not the worst either. Got a good head on my shoulders.”
Gil: “Any unusual travelers lately?”
Satren: “Beside the old man and that lass Kriss brought back, nothing to crazy.”
Gil: “I’ve heard it’s been quiet.”
Satren: “Aye it has. Fine with me.”
Gil: “I imagine you like your quiet.”
Satren: Eh, there is always a good time whenever something interesting is happen. It’s been awhile since he brought back a troll nik-knack.
Gil: “Oh, he takes trophies then?”
Satren: “Yeah, if it looks like something that will get him praise from the Ranger-General or other captains he brings it back. Maybe the magisters will take an interests? That may be why old-man Duron is scowling around.”
Gil: Does he just keep them with himself?
Satren: “Oh no, we keep them back here.”
Gil: Oh, you said one of the old magisters are here?
Satren: “Aye, he is. He’s an old… he’s a moldy old man from back in the days of Anasterian. Sunwell and all that.”
Gil: What’s he doing this far south?
Satren: “From what I understand both Telina and Kriss, the peach that she is, from what I understand he’s one of their mentors. Taught them quite a bit. My guess is it’s some sort of magic whatso-ever for the girls and doing some things for his superiors. He’s probably supposed be approaising the items that Hawkspear has brought back. Chances are he’ll take them back to Silvermoon and lock them in some vault or another.”
Gil: Would you mind terribly if I had my sister come and look over them? She’s into magic things.
Satren: “Mage type, eh? I don’t see why not. I should probably get the captain’s okay first, but he’ll probably be fine with it.”
Gil: Yeah, I don’t intend to take any. Just have her investigate them. She’s always been into magical items
Satren: “Aye. Though… if you ask me there’s not much to appraise. It’s just a bunch of old troll nik-naks. Some fetishs and foci and whatever else. The totem is pretty cool though.”
Gil: Totem?
Satren: “Eh, yeah. Plucked it from one of their encampments from what I understand. After he burned it down.”
Gil: Heh, that’s interesting. Hard to get those.
Satren: “As you said before, Hawkspear is a very good ranger.”
Gil: I imagine he must be if he made it to ranger-captain.
Satren: “Aye, only a few people are. And look at the Windrunners! Two and a half? I think being the Ranger-General counts for bonus points.”
Gil: Eventually, I guess. I haven’t seen much of them though. Might try to track them down though.
Satren: “Aye, not a bad plan. Always good to keep track of family, and a boy of your age will probably get homesick after a while.”
Zaenas chuckles
Gil: Yeah, well I imagine that most people get homesick after a while.
Satren: “Yeah, I imagine they do, but this just got weirdly philosophical. Do you need anything else? I don’t want to take up all of your time, but if you want I will.”
Gil: Perhaps we’ll have drinks with our dwarf friend later?
Satren: “Now you’re speaking my language!”
Gil, Zaeneas, and Caleron leave to meet up with the others.
Gil: So if anyone is using stones, they’re not missing. They’re either using ones that get lost or ones that are more permanent.
Caleron: “Or it is one of the people with the permanent ones. It seems more likely the culprit may be in the leadership.”
Gil: “especially with Dawnshield and Hawkspear disappearing at night.”
Caleron: “That’s really concerning. We should get back quickly. If he knows we’re looking he may try to cover his tracks. We should convene with the others and figure out what’s up, or get to Ellaria, but we should let them know what’s up.”
Gil: Yes, I completely agree.
Meanwhile Vel, Uther, and Zap go to find the magic users. Before too long they found a small glade, and Vel was able to sense the ambient magic coming from the location.
Zap: “And then he said, THAT’S NOT MY TROG! Hehehehe, gets me everytime….. Hmmm maybe you had to be there…”
“I never tire of Dwarven Humor.” Uther offers.
Vel is rolling her eyes.
“You know Vel I’m curious, do you know any jokes?” Zap inquires.
Vel: “I hardly think now is the time for jokes.”
Zap: “I feel like you said that a lot in your life.”
Vel: “I say that frequently, yes.”
Zap: “But you didn't say no. I look forward to not joking with you another. YOu see I have this device who can help us find if people are lyin’ or hidin’ after we leave. It’s Baron Buzz-Buzz”
The group questions the thought of Baron Buzz Buzz, a mechanical fly that is essentially a listening device.
“And you don’t think a bunch of Elves would hear it?” Vel asks.
“It’s pretty silent, but if someone was really in tune with their surroundings”
Uther: “An option that we would do well to keep in mind.”
Vel: “Regardless, it seems they are over here.”
The party enters into find two Magi. One wearing blue robes, the other violet. Two women are in the midst of casting. Pacing back and forth is an older elf, behind them. His skin is wrinkled and he has silvery-gray hair in a ponytail behind his head. His robes are red and black. He wears a permanent scowl.
The women are in the midst of an incantation. Floating in the air there is a scroll. They’re trying to use the incantation. Vel can tell they’re trying to use the teleportation circle spell. Judging by their looks, they can’t cast it on their own.
