[Alliance] Session Nine
Drathir and the guards gestured for the party to follow them up to the plateau and into the palace beyond. The stairs are not exactly dwarf-friendly. When they approach the gates, the guards simply clack their spears on the ground and they open by magic.
The spire itself juts upward and there is a golden half wing at the top. Golden rings rotate around that half wing. Inside, there are portraits of the Sunstrider family and some of the former Grand Magisters. There is not a speck of dust anywhere, but there does not seem to be any servants cleaning at the moment.
Drathir glances back at the group and welcomes them to Sunfury Spire and makes the comment that he was sure most of them were visiting for the first time. He added that it was a privilege that very few elves had, and even fewer for those outside Quel’Thalas.
The group is informed to mind their manners and keep good etiquette, with special focus at Zap. Gil informs Zap that he shouldn’t tell any jokes, as elves do not have a sense of humor.
They then come to a singular huge door that depicts the Sunwell surrounded by seven elves which seems to represent the Convocation of Silvermoon. Their eyes are all glowing, and the the magic of the mural itself seems to almost make the image “come to life” in a fashion. As they approach, once again the royal guards tap their weapons on the ground and it splits down the middle and slides apart to either side.
Drathir nods to the Spellbreakers and they take position on either side of the door. He then bows to the ground gestures to the throne room after indicating that the party was to enter first.
They all enter into a very tall, very wide room. It is perfectly circular, and there is a mural on the ground in the form of intricate arcane runes. It is made to mirror what the Sunwell would look like. On the far end, four steps lead to an immaculate red and gold throne that has four golden wings arching from its back. Sitting in the throne is Kael’thas Sunstrider.
He is wearing a red mantle and some simple ceremonial robes with a white cape with gilded trim. He smiles as the group enters, and then stands and descends the stairs. He stops a handful of paces away as the party stops as well.
Uther immediately takes the knee and greets Kael’thas with the title “Your Magesty” and asks to forgive him his delay.
Kael’thas smiles and walks forward. “Come now your highness, no need for such formalities.”
Uther stands again and offers that he wished to make a good impression.
Kael’thas, however, countered that he had come to expect tardiness from the rulers of Lordaeron given who Uther’s father was - though Arthas rarely apologized. Kael’thas then indicated he wanted to be introduced to the rest of the party, which Uther does. Kael’thas greets them, and expresses he is especially honored to meet two members of the Windrunner clan. He then expressed his condolences for the passing of their mother as he had never been able to send them formally.
Vel and Gil just nod. They don’t want to go there right now.
Kael’thas also indicates Magister Drathir, who informed him of Kilnar’s intervention.
As if one cue, a table and chairs appear from a side panel in the room and lands magically. Kael’thas elegantly sits in a chair as it lands.
He then jumped straight to business - starting with Quelithian Lodge. As they explained, he expressed that it was good the reports weren’t tampered with. He then asked about Mirthbrook, the revealed warlock, and Gil admitted that they hadn’t done much digger.
Kael’thas had, however.
“The magister that was murdered - Magister Duron - he is -was- notoriously picky with the students he would take. Information on this Mirthbrook is hard to come by. Seems she came from one of the small farmlands in northern Eversong. She had a small amount of magical talent, but nothing exceptional. Initially.”
Drathir: “I did a little bit of digging. Seems her aptitude was rather recent. In the past two years she found quite a bit of success. It’s not exactly explicit where it came from. Yet, after back-checking some of the traveling records from the elfgates it seems that a woman matching her description visited Silvermoon for the first time two years ago. Now I’m curious how would a woman who had virtually no talent whatsoever would rise from zero to hero in less than two years. After coming to Silvermoon, no doubt.”
Vel mentions warlocks, and Kael’thas admits he shared the concern. He then slid the scroll Drathir gave him to Uther.
It was a letter of recommendation championing Telina Mirthbrook to bring her forth as a tutor under Magister Duron. It is penned and signed by Magistrix Kilnar Goldensword.
