[Horde] Session Ten
As soon as the events unfolded with Jaraxxus, Arthak pats Azgadaan on the shoulder and then goes to limp below deck in order to take his armor off and return to resting. Azgadaan follows, and Arthak collapses back on the captain’s bed.
Remnii saw to their wounds, but then gave them some privacy.
Arthak: “By the way… Azgadaan….”
Azgadaan: “Yeah?”
Arthak: “I’d like to… uhh… urghh… apologize. For, uhh… losing my temper a few weeks back.”
Azgadaan: “Just before we left, or when you slammed me into the carriage?”
Arthak: “Well… uh… my behavior since the Black Temple… you’ve been getting the bulk of it, so...:”
Azgadaan: “As you can see, corruption takes many forms. In my case, physical deformity, and in your case increased aggression.”
Arthak: “Well, in either case. I apologize.”
Azgadaan: “Not to worry, we’re in this together anyway.”
Arthak: “So we are. That was… well done. With your father, with his minion.”
Azgadaan: “Unfortunately that was not nearly his most powerful minion under his command.”
Arthak didn’t expect it to be. “It isn’t easy to, um, step out of the shadow of one’s ancestors. That’s all I’m saying. It’s not easy. So. Well done.”
Azgadaan thanks him, and expresses Arthak’s choice of words were spot-on.
Arthak: “If you continue that line of thought and say something about stepping into the Light I may get out of this bed to hurt you.”
Azgadaan laughs. “I’m not that far gone yet.”
Arthak expresses he is going to get some rest. Ideally, before they hit land he will be able to recover from the stomach injuries. Arthak says Azgadaan should do the same.
They will have to deal with the injuries as best they can.
Azgadaan bids Arthak farewell, then goes off to find a hammock. Arthak passes out.
At some point, when Azgadaan is alone, Kaylaan seeks him out. He leans up against the wall and crosses his arms.
Azgadaan asks if he’s having a good day, at which point the eredar expresses that is is going better than Azgadaan’s.
Azgadaans asks what he wants.
Kaylaan: “I suppose I was merely curious.”
Azgadaan: “What? Of how corruption affects demons?”
Kaylaan: “Of that. And what your next plans are.”
Azgadaan: “I can tell you it doesn’t involve looking like a toad.”
Kaylaan: “That would be an apt place to start.”
Azgadaan: “Well, now that you asked me, I will return the question to you.”
Kaylaan: “My plans have not changed. I suppose my question comes from how do you plan to deal with your father? You are aware he will not stop because of this slight, no?”
Azgadaan: “I am aware. My father’s power reaches far, but it will take some time for him to personally come. But he will send minions after me and my compatriots, and quite possibly yourself.”
Kaylaan: “Do you think you will be able to hold them off indefinitely? What you and your friends did was impressive, but your father is still a lord of the Burning Legion. It may not be a single wrathguard next time.”
Azgadaan is well aware. “If my father is one thing, he’s arrogant and underestimates… and most I can do is plan on taking advantage of that.”
Kaylaan: “Might I provide a suggestion?”
Azgadaan: “If you’re willing.”
Kaylaan: “The Burning Legion is a breeding ground, and the progeny is pride and stature. The cesspool always has a bigger fish, and I have no doubt inevitably others will learn of this disagreement. They will try to capitalize on it, on both aspects. But you are right. They smell blood. If you don’t clean yourself up soon, you’re just going to get drug underwater.”
Azgadaan expresses he is well-aware, but he isn’t sure how long recovery will take.
Kaylaan: “Then let's hope you can run very, very fast. Good evening, Azgadaan.”
Azgadaan bids him good evening as well as the eredar leaves. Yrel passes him as she enters, and she scowls at him, but Kaylaan completely ignores her.
Yrel greets Azgadaan. “I was just coming to make sure you are not dying of some horrible curse or something.”
Azgadaan: “I’m not dying yet, but certainly a curse.”
Yrel: “Listen… after what happened the other day. I wanted to apologize for doubting your… commitment to this… whatever you are doing. Clearly, you are either playing one of the longest games I’ve ever seen, or you are truly committed to discovering what happened to your mother, and it is pretty obvious which of that is.”
