[Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Thirty

Appearing Characters: Alestrasz, Brody, Dawn Brightstar, Durgozz, Elissa Cross, Gilveradin Windrunner, Picatrix, Remnii, Seria, Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor

January 3rd

Vel had just opened another door across the hall from Durgozz, to reveal two gnolls, who were conversing in their native language. The two look at Vel somewhat flabbergasted.

Velameestra Windrunner says: There’s another pair over here.
First Gnoll says: It time?
Velameestra Windrunner says: You’re referring to Shadowhide, yes?

The gnoll nods.

Second Gnoll says: It time?
Velameestra Windrunner says: No, it’s not.
First Gnoll says: How much time must we wait? We wait patiently.

Vel glances at Uther seeing Gil is currently busy with Durgozz.

First Gnoll says: Well?
Uther Menethil says: No, not this one. It will be your time when we tell you it’s your time.

He looks at Vel.

Uther Menethil says: Now come along.

The gnolls look at each other.

First Gnoll says: Me not recognize you.
Uther Menethil says: Unsurprising. You all look the same to me too.
First Gnoll says: What did you say!?

The gnolls stand up and snarl, and Vel quickly shuts the door and relocks it. There is the sound of the gnolls attacking the door on the other side.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Well, lets not open that door again anytime soon.

The ground rumbles as the tower blasts again from above. Vel goes to the last door, and she opens it. This time, there are five gnolls huddled up against the wall. They appear to be of more typical fur patterns, and they all seem to be rather thin and somewhat frightened.

The gnolls snarl at Vel, but none are armed.

Vel blinks, then steps aside for Uther.

Uther Menethil says: He’s not in this one either.

He steps back and shuts the door.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: You aren’t going to talk to them?

Uther explains they are not going to get much out of emaciated gnoll prisoners, but Gil opts to see what he can do for them. Vel hands over the keys and opens Beve’s journal to see what else she can find in it.

Gil opens the door.

Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: I’m not here to hurt you.

The gnolls don’t say anything.

Gil reaches into his pack and pulls out some rations, then he steps toward them. The gnolls flinch but don’t lunge at him. Gil steps into the room and places 10 rations on the ground. The gnolls look at the food, then back to GIl, and Gil backs up. One of the gnolls takes a cautious step forward, and sniffs at the rations, then grabs one. He begins to eat it, and slowly, the others start to approach. There’s some shoving, but they snag the food and retreat to begin to eat.

Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: How long have you been down here?
Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: Don’t know. No sun. Can’t tell.
Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: Why are you down here?
Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: Fangore.
Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: He’s dead now.

The gnolls start to laugh at the statement.

Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: Impossible.

Gil pulls out one of the darkhound teeth he has and tosses it to them.

Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: So is his creature.
Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: You… you slew Fangore?
Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: Yes.
Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: Then we are free. We of the mountains can live without fear once again.
Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: Yes, but there is an army of humans outside right now.

The gnolls look at each other, concerned.

Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: I’m going to leave the door unlocked, and open if you prefer. I’m going up with my group to clear out the tower. Afterwards, we’ll come back down here for Durgozz, and any others. We’ll make sure you get back to your clan.

The gnolls look at each other.

Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: We honor the words of you who speak our tongue. We have little other option. The humans will kill us. And skin us. If you can guarantee our safety, we can offer only gratitude.
Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: I promise I’ll come back for you. Then we can exit the tower, and you can go home.
Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: If there is home.
Second Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: If there is not, then we shall make home.

Gil smiles.

Gilveradin Windrunner says [Gnoll]: Exactly. If your home is gone, you can find a new one. It’s just a place.
Emaciated Gnoll says [Gnoll]: Go with the blessings, and may your bones never shatter.

The gnolls settle in after requesting Gil leave the door open.

Meanwhile, Vel had been flipping through Beve’s journal for the event in the Eastweald, and Beve makes mention of a high profile job she was leading that happened roughly around the same time as Arthas’s kidnapping. She doesn’t come out and say it, but it seems like Beve might have been the mage that got the Syndicate members and Arthas out.

Velameestra Windrunner says: It seems the key to the barrier is likely elsewhere.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Well lets go back up then.

