[Alliance] Chapter Five: Session Twenty-Nine

Appearing Characters: Andantenormu, Arthas Menethil, Chromie/Chronormu, Furia, Gilveradin Windrunner, Insidia, Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil, Kinndy Sparkshine, Krasus/Korialstrasz, Liiraluma, Maraad, Morchuron, Moroes, Raluhi, Rat King, Rhonin Windrunner, Remnii, Seria, Talath Dawnsworn, Teemo Manabrake, Uther Menethil, Uuna, Vaelastrasz, Valeera Sanguinar, Velameestra Windrunner, Victor Prestor

October 2nd - October 3rd

Vel and Uther stepped into Vel’s snowy dreamscape to meet with Valeera. Valeera smiled, but then the smile faded briefly.

Valeera Sanguinar says: Vel! Uther! That is you, right?

Valeera cocked her head at Uther.

Uther Menethil says: Indeed. Circumstances necessitate a disguise.
Valeera Sanguinar says: It looks good! If the winterscape didn’t give it away, I might have taken a bit longer to figure it out.
Velameestra Windrunner says: We wanted to check up on you.
Valeera Sanguinar says: I joined the Brotherhood, and I’ve been trying to learn what I can. For starters, it’s uh… it seems a lot more widespread than I thought. Seems there was a lot more folk that were displeased with the house of nobles than even I expected. There’s disenfranchised militia men, townsfolk, working class… hell, they even have a clan of gnolls working with them.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Gnolls?
Valeera Sanguinar says: Yeah, imagine how surprised I was when I found out Wrynn was teaming up with gnolls.
Uther Menethil says: I’m actually not all that surprised.
Valeera Sanguinar says: Riverpaw pack. It’s led by a gnoll named… Hogger, I think? He fashions himself a king. I only saw the guy in passing. He’s been operating out of Elwynn Forest. It seems that the heart of the operation is in Westfall right now. They claimed an old abandoned mine.
Uther Menethil says: Have you managed to uncover anything about their leadership?
Valeera Sanguinar says: I haven’t been able to speak with them… but I do know the names of the big heads. Obviously, the former king is a major player, as is Edwin Van Cleef. He was the former head of the stonemason’s guild, and he was one of the first ones to get involved. He was the one that helped Varian escape. But I think things are starting to… from what I’ve been able to glean, there are disagreements between the two of them. As to how things should go. I don’t know much of the details, but there are rumors that there was a big disagreement. Van Cleef left. I don’t know where he went… but I’m not sure what’s going to come of it. It doesn’t seem like a schism, but things seem to be getting tense.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Did you hear anything about the involvement with the Brotherhood and the Dark Riders, by chance?
Valeera Sanguinar says: They’re urban legends. It’s said they ride across the countryside doing all sorts of nefarious deeds. It’s said they kidnap children, steal away nobles, search for things stolen from them… it’s hard to say what’s true, but, well… I do know that some of the Brotherhood members seem to think they were real. From the sounds of what I was able to eavesdrop, it sounded like Wrynn was trying to find them. I don’t know if he’ss found them, but it’s possible… if he knows more about these Dark Riders than the average person, it’s possible there’s some reason he would want to find them. I don’t know if he would want to try and recruit them or… what. Why do you ask?
Velameestra Windrunner says: They were active in the Deadwind Pass. They stole from the Guardian. He mentioned individuals with bandanas that were similar to the ones the Brotherhood were described as wearing. It was unclear if they were directly aiding them… but they were at least in the area.
Valeera Sanguinar says: What did they steal?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Magical artifacts.
Valeera Sanguinar says: Oh.
Velameestra Windrunner says: There was also mention of mercenaries, but the bandanas were the main thing that stuck out.
Valeera Sanguinar says: From what I understand, the Brotherhood doesn’t contract mercenaries. Anyone working with them wears the colors. So it could be there’s another group… but if they stole artifacts, and if Varian knew that… I wouldn’t be surprised if he was trying to find them as well. If there’s one thing that the Brotherhood is… resources are sparse. If there were powerful artifacts, it wouldn’t take a leap of logic to think they would use them…

Vel considered, going over the list of artifacts that Wynn had mentioned, all of which were extremely dangerous. One of them was a scythe with a dreadlord trapped within it that was responsible for the state of the Deadwind Pass. Another was a runeblade forged by the nathrezim that had legends of it wiping out entire worlds. There were other relics and artifacts that could easily ruin a nation.

Velameestra Windrunner says: If you hear any word of new artifacts arriving in the custody of the Brotherhood, take note of it. There are a lot of dangerous ones that were stolen. Very dangerous ones. Some were linked to dreadlords and the like.
Valeera Sanguinar says: Oh shit. What is it with dreadlords and being involved in everything!?

Valeera sighed.

Valeera Sanguinar says: I’ll keep an eye out. I’ll also say… as far as other things, I can’t say I know too much, but I know the wedding has been formally announced. The date is still a while off. But that news has reached me. I have made contact with VanCleef’s daughter, Vanessa. She’s with the Brotherhood too. I hit it off with her. I don’t think she knows what I’m here for yet, but I’ll see if I can get closer to the inner ring if I can. I can tell you, it’s a motley crew. Humans. Goblins. Hell, even this… I’m not sure what he is. But he’s a massive… bull?
Velameestra Windrunner says: A tauren?
Valeera Sanguinar says: Maybe. Folks call him Mr. Smite. Apparently he had an infamous reputation down south. Hell, I think I even saw a murloc.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Well, don’t take any needless risks for the time being. We’re planning on heading north somewhat immediately, but we will be back down likely before… too long, at least. Depending on what we find.
Valeera Sanguinar says: Acknowledged. I’ll see what I can learn. I assume you want me to stick with the Brotherhood?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. Especially if they’re involved with the Dark Riders and trying to get those artifacts, the sooner we know what they’re planning on doing with them, the better.

Valeera nodded.

Valeera Sanguinar says: If you need an in, I should be able to get you an audience with the Brotherhood. It may not be the leadership, but I can at least ensure they don’t attack you on sight.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Useful. I imagine Uther would be able to take care of the talking from there.

Uther made a noise of affirmation.

Uther Menethil says: Can I ask you for a personal assessment of this group?
Valeera Sanguinar says: Well. There are a few bad actors. People joining to loot, plunder… glorified bandits. But the majority of the group… they’re angry. Rightfully so. The areas around Westfall and Duskwood especially and the further areas of Elwynn have been… pretty lawless recently. And with more of the Stormwind army being marched off to secure the borders against the Dark Iron, there’s not many to defend to the homeland. It’s been up to militias. Banditry has been a problem. Honestly, I think the Brotherhood tolerates them, because if they listen to the Defias, they can pick and choose who the bandits hit. But they’ve been fighting for the people. They aren’t taking from villagers or farms. They are targeting nobility and the people protecting the status quo. They are being labeled as thugs and bandits, of course, but the situation is more complex. This has been brewing for a long time.
Uther Menethil says: I had suspected as much. Thank you for confirming.
Valeera Sanguinar says: Yeah. It’s hard not to sympathize, you know?
Uther Menethil says: I don’t think I see a reason not to. But a discussion for another time. How are you, Valeera?
Valeera Sanguinar says: I’m doing well. I’ve been able to find a few contacts who can help me with my problem. Some unscrupulous folks who deal in certain products that I need to make the treatment Meryl gave me. I’m in a good spot right now.