Gil asks Kael’thas how he got the letter, and he gestured absent-mindedly. It doesn’t take much effort for a king to access the records at the Magistrate. Drathir said that he had personally fetched it from the Grand Magister, and expressed that he saw it taken from the files himself. If it was tampered it had to be before it was filed at first.
Gil expressed that it seemed out of character for Kilnar - given what he knew about her - and Kael’thas agreed despite the fact Kilnar didn’t seem to to agree with Kael’thas running the kingdom.
Kael’thas said that the issue had not been brought up to Kilnar when Velameestra asked if they had asked her to confirm the letter as he had wanted to make sure stories aligned first.
There is some discussion about the party talking to Kilnar themselves.
Kael’thas mentioned there may be danger if they wish to do so, but Uther said that if there was danger they needed to move quickly as Ashwynn was currently in her presence.
Gil said, as a silver-lining, if they go missing then any suspicions would be confirmed.
Kael’thas also mentioned he was aware of what Gil wanted to bring to the Convocation. He gave him a fair warning about how difficult it would be to convince the Convocation.
However, as it is, they were being beset upon by too many sides between the trolls, warlocks, and whatever else.
Velameestra asked if Kael’thas could arrange for her to have access to restricted areas of the Magistrate libraries so she could aid in research, and he agreed. Though he also added that he wished to speak to her at a later time about her experiences in Dalaran as it was a rare thing for elves to be able to discuss with other elves.
Gil wished to confirm if the Convocation wanted Rai there, and he said yes, and that he would be protected on the way to the meeting.
Zap asks for a favor. Gil and Vel freeze in time. Zap asks for an autograph. Vel looks in confusion. Gil is amused with a jaw-dropping smile. Kael’thas sighs, stands up and walks away. Zap is sad. Tess pets Zap on the head and rescues him. The party reassures him that he could always ask Uther and Ashwynn for autographs.
Elyssa is starstuck. She is overwhelmed at all the kings and royalty she is meeting.
Gil asked Zap about his Ex-wife as they left. He explains that she’s the woman of his dreams, and his nightmares. Also, she’s a goblin named Fluxxie.
The sun is beginning to set. The streets glow with an evening shine. The magiked lamps are beginning to come to life, and it’s quite a beautiful sight. They were directed to the Goldensword estate without much trouble.
Gil asks Uther if he would accompany him to see Rai tomorrow, and Uther said that was his intention.
As they are going, something catches Zap’s eye. There is a young elf noble leaning against one of the nicer buildings underneath a lamp. He looks over a second time, and then he realizes he’s pretty sure that the elf is watching them. As soon as Zap is positive, he gets up, turns, and walks away.
Zap immediately goes and taps Gil’s thigh. “‘Ere. Pretty boy fancy elf watching us. 3 o’clock.”
Simultaneous, Tess notices a small guard patrol of the Guardian of Eternal spring. Three elves. She sees the glint of one of their helmets turning, and it catches her eye. She sees his eyes dart away, and then as they pass down an alleyway, that guard turned down a different alley than the others.
Tess: “Did you guys… see those… guys?”
Gil takes off after the noble after telling Tess to follow the guard and Vel turned him invisible.
Uther asks Zap what was wrong, and Zap mentioned what he saw.
They were able to identify that the guard was heading toward Farstrider Square, while the noble was heading towards Murder Row.
Gil follows after the noble and he seems to meander through the streets of Silvermoon quite… randomly. He goes through Murder Row, though the Walk of Elders, back-tracked, and so on and so forth. It’s pretty obvious he’s trying to throw any followers off.
Gil loses him for a second, but then manages to find him again. He ultimately headed back towards more middle-class neighborhoods, and then comes to a stop near the northern gate that heads toward Sunstrider Isle. At this point, Gil has been following him for about 50 minutes.
There are two figures. Both are elves, but both are wearing dark cowls to obscure their faces. One is leaning against the wall while the other is pacing. The pacing one asks the other if they are sure if “he’s” coming. The other reassures the first, and is clearly female.
Just then, the boy appears.
“Sir Phoenixlight. So good of you to join us. You weren’t followed, were you?”
He says he wasn’t. “Your prince and his entourage left the palace. Last I checked it seemed they were heading toward another location in the Court of the Sun.”
