[Alliance] Session Seven
After felling a giant spider and several slightly smaller spiders, as well as rescuing some villagers, the group decided it would be a good idea to rest. The rangers they rescued took watch so that our heroes didn’t need to do it themselves.
The spiders have fled, and the cave is safe. The group look for places to sleep that is more comfortable.
The villagers kind of just curl up and rest. They appear to be in shock due to their ordeal. Elissa gives Bryce her bedroll.
Zap and the rest of the group look for cool shit in the spider caves. Amidst the webs, the group finds a few belongings roughly amounting to 81 gold. Zap was also able to find a small vial that is very cold to the touch. He asks Vel to look it over, and she identifies it as a potion of cold resistance. (It will be useful if Vel goes evil). Zap gives it to Tess after she jokingly asks for it.
Vel didn’t want it, cause the the cold never bothered her anyway. (HEH)
They investigate and find absolutely no spiders in the area. None. They are pretty confident that they won’t get ambushed in the middle of the night.
Zap asks Tess if she’s fought giant spiders before. Tess has fought normal giant spiders, but nothing that big. Zap compliments everyone on their spider fighting abilities. Gil has fought spiders this big before, everyone believes him.
Zap offers to cook up some giant spider meat. The group is uncertain, but begrudgingly agrees to at least try it. It’s not the best thing anyone has ever eaten, but it’s not bad. Zap hums the league of explorers theme as he cooks.
Meanwhile, Gil set about attempting to harvest the venom off of some of the larger arachnids. Somehow, he’s able to do it, as doing this is apparently really hard. He’s had a ridiculous amount of spider venom in his veins from getting bit so frequently in the last several hours - he may have pseudo-immunity at this point. Ultimately, he managed to gather three vials worth, though he would have to get additional supplies to make an actual potent poison. Refining it would take an estimated 100 gp each roughly.
Zap calls out for Uther and asks if he wants meat. Uther agrees to try some spider meat. Zap explains it’s trustworthy since they killed it themselves. Uther can’t argue with Zap’s logic. (BROTP) Gil has nothing but respect for Zap. Tess is grossed out by eating spiders, but… fresh meat.
Elissa starts to eat some of it and comments it isn’t bad, but it’s crunchy and somewhat chewy. She forgot to take the carapace off.
The night passes without incident. No one wakes up with a spider on their face. Ranger Keeli and her second-in-command, Zeren, come back in around 6 am in the morning as the group is waking with some salvaged weapons.
Gil uses his special far-strider powers to sense 27 humanoids. They are mostly clustered in one area, but some are more spread out.
Suddenly there are 26. Gil is not sure what happened to it. It probably got killed.
Gil was unable to give exact ratios between gnolls and other races, but he was at least able to provide the total numbers. Keeli said they had to assume only about half were hostages and they would have to contend with the rest as enemies.
Zap offers to use Baron Von Buzz Buzz Mach II to do some observations, as long as he could get within 100 feet. He said he could use some farstrider help. Everyone looks at Gil. Gil looks at Keeli.
Keeli said that they already scouted the area to an extent, though she wasn’t sure what alterations would have been made and there was still the possibility that reinforcements could come up from the catacombs to strengthen the host.
The elves are slightly racist towards Tess, questioning if she could keep up with them. Gil attests she can keep up.
There is some banter caused by Tess about the “goodness” of the spider meat. Gil had admitted he had eaten spider meat before, and said that you ate what you kill. Vel is not amused considering one of the present company is a worgen. Tess chooses to ignore the look the elf is giving her.
The group is a mile and a half from the camp, and Keeli and other farstrider depart to guard the cave from escapees. Tess offers to keep a good ear out. Gil asks if she had a bad ear. It is just an expression.
They soon see thatched roofs through the foliage, and small huts on scaffolding. This is the gnoll encampment. There are several watchtowers. There are a number of cages.
Zap deploys Baron Von Buzz Buzz II, aided by Gil and Tess for stealthy assistance. The sneak their way through the camp. Zap sends Baron Buzz Buzz to inspect the cages first.
Gil notices a blood trail, and he finds a spider corpse riddled with gnoll arrows.
Through the eyes of Baron Buzz Buzz, Zap sees a peculiar little flicker of light as it goes, which seems to indicate a thin strand of spider silk. It’s clearly a tripwire attached to the watch tower, and two more similar stakes in the ground are also around that same watchtower. There is a gnoll inside the watchtower that is peering out of a peephole. Zap relays that information to Gil and Tess.
Meanwhile, Gil hears some rustling, and he makes note of a Blackpaw Hunter patrolling the perimeter.
Zap perceives again. He sees another glint of something shiny under the grass. There is a bear trap just chilling. Completely active.
The little robot bug gets to the target cages, and there are two gnolls there who had opted to eat their breakfast there. The bones of their meal are still dripping with blood, and two of the cages are empty. One can make certain assumptions about what happened there.
There are five more commoners in the cage in front of them, eyes in abject horror as they watch their friends eaten by gnolls. Understandably.