Azgadaan: “Well, my father did drill into me that playing the long-game is a good thing… but I’m playing the long-game against him.”
Yrel: “That isn’t very long.” She laughs. “Once we get off of this boat, and you have some time to recover, we need to double-down on your training. We need to make sure you have ample resources at your disposal to fend your father off. You handled yourself well during the fight. Honestly I didn’t realize I could help teach you in such a way, I suppose that was a surprise.”
Azgadaan expressed that she was definitely a help, even though she fumbled at first.
Yrel: “Well, consider this the first step. Once we get some distance, perhaps after this is over… after, you know, perhaps I can tell you of what I know of a few things. I know that Remnii had a few plans to help instruct you as well. I’m not as adept as prayer as she was. I was never quite as talented as my sister or she. But I can tell you what life was like for us. I can tell you what the Light means to me, and maybe from there you can start figuring out what it means for you. ‘Cause clearly it meant something to your mother. Perhaps that can be the first step towards discovering what that was.”
Azgadaan: “Well, I’ll be looking forward to it.”
Yrel: “Don’t look too much forward to it. Eventually we’re going to change to live blades, after all.”
Azgadaan: “Well, I don’t imagine that would be much more painful than the 30 seconds of joy my father showed me.”
Yrel smiles. “First thing’s first… we have a naaru to find.”
Azgadaan agrees, and Yrel tells him to get some rest. She then turns and leaves as well.
The day before the warband makes landfall in Farahlon, there is a large storm that strikes down on the island they see in the distance. However, the lightning itself is purple instead of the typical blue or white.
The wind begins to pick up and jostles the ship, and it immediately takes on a chill. There is a thicket of black trees along a blackened and deadened coast. There is a loud thump against the hull, and in the waters the ship is surrounded by flotsam and jetsam. Some of it orcish, some of it is draenic.
The captain looks out and expresses he doesn’t think they will be able to get closer to the island in the ship. Either they can wait out the storm, or try to take the landing craft and find shelter on the island.
The captain said they had brought enough supplies for about a month, and they would stay moored for about that long so the group could do what they needed to do. It was decided that Mork and Mindi would stay aboard the ship as well.
Sorak goes to wake up Arthak and explains the situation.
The captain was unwilling to go any closer to where they were to meet Socrethar, as a Shadowmoon vessel so close to Gorgrond would likely spell a lot of danger. He heavily suggested they travel inland, as then they would have to deal with only the threats of Farahlon.
Unfortunately, either way, Arthak would not get the rest he needed. He expressed that it would likely be better to follow the captain’s advice and not attract any more attention.
They climb into rowboats, and head for the shore.
As they are going, one of the bolts of lightning strikes near Sorak and Wintermaw’s boat. A piece of wreckage twists and shudders and slams into Sorak’s boat, which spills them into the sea.
Arthak attaches some rope to an arrow and shoots the flotsam that Sorak and Wintermaw had grabbed onto so he and Kaylaan could help tow them back into shore as the boat they were in now had a hole in it.
Azgadaan and Samaara are able to keep their boat steady, with Spinyl cheering them on.
Remnii and Yrel also manage to keep their boat steady.
As they run ashore, the ground almost seems to crunch. The beach itself was probably once sand, but now it was blackish-purple. As they get further away from the high tide zone, the ground still appears to be damp.
Sorak is able to see it isn’t natural, as while it seems to be storming, it isn’t raining. The dampness doesn’t seem to be from any sort of precipitation.
They decide to make a shelter for the evening to rest, and Arthak is able to scrounge up some supplies. They are able to weather the storm through the night. Before they know it, the morning arrives, and the strange arcane tempest is now gone.
However, there is something interesting as Sorak steps out from under the shelter. There is a deep crowing sound from up above, and when he looks up, he notices about 20 vultures flying in a wide circle over the area. There is another pack of them clustered nearby. A bunch of wreckage is there, as a ship’s hull is broken on the shore.
Sorak sees (and smells) decaying livestock. The smell was not quite so strong the evening before, but now the vultures are flocking to the beachfront.
