1st Level Spells

This page lists all existing 1st-Level Spells. If you would like to see these spells broken up by class, reference the appropriate class spell list.

All 1st-Level Spells [85]

Name Ritual? Casting Time Components Range Duration Source
School of Abjuration Absorb Elements 1 reaction S Self 1 round XGE 150
School of Evocation Acid Stream 1 action VSM Self (30-foot line) (C) 1 minute TCE 115
School of Abjuration Alarm 1 minute VSM 30 feet 8 hours PHB 211, SRD
School of Enchantment Animal Friendship 1 action VSM 30 feet 24 hours PHB 212, SRD
School of Abjuration Armor of Agathys 1 bonus action VSM Self 1 hour PHB 215
School of Conjuration Arms of Hadar 1 action VS Self (10-foot radius) Instantaneous PHB 215
School of Enchantment Bane 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 216, SRD
School of Divination Beast Bond 1 action VSM Touch (C) 10 minutes XGE 150
School of Enchantment Bless 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 219, SRD
School of Evocation Burning Hands 1 action VS Self (15-foot cone) Instantaneous PHB 220, SRD
School of Transmutation Catapult 1 action S 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 150
School of Enchantment Cause Fear 1 action V 60 feet (C) 1 minute XGE 151
School of Abjuration Ceremony 1 hour VSM($) Touch Instantaneous XGE 151
School of Enchantment Charm Creature 1 action VS 30 feet 1 hour PHB 221, SRD
School of Evocation Chromatic Orb 1 action VSM($) 90 feet Instantaneous PHB 2024
School of Transmutation Climbing Spikes 1 minute VSM Touch 8 hours Knuckleheads
School of Illusion Color Spray 1 action VSM Self (15-foot cone) 1 round PHB 222, SRD
School of Enchantment Command 1 action V 60 feet 1 round PHB 223, SRD
School of Enchantment Compelled Duel 1 bonus action V 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 224
School of Divination Comprehend Languages 1 action VSM Self 1 hour PHB 224, SRD
School of Conjuration Conjure Compass 1 minute VSM Touch 8 hours Knuckleheads
School of Transmutation Create or Destroy Water 1 action VSM 30 feet Instaneous PHB 229, SRD
School of Necromancy Cure Wounds 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous PHB 230, SRD
School of Divination Detect Evil and Good 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 231, SRD
School of Divination Detect Magic 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 231, SRD
School of Divination Detect Poison and Disease 1 action VSM Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 231, SRD
School of Illusion Disguise Self 1 action VS Self 1 hour PHB 233, SRD
School of Enchantment Dissonant Whispers 1 action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 234
School of Evocation Divine Favor 1 bonus action VS Self 1 minute PHB 234, SRD
School of Evocation Earth Tremor 1 action VS 10 feet Instantaneous XGE 155
School of Conjuration Ensnaring Strike 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 237
School of Conjuration Entangle 1 action VS 90 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 238, SRD
School of Transmutation Expeditious Retreat 1 bonus action VS Self (C) 10 minutes PHB 238, SRD
School of Evocation Faerie Fire 1 action V 60 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 239, SRD
School of Necromancy False Life 1 action VSM Self Instantaneous PHB 239, SRD
School of Transmutation Feather Fall 1 reaction VM 60 feet 1 minute PHB 239, SRD
School of Conjuration Find Familiar 1 hour VSM($) 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 240, SRD
School of Conjuration Floating Disk 1 action VSM 30 feet 1 hour PHB 282, SRD
School of Conjuration Fog Cloud 1 action VS 120 feet (C) 1 hour PHB 243, SRD
School of Divination Gift of Alacrity 1 minute VS Touch 8 hours EGW 186
School of Transmutation Goodberry 1 action VSM Touch Instantaneous PHB 246, SRD
