Kael'thas Sunstrider

Art by Nephiam
- Titles
- The Crimson King
- Species
- San'layn
- Gender
- Male
- DoB
- Year 103
- Height
- 6'00"
- Eyes
- Cerulean blue; bright crimson (vampyric)
- Hair
- Pale blonde; long, straight, and worn loose
- Skin
- Pale
- Status
- Undead
Known Languages Common, Nerglish (theoretical), Thalassian
† Anasterian Sunstrider | Father
† Delana Sunstrider | Mother
Kael'thas Sunstrider was the king of Quel'thalas and the last member of the Sunstrider dynasty following the murder of the rest of his family by Zul'jin in the event that triggered the Second Troll Wars. He was a generally well-loved leader, but struggled with the burdens of his title as he was never meant to become king before tragedy struck. However, after the invasion of Quel'thalas by the Horde, and his death at Deatholme which resulted in his revival as the first San'layn, he has since become viciously adamant about the survival of his people.
Kael'thas was an attractive man even by elven standards and he possessed high cheekbones and piercing cerulean eyes that were synonymous with the Sunstrider family. While not particularly muscular, he had the lean build and grace of a skilled swordsman, which later further evolved into a supernatural, hidden strength after his ascension into vampyrism. He frequently used makeup selectively to accent his more prominent features, particularly different eye shadows and designs that would make his gaze more striking. His long hair was described as being the color of sun rays before undeath washed it out to a paler blonde, and it was normally worn loose.
Following his death and revival into undeath, very little about Kael'thas's appearance changed aside from his complexion generally paling, his nails lengthening into longer claws, and the growth of prominent fangs. However, he did acquire a prominent scar through his chest and back from where Frostmourne was driven through him, which had an otherworldly blue glow. He took pride in the scar as a symbol of the sacrifice he made for his people, and the color of the glow would shift to a bright crimson when he channeled anima or blood magic or otherwise entered an enraged state.
Kael'thas was a brilliant king who put his people's protection first and had been slightly more open for alliances beyond Quel'Thalas than his father was, though he still had the same elven superiority that appeared from time to time. His study in Dalaran had opened his eyes beyond the forests, however, and it showed.
He was proud, haughty, and confident, though such things were tempered by his bold, burning compassion for his people. His father was a legendary king, and he had every intention and desire to live up to that reputation.
Kael'thas opted to study in the human city of Dalaran as opposed to pursuing a position within the Magistrate of Silvermoon. He eventually became a member of the leading Council of the Kirin Tor, though he gave his position to Aethas Sunreaver after his father was killed in the Second Troll Wars and he had to return to Quel'Thalas to lead his people.
Chapter One: Rise of Zalazane
Kael'thas was active in the investigations into the rising troll threat as well as the rise of warlock activity around Silvermoon and the surrounding elven lands. He was ultimately one of the member of the Convocation that gave Gilveradin Windrunner leave to meet with the Darkspear Tribe in order to try and broker a temporary truce so that the greater threat of Zalazane could be dealt with, even though the death of his father at their hands was still an open wound.
In the meanwhile, he continued to try and uncover more information on the warlock activity that was threatening his city.
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Four
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 4)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 5)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 6)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 7)
Chapter Four: Homecoming
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session One
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Five
- Snapshots: Memento Mori
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Seven
Chapter Five: Civil War
During the showdown between Uther Menethil, Velameestra Windrunner, and their companions with the rogue bronze dragon Thaxdormu, the conflict dove through snippets of the timeline as it was "supposed" to be. One of these scenes showed Rommath Pyrewing, Lor'themar Theron, Aethas Sunreaver and a contingent of other blood elves as they broke into a Magister's Terrace that was in complete disarray to face down Kael'thas at the height of an extreme degree of fel corruption at the head of the Sunwell from whence he was attempting to summon a powerful demon. However, this scene was one that had not come to pass in the present timeline.
The real Kael'thas, however, was deep within the political dealings of Northrend as he navigated negotiations toward an alliance with the newly awakened Dragonflayer Clan and their King Ymiron. Lana'thel Duskseeker had opted to invite the simulacrum of Velameestra Windrunner to the negotiations as she had felt the young arcanist's skills would be of use, and Kael'thas was delighted at the decision, as it gave him an opportunity to get to know the woman better given their responsibilities frequently kept them too busy to do so otherwise. It was during the trek to Utgarde Keep that the simulacrum had presented an idea to utilize the recently discovered anima manipulation in the construction of runic blades that could absorb and store the anima from those they injured—effectively creating a means to harvest sustenance for their vampyric kin. Kael'thas was ecstatic at the possibilities, and expressed a desire to make such a revolution possible through whatever means he could.