Azgadaan pulls out the spyglass he failed to give back to the look-out, and he asks Sorak if he wants to use it to see what’s going on.
Remnii asks if Azgadaan stole it. She isn’t amused.
Sorak takes it and looks. The vultures are pecking at blood bones of a creature. It seems to be a clefthoof and several other livestock. Judging from the sigils on some of the wreckage, it was heading towards Gorgrond.
One of the vultures turns to stare at Sorak, and his blood runs cold for a second as he sees what the vulture actually is.

A sort of lamprey mouth opens under its eye as it releases a caw, and it takes back off into the circling vultures overhead.
Sorak has never seen a creature like that before.
As he looks to his left, there are another set of bones further inland and they are completely clean - bright white.
Sorak suggests that they try to give them a wide birth. The groups starts to head inland, and the vultures continue circling overhead for a time, though eventually they do disperse after a while.
As they continue on, they reach what is supposed to be a forest, but the trees themselves are completely black and it seems to be almost inhumanely still. However, it isn’t quite fel corruption. It’s something else.
Sorak asks what happened here, and Kaylaan pipes up in agreement. Apparently he seems to know what is going on.
Remnii knows as well.
Remnii: “I have not been here in fifteen years. When Tempest Keep arrived, three naaru came - only one left. Mu’ru went into hiding. A’dal was overwhelmed. This is what happens when a god dies. Though it seems to be spreading.”
Kaylaan: “More and more by the year. Curious that. That a being of such unbridled Light can kill a land along with it.”
Remnii: “Similar things happen when stars die.”
Arthak: “Mm. Good that everyone here can appreciate irony.”
They continue on, and night begins to fall.
Spinyl pulls Arthak to the side to talk in privately, and she reveals she would like to talk to him about events on the ship. She wants to know about his thoughts on Jaraxxus.
“Regardless of how I act, I’m not stupid. I can pick up when the party, as a whole, seems to have a chip against the Burning Legion.” She sighs. “I wasn’t born yesterday. I can see the path where this group is heading. I wanted to know your thoughts.”
“What concern of it is yours? You're here to gather information, yes.”
Spinyl scratches the back of her head. “Regardless of that, a girl has wishes, too. I suppose on the former regard, of which I’ve spoken,” She seems to stutter, “Look, I have to know if you’re serious about doing this?”
“Do you?”
“Sooner or later, I’ve been cold in my communication with my Queen. She’ll send someone after me eventually. It’ll be like Azgadaan all over again.”
“You haven’t been reporting in to your mistress?”
Spinyl confirms she hasn’t Arthak asks why.
Spinyl “Well, if Azgadaan is any indication, just because one is a demon doesn’t mean we’re all fans of the Burning Legion. Some of us - most of us - don’t have a choice. That’s why I need to know if you’re serious about this. I’m pretty sure everyone has picked up I’m different than most succubi, and… it tends to make life kind of a living hell. If all of you are the way out, I want to help.”
Arthak hmmmms. “You would turn on the Legion?”
Spinyl nods. “I would. I want to, but I have to use the tools at my disposal.”
Arthak: “Well, as interesting as all of that is to hear, it would be my concern that, well, the tools at your disposal might end up up meaning me or the warband, or my cousin.”
“By the tools at my disposal I meant--”
Arthak: “I know what you meant.”
Spinyl: “I don’t like using people. But regardless I'm going to have to report to my queen eventually unless you want more demons on our tail. So I’m offering a sign of trust.”
“Go on.” Arthak growls.
‘Whenever you wish, I can turn you invisible, and allow you to see me talking to my Queen.” Spinyl says.
Arthak: “You would put me in a position to spy on your mistress, so I can hear exactly what you report?”
“I would.” She confirms. “I want to let you know that I’m serious about this. I want to prove that the information I”m reporting back is what you want me to say. I want to you see for yourself.” Arthak hrrrrmmms. “Now… that is an interesting proposition, but if I were inclined to be paranoid if would occur to me that whatever invisibility, concealment, you could provide, your mistress could pierce it. You have a talent for ferreting out and uncovering secrets, Spinyl. I have to assume your Mistress is your superior my at least a few degrees.” Hrrmph.
