A'dlaess Whitespire
A'dlaess Whitespire was a highborne man who had died thousands of years ago at the site of the ruins that had been formerly known as Wishes' Respite.
Chapter Four: Homecoming
The animating spirit of A'dlaess manifested thanks to a [Speak with Dead] spell cast by Remnii while the party was investigating the highborne ruins that had been left behind after they drove off the lingering undead and rust revenants in the area. He provided answers to the questions asked, explaining that the site had once been a settlement known as Wishes' Respite following the exile of the highborne, though they had been lost to infighting, starvation, and dehydration in the merciless region of the Thousand Needles.
What was left of his disintegrating remains were buried by Velameestra Windrunner, Tol'vas Moonshadow, and Tae'shara Sunwatcher once the spell had faded.