Uther smiled.

Uther Menethil says: Your resourcefulness never ceases to amaze!
Valeera Sanguinar says: I aim to please, your Highness! Though I guess I shouldn’t be calling you that?
Uther Menethil says: Not yet, no, but soon.
Valeera Sanguinar says: I’ll see what I can learn about these artifacts and try to get myself in a higher position. I’ll try to learn about the scourge of Elwynn and his gnolls, and these… other folks. See if I can’t get more of a read.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Thank you.
Valeera Sanguinar says: Don’t mention it. Good luck, heading back up north.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Maybe we can see why you haven’t been contacted.
Valeera Sanguinar says: I hope so. But don’t worry about me. I am a professional, after all. And at the end of the day, I didn’t join LORD to serve Lordaeron. I did it to serve you. But don’t tell my bosses that!

Valeera winked.

Velameestra Windrunner says: In that case, sleep well.
Valeera Sanguinar says: Sleep well! You do still sleep, right Vel?
Velameestra Windrunner says: When I can manage it.

Valeera grinned, and the dreamscape faded away.

There was a knock on the door of Vel’s manor. Talath immediately jumped to get the door. A few moments later, there was a gasp and some talking.

Talath Dawnsworn says: Raluhi! Vel! Everyone!

Everyone went to go see what was going on, and as they entered the entry hall, they saw a group of familiar individuals. First and foremost, among them, was Remnii. Along with her was Maraad, who had a bag over his broad shoulders with his belongings. With them was a smattering of diminutive gnomes, including Kinndy Sparkshine and her dad, her eyes wide and in awe as she had clearly been looking at the entirety of the city. There was also Morchie and Chromie. Next to them was an unfamiliar man who was a tall, lanky draenei with sandy-yellow skin and wide horns with big glasses and sandy blonde hair. It was Andantenormu trying to disguise himself.

Remnii says: Hello everyone!
Uther Menethil says: Remnii!

Uther barreled forward and picked her up into a hug. Remnii squealed in delight and carefully balanced herself.

Remnii says: I’ve heard you’ve been busy. Rediscovering a lost people? There was a lot for a short time.
Uther Menethil says: Brokering peace. Overthrowing tyrants. The usual.
Remnii says: Twice now? Record time!
Uther Menethil says: And we’re not even done! Come in everyone!
Chromie says: We ran into Remnii at Gadgetzan when we were bringing the gnomes there. We had a feeling that she may be going the same way.
Remnii says: This way was a lot faster
Velameestra Windrunner says: Very much a pleasant surprise. It’s good to see you, Remnii.
Remnii says: You as well, Vel.
Morchuron says: It was very helpful she knew where your house was.
Maraad says: Uther! You cut your… how do you say?
Remnii says: Hair.
Maraad says: Hair!
Uther Menethil says: I did!

They clasped arms gleefully.

Liiraluma says: Dante, good horns.
Andantenormu says: Oh. I’m surprised you could tell who I was.
Liiraluma says: You got tauren horns.
Andantenormu says: Ah. I thought this would turn less heads....

Luma and Remnii also greeted each other.

Remnii says: Luma, how have you been fairing?
Liiraluma says: Fine I guess.
Remnii says: I heard you had a new friend. You’re making friends! Teemo was the name?
Liiraluma says: Stop!

Luma turned around and stalked away. Remnii smiled warmly as they went. The door opened again, and Jaina and Rhonin entered.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Oh. Looks like we weren't the first ones… Kinndy!?
Kinndy Sparkshine says: Jaina!

Kinndy jumped into Jaina’s arms and received a big twirling hug as they started to chatter back and forth. Jaina then saw Remnii.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Remnii!

Jaina gave Remnii a hug as well.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I’m so happy you got back to your people.
Remnii says: I’m sure I will say it many times, but they were instrumental… it’s good to be home. I almost wish I had six months, but I imagine another time vortex is not in the cards.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I believe I’ve had enough time travel for a while, personally!

Raluhi had headed down the stairs.

Raluhi says: I’m coming, I heard voices, I just…

He froze, and Remnii put a hand on her mouth.

Raluhi says: Remnii?
Remnii says: Hi Raluhi!
Raluhi says: Remnii!

Raluhi nearly tripped as he scrambled down the stairs and embraced Remnii in a big hug and they both started to weep.

Remnii says: How I’ve missed you.
Raluhi says: I’m so glad that you are okay! I was… I was excited to tell you! That I am technically your legal guardian in Dalaran! That happened right before I found out you died! But you are not dead! It’s on paper Remnii!

Remnii started to laugh and also cry at the same time.

Remnii says: I’m so sorry to put you under such duress! Long I’ve been waiting to see you again!

The rest of the conversations had started to move on while Remnii and Raluhi had a much too long hug.

Remnii says: Thank you for looking out for me even when you assumed the worst.

Raluhi beamed.

Raluhi says: I’m still not certain you should thank me for anything yet, but I’m so happy you’re alright. Your father! You saw him again!
Remnii says: My vakas is well, given the circumstances.
Raluhi says: Our people are thriving?
Remnii says: Recovering. But I have a strong hope we will thrive again soon. For now it is making relations with the kaldorei, and making sure that we are moving forward with help here. I’m assuming, given I sent Luma ahead, we have hope for a bright future.
Raluhi says: Liiraluma has already accomplished in days what I have accomplished in months! But yes, we are doing great. I am a member of the Kirin Tor! Oh! We have started a toy store! I own property!
Remnii says: How wonderful!
Raluhi says: Talath and I are business partners!
Remnii says: I’m so happy for you! I’d love to visit! Once have you saved me from physical danger, but also, you kept me safe, and do not sell yourself short ever.

They pressed their foreheads together.

Raluhi says: When you say it, it is hard not to believe.

Raluhi looked up at Maraad.

Raluhi says: Who is this handsome young man you are with?
Remnii says: This is Vindicator Maraad.
Maraad says: It is an honor to meet you, master Raluhi.

Maraad bowed.

Raluhi says: Nice to meet you too, my young friend!

Raluhi offered a hand, which Maraad grabbed, and Raluhi winced a bit as he was pulled in.

Jaina had sent a glance over at Maraad and looked him up and down before giving an affirming nod at Remnii’s taste as Chromie spoke up.

Chromie says: Nozdormu is working on handling things with the Wyrmrest Accord. Technically that would be my responsibility as the ambassador…

She elbowed Morchuron in the side.

Chromie says: But! Nozdormu said he will be able to handle it, and he wants me here to help coordinate things when information needs to be passed from the Bronze Dragonflight. So, as long as your hosts at Karazhan aren’t opposed, we’ll make ourselves useful!

Vel acknowledged that Medivh would probably be fine with it, and Andantenormu then sidled up next to Vel and cleared his throat. He explained there was another matter he had been sent along to help her with: namely the matter of the telepathic rats she had made a promise to.

He asked where she wanted them, and she asked how many there were.

Andantenormu says: …are numbers a problem? You know what, how about I just summon the Rat King.