They further discussed the matter of the Scarlet Crusade that had emerged on the Eastern Kingdoms, and the simulacrum expressed that she felt her Primary would have liked to be present at Kael'thas's planned meeting with the rest of the Convocation where the existence of undead amongst the sin'dorei was going to be formally revealed, as the conversation would almost certainly include her aunt Sylvanas. Kael'thas agreed he would do what he could to arrange it.
The two spent a surprising amount of time together during the ten-day trek to Utgarde Keep between the simulacrum personally showing Kael'thas how to utilize the anima manipulation she had learned to feed, and general conversations where they were able to exchange idle musings and interests. Kael'thas had shown an interest in trying ice skating when Velameestra's simulacrum mentioned it was a hobby of her's, and he also took note of the fact she seemed to be fond of the light shows of the aurora borealis that sometimes emerged over Northrend. While he understood that she was not the real Velameestra, Kael'thas offered her the chance to get closer to the lights via a ride on Al'ar, which the simulacrum accepted, and it resulted in an accidentally tender moment between the pair as the simulacrum was gripped in awe at the sight of the lights all around them. It was an experience that had made the king's heart flutter.
When the entourage arrived at Utgarde Keep, they were met by Ingvar and Skadi, two of Ymiron's warriors, who was tasked with escorting the group to the throne room. Ingvar wasted no time in throwing insults at Kael'thas and his people. The Crimson King displayed surface restraint in response to such disrespect, but he seethed over the telepathic bond erected by Velameestra between himself and his companions. This bubbled to the surface during the actual meeting with Ymiron, as the vrykul king had opted to neglect a mutual alliance and instead demanded for Kael'thas to kneel before him as an honored servant. Kael'thas couldn't help but throw barbed remarks back at the other king, having recognized negotiations would go nowhere if that was the thanks his people received for their efforts in awakening Ymiron and his people, and a conflict swiftly broke out where he killed Ingvar with a flurry of animated blades. Ymiron himself, however, was slain by his queen, Angerboda, and following her claim of the throne, Kael'thas instead opened up negotiations with the Dragonflayer's new ruler, which proved to be much more equitable.
He said his farewell to Velameestra's simulacrum, as she had planned to continue onto the saronite mines in order to further her research into the properties of the saronite ore that had been discovered, but had offered to carry a missive to her Primary which contained notes on her findings and activities on Northrend. She accepted the offer and provided a small parcel of documents before stating that she would see him soon.
Kael'thas, along with Alleria Windrunner and Rommath Pyrewing, arrived on the Eastern Kingdoms a week later, and Alleria reached out to her niece to make arrangements to meet. However, when the sending reached the arcanist, Velameestra reported that they were in the midst of a raid of a necromancer's lair, and that she would contact them once the task was completed. It was decided, primarily by Alleria and Kael'thas, that they would simply go help Velameestra and her companions, and utilizing scrying they were able to teleport directly into the necropolis of Naxxramas after Kael'thas sent of a telepathic message to inform Velameestra they were on their way.
However, they arrived just in time to see Velameestra beheaded and reduced to mist by Jackson Razuvious. While it was understood that the arcanist was a fellow vampyr and the blow had not killed her, Kael'thas was enraged and swiftly took to decimating the forces around him as Alleria focused on hunting Razuvious.
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-One
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Two
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Seven
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Eight
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty
Appeared In
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Four
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 2)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 4)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 5)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 6)
- Snapshot: A Song of Ice and Fire (Part 7)
Chapter Four: Homecoming
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session One
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Five
- Snapshots: Memento Mori
- [Alliance] Chapter Four: Session Seven
Chapter Five: Civil War
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Five (Alternate Timeline)
- Interaction: The King and I
- Snapshot: Northrend Lights
- Snapshot: The Road to Hel (Part 9)
- Snapshot: Utgarde Keep
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-One
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Two
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Four
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Five
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Six
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Seven
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Forty-Eight
- [Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Fifty
- Kael'thas has an affinity for animals, especially birds. He has been known to visit hawkstrider and dragonhawk ranches, and has gone out with his closest companions on hunts, not to slay or capture the beasts, but to observe them in their natural habitats.
- Kael'thas summoned a phoenix from the Firelands as a part of his trial to become an Archmage of the Kirin Tor. Al'ar has been his steadfast companion ever since.