Spinyl hrrums too. Spinyl thinks on it, racking her mind to think of Nerezza has that ability.
Arthak: “So, you can put that particular idea to bed-.”
“Only if she suspected something was off.. That’s when she would notice.”
Arthak: “Hmm… But again, one, if I trust that information that means I have to trust you, then going further I need to trust you know your mistress as well as you think you do - an entity that deals and is a master of secrets.”
“I understand.”
“Not quite yet. Let me put it simply. Whether out of a genuine desire to free yourself from the legion or a desire to earn my trust as some other scheme, you want me to trust you. In that, you have a disadvantage that Azgadaan doesn’t. Everything from Az’s relationship to his father… none of that will be silent. None of it will happen quietly, as we saw. Az. made his point when he took his stand. There was no question, what it meant.
You don’t have that luxury. I’ve been paying attention the entire time you’ve been with us. You’re far from stupid. So. If you want to earn my trust, you must do better than doing something I”ll interpret as a trap.
In fact, you’ll need to come up with several somethings.”
Spinyl sighs. “Point taken.”
“I said my piece.”
“I said mine. We can return to camp now…. Regarding Dranosh. I accept to a certain degree, due to circumstances out of my control, I”m a pawn in other’s games. I'll deal with is as best I can. If I’m given any confirmation on my suspicions regarding attentions to my cousin… I won’t be able to kill you permanently so I’ll have to make sure I’ll make an impression if I do.”
Arthak turns and heads back to camp.
Spinyl sighs and she takes out her fan, “We... we’ll be able to trust each other eventually, then. Maybe someday I’ll be able to trust you too.”
Arthak stops and looks at Spinyl. “You can trust me to do what I say. I’m going to.”
“There are multiple types of trust.”
“Hmm. If you’re talking about trusting me as a friend? No.” Arthak says. “So long as we’re allies, you can trust me that far. If I kill you, Spinyl, if I turn my blade on you. You’ll be awake and facing me. You’ll most likely be armed.”
“Most likely.”
“Hmmrrmm. I”ve been known to make exceptions when it comes to people I care about.”
‘To keep her off my tail, I”ll report to her soon. Whether or not you want to listen, it’s up to you.”
“I’ll be interested to hear what you tell me you reported.”
“That I shall.”
“Very well.” THEN Arthak heads back to camp. Spinyl follows.
Sorak asks about what happened. Arthak then briefs him on what happened, how Spinyl wants to win his trust. They discuss keeping an eye on her. She’s trying to make good impressions.
And now campfire stories with Kaylaan, who had watched Spinyl and Arthak wander off, and he greeted them when they returned.
Azgadaan said it was Kaylaan’s turn to tell a story, and he expressed that he actually was hoping to hear what Arthak, Spinyl, and Sorak were talking about. After all, it was not necessary for them to hide in the forest to talk about their plans for destroying Socrethar.
Kaylaan expressed that, for as prideful Socrethar is, he knows a thing or two about betrayal.
Azgadaan: “As I remember, the plan was to seek his help, capture the naaru, and bring it to Gul’dan.”
Kaylaan laughs. “So says the man who told his father to shove off…. But if that is your plan. You will need help.”
Azgadaan: “Why do you want to… off your master?”
Kaylaan: “You asked for a story, no? 14 years ago on this island, there was a battle. I’m sure you’re familiar with it. I was there.”
Azgadaan confirms he is familiar with what the legion had said.
Kaylaan: “Yes, the battle of Tempest Keep. Where A’dal was cut down not 100 miles from where we sit. I was aboard the Keep that day, when it came here. I fought alongside the Shattar against the Burning Legion. I witnessed plenty of my brethren cut down in battle, not the least of which was my own brother by the hand of Socrethar himself. The treacherous worm deserves nothing less than what he gives out.”
Azgadaan: “yet he took you on knowing he slaughtered your brother?”
Kaylaan: “I’m certain her remembers, just as certain as I am he expects what is to come - whether it is now or otherwise is not my concern.”
Arthak: “So… operating under the assumption we intend to betray your master, you want to assist us, with the assumption he expects both of us to betray him.”