The dragon reached into a rucksack and pulled out the Rat King. The Rat King struggled and demanded to be unhanded, but Adantenormu said his Oracle wished to speak to him about where his people would be relocated to, and he gently put the rat on the ground.

Remnii was mid-talking to Raluhi when she saw the rat with a crown of trash produced, and her eyes just tracked the passage of the creature–questions clearly written on her face.

Jaina, however, expressed recognition, as she had also apparently met the Rat King during her time in Mechagon.

Vel’s eyes went briefly over to Rhonin, who had torn his eyes away from them boring into Morchuron, with a clear message of “I’ll explain later” before she led the Rat King (and Adantenormu) away to an entrance to the sewers beneath Dalaran. The moment she and the Rat King were out of earshot, Gil informed Rhonin that Vel was their Oracle, and Uther also expressed it was a fantastic story—one Rhonin admitted he was eager to hearing about.

The moment they entered the sewers, Adantenormu opened his rucksack and hundreds of psychic rats of various sizes poured out and began to explore the immediate area around them. A few of them eagerly held up trash and half-eaten food, declaring that the place was full of treasures, the Rat King acknowledged that the sewers would serve well as his new domain. He informed Vel that she was always welcome in his kingdom, and Vel said she looked forward to a continued partnership.

…He also added that if she ever opted to shed her false form and join them, she would have a place available to her, and perhaps even a only slightly-nibbled cushion at his side. If she so desired it. Of course.

Vel thanked him, and gave him a gift of cheese from the kitchen of her manor. The Rat King was ecstatic, and Vel bid him farewell for the time being as the Rat King and his subjects were inflicted upon the sewers of Dalaran, allowing Vel and Adantenormu to return to the manor.

Rhonin immediately greeted her when she returned, his arms folded and an eyebrow raised.

Rhonin Windrunner says: So… the Oracle of the Rat King?
Velameestra Windrunner says: The… Oracle of the Rat King, yes.

Vel gave him the quick summary of the initial encounter with the Rat King, and explained that they needed to blow up their original home during the siege of Mechagon, thus she had made… an arrangement with them, so that they would vacate the premises.

Rhonin Windrunner says: So… Do they worship you or something?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I… actually think I was proposed to. A few times.

Rhonin started to laugh and, between breaths, he managed to ask her if she had set a date or not before he nearly doubled over in a fit of cackling. Once he recovered, he admitted that at least she had some friends in low places, and Vel retorted that he did as well now, technically.

Rhonin quickly acknowledged how that could be valuable, and it was a resource he was far from unwilling to use. He expressed that she did good.

They had also noticed Remnii had a new staff on her person, which she had passed over to Maraad briefly as the reunions took place. She had since reclaimed it. The power it radiated was recognizable especially to Uther, as the form it had presently resembled the radiant Light of the Naaru.

Vel pointed it out, and Remnii nodded, a complex expression on her face.

Remnii says: Ah. Yes. A long-lost relic of my people lost on a world swallowed by the Legion… in the future, I may have things to share, as the acquisition of this was a complex tale.

Remnii’s brow set, and Maraad openly frowned. Remnii put a hand on his arm.

Remnii says: Thusly, I would speak carefully before that time comes. But the journey was made.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’m glad you’re back safely.
Remnii says: I am too. Thank you. That we may speak on another time. This is T’uure. Otherwise known as the Beacon of the Naaru. I will look forward to the staff aiding us. Given… I suppose a disclaimer to everyone. Much as the naaru themselves do, they have a light and dark element. The staff can turn dark and become steeped in shadow magic. When that time comes, it will be clear.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Noted.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: That’s not dangerous, is it?
Remnii says: It’s nothing you need to be concerned with.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: As long as you’re sure.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Make yourselves comfortable. I imagine there’s going to be a… number of debriefings amidst the unions.

The debriefings were made and other reunions were had. Later on, Remnii did call the party together as well as Raluhi and Jaina.

Remnii says: I do not believe this will take too long. It was a sordid time, but for those that did not know, I took a loaded invitation to go to Argus, the homeworld of the Legion.

Jaina furrowed her brow, and Raluhi gasped.

Remnii says: Through a complex web of happenings, I will simply summarize it that, from my time on Draenor… this is not something we need to worry about now, but the scope of Argus was not something I was prepared to realize myself. The eredar homeworld is cracked in twain.

She conjured an illusion of Argus as she saw it from the ship. The image then zoomed in the city of Eredath.

Remnii says: The city spans for miles and miles and miles. We have other troubles at the moment, as I want to focus on, but I believe I owe some small apology. I have not quite known how to handle problems that were… technically belonging to a different world while feeling I was instrumental in the opening of the Dark Portal. Only having time to begin to sit down and consider all that you have brought to me… I hope I can repay that in full as proper friends as we move forward.

Remnii bowed her head.

Remnii says: I was troubled all that Draenor had brought to me, but I want to continue to help Azeroth as a whole.
Velameestra Windrunner says: And your help is most appreciated and valued. As it has been since you’ve arrived.

Remnii smiled sheepishly.

Remnii says: I will not burden you overmuch, as what I saw was a small picture of everything. I believe I needed someone else to see.

She showed the tall, glittering, cityscape of fel lights and steel buildings all built upon each other. Luma offered a low whistle.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I… don’t think I considered what a city in the Twisting Nether would look like.
Uther Menethil says: That is a lot of demons.
Remnii says: Many were just going about their lives. There were waiters and a.. Wedding. There is life continuing there, as much as life exists here. The web of complexity continues. Outside T’uure, I do not have much to show for my trip. I simply… appreciate bending your ear. All of you. I wish I had something more formative to say.
Raluhi says: So this is what the homeland has become?

Remnii nodded.

Raluhi says: In many ways, it almost looks like a mockery of what it once was said to be. Like an exaggeration almost. Of the tales of old Eredath. To see the planet like this… it wounds my heart, and I did not even live there.
Remnii says: I cried too. I know it’s to be expected, but I… I was happy to be back, I suppose.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Having faced the Legion directly now, I… I believe I understood more about what we had faced. But… wow.
Remnii says: There is nothing to be done about it now. I understand we are embarking on other ventures, but I appreciate you letting me share.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Thank you for sharing.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: yeah. It’s good information to know. And I’m glad you’re safe. It sounds like it was a harrowing journey. While I don’t understand the precepts that brought you there or what the demon wanted…
Remnii says: I did not say. Once more, as I said in Karazhan, this cannot leave this room. I will let this information spread when it is time, but Jaina, the reason I was there… Velen, my vakas, he is…

Remnii quickly explained the Triumvirate.

Remnii says: Velen is the one who left. I had always thought myself his daughter. I am in the ways that matter, but Archimonde is my biological father.

Jaina’s eyes widened.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Oh.

There was a very keen recollection in her eyes.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I suppose that… does make sense… in a way.
Remnii says: There have been some that have been awaiting my arrival. The demon that brought me there was keen to meet me. I intend to to work hard. I intend to be everything that he and my mother are not. But I… that’s why.

Raluhi’s eyes had also widened.