Baron Buzz Buzz then heads into the huts. One of the two gnolls eating notices the glint of the mechanical insect, and goes to inspect.
In response, Baron Buzz Buzz quickly skitters into the nearest hunt and the gnoll follows it. There are just some scattered weapons, bones, and other such garbage inside, but no other gnolls. The mechanical insect goes through a hole in the other side and escapes as the gnoll rustles around in the hut looking for it.
As the insect jumps out, it jumps into another one of the bear traps and it promptly snaps down. Fortunately, the mechanical insect does a “combat battle roll” like its creator and avoided the snap of the trap. However, the other gnoll heard the trap go off and came to investigate. However, the gnoll did not find the mechanical beetle.
Baron Buzz Buzz sneaks around in the second hut. More garbage, more discarded weapons. Though he is able to find more dynamite in a crate. Zap informs the group of this, and the group shouldn’t let them get to that hut.
Baron Buzz Buzz goes to the third hut. There is a cool-looking gnoll, that Zap identifies as the chieftain and another undressed gnoll.
In the last hut there is one last Blackpaw Raider that is just passed out with a bone in hand.
Baron Buzz Buzz is turned off to avoid attracting more attention.
The patrolling hunter walks straight toward the hidden Zap, Tess, and Gil, and there is a moment where his ears perk up as if he heard something, but his head turns in the direction of the gnoll investigating the tripped trap and is clearly ignored because it “messes up his traps every. Blasted. TIME.”
Zap suggests they start where Baron Von Buzz Buzz scouted as they don’t know what is on the other side of camp, and Gil and Tess agreed. Zap then uses his clockwork messenger to alert the rest of the party of what he had found, and Gil also asks Zap to tell Uther that the huts are all incredibly flammable - and suggests they do a pincer movement where Gil and Tess try to save the prisoners while the rest of the group starts assaulting.
The mechanical squirrel quickly scampers across the ground and prints out what Zap had told it on a piece of paper, and then promptly explodes. Uther relays the message to the rest of the group.
Gil and Tess promptly begin to sneak off, though Zap had a plan for the central watchtower. A plan called dynamite.
Tess sneaks up to the patrolling gnoll in order to stab it from stealth, while Uther uses Bless on himself, Ashwynn, Vel, and Elissa and Vel fortifies herself with Frost Armor. Uther also channels the Light into his sword.
Tess quickly runs the the patrolling Blackpaw Hunter through with her rapier. It laughs weakly for a second and then promptly dies. Meanwhile, seeing his original target was successfully disposed of, Gil fired an arrow at the Blackpaw Harrier by the cages. The arrow pierces through its throat and a look of terror crosses its face as it realizes that it’s majorly in trouble because it just got shot. Badly.
Vel, Uther, Ashwynn, and Elissa approach from the side, but the gnolls in the watchtowers take note (as there are three heavily armored people moving plus a more stealthy elf). They begin to yip loudy.
As Uther’s hand begins to glow with fire, his greatsword begins to make a keening noise and its edge glows faintly. Vel was able to identify the glow as some sort of ward that senses some sort of creature type. Uther quickly lobs the Firebolt at the hut containing the chieftain, and it gets set ablaze immediately.
Zap, meanwhile, fires a dynamite at the base of the watchtower. It hits and is able to collapse the structure. The gnoll at the top of the tower falls to the ground along with it. He gets pretty messed up. The traps surrounding it also are triggered and a bunch of nets drop down harmlessly.
Zap: “I’ve always wanted to do this. TIMBER!”
The Blackpaw Raider in the other watchtower fires at Uther, but misses. Elissa runs forward, but as she does she holds out her hand and a gust of wind surrounds Vel to dissuade some attacks against her (buff that AC! Thanks Elissa!).
Vel’s up! She decides to knock down the other watchtower using a thunder-element Chromatic Orb. She meant to target the watchtower, though the entire top of the building explodes with a sudden shockwave and it promptly sends the gnoll flying through the air and to the ground. It is immediately killed. Uther thinks that that was hot. He has stars in his eyes.
Vel: “That was… far more effective than I had anticipated.”
The blackpaw raider that fell out of the tower hobbles over to Zap, but isn’t able to get close enough.
The Harrier that Gil attacked runs in the opposite direction, and attempts to leave the battlefield. Seeing his compatriot fled, the raider head over to attack Tess.
Zap is apparently on a murderous rampage, and bayonets the shit out of the one hobbling toward him.
Zap: “You shoulda just stayed down.”
He then returns to cover.
The blackpaw that was sleeping stumbles out of his hut and attempts to attack Ashwynn, but misses.
Gil flings another arrow at the retreating harrier, and kills the fuck out of it. (Exceeding it’s hitpoints by its hit points. Impressive). Gil strides out of the forest all majestic like the high-elf he is.
As all of this happens, the civilians are slamming into the side of the cage cowering from the explosions - but then they see Gil, a Farstrider, and their expression promptly changes into one that is definitely “something special.”