This seems to be a test.
One girl is concentrating really, really hard. She is having more trouble than the other. She grits her teeth and had shoulder length red hair. (Ginger, blonde, brown mix).
The other is concentrating, smiling. Her stance is stronger. She has bright red hair tied up in a pony tail. He incantations are going smoother.
On a nearby stump there is a third woman in loose, lowcut, slightly modified priestess garb in teal. Her hair is pristine and in a bun, and there is a crook leaning against her - her focus - and she is filing her nails. She occasionally looks up disinterested then returns to what she’s doing.
The magistrate says, “FOCUS, Keep your concentration. Kriss, focus.”
Kriss nods, “Yes’sir.” As she says that, there’s a spark. The scroll in front of her bursts into flames. The circle dissipates, she she staggers and coughs as the remnants smoke. While the smoke washes over the other elf, the other is still going.
Duron: “Pathetic. Completely pathetic. Kriss Goldenlight, I know you can do better.”
Zap: “I don’t know, as far as explosions go, it’s impressive.”
Vel: That wasn't the point.
“If explosions were the point, she’s be doing great.”
Zap: “The name’s Zap Rusthammer.”
“And why are you interrupting my exam?”
Uther introduces himself, as does Zap. The Magistrate scoffs at the “son of a former archmage of Dalaran.”
Uther: “My companions and I were traveling to Silvermoon and stopping here at the lodge and I heard there were magisters about, and as a student of the arcane I had a few questions.”
Duron: “Student of the Arcane. How old are you, boy?”
Uther: “19. And I feel novice may do me too much credit.”
“If there’s one thing you humans are good for, it’s talking good.” Duran says.
Uther: “The question I had was… I understand we are close to one of the elfgates.”
“Astute perceptions, yes.” The Magister says.
Uther: “I’ve only heard stories but I’ve been fascinated. Is that Abjuration magic?”
“Tis a complicated mix. A mix of conjuration and a small amount of enchantment. I assure you that magister have written thesis(plural) have written longer that any books you’ve ever read. I wish not to get into details, that should suffice.”
Vel has read some and mutters a bit.
Magister: “Ah, good, I was wondering what became of you once they sent you to that human city. You might have done better to follow your mother’s foodsteps in Silvermoon”
“Unfortunately, circumstances lead to strange places.” Vel answers.
“All me to introduce you to my students, as you’;ve interrupted.” He
“My least gifted arcanist, Kriss Goldenlight. She spent time amongst her family and the trees. She’s learned little beyond basics and parlor tricks.”
Uther: An evocation spell?
Kriss: *cough* It’s a pleasure to meet you. And yes, Evocation spells. Thought it’s taking a bit of work. But I should be able to get it eventually
“Of course.” He then begins gesturing to the other women, “Telina Mirthbrook has been nothing but a star pupil. She’s picked up whatever she attempts to master much easier than some of my students.”
“How’s it going?” The other student offers.
The other woman sitting on the stump continues ignoring them. The aura of “fuck you.”
Telina hugs Kriss and and encourages her.
Magister: “And help she’ll need, I will have no choice to expel her if she cannot master the spell.”
Kriss swallows hard, “Yes’sir.”
“Be quick about it. We’re already 1/25 through the exam. I wish to return to it.” The magister says, “Aurora. Clean the girl up that we may start again.”
Vel is into it. (The test, that is.)
Aurora rolls her eyes and sees to healing and cajoling Kriss on her failure as the magister leaves.
Zap: “Oi Magister, a question. Do you drink much?”
Vel: “That is hardly the question to ask.”
“You are certainly trying my patience, dwarf.” The magister sneers.
“Magister Dronnn, you saids there was a mix of magics in the elf gates, yes?” Vel inquires, “Do you happen to know who upkeeps those?”
He confirms that it’s magisters.
“Yourself included?” Vel asks.
“Ha, not likely.” He goes on and on about how great they are, having lasted for thousands of years, and that doing that work is now beneath him.
“I trust the magistrate is in charge of charging the runestones?”
The magistrates charge the one-use stones. The forever ones are checked once a year. If there is an anomaly, a Magister, himself, will check it out.
Vel asks when the latest inspection was.
He responds that it was a week ago, the inspection by the High Magister will take place within the month. “However, he’s a member of the convocation of Silvermoon, it depends when his schedule allows it. Grandmaster Bellabvere is a busy man, picking up orphans off the streets and raising them as his own.”
Zap sees to Kriss in the meantime, the Priestess is there too.
“You don’t have to let that old bat talk to you that way.” The priestess says.
Zap sits down nonchalantly. “Us dwaekjshflkj
Aurora recoils.
“Oh, what a coincidence. I was talking to my friend.”
“It’s okay, Aurora. I don’t mind. Conjuration has never been easy for me.”
Zap respects the amount of effort that the arcanists put into their work.