Raluhi says: Wow.
Remnii says: Thus, I hope you can forgive me in advance. I will be doing all I can for Azeroth.
Raluhi says: What do we need to forgive you for? For being born? Remnii, that is not fair. You learned this recently. I believed you to have been dead… you are not responsible for who your parentage is. There are so many among our people that have relatives, parents, children… who are on the other side. I just… I do not want him to… he cannot have you. If that is your fear, I will not let it– I don’t think I can do much, but if I can… you’re still Remnii. You’re still my Remnii and your father’s Remnii. And if I can buy your father enough time to stop him, then that is what I will do. If that is what he tries to do.

Remnii’s eyes got glassy.

Remnii says: Funny enough… you stopped my mother once.
Raluhi says: What!?

Remnii nodded. Raluhi actively passed out in his seat. He came back to as Remnii stepped forward to make sure he was alright.

Raluhi says: Oh. Remnii. Did I… sorry, for a moment I thought you said Shaspira was your mother… you did say that didn’t you?
Remnii says: If I say it slowly, will you be okay?
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Shaspira… I… I know of her. She was the one who helped open the Portal. I also… briefly tangled with her during the War of the Ancients.

Remnii created the image of Shaspira.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Yeah. That’s her.
Remnii says: I simply want to continue with efforts of transparency about what happened. Perhaps I will share more later… but I told you I would come back with images and some information.

Remnii made sure Raluhi was still okay, and then she rose and brushed down her dress. At that moment, the family resemblance between her and Shaspira was keen.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Well. Thank you for sharing. Again. And… once more, we are glad you are alright.
Remnii says: Thank you. I look forward to not… being there.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Understandable.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Sounds like a lot.
Remnii says: It was. Did you know they have a restaurant there where they keep the foods of the worlds they’ve destroyed alive? I sampled the wine of a planet that doesn’t exist anymore.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That sounds like an existential crisis.

Remnii’s expression was very vacant.

Remnii says: And then my host, um… bought another bottle because he could.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …Nothing I could say in response to that would be at all productive.
Remnii says: Nothing I could say about the experience in that particular instance, outside the crisis part, is the correct response. It is okay. But thank you. I don’t know what I keep saying thank you for… but I believe I am ready to move on from… this.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You’re… welcome?
Remnii says: I’ll take it.

Remnii offered Gil a warm smile.

Later, Talath finished up the project he was working on.

Talath Dawnsworn says: Vel, I think it’s ready. The refurbishing. And the talking. For that toy you gave me.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Oh. Can I see?

Talath produced Nuu. He still had patches, but it looked like he had formerly perhaps been a draenei doll, and he had now been fixed so that he had small tendrils and horns and a small toy sword that could be attached to his hand. The doll was all cleaned and re-dyed, and had new button eyes.

Remnii also looked on, curious to see Talath’s handiwork.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …You did... such a good job.

She smiled faintly as she activated the doll’s voice box. In Maraad’s voice, the doll repeated “May the Light be with you, Uuna” and “I love you too, Uuna” and a smattering of other phrases that Talath had magically recorded.

Velameestra Windrunner says: I think she’s going to love it.

Remnii smiled and tilted her head as she recognized Maraad’s voice.

Velameestra Windrunner says: All that’s left is to give it to her. Remnii, if you would like to come, I can take another person.
Remnii says: I would not say no. I think it would be a nice palette cleanser.

Vel looked over at Talath to make sure he was ready as well, and then held out her hands.

Velameestra Windrunner says [quietish]: May death’s shroud part and grant me passage to life’s shadow.

The air around them seemed to chill, as if a cool breeze had washed through the room, and then the fabric of the air shifted and blurred, as if they passed through a snow flurry that momentarily turned the area around them white.

When it cleared, they were in a plane that was a dark reflection of the Material Plane, though it was washed out and completely devoid of color.

They saw Uuna not far away. Her hands were clasped behind her and she was bent over looking at something, but the presence of the group alerted her.

Uuna says [draenic]: What was that? I think I heard something.

She turned around, and her face lit up.

Uuna says [draenic]: Hey! You’re here!

Vel introduced Talath to Uuna, and expressed that he had something for her. Talath had taken a moment to get used to the strange, out of body experience, but upon seeing the little girl, he put a small device in his ear. He tuned it for a moment, and when he spoke, it was evident he was under the effects of a [Tongues] spell.

Talath Dawnsworn says [tongues]: Hello Uuna. Your friends told me about a special toy of yours.

Uuna looked up at Talath and nodded.

Talath Dawnsworn says [tongues]: Well, that toy store you visited? I made a lot of the toys there. I’m a bit of a toymaker. Vel asked if I could fix up your favorite toy for you as a surprise. I hope you like it.

Talath pulled out the small stuffed warrior and held it out to Uuna. Uuna took it with wide, excited eyes.

Uuna says [draenic]: It’s perfect! He looks so strong!
Talath Dawnsworn says [tongues]: Why don’t you give him a big hug and see what happens?

Uuna did so, and Maraad’s voice spoke up, telling her that he would always be there for her. Uuna gasped and pulled away.

Uuna says [draenic]: Vakos? Is that you?

Talath smiled and said it was Nuu, and he was going to be there to fight off all the scary things. But Uuna frowned and shook her head. She said that wasn’t Nuu’s voice. She triggered the voice again, and again, going through the lines.

Vel recalled it was at the tail end of the harvest festival. The veil was thin. And the holiday was about celebrating those that died protecting others. It was likely that, given what Uuna had said about her father, he fulfilled those traits.

There was a possibility they could maybe do something with that.

Vel said that she was going to need Remnii’s help, and then she crouched down next to Uuna. The small girl was crying and holding Nuu close, and Vel asked if she could have her hand. Uuna nodded and held out a hand, which Vel gently clasped in her’s.

Vel told Uuna that she wanted her to help call for her father, and Vel opened up her spellbook to start channeling her own necromantic magic into the air around them. Uuna tried to call out for her father, but her voice weakened and wavered off. Vel encouraged her to try again, supplementing her voice with a small illusion to imitate it and carry it out further through the Ethereal Plane.

Remnii conjured a [Guardian of Faith], and she shaped it to look like a radiant, celestial version of Nuu. Uuna looked up at the guardian, who said he would always be with her. Uuna shouted out again, and it issued out across the Shadowlands.

There was a moment of silence, and they looked around. Uuna hesitantly called out for her father.

Suddenly, everything started to get dark. Then darker than the ethereal plane should be. The long gray shadows started to shift around, as if drawn to the beacon of light. Creatures started to be drawn towards them. Vel recognized them to be fragments, shadows, and shades of lost souls. They weren’t even true beings, so much as the echoing lamentations of what they once were.

And they could prey on those that were not strong enough to protect themselves.

However, it didn’t seem like what Uuna was doing was not working. It just also drew the attention of other things.

Velameestra Windrunner says [draenic]: Uuna. Stay near Talath, and keep calling for your vakos, okay?
Uuna says [draenic]: What are those things!?
Velameestra Windrunner says [draenic]: We’ll take care of them. So will Nuu.

Uuna looked up at Vel, and then over at Remnii.

Remnii says [draenic]: We will be by your side.

Remnii’s guardian of faith dropped into a defensive stance. Uuna sniffled, but nodded, and Talath knelt down next to her as he held a hand out for Vel’s lantern of revealing. She handed it over.

Talath Dawnsworn says [tongues]: Stay near the light, Uuna. I’ll help you shout, okay?