The group heads back to the main lobby. They head through the other door in the lobby, which is a nice wooden door with a nice filigree design. Uther opens the door and they start heading up. As Uther approaches the top of the stairs with Vel right behind him, he turns to his immediate left, and he sees the room is a modestly decorated room. His attention is drawn immediately to a small voice to his right. On a small chair at a desk is a dark grey imp that is standing on a chair, with a long piece of parchment and books. The imp is wearing the garb of a scholar, and there is a golden chain that connects his ear to a monocle on his eye.

He looks at Uther with a tired expression.

Scholarly Imp says: There you are. I assume that you’re the one that caused the ruckus downstairs 20 or so minutes ago, yes?
Uther Menethil says: Perhaps. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking.
'Scholarly Imp says: You ignorant fool. Don’t you know better than to wear your boots inside? My name is Picatrix.
Uther Menethil says: Pleased to make your acquaintance, Picatrix.
Picatrix says: And who do I have the pleasure of speaking? I haven’t seen you all.
Uther Menethil says: Good ser knight will do for now.
Picatrix says: Good ser knight? That’s not a moniker I would expect to see here.
Uther Menethil says: No, I don’t suppose you would.

Vel lights the lantern of revealing on her hip upon seeing the imp.

Picatrix says: Well, I wager you, good ser knight, have no business here. If you would go back downstairs and remove your boots like you should know, then you can enjoy the comforts of the lower levels.
Uther Menethil says: Forgive my ignorance, but why the focus on keeping everyone from wearing their boots?
'Picatrix says: Because Lord Morganth demands it? Good ser knight, if you requested someone not wear their boots in your castle, you’d take offense, won’t you? This one, at least, is fine.

He gestures at Remnii, who has hooves.

Remnii says: Oh. Thank you.
Picatrix says: And no, your greaves don’t count. They’re all the same. But you have no business in the library or the upper levels, so you can turn yourselves around and go back to the bottom. I imagine you have a meeting with lord Morganth, or you wouldn’t be here. If that’s the case, he’ll be aware of it, and he can fetch you when the time is right.
Uther Menethil says: And, hypothetically, if I was disinclined to obey these requests?
Picatrix says: That would be extremely rude. And you should know the upper levels are off limits to all but Lord Morganth’s most trusted apprentices.

Gil pops around the corner and shoots the imp. The arrow strikes right through Picatrix’s face, and he explodes into a puff of fel smoke.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Right. So we’re moving on, right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes, I suppose we are.

Gil has Ara’shel go to scout, and he hears footsteps to the south. As the group steps in, they see a small demonic creature with a stack of books appear. It sees the group and then starts shouting an alarm. Remnii recognized it as a wyrmtongue.

Remnii says: Oh. That’s called a wyrmtongue. They are quite low in the hierarchy. He is likely here for some kind of labor. They can be crafty. Be careful. And watch for spiders.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We don’t have time for talking. If you’re going to shoot, shoot.

Remnii sees a gnoll fling a door open, and it casts an orb of annihilation at Remnii. There is an explosion of fire, and the gnoll backs away from the doorway. Gil looks into the door, and he sees the wyrmtongue, the gnoll, and a human cultist. There are also others in the room that are scuffling around. Gil immediately fires at the gnoll that attacked Remnii, leaving it critically wounded and bleeding.

Victor Prestor says: You son of a bitch!

He charges into the room.

Victor Prestor says: ...There’s more in here than I thought there was!

He swings down at the neophyte he nearly ran into, then pirouettes and thrusts a second time.

Victor Prestor says: This is going to get interesting!

Seria casts barksin on herself, and her skin takes on the bark-like appearance to give her a natural defense. She jumps into the room and transforms into a small raptor, ready to fight.

Neophyte says: It’s the interlopers from outside! Everyone!

The neophyte holds out a hand, and his eyes turn black as a fel rune appears. However, Victor shrugs off the effects of the curse.

Uther also runs into the room and attacks the neophyte that had tried to curse Victor, slamming into him with a crunch of his hammer. The second hit also connects, dropping him to the ground.

The wyrmtongue librarian mutters nervously, and there’s an ominous voice that shouts in common.

Booming Voice says: You idiot! Protect the books!

The wyrmtongue attacks Victor.

Victor Prestor says: Get of, you cretin!
Wyrmtongu says: Yes, lord!

A second wyrmtongue charges at Seria, and she drops concentration, dropping the barkskin.

Vel steps into the room, noting the wounded gnoll, and she reaches out with a hand, choking the life out of it with a spectral, skeletal hand. As it drops to the ground she unsheathes her sword.