Kriss brushes a strand of hair behind her ears, “You’re really nice, but you don’t need to make me feel better. It’d be better if I retired from trying to be a magister. I can help in the town.”
“You know, there’s nothing quite wrong with that. A lot of dwarves never leave their own town. They fight, the work, they drink. There’s a certain kind of romance to following a goal and shooting for something greater than yourself. Don’t you feel it?” Zap offers.
Kriss: “It would be great if I could shoot for something for myself if I could actually hit it.”
Aurora: ‘As much as I’m loathe to agree with the dwarf, he’s right. You don’t want to stay here and neither do I. If you pass we can get out of this dirt heep and back to Silvermoon. I don’t care if our family is here. This place sucks.”
Zap: “Is that what brings you here, madame priestess? Your family?”
Aurora: And if it was, why would I tell you?
Zap: Is it my handsome looks?
Aurora nearly barfs and stifles a laugh.
Kriss: Both of our families grew up here. It’s hard to leave when you’re not that great at what you’re trying to do. It’s difficult when all the support is from stranger you just met and people who are better than you.
Zap: Well, funny you mention it. Even though we do something different, they require a certain amount of discipline.
He shows Cornel Nutters off, and all its tiny servos.. “Trying to get things on a small scale to work delicately together is a challenge. I found that trying to clear my head would make distractions louder. I found what worked. I thought of a Dwarven Blacksmith hammering on a forge. I focused on the rhythmic steady blows to the steel, in equal intervals, over time. That image helped me focus on the pinpoint that I needed.
Most people don’t find Blacksmiths romantic, but maybe there’s something in your own life, your own focus, that could work for you.”
Zap notes that Aurora is trying to gag down the story about sweaty blacksmiths, Kriss’ eyes dart over to her. She then looks back to Zap, “I think I could, uhm, think of something.”
Zap: “It’s worth a try, anyway.”
Kriss: Thanks for advice, it’s not everyday that you get advice on the Arcane from a Dwarf.
Attempting to help lighten the mood, Cl. Nutters goes in for a hug
Aurora shrieks when Colonel Nutters leaps at her, and then spikes the gadget to the ground. She immediately jumped up and shot a bolt of holy light at it and it exploded.
Kriss watches and cracks up as the whole thing happens.
Zap: You see, when you have something to focus on, think of the results.
Aurora points the staff back at Zap and cries “Don’t you ever touch me with one of those things ever again!” and she shudders.
Zap: There’s a reasonable chance that I won’t.
Aurora checks her nails, hair, and self. No dwarf grease got on her or anything she owns. When she finds a spot, she gasps and prestidigitations it off.
Aurora: “You are so lucky that came out.”
Zap: “Noted. I won’t take up too much of your time. However, since you’ve been around, anything weird going on lately?”
Kriss: Not really, besides the exam and his other colleague.
Aurora mutters something in Thalassian. Kriss stifles a chuckle.
Zap: Your boss’s colleague?
Kriss gestures to Telina Mirthbrook.
Zap: Why is she here all of a sudden?
Kriss: “I imagine she is taking the same exam I am. It was just convenient for her to take it here as well.”
Zap: Oh, okay. That is convenient.
Kriss: Yeah, she’s one of his other pupils. I’ve only studied a few times with Duron. He’s usually busy working with the Seeker of Wisdom. He’s here to checkout the item that’ve been dug up by the FS.
Zap: “Oh. Well, that’s very interesting. Your teach come here often?”
Kriss: This is the first time he’s been here. This time I came back and he caught word about some artifacts that’ve been picked up.
Zap: “Well that is interesting. Thank you lass. You’re a good one.”
Kriss: Thanks! What was your name again?
Zap: “My name’s Zap. Zap Rusthammer.”
Kriss: My name’s Kriss, Kriss Goldenlight. This is my… friend. Aurora Goldenlight.
Aurora rolls her eyes. “A pleasure, I guess.”
Zap: “It is. I is indeed. And I look forward to the days when I’ll hear from the exploits of Goldenlight and Skycaller - two powerful members of the elves in their own right.”
Aurora: And hopefully very far away, finally.
Kriss: First, though, I have to finish this test. I’ll keep in mind what you said, I need to focus.
Zap: “Yeah, something uniquely your own. Don’t let the persnickety old man tell you how to do things. Make it your own adventure.”
Kriss laughs and nods, “I should get back to it. I imagine my boss will be done with your friends.”
Vel: “The permanent runestones themselves, is there anyway to link them to who they’re assigned to?”
Duran: “Not directly, no. But any tampering from outside parties is certainly noticed.”
“Tampering, yes, but what about usage?
‘Who would be foolish enough to use Runestones. The only way would use the Runestones without permission would be to take it without permission if we would need to find one it would be pof paramount importance.
Vel: “Indeed. And what specifically brought you out here. This appears to be a far out place for an exam.”
The magister squints, “Perceptive. Though I hardly think it is your prerogative to know, the Seeker of Wisdom, upon orders from the Conclave, have sent me to pick up whatever artifacts have been uncovered.”