He took the young draenic girl’s hand.

Talath Dawnsworn says [tongues]: One. Two. Three.

They started to call for Uuna’s vakos again. Remnii’s staff flared, and she created radiant warriors with [Spirit Guardians] and began to turn undead as Vel conjured a [Wall of Force] to help protect Uuna and Talath. Some of the shades were able to flicker beyond the invisible force field, but when they did they were immediately lit up by Remnii’s guardian of faith.

Remnii and Vel were able to blast other echoes apart, but then there was almost a discordant noise of a cacophonous wail. Something greater had arrived. Vel looked around, dozens of voices moaning and hissing, and she realized it wasn’t coming from anywhere around them. Uuna’s shadow in the light of the spirit guardians had grown long, and eyes started to appear in it. Though her spirit was freed… maybe their spirits hadn’t been freed from Uuna’s.

It formed into a dreadful, shadowy amalgamation of souls, and there were a dozen or more tormented draenei roiling over its surface. Uuna turned in fear and terror as she looked up at the monstrous creation that started to lumber toward her.

Vel ripped down the wall of invisible force and slid in front of Uuna has the creature brought a twisted claw down at the young girl. Vel was able to block the strike with her arm, its claws sinking into her instead, and she reached back and focused her magical on Uuna’s spirit and used [Vortex Warp] to teleport the young girl out of immediate danger. Vel then teleported away herself, which allowed the perfect opening for Remnii who had planted T’uure in the ground before her.

Remnii shouts [draenic]: Be at peace!

Remnii used [Exorcism], and at the last second, Talath threw a refractive gem into the air. The spell connected, and then was enhanced as it blasted into the amalgamation of spirits. There was a scream, that then divided into their own unique voices.

Remnii looked over at Vel and Uuna. Vel’s wound was already healing, and Uuna was entirely fine.

Remnii says [draenic]: Evil is defeated.

Uuna looked around.

Uuna says [draenic]: Vakas? Vakos!?
Talath Dawnsworn says [tongues]: Why don’t we all try together one more time. Three. Two. One.

The group all shouts together, Remnii and Vel both using spells to make their voices even louder. The sound echoed for a moment, and rippled out through the ethereal plane. The fragments of the creature had created vaguely draenic shapes and they started to speak in very loose draenic.

Uuna looked around, starting to lose hope, but then there was a beam of light that shone down on her. A figure of a handsome draenei man had appeared, almost descending from the pillar. He was young, younger even than Maraad. Uuna looked up in awe.

Uuna says [draenic]: Vakos?
Uuna's Vakos says [draenic]: Uuna. There you are! My darling child.

He knelt down, and Uuna ran forward to embrace him. After a moment, he stood again.

Uuna's Vakos says [draenic]: Are you ready to go, Uuna? Your mother is waiting for you.

Uuna looked up at him and nodded, but then looked at the trio that had helped her.

Uuna says [draenic]: I had a lot of fun traveling with you! Can… can I come to visit sometime?
Velameestra Windrunner says [draenic]: Whenever you want.

Uuna ran over to the trio and hugged them.

Uuna says [draenic]: Here!

She handed Nuu up to the two of them.

Uuna says [draenic]: I don’t need him anymore. Vakos can protect me.
Remnii shouts [draenic]: Of course. Dioniss aca, little one.
Velameestra Windrunner says [draenic]: Be sure to tell us your adventures when you visit.
Uuna says [draenic]: I will!

Uuna ran back to her father and took his hand as he looked over at Remnii first with a warm smile. Remnii put a hand on her heart and bowed to him.

Uuna's Vakos says [draenic]: Dioniss aca.

He then looked at Vel.

Uuna's Vakos says [draenic]: Thank you for watching over her.
Velameestra Windrunner says [draenic]: Rest well.

The draenei looked to the other spirits around him.

Uuna's Vakos says [draenic]: Come, my brothers and sisters.

The lost spirits became more defined and smiled as they approached him. The draenei scooped Uuna up in one arm, and he led the souls away. Remnii was sobbing as she watched her people go, but Vel happened to spy two winged figures up on the buildings. One was an androgynous, lanky figured draped with white cloth. The other was a similar being, but they were wearing what was more like armor.

Before the draenei spirits disappeared, the being in armor raised a hand and there was a flash of light. It and the spirits faded away. The other figure draped in cloth flew away.

Tears were freely flowing from Talath’s eyes as well, and after Vel turned away from where she had spied the figures, she approached Talath and gently placed a hand against his back.

Talath Dawnsworn says [tongues]: I’m uh… I’m glad we were able to find her father.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I… didn’t anticipate things going this way.
Talath Dawnsworn says [tongues]: I guess I did a pretty good job on that doll.
Velameestra Windrunner says: You did an amazing job on it.

Talath smiled weakly, his eyes still glassy as tears continued to fall freely, and he wrapped Vel in a tight hug. Remnii was standing in some amount of shock, and Vel opened up her arm to pull Remnii into the hug as well.

Remnii sniffled.

Remnii says: Oh stop, I’ll cry…

She was already crying as she entered the hug. The trio stood there for a moment, but then Vel ended the [Etherealness] spell and allowed them to transition back to the Material Plane.

The night before they were preparing to leave, Gil had a terrible nightmare. He was chained to the ground and could not move a muscle. His body was burning. He felt tiny creatures climbing all over his body, and then he felt a hot spike searing into his flesh. He screamed in agony. He felt it again and again. His blood was burning with each injury. It was beyond description. There was undefinable rage and hatred. None of this was his fault.

However, the suffering was nothing compared to what he had felt, and it was nothing compared to what he would make them feel for betraying him.

Another hot spike seared his flesh, and his scream rippled through the sky. He awoke with a hot sweat, and a scream.

Vel had heard it, and she caught Bigglesworth outside Gil’s room when she went to check on her brother.

Mr. Bigglesworth says: Ensure your kin does not disturb my prowling with such cacophony, won’t you?
Velameestra Windrunner says: I’ll take care of it, Mr. Bigglesworth.
Mr. Bigglesworth says: I almost thought someone was dying. And I do hate disappointment.

Bigglesworth turned to slink away as Vel knocked on the door to the room Gil was staying in.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Gil. Are you alright?

Gil viewed himself as being in a cavern. It was safe. Secure. And he knew what he had to do. The immaculate palace would not be there in the morning, and all the better for it if it wasn’t, because he was the only one that could succeed and put an end to the farce. The world might damn him for it. Or forsake him for it. But if that was what needed to be done to achieve victory, then that was what he would do.

He looked down and grasped the Demon Soul as it dangled around his neck. He saw it with a vision that caused his mind to spin. The colors of the world were impossible. The sky was black. The sun was green. The walls that were glittering defied logic. But the Demon Soul was perfect in his vision. It was proof, a testament, of the power inside it. That power would be Azeroth’s salvation one way or another.

The only thing that gave him pause was what She might say. What She might think. He had faced demons. Monsters. But nothing caused his heart as much fear as the thought of disappointing her.

Vel knocked again. Harder.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Gil? Are you alright?

There was no answer. Vel tried the door knob, and it was unlocked. Vel entered and saw Gil staring at the Demon Soul in his hands.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Gil, can you hear me?