The female looks at the other cowled individual. “I imagine they are headed toward the Magistrix’s estate. Excellent. Excellent. Thank you for telling me. It’s rather important that we knew about this you know.”
The boy nods. “I did my part, now you do yours.”
The woman fumbles through her belongings and then gives him a small bag of coins to the “noble”. “Much obliged. We’ll be in contact again soon.”
The boy has a huge grin as he turns back around and takes off.
The man turns to the woman. “What’s our next move?”
“Kill him. He knows too much. And if he were followed, that would certainly provide an ample distraction.”
The man nods and there is the corner of a grin beneath his cowl. “With pleasure.”
Gil decides to save the noble, and fires his bow at the man sent off to kill him as soon as the woman is out of earshot.
The arrow goes straight through the man’s knee and shouts out. “We’re under attack! Idiot, you were followed. Find who that was and I’ll triple your pay!”
The noble boy looks, sees a glint of steel, and then draws a small crossbow. He panics, but manages to look at Gil - who is no longer invisible - and the small arrow narrowly grazes him. Gil fires another arrow at the cowled man after he rolls his eyes, and this one pierces straight through his heart.
He walks to the noble and says, “Just put it down.”
The boy - who is about Gil’s age - is shaking and he looks at his crossbow, and then back at Gil. Without meaning to, his finger pulls the trigger and another arrow grazes Gil’s arm.
“You saw what happened. I can’t let you leave if you saw what happened.”
Gil runs up to him, draws a sword, and says, “You can give up now, or I can kill you too.”
The boy drops the crossbow. Gil says that they were going to kill the boy, and he denies it, but then Gil asks why the man would have come after him then.
He swallows, then explains that he didn’t know anything else. Gil immediately disarms him completely, loops and arm around him, and then leads him straight towards the Farstrider Enclave. He did not try to run. He is terrified.
(Gil solo’d a CR 3 encounter)
MEANWHILE, back with Tess.
Tess is following the guard. He did not seem to be doing any looping and instead is going straight back toward the Farstrider Square. She avoids detection as he occasionally looks behind him, but he is clearly not concerned about potentially being followed.
He stops at a watchtower and begins to ascend the stairs. Tess follows. There is not really anyone there. He gently knocks on one of the doors, and there is a voice that tells him to come in. The door closes behind him.
However, if Tess is careful, she may be able to heard beyond the door. She misses the initial part, but gets most of it.
“And what of the king? Did he follow with them?”
Guard: “No sir. It seems as if the king stayed at the palace.”
“I see. And you are certain they are heading toward the Magistrix’s manor?”
Guard: “Yes sir.”
“This is getting more complicated. And you are certain they did not see you?”
Guard: “No sir. The other two Guardians were informed of my orders. They had no issue towards it. As for the prince and his entourage, I do not believe that they saw.”
There is a silence for a moment, and Tess hears armored footfalls. “Guardian. Would you be so kind to open the door for me?”
The Guardian opens the door.
Without stepping into the hallway, the voice calls. “If you are going to be listening in on my conversations, you might as well show yourself. We don’t need to make this an incident. Show yourself.”
Tess tries to slow her breathing. The footfalls get louder, and a figure steps into the hallway. He is a relatively tall elf. White hair is tied back into a ponytail, and he is wearing pretty fancy armor. He passes the guard, blinks, and there is a light as his eyes light up red instead of blue.
He looks around.
“I know you’re out here.”
Tess says nothing.
His footfalls end right outside the broom closet that Tess had hid herself in. He sits there for a second, and then turns to his fellow. “Guard. Raise the security of the area. If there is someone listening, then we need to know about it. Find whoever was here.”
“Yes sir, Commander Borel,” the guard confirms then takes off, then the man turns and walks back into his office.
Tess chooses to remain. After a few hours, the commander exits his office. He stands outside and nods. He has his eyes closed for a moment. He mutters something.
Tess hears it. He says, “Your will be done.” He almost had a faint smile when he said it.
And then he heads past the closet to head back downstairs.