“Yes, taken from the trolls.”
“I trust for the purpose to further our cause against them?” Vel says.
Magister: “The most you know about your enemy the better you can counter their offensives. It is likely it will get back to Goldensword, and be cataloged appropriately.”
‘Normally she would make the journey herself
There’s a twitch of recognition from Vekl about the name Goldensword. She was Vel’s Mother’s teacher.
“If you wish to speak with her directly, I’m sure she’d give you an audience, despite your allegiance.
“As I said, circumstances leave people in strange circumstances.”
“Quite so.”
“I may follow up with that. It’s been some time since I’ve seen Mistress Goldensword.”
“Yes, I”m sure it’ll be lovely.”
Uther breaks off and goes to talk to Telina. She rolls on the balls of her feet and she says, “What’s a prince doing up here? Haven’t you been touring your country?”
Uther: “That’s actually one of the reasons I’m here. We’re taking a detour. I haven’t seen the elfgates and they have been a fascination of mine since I was a boy.”
She nods, “Wow, yeah. Honestly, they’re fascinating. I don’t even know which one is my favorite. The North one is great, the one in Silvermoon is great.”
Uther: “I can hardly wait. Your enthusiasm is infectious.”
“I’ve been told that before.” She chirps.
Uther: “I understand you are the Magister’s star pupil.”
“Hah, well, if that’s what he says, it’s what I am. It comes naturally.”
Uther: “I envy you. I’ve been studying the arcane myself, and the only ones I’ve gotten a handle on are Evocation and Abjuration, which I understand are the most simple.”
“Unfortunately, yeah. But, I mean, well, if you’ll be in the area, I could give you some tips.”
Uther: “Words cannot express my gratitude Miss Mirthbrook.”
She smiles, “Well, it’s a date, then!”
Vel’s eyebrow twitches.
Uther: “I must admit this seems like an unusual location for an examination for advancement.”
“You could say that. Normally it would have been in Silvermoon. Boss got orders, now we’re here. Exams are exams.”
Uther: “I suppose so, but the cultivation of a young wizard’s mind is really more important than coming to a lodge to pick up trinkets.”
“Well, I’m not a magister yet, but I can’t decide what’s more important than the other… but it’s gotta be important.”
Uther: “Hm, it must be indeed. And, do forgive me if I’m being forward” He leans forward and whispers. “Is your magister always a jerk.”
She covers her mouth and snorts, “You get that with some of the older Magisters.” Uther: “As long as it’s usual behavior I suppose. I would hate to think there was something upsetting him.”
She says, “Well, my exam should be over in a few hours, if you’d like a few pointers. We could meet up~?”
Uther: “I think I would like that very much.”
“Good, It’ll be nice to get away.” Looking over to her boss, “From… well, you know.”
Uther: “I think we both do. Well thank you very much for your time, Mis Mirthbrook. I’ll see you when your exam is done.” Uther bows and kisses the back of her hand.
ooOOooOOOo. She covers her mouth. A blush shades her cheeks.
Magister: “Alright stop flirting with the prince and playing in the dirt. Let's get back to the exam.”
Uther: “Best of luck Miss Mirthbrook.”
And the three rejoin. \o/
Uther: “Major, Buzz Buzz, was ot?”
Z: “He’s more of a Baron, really. These titles are hard to keep track of.”
Uther: “I fear I know better than most. Would you mind having the Baron follow Duron Coldlight?”
“It can be done, but I have to stay within 100 feet. I need to see through the bug’s eyes. Someone should need to stay with me in case, uh, anything.”
Uther: “Hm… if you do have to remain so close then maybe we should try later tonight.”
Z: A fine choice.
V: In the meanwhile, there’s no restrictions for people to use the permanent runestones. If someone were to not report one lost there’d be no way to track it.
Uther: hmmm. We should reconvene with the ranger captain.
V: there are also troll trinkets about, that’s why the master’s here.
Uther: “The magister comes to bring up troll trinkets… it is not going to do to put together theories without complete information.”
Vel: Seems like you have a date later as well.
Zap: Oooh, he’s popular.
(An audible gasp, Vel’s not jelly.)
The party make their way back. They have a predestined meeting place with the rest of the party before meeting with the Ranger General.
“Welcome back everyone.” Says Caleron (spe) “What did we all discover?”
Gil ran through what they discovered first. Then it segwayed into what Vel, Uther, and Zap had found.
Zap: “He was the image of elven tutelage.”
Gil: “he was an asshole, wasn’t he?”
Zap: “Yeah, he was.”
The party goes over the notes they collected. Mages, dates and affairs and danger captains, pranks and bandits, oH MY.
The investigation took about 3 hours. There’s just enough time to squeeze into another conversation.
Vel wants to go and check out the trinkets, Gil insists that Zap comes along. They hate-banter.
“Were you and your brother raised in different houses?” Zap asks.