There is some chanting in deep eredun, and all of a sudden there is a flash of fel energy from one of the back rooms. The stone breaks out, and something large begins to push itself out from around the corner. A horrifyingly large creature with long horns and tusks, wielding a massive cleaver, comes breaking through the doorway. It roars as it wrecks its way through, and it tries to strike with its cleaver.

Both of its strikes go to Seria, tossing her out of her raptor form as it slams her against a wall. A neophyte and two wyrmtongues are also slammed into a wall.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: ...what is going on in there?
Remnii says: I don’t know.

Gil and Remnii exchange looks, and Remnii peeks her head in, and then immediately backs out, casting a smite at the wyrmtongue. There is a pungent odor of the pheromones of the wyrmtongue, and Vel and Gil are overcome with a wave of frightening chills.

Another wyrmtongue jumps on Seria.

Elissa arrives in the doorway and attacks the wyrmtongue on the ground. She plunges her blade into it, and the wyrmtongue vanishes, now dead.

Victor moves over to help Seria, and swings into the demonic butcher near her, his sword bursting into fire that unfortunately wafts over the butcher harmlessly.

Seria summons a faerie dragon, though this one is larger than the last ones she had conjured, appearing to be an adult. It croons as it floats in the air.

Uther steps up to the demonic butcher and swings his hammer, the weapon flaring with holy light as he slams into it. However, as the butcher raises its fists in defense, it shoves his second strike away.

The faerie dragon does a backflip and then blasts a spray of gas into the demonic butcher’s face. The demon’s tongue lolls out of its mouth, dripping saliva as it comes under the effects of the faerie dragon’s euphoria breath. The faerie dragon then disappears and turns invisible. However, due to the lantern of revealing, it looks confused as it sees a silhouette of itself. It speaks to Seria telepathically.

Faerie Dragon says [telepathically]: Yaaaay! Now it will have fun! But this is strange.

The wyrmtongue attacks Victor, quite panicked.

Faerie Dragon says [telepathically]: Strike quickly, friends, it is awash in its own delusions!

Vel skirts by to get next to Uther and Victor and her sword alights with cold energy as she slashes her sword into the demonic butcher’s chest.

The orcish warlock fires a shadowbolt at Victor, and it slams into his chest. The demonic butcher, meanwhile, tries to run away due to the euphoria.

Demonic Butcher says [Eredun]: Pretty… butterfly….

It tries to grab at an invisible butterfly, and bumps his head into a wall.

Neophyte says: Can you move this thing!?
Orcish Warlock says: I’m trying…

Remnii scoots into the room to heal Victor with a touch of glowing energy, and then she backs out of the room again.

Another wyrmtongue flails on Seria, managing to do some damage. And the faerie dragon then disappears as Seria’s concentration drops. Elissa runs over and heals Seria.

Gil pokes his head into the door again, firing an arcane arrow into the butcher, and the cold damage still wafting around it from Vel’s frigid strike explodes. Gil follows up with another attack, and a portal of fel energy opens as it falls through and disappears in a burst of fel fire.

Victor whirls around and strikes the wyrmtongue closest to him, killing it.

Seria uses thorn whip on the surviving wyrmtongue, the energy wrapping around the demon as it lashes him.

Wyrmtongue says: Mercy!!!!!

It cowers from her.

The Argus Wake Neophyte can finally see the group and they move into view, trying to use corruption on Uther… but it actually can’t affect him. The warlock panics and retreats.

Uther follows them into the side room, and he sees the orc warlock as well as the two neophytes. He goes for the orc warlock, but the warlock blocks the hammer with his staff.

'Orcish Warlock says: I’ve heard about you, princeling.
Uther Menethil says: Then the stories you’ve heard aren’t accurate. Because if they were, you’d be much more terrified right now.

Uther responds with another swing, his hammer illuminating with holy fire.

Vel follows after Uther to take care of the other two warlocks, her sword flaring with cold energy. She sees the orc warlock try to cast a spell, which Vel promptly counters--revealing it to be blight.

Meanwhile, one of the neophytes uses burning hands, but the damage barely seems to brush Vel and Uther as it singes some books. Vel pats the fire out on a book with a hand.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I don’t condone book burning.

Remnii, meanwhile, casts smite on the wyrmtongue, and it promptly starts cowering.