Tess sneaks out and she thinks she is home free, but then someone shouts at her to stop. Tess immediately starts to sprint with her cloak over her head. She dips into an alley, and they ran past. She looks up and sees the almost full moon.
Back with Gil, there was something on the back of Gil’s mind. When he arrived back at the Enclave, it clicked. The voice was Telina Mirthbrook’s.
And then at the Goldensword estate, Uther, Zap, Elissa, and Velameestra had arrived. There are a few guards in brilliant white armor - Kilnar’s personal house guard. They see them approach, and one stopped them and asked for their names. Vel gives the guard all the names. The guard lets them in, seeing as the mistress wanted them in if they had a change of heart.
The hallways are naturally lit and everything is white. Basically all of the hallways are lined with motes with crystalline water, and the water shoots out in fountains over the hall. It’s really fucking relaxing.
The guard escorts them in and into a meeting room.
There is no floor or carpeting the atrium. The floor is clear glass, and beneath it is crystal clear water filled with fish. The “aquarium” also continue up into some of the walls. Sitting leisurely in one of the chairs at the center is Magistrix Kilnar herself, reading a “light” novel that is much larger than a typical light novel.
She doesn’t say anything, but there is a small hint of a grin as she doesn’t look up from her book.
Vel enters followed by the others. She still doesn’t say anything or look up, but she coughs.
Zap: “She’s subtly hinting at us, Uther do something.”
Kilnar: “An apology, would be nice.”
Uther apologizes and mentions his sister. Kilnar reassures him she is fine and is currently getting a bath while some handmaidens are getting her some fresh linens for the evening..
Uther expresses that is kind of her, and he admits that he is enthralled by Kilnar’s estate.
“Wonderful aren’t they?” She waves a hand and a square foot of glass vanishes as she kneels and and gestures to throw some fish food into the glass. The glass separates and the fish swarm up to feast upon the food.
Zap:“I would have to get a whole room of machines to do that.”
Vel: “The wonders of magic.”
Kilnar properly introduces herself, and mentions that is is nice to meet them again without that ‘’’man’’’ (referring to Darthir) scowling over their shoulder.
When Uther asks, she admits that Kilnar is not very fond of him. He apparently doesn’t respect his elders - a skill many people lack.
Zap agrees and mentions his grandfather would throw rocks at people who wouldn’t respect him. Kilnar said he was a wise man.
“Fortunately king Kael’thas did not insist that we remain, so we took the opportunity to meet with you with undue haste.”
“Curious. I would have expected the opposite.”
Uther agrees he was surprised as well. “Tell me, for what reason did he send you to me.” “I believe he was sympathetic to my desire to check up on my sister.”
Zap said it has been a hard journey, and Kilnar said that Ashwynn had been dizzy with confusion from chasing after Zap.
Zap admits mistakes were made.
Ashwynn had befriended a small bird of paradise. She was confused to why it had grown so attached to her. They practically had to pry it off them.
Magister Kilnar offers refreshments, and Zap happily agrees. She tells them they were free to go about their business. Vel mentions her daughter told her she wanted to speak to her.
Kilnar asks if the king had prepared them rooms, and Uther says not to his knowledge.
Kilnar: “How very rude of him.”
Zap: “I’ll say, he wouldn’t even sign my autograph book.”
Ashwynn comes through the door quite befuddled. She looks lovely. She got the spa treatment. Uther has barely ever seen his sister like this.
Kilnar was quite excited that Ashwynn was able to take a bath. She relates that they all seem like they could use a bath. Vel retorts that prestidigitation works wonders.
Zap expressed that his hygiene had improved since he got a new flask (referring to the Endless Water) and started to say a command word, but Vel stopped him.
Uther went on to explain what Kael’thas had told them about the letter of recommendation concerning Telina Mirthbrook. She admitted that she had signed it, but she did not know Telina personally.
“Only by reputation then?”
“Quite so.”
Uther asked if it was surprising Telina practiced fel magic, and she continued that she knew she had killed Magister Coldlight. She then explained Duron had insisted Kilnar sign it.
Apparently he seemed uncharacteristically enthused about Telina.
