Fiend-Touched: Half Fiend

Prerequisite(s): 3rd level, Fiend creature type

The influence of the Lower Planes has manifested in noticeable changes which manifest on your person. Choose two of the following traits:

Cantrip1st-Level Spell2nd-Level Spell
chill touchacid streamacid arrow
encode thoughtsarmor of agathysalter self
fire boltburning handsarcane lock
friendscause fearblindness/deafness
green-flame bladechromatic orbbranding smite
infestationcharm personcrown of madness
mage handcommanddarkness
messagedetect evil and gooddetect thoughts
mind sliverdetect magicenthrall
minor illusiondisguise selfflame blade
prestidigitationdissonant whispersfrost fingers
ray of frostensnaring strikeheat metal
thaumaturgyentanglehold creature
wind bladefloating diskinvisibility
 fog cloudlevitate
 gust of windlocate resources
 hellish rebukelocate target
 hideous laughtermirror image
 hunter's markmisty step
 magic missilepass without trace
 ray of sicknessphantasmal force
 sanctuaryray of enfeeblement
 searing smitespider climb
  wither and bloom