Ashwynn and Elissa team up on the gnoll that attacked Ashwynn, and it immediately crumples to the ground.
Uther charges to the front of the burning hut, and a gnoll scrambles out of it - burning. Uther promptly slices into it with his sword. It tries to retaliate, but it misses.
Tess goes to fuck up the gnoll, though unfortunately misses. Vel fires a ray of frost at the gnoll Uther is attacking, but it hits the hut instead and fizzles out in the fire.
The Packlord also charges out of the hut and attacks Uther. His glaive bounces off a glowing aura of protection and it is ineffective. As is his second attack. He snarls at the raider to attack and it quickly jumps at Uther but also bounces off the glowing aura.
The keening on Uther’s sword gets stronger for a second as the gnoll engages. Almost simultaneously, Gil sees two troll step out where he had just shot down the retreating gnoll. Both are familiar - they were present in the cemetery.
Necrolyte: “Ashpaw, I thought you said you was gonna be of some use to me?”
Ashpaw: “There’s more than you said there would be!”
Necrolyte: “Ya and maybe there would have been more of you if you hadn’t gotten your men all killed by da spiders, mon. No matter. Your boys will serve the new king no matter what they look like, mon.”
As he speaks, the flesh sloughs off the gnoll corpses when he holds out a hand and the gnolls rise from the dead.
The one living gnoll continues attacking Tess, and she begins to bleed.
Zap takes a few steps forward and pulls out his strange gun again, and it fires a sickly green ray in the direction of the Packlord. His ears perk up for a second.
The necrolyte moves almost unnervingly, and then in a burst of motion he holds out his hand and a shadowy skull with a snake tongue fires off and impacts Uther as he casts Shadowbolt.
“Dats just a taste of what’s to come, mon.”
Uther is too mad to say anything.
Meanwhile, Gil attacks one of the undead, skeletal gnolls and it shatters to pieces.
Elissa raises her sword against the gnoll that was engaged with her and called upon the mint green energy she was capable of, and the undead gnoll crumbles to dust. Ashwynn also runs forward to help her brother, and takes out the injured (living) raider. The undead gnoll nearby attacks Uther in response, but misses.
Ashwynn then action surges, and opens up a wound on the Pack Lord.
Uther double teams the packlord with his sister and smites it. The Pack Lord is now heavily wounded and it staggers backward and snarls. “That was a mistake, princeling!” The troll berserker hurls an axe at Uther, but it bounces off the magical aura. The berserker simply laughs and smiles.
Tess tries to stab the gnoll again, but misses. Gil talks gnollish to it.
Meanwhile, Vel seeing the swarm of gnolls, her tats and eyes glow with an icy light. She holds out her hand, and ice spikes appear from the ground as the dirt frosts over. They impale all three of the gnolls attacking the groups and kill them. However, the other withering attacks her from behind, but misses. The wind protects her.
The troll berserker flings two axes at Uther, one of them misses, but the other cuts into him.
Ashwynn, meanwhile, charges at the troll berserker and successfully hits multiple times.
Vel turns on the witherling, and attacks it with arcane missiles. It explodes, and she sends her remaining missile to the Troll. Vel hates trolls, in case you didn’t know.
Tess is finally able to hit the gnoll! And she stabs it good through the gut. She yells out “FINALLY!” She is frustrated.
The necrolyte, walks over, and a ghostly shrunken head appears in his hand. It begins hovering in the air and flies over Uther’s head. Uther has been hexed. (Vel is triggered). He then blasts a ray of sickness at Uther. However, it collides against a refreshed aura of protection and fizzles.
Zap scans the scene and sees his prince bro bleeding. He toddles over to Uther and with his protoplazer and slaps him on the back encouragingly. Uther feels technology healing his body, and it feels pretty good.
Uther charges the necrolyte to “smash some light into his face.” Uther puts the troll’s face in the light. The sword continues to make the harmonious keening sound as it makes contact with the necrolyte. He smites.
Uther’s eye harden, he charges forward with sword at his side. Golden light washes up his sword. He shoulder charges the necrolyte and shoulder checks that mother fucker.
As he does, a thick black ichor seeps out that one can assume is its blood.
Gil heals Tess up, and they agree to head on their way to help their comrades. (Vel fucking killed everything) Elissa moves forward, eyes glowing gold, spectral vines creep up out of the ground. They try to wrap around the necrolyte. The vines vanish-- Elissa has no idea what she did AND why it didn’t work.
The necrolyte says, “I remember you and your friends like to fight for each other right? This should be just what it takes to get you fired up, man.” He charges forward, hand covered in a thick black ooze. He touches Ashwynn, she grits her teeth as dark energy courses through her and seems to transfer back to him.
Ashwynn heals Uther, Zap, and Gil using second wind, but not before striking forward at the troll. She assures the party that the combat is drawing to a close.
The troll slashes at Ashwynn, it hurts.
Gil opens the next cage, releasing 5 villagers. They’re stunned that someone has come for them. He reassures them. “Light bless you sir!” The collective villagers huddle fearfully behind Gil as he moves to the next cage.