Uther: “Well. I suppose I don’t need to tell you about the unfortunate implications about having your name attached to a document championing a practitioner of fel magic and a murderer.” She admitted that it made things complicated, but she assured them she was innocent. She asked if Kael’thas had sent them to spy on her.
Uther reassures her that she doesn’t seem to be the type. But he would also say the same thing if she was the type.
The both agree that things are complicated and there is more than meets the eyes.
Kilnar explains it is her duty as the Seeker of Knowledge to gather artifacts, and she had sent Duron ALONE to get the dagger. Yet Mirthbrook was with him.
Uther says she’s earned some help given the fact she helped his sister.
She mentions that practically everyone is a suspect on these matters, including herself and every member of the convocation.
After some discussion, it is decided the group will stay for the night. The Magistrix had one of her hand servants arrange for baths to be drawn.
The group is super excited for baths. Kilnar asks Vel to wait a moment. Vel waits, and waits for Kilnar to start the conversation.
Kilnar gets all up in Vel’s face. Kilnar says she looks a lot like her mother. She apologizes for not being there for Vel when she needed it, and that she had wanted to meet her for so long.
Vel says she was here now.
She turns away. And turns to her with her mother’s spell book in hand, and says that her mother would want for her to have this. She apologizes once again for not being there for her.
“My dear, when is the last time you’ve cried for her?”
Vel stares at her deadpan.
Vel: “When I was six.”
“Oh, poor darling.” She shakes her head.
Vel: “It’s inefficient for me to do it presently.”
Kilnar: “When will it be?”
Vel: “We’ll see when the troll situation and other matters work themselves out.”
Kilnar: “The troll situation will work itself out in the morning. So hope you’ll forgive me for this.”
Vel: “There isn’t anything to forgive, you’re the Seeker of Wisdom. You’re busy..”
Kilnar: “But I think it might be best if you…. Let it out now.”
She casts suggestion in Vel as she says this.
Vel’s cold defenses crumble, and Kilnar offers a sad smile. Vel realizes what’s happening, clutches her mother’s spell book to her chest. She starts to cry. Kilnar pulls her in for a hug. Vel tries to step back weakly, but ends up sobbing 15 years of bottled up sorrow.
Kilnar comforts her until she is exhausted, then has a bath drawn for her. All of her research materials are gone afterward so she can’t distract herself.
Tess stumbles into the manor at around 6 in the morning. And she gets pampered.
They have breakfast and it’s uber thick, fluffy steamy pancakes with the best syrup.
Tess rejoins the group and recounts their adventures for the night.
Tess says who she followed and saw Commander Borel up to some spooky shit, and Uther chokes on his pancakes.Tess mentions his eyes glew red for moment, and said “You’re will be done.” Vel is more relaxed and calmly tells her that that isn’t normal for elves, and there was a communication spell going on.
Gil enters the room right at this moment (he had spent the night at the Far Strider lodge.) Gil recounts his evening.
“I’m sorry, I had to kill a man and arrest a noble,” Gil begins eating pancakes. “Also Mirthbrook is in town.”
Gil asks Vel to have the ring examined, as it might be a forgery.
Tess warns the group that tomorrow night is the full moon. Zap is on the case, he also makes the group coffee.
The magistrate sees the group off, and she reminds the group they are being watch. She points out a couple people that might be spying on them.
Gil- “Why are you people like this?”
Kilnar- “It’s a game”
Gil- “I have no time for games.”
Kilnar- “But the game will find time for you.”
She approaches Vel and says she hopes to not have to use magic next time. She bid her to take care.
Gil asks the magistrix for a place they could keep a person discretely for a night.
````` Vel goes to meet up with Talath
Zap goes to make the dire mechanisms for Tess’s monthly transformation
Uther and Gil go to interrogate the prisoners, Phoenixlight and Rai. They are accompanied by Ashwynn and Elissa..
As they go in Phoenixlight says that he’s told them everything. And *something something* my father is important and they couldn’t do this to him.
He’s a pain in the ass, but the farstriders have said he’s talked. There might be something else but they’re not sure.
Uther has a plan. “Do you think he’d respond to a bit of good-guard, bad-guard?”