The other neophyte uses burning hands.

Velameestra Windrunner says: You can surrender now.

The neophyte clearly doesn’t intend on surrendering, and the fires wafts over Elissa, Uther, and Vel, barely doing damage.

Velameestra Windrunner says: ...this is starting to get pathetic.

Gil finishes off the wyrmtongue and also gets into the room, shooting an arrow at the orcish warlock. The warlock drops down, taking a good deal of damage.

Vel looks at the two neophytes.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Last chance.
Female Neophyte says: Alright! Alright! It’s not worth our lives. Alright!
Orcish Warlock says: You cowards!

Remnii heals Victor, and the orc warlock roars as he casts orb of annihilation at Vel. The orb misses, but explodes. However, Elissa’s aura halves the damage.

Female Neophyte says: Get out of the way!

She looks at Vel, and as Vel steps aside, the neophyte lobs a firebolt at the orc warlock. Elissa follows up, dropping the orc with a slash of her sword. However, the orc forces himself back to his feet with relentless endurance. Uther, however, brings his hammer down, crushing the orc’s skull and causing his black blood to pour onto the stone.

Female Neophyte says: You’re the honorable types, right?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Some of us are.
Female Neophyte says: Spare our lives, and we’ll tell you everything we know. No tricks. You have paladins with you. I know how you operate. I joined this cult for power, not to throw my life away to stop do-gooders.
Uther Menethil says: Then tell us what to expect.
Female Neophyte says: I can tell you what we know. Unfortunately, neither of us were in any position to end significantly higher than this. But I need your word, paladin. Promise I’ll make it out of here alive. I expect to be carted off to jail. I don’t care.
Uther Menethil says: Your lives are safe. You will stand trial, but you will leave this tower alive.
Female Neophyte says: Alright. Good enough for me. I can tell you what to expect on some of the floors. This is the library, as you noticed. The floor above is the laboratory. Neither of us have been there, but we saw the orc and Morganth head up there with lady Perenolde. We followed her, because she promised we could gain the power to make lasting change in Alterac. That’s why I followed, that’s why he followed. I don’t know where she is. Either here, or Stonewatch Keep. if you’re looking for her, that’s your best bet. I don’t know what order everything is above us, but I know the grand occultist’s personal quarters are there as well. I surmise the room he controls this place with is above us, and he’s come and gone without the front door. He probably has a teleportation circle. He’s also an alchemist, and likely has a conservatory.
Uther Menethil says: I appreciate your candor.
Female Neophyte says: I wager you would.
Uther Menethil says: I don’t suppose you’ve seen any prisoners in this tower that bear a resemblance to myself?
Female Neophyte says: You’re talking about the king. That must make you Uther Menethil. He was expecting you. That’s all I know.
Uther Menethil says: The king?
Female Neophyte says: No. Morganth. The grand occultist. I can’t say what’s going on, but I know it’s a trap. This whole army? The one you decimated? It was all for some purpose. I don’t know what, but he was building it for something. Neither of us were high enough on the totem pole to know too much about it.
Uther Menethil says: Appreciate the information nonetheless.
Female Neophyte says: I don’t know where your father is. If I did, I would tell you, because otherwise it would be the death of me. There’s a good chance Beve knows. If you can find her, you can probably squeeze the information out of her.
Male Neophyte says:: I think you told them enough.
Female Neophyte says: We lost this, Brody.

The female neophyte drops a name, that Vel recognizes as the name that the warlock in the Violet Hold had mentioned.

Velameestra Windrunner says: You’ll be pleased to know your friend is alive. She mentioned you.
Brody says: Why?
Velameestra Windrunner says: To ask we don’t kill you. It’s your lucky day.
Brody says: Where is she?
Velameestra Windrunner says: The Violet Hold.
Brody says: I’m glad she’s alive. I have no loyalty to lady Perenolde, just make sure she doesn’t come after me. If she walks out of this tower alive, we’re both dead, if she’s even here.

They decide to keep the pair in custody, and Gil asks how to get into the lab in the dungeons. They suggest they check the orc, and they manage to find another key rune. The warlocks also hand over their effects and key runes.

Vel asks if she can take a quick look around the library to see if there’s anything useful there, and they agree it’s a good idea. A few people stay back with Vel to help her look as the others take the two warlocks to a holding cell in preparation to go into the high security area. Vel summons Arkha’din to help her hone in on specifically magical items.