“No?” Gil questions.
“Guess my observations do need work.”
Gil: “No, we were raised in the same house with basically the same people.”
Gil, Tess, and Uther are going to check out “a dinosaur.” They’ll talk to Ellaria.
Zaeneas: “Hey, can I go with your hot sister?”
Gil: “Yeah.”
(Team raptor is the new team name
The team is carrying out the raptor. Ellaria is relatively muscular with short, choppy brown hair. She’s got the good FS gear, long bow short swords, all that. She’s speaking to Aurora. They’re talking about the autopsy.
Aurora was keeping a wide berth from the raptor itself because “gross dead things”.
Aurora: “So there was nothing out of the ordinary? Just a raptor?”
“That’s what I’m seeing.” There was nothing out of the ordinary besides the 1000 distance from where it should be. No markings, no nothing.”
As the group approach Ellaria sees Aurora roll her eyes. “Oh, Gilveradin, prince, and the rest of your entourage. I trust the Farstriders have been attending to your needs? Can I help you with anything? Come to take a look at the exotic fauna?”
Gil: “Not quite as interesting like this.”
Ellaria: “Yes, we’ll be disposing of it soon. Sorry about that. We haven’t seen riding raptors with the trolls in years. I thought we had taken them all out, but apparently we missed a few and this one looks pretty young.”
Uther: “My knowledge of exotic animal husbandry is spotty, but when we saw the raptor it had strange feathered trinkets on its body. Are those things someone had to put there?”
“It was definitely a troll, as much as they can domesticate anything.”
Uther: “So unlikely that it wandered this far north from Stranglethorn.”
“No, it was most likely taken here. How could a raptor be taken beyond the wall? I don’t know how a raptor would have gotten him there.”
Gil: “Unless it was already there.”
“There could have been eggs or young… but it’s no more than 3 years old. Lots of growing to do. I can tell it hasn’t been here for very long.”
Tess: “Could it have just been separated from its clan?”
Ellaria: “It’s possible. Either way, it came from the north, meaning its clan was in the north, and if the clan is in the north… well, there are still some remnants up there in the ruins of Zul’Aman. However, the fact they have raptors…”
Gil: “I don’t see trolls likely to give up on raptors.”
Ellaria: “Yes, I’ll have to give my report to Captain Hawkspear and see what he wants to do. If you want to look, feel free, but I don’t think there is anything left to find. But if there is anything else I can help with, I have some time to kill before my next report to Hawkspear. If you need a tour or… whatnot.”
Gil: It’s you, your husband, and RC Hawkspear that run the place, right?
Ellaria: “That’s correct, yes. We make a good team all of us, I think. This place is running quite well. Morale’s high, and it has been pretty quiet.”
Tess went to look at the raptor, but there was nothing new aside from what Ellaria had already explained.
Ellaria: “Not going to lie I was hoping to find something more conclusive. I will have to get a team together to sweep the area. If there are trolls in the area I want to deal with them myself. I’m sure Renthar will be for that as well.”
Tess was able to pick up that Ellaria was being genuine about what she was seeing and seemed genuinely pleased about going out on a range with Hawkspear. She didn’t seem to be trying to hide anything, or if she was, she was very good at it.
Gil: “So it’s been quiet?”
Ellaria: “Yeah. It’s hard to keep the Farstriders excited when there is nothing happening. I try to keep everyone’s morale up, but that’s hard to do when there is nothing to shoot at but targets and rabbits. I know my husband tries as well, and he does a good job, but he has more trouble with the physical aspects of being a Farstrider. He’s good with a bow, but his lack of confidence gets him. I honestly think… well… I feel like he needs to push himself more. I’ve talked to him about it before. But, I mean, hey, you can only say something. You can’t make them listen. I wish I could.”
Tess: “Sounds like you’ve been trying for a while.”
Ellaria: “Yeah, I have…”
Aurora says she was going to leave, and Ellaria dismissed her and asked if the group minded walking and talking so she could talk things out.
Ellaria: Sometimes I just worry, he spends so much time worrying about others. Especially when he compares himself to Hawkspear. It really gets to my husband. Instead of trying to be someone else, you should do your best. It’s what my mom told me. I’m afraid this place will stifle him if we stay here. This place would fall apart if I left. Plus, Hawkspear is stuck here. I don’t want to leave Renthar high and dry after all we’ve been through.
Gil: “Don’t think you could find suitable replacements?”
“There’s no way you can tell if the people are going to be better or worse.”
Tess: “Wouldn’t that mean you’re afraid of leaving your post?”
Ellaria: “No, just afraid of what it means. I’m pretty sure if we left our first mission will be to hunt down Hawkspear after he went insane from boredom.”
Gil: “So you’re close?”
Ellaria: “Yeah. We’ve been close our whole lives, well mine anyway, he’s older. When we were young he taught me how to shoot a bow.”
Gil: How did you and your Husband meet?