Gil: “That depends on what role you want to play.”
Uther “Oh, he already knows you.”
Gil: “He watched me kill somebody.”
Uther “Well… he watched you kill somebody yes. But you’re also a farstrider there are rules you have to follow.”
Gil points out that Uther isn’t from this kingdom, and Uther said that he doubted he’d believe that he was anyone other than who Uther said he was.
Gil mentioned he can’t think of a scarier punishment for an elven noble than being transferred to a human dungeon. Specifically, instead of being held in the custody of the Silver Hand, Gil had another idea.
Gil: “To make it scarier… well… you need a manservant, don’t you?”
Uther: “I suppose I don’t need one, but… he doesn’t know that.”
Gil gets some fake paperwork and they go in to meet Phoenixlight in the interrogation room.
Gil tells Phoenixlight that they’re here about his transfer and Uther hands him the fake paperwork.
The nobleling says they can’t do this to him.
Uther lays it in thick. He asks if he is good at lifting grain. He’s not. Uther said they will have to fix that. The boy continued to just say they came to him and offered him money, so he did it. Uther explained that if money was a motivator there was room for advancement.
Phoenixlight says he can’t leave the city and he doesn’t have any additional information. He has to take care of his sister. His father is a drunkard. The only thing he could do was take another job from Mirthbrook.
They ask what he was planning on doing next. He doesn’t know, as they would tell him each time. She doesn’t seem to be the ringleader but she spoke for them. She had told him that people like him wouldn’t have to do menial tasks anymore. Change was coming.
Gil nods and says he believes him. He asks Uther what he thinks.
Uther agrees, and says Phoenixlight is off the hook. He apologizes for shooting at Gil, and Gil just says he’s a poor shot. The boy winces because he knows.
Gil gives him 50 gold and tells him to get a more steady stream of income. Phoenixlight is flabbergasted and says he won’t forget this. He asks if there is anywhere he could go.
Gil suggests Last Crossing, and he is a bit taken aback by leaving Quel’Thalas, but Uther says there is a wide world out there. He says that Silvermoon looks beautiful, but it is an ugly place. He thanks the two of them again.
Gil is disappointed, but he is at least glad it confirms that Mirthbrook is in the city.
They move to go talk to Rai. Elissa looks to Gil and tells him what he did was noble. He retorts that he has a sister he cares about too. Rai is curled up in a loose ball on the floor, which tends to be the pose he typically adopts. He doesn’t seem to notice the group.
Gil unlocks the cell. “Good morning, Rai.”
Rai greets him after startling, but says it’s hard to tell down there. Gil apologizes, but said it’s the best he can do at the moment. Rai said he was used to being in cells by now - though that didn’t come out the way he meant. He asks if he was going to be executed, and Uther says he wouldn’t be if he could help it.
Gil explained they would be talking to the Convocation later, and then added they wanted to speak to Rai too. He pales even more. He isn’t good at talking at people.
Gil reassures that there are only seven.
Rai: “Oh no…”
Uther says that they will be speaking on Rai’s behalf, but they need information from him to do that well. Gil said he would be asked a lot of questions.
Uther: “First and foremost, your tribe, Rai, you said they were against the new king?”
Rai said they were not trying to fight them. They were trying to hide. Uther asked if they would fight if they could win, but Rai wasn’t sure. Uther asked if Rai himself would if there was a chance, and Rai said he didn’t know if he could fight but he doesn’t want him to do what he does. He had to help someone stop him.
Uther asks if there were other tribes, and Rai said he didn’t know anymore. If there were, he wasn’t sure if they were still alive. Uther asked for tribe names, and he wasn’t sure of any except his. Uther presses, as does Gil.
Rai swallows hard. “My tribe is… there isn’t much left of my tribe. We met up with others. We kinda put them all together. It was all we could do to survive.”
Uther: “So even if we managed to convince the Convocation to spare your life, there isn’t a tribe for you to return to?”
Rai: “They call themselves the Darkspear. That’s what it was before. That’s where most of the rest that’s left is from. That or the rest of them ran from their tribes, or they got with the king. They didn’t want their names. They took ours, or they took his.”