Gil saw a figure rendered in the strange colors of his vision. She was one of the handmaidens. It suddenly washed away, and he saw the room he had stayed in. And his sister was talking to him with a hand on his shoulder.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Are you alright?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I… don’t think I’m going to be for long.

Vel furrowed her brow.

Velameestra Windrunner says: What do you mean?

Gil explained to her what had just happened.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Okay.

She nodded in acknowledgement, her brow still furrowed in concern.

Velameestra Windrunner says: Do you… feel like eating? Do you want breakfast or… a glass of water, maybe?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

Gil followed his sister down to the kitchen to get water and finish calming his nerves. It seemed that whatever had happened had settled for the time being. Vel was watching him carefully the entire time, and it didn’t look like Gil had been affected by any form of magic, but his heightened adrenaline and dilated pupils clearly indicated he had likely had some sort of hallucination like she sometimes did.

She couldn’t help but wonder if the connection to the Demon Soul while he was sleeping had somehow caused him to relive one of the memories or emotions held within the artifact.

Later on, when they headed to Karazhan in preparation to head to the Cavern of the Soul, Gil looked forward and there was a black cat standing in the middle of the hallway. She was staring directly at Gil.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: …Hello?
Jenafur says: You felt it, haven’t you?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Are you actually a cat?
Jenafur says: Are you actually a mortal?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Pretty sure.
Jenafur says: How can you be?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: How can I be sure? What? Unless I die?
Jenafur says: You’ve heard it, haven’t you?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Heard what?
Jenafur says: The call. It radiates. An echo from a lost trinket. A burden far too heavy. Your soul is cracked. Do you want me to fix it for you?

She turned her head to the side.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: What does fix mean to you?
Jenafur says: To fix.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Pull it together or fill in the cracks?
Jenafur says: Those are not the only possibilities.

Gil blinked, and she was gone. But then he heard her voice behind her.

Jenafur says: Do not constrain yourself with linear thinking. Mortal. If you are indeed a mortal.

Gil turned, and she was behind him.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: What else would I be?
Jenafur says: Do you want to know? I can show you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I feel like I shouldn’t trust mysterious talking cats.
Jenafur says: You’ve trusted stranger things in your life, have you not? When the burden becomes to heavy. When the cracks too wide. I will fill them for you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: With what?

Jenafur disappeared again, but then he looked down and she was right there.

Jenafur says: Everything.

A third eye opened up on her forehead. He then woke up on the floor, with Moroes looking down at him.

Moroes says: Master Gilveradin, you had a nap on the floor. Is everything alright?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: A quick cat nap, yeah. Do you by chance know where the Guardian is?
Moroes says: Master Medivh is unfortunately out. He has begun tracking the satyr problem.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Did he take his snowball mother with him?
Moroes says: I presume you mean… Mistress Wynn?

Gil nodded.

Moroes says: She has dealt with the beast longer than most. So yes.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Do you know about a black cat with a third eye?
Moroes says: Ah. Seems you’ve encountered Jenafur.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: She didn’t give me her name.
Moroes says: That is likely for the best. Pay her no mind. She is harmless. I presume that you could… understand her?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I could.

At that moment, Gil realized the cat had never moved her mouth when she was speaking.

Moroes says: Seems she’s grown fond of you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That’s not good is it?
Moroes says: Depends on the definition. But she’s harmless. Despite what she may try to tell you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Are you saying that as a person that genuinely believes it?
Moroes says: I’m saying it as a man who has lived here for hundreds of years. She is… a recurring guest of sorts. No one is quite certain when she arrived. But she has been here a long time. Far longer than a cat should be able to. None are entirely certain how she got here. One of the mysteries of this great tower. Whether she is the same Jenafur or her child is a question I cannot answer and would prefer not knowing the truth. If I’m being honest. Apologies, in the excitement, I forgot to warn you about her. But the rest of your companions have been… I will ensure those that don’t know will be duly informed. Your sister had a similar interaction with her in the past. Perhaps she is fond of the both of you for some reason. Do you need water or anything?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I’m just going to get air.
Moroes says: That is beyond my capacity, but I can show you the nearest exit or balcony.

Moroes helped him up so that he could guide him to the balcony.

Later on, Gil found Vel and told her about Jennifur.

Velameestra Windrunner says: …Ah. I should have warned you about her. I’m sorry, it slipped my mind.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: The cat offered to fill the cracks in my soul with everything.
Velameestra Windrunner says: She is… an interesting creature.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I don’t think cats are trustworthy.
Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s a given.

The group had spoke with Krasus before he left to return to his Queen.

Krasus says: So what did you need to ask me about?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Who is Tyr?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: That.
Krasus says: Ah. I can understand why you might be interested. And given the nature of our friends as Tirisvar… I presume that they shared their true purpose?
Velameestra Windrunner says: They did.
Liiraluma says: What’s their purpose?
Krasus says: Ah. You don’t know. It’s not my secret to tell… I trust you won’t spread it around. Many of the people who live in Tirisvar are dedicated to protecting the final resting place of Tyr. He fell in the same glade. His tomb is deep within. But you asked who Tyr was. I unfortunately I never knew him. He died many years before I was hatched. But Tyr was… from all the stories that we have to tell… was the reason why the dragonflights exist. It was by his guidance that we were given the opportunity to take the vows we did.

Morchuron chuffed and rolled her eyes.

Krasus says: While everyone may have their own opinions on that instance, the stories we have to tell of Tyr are fond ones.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So… he was a titan?
Krasus says: He was a Keeper. The titans are beyond even our own comprehension. Entities of myth made real. Godlike creatures that entrusted upon the Keepers their own goals and agendas. Keeper Tyr was a giant by what standards would be used today. I know the tales of him say that he was a just and fair man, if not severe. While kind, he was uncompromising in his morals. It is said that in the pitched battle when he first met the Aspects, he had lost his hand to the jaws of a great beast, and his kin forged a new one from silver.

Gil looked at Uther.

Uther Menethil says: Continue.
Krasus says: Given the iconography used by the Tyr’s Guard and the Silver Hand, it’s not hard to imagine that tales of him inspired their creation. From what we know, Tyr fell in battle against a darkness. A shadow. I dare not speak its name, but I have to wonder if it was shared with you.
Velameestra Windrunner says: It was.
Krasus says: I was originally drawn to the glade in search of the self-same rumors that the Tyr’s Guard protect against. There were writings of the darkness there in old tales and legends. Even old stories of the exodus of the elves make mention of it. The lair was originally founded in what was ancient ruins of the highborne. In my explorations, I encountered the Tyr’s Guard, and I revealed to Robert my true identity. It was the first time I had done so. I had been a friend of some of his ancestors, but I had never shared my true nature or goals. But yes, Tyr, after fighting alongside the Aspects against the great beast… they struck a friendship. He offered them the power that transformed them into the Aspects, which was then shared with those that would take it. So it is said.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The great beast was the massive primal dragon, yes?
Krasus says: Yes. A monster called Galakrond. Larger even than the Aspects, even today. His corpse still remains in the Dragonblight, watched over and protected lest any fools decide to snoop about.

Vel got a momentarily distant look.