Kaylaan: “None of us can take him alone. He is powerful. You need help. I assume you intend to entreat the naaru’s assistance.”
Arthak: “You make many assumptions.”
Kaylaan: “I’ve been watching for two weeks. I am starting to get a feel for how you operate.”
Azgadaan: “I’m assuming that’s why you’re so intrigued about my current condition.”
Kaylaan: “I merely find you curious.”
Remnii: “As you would the whole group.”
Kaylaan smiles. “Would you not find it curious if you were in my position? Not to mention you show up at my master’s doorstep. Otherwise, why else would a shaman - which from what I understand is not legal any longer - surround themselves with draenei - more draenei than anything else.”
Azgadaan: “We had more orcs earlier. They left.”
Kaylaan: “A shame. We could have used the additional firepower.”
Arthak: “You say we. We haven’t agreed on anything.
Kaylaan: “If you plan on striking against Socrethar, I will conveniently strike as well. I’m an opportunist, you see.”
Arthak speculates what Kaylaan seeks to gain.
Kaylaan: “I care not for his position. I simply intend to see him brought low.”
Azgadaan asks what he intends to do after.
Kaylaan: “I’ll figure that out once I ensure I’m alive.”
Arthak: “You seem a bit sentimental for an eredar.”
Kaylaan: “If you’ve not noticed, I’m not exactly like most eredar. Neither is Socrethar.”
Sorak: “So is that a saying among demons? I’m not like others?”
Kaylaan: “Yet he and I are not so similar. You were born on Argus?”
Azgadaan: “Yes, and from what I understand, you were late to the ‘party’.”
Kaylaan: “Let me say that if you decide if my presence was not amicable to your plans and you cut me down, I would not have the privilege of a second chance. Of course, you could say we are somewhere in the middle at this point.”
Arthak grunts. “You still seem to think we intend on betraying your master.”
Kaylaan: “I’ve not heard a denial.”
Arthak: “Perhaps we should kill you as a good gesture to your master.”
Kaylaan: “That would certainly heighten your rapport with him.”
Azgadaan: “And my father, seeing he probably wants us all dead eventually.”
Kaylaan confirms, and then tells Arthak to go on - he won’t stop him. He looks Arthak dead in the eyes.
He continues to egg him on.
Azgadaan: “Kaylaan, I want to clarify one more thing. Did you become an eredar solely to kill Socrethar?”
Kaylaan: “I’m certain I have not been the only one keeping an eye on you. Tell me, former prince Azgadaan, what do you think?”
Azgadaan: “I think if you waited this long, your patience was truly a virtue, and if I were in your shoes getting killed at this point would be quite irritating. I would let you have the chance, but it is not my decision.”
Kaylaan: “Not bad. But no. Just throwing that traitor, that is not the only reason.”
Arthak: “I imagine seeing your god die has a tendency to ruin one’s faith.”
Kaylaan laughs and tells Arthak to look at the ground, and Arthak says he has and has drawn conclusions - as he imagines Kaylaan has.
Kaylaan looks at Samaara: “Not to mention, your newest adjunct to this party, found herself most recently stripped of a power she had known for, what, hundreds, thousands of years? And why?”
Arthak: “For doings that were not her choice, it does seem unfair.”
Kaylaan: “So you have noticed as well. I don’t pretend to understand if the orcs are godly men, but you shan't see me serve such fickle creatures. You mentioned a star earlier, Remnii.”
Remnii confirms.
Kaylaan: “Yes when a star is destroyed, it causes untold destruction., You’re right. I’ve seen it first hand. But a star doesn’t claim to be a savior. A star doesn’t claim to be the champion of a people, the herald of brighter days. A star is a force of chaos. Unnoble to any of us. It exists, then it doesn’t exist. And with the close of the final page of the book, how much is destroyed in the meantime?”
Arthak draws his sword, and walks towards Kaylaan slowly: “Okay.”
Once they are close, Arthak swings right at his neck. He doesn’t move.
Kaylaan: “I’m not afraid of death, orc.”
The blade is hovering right by his neck.
Arthak: “No, you’re not. You almost want it, don’t you?”
Kaylaan: “Is it that obvious?”