Ellaria: “We got assigned to the same platoon at one point. A few years before the Troll Wars, one thing lead to another, and now here we are. A few years after we got our assignment here is when I noticed this place seemed to be getting him… I was going to see if all three of us could get a new post, but he doesn’t want to leave. I know Renthar would enjoy a change of scenery. But this isn’t that important, just couple stuff, I’m sure we’ll be able to talk it through if I can get through to him. Maybe Hawkspear can talk to him., He knows what to say about these things.”
“Sorry I dropped this on you, kinda opened the floodgate.”
Gil shrugs with a genuine smile: “Sometimes you just need to talk about it.
Ellaria agrees. “Now that I think of it, I’m sure that Renthar always told me is that communication is key to figuring out your problems. Maybe I’ll try that.”
“It’s not like you’re going to just leave a letter behind and disappear into the night for a very long time possibly never to be seen again.”
The group awkwardly disperses after that.
Zaeneas, Zap, and Vel go to Satren’s shop.
Zaeneas: “Alright, Quartermaster, right? Ladies, follow me, I’ll lead the way. I figured that since your brother isn’t here I’d act like him.”
Vel is so confused.
Zaeneas: “Yeahhhh, that is exactly the look I thought you would give.”
Elissa gives Vel a look: “He’s his friend?”
Vel: “So it seems…”
Zaeneas: “Yo, dwarf guy. Dude is probably going to ask you to take a drink with him.”
Zap: Oh, sure. That’s what we do. It’s what we’re here for.
Zaeneas: “Isn’t that a little racist, to yourself?”
You know. Let me level with you. If I took umbrage with any elf or human that said something racist, or I had to give a piece of gold for each time, there wouldn’t be enough in the Rusthammer coffers.”
Vel and Zap go back and forth. It’s persnickety banter. Vel means business. Zap wants Morale related banter.
There’s a large, bald, and muscular elf. “Eyyyy. You brought the dwarf back! And look! Another Windrunner.
Vel: “That would be me, yes.”
“You all have the same face.”
They agree about the Windrunner face. They explain that the Quartermaster wanted to meet Zap. They two hit it off well. They share the fact that they have stories to share.
Zap: “Let me ask you something. Are you actually an elf, or two dwarves working in unison?”
Quartermaster: “Ah! You caught us!” And he rips off his sweater, showing him that he is, in fact, an elf.
The Quartermaster had clearances from Hawkspear to show them the relics. Vel waves a chest over her hand, Arkha’din appear and startles the QM.
The back is disorganized, weapon and armor racks about. Arrows abound. The storehouse has a fUCKTON of arrows. There’s magic’d armor. There’s ~magic~
Through her familiar’s eyes, Vel sees a belt that girds one’s fortitude. It glows green a little bit.
He leads them beyond the regular stock. He pulls out a key, it leads to Hawkspear’s favorite finds, the relics, and some of his equipment (for when things get serious). The door is now unlocked.
There is a 6’03” troll totem - three faces one on top of the other. Each face has two hands, one is gouging its eyes, the other is tearing its lips off, and the last one is covering its ears. On the table there is a singular item, a shrunken head, but it is a troll’s head. Its eyes are sewn shut and it has bones jabbed through it.
The totem is magical. It has faint enchantment magic on it.
Vel and Zap take it in at the same time and utter, “Delightful.” It’s sarcastic. Vel looks fucking grossed out as soon as she realises she did that.
The QM shows of “the vault.”
Vel investigates the totem. She feels a rhythm, in her mind. A steady war drum. Zap hears it too. “This totem was the first thing we found here. It’s pulled after a raid beyond the Elfgate, it was the closest lodge. The beat, you hear it too? It’s the only thing we can get it to do. Well, it’s good to keep in time? Trolls are strange.” The QM says.
Zap checks it out. The spell is… something. He failed the roll.
The group can feel an antsy, provoking a gentle fight instinct. They’re in full control, but it’s showing up a fight instinct.
Zap asks where it was found. They got it in a small camp outside of Zula’mon. They threw it on a cart and brought it back. They were hoping to counteract the magics and see what they can crack. Vel says it might be a moral boost.
Vel looks to the troll head. The head was acquired, he seemed to forget for a moment. It was from… some Jungle Troll who had it. The troll was waving it around wildy before it was taken. The troll was alone and his eyes were glowing red. There was a kind of bloodrush.
The articles were found in different locations.
Vel tries to examine the things, and gets nothing. Zap also investigates and gets nothing. Zaelnas touches the things, and nothing happens. Ark’aden curls up on it, as it seems unthreatening.
However, the Quartermaster was then shocked to find that a tired artefact, sacrificial knife was missing. It was thought to have some dark magics on it.
The Magister was the only other person who was allowed into this room. Arka’din cannot find any magical traces.
The Magister, and his two students, went into the storeroom earlier today. Hawkspear has a key, but he didn’t come back into the room.