Krasus says: It is indeed the role of the red dragons to watch over Galakrond’s remains. Even millenia later, they are still not safe, so potent was the beast. It also helps that the ruby dragon shrine is relatively close. Our unique powers make us suited to contain blight.
Velameestra Windrunner says: What do you mean by blight?
Krasus says: The way they speak of it… Galakrond was a beast of insatiable hunger. It was said he devoured anything that crossed his path. Dragon, mammoth, or anything in between. It is said this caused him to grow to unimaginable sizes, and eventually his body began to shift and transform. Details are accentuated, doubly so because our people were… simpler in those eras. Our language, our ways of life… the Aspects were exceptional amongst our kind. But even so, the embellishments that occur happen amongst even us. His flesh was said to warp and he grew mutations unlike other dragons. Additional eyes, claws… it was said that he would devour primal dragons and he would disgorge their remains. Though they were not amongst the living, they continued to fight. I don’t know if he used some sort of necromancy or something, but his bones and his flesh to this day are still beacons of rot and decay. Alas, they cannot be destroyed. And not for lack of trying. It was a miracle enough the beast was slain, but his body is quite indestructible.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Was he tied to this darkness and that’s why Tyr fought? Or were they unrelated?
Krasus says: I don’t know. It was the first time Tyr and his brethren had shown themselves to the dragons. At least as far as we remember. Tyr was a mysterious man. Taciturn. Though he shared his gift, even now Alexstrasza speaks of him as a legend. Like a man she never got to know. The best thing I could explain would be to imagine an archmage or a hero that you looked up to. Though you may have spoken to him or took classes with him, he died before you got to know him. Yet even so, his legacy lives on through your memory.

Uther nodded, his thoughts drifting to Uther the Lightbringer.

Krasus used his illusion magic to create an image of what Tyr looked like. He was an immaculate man of stone with a crimson hood, a golden beard wrought of filigree, and one hand was alight with silver with a great hammer in it.

Velameestra Windrunner says: So Tyr was connected to other entities like… Thorim?
Krasus says: Yes. Tyr was a Keeper. The Keepers were the leaders of the titanforged. The titanforged being the beings under their jurisdiction. The giants and servants that serve their goals. I don’t know the names of the other Keepers. He had close companions… Arcades may have been another Keeper, but Ironiah was another Watcher. The race of giants that Tyr was of. Keeper was a title instead of a race. The Watchers are the giants, while the Keepers are the leaders. I do not know much more about them, but someone else may know more.

He looked over at Morchuron.

Morchuron says: I do. Though I can’t say how much will be directly valuable to you. But you’re right. This Thorim? He’s another one. Each had a different responsibility. I don’t have all the details. Speaking of which, there is another thing I wanted to bring to you, by the way.

Morchuron retrieved the disk from the Timeless Isle. The one that king Mechagon had.

Morchuron says: This is the disk that Mechagon got his hands on. Unfortunately, where they are at, the gnomes have no way to truly read the information on it. You need to find something at a titan facility, and with the Broodlands still cut off, that would be impossible. However, the shield you have has a limited capacity. So I’m going to pass this off to you. The gnomes may want it back eventually, but I think it’s safest in your hands right now, and they agreed. Who knows, maybe you can get something more off it. What I can tell you, is this disk… holds the memories of another Keepers. One named Mimiron. One of the great inventors of the Titans. Don’t ask me how I know this.
Velameestra Windrunner says: The gnomes referred to this Mimiron as their maker?
Morchuron says: They did.
Velameestra Windrunner says: How many races came from the Keepers?
Morchuron says: I don’t know. Perhaps several. Gnomes for certain. Likely dwarves as well. I would like to point out, by the way, that this information would cause some problems if it is not disseminated carefully. Just as a forewarning.
Velameestra Windrunner says: I understand a lot of this would be classified as… world secrets.
Morchuron says: The curse of flesh is something I never understood. I was trying to figure it out. But well, we saw how that turned out.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: I… were the elves one of the titan-created races?
Morchuron says: I don’t know. But I would think not.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Is there a reason you don’t think so?
Morchuron says: I’ve discovered no evidence. I believe the ancestors of the elves were here before the Keepers even found this place. There are certain things I didn’t even meddle with. And that is one of them. The Keepers themselves are… not something I would have hoped to tangle with. Doing so would have proven unwise. They were responsible for creating us, they could break us.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So… why did the Keepers arrive then? Was there a reason?
Morchuron says: You’d find that in the mythologies of many cultures. The tauren and the trolls… all of them talk of darkness. Yet here we are. Despite all the bullshit, it is surprisingly bright here.
Velameestra Windrunner says: So the darkness the Keepers fought has likely been here for longer than the Keepers?
Morchuron says: Fair guess.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Are there Keepers on other worlds?
Morchuron says: Perhaps. It would make sense. Other servants of the Titans themselves. I don’t know why they came to this world… if it was to fight of this darkness, or perhaps some other reason. Whatever that reason, they turned the dragonflights into their tools.

Krasus frowned.

Morchuron says: Say what you want, but it’s the true. The Aspects were willing, but they were tools. Comrades, yes, but a weapon is a weapon. Though I cannot pretend to know what Tyr was thinking, I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought recruiting was wise. Especially if the shadow was as powerful as he thought. He had things in mind, even if we didn’t know them. That much I’m certain of.

Krasus furrowed his brow.

Krasus says: I can at least corroborate that I would believe the idea that Tyr had a goal in mind for the dragonflights. If the darkness is so pervasive, that even now it can influence the land… I can only imagine that one would need as much help as he could get. The Void is a… pervasive thing. And if this shadow comes from it, I can understand why he would be… prepared to stand against it. But that is Tyr. I wish I could tell you that my Queen could say more, but I am uncertain how much she’ll want to tell you, or even how much she could. I am sharing this because I believe it will be relevant to your understanding of the world. I would just ask that you are selective who you share this with.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Ultimately… small problems first. Even if the small problems aren’t exactly what I would call small...
Uther Menethil says: Smaller, perhaps.
Krasus says: Anything else I can answer?
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Can you tell us about other wielders of the Demon Soul?
Krasus says: It was imbued with the power of four of the five aspects and their consorts. Myself included. I know Deathwing wielded it for a time. It was stolen and changed hands multiple times, but Illidan Stormrage held it for a time, and Malfurion Stormrage, his brother, was responsible for sealing it. Beyond that, it was in the hands of the druid that oversaw the Cavern of the Soul. As for who else, I cannot say. But those are people who have held it at one point. I believe that you encountered Master Illidan Stormrage in your sojourn across Kalimdor.

Krasus looked over at Vel.

Velameestra Windrunner says: We did. We spent some time with him. We–
Uther Menethil says: We broke him out of prison!

Gil blinked.

Velameestra Windrunner says: That’s… a long story. Probably not a tangent we need right now.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: Yeah, you can tell me later.

Gil looked back at Krasus.