Vel, Seria, Victor, and Remnii search for magical items, with Remnii helping Seria and Victor helping Vel. They find many books of interesting things. Seria finds what appears to be a spell scroll, and Vel is quickly able to identify it as a scroll of levitation. Meanwhile, Vel finds a handful of other scrolls: a scroll of unleash and a scroll of magic mouth.

They the head back down to back up the others in the basement, where they had locked up the cultists. The group turns back to the barrier with the key rune they got off the warlock, and as Gil puts the key through the barrier, it shuts down, revealing a small, naturally carved passage. There is a short hallway in, and there appears to be a rune on the floor. Toward the left is a heavy steel gate, and to the right the passage continues.

Vel moves forward to take a look at the rune on the floor.

Velameestra Windrunner says:: It’s a glyph of warding. I can dispel it, but it looks like there’s another one beyond and I… don’t have many resources.

Victor asks the warlocks if they can dispel, and they can’t. Vel requests one of the gnoll bodies to be passed up, and she tries to toss it on one of the glyphs, but it doesn’t do anything.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Wait. Someone pass up a palette.

Vel uses the scroll of levitate and casts it on the palette so it can hover over the glyphs. She then unlocks one of the doors and reveals two captive darkhounds. Vel announces to the group what’s in there, and Gil gets on the palette with her.

They then open the door again, and immediately get blasted with fire. Gil takes a few shots at the one he can see.

Victor Prestor says: Do you need help in there? What are you fighting?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Fire breathing dogs.
Victor Prestor says: Oh. Well then.

There’s another gout of fire, but it can’t reach them, while the other darkhound bites furiously at the bars.

Vel curses in annoyance and moves the palette forward then jumps into the room. Gil also jumps into the room after his sister and shoots the darkhound he was focusing on. Vel follows up with a chill touch on the hound. Victor hops into the room after them.

The fiery darkhound breathes fire again, hitting both Victor and Gil. Elissa also gets into the room, as does Seria.

The wounded darkhound tries to bite at Victor through the bars, but it’s unable to do so.

Uther gets up on the palette and firebolts the wounded darkhound, but it doesn’t strike true.

Elissa gets in and stabs the unwounded darkhound, and Gil finishes off the wounded one. Victor goes and puts down the second one.

Vel takes a quick look around the room, and the room seems to have been molded with magic, and it also appears to be out of the direct line of the force field, which she announces.

Victor Prestor says: Is there anyway beyond?
Velameestra Windrunner says: We can dimension door, but that’s dangerous.
Victor Prestor says: Wait. This is outside the barrier you said? I might have something.

He uses mold earth to excavate the wall, and he then steps aside so someone else can look inside.

A voice calls out.

Small Voice says: Hello? Who’s there?

Gil uses produce flame as he peers in. It’s a dragon, with tarnished, but still crimson scales. The dragon is very young, much younger than Nori. It appears to be a whelp.

Gil rushes in.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Gil, what’s in there?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: A very, very young red dragon.
Red Dragon Whelp says: You don’t look like one of the lady in red’s men. Are you here to rescue me?

Gil nods.

Red Dragon Whelp says: Please, I’m afraid. My sire might be in trouble.

The whelp appears to be incredibly wounded, and Gil quickly puts rejuvenation on it. As the magic washes over him, he looks at Gil.

Red Dragon Whelp says: That magic… did the others send you? Did my father? Is he alright?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I came here for a different reason. I didn’t know you were here.
Red Dragon Whelp says: It’s good you found me!
Gilveradin Windrunner says: What’s your sire’s name?
Red Dragon Whelp says: His name is Orastrasz. He’s a guardian in the ancient caverns. I believe the man in the tower, I believe he wishes to harm him. That would be very bad.

Vel takes a look at the magic chain, which appears to be forged of a black metal that she recognizes as adamantium. It’s completely resistant to fire, and is enchanted with magic that keeps anyone from shifting their form. There are scratch marks and scorch marks all over the chamber, including where the other chains are at.

Remnii casts guidance on Vel to help her, and Seria uses nature’s curse on the chain as well, causing the adamantine to rust. Vel fiddles with the chain, and she is able to magically override the magic. Gil then pulls the chain off the whelp.