School of Conjuration Grease 1 action VSM 60 feet 1 minute PHB 246, SRD
School of Evocation Guiding Bolt 1 action VS 120 feet 1 round PHB 248, SRD
School of Divination Guiding Hand 1 minute VS 5 feet (C) 8 hours UA: Starter Spells
School of Conjuration Hail of Thorns 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a ranged weapon attack V Self Instantaneous PHB 249
School of Conjuration Harvesting Hands 1 minute SM 10 feet Varies HHHv2
School of Necromancy Healing Word 1 bonus action V 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 250, SRD
School of Evocation Hellish Rebuke 1 reaction VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 250, SRD
School of Enchantment Heroism 1 action VS Touch (C) 1 minute PHB 2024 285, SRD
School of Enchantment Hex 1 bonus action VSM 90 feet (C) 1 hour PHB 251
School of Enchantment Hideous Laughter 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 280, SRD
School of Divination Hunter's Mark 1 bonus action V 90 feet (C) 1 hour PHB 251, SRD
School of Evocation Ice Knife 1 action SM 60 feet Instantaneous XGE 157
School of Divination Identify 1 minute VSM($) Touch Instantaneous PHB 252, SRD
School of Illusion Illusory Script 1 minute SM($) Touch 10 days PHB 252, SRD
School of Necromancy Inflict Wounds 1 action VS Touch Instantaneous PHB 253, SRD
School of Transmutation Jump 1 bonus action VSM Touch 1 minute PHB 254, SRD
School of Transmutation Longstrider 1 action VSM Touch 1 hour PHB 256, SRD
School of Abjuration Mage Armor 1 action VSM Touch 8 hours PHB 256, SRD
School of Evocation Magic Missile 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous PHB 257, SRD
School of Transmutation Magnify Gravity 1 action VS 60 feet 1 round EGW 188
School of Illusion Major Illusion 1 action VSM 120 feet (C) 10 minutes Combined
School of Abjuration Protection from Evil and Good 1 action VSM Touch (C) 10 minutes PHB 270, SRD
School of Enchantment Puppet 1 action S 120 feet Instantaneous UA: Starter Spells
School of Transmutation Purify Food and Drink 1 action VS 10 feet Instantaneous PHB 270, SRD
School of Necromancy Ray of Sickness 1 action VS 60 feet Instantaneous PHB 2024 311
School of Transmutation Remote Access 1 action VS 120 feet 10 minutes UA: Modern Magic
School of Abjuration Sanctuary 1 bonus action VSM 30 feet 1 minute PHB 272, SRD
School of Evocation Searing Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self Instantaneous PHB 2024 314
School of Divination Sense Emotion 1 action VS Self (C) 10 minutes UA: Starter Spells
School of Abjuration Shield 1 reaction VS Self 1 round PHB 275, SRD
School of Abjuration Shield of Faith 1 bonus action VSM 60 feet (C) 10 minutes PHB 275, SRD
School of Transmutation Shift Pigment 1 action VSM Touch Instantaneous Homebrew
School of Enchantment Sleep 1 action VSM 90 feet 1 minute PHB 276, SRD
School of Abjuration Snare 1 minute SM* Touch 8 hours XGE 165
School of Divination Speak with Animals 1 action VS Self 10 minutes PHB 2024 318, SRD
School of Enchantment Sudden Awakening 1 bonus action V 10 feet Instantaneous UA: Starter Spells
School of Evocation Thunderous Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self Instantaneous PHB 282
School of Evocation Thunderwave 1 action VS Self (15-foot cube) Instantaneous PHB 282, SRD
School of Illusion Unearthly Chorus 1 action V Self (30-foot radius) (C) 10 minutes UA: Starter Spells
School of Conjuration Unseen Servant 1 action VSM 60 feet 1 hour PHB 284, SRD
School of Transmutation Wild Cunning 1 action VS 120 feet Instantaneous UA: Starter Spells
School of Evocation Witch Bolt 1 action VSM 30 feet (C) 1 minute PHB 289
School of Evocation Wrathful Smite 1 bonus action, taken immediately after hitting a target with a weapon attack V Self (C) 1 minute PHB 289
School of Transmutation Zephyr Strike 1 bonus action V Self (C) 1 minute XGE 171