Gilveradin Windrunner says: Do you know what Illidan or Malfuron did with the Soul?
Krasus says: It was used to close the portal in the Well of Eternity–a great font of magic the Highborne built their society around. During the War of the Ancients, the demons attempted to use the Well as a portal through which the Dark Titan himself wished to cross. Thankfully that didn’t happen, in no small part due to the fact the Demon Soul was used to destroy it. In many ways, it’s the spark that caused the Sundering. Though it was the collapse of the portal and the Well of Eternity that resulted in it, the Soul was the catalyst.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Master Stormrage gave me his side of the story. It was enlightening. I can detail that to you later, Gil. And I suppose you too, archmage, if you’d be interested.
Krasus says: I wouldn’t mind a write up to read if you get the chance. But you’ll be pleased to know I’m not going to be getting kicked out of Dalaran. Though I will of course not be reclaiming my spot on the Council.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Excellent. Perhaps we’ll be two for two later.
Krasus says: I certainly hope so. I’ll be cheering for you.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: …Who are you going to replace?
Velameestra Windrunner says: …I was referring to not getting kicked out of Dalaran.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: …Oh.

Morchuron passed the Mimir disk over to the group.

Morchuron says: If you can find any information, all the power to you. Ini is working on… you could call it… a vessel for him. It won’t restore his memories, but it will allow him to move around. Perhaps then he could answer some questions, though I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Mimiron was a notoriously scatterbrained individual. I have a feeling being used as a city-wide defense protocol for decades didn’t do him any favors.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: In my experience, the older and more powerful the being, the less answers I get.
Krasus says: Were we able to return to the Broodlands, we could have potentially found something to read it there. The titanforged had extensive facilities built alongside our cities, but that is unfortunately beyond our capabilities right now.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: What exactly is preventing you from going back?
Krasus says: None of us know how to get there. And any attempts to find it have been blocked. After the War of the Ancients, one of the first things the Wymrest Accord did was weave a spell that was bound through our oaths to make us forget where the Broodlands were, and scrub its location from our memories. It was to prevent Deathwing from returning. So long as Deathwing lives, that spell will persist, but should he fall, it’s possible we will find some way to return. The safeguards put in place can only be removed from the inside.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: So who’s left?
Krasus says: They are called the watchers. The denizens that stayed behind. Though no dragons remained, the island was far from lifeless. When the time comes, the spell can be lifted. We understood we might have never seen our home again. That was something we were ready to accept, even if we would enjoy returning there someday. For certain, it will be closed to us until the Traitor amongst us has been dealt with.

Jaina wished the group good luck and gave Uther a big hug.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I’ll see all of you soon. When you need to get into the city, let me know. I can get you in and keep you hidden. But don’t be afraid to take care of things elsewhere.
Uther Menethil says: I will mother.
Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: Take care. I love you and I’ll see you soon. I mean that. No more time travel.
Uther Menethil says: To be fair, I haven’t ever done it intentionally. I love you too.

She then looked at Arthas.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I know you don’t have all your memories back…

Arthas walked up, grabbed her, and kissed Jaina. Jaina smiled into the kiss.

Arthas Menethil says: Yeah. It’s okay.

Jaina blushed slightly.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I should probably get going!

She was a tad flustered, and Arthas stopped her one more time.

Arthas Menethil says: And Jaina, try to figure out what’s going on with this other me, huh?

Jaina nodded.

Jaina Proudmoore-Menethil says: I will. Alright. I’m going to leave.

She teleported herself away.

Arthas Menethil says: So. If she ends up kissing the other Arthas… what’s that…? Nevermind.
Velameestra Windrunner says: …If you would like I can go into the complexities that come from having multiple copies of yourself. I have a baseline understanding with my–
Arthas Menethil says: No. No. I think I’m good. I don’t need to know whatever is going on with this clone… thing…

Luma and Teemo were bidding farewell.

Teemo Manabrake says: I’m getting the short end of the stick! You just get to hang out in a workshop?
Liiraluma says: You think I like going places?

Teemo chuckled.

Teemo Manabrake says: Try not to have too much fun.
Liiraluma says: I will have so much fun, but it will be horrible without you.

They hugged.

Teemo Manabrake says: Wait, Luma, I think you have something on your glasses. Let me see.

Luma tried really hard not to sigh.

Teemo Manabrake says: Actually… don’t worry about it.

She used her jet boots to propel her up to give Luma a kiss.

Liiraluma says: I was going to try and let you have it! But be safe out there.
Teemo Manabrake says: Don’t worry. I got this.
Liiraluma says: All of you take care. Don’t die.
Velameestra Windrunner says: Already did once.
Uther Menethil says: Same!
Liiraluma says: Okay, don’t die again… actually? Vel. If you were brought back, on the same random question level, if you were brought back after something happened… would you then be alive and then you would have to undead yourself again?
Velameestra Windrunner says: No, actually. Undead who are resurrected remain undead. It re-establishes the connection, of sorts, at least with the less powerful magics. We actually tested that out. It was quite insightful.
Liiraluma says: Ah! Good good.
Gilveradin Windrunner says: You… tested that!?
Velameestra Windrunner says: Yes. One of the san’layn were killed in action, and we decided to seize the opportunity to test how his body and soul would respond to resurrection. It was successful.
Liiraluma says: I learn something new everyday.

The rest of those present blinked, also having learned something new, and Luma turned their attention to Uther.

Liiraluma says: Uther, if you break that armor, I’ll break you. Otherwise, put it to good use. Kick some ass.
Maraad says: If he breaks the armor I get dibs on the new one!
Liiraluma says: Yup! Maraad gets the next one!
Uther Menethil says: Now hold on, if something breaks the armor, it won’t be me!
Liiraluma says: It’s a jest! Don’t worry, I’ll fix it. Good luck everyone.

Seria opened up a portal and appeared in the depths of the Red Ridge Mountains not far from the Cavern of the Soul. Vel immediately opened a portal to the mansion behind cover to give them shelter from any prying eyes so that they could make their further preparations.

Remnii conjured a [Heroes’ Feast], and it had a great deal of night elven influence combined with draenic flavor.

That night, Vel also dreamed Victor to let him know they were ready, and that they would all be disguised as black drakonids.

October 4th

The next day, Vel utilized the unseen sensor she had set up, and she was able to locate the group as they moved around and keep a constant bead on their movement. There were two adult dragons and a slew of younger dragons with them. Victor was on the back of one of the larger dragons.

Remnii set up some additional cover with illusions, and Gil managed to also aid with natural cover. Seria got some information from the animals in the area, and some of the ornery mountain goats mused that if they had the chance to knock dragons into a chasm, they’d take it. Uther set up some boulder traps.

At some juncture, Remnii also approached Uther as she had something to help. She cast [Foresight] on him, and warm light coated him.

Remnii says: Lets bring him home.

She also prayed for a divine intervention. Nothing happened, but she knew that the naaru were with her.

As they readied for the attack, Uther addressed the group.

Uther Menethil says: I believe we are as prepared as we could be. Lets go rescue my fucking cousin!

Vel put out a call to the ravens and flying creatures of the night in the area, and they started to amass around the canyon. Gil put up a [Pass without Trace], and gave everyone the signal to go. Vel used [Message] to inform Victor that they were ready to go.

As he got the signal, he drove his weapon into the back of the dragon he was riding.

Furia says: Your highness!? What are you doing!?
Victor Prestor says: What I should have done a long time ago!

He twisted his blade, and at that moment, a shooting star shot through the sky and illuminated Remnii’s staff, giving Vaelastrasz the sign he needed to bank towards the group to help.