He wasn’t sure about how many trolls were left as they were being hunted as well. The king didn’t want any opposition. No trolls, humans, or elves.
He wasn’t sure if he should return to his tribe. There was another reason he wasn’t there. He left. Uther asks what the reason was, and Gil assumes he left to join the king. He said that was not the case. He would never make that mistake.
He had already made that mistake. “The king, Zalazane. He used to be one of the Darkspear. A long time ago. Before I was born.”
Gil pushes him to continue.
Rai: “He thought maybe… maybe he had a way to make everything better. After the war, my whole life is on the run. Taking care of the sick and the wounded. Ain’t got nowhere safe. Nowhere to call home. He said we could make the lands safe again. We could fix it. We could make it all better. Live without fear of being dead. Live without being on the run. The rest of the tribe knew. They knew he was up to no good. That he had bad mojo. The arms. The face when he came back. But I didn’t. I listened like all the rest. I got a lot of people killed for it, mon. I don’t deserve to go back. Not after what I did. Not to mention they might just kill me for trying.”
Uther: “Gil this is very bad.”
Gil said nothing is simple, and Uther said that most things were at least possible.
Uther: “Rai, let me put it to you this way. The people who want you dead will not be moved by any sort of appeal to their emotions or sense of good will. The only chance we have at getting your life spared is if I can convince them of your tactical value in the conflict. If we have met the limit of what you know, I cannot promise I can save you.”
Gil: “Can you get in touch with the Darkspear tribe?”
Rai: “I know where they are.”
Gil asked if he can take them there, and he said only if he was protected. If he went back he would be killed for what he did. For all the others he got killed.
Rai didn’t want to die. He said he deserved it, but he didn’t want to join him or help him again. Become one of them. He didn’t know of his tactical value.
Gil said if he can get them to the Darkspears, it’s something. Especially if he’s willing to go.
They all agree he doesn’t have much of a choice right now.
Gil looks to him with pity.
“But what I can promise you, is that we won’t let them kill you. Any of them. Not the convocation, not Zalzane, not the Darkspear.”
Rai promises he’ll do whatever he can to help. He can’t let Zalzane do whatever he’s planning.
Gil answers that why he doesn’t deserve to die. He tells him the general gameplan of the next day. He, Gil and Uther need to convince the 7 people that he’s tactically useful.
When asked, there were only about 100 members when he left the tribe.
Gil mentions that Rai had said his chieftain was a woman. Rai agrees. Most of the witchdoctors that lead other tribes have listened.
Gil offers that maybe they can use the Darkspear tribe as a focal point and then work on making the idea sound more palpable from there. Uther wants it to be a good idea, but he said that making a ragtag group of trolls sound like a great enough asset to convince the Convocation is a bit of a stretch.
Gil says there is a lot to be offered, just in 100. Every troll that fights on their side is one not on Zalzanes. It won’t be easy, but Gil asks Uther to trust him. Uther agrees to trust him.
Gil then says Rai will absolutely certain to be forthcoming with all information and to answer any question they ask.
Gil says that Vandalor will be the easiest to convince, but Uther adds that they don’t have the luxury of meeting them one on one. There is a lot to do and they don’t have much time to do it.
Uther asks for the time, and it is (HIGH) noon. Uther says he has 6 hours to come up with a speech to convince elves to align themselves with trols.
Gil has one final question for Rai. Who was the chieften to him. Rai says he’s his sister. That’s the only reason she spared him. People listened to their father, so they’ll listen to her.
They thank him and give him time to steel himself.
Elyssa encourages that it’s just something that happens all the time. She has faith in Rai.
Rai says he owes all of them his life, and if they can get him through this then perhaps the Loa haven’t given up on him yet.
Gil goes to check up on people. Gil sees Calderon and Zaeneas. They tease him for hanging out with Uther so much, and report that his mother’s grave was completely untampered with. Gil nods and doesn’t look surprised.
The ring, however, wasn’t there. The one that keeps coming back to Vel is the real deal.
They then hand him a letter. It’s addressed from Syeori Sunwalker.