Vel pushes another Snowball Swarm upon her turn. She blasts an ice burst into the necrolyte. The chill of the cold doesn’t seem to bother him either. Rival ice queen. Vel passes her sanity save.
Uther steps up to the plate-- he’s feeling better after healing. He goes to smite the sun-bro-kidnapping-dickbag-- the necrolyte. Uther slices through the black goo on him, triggering a smite. Uther steps back and focuses himself, the sword glows and keens, he doesn’t strike from his usual up attack. He takes it from the side. He hits the necrolyte in the hip, separates him Darth Maul style, and catches the berserk under the arm and they go spiralling off.
“It ain’t gonna matter, mon.” The dying necrolyte says, “My death here was all a part of the plan.”
“You can tell me where to find my friend, or wither away.”
“You’re talking about the half elf, eh?”
“You’re too late, mon. He be at the King’s Table.”
The necrolyte explains that the King’s Table is everywhere. It’s going to be the world--- he gets cut through the monologuing body. The blade keens louder-- it was trolls.
Gil goes up to another cage, combat over. He looks into it-- there are civilians. One matches Elissa’s father. He’s walking with a limp, scraggly black hair, and a scruffy beard growing in. He hobbles up on his good leg. “Not going to lie, thought we were all dead meat… especially after the first Farstriders.”
Gil asks what happens to them, Elissa’s father doesn’t know. They were separated. The troll-- the mage, he came and bought some other villagers with him. He took them to the temple North of the Catacombs. Gil recognizes him as Elissa’s father. Zap interrupts, SHOPKEEP. He recognizes the old man. Gil moves on after commenting that Elissa’s gotta get her good looks from somewhere. Tess yells for Elissa to come and see.
Vel investigates the dead trolls.
Elissa comes tearing around to see her father. He drops her weapons and sandwiches her father in a hug. Tears flow from her eyes, relief, confusion, realization and pure joy wash over her face. Her tears glow gold.
“Dear, I’m going to overlook that you’re in full armor with the people who just saved our lives. I was so worried.” HER DAD CRIES TOO.
Tess witnesses the moment, she sees a look on Mr. Cross’s face. The look seems pensive and distracted. There’s something there, though his joy is obviously real. She opts to bring it up later.
THE VILLAGERS ARE ALL RESCUED. Unfortunately, only Farstrider remains remain.
Gil gets to the last cage. There’s only one person there. The person is curled up in a ball, laying sideways, holding his knees. He’s muttering something. Turns out, though, that there’s a Jungle Troll in the cage. Gil looks down at him-- there’s something familiar about him and the scarlet braid that’s hanging down his back. Though it’s caked with blood and mud, there’s no mistaking it.
Gil opens the cage. In Zendali, he asks his name “Rai?”. The troll perks up, he spins, skittishly. He says, “Nonono-- no way, mon. Is it really you, Gil?”
They took the Jungle Troll, Rai, Gil tells him why he’s here-- to rescue his cousin and the villagers. The troll says the others don’t like him, they brought him there. He doesn’t know how many Gurumbashi are left-- but the King, Zalazane, he’s planning something big by getting all the trolls together. He explains that he’s just another part of the feast, he can’t help or hurt the other trolls. He’s just in the way. “I’m always just in the way.” Rai cries.
Gil asks about the rest of his tribe. Rai claims he doesn’t know, but it obvious he’s lying. Gil says he can’t help him unless he knows. Rai doesn’t know if they’re safe, but they’re not with Zalazane. Rai was alone when they found him and brought him to the Gnolls. Rai doesn’t know where his tribe went-- he assumes they’re in hiding, trying to protect everyone. They don’t have many people left-- he doesn’t know what to do, as he’s in elf territory. He doesn’t want to die, he reports, even though he deserves it.
“Very few people deserve to die.” Gil says.
Elissa asks who the troll is. Gil introduces him. Zap inquires. Gil ran across him four years ago on a patrol. “I don’t need explanation, but your sister!” Zap laughs. Their eyes both bug out, the fear is clear.
Rai says he should go, Gil says he won’t make it far.
Rai doesn’t know where the King is. Rai’s skin turns a paler blue, as he knows what Zalazane wants to do. Gil sits next to Rai, not bothered by the Troll whatsoever.
Zap fetches Uther upon Gil’s request. Uther’s been seeing to the villagers, otherwise. Uther inquires as to why a Troll was captured by their own. Uther explains that Rai isn’t an enemy, provided he’s an enemy of Zalazane.
“I don’t know exactly, mon, but I know he shouldn’t be here. Da Loa, dey be screamin’. They callin’ for him to be taken down, but they can’t do anything. Something, something’s not letting them. Somethin’ big.”
Gil confirms that the Loa are against Zalazane.
Rai doesn’t know how he’s garnered so much support. They say he’s going to eat the blood loa. Something bigger, he’s gonna start from the ground, he’s gonna eat the people, the elves, then the Loa, then the world. He’s not going to stop until he’s something else.