Arthak: “Alright. I can use that.” He removes his sword. “Alright. We’ll work with you. For now. Deal straight with us - with me - you’ll get your best chance at revenge. If you care to, you may gain some level of satisfaction against the naaru if you want it. If you want to die afterwards, that can also be arranged and made clean. Your choice. Turn against us, I’ll personally make sure you don’t die.”
Kaylaan: “you’re a strange one, Arthak. You’re not like the orcs that we heard about. Across the stars. But then again, I seem to have found quite the… group of outliers.”
Azgadaan said he thought the same thing when he first arrived (when the group tried to sneak away, but Azgadaan got them). Arthak gives him the “reeeaaaallly?” look. Sorak comments if they had known what type of eredar Azgadaan was, they may have just left.
Arthak: “So, Kaylaan do you accept my terms?”
Kaylaan: “I do. And I, unlike Socrethar, am a man of my word. I have no intention of harming any of you.”
Arthak: “Alright. If you are what I think you are, I think I can believe that.”
He turns to walk away, and tosses Kaylaan’s mace back to him.
(Remnii may have a fever dream about Kaylaan removing Arthak and Sorak’s feet, because there are more hooves than feet in this warband)
Yrel and Azgadaan are on same watch. Arthak wants to be on watch with Kaylaan, but he still needs to recover. He assigns Sorak to take watch with Kaylaan instead. Samaara takes watch alone. Remnii offers to get up with her, but Samaara said she would rather Remnii get rest.
However, Remnii gets up to stay up with Samaara anyway. Samaara expresses it had been quiet. Perhaps too quiet. There were no bird or animal noises.
Remnii asks Samaara how she’s been doing. Samaara says she has been fine, though Remnii see through such claims. However, she doesn’t say anything. She simply takes Samaara’s hand and sits next to her.
It’s comforting. Samaara expresses that Remnii should not let what Kaylaan said about the naaru get to her as there were naysayers even before A’dal’s death. Remnii expressed that she wasn’t sure if the naaru were always right, but she did not think they would ever abandon them. Samaara also didn’t think they abandoned her.
There is some more friendly conversation and comforting of each other.
However, Samaara notices something. Her eyes narrow, and she asks Remnii if she smells something.
It’s burning.
Over the horizon, there is light in the distance, and it seems to be heading in their direction. There is also smoke rising.
Remnii goes to Arthak and Sorak’s tent, while Samaara goes to fetch Yrel. The warband quickly gathers their things and get moving.
The fire is heading straight toward the group - it is fairly unnatural.
Arthak, Sorak, and Remnii do not make it out in time. One of the streams of fire scorches through them. Sorak and Remnii manage to avoid the bulk of the damage, but the fire wraps around Arthak and catches him in a blazing inferno.
They try to scramble out of the way, but they get caught in the blaze again. Sorak is using ‘’absorb elements’’ to try and negate some of the damage inflicted on him.
Samaara tries to save someone from the blaze, but isn’t able to get through. Remnii also heals Arthak as they try to scramble through the woods. Arthak is still on fire.
Kaylaan pushes his way through the fire and reaches his hand out to help someone through. Fortunately, Arthak, Sorak, and Remnii break through the fire, and Azgadaan douses the flames on Arthak.
Some of the others noticed the jets of fire were not alone. There were figures running at the front of them, and they were cackling in orc voices.
Likely Laughing Skulls.
Spinyl saw one of them wearing a strange, painted skull.
Arthak was able to provide some information on the tribe, namely that they are all pyromaniacs and their leader is Kaz the Shrieker, who is a tad unhinged. The tribe as a whole is a bit too crazy for the Horde.
Something else to note, the trees themselves - even if on fire - do not crumble. They just burn, and char more. It’s like they are petrified, but the bark is still there.
The group continues to run along the coast, though there is a moaning coming to the north. The orcs that started to set fire to things sprinted off to the west.
Nothing really happens as they go along the coast. There are no more sightings of the Laughing Skulls. By the time night starts to approach, they near the Ruins of Arklon.
Azgadaan looks through his spyglass, and sees an orc body leaning against the walls of the village. It’s clearly dead, and there are several somethings sticking into it.