Red Dragon Whelp says: Thank you all so much. What can I do to repay you? Who are you?

The group introduces themselves.

Red Dragon Whelp says: It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Alestrasz. You all saved my life. If it would please you, I can take a different form? Sorry, I haven’t spoken with many mortals.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That’s up to you. Whatever you’re more comfortable in.
Alestrasz says: For the time being, I’ll take this form. When the time comes, I’ll take a different form. You are not afraid of me? I was told most folks would attack, but you are not like most folks, are you? Are you… are you a dragonsworn? Your magic reminds me of what we can use. I was told of your kind before.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m a member, yeah.
Alestrasz says: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Gilveradin Windrunner! I owe you and all of you my life. If you can help my sire, please. You may be the only ones that can. I can tell you the last things I remember. My memories are fuzzy, but I remember being taken. I was taken to lure him perhaps, I do not know. I was kept here. They would come and harm me, but less myself than the others. I suppose I was lucky, but I don’t know who they were. The foul mage and the lady in red. They came the most, but the mage was the one that tormented the others here.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Do you know what they were after?
Alestrasz says: I do not. I… Alexstrasza forgive me. My father is a guardian of a very important artifact. It’s known as the Demon Soul. If the wizard that controls this tower is after it, the world could be in danger. I only know if its history. Vaguely. It’s an artifact of unknowable power tied to dragons. My sire’s sacred duty was to protect it from any that would try to take it. Forgive me for telling you, but in this circumstance it may be the only way.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: We know that… the wizard Morganth, the foul wizard, he’s had quite a bit of interest in dragons in this area.
Alestrasz says: I am the last remaining that was imprisoned here, but there are two others. I fear they may no longer be alive. I don’t know much about them. They were not forthcoming. They were black dragons after all. They looked to be similar of age to myself. They attempted to free themselves, but they were taken from this place. I only hope they did not suffer.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Do you have any way to communicate with anyone?
Alestrasz says: I’m sorry, I do not. I’m very young. Why have you come here?
Uther Menethil says: I’m… actually searching for my own father.
Alestrasz says: Is that the case? Well I am sorry. I have seen no humans, not before I saw the lady in red and the dread wizard. If there are more, I do not know where they are. But I would not be surprised if my sire knew! He knows many of the happenings of this valley!
Uther Menethil says: If my search here proves fruitless, if you could arrange a way to ask him, I would appreciate it.
Alestrasz says: Of course! I am not strong enough to fly, but when I recover, I can take you to my home! In your tongue it is the Searing Peak. It’s a dormant volcano my father makes his lair and guards the Demon Soul. I can take you when my strength returns. You seem like you wish to fight the individuals in charge of this tower.
Uther Menethil says: That’s true.
Alestrasz says: I would urge you caution. The dread wizard that imprisoned me here… they are powerful.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: They can’t keep doing what they’re doing.
Alestrasz says: I agree! If they seek to claim the Demon Soul, they must be stopped. Oh valiant dragonsworn, my sire is not known to you, but please help him.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Of course.
Alestrasz says: My heart soars! Thank you! If it is alright with you, I would quit this dreary cavern.
Remnii says: Before you go, when was the last time you’ve eaten?
Alestrasz says: It’s been some time. I’m… quite famished.

Remnii gives him a bead of nourishment.

Alestrasz says: Thank you! My, this is quite delicious. I thank you!
Remnii says: Take care of yourself.
Alestrasz says: I will! And this has restored my strength to get out of here. I will wait in a safe corridor and follow you. Forgive me, I have never taken a mortal form, but if there are other mortals, they would be kept at ease if I don’t appear like this.

The young dragon begins to shift into a young human boy that looks to be between 12 and 14. He has some horns and scale patches, and he thinks harder and the horns and scales vanish.

Alestrasz says: is this sufficient? I don’t want to alarm the mortals.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: No, that’s very impressive.
Alestrasz says: Do you believe so? I have only conceptualized it before. I’ve seen mortals from afar, but I have often dreamed of walking among them. My sire deemed it far too dangerous.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I can’t change my form, so that’s impressive to me.
Alestrasz says: You are too kind, Gilveradin. Let us quit this place.

The group gets out of the immediate danger of the place and head back to the lobby and they quickly escort the child to Dawn outside.

Dawn Brightstar says: How’s it going out there?

Gil gestures to the child.