Rai doesn't know where Zalazane is. He doesn’t know where he is-- even when presses. He explains that they can move through the graves. He doesn’t know how, but he knows Zalzane was the first to do it.
Rai went through the Graves once, but he only knows how they felt. “They took some of the people, into the Catacombs. They could be anywhere, mon.” Rai explains. “You say you was lookin’ for your kin?”
Gil explains that two of his family are looking for said kin-- and that Zalzane won’t be ready for them.
Gil describes Arator. It’s confirmed that he was in the cages, but they took him into the Catacombs. They took him less than a day ago. Zap and Uther see hope in this fact.
Gil asks about Rai. They ask if he can come with-- but then they remember Vel. Rai suggests that he could try and replicate the grave magic, even though he only did one once. He explains that the magics work by the person having been to a place before-- or they have to follow another. The graves also need to be dug up. “If there’s somethin’ I can do to.. To not let me get killed…” He asks.
Gil doesn’t want Rai to die. Rai wants to help if he can-- he wants someone to stop Zalzane. Uther will also handle Vel.
“Hey Uther?”
“I’ll have fond memories of you.”
There’s some playful banter around that. Gil sees to Rai, giving him food and water. The sustenance vANISHES.
Uther turns to see Vel and Ashwynn are speaking to two Farstriders that came the North.
ProfilesREWINDProfiles March 20, 2017, at 05:53 PM
The trolls didn’t have anything crazy on them. There’s a small tablet, though, the only thing of note. It’s stone. There *was* writing on it. Vel can assume that it’s the equivalent of a scroll-- a totemic one. It’s been used already.
Vel checks it out with detect magic. It’s got a mixture of conjuration and necromancy on it-- the same stuff she could sense from the freshly used graves. She can’t learn anything else from it, though.
She surveys the area. Some of the Gnolls had trinkets from other raids.
Ranger Keeli and her second show up eventually. Keeli notes that the raid was successful. Vel relays that there’s not much information to be gained, though. Keeli says the Catacombs are secure-- the tombs have been resealed. The rangers killed a troll and some undead. The trolls have removed people since, there was no trace.
The plundered graves that were exhumed by the trolls and the gnolls had some items in them. They were using the items as extra payment. Keeli suggests they haven’t seen the last of the Gnolls.
Vel and her agree to move fast.
Keeli would be more than alright sharing those items, as payment for rescuing everyone. Keeli has no intention to rebury the items. Vel wants to go through it first. There are gemstone, trinkets, and a number of smallish items. There’s one interesting arrow, too.
Keeli wishes to see to the parameter-- just as Uther heads over to Vel. She congratulates the Prince on his victory, he returns the favor. He asks to speak to Vel alone. She nods.
Uther leads her away, a safe distance away. “Velameestra, before I say what I have to say, I want to ask you a question.” “Yes?”
“Do you want to get Arator back more than you hate trolls?”
“That’s a strange line of inquiry. Yes?”
“Good, because we may have a way to find him, but it will involve the help of a troll.”
“What?” There’s a moment of blank expression, but her brows furrow, as she doesn't quite get it.
“The trolls are not united in support of the king.”
“They’re cannibalistic barbarians, what do you expect?”
“I measure my expectations, but one knows how to travel through the grave.”
‘It’s willing to tell us?
“Evidently, this troll king’s plans involved killing these gods. Not everyone will agree.”
“Or it will be a ruse and it’s all a trap.”
“Unlikely. He’s very afraid. He’s genuinely afraid.”
“Of course, he’s likely to be killed in a heartbeat. What’s stopping him from stabbing us in the back.”
She asks if he spoke common, yes.
“Velamesstrea, I don’t like this any more than you do, but getting Arator back is more important. This troll is the only lead we have.”
“Unless he lead us off a cliff.”:
“I trust the perceptions of our party, before we could have such a fate befall us.”
Uther explains what he knows. Vel surmises that he wants her to work with a Troll-- if there was any other way, he would go that way. He explains they have time, but not much time.
Vel considers, wondering if she’s up for it. Her expression hardens, “If it makes one wrong move, it’s dead. Do you understand me, Uther?”
“Loud and clear, I’m sure the troll will understand too.” Uther looks over his shoulder to see no one is looking. He gives Vel a hug. “Thank you Vel, I won’t forget this.”
Vel freezes at the contact.
Uther disengages and returns to the party.
Keeli looks to Rai and inquires as to why the fuck there’s a troll here. Gil nods and explains that this one was captured by the other trolls and that he has information AND a way to catch up with Arator. It’s good enough for Keeli, reasons anyway.
Keeli explains that there are *people* who want to know that information. Gil clearly isn’t terrified.
Vel approaches with Uther. Vel is u p s e t. It’s thinly veiled murder on her face.
Seeing Vel storm over, Rai shirks away. (He’s short for a troll-- he’s about 6 ft 5 inches outside of his slunching-- slouching and hunching.)
