Felicity Proudmoore

Art by
- Species
- Human
- Gender
- Female
- DoB
- May 20
- Height
- 5'00"
- Status
- Alive
Tandred Proudmoore (Father)
Mishan Waycrest-Proudmoore (Mother)
Elanora Proudmoore (Sister)
Caitlyn Proudmoore (Sister)
Daelin Proudmoore (Grandfather)
Derek Proudmoore (Uncle)
Jaina Menethil (Aunt)
Arthas Menethil (Uncle)
Ashwynn Menethil (Cousin)
Uther Menethil (Cousin)
Lianne Menethil II (Cousin)
Felicity Proudmoore is a princess of Kul Tiras. As the middle daughter of Lord Admiral Tandred Proudmoore and Captain Mishan Waycrest-Proudmoore, she is somewhat quiet and shy, and rather disinterested in the life of a merchant-princess. She is uncertain of her role in the world, and afraid of being cast off into an arranged marriage or pushed into a situation she doesn't want to be in. However, she has a secret passionate streak, inherited from her grandfather, Daelin. She frequently runs away from home to give alms to the poor and the disenfranchised living in the corners of ports, only to uncharacteristically scold the men that try to retrieve her. Though standofish and harsh to people that try to tell her what to do, she is gentle and altrustic when in a good mood.
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