Ingvar the Plunderer

Art by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.


Slain by dozens of animated blades controlled by Kael'thas Sunstrider during the conflict in the throne room of King Ymiron.
Gray, long, and worn in a series of thick braids.

Ingvar was a powerful vrykul warrior that served under King Ymiron of the Dragonflayer Clan. However, his disrespect led to his death at the hands of Kael'thas Sunstrider.


Ingvar was an older, veteran warrior of the Dragonflayer Clan with a wild mane of gray hair that was woven into a seat of braids in both his beard and from his head. The hair on the back of his head was pulled back into a loose half-bun, and he had a very pronounced widows peak as he had started balding. He had harsh gray eyes and tanned skin, and was typically heavily armed and armored.

The warrior was known for his cantankerous and rude commentary. He had little respect for outsiders and did little to restrain himself in mocking those he dealt with.


Chapter Five: Civil War

Ingvar, alongside Skadi, was one of the warriors sent by king Ymiron to meet with Kael'thas Sunstrider and his entourage when they arrived at Utgarde Keep to discuss and alliance between the Dragonflayer Clan and the Sin'dorei. He repeatedly showed blatant disrespect to Kael'thas and his companions, which included threats, though Kael'thas ultimately showed restraint in the favor of diplomacy. However, when Ymiron tried to make Kael'thas kneel before him and the negotiations turned violent, Ingvar was the first to die by the Crimson King's hand, as he was skewered by dozens of swords magically enchanted from the tribute that had been brought in offer to Ymiron.

Appeared In

Chapter Five: Civil War


Commentary to Kael'thas Sunstrider
If you hope to earn our favor with empty compliments, save your wind, King of the Long-Ears. If that is the best you have to offer the king, I should simply gut you now, and save him the trouble.