Vel ignores Gil, and goes for the Troll. Gil tries to interpose himself. “I want to make one thing clear, if you breathe one inkling of ANYTHING I find suspicious, your blood will freeze in your veins before you can move.”
Everyone thinks it’s harsh-- Tess and Gil particularly. but Rai shudders, “I got it, mon. I promise. I don’t want anything in return, I just want.. I just don’t want to die, mon.”
Vel backs off a step, but the death glare remains. Everyone, sadly, agrees it went better than expected.
Elissa thinks they can trust him, motioning to just look at him. Tess agrees.
Vel scoffs in turn. GIl comes up to her and explains that the Troll owes him a debt twice over. Vel gives him a strange look-- irritation, whatthefuck, and a little bit of relaxation. He promises to explain some later.
She holds up the tablet and tells her twin that they’re using scrolls, too. She clearly cares about Arator, and explains it’s the only reason that Rai is still alive.
The Farstriders will have the civilians and the troll readied for moving. Keeli explains that what happens to Rai is out of he hands-- the Ranger Captain and Ranger General can decide.
Gil anticipates a family reunion.
ProfilesTO THE CATACOMBSProfiles
They head up a half a mile North to the Catacombs. They’re not huge, but they have the eerie architecture that is totemic in nature. They find a shitload of things.
The party has 3909 gold pieces between trinkets and gemstones and gold, proper.
Gil sees an arrow. It seems to pulse with energy. The arrow is wooden, so it the arrowhead. The fletchings appear to be Zandali in origin-- troll made. It’s a single +2 arrow, Vel is able to identify it.
Vel finds another totemic scroll, but it’s not the same spell of which she is seeking. It’s a Scroll of Protection from Undead.
They find somethging that’s not Elvish or Trollish in origin. There’s some tattered remains of someone from the Kirin Tor. Zap checks it out. It’s a clear glass water flask. There’s a violet scarf wrapped around it. It’s half full. It’s well made and fancy. When Zap picks it up, three words pop into his head. Stream, Fountain, and Geyser.
“Geyser.” Zap says.
Zap is looking at Uther as he says it. The cap of the bottle flies off. A jet of water blasts out to Uther. 30 Gallons of water unload on him, he manages to stay on his feet. Gold splashes around.
Guys! Zap found something!
Zap won’t tell anyone about his Grandpappie’s birthday, except for Tess, as the supersoaker effect had begun. For the following reasons: Tess is cute, Tess can maul, ________.
The item is a Decanter of Endless Water. There’s no end to the water he can make.
Vel lies about how he can use the water. Vel gets fucking blasted by a jet of water as Zap unloads it on her. Vel’s on her butt, Uther tries to not to laugh. He helps her up. “I lied. Never do that again.”
“Did you name it?” Gil asks.
“Yes. Decanter of Endless water.”
“You know, Zap, it was in the name.” Gil laughs.
They banter back in forth, Vel explains why she lied (she didn’t want that latest situation to take place). Zap seemed to believe her implicitly.
Ashwynn redirects the party and they collect their spoils. They’re able to find a singular Arator hair, too. Gil gives it to Vel, she stashes it. They grab the Hawk-tags, too.
The party makes a 10 hour hike to get to the Farstrider Enclave. It’s slower with the villagers. It’s early evening as they make their way out of the mountains. As they descend, Elissa introduces everyone to her dad. Everyone avoids the troll.
There’s a sigh of relief as the Enclave comes into view. He multi-tiered barracks is built on the side of a lake. There’s FS practicing on targets and training grounds spread around. It makes Gil nostalgic.
The Farstriders are looking at the party funny, but the Ranger gives them a gesture, *don’t worry, etc, etc*
Gil, Tess and Vel make their way to the street. They see two figures duck out from behind two training dummies. Tess hears snickering, but can’t see anything. As they turn and look, they’re suddenly flanked. Gil and Vel see two half elves, who look exactly the same with long, braided, curled red hair, one is blood red, the other crimson. They look the same as they flank their fellow Windrunners. They’re rather young.
Giramar greets Gil, “Took ya long enough.”
“Galadin, don’t touch me.” Vel deadpans.
“Too late!” He wraps his arm around Vel’s shoulder. “Clearly you guys had to make friends!” He looks at everyone, “A prince, a princess, two pretty girls, a dwarf and a troll!”
Galadin makes a manwhore joke, as Gil always brings people home. The other twins bow and introduce themselves as Giramar and Galadin. Vel and Gil are second best Windrunners, so they say.
They inquire about the troll. Alleria Windrunner is confirmed for intense, she’s gone out every day and returned with a cloak smelling of fire. They gesture towards the enclave, directing them deeper into the enclave. They wish the other Twins luck.
“Everyone check your belongings.” Gil says, as they pass. Everyone checks, everyone has their stuff.
The party heads in. The Ranger Captain sees to getting rooms for the villagers. She also will submit her reports, too. Keeli thanks them again. She nods, salutes, and heads out. Zap and Elissa wish her the best, as she has to report the deaths of her whole squadron.