Dawn Brightstar says: Hello.
Alestrasz says: Well met! You must be Dawn. My name is… uh… Alexander!
Dawn Brightstar says: You found him inside?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah, he was in a dungeon.
Dawn Brightstar says: I see. Well. Please. Come. Lets get you some medical treatment. Please. Don’t worry, he’ll be safe. What's the story with the prisoners?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Syndicate agents and two warlocks.
Dawn Brightstar says: You’re doing good work so far. How is everything going?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Slow. There’s a lot in this tower.
Dawn Brightstar says: I wish we could provide more help, but I fear we’ll make things more difficult.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: With the smaller quarters too many people may be a hindrance.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We should get moving.
Dawn Brightstar says: I can offer this as aid, at least.

Dawn offers a mana potion to Vel.

Dawn Brightstar says: I can provide this, and also this.

She also offers a potion of greater healing.

Dawn Brightstar says: I wish I had more.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: This is more than enough. Thank you.

Vel promptly chugs the mana potion and Remnii casts prayer of healing while Vel ritual casts comprehend languages in case it’s useful.

Alestrasz says: Fair thee well, friends! I look forward to seeing you hale and healthy when you come out!

Gil ruffles him on the head.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Get some sleep.
Alestrasz says: I’ll attempt to do so, sir Gilveradin!

They head back into the tower, and they ascend into the lab. As soon as he steps forward, he sees a vanity at the end of the hall, and there seems to be a metal tube that sticks out of it, with a basin that is filled with water. A light ignites around the area, and there is a voice.

Magical Voice says: Welcome to the lab sanitation chamber, please, wash your hands before entering.

Uther looks like he isn’t going to wash his hands, but everyone tells him to do so in case it’s another trap.

Uther washes his hands, and there’s a chime and a “thank you” and the door opens. Uther steps, and the door closes again. The voice then asks Vel to wash her hands.

Inside the room, Uther sees the lab, and it’s a place of macabre horror. The tables are covered in bloody instruments, and in the edges of the room there are racks of torture devices. He can hear the pumping of machinery, and there seems to be a thick black ichor pumping through various pipes. There are papers covering the far wall, and there is a table covered with bones and organs. In the very corner, there is a blackened humanoid foot tucked away. In the center, is a dais that has a smooth, perfect stone with vague engravings. Next to it are two spheres, one is blue, and one is gold.

Over the course of the next 10 minutes, everyone gets inside. During that time, Vel takes the extra time to cast identify on the center stone. On the rack, Gil sees a human corpse with blackened, twisted flesh, and there seems to be black scales covering parts of its flesh. The scales seem to be draconic, but its features are almost tortured away. Its hair is gone, much of its flesh appears to have sloughed off. However, the flesh looks like that of the Shadowhide gnolls. It appears there might have been an attempt to do the Shadowhide ritual on a human.

Remnii looks around for some medical supplies she can take, and Gil also shows Remnii the body. It appears the experiments were not done willingly.

As Vel finishes the identification, she realizes what it is. It’s a repository for the destructive energy of the tower. Not the control of it, but contained within it is the battery of the tower. The amount of information that strikes her mind is staggering, and thanks to comprehend languages, she can understand it.

The tower was constructed on the leyline, and the device is the battery, and functionally the tower’s purpose is to create tools for use by the architect, and to dispose of unwanted refuse and dangerous materials that cannot be disposed of elsewhere by the individuals that built the tower and maintain it. There are three control nodes. The blue control node in this room is the creation sphere, and the gold one is the disposal one. Each controls the centralized battery and can operate and open it, allowing the caretaker of the facility to dispose of dangerous materials utterly and completely, or create new materials to replace them. The third control node is above, and is the external expression node, which can control where the tower’s expressions can be in its limited scope.

There is also an error, as all the information shouldn’t be dispensed at once, as the custodian is supposed to be doing this, but the custodian is nowhere to be found. It states to contact Azora for further information.

Vel relays all this information after staggering for a moment, getting caught by Elissa.

Remnii says: It’s almost like flash forging.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: What?
Remnii says: The ability to create items… something to ask Raluhi. I will explain later.

Gil suggests Vel try to make something to neutralize the power of the tower, and Vel tries, and then she tries something simpler, but it doesn’t work.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I… likely need to speak in the language the manual was written in.

The group considers what to do.