Zap tells him to canvass the room, but only the knife is missing. He says he’ll keep track of the key. He was told to keep it on the hush-hush. QM’s serious side shows, as he realizes how bad this shit could be.
QM is telling the truth, everyone can tell.
Zap: “Let us make haste Vel.”
Vel: “-Eemistra”
The group informs each other what they found. TESS SAYS THAT SOMEONE TOOK THE DAGGER, Elissa didn’t think of that. Whelp.
Caleron inquires as to their next move. The wonder where Uther is. Vel is cross about Uther’s date.
“You should have seen him smooth talking that lass. It was a work of art.” Zap says.
The group agrees that they are going to find Uther. Vel weaves around and walks out the door. She’ll lead the way, for no real reason. She mad.
Uther arrives, slipping away from awkward town. He sees the students looking exhausted, Aurora is talking to Kriss. They both are in good spirits, seems like Zap’s advice paid off. Telina is sitting, leaning against a tree trunk, reading a book.
The magister is gone.
Uther approaches, “How did the exam go?”
Tellina: “Hey, prince handsome is back!”
“Please, call me Uther.”
Aurora rolls her eyes, and Kriss gets to her feet and said she may have passed the exam.
Uther is happy to hear the news. He explains that Zap’s got a knack for pep talks.
Kriss expressed she wanted to thank Zap later and asks if Uther could make sure she had that chance. Aurora, while she admitted Zap helped, was still annoyed about dealing with his mechanical squirrel.
Tellina hops up, “Well the Magister Coldlight will be back with the results before this evening. I have a few hours, if you still want to have that… lesson?”
The two agree on excellent timing. It’s flirty. Uther tells her to lead the way. She waves off Kriss and Aurora, with Aurora facepalming as she goes.
Tellina: “Excellent! If the magister comes back first, tell him I’ll be there in a bit.” She bounds over to Uther and grabs his hand to lead him into a different clearing.
The couple head into the forest into another clearing.
Tellina: “So what do you focus on the most?”
Uther:“My strongest schools are evocation, followed by abjuration. I’m certain it would please my mother if I could have a meager grasp on conjuration.”
Tellina: “Well you’re in luck. I’m pretty good at conjuration. I can give you a couple pointers. Hang on, the clearing is just ahead.” They arrive. “Excellent, I think this is a good place. Now where did I leave that?”
“Leave what?” Tellina pulls some of the brush out of the way, she’s showing a pile of robes. The Magister’s body is hiding underneath of it. He’s on the ground.
Tellina: “Time for your first lesson in conjury. Do you know what this is?” She flicks a dagger out of her sleeve. It’s made of bone, and the handle seems to be made of seashells. The tip of it is still bloody.
“From what little I know of trolls, I guess it would be a sacrificial dagger.”
Tellina: “The story says that 101 of these were needed to call Hakkar into the world. But a creature of whatever nightmares Hakkar was made of is one thing… something like this treated by the proper reagents can produce some staggeringly efficient results. Pulling a loa from whatever plane they are from is one thing, but let's start our lesson with something more concrete.”
She takes the dagger and slashes it in the air around her, as though cutting a curtain. The air itself opens with a wash of heat,. Her eyes glow green. A yawning portal opens up. Something is crawling out.
Tellina: “Truthfully I planned on taking care of him after we left but you and your friends were an unnecessary complication. No hard feelings.”
“Non-taken. So long as we’re being candid, your whole lesson was going to be an attempt to get information out of you.”
Tellina: “Not a problem. I suppose this is the part where you die now.” Her hand starts to glow green.
“We’ll see about that. The Light protects.” He pulls out a hammer.
Gil sees two girls untangle their hands from each other as the group approaches (CUTE). Kriss asks what is wrong. The two fumble over a comment over their date. Kriss quickly pointed in the direction the pair had disappeared.
Tellina vanishes, she appears behind Uther, “Aww, but we could have had so much fun together!” She brings her hands up and around to his pauldrons. A blackness channels between them and then she vanishes as he attempts to catch her. She reappears 20 feet away.
Uther channels the light and he shrugs off the darkened energy. “I’m sure we could have. I already have a perfectly fine teacher.”
Tellina: “Oh you’re not talking about that borish Windrunner girl, are you? I guess if that’s what you’re into. Don’t worry, after I dispose of you I’ll make sure you aren’t apart for too long, and my friends will help me with that.”
Through the portal, there’s a clicking sound. Leaping its way through the portal is a strange creature. It’s a quadruped with tentacles that wrap around it. It has no eyes, nose or nostrils. It’s a felhunter. It sniffs the air, looking for something.
It leaps out and sprints towards Uther. It’s tentacles lurch forward to try and hit Uther.
Tellina: “Aw, what’s the matter? Feeling a little light-headed?”
Uther whirled around and swung at the felhunter, and cracks the creature upside the skull as his hammer glows with a holy radiance. It yelps and falls back with a shudder.
Uther: “Did your magister ever tell you you talk too much?”
Tellina: “He never really did, no. You can ask him if you want?” She points to the body.
