
Art by


Half Troll

Relatives Riff | Adopted Son

Kala | Mother
Taldaram Evenstar | Father

Seria is a half-elf, half-troll who was conceived around the time of the Second Troll Wars.


Seria appears to have a pretty even blend of both her elven and trollish heritage. Her skin is a light teal, and she has small tusks and three fingers on each hand like a troll, however, she has five toes, slender pointed ears, and a general build more akin to that of an elf. She's rather tall, easily towering over most of the spoken races of the Eastern Kingdoms aside from others with trollish blood.

She has long black hair with streaks of blue in it, and her body is adorned with a variety of tribal tattoos—most notably a thick band over her eyes, and an ornate tribal sleeve along her right arm.



Early Life

Chapter Three: The Scales Tip

Seria had been wandering the regions of Khaz Modan for some time, looking for something, when she happened upon a small group of travelers. She approached them under the guise of a black fox, and was quickly found by the high elven Farstrider, Gilveradin Windrunner. Much to her surprise, he seemed to be able to speak with animals, and he was accompanied by two human girls, Lieran and Loania, as well as their mounts, a dragonhawk named Summerflight and a gryphon named Graysoar.

However, before Seria could really assess the group, they were attacked by two fen stalkers that had been lurking in the muck. Identifying the need for aid, Seria attacked after Gilveradin had been enveloped in one of the fen stalkers, and transformed into the form of a raptor so she could rake into the plant beast. The group emerged successful from the combat, but given she was now in the form of a raptor, it was quickly realized that the small fox was not what it initially appeared to be.

Thus, Seria took her true form, and introduced herself cautiously. The group welcomed her to accompany them if she didn't have anywhere else to go, and she hesitantly agreed, taking the form of a raven so that her true form remained veiled as they headed deeper into dwarf territory. When Gilveradin broke off to speak with Falstad Wildhammer in private once they arrived in Grim Batol, Seria stayed with Lieran and Loania at a tavern inside the fortress.

Chapter Four: Homecoming

Chapter Five: Civil War


General Achievements

Oh Yeah!
Burst through a wall.

Heroic Heights
Roll a check with a total higher than 30.

I'll Just Go Home Now
Roll two 1s on an Advantage roll.

Roll two 20s on an Advantage roll.

A Bird in the Hand
Get a worse result on a reroll.

Never Tell Me The Odds
Succeed only because you rolled a 20.

Character Achievements

A Blessing, Mayhap in Disguise
Get a Supernatural Gift.

Only a Flesh Wound
Be dismembered.

Increase your Wisdom to 20.

Combat Achievements

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up
Be knocked Prone for 3 consecutive rounds.

Sure Plays a Mean Pinball
Be deafened and blinded simultaneously.

Lightning Rod
Prevent damage from a source you are immune to.

Shrug It Off
Take damage from a source you are resistant to.

Evade an attack while at critical hit points.

Like Butter
Crit twice in a row.

Danger Magnet
Be crit twice in a row.

Be crit three times in a row.

I Choose You!
Kill an enemy with a summoned creature.

That Still Only Counts As One
Defeat a Huge or larger creature.

The Bigger They Are
Defeat an enemy of CR equal to half your level in a single turn.

What Is Dead May Never Die
Bring someone back from the dead.

End a Combat Encounter without dealing damage or running away.

The Better Part of Valor
Flee from a Combat Encounter.

Beast Hunter
Defeat 10 beasts.

Demon Hunter
Defeat 10 demons.

Demon Killer
Defeat 25 demons.

Giant Hunter
Defeat 10 giants.

Defeat 10 humanoids.

Killer of Men
Defeat 25 humanoids.

Monster Hunter
Defeat 10 monstrosities.

Skeleton Smasher
Defeat 10 undead.

Ghost Buster
Defeat 25 undead.

Mage Hunter
Defeat 10 mages.

Defeat 100 enemies.

Story Achievements

Angel on the Shoulder
Stop a party member from making a very bad decision.

Break someone (or yourself) out of a prison or dungeon.

Peace Be With You
Reconcile differences between mortal enemies.

Loose Ends
Kill a Nemesis.

I Like This One
Force the GM to create a recurring NPC.

Retired Achievements

[Retired] Dark Secrets
Cast a Forbidden Spell of level 1-3.

[Retired] Dark Truths
Cast a Forbidden Spell of level 3-6.

Appeared In

Chapter Three: The Scales Tip

Chapter Four: Homecoming

Chapter Five: Civil War