The orc is clearly Laughing Skull, and the objects seem to be arrows or javelins or something.
They get closer, and Arthak pulls out the thin shafts. If one were to splinter a log, it looks like a giant splinter. However, as he pulls it out, it snags on something, and he notices there are some vines that climb over the ruins. The splinters seem to be connected to those vines.
However, as they look beyond the body, they see more such bodies.
The vines are also not just climbing up over the building - they are climbing over the bodies, and some of the vines are even climbing under the orc’s skin.
They decide not to camp here.
Sorak, however, finds a seed pod tucked into a vine that snakes out of the body’s neck behind the back of the ear. Sorak goes to take it.
However, the party talks him down, and they go to leave.
Almost in slow motion, the ground breaks from beneath them, and a predatory plant bursts from the earth. It smacks Sorak to the ground, and vines whip around. The body that the vines were in jerks, and it begins to stand up.
Then all the other bodies do the same.
They begin to attach the large mound of vegetation, and Samaara shoots an arrow into it. Sorak, meanwhile, touches the mass with a surge of shadowy energy and it recoils.
However, as it opens its mouth, something echoes through the group’s minds. “He is gone. He is here. He is trapped. Child of Grond. Child be buried. Child buried with him. By him.”.
Wintermaw charges forward to attack one of the orcs, but he bites on to a big batch of bark and it did nothing.
Arthak, however, knew the name Grond. In orcish legends, a long time ago a titanic colossus by the same name went by the same name. When he was slain, supposedly his body fell and became the land that is now Gorgrond.
Several of the infested orc bodies attack Wintermaw, Arthak, and Kaylaan, but they all miss.
The shambling mound smacks Arthak, and his helmet spun off his head along with one of his tusks - which fell by Spinyl’s hooves. Arthak, in pain, strikes back at the mound of living vegetation. It strikes at him again, but Arthak is able to dodge.
Kaylaan swings his mace around and quickly crunches through three of them.
Yrel runs to back up Arthak, and eliminates another one of the infested bodies. Her hammer cleaves through it and impacts the shambling mound. She then holds out her hand, and a light blue glyph appears over her and Sorak’s forehead as she heals him.
Spinyl walks forward and quickly covers many of the enemies with glittering fire.
The shambling mound cries out mentally again. “Devour you. Sleep with the father!”
Meanwhile, another infested orc runs at Kaylaan but basically just impales itself on the spikes on Kaylaan’s armor.
Azgadaan swings at an infested with his sword and cuts through two of them. He runs ahead and nearly takes down a third.
Wintermaw tears off an arm of another infested orc after it swipes at him, but it’s still up.
Samaara runs by and shoots an arrow through the head of one orc, and then shoots a second one and obliterates that one as well.
Azgadaan finished off another infested orc, and then swiped at the shambling mound.
Another infested smacks Kaylaan, and Kaylaan looks at it with glowing eyes. In a flash of light, the orc explodes due to the backlash of ‘’hellish rebuke.’’ He laughs maniacally as he crashes through several more orcs.
Remnii heals Arthak. Like she always does.
Kaylaan takes his mace and slams it into the ground. There is a blast of flaming energy, and he obliterates five of the orcs around him.
Sorak once again touches the shambling mound and dark energy explodes into it as ooze explodes off of it and vines slough off. Arthak immediately charges in after, and splits the rest of its torso open and it crumbles.
They handily finish off the rest.
Sorak still wants to get the seed at this point, and Arthak clearly disagrees.
Just then, arms break up from the ground as dozens more of the infected orcs pop up out of nowhere.
Sorak relents that he may not need a sample after all.
They are surrounded, and there is the smell of sulfur in the air. In a perfect circle around the group, a six foot wall of fire erupts around them and blasts them with heat. However, in the process, all of the infested orcs are incinerated.
Both Samaara and Spinyl are blasted off their feet and fall to the ground.
Then the fire is gone.
Kaz: ”Heheheheh. Well the first thing you should learn of healing this land, is you want to burn the bodies! Hehehehe! Welcome to Farahlon. I see the natives have greeted you!”