Uther: “After we’ve dealt with this fiend, we’ll get to you.”
Tellina: “We’ll see about that.”
Her hands glow with green energy as she attempts to use another spell, but Uther once more was able to shrug off the corruption. She once again moves out of her position.
Uther once again smacks the fellhunter and it is smashed into the ground. He also charged to the elf and spun back towards with a harsh blow of his hammer.
Tellina: “Oo, you do have some fight in you. That’s good. I was worried this was going to be boring.”
Uther: “I’m not in the habit of being boring.”
Another felhound emerged from the portal and charged toward Uther with its tentacles. However, while its bite misses its tentacles once more are able to hit him. It completely absorbed his mana.
The party rushes towards Uther, hoping to make it in time.
The felhunter once again strikes at Uther, but he was able to dodge out of the way with ease. Meanwhile, Tellina spins her knife around and then stabs at Uther. However, he was able to shove her aside and the dagger did not find its mark.
Uther uses the last traces of his magical energy. He rests his hands on the pommel of his hammer and utters a prayer to the Light, which seems to mend some of his wounds.
The party sees a horrible, glowing rift in reality. Another Felhunter hops out as they arrive. Uther is beset on both sides.
Tellina smiles as the group, “Look at that Uther! All of your friends are here for the show! Saves me the trouble of tracking all of your friends down. I don’t know what the Lodge will do when all of their guests go missing. Oh well!”
“Bold for someone who’s heavily outnumbered.”
Tess dashes forward and shoots the mage.
Tellina: “Oh. Your friends have guns. Wonderful.”
Tess makes a joke about it having a “bite”.
Tellina: “As much fun as this is, I do have a certain artifact to deliver and I don’t imagine they will be very happy if I don’t bring it back.”
She flips the dagger in her hand and withdraws a scroll which she then tosses into the air. As Uther goes to interrupt her, there is a blast of energy to push him aside and she vanishes in a flash of light as she uses teleport.
Gil and Zaeneas race forward, Ashwynn does too. All parties go to fight off the felpuppy.
Zap also runs forward, and Gil fires an arrow at the felhunter that was pushing itself through the portal. It yelps as the arrow finds its mark. Elissa ran forward to put herself between Tess and the enemies while the first felhunter continues to attack Uther.
More blows are exchanged, and Uther continues to fend off the felhunter that was attacking him.
Uther: “Thank you for the assistance, friend.”
Zaeneas: “I couldn’t let you have all the fun.”
The portal flickers and fades, but another felhunter lurched through it first. That one charges at Zaeneas and draws energy from him as its tentacles connect.
Meanwhile, the lynx that accompanies Caleron charges forward and leaps on the felhunter that was attacking Elissa.
Vel runs forward and then vanishes into some mist as she blinks into range before she does some sick twinspell action, casting Chromatic Orb. She blasts them with frost magic, one of them ducks out of the way. The other one eats it, dissipating into sickly flames. Gil manages to injure one of the felhunters and knocks it prone while Uther moves out of the way of all the attacks from another one. Zaeneas strikes at the prone felhunter and manages to kill it before he whirls around and kicks the sole remaining one in the jaw.
Vel casts another Chromatic orb but, after trying to avoid Uther, managed to move.
Eric, as Zap, attempts an attack, but he misses.
Caleron scoots up, his bow is up… but it’s not at the Felhunter.
Tess tries to hit the Felhunter, she crowds around it and thrusts her rapier through its head. Withdrawing the rapier, the puppy is very dead.
Zaneas: “Now that was my kind of date!” He says with a sly grin towards Uther.
Uther saw it a bit different. Vel smacks him on the back of the head, calling him an idiot.
The Magister is still very dead. His skin is no-blood pale, and possibly not-other-things pale.
Vel checks out where the portal was. Judging from what she sees around, that portal was unstable, but it was a portal to the Twisting Nether, the realm beyond realms. She knows it’s where corruption itself festers. Those creatures were likely demons.
It’s known that people have done this in the past, it’s forbidden by the Temple of the Light. Calling on the Forces the Twisting Nether and Necromancy are HUGE taboos.
Vel asks Uther what he head. He doesn’t have quite the words to tell her what he saw. He tries to explain the best he can. She asks specifically about Tellina. She learns that Tellina took a knife and cut a hole in reality.
The Magister was exsanguinated by the troll dagger.
Elissa asks, “So what does all this mean? What was she after? The dagger? Why?”
Uther relays that she needs to deliver the dagger, he explains that 101 daggers would bring Hakkar into the world. Gil pales. The elves all know what Hakkar is about.
Something doesn’t add up, as Tellina is helping the trolls? She couldn’t have used the keystone.
It’s becoming implied that Tellina isn’t working for the trolls. Trolls never employed Demons in their care. This is something bigger.
BUT WAIT Someone in the camp still has to work for the trolls, as trolls are getting past the elf gate.
“But who is?!”
-- end scene --