Valeera Sanguinar

Art by
- Species
- High Elf
- Gender
- Female
- DoB
- -
- Height
- 5'6"
- Status
- Alive
Valeera Sanguinar is an elvish mercenary-turned-spy who encountered Uther and his allies in Silvermoon prior to the Sacking, on the payroll of Dar'khan and his warlocks. Throughout the course of their exploits, they turned her towards their cause and secured her aid. After being posessed by the spiritual dreadlord, Kathra'natir, and after receiving aid in quelling his influence over her, she joined the Lordaeron Observation and Reconnaissance Division in service to House Menethil so that she might repay them for their service.
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
Valeera accompanied the Lordaeron entourage to the war summit at Last Crossing, and remained with Uther when Uther and Arthas split to cover more of their kingdom on the way. When Arthas's horse, Indomitable, arrived in the town without his rider, she hastily set out doing what she could to help, though she stayed behind. When Velameestra arrived in Last Crossing, the elf was able to provide her with the potion needed to help keep her possession at bay, as well as the recipe to create more.
Fortunately, she was present when Gilveradin arrived with Lieran and Loania, along with the disguised Seria, and she was able to direct Gil to where Indomitable was being cared for so the elf could speak with the horse and find out where he had been coming from. When Gil took off to catch up with his sister and the others, Valeera said she would either catch up herself, or get in contact with a few contacts to see what she could find.
Chapter Five: Civil War
Appeared In
Chapter Three: The Scales Tip
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session One
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Two
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Three
- [Alliance] Chapter Three: Session Four