Gil leads the way to the Warroom. There are two figures pouring over a large map of Eversong. There’s a number of daggers stabbed into it in a line, there were catacombs stabbed by each.
Veeresa WIndrunner, in her early hundreds, she has long slightly wavy stark white hair. She’s wearing her Farstrider garb, it’s less revealing than most things because we have taste. Her arms are crossed and she’s looking at the map.
The other is a man, older. He has similar colored hair, but it’s more silvery. He has a goatee on the bottom of his chin. This man is Ranger Captain Helios Suncrown. His family is from the town of Suncrown. His arms, too, are crossed.
They look to the party. Vereesa greets them, worrying. Gil stops, explaining there are some interesting guests-- Vel tells them that he brought a Troll to the Enclave. Like many, he explains how/why the troll is there.
Vereesa and Helios ask to meet him-- Helios is frowning, deeply. They exchange a look, What do you want me to doooo? || He’s your relative, it’s your problem now, Vereesa.
They fetch Rai. He’s in a submissive stance. He greets them feebly and introduces himself when instructed. They press Rai for information, he tells them easily-- filling them in on the King, the graves, and Zalzane.
Helios explains this is way above their paygrade. Rai is something of National Security, nonetheless, working with him. It’s confirmed that Gil is not in trouble, though.
Vereesa suggests that they take him to the Convocation, as they can’t get any support from Quel’Thalas. Gil asks how. They suggest:
They can keep Rai there and the Ranger General can come out. They can go to the Convocation and bring Rai with them. They can do a prison transfer and Rai can go to Quel’Thalas in front of of them.
It’s clearly Gil’s problem now.
They explain the difference between the Windrunner sisters. Never compare her to a dwarf, they confirm-- Vereesa shows a flash of anger at Zap’s comment doing so. RC Helios can help them transport them via Hawkstriders, given the sensitive nature of the mission.
Gil asks when Alleria will return. Her return would be anytime between now and three/four days from now. She left earlier in the day, so it was said. They party could catch up with her before nightfall.
Helios also suggests to head out to Silvermoon now, citing that it might not be a wise decision. Vereesa suggests that she, reluctantly, will explain the goings ons on the day. She would rather Gil handle it, though.
They work on handling how to not have Alleria destroy Rai in an instant. Banter ensues.
The denizens of the Last Crossing are in safe hands now. The Lordaeronians are going to be brought to the borders and they’ll be safe. Word has already been sent ahead.
Gil asks about FS Zaelin, and if he’s okay. Turns out he made it, thanks to Elissa. Elissa awkwardly says hello. Vereesa presses into Gil asking if he… you know.
Vereesa soothes Elissa.
Zap peeks over the top of the table to see the map. It has height contours and it’s well made. He’s up in the elf-map business. Helios pulls a knife out of his side and marks those catacombs as safe for the moment.
Zap asks as to why Gnolls have explosives. Helios explains that he doesn’t know, but the figures that the explosives are Dwarvish in origin. But, he assumes that they came from a distance… until he stops and thinks. Perhaps the explosives are a hint?
Helios suggests that if they can find where those materials are coming from… they may have a lead.
They compliment each other on quick thinking-- elf dwarf relations, man.
Helios will see to the Hawkstriders. Gil will escort Rai himself to the Convocation.
Vereesa explains that her and her crew would be heading South. She can accompany the Last Crossing people back to their homes. She was heading there to meet up with Rhonin anyway. She greets the Prince, too, and inquires about his status in the celebration. Fate saw him going anywhere otherwise.
Zap suggests that Tess should maybe send a message to her family at this opportunity to send a message.
“Tess, take it from me, when you have to opportunity to contact a lady and tell her not to be mad at you, you should take it.”
Tess agrees at that oddly specific example, though she’s not sure if the family has moved on or not.
Vereesa says she’ll be around if anyone needs anything. She’ll leave when Alleria arrives, as she wants to greet her sister.
They’re allowing the party to stay in the Lodge. THE LODGIEST LODGE. They’re dismissed.
When they exit the Warroom, Elissa lags behind a bit. “Prince Uther?”
“I guess this is going to end up being goodbye. I don’t know if I can see you all off tomorrow. I wanted to let you all know.”
She says she can’t leave her dad alone. Uther says she’ll be missed, that she was a great help. Everyone backs him up on that-- she saved lives.
“If you’re ever in the area of the last crossing, room and board is on me.”
“Before you go, kneel.”
Elissa blinks, “Uhm. Right.” She kneels.
“Elissa Cross. Do you swear by your blood and honor that to uwull proitect the people of Lordaeron?”
“I- I do?” You don’t have to do this.”
“Then on my authority as Prince of Lordaeron, I grant you Knighthood. Rise, Lady Elissa Cross.” He taps her shoulder.
SHe rises, legs shaking. She smiles. “Thanks, I guess.”
“There will be paperwork to file, once I return to the capitol. But, you and your father will be granted an Estate at the crossing. In recognition of your services to the grown.”
“All I did was help… I….” SHe’s dumbfounded.
“And no one asked you to.”
Elissa’s father, who was watching from down the hall, limps up beside them from behind Elissa. He puts a hand on her shoulder. Elissa looks at him, he says, “Elissa. Do you truly want to go? After everything you've done, all the lives you saved, do you want to go back to a farm… or an estate? Elissa, you did in a matter of weeks what I couldn't do in a matter of years of service. Who would I be to deprive our prince of one of his trusted knights in a time of need?”
Uther’s got a big ass smile.
“You know I’ll be fine. I’ll make Bryce do twice the work.” Her father smile, softly deviant. “And… as much as I’ll miss you, you swore to protect the people of Lordaeron. It’s not an Oath you can turn your back on.”
Elissa blushes, ear tips and all, and gives her father a hug.
“I guess what she meant to say was that, next time you’re in the area, room and board is on me… again.” He looks to Zap and Tess.
Zap smiles, “It’ll be good to have you.”
“Well, I guess if you still want me around, I’d love to come. We have to save Ser Arator after all.”
Uther extends a hand, “Then come, Lady Elissa Cross!”
Elissa laughs, Tess says she doesn’t want to travel without her friend, either. Elissa hugs Tess.
Looking back to Uther, “I promise I’ll try and get better.” She goes for the hand, he goes for the Knightly-bro-grab.
“It’s an honor to have you at my side.”
Everyone celebrates and then looks to Vel, the silent.
“I’m teaching you how to read.” She dead pans.
Everyone laughs, Elissa blushes, and they confirm that not everyone has a crush on Arator. Vel’s ears flush, at the realization that they were calling her on her crush. Vel walks away-- she done.
The attention draws away from Vel.
Vel, going a different direction, is caught up by Lord Cross. He stops her. Vel is curious. “This is abrupt, but terribly intrusive, but no one in my entire bloodline can channel the light, or has any talent with the Arcane. She’s never been able to use magic before.”
Vel points out that she’s half-elf. He asks her to look out for her, and to help her and himself. Long story short, he doesn’t remember who her mother is. He inquires to how she casted-- her eyes (the gold) are the key. He knows he’s seen it before, but it was never from Elissa.
Vel says she’ll do what she can. Papa Cross apologizes one last time, and promises that he owes Vel a debt.
After leaving, Vel adds an “Elissa” section to her notebook-- adding to her sidequest log.
Later that evening, Vel goes on a hunt for her brother. She strolls up and demands an explanation. Gil is warm and happy, playing his guitar by the fire.
They go somewhere private.
Gil starts. “So, about four years ago I was on patrol when I came across, well, Rai. It was deep into Quel’thalas, no right for him to be there. He attempted to use magic to defend himself, he was clearly untrained. He was at my mercy and dropped down and curled around something.”
“A very rare flower that grows in Quel’thalas. They fact he got that far north was impressive.”
“He curled around a flower?” She raises her eyebrows.
‘The flower was used for severe burn injuries. Not seeing any burns on him, it was obviously meant for someone else. I asked, he risked his own life to save his mother.”
(OH FUCK - Kat, 2017)
There’s an obvious flicker on Vel’s face. “You’re telling me a troll wandered into the Elflands to find a flower to cure his mother.”
Gil nods.
“Why does he owe you two life debts?”
“Because I didn’t kill him, it also saved his mother’s life.” “Right. Right.” Vel sighs. “This doesn’t change anything. If he makes one wrong move…”
“Then responsibility comes down on me.”
“They aren’t all evil, Vel. They’re people, just like us.”
“Gilveradin, don’t give me the speal, now. Understood?”
“Fair enough.”
“I’m interested to see what he knows. If he helps us save Arator…”
“Then what Vel? We let him go?”
“There aren’t many of them left, Vel. This tribe doesn’t even cross the border.”
“What’s the name of his tribe?” She asks.
“I don’t know the specific name.”
‘For all you know, Gilveradin, there was no mother. There is no way to verify what he’s said.
“Sometimes you have to trust, not everything’s black and white. Sometimes you have to trust.”
“I’m trusting you then with this, Gilveradin. Don’t let me down.”
“That’s the best I’ll get out of this. Huh?”
“That would be an accurate assumption.” Vel looks suddenly tired. She then walks away from her twin.
Gil returns to Guitar playing.
As Vel falls asleep that night, enjoying the nice bed, she falls asleep with her face in a book. She wakes up, she swears she heard something.
It was like muffled crying, even for a moment. As she looks around and she sits up, she feels sore. It’s like she exercised way too much. She looks around again, her thumb bumps into something.
It’s her mother’s engagement ring-- Gil had it last. (He gave to Vereesa).
She detects magic, there’s nothing new. But, man, she’s sore.
She moves the ring, the Spider bites are back. It’s raw this time. The wound doesn’t hurt, but it’s quite there.
Vel takes the ring off, gets out of bed, and she goes into a main area, and she doesn